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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1948, p. 9

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?HfumSAT OCT. 2sut,1948 THE CAIiADMA STATESMAW, EOWMMLAVILL. ONTARttO tend the wedding of his brother, McMurter Brter'lnoe y d fllw F o or1i The essential factors in ce-le otIpotn u MaxSt John, Saint John, N.B.nohr inrc ~ ddelw o dfrBiCf acter building are religion, mo-eena a ht4 SO I L A E S N LMrs. D. C. Wigg, Gravenhurst, Will Be Observed ality, and knowledge.-J. L. PikRda epnlllytQI El S C A I E S N LMiss L. Wigg, Oshawa were week . At St. Paul's Oct. 24 arelWestr phone OU end guests wlth Mrs. L. J. Bart_____4 The Important thlng in life u Woodigt i Durham County crap report as ii-Arayterdoi nomn ta have a great aimn,adtooseatrin and ele released by Agriculturs.l Repre. Area__he ado --. Irin sentative E. A. Summers, B.S.A . ' people that there are onlY apttd n h esvrnet atoneiL wil etur up0he. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Beech and Paclflc Coast. aae:'alwethsmd many more days until Christmas. ati t-ote rvra2:7 family, St. George, vlsited Mr. I adMs.WlitKl a good orr for ai, as naew a~ It does seem rather cari>' to be and Mrs. Ros Richards.. Walter Kelxnan and daugh- crapi the district, appears fie « '.. nigafadmkn ln o Mr*a. Herbert Layman and Miss ters, Tiielma and Florence, To- in present harvesting. Claver a nother round of unrestrained' Masters left Saturday to spend the ronto, were Sunday visitars with threshing shows Red Claver yieild- y ~ . .~ pnigta eeal'poed wlnter et Bradientan, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. Large. lng up to three and haif bus. per that which was given to us to be e**£ Miss Sheila Fitchett, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverly, Sylvia acre."a hol>' season. However, if that has been visiting her aunts, adSel pn udywt r olwn h eua onn urge ta spend and ta give through! Misses Elizabeth and Carnie Pain- dShlapetuda'ih Foowg theruarmnige spending is one borne out of and Mrs. David Park and familv, haur of warship at St. Paul's a cancern for the well-being of dI ton. it being the occasion of little United Church last Sunday the one's fellows, and a desire to help Mrs. William Heinlein (nee Glenna Jayce Parks' finit birthday. minister, Rev. G. Camneran Quig- those wha, through no fault of Helen Prentice), Bucyrus, Ohio, ley, conducted a private ceremon>' thi I rbcu fcniin spent the weekend with Mns. H. Seen on the streets for the first of baptism. Norma Lucy, daughter terono eas fcniin Fse.time Wedneaday, was a shining, of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rouie, aven which they have no control, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal, Or- flewa ck ptse lng e atomleesaramestaln, teO n the ree te necessities, then such spending, chard Park, N.Y., were recent vi enns-efoîwn ne ete-scrmna-rt n h reec egardless of thie season, aîways itors wlth Mr. and Mrs. L. W. i - "Bowmanville Public Utilit- of a number cf relatives fnomhamet Dippell. ,les." Bowmanville. hsmrt Howard Cowle and Mang iKing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pennington Out of town guests at the Ayre- I is truc that because cf Its won the Oddfellows' hockey tic- and Mr. and Mns. Alf. Penning- Crossman wedding in Kedron te a ur ei and communat ites_______________ kets for Jr. 0.H.A. game in Osh- tan, Toronto, were recent guests Church, on Satunday, were: