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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1948, p. 7

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ing, conflrmed that the night teqm- L c e a aau I'LR~~~UNAL perature feUl to the freezing point. L cue a B.T.S. B w a v U ui esi x a dn SOCUL Au PERSONAL ~~~~~~September 22 is rather early toeOn)Bw ayU Buisss x ndg stoke Up furnaces but many were (Contlnued from Page ne)d.h w lu hD v lp e put into operation. No frost de- was of comparable sadrs eIE dS o sN c e eo m n phone du3 mage of importance is reported Dealing with placements i foster W s n and fail plow ing is in ful sw ing, hom es, the speaker com niended T e c p t l1i v s m n n n w sd r b ei v s m n . O h p Margaret Campbell, Maple the chief placement officer et B. Tecptlivsmn nnwsdrbeivsmn.O h p Dr. and MAs. C. J1. Austin spent Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toron- Grove, has arrived home fromn St. T.S., J. J. Brown, for his tactful business ventures and for expan- posite corner the Glen Rae Dairy, lhe weekend In Kirkland Lake. to, visited bier mother, Mrs. N. S. Andrew's-by-the-Sea, N.B., where approach to one of the chief de- sionl of existing businesses, solely operated iby Ross Stevens, was Miss Olga Tod ia visiting with B. James over the weekend. she spent the summer months. partments of the school. Quoting along King St., Bowmanville, dur- renovatee. with light-faced Scotch lier sister Mrs. A. C. Wright, Ha- Mr. and Mrs.ALamrndErotshviiea cousin, Drsculcs isois r e i ng the wer years and since, or brick to accommodate a new pas- rÀnilton. .A amradE ot h iie r culcs itreD.Lw Wallace and Mrs. Ross Richards MacLeod and Mrs. MacLeod and told of the fine resuits attained about the past 6 or 7 years, bas teurîzation plant and office and Mr. Peter Hughes, Toronto, and family visited Bey. and Mrs. family, Fredericton, N.B., and in securing co-operative help of run into important money. No ahl the latest, modern dairy ma- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Beeeh at St. George. Miss Betty MacPherson, Mon- the people in carefully selected estimate of the total investment is chinery,- together with a modern Harry Hughes and family. Ms .E anrbsrtme treal. foster homes. Good food, fresh attempted in t.his story but it may suite above. It is believed these Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore, Win- to Toronto after visiting Mr. and Among the guests attending the air, a sense of freedom and o! "'be- earvd tinieifTecngsanosme30O0r riipeg, are visiting tbeir aunt, Miss Mrs. Len Spicer and calling on Littlewood-Nichoîs wedding at longing' in a rural home worked Statesman's reporter ever com- more. Ida Moore, and Mrs. Leander. old friends o! the home town. Albert St. United Churcb, Osh- amazing resulta following a peiod pletes a survey recently under- Next door the old Registry Of-- awa, on September l8th, were: of school training. taken. It was thought that dis- fice bad a new beating plant i M. and Mrs. H. G. Darch, Long The great Lindsay Central Faim Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent, Mr. and Statisties Quoted tant readers, formemly resident in stalled. Then comes Mike Os- Island, New York, bave been bol- is attracting huge crowds this Mrs. Ralph Ames, Bowmanville; Dr. Lewis questioned officialthe e oat wo nd be interested oolImia wSrice Saton idaying with Mrs. A. L. Darch. week and many from this district Mr. R. Sherwin and Miss E. Sher.. statistics, hovr( whh .internvtôadgothoan poloo which bas h 'ad Mlrs. Muriel Dunn's euchre plan to attend tomorrow and