TH M ASP.2r,14 TRURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1948 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLL~ ON'rÀWTA PAGE SEVENTEE!~ Former Prisoner of War ai B.T.S* Praises Bowmanville Camp At the lecture meeting in the fpteful three and a bal! year BOYS Training School, Wednes- whicb I spent in the "Training day night, Superintendent Jack Schooi on Lake Ontario. Eastaugh read o letter from ai But let me first -tell yau abai. German prisoner of war wha was mylf.A itenIsatdt confined for some time in the ta cea, on big sailine boots I wen B.T.S. premises. The letter came jwc rudCp ont hl ta Mr. F. R. Sehon, now a volun - twîe araund Cape aHr afChu tory warker at B.T.S., wbo re- Te o he n a!ya ceived it after its publication i saPied arourid the world oi tbe ew orkS~ae Jurnl. steamers of ail sizes. In 1936 the ew Yrk tateJoural. joined the marine air force. It would appear that this Ger- In 1940 1 was shot down ove moni ex-prisoner, wbo speaks so Narvik and became a Norwegiai highiy of the opportunities enjoy prisoner of war. After a Ion ed at the B.T.S. canot fail toa- orny1arie nGavenhr same influence amnong bis neigh - ,unyIarve nGaehr bour la erma\- oda~, in~ -on Lake Muskoka and from ther serting the advantages ho found 10 of .sOne ertken ta Foier under Canadian democracv as op- Hn-Y.Oeyrlaee 'e Posed ta Russian Communism. îrce1ro owav.l t '« ;tion tlirou'1h Liberty Street ta th, Mr. Schon transiateci the letter1 Training School. frmits original German as fol- I shall neyer forget the firs levenaz i Bowmativilie. For thi Hermann Barner, first ti me in w-bat seemed an eter MUehlenstr, u6 July 20, 14 nity. I saw the sun set behi.nd th( Norderney (Brit. Zone) ma ple trees on a reai horizon. Be Dear Mr. Schon:j hind the walis of Fort Henry Somne days ago a few friendly1 had seen the sun for only a fem lunes of Dr. P. Schwarz came hours each day. fluttering on my desk and now 1 That very evening I decided t( have before me your kind greet- make fuîll use of the time I wa! ings from Bowmanville. I was ta be kopt prisoner. A number o: deeply touched by your prompt re- comracles who felt the same wa) sponse ta my somewhat desperate formedi a theatre group which ev. letter, in that I neyer in my life entually organized a marionett( have asked an,thing for myseif theatre and workshop. 1 studieÈ but rather for others. However, diî-ecting, stage management ani naw I am confronted wit .h such tried my hand at writing plays pressing and yet odd problems i Ouir efforts were encouraged an, whicb in spite of ail my energyf assisted by the Y.M.C.A. (Dr seemn at times ta be insoluble. 1, Boeschenstein of Toronto). Ia th( am 36 and have ta start from ischool auditorium we presente, scratch. When I remembered the Shaw's 'Saint Joan", Sbake- friendly and dlean town o! Bow- speares "Comedy of Errors,' manviilie, I had ta ponder on the Sehillers '"Wallenstein," Goethe'ý Drink an iced Pepsi-Cola today ... and often every day. It's delicious flavour reaily satis.ies yaur thirst, doesn't just tease it. Sa, whenever you're thirsty, drink a Pepsi. "Pps-Cla- and 'Pepi' are the regsterd trade ,,,rk# ~~ la Canada of )'epsLCoà Company of Car,«da, Limaed. Towards a Better Towmorrow!. Look towvards a better to-morrow to-day. Tou can easily have perfect security o! your home when you make sure everything ls the best includlng your electrical wlring. Our years of practical wirlng experience en- able us ta advlse you what is best for your particulor home. We are always willing ta furnish You tvith free estimates on how vou w~iII get the most for your money and at thc same lime bc able to rely on the electrical service ta give you years o! troîible-free efficiency. - GIVE US A CALL TO-DAY HIGGON ELECTRIC I Your General Electric Appliance Deaierj Phone 438 Bowmianvile 42 Kig St. E. j irs ut le. trs on g 'er -St re irt re he to as of "Faust" and many others. "The1 Ghast of Canterville" by Oscar .Wilde played on the Marionette Theatre proved ta be quite a suc- î cess. On many an evening we; used the gymnasium for chamber music and symphonic concerts, I also studied pasteil painting and Engiisb and read a great deal in 1 bath German and English.' On our request, we were allowed-to' start the Scbool Farm and I remember! the wonderful feeling standing on the manure spreader or on the lorry as we brought in the crop of potatoes and cabbage. When later we were allowed walks "on parole." 1 would sometimes, like a miscbievous boy, ciimb a farmn fence and treat myself ta a fine Canadian appie. This seemed ta, satisfy my, thirst for adventure. I tried ta fi in the gaps of my education and managed ta pass my matric examination in Latin. In tbe auditorium I beard lectures given by Toronto prafessors. AI- together. 