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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1948, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATÈSMAN, EOWMANVILE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rt, 1048 WE DN SChallis as Rev. S. R. edro WEDDINGSread the marriage vows. The soloist was Miss Louise Pearce, BATE-GRANT Courtice, who sang The Lord's Vari-colored gladioli formed thePrernd ecu. floral background for the wed-. The bride was given in inar- ding in Trinity United Church, niage Dy .her father and wore a Bowmanville, when Audrey Lor- gowr' of white brocaded satin and raine Grant became the bride of her floor-length veil was caught Robert Edward Bate. The h5ride up in tiered leaf coronet. Her is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rols jewcLlery was a peari necklace Grant and the bridegroom is the and she carrîed a bouquet of red son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bate. roses. ail of Bowmanville. The wedding Miss Shirley Grant wvas maid of miusic was played by Miss Phyllis honor and was dressed in a floor- SGENERALOELECTRIC $CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Tio BEATI FUL, FLEEC - ~made f rom f P/~J. very home can use extra blankets . soft, fleecyee; blankets in glowing jewel colors . . . vwipped edges ~ ~ Ï or satin bound. And these blankets are MADE FOR~ \You can ato obian from you WOOI..0 and vage wool Imited Coods.,: 0 BLAWK0ETS 0 CAR ROBES _ 0 SKI CWOTI 0 SUMNG CL.O111 0 FINGERING YARK YOIJ . 6 . from your oiwn W'OOL . . . or f rom your salvage wool knittel 'goods. This service, in great demand ia the west, is now available to eastern Canada through the opening of our depot in Brampton, Ontario. Let us send yoin fuit partiwulars. . ple.,. send me ye new caalogue, grvnng fun Inforntio concerning podutsmd by Saskatchewan WooI Producta." AZ Name e.............................. N Owi e en peae i h Peopl. e oakac e I White gladioli decorated the chapel of Deer Park United Church, Toronto, on Saturday, September llth, for the marriage of Ida Jean Taylor, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tai- mage Taylor, Burketon, to Leslie Albert Johnson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. W. Johnson -of W outhall, Middlesex, End. Rev. D, ~.Bradford officiated. Accomp- anied by the organ "0 Perieci Love" and "Because" were ren- dered by the soloist, Miss Ruth~ Nichols. Give nin marriage by ber fath- er the bride wore a white satin gown fashioned with moulded bo- cflce and very full net skirt. A n et yoke over the rounded neck- line gave the gown an off the shoulder eff ect. Her floor length veil was caught by a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a cascade of red roses and white bouvardia. Evelyn Smith, matron of bon- our was gowned in pale blue. IMarilyn Watson, bridesmaid, wore a pale pink gawn. Each carried a cascade of pink and blue carna- tions. Frederick Broadfoot, friend of the groom was best man with Robert Smith as usher. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rad- boumne, uncle and aunt of the bride. To receive the guests the bridc's mother wore a gown af pale blue crepe xith navy acces- sories and corsage of red oss Mrs. Farquharson, acting i h absence of the bridegroom's mo-i ther was gowned in dark blue and wome a corsage of pink roses. The duties of the Master of Cere- monles were peformed by Glen Wats on. The bride travelled in a suit of gmey gabardine with blue acces- saries an,: she was wearing a cor- sage of red roses. The couple, who will reside in Toronto, leit for a honeymoon trip ta the Mus- koka district. LITTLEWOOD-NICHOLS, Ferns, white gladiali anmus with wvhite satin ribbons on thie, pews tormeci an effective setting in Albert Street United Cburch, Oshawa, for a wedding on Satur- day afternoon, September l8th, when Miss Mamian Nichols, daugh- ter oi Mrs. Cliff ord Forbes of Oshawa ivas united in marmiage with Mr. Manley Wilfred Little- wood of Bowmanville, son ai Rev. Samson Littlewood and Mms. Lit- tlewood ai Bobcaygeon, Ont. The four o'clock ceremony was per- formed by the bridegroom's iath- er, Rev. Littlewood assisted by Rev. Donevan Jones. Mms. Robert Holden played the wedding music and Miss Leah Garmow sang "The Lord's Prayer" just befome the ceremony and "Because" while the register was being signed. Given in niamniage by ber step- father Mr. Clifford Forbes, the bride was robed in white velvet fashioned with a tight fltting Vic- torian bodice and full gathered skimt which flowed into a graceful train. The bodice was designed with a low portrait neckline