Set- win, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. A. mated that 75 percent of training t Ihetpbld ome town. So to begin much money plowed back into group donated $30.00 to the Bow- urday.1 Palk, Nestleton. scnlgautsutmtl aewt uvyof the short block the business since 1940. Adjoin- manville Amena Building Fn. Miss Dorothy Evans, nurse-rn- Cl n1Ms L TMLagli oo. Hdesltiedtatthe me a Fud.between Scvugog and Silver Sts. ing Osborne's the old 'John Mc- OC ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ training et Toronto General Hos- were in Toronto Thu msday attend- cords didn't follow through t ,n et k n urr tr, w s co v re nc pital, was weekend guest with ber ing the graduation and convoca- Iigher ages and many lads drift- South Side an apatment block by an Osh- in parents, Mr and Mrs. E. C. Evans tion et Osgoode Hall o! aspiring ing back to former city haunts Taking the south side of King awa businessman. Theni cornes Pl TRINITY and sister Rhona.» young lawyers called to the bar. again came into conflîct with the street first, and beginning with the James Block, wbich required es Many who attended the services Their nephew Howard McLaugh- law and were committed to adult the corner opposite Scugog street. considemable investment to trans- mi UNITED CHURCH in St. Paui's United Church, the lin, son o! Mr. Byron McLaughin, institutions. The suggestion was There is the Masey-Harris Agen- form the west balf, downstairs, ed last two weeks have admired the formerly o! nikle a n made that further co-ordination cy operated by Howard Hencock. into modemn offices. A new oil- th, Ifine Interior decorations effecteci of the graduetes. o! government agencies would re- The old building was destmoyed heeting plant, together with sev- La by S. J. Preston and Son. Toronto's Sunday Morning Class sult In a followup producing more by fire over a year ago. Mm. Han-_ eral pieces o! new, modemn ma- M Mrs. R. Hill, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. softball champions, versus Bow- accumate figures, also more effec-ckimeatlerteenwcheyacmandtecagsl Barclay and Mrs. Hillîs grand- manville's Ail-Star men's team is tive maeans o! real rehabilitation. building witb modemn suites ebove The Bowmenville Glove and Of 4ch idren, Joanne, Kenneth and the chie! attraction this weekend simple Rules et a cost in excess of $2,000. Next Mitt Co. next door bas kept up jDonald Barclay, Toronto, were in their return game, billed as a Dealing with paroles the speak- dooie buligomeyoc-todewth oem ahnsasm Sunday uests ith Al and N n- gru ge conest, o the H gh er olpiede bf tehfaWirscoxv pool hroomlowasotheyomhavethcomeveonmetoeth mamaket de dy u est w th h! ehNa - ru g r oun ts t 3 on t H g m o d s m c ! t e f ct r o - p u ch ased b y W . H . B row n , for an d th e b u sin ess con tin u es to a rq cy hm bb S hol ro nds et 3 .m, atr-erning the Advisory Board in is farm equipment business. He th ive. Finally on the corner o! ser Miss Collette Ferguon hwo day. Tickets may be secured making its ecommendation. De- spent quite a sum fitting it Up, Silver and King streets, the Jam- Wh spent the summer holidays as a from any member o! the Rotay tailed case histories were highly wt n u sar p rm n n eo ieS o a ntle h o nws and edilorial writer on The Club or et The Statesman office, important and in the main thewihauptispamntndeonTrSopbsntledhec j atsmnnow a large addition on the rear best vulcanizing plant this side o! shc Saemnstaff bas returned to Dr. James Ross RehilI, Ram- simple ules o! common sense pre- o! bis premises. Hamilton, a new shop and garage fat :~To ronto