1 spent four Christmases in Bowmanville. Today, while in my ragged home country I am trying bard to make a living for my family, I look upan the Bowmanville Training Scbool as the Hîgh School of my life. I am nat alone in this feeling as many o! my comrades also apprec- iated the opportunity of making whoiesome use of their involunt- ary confinement. In aur present, pligfit and tribulation, 1 defive 'Y strength tram the "Spirit of P1"1 Ohd by RESOIBLE ETERPRISEVtory OuIlffiq. - Bowmanville"l as we used ta cal te it. Optimismn and courage and an 'd ability ta enjoy leisure time, I- id owe ta Bowmanville. '. Please gîve my best regards ta HAMPTON ithe Superintendent of the Train--____ Iing School and ask him ta tell the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, ie boys there that in spite of neces Toronto, spent the weekend with ýdsary restrictions, tbey taa are be -bimohrMs.CE.efey 21ing given a wonderful c hance ta i ohr r.C .Jfry 1achieve that inner balance throughb Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black- ý1 v ork, study, spart and devotion. urn and famîiy, Salem, visited Very sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn, on Hermann Barner. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw, Osh- awa, at the home of his parents, C OURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Daw, Sunday. Maxine, anid Miss Eileen Wray, Services on Sunday were fairiy Oshawa, with tbeir parents on well att.ended witb the pastor Saturday. Rev. F. Yardley in charge. Mrs. Miss Ruby Deweii, Oshawa, G. F. Annis and Louise Pearce with ber brother Percy and Mrs. favored witb a duet. Sunday Dewell, during the weekend. Scbool session was also resumed. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns Sunday next, Rally Day service, and Barbara and Mrs. Marion will be observed, also at tbe Kersey, Oshawa, wîth Mr. and Courtice appointment.. Mrs. S. Kersey, Sunday. The Woman's Missionary Society Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron held tbeir September meeting on and Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, Tuesday the l4th with the pres- enjoyed a trip ta Goderich, Mid- ident, Mrs. A. J. Oke, presiding. land and other points in that la- Business was dealt witb after the caîity. opening. It was decided ta send Miss Madiyn Wilcox attended a more boxes and a cammittee was yauing people's gatbering of the1 appointed ta attend ta tbis. An United Cburch at Marmora, Sun- invitation ta meet witb Evening day. Auxiiiary, C.G.I.T. and W.A. Sa- Miss Bertha Armour wba has ciety from, Courtice on Tuesday, entered tbe Osbawa Hospital, in October l2tb, was accepted. Some training, spent Sunday at home higblights from the Schoal. for Mrs. E. H. Cole spent a few: Leaders beld at WhitbY was given days witb miss May Vanstone, by Mrs. Hopkins who, also had Toronto, at Bigwaod Inn, Musko- charge of the devotional periad. ka. The topic "The Faitb Whereby Mrs. K. Winterburn accompan- the Cburcb Must Live." Mrs. 'ed ber brother, Charles Martin, Russell Gay assisted by Mrs. K. 'o i eunti oVnovr E. Courtice, Mrs. E. Werry and B.C., leaving by mator on Tues-, Mrs. Alan Down was in charge of day of last week. the program. The Study Book Congratulations te Mr. And Mrs., this year dealing witb China and Ken Butson nee (Muriel Craw-' new book "West of the Gorges, ford) on tbeir recent marriage. was introduced, and the first Mr. and Mrs. G. Black and fa- chapter taken up. Closed witb mily Mr. R. Dickey, Cadmus, vis-' bymn and beniediction. ited at Merwin Mountjoy's. ý1 The W.A. of Courtice beld their Keitb Biiiett spent a few days meeting at the home of Mrs. Bob with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett' Barber on Wednesday evening at-Springford, last week, and ai- ý with on attendance of 23. First se visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bl-! Vice President, Mrs. Barber, pre- lett, Scarboro, before returning ta. siding. Meeting opened with re- sehool studies in Toronto. peating the W.A. motta, followed Mr .and Mrs. Anson Balson,' with hymn. The Bible reading Moff att, visited ber parents, Mr. was given by Mrs. Nichols who and Mrs. J. W. Baisan, udy also commented on same and this Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy periad closed witb prayer by Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sa- Bradley. Vocal duet wos gîven meuls, Nestleton. by Mrs. Cecil Adams and Mrs. Rally Day in the Sund ay School . Harry McLean. Minutes were will be observed next Sunday at' read. A quilting is being beid on 2:15 wben the special pragram- Wednesday, September 22nd at the theme of whicb is "Go Teach I the church, also sewing in readi- Ali Nations," will be followed. ness