Mr. tah hrma ens asnpompnts u awa on Oct. 16.of their sister, Mns. Fred Cryder- and >4rs. Russell Naylor, Carole ta think about and do for others Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hoaper and Mary' and their mother, Mrs. An- and Douglas, Chicago, U.S.; Mr. more than any ather seasan daes. son. John, Brantford, were week- drew Pennington. and Mns. Wlllis Gladwell, Mr. Gardon McMurter (rlght) elected Noble Grand of Florence Maypal ar cniuay enillaTs h smt herd. Ms . Wordhas ben trc elv ee ,Mr. ae la.dnweMs.Heelen GToad.- Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 6 6, on retirement of his brother, concerned with the lack of food Miss Merle McMullen, died Oct. ta; Mr. and Mrs. William Brady, Stanley' McMurter (left) as Noble Grand. who was presented stuffs experienced by the BritishP HEX Mn. Frank Todgham has ne- 17. She was the anl>' daughter cf Mn. James Brady, Mrs. L. Win- with Past Grand Jewel and Chanm appr'opiateîy engraved, at maseo 47pclhe and oelta a tCrgant- turned ta bis home in Elyrla, Ohio, Mn. and Mns. Harry McMuîîen, dnlm, Lindsay; Mn. and Mrs. Art installation cenemony cf new efficers. izations and indivduals faund an A to l te es aften a twa months' visit wlth his Gouverneur, Sask. Stainton, Mrs. Adam Hawley, eclettm ahl > edn sisten, Mrs. E. Large. .~ . ~ ut fPeterboro; Mn. and Mns. Lloyd exdacelsn oviersa eapys, in 4 r nd ihf.rtgaemtr@ Dr. J. C. Devitt was In Whitby Boys Training School, was guest Ayre, Richmond Hill; Mns. Cecil Oddfellow 0f ficers WEDDINGth sae pptuiysodbendsfcen cpcty o it ane evening last week as guest sekra epeLdc .. Crossman, Miss Jean Cnossman, th-aeoprunt hudb of the Garden Club when hé show- spaker.,tOsh mplaonTeday nîghtMn. Jim Nokes, Bowmanville; Mn. Hold Installation____ made available,-for conditions are!byn bi arat'wt edhsmvn itrs MOhwo usa ihand Mns. Allan Lavis, Whitby; Mn. AR CROSSMAN no less severe acnoss the Atlantic. oal s n as e Puis i mav ing ictures when members of Queen City and Mns. Don Mitchell, Brook lin; G McMurter, N.G. AR With these things in mind St. fo alntnTwshpshosLde orno eeget. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Stainton, To- Palme, ferns, oak leaves, yellow Paul's United Church is pleased fo DrlngonTonsipacoos Bowmanvillc la anc o! thc fcw ronto. Bna. Gordon Watson, District and bronze chrysanthemumis wîth a gain ta take the lead among the Sch ta be hcld amptanindayOct.owns Thic s ta d e a black- The Bay' of Quinte Conference Deputy Grand Master of Dunham white satin nibbons marking the oanizace tio nutel tooad t ci' fdolrogr, adcr, 3t Schln ao niacvnn, c.out. hisisand tukep itna sain g Young Pcople's Twentieth An- District No. 42, and his staff visit- pews was the setting in Kedron Binnundsannutal "Foold Ot lfans n herl Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemnon and in the quota o! power rcquested. nual Convention was held in St. cd Florence Nightingale Lodge, United Cburch for a picturesque 24th. Food sucb as canned meat,17paehevduy 1. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton re- Keep up the good work, citizens. James United Chunch, Peterboro, I.O.O.F., Oct. 13, and installed faîl wedding on Saturda>' aften- dried milk, dried fruits, pudding 13laesndr$29 turned Satunda>' from a six- on October 14 - 16. Dr. E. Cross- these officers: noon, Oct. 16, when Miss Inene 1plt, sadad- $1 weks 700 il mto tptet Ditestaita o! SColg ie ta le>' Hunter, minister o! Tninit>' Noble Grand - .Gardon McMunter Joyce Crossman was united in powders, pastry mixes, nice, sugar, ______7000mil______ripta._hehe______o_____gate unden United Cburch, Toronto, present- Vice Grand-- - Len Barton manniage with Mr. Alfred John tea, etc., will be gratefuli>' receiv- theDcpntcntcf duatin At dotfecinpinng ndtboghtARcoringSe.eHwtr CwleBoy Aresehrvrdecse datndthr srvieand p t 1-pltestndadtandard17-lae, ea15d.y120 edthe isirn adthuht Rcrdn Sc HwrdCwl By Ar. h bie sonly Oct. 28. These will be packed b>'y as publlshed in the Ontario Gaz- provaking addresses on the con- Financial Sec. - Maurice Tamblyn daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Harvey'tewmno h ..i e, 1-ltlev u> 79 ~n o ~IK ette, Oct. 16, 1948, include High vention theme: "Break up your Treasurer- --- Art Edgen F. Crossman, Taunton, and the ift en nd tey po n arels Olda. and Fantiac:$17. ST. J OH N'S SOsa ou. inayad alw rud t is time Wandcn -- -----Jim Nokes bridegroom is son o! Mr. and Mrs. and shipped ta individual families ' Oshawa. ~ta seek tbe Lard." Two delegates Conductor - - Sydney Murdoch Alfred R. Ayre, Hampton. i h nts se.Ayn a 17-plate, extra dut>' $20.E5 1-lae~1 ANGICN CURI he hre-sor Bnk ! ont fam Trinit>' Young Pcoplc's Outside Guard Bruce Lonsberry The cci ýmony was penformed participate in this spending for real building is neciving this Union, Dorothy Haig and Rena Inside Guard --Bob Mitchell b>' Rev. G. W. Gardner, Colum- ahpirCnsmsi te IEA LOAC NYU L AT Rev. J. dePeneler Wright wcck a fine exteniar face-lifting Mutton, atneah be-a ...G ietSurc u.Mr.CalsNyoan ! hm es. Christmas___in___________________________ Reetor for Faîl and Winter. The hazard- sessions. Others present for the R.S.V.G. ---Ross Atkinson the -bride, played the wedding__________ e.E .Wrmn .... us wank Is bcing pcrformed on Fnida>' fellowship banquet end L.S.V.G. -- Everett Winacott music and accompanied Mrs.- If ybur local dealer canc up> a alu W.E.C.Wokan LL..M, tall, alim ladders b>' S. G. Preston first theme addrcss were Helen FÀS.N.G.- - Clarence Bell Lloyd Ayrc who sang "I Love You Yau cannot dreami yourself R.M.T., Organist & Son with their efficient cncw. Pritchard, Don Morris and Rev. R.S.S.- - Harry Cannons Trul>"' at the opcning of the cere- into a character; you must hamm- Dr. George Miller, Lions Dcputy S. R. Henderson. L.S.S.- --- Don Spence mon>' and "The Lord is My SheP- en and forge anc for younself.- 22nd Sunday after Trlnlty District Govennor, paid an affic- Group 4 o! St. Paul's W.A. met Chaplain -.Gannet Goheen herd" during the signing o! the 8 m H1 omuin il visit ta Port Hope Lions Club. at St. Paul's Church on Oct. 12th. Aftcr receiving the gavel and register. In the mental collisions of mon- Do w ia nv ilie Au a.m.-Hly Comunion He was accompanicd b>' Past Meeting opcned with a devotional bcing placed in full charge o! Given in marriage b>'lher fatb- taIs and the strain 8f intellectual WMNIE28IISO r 10:1 a.m-Sunay Shool President Earl Riddolls, Manle>' service and silent prayer in mcm- Florence Nightingale Lodge Noble er, the bride wore a gown of wrestlings, moral tension is tested, PHONE 402 BW 1:5a.mSndaible ool Littlewood, Jack Parker, Nelson on>' o! the late Mrs. T. H. Knight Grand Grdon MMurter deliver- bavy petal white satin, fashoned and if it yields not, grows strong- an il ls. Osborne and Wm. Allun o!, the and the late Miss Regina Percy cd a short acceptance speech stat- with slim i-iounded basque, long, er.