University to pursue stu- sack, Sask., called on the editor veiled. Too many documented dies leading to a B.A. degree. lest week wbile on a motor tour ules posted for conditions o! be- Immcdiately adjoining, the Wil- bas been built et the reer and a thE Mms. George Watkins, Toronto, in Ontario. Bomn et Janetville, be haviour obviously led to breaking sim'Bok ihaate t odm paten istlBduH was guest of Mm. and Mrs. Thos. went west a!ter taking bis medi- some o! them. Dm. Lewis suggest- above, beceme the ground floor stars B Hayes, Elgin St., over the week- cal degree many years ago. He cd three basic mules obsemved by centre for an up-to-date ladies' This short summamy of one end. Mrs. Watkins bas missed learned to fiy a!tem age 54 and the board in ecommending par-werthTonhpwihe-srtbckerseane i- only one copy of The Statesman uses a ski-plane to visit his pa- oles: (1) Learning the value o! quired considerable capital. Next vcstments, quite aside !rom peint- in he mal ehi er t h m h me ti nt du in t e ong wi te s. He ro emyIigts; (2) 'Respect for cam e the old Bennett Hotel. It ing and decorating the fronts o!f iurng the past 20 years. taxies right up to their doors. the rights o! others; (3) Obedience. was purchased by Bomanville premises, o! something in the G- r M. and Mrs. Frederick Hughes His son, a flying officer, was kill- Other factors o! course embraced Cleaners and Dyers who trans- neighborhood of $185,000 in the '" and son Jimmie returned to Tom- ed in the late war. aptitudes, intelligence, and other !n ormdtwestshnal!m!oterbuild-sae o iedovenated tHi . ~onto Sunday after holidaying Following the Baptismal scr- things measured by psychiatmicind nsisitamoe bsasopvddmdm qu- withber othr, Ms. G E.vice on Sunday when Rcv. G. Ce- standards. Leter came the pmob-ciangpntadteustrsesfosme2fmiesuig Pritchard. memon Quigley ibaptized the thre 1em o! termination o! paroles into several ultra-modemn apart- the increasing housing shortage. adf "Remmbe nowThyA hevy rop f cestnts nd onths' old twin sons o! Mm. and which o!!ered lcss dif!iculty than ments. The investment rdn Weil The west end bas come back to a Col Mrs. Ren Lemon, Mrs. Elaier the original parole. above $25,000. thriving business centre quite in o Creator In the deys of beechnus re beginning to POP Fowlem, Elgin St., served a very premîses wemrtd te odtrdtoccupiedbale p ThyYoub."amog ree bu tw.TeS dainty and a ttractive lunch in I fl epdOi oe ovre teodtaiinen e alySe r _____ tilrtantei uxrat a- retmfrec o il The eest bel! of the botel was marchants and the Bennett House wl ments o! deep green leaves, oohonor o! the occasion. Those pre- Training Schools, the speakerpi sold to Ritson Bros. who estab- did 'i land office business.W. SUNDAY SERVICES toemisd oon sent were the twins, Danny and a highcmlmntt h er o ishcd a 700-unit frigid locker sys- _________ e tob isdb h e h el enny and their parents, Mm.r. andTiigcolmat Cooum.henarde- tem in the lower part and 7 or 8 spre 11 a.m. ad 7 lY not Siethbe.soCh Mrs. Ren Lemon; Mr. and Mrs. J. precateci e recent magazine article modemn suites in the two floors Other things may Ibe si mer E.SihFruoCi!Cus- Overy, gandpaments and Mm. Clif- quoting alleged conditions in the above. Their total investment with might, or Pumhsed t ans HEtoms Officer, Bowmenvilla, leaves ford Lemon, grandfathcr.sholarthrevrine ih was in cxcess o! $50,000. To com- mny but knowledghaed istb Col MORNING SERVICE been promoted Inspector o! offi- Among the guests fmom Bow- !acts. Again the speaker quoted plate that side o! the street, the gained only with studY.