for the caming bazaar, ta be with special music provided. You miade. Hymn was sung and eacb are invited ta attend. lady gave a quotation on Mrs. Bruce Ferguson is receîv- 'Thoughts, for the Day" for the ing care at the Bowmanvilie Hos- roill cali. Meeting ciosed with pital and Miss Beatrice Colwili at! benediction. Refresbments were the Women's Coliege Hospital,. then served. During the business Toronto, she baving had an aper- session an invitation was accepted ation on ber foot.' We trust tbey from Evening Auxiiiary ta meet may soon be well. with them at Ebenezer on Tues- The ram aof Saturday and Sun- day evening, October l2th. day night, when thunder showers Master Ricky Petersen had the wr ut rvlnwsvr byfthe ato inact in.H oe orwelcome after the long dry spell. by he racorin ctin.Ho e or Correction: The names of Mrs. speedy recovery. Charles Aluin and Mr. Albert AI- Mr. Fred Courtice, is also quite lin, Bowmanviiie, should have inclisposed being a patient in 'been included in the list af tea Bowmanvilie Hospital and best get ttehm fC .r wîshes aiso go ta hlm for speedy Souch andi Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cav - andMrsoGiffn wtherly, last week.reu- ormans fandTornt, re n wit Miss Lulu Reynolds bas eun trsienBran TorontoSunday. edfrom a pleasant holiday at orm nBa ntod onrs. lmns andMidland and vicinity in campany , Mari wer een stsndwith Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, th thn weethekeM Gue Toronto, and Mrs. R. J. McKes- vail. erme, r. .Te sock, Oshawa. hreatne the Double or Nothing broadcast The devotion of thought ta an at Bowmanville an Manday: bonest achievement makes the night. achievement possible.-Mary Ba- ker Eddy. IN WOMEN'S HANDS A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE - INSIDE AND OUTSIDE - for sale by - 1-." F. Ce CROWE 102 ELGIN STREET - - BOWNIANVILLE Haîf o! the 'political power o! the country now rests ultimateiy in wonimen's bands. That force is too powerful for even men to disregard, once it is strongiy ma- bilized on anx- subject.-Wiley Rutledge, Justice o! the Supreme Court of the United States. ENNISKILLEN Miss Winnifred Cole, Miss Ed- na Gilbert, Mr. Ward Gilbert, To- ronto. were Sunday visitors at Mr. E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke visit- ed in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Bradley and family, Myrtie Station, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and fam- ily, Hampton, Miss Arvella Beck- ett, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb and family visited friends at Bobcay- geon. Mr. and Mrs. Boînton and fam- ily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Misses Lillian and Helen Cole, Bethesda, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mr. Wallace Griffin and Mr. Donald Lamb, are spending a few days at St. Catharines and Niag- ara Falls. A very interesting temperance programn was given on Sunday morning at Sunday Sehool con- sisting of a vocal solo by Master i j Ray Ashton, Mrs. Francis Werry read o story of Rev. Dr. Archer Wallace's and Ronald Ashton gave a reading. Mrs. R. Vanstone, Ross and Garry, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Acton, Stouffville, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn's. Mrs. J. Smales, with her son, Oshawa, and attended a shower for her niece at Dunibarton. Mr. and Mrs. V. McMullen and Ellen, Pontypool, with Mr. R. Rowan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNair and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Allun, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson and famiiy, Hampton. Mrs. H. Burgess, Miss Ruth Burgess and Mr. Fred Woodcack, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick's. Mrs. J. Tyers, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeNair, of Stouffville, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair and famiiy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Davidson and famiiy, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gatcheli and family, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Tyrane. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus, at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and fa- mily, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family, Hay- don, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Or- miston. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Col- umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Jeffery, Ciem and Lois, Miss Margaret Caîbear, Part Perry, at Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Brunt's. Mrs. Mary Griffin spent a few days in Oshawa with relatives and attended Oshawa Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry and Mrs. H. J. McGiil visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry in Oshawa last week. Plea«sed ta find them sa well. NEED TO EDUCATE If a better world is ta be built and ta endure, we must educate aur people, aid and yaung, ta co- aperate with ail wbo seek justice and mercy, ta accept their full responsibility for the welfare of others in this interdependent worid.