-Mary Baker Eddy. Il a.m-Morning Prayer Bowmanvillc Lions Club. and closed with pnayerful Thanks- ing be was greatly bononcd ta be tight sîceves and a low camea __________________________________________ At tbe Queen's Universit>' Con- giving tbougbts. Guest speaker elevated ta the chair o! Noble neckline framed b>' a gatbered . SubJect: vocation, Oct. 8, Chancellor C. A. was Miss Aleen Aked, Tyrone Grand o! this Lodge and was look- satin bertha edged in fine Alencon Dunning, LLD prescnted Anchie wbo gave an intercsting talk on ing forward ta a ver>' îucccssful lace and satin cording. A now o!f 'Why Should I Hry" -endry, Newcastle, with bis bur- "Hobbies," illustrating it witb terni with the assistance o! bis pearîs bordcred the sheer net L1 sar>' o! $232, awarded as thc samples o! ber own work, includ- supporting officers and the co- yoke. The ricbly gathened skint 1 Mowat Scholarship in Mathemat- ing ail paintings, sheli collections, openatian ofa! a membens. He con- was enhanced b>' a lace-cdged J~ 7 p.m.-Evensong ics whlch he won as a student in hand-made nugs, ta>' animals andi clu'ded b>' naming bis Standing aven tunic wbich fell from the P Subjet: Bowmanvifle High Scbool. dols. Miss Akcd was accompanied Commnittees as follows: sides in a redingote ef!ect ta form I ~~~~~ ~ b Mlin r.HnldS.Jh > er mothen. A vocal solo b>' Finance:- J. J. Flctt, A. H. a graceful circular train. Ner "Sasad Ai OMS,,wrMr. and s. HaroldeaSt.gJohn Johflston, W. P. Lch. ~jeweiiery was a three strand pearl Iing Ottoman and tri-light floon a social timne enjoyed following Anderson, W. H. Yeo. tulle illusion scalloped at the AWarm Welcome For Al lapb'bshm cmmnt'f the pragram. Propent>':- J. Nokes, E. Henn- edge, was caugbt ta a bandeau o!f Sunderland, hontme. ornt>ya-oufo ow usa tt ing, S. E. Murdoch." matcbing lace embroidencd wîth -J tuerlepO ariooultaf- LaumeofSnown gwedingeinthe Membership:- W. G. Conden, E. seed peanis. She carrîed a spray-n= teSt oulrcul ef ae-L reet Uwnedd Chuincb m Winacott, D. A. Anderson, B. cascade of Briarcliffe red roses Friendly, PErsni~ r awon Saturda>' wcrc: Mn. and Lnbry hs asoe and sbewercd with white satin ____________________________________ Mrs. E. M. Larmen and Glenn, Mn. Vsn: . H. Banton, S. Mc- streamers with stephanotis caught and Mrs. Dalton Dornell, Mn. Keith Murten, G. Clarke, B. King, M. J. in the lover knot bows. o Jonso, ise Lisad elP. Moore, W. G. Corden, R. West- Miss Joan. Morgan, Taunton, I.D.A. BRAND WEEK-END SPECIALS AP JansonIisesLasanYBrlalke. was maid o! bonor. The other at- GLYCERIN, 2-oz., reg. 20c ---- ------ 16c Larmer, Blackstack; Mr. and Mrs. Tbe Noble Grand extcnded a tendants wcre Mrs. Pbilip Mon- IODIZED THEQOAT GARGLE, reg. 25c ------18c ___ u ~~~ ~~ I. t ~ Elgin Taylor and Bruce, Mn. and ver>' heant>' vote o! thanks ta the row, Oshawa, and Miss Jean ONMNS:BaccZiEtre.2c- c-" U n te__ r h Mrs. Evenctt Crydermnan, Ross, District Deput>' and bis staff for Crossman o! Bowhianville, bath ONMNS oaiZnEcrg 5 g rIiec.'