-John- T ce btee ta pit ndBoc-manville who attended the recep- actuel cases known pesoneîîy Horsey Block, long vacant, was son.* arra cesNDAYwSCHOOL FORinALandville. tion given Wednesday afternoon, whicb confirmed that former i- purcbased by Art Walkem, Osh- the Sept..15, e uc' ak oo-mtsnwhpiymrid o-awa, former newspaper proprie- Few things are impracticable Wri The eginer andPrhary Mrs. Annie Bradley, Bond Set' by'te Lieutenant-Govemnor sidered It thair good fortune't etm h a utcmltdnn in tbemselves; and it is for Wan h go ta thefr clamssdurint theed m ale teat and Ms.Ray Lawson in honor o! sent to this scbool by the Juvenila oe utsi h w o ! plctorte hno c semnpro ftemr- ter spanding a few days with their Minister of Eire, and Mrs. Costel- Thstuo!terglsshos the street front levaI. His out- Rocbefoucauld. Test Ing service and the other sister, Mrs. Mina Colwell and Mm. Io, were Col. and Mrs. L. T. Mc- was dcscribed such as St. Mary'slaapoiats$00. classes meet at the close of and Mre. Bert Colwell. Laughin, Mrs. Geo. W. James, with complete custodial came and North Side the mornlng service. Mr. and Mms. Geo. W. James Mm. and Mme. Chas. Cattren, Mm. St. John's, wbich, like Cobourg Taking the nortb sida o! Ring Mnse:and Mr. John M. James attendcd W. L. Eiliott, Mrs. George Spcn- adGlwr pni hi u-S.o h etcre fSuo Miniter:the national convention of the cer, Dr. J. C. Devitt and Mrs. Bea- aond nGaît, e openinteirsur- St. on te wstorner it o dergo Rey. S. B. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Canadian Weekly Newspapers trice Hall. untamily because conditions were storage garage with modemn Dîrector o! Music: Association, hcld in the Genemel Mm. and Mrs. A. W. Pîckard vis- made interesting, wholesomc and apartments aboya from an exist- Bmock Hotel, Niagara Falls, Mon- ited their son Jim and family et humane. These were the condi- ing building, hctokaon Mr. B. G. Harle day to Wednesday, this week. Toronto lest week. Mrs. Jim tions geneally prevalent in the whc-okacn White fmost, Wadnesday morn- Pickemd Is much improved in etate youtb training institutions Of knowldegceand inspiration o! the bealth. While in the city, tbcy Ontario as dcvisad by those me- combined staffs. visited their sister-in-law, Mme. sponsible for their conduct. But Oti~Ge Sam Beecock, who is 85 yeems the speaker suggestcd that thare OtieGet young and vary smart and makes was still oom for many wise im- Staff guests presant from Geit S . J ) 0 H N 'S hem borne with bier daughter, Mms. provements. includad Assistent Superrntendent S 'U ~__Gertrude Stevenson, et Newton- Better Futuer W. T. Little, Mme. Frances Bond, ANGLICAN CH-""URCH brook. On their way home, Mm. lRe dMs Mary Boniface, Miss adMme. Pickard visited Mm. and Concluding, Dr. Lewis urged LlinRiMme. Burreli, Mme. Bey. J. dePancier Wright, Bector Mrs. McTaggart et Unionville, bis audience to take evemy means Halls, Me'. and Mme. Fletcher and L U IA M W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M., B.M.T., Organist both in their 80's and very smart' to get the pupils' points o! view, Massrs Bond, Senior, Langs, Peser, 0Dà% learn their likes and dislikas, Raid, Bent, Hopper and Pollard. CALAMINE LOTION, reg. 25c - HAR ES T ANK GINGcompile records with complete Fmom the girls school. Cobourg, LAXATIVE COLD TABLETS, reg. HA VE T HA KS IV GMidlands Recruit data that -wiil be useful to the came Assistant Supeintandant OINTMENTS, BORACIC, ZINC, etc. 8 a.m. Holy Communion co-Omdinating agencies1 having t Miss F. Berry, Miss I. Richards, BORAX, 1-1lb., rcg 20e----------_ 8 .r. ol CmmninFor Active Reserve do with training school poblms. Miss D. Aylward