-Ricbard H. McFeely, of Friends' Central Schooi, Philadel- phia. 435 GEORGE STREET. PETERBOROUGH, ON'g.ARIO Chairman. Women Petition Cartwuight Coin cil For Street Lights The regular meeting of Cart- wright Council was held Septem- ber l3th with ail members pres- ent and Reeve W. G. Bowles pre- siding. Communications were received from Women's Institute re street lights in Caesarea and Nestieton, clerk ta reply, giving regulations re same; from Rowan's Beach As- sociation re widening beach, Reeve and Councillor Black ta meet association; from Canada Fire Extinguisher Ca. re beit for an extinguisher, Clerk ta request demonstration of same. Clerk ta request Dr. Miller and Dr. Mac- Charles, of the Health Unit, ta meet council re slaughter bouses awing ta dissatisfactioi, by the public re present regulations. On motion, forms signed for part of road subsidy. By proclamation of the Reeve, Cartwright will return ta Eastern St.andard Time 12:01 a.m., Sun- day, September 26th. Orders signed as follows: R. J. Tinsley, running hall, $103.97; fire extinguisher, $125.00; E. Gibson, two lambs killed, $18.00; Imper- il Oul Ca., ail, $8.50; J. Wilson, two lambs killed, $45.00; E. Gib- son, one sheep killed, $23.00; A. Leighton, one lamb killed $18.00; R. Whitfield, one sbeep killed $20.0; clerk, postage and forms, 1IWANT4 TO KNOW Providing l1W. Insurance.service sinic. 1869 , GEORGE CHASE, Manager, $25.00; Rond Voucher No. 8, $986. 36. Council adjourned to meet Oc tober 4th, at 8 p.m. Noted Orgcmist Fecrtured in Recita. In the realm of music. witli par- ticular empbasis on the king of instruments - the argan, the Oshawa and District centre for The Canadian College of Organ ists bas been honoured In secur- ing Mr. S. Drummond Wolff. Mus. B., London, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., ta give a lecture-recital on church service music nt King Street Unit- ed Church, Oshawa, on Monday, September 27th, at 8 p.m. Mr. Drummond Wolff is argan- ist and choirmaster of Metropol- itan United Church, Toronto, and previously held similar position in one of the best known London, England, churches, St. Martin in- the-Fields, which church bas been famous through the years for its Sunday evening service broad- casts over the British wave- lengths. He bas made- notable con- tribution ta organ composition, in addition ta his remarkable work with chairs and as a lecturer, and came ta Canada three years ago ta take his present position - one of the mast important in the Do- minion. This forthcoming event will also include a period for questions and discussion. Ami1 too old to buy 1f. insmrance ? RIAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. Branch Office: I a The middle.aged man wbo asked tbis question feared that at his age the cost of life insurance would be prohibitive .. . but even Were he mucb oider, Mutual low-cosi 111e insurance wouid stili prove good business. Unfortuuately may people realize the importance of lhIe insu. rance only wben tbrough age or other disability tbey are no longer able ta secure it. A life insurance programme i5houid be StIrted as early in lIfe as possible. Consuit your Mutual Lite of Canada man today. IMPORTANT MESSADE Thanks la the splendid co-operation ai al 1he consumers ai electricily in Bowmanville and District there lias been a noticeable reduclion ini the amount being used over the Commission': system. However, th. Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario has advised us thal as ai Wednesday, Seplember 22nd, there will he a furiher reduclian ini aur allocaled load of approximalely a further 5,000 kilowatt hours ver day. THIS SITUATION 15S SERIGUS. Everyone 1: asked Io do their ulmoslta cul down on Iheir use oi elec. Irical power in order thal our industries may b. kept gaing and pay envolopes remain fll. Commercial user: are reslricled by regulations and are ca-operaling splendidly, Induslry in th. town is doing ils part Io-cul down on their Ioad and streel lightinq is being somewhal curlailed within the municipality. Il is therefore up Io evory Domestic consumer la do hi: ulmoslta help oui ai 1h:s critical lime. You have al- to do still mare. W. anticipaI. your ca-operatian la the full. la do :111 more. We anlicipate your ca-aperalionIt he.fll. Dowmanville Public Utililies Commission W. ROSS STRIKE, K.C. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO --. ý41 PAGE SZVENTEEN