higb- lighted with a dmaped bemtha giv- ing an off the shoulder effect. A draped peplum accented the waistline and fornied a bustie at the back ai the gown. She wome long mittens of wvhite velvet and a finger tip over the face veil caught with a Grecian headdress ai white velvet. About ber throat she wore ber grandmoth- er's peamIs and carried a white bible crested with white garden- ias and fleur d'amour and sho«- ered with white ibbons with lily ai the valley caught in the forget- me-not boxvs. Miss June Maclnally attended the bride as maid of bonor, and wore a gown af royal blue velvet Let il Blow! You Won'1 Care if You Insulaie Your Home Now1 Roof and windovs that's where eold air cornes ln and heat goes out! Enjoy more Pictured at Wedding Reception MR. AND MRS. STANLEY T. J. FINBOW who were married this month in King Street United Church. The bride, formerly Jean Elizabeth Jobb, is the daughter of Lt .Coi. andl Mrs. Percy H. Jobb, of Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Finbow, Toronto. -Cut courtesy Oshawa Times fashioned on the sanie unes as that worn by the bride with mat- ching -lvet mittens and a Gre- clan headdress with a net bow at the back. She xvore a strand of peamis and carricd a blue taffeta bridai ring of Lestra Hibbard roses. Mr. Ralph Ames of Bowman- ville mas'best man. The ushers wo're Mr. John Belko and Mr. John Cameron of Oshawa. The eceptian was held in the chumch parlors. To receive the guests Mms. Forbes, the bride's mother wore a two-piece dress of Queen's blue crepe satin designed with bracelet length sleeves andi a peplum at the waist line form- ing a ide drapery. Her bat was a smaîl feather model of Queen's blue and wine. She wore wine jsuede shoes and gloves and pink roses composed her corsage. The bnidegroom's mother Who assisted wore a gunmetal crepe frock, accented with dapery, with wbich she wore a wide brinimed black bat, black acces- YOUR EYES and Visionl Rewritten from previaus copyrights oi C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney Bldg. Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 21 When we attempt to classify the condition existing as naturel or created we find that the created condition may be considered as bc- ing far in advance ai the ruatural condition froin'the viewvpaint ai the number ai such cases existing.j Natural conditions are bereditary, hereditary weaknesses. or tend- encies and conditions where assist- ance is necessary due to the ageJ mnaking it necessary ta have as- sistance as in the Pmesbyope who requires assistance for meading though ho may neyer require any correction for distance. Many so cailed hereditary con- ditions are really only weaknesses and flot in any manncr fixed at all. For exanîple fixed like a crooked finger knawn in genera- ions as a mnatter ai course. (Copyright) JUNE T eFor . trt e "The cmpan nrs dol~ RLIEF hrjb bcase f i loeach month. Quic FR aces nd suferain ir ~~dhs"is our afour-ly PAINce r Paradol teawr pce adur N CAE sories and a corsage of med roses. Pink and white chrysanthemunis and tapers decorated the bide's table which xvas centred with a thmee-tier wedding cake. The toast to the bride wvas proposed by Rev. Littlewood and respond- ed to by the bridegrooni. During the reception a cablegrani of good wishes was eceived from Mr. and Mrs. W. Littlewood of Ports- mouth, England, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Littlewood, Bridgeport, England, and Mr. and Mms. M. G. Alderman af Los Angeles. Later Mr. and Mrs. Littlewood leit for points in Muskoka. For travelling the bride chose a navyj and dusty rose ensemble, desigu- Isquirrel neckpiece. The bride'a 1 TUE glit ta the groom was a Gladstone rsuitcase an.d ta the maid of honor ,and bridesmaid, gold glamour jpins. Th-t' bridegroom's gitt ta 1best man was a men's gift set rconsisting o! collar pin, tie clasp and chaîn, the ushers received fancy ash trays. Guests were present from Tor- onto, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Cobourg, Windsor and Haydon. length gown of sheer crepe with matching halo. Miss Betty Grant and Miss Shirley Bate were birdesmaids. Ail carried bouquets of pink gladiolus petals. Mr. Roland Bate, Jr., acted as best man and the ushers were Messrs. Murray Bate and Rex Grant. At the reception which was held on the lawn at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Grant received her guests in a dress of navy blue crepe with white ac- cessories and a corsage of pink gladiolus petals. Mrs. Andrew Devift, aunt of *the bride, also re- ceived the guests. The bridai couple left later for a motor trip to Eastern Ontario. For travelling, the bride wore a suit of wine gabardine with wine and grey accessories. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Bate will live in Bowmanville. JOHNSON-TAYLOR ed wlth a navy wool skirt with which she wore a white sheer crepe blouse and dusty pink shortie coat. A navy felt hat with rail up brim, navy accessories and a garden '. corsage compieted her costume,' On their return they wlll reside ln Oshawa. GRAHAM-MACDONALD Taîl baskets of dahlias, gladiol- us and asters formed the~ setting in Tyrone United Church on Sat- urday, September lath, for the wedding of Miss Catharine Stew- art Macdonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Macdonald. Tyr- one, who, was .united in marriage with Mr. James Leslie Graham, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Graham, Haydon. Rev. S. Henderson, Bowman- ville, assisted by Rev. A. E. Cres- weil, Tyrone, performed the cer- emony. The wedding music was played by Miss Ileen Balson, So- lina, and Mrs. Gordyn Brent sang "The Lord's Prayer" at the com- menceènent of the ceremony and "Always"' while the regîster was being signed. Given in marriage by ber fath- er the 'bride was robed in blusa satin, peari trimmings, basque waîst and full skirt long sheath sleeves and pointed over the hand, also matching headdress, she carried a cascade of crimson roses. The maid of honor was Miss.Gladys Thornpson, Toron to, wearing rose pink sheer, ber flowers were mauve gladiolus with matching coronet. Miss June Owen, Oshawa, was bridesmaid. She was dressed in NuIe green with salmon gladiolus and matching coronet. Mr. Roy Graham, Haydon, attended his brother as best man. The ushers were Mr. Dougias Barr, Tyrone, and Mr. James Nokes, Bowmanville. The recep. tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, Tyrone, where a variety of faîl flowers, pink and white streamers and wedding, belîs decorated the rooms the gucats wearing a street length dress of grey crepe, matching hat, corsage of red roses. The bridegroom's mother wha also greeted the guests wore a street length dress of wine crepe, matching hat, corsage of creamn roses. The three-tier wedding cake centred the bride's table. Those servîng were Misses Beth and Helen Miller, Bethesda, Miss Lillian Dixon, Miss Francis McArthur, Oshawa. The toast was proposed by Rev. E. A. Cress- well and responded to by the bridegroom. Later the happy couple leit on a motor trip to northerni points. For the honeymoon trip the bride chose a grey gabardine suit with green bat and accessories, wearing the gift of the groom, a Mail Mei Coupon feday POSTAGE PIEE Annail,. oaneh, Depoef ment of Lour, Ottawa. Ph.,. atend me COMPUETE INPORMATION abouf Canadien Geveraumeni Annulthe. NAM ............ ................... ..... <PRINT CLEARLY) ADOIBI...............................................- 0F HAPPINESS ..0. No man can enjoy a true Mie and true liberty, or pursue a genuine happiness, without first conceding the right of hie fellow man to do the same. The exten.t of our enjoyment of these rights depends entirely on our unselfish willingu' ness to keep our own pursuit of happiness from interfering ,with that of others. The moment the use of our own liberty restricts that of another eoeo we are abusing the ideala our forefathers fought to maintain. The House of Seagram believes that moderation is the key to the successful pursuit of happines. e moderation ini Our thinking, in oui' actions, and in our personal habits. That in why, in the use of whisky too, the Ilouse .of Seagram has repeatedly said, "Drink moderately, or not at ail." C~Adv ÇLfIzWz/ 944I%9f THE HOUSE 0F SEAGRAM TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or SteamshlP consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvllle 15 Klnt St. W. Phone78 Branch 0F LABOUR PURSUIT comfort and smaller fuel bis this Fali and Wlnter by lustallng Insulators now! Wlth aur blower method of lusulation we can pack aur fine Insulatlng materlals between the walls of your home, savlng labor, material and time. Cail us now for a free estimate and let aur experts do a cosuplete Insulation job for you to assure your comfort In cold weather to corne! SEALTITE RGCKWOGL Home Insulation Co. Lid. 45 QUEEN ST. " A low-cost Canadian Government Annuity guaranteos you as much as $1200 ayu.aer for 1fe. " No Medical Examination Us required. " Your Annuity connut b. soized under any law. You cannutt bs. vour money evon if your paym.nts faull Into arrears. " Anyon., from 5 to 85, ls eligibl.. Annuties1 DE PART ME NT a PIIONE 4" BOWMANVILLE 1

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