and Miss Joan COMPOUND LICORICE POWDER 10 &.m. Childen's ServiceThe intelligent way o! doing things Bennett. At the head table also GLYCERIN, 2-oz., reg. 20e-------- was the surast way to work co- was Mm. P. R. Scbon, Bowman- POWDER PUMICE, 2ocz., reg. 10e Il a.m.MorningPrayerAmmy Weak, Sept. 20-25, is ba- opaatively with all other youtb ville, wbo was introduced by Mm. SULPHUR, 1-lb., reg. 15e ---- Iarn MoinPryring observed in Port Hope by a movemants and the weight o! cvi- Esaghaa oute workcr WJIH AZEL, 4o., re. 25e __ Subjet: drive for recruits for teeMidlend dence thus adduced woud beateuhTS a vnuth eer WITCH 4-LEN-R Oz rPOWeg _ ""God's Harvest" Regiment Resarve, according to !ound a greet factor in secumung ad ge the roramepHon bouse POWDE reports wbicb bave reached The the attention o! governments Dinner was served in the aud- (Nursery 2 years and over) Statesman. ommanding Officer which shape legisiation. itoriumn by a staff o! gentlemanîy, ______ Lt.Col Lyll . emris epote An interesting question pciod wbite-coated students under direc- v1,x 7 pm. vesan .to ave -said: "In view o! world folowd wich iluminated mny tion o! M. Smith and M. Crabbe. ?reacher: conditions todey the nead for men o! the ternie hezîly understood by Thcy eceived fine eppleuse after '; ' Col. te Rev.J. F. . Stew rt, O..E. isevidant." At the ase time, the laity, such as the diffemance tables wcre cleaed andlvl u Co. h Rv T . . twat OBE. inister o! Extemnal Affirs, L. b "ei scolg ndPv Senior Chaplain iof the A,.my B.Pearson. tol.. etee nsch]ov x7pn..-- --n d lovl-cu Ail service men are effpecilllY nvlted to attend this service. - SPECIAL MUSIC AT ALL SERVICES - BGWNANVILLE NOTOR SALES DODGE AND DE SOTO SALES AND SERVICE 166 KING ST.. E. PHONE 585 AT IzED GO IEAR DEALE ý. u tic a onentonof ciatý__ "l-trsY ±lowers remainedas asesymbol o!f 4e iOichitry Meny ther practceai aMost enjoyeble and instructive tio: "hethra f Ar ssoce- ae answercd by botb occasion. Assistant Superintend- tion "elre teoent.s"c-Dr.ueisn! d Dr. Atcheson. The cnt Stan Rickerd pleyed the piano tremly rav et he omet." speakers were thankcd by Don for grace and patriotic contribu- * The report states furthcm that Williams who expressed the tions. weapons and vahicles, including carriers,' jeeps, tbree-tonners, mortars, anti-tank guns as well -as a Bugle Band are evaileble et Port Hope to permit the local un- its o strt feil training, and the syl es is i ready he.e armouries now being constructad K in Port Hope wil ha exceptional- O Q I K ly well fitted for the intensive progrem pîenncd. No officiel re- port o! thase davelopments bas s0 fer reeched here. and no ncws is S et band concerning any pletoonj training for Bowmenville, let ITrinity Young People Holds Weiner Roasi Lest Monday nigbt wes the flrst meeting o! Trinity Young Pao- ple's Union, whicb stated the feul session with a weinem >roest et Bowmanviiie's East Beach. The entctainment committea hed a novali dea in that n0 one knew wbame the weincm roest was to ha hcld until signs weme foilowed j fmrom point to point until the camp ire was reached et the lake. Thema wame approximateîy 35 members present and for meny it wes the fimt meeting with our new minister, Bey. S. Hendarson. Miss Jean Cunningham, Higb School teechar ead a !escineting pom ollowed by a reading by Be7.Hadrson. Weîners with mustard and relish, pop and toasted meshmeliows ware thor-, oughly enjoyed wbile a sing-song wes in progmess. Miss Jean Cun- ningham had a narmow escape from falling in the water, but luckily thmce or four o! the fel- lows weme able to rescue bar. Sbortly aftem aleven o'clock thel meeting wes ceUaed to e closeJ with fiendship circle and teps. Everyone seemed to be on the job Tuesday morning, and an enjoy-I able cvenîng was had by ail. We hope Io see you ail out next Mon- day night et 8 o'ciock aiong with envý ?the-- young people intcrested in-onig as this year looks like USE THE STATESMAN CLAS SIFIED AD SECTION you can bring your advertising message fo 12,000 PROSPECTIVE BUYERS at a minimum cosf of 35c ' SPECIALS COMBE Poeket, Bobby or Curi 4e 3 for 10e Super-Juatbo 27e Reg. 25e - 19e - PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY SPECIALS LACTOGEN 790 $1.79 I.D.A. Brand PÂSU - Dedlicate Organ A~t Mcoeonic Temple At a special meeting in the Dshawa Masonic Temple, Mondey ight, attended by high off1cials In the Masonic Order, there took place the presentation and dedi- ýation of the G. W. McLaughlin nemorial organ, recently- instail- . in the Temple. The organ was he gift of Bro. C. Ewart Mc- aughlin and the late Bro. R. Ray [cLaughlin, in mexnory of their ate father, an honored member dthe Chapter. The gfit was discussed and ar- nedprior to the untimnely lath of Bro. Ray McLaughlin id the.organ was formally pre- ented by Bro. Ewart McLaughljn vho disclosed- the arrangements onceived by the two brothers hortly after the death of their ather. He delivered the key of àe organ to Rt. Wor. Bro. George [art, President, Oshawa Temple iilding and Past District Deputy 1u )enior Padre Brlngt 'our Watc'h To Vu xuest Preacher lere On Sunday ALL WATCH ££PAIRS The Senior Padme o! the Cen- GUARANT ED ian Ammy in the late wer, Rey. 'FrOeTa I. C. F. J. Stewart, O.B.E., Tor- FrO .Ta ito, wihllha the guest preacher St. John's Anglican Churcb, MAIWSPRINGS INCLUDED inday cvening, Sept. 26. lie ll speak on a subject o! bigli in-- ret as effecting the tirnes. A ýcial invitation is extended ta embems o! the Legion and veter- II ( swho servcd overséas whlle 1. Stewart was Chie! Padre. MARRIS. Tha Sunday services have been ranged as a Harvest Home and E pator, Bey. J. de Pencier J W 1L i rigtil occupy the pulpit in BOW74AN1VMLE Dmorning. The cburch will be corated witb fiowcrs, fruits and 43 Ringf et. W. Phone 40 getebles as syrnbolic o! Old mlusi IC Ube thi e defor Q services. George Vine, for many 1YOM. Superintendent, of thé Sundaz School, heu re8igned his Ion i fait.hful service. Jack Godie who has recently corne 1to ow manville succeeds Mr. Vine. mea brother is a elergyMan71ni the AI. goma Diocese presided oves by' Bishop W. L. Wright. Hugh liM> WATCH REPAIRINI for saf lsfaciion G te e n t ac ig S ciS - Friendly, Personal Service SPECIALS GIN PILLS 17o TW MES i I n P c.; jars, reg. sec__ t,4-oz. 43e 6AN» Fe e i ENOe KLEENEXALT SOPm STIONGN Wrm, *mP1AO f x18" 2m hamr 6%x W fr 2Oi sinssix' 3.29c M A S S I Z 1 " x 1 " 2 9 AorLEXcMcGREGOR YousLoalI.D.A DEUG S Phuw 752 Drugglst W. D.iIvoq -1 M I AIBSORBINE Jr. Oz. 119 12 oz. 2.39 Save 118 ALKA-SELTZER - 81 29c 25's 57c Save 33c PRELL SHAMPOO 58 27C 2% oz. 89C Save 1 9C 1BOGNO-SELTZER 8 dose 25C 45 dose 95c Save 45c SAL EPATICA 2 "' oz. 33c 13 oz. 1.27 Save 63c COLGTE Dental Cr. 6 oz. 25c 16 Oz. 75c Save 18C ENO'S"ýFruit Sat" 4oz. 59C 8 oz. 98 Save 20c FEEN-A-MINT 8s 19C 36's 69C Save 1c HALO SHRANPGO 165 oz. 29C 74 oz.89CSave 41C NOXZEA Cr. ¼O. 43c 14 z 1.29 138 TAMPAX..-' 25c 4081.29 Save 71c Tenîplebons T..C.#s 36's 1.25 216's $5 Sve 2.50 DR CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 60s 6e 180g $.79 Save 280 BAYER ASPIRIN 12'8 8c 100's 79e Save 71c LISTERINE ANTISEPIC 3 oz. 29o 14 oz. 89e Save 460 t 1 Pl MAI

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