..irn Mar>' and Hazel, Mn. Bruce Ta>'. the efficient mannen in wbich the cousins o! the bride. AIl were ROCHELLE SALTS, reg. 15c, 25c ----------------- - lc - 17c lnieoour ashp ~ b, Mn. and Mrs. A. Balson and officers wcrc instaîled. The Dis- gowYned alike in Killanne>' green SALT PETRE, 4-oz., reg. 10 ---------------------------- 8c seileeBln, lia;Mr. and Ms.R tnict Deput>' in acccpting the velvet fashioned with portrait SPIRITS AMMONIA AROMATIC, reg. 15c, 25c 12c - 19c SmirM.adMrs. . A. tbanks offcned bis good wishes ta necklines and terse-fitted bodices. SPRT O HRrg15,2c-------1c-19 SunjrM.adMs utnthe new officers and the lodgc for The bouffant skints wcrc accented SPRSCMHOeg1c.2c2c-9cBA T Su.nday at il a.. and 7 p.m. and May r ~s.Maria a happy and successful terni. wt îslsate~ak hy SPIRITS ,SWEET NITRE, reg. 15c, 25c 12c - 19a 11 leMrand Jye Mrs. etas.Ob d-n called on several Past District matenial as thein frocks and WITCH HAZEL, 4-oz., reg. 25c- -- ___- - 18c Guest ~' for . le', Mn. an Mrs. Cha. Oshorn, Deput>' Grand Masters: W. J. Rid- acighadeso snc Gu s oloistfo Evening Service: Bawmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Fred dcli H LOTION e of6Otric Wight, Cobourg; Mn. and Mns. R. del arr>' Dave>' and Vintel Wil- feathers and velvet bows. The>' :MissAm Sargeant W. Snowdcn, Mary, Helen and son o! Onono Ladge, and J. E. carried powder puf! bouquets o!f1 Amy Donna, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Wylie, Anderson o! Florence Nightingale yellow and bronze chrysanthe- VITAMIN NEEDS v&.uma whose singing of Gospel Hymnes over Radio Station C..D.O. Miss Helen Cox, Mn. and Mrs. D. Lodge, m.ore sMUMS. A'e ibodHlv aeD rsC m o n 10 ODR.2~&S~, has been a great inspiration ta mas>' radio listeners K.Cx oot;M.Grald Cox, PstDndGM.MniLoylT 1 K.ichoon tol; MrGissey a' ortcd the Retiring Noble Grand twin brother of the bridegroom, DA - in Bowmanville. lor, Peterbaro. Sal> cutrt h lo n was best man and the ushers wereVia- - - 15- EMî8 J on_________ bebal! of 'the officers and mcr-Mr. Lloyd Metcalf, Oshawa and Vtdiet - - - $1 5- $2.70 . Minlaer,, irectr cf usiebers o! Florence Nightingale Lad- Mn Gardon Pascoe, Solina. SA O Miniter Diectr o Muic, In 1946 Canadians paid almost ge prcsentcd bim with a beautiful he reception was held at the Vimaltol - - - - $1. 19 - $1 .98 Bey. S. R. Henderýon, B.A., B.D. Mr. R. G. Harle, exactly $75,000,000 for admissions Past Gnand's jewell and charm, home of the ibnidc's parents, (including amusement taxes) ta appropriatel>' engnavcd. where Mrs. Crossman, mothen o! Scott's Emulsion 59c -$1.19 Ak-ete ~ Ena. McMurter cxpresscd his the bride, reccivcd the gucsts, îaa~---- . . 5c-9c-16 ae sii ture theatres. That amaunits ta aprcaini eevn chs giftwearing a winterbcrry wlnc satin sîightîy more than six dollars per and in timel>' and well coe gown with matching accessories lebr'Habong 85-$10-$27 capia an woud alow fr 19wards tbanked bis supporting of- and corsage of yelîow chrysanthe -AlnuysHlbrne 85 .0-$.5~* _ shows in the yean for ever>' manicso!attem ndilmm mums. Mrs. Ayne, the bride- - Squibb's 10-D Cod Liver Oil- 75C - $ 1.75 f~ ,, woman and cbild, since average bers for their wonder!ul co-oner- groom's mother, who also greeted WaplsCoLieOIEtrc $10».,d F IR ST CnON CERRT amsinpnc a 2. et. tirine success i a n ffr DAEOE vneGlut ins;Io&Mla, IN THE ESTATE 0F FLORENCE H. T Saywell, Blackstock uh Té1 L, DAT OEN- vone ulue, lalat lon Mlln, R. KNIGHT, Deceased. C. B. Tyrnell. Orona .l11 Smith Bras. Cough Draps ---------c----Ev- 10c vlollnlst, Marguerite Glaniac, soprano; Dirk Keet- Al persans baving dlaimns against W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Lovel GUIDE JL baas, flautist. the Estate o! Florence R.* Knight, J. W Jewell, W. J. Berry and Buckley's White Rub -____ 30c - 50c late o!flhc Town o! Bowmanvillc, The Statesman Office. .7 r4 ,u DATE OPEN - Thie Harold Sumbert String Orchestra. in the Count>' o! Durham, widaw NEWS, Pertussin_____ 59c - 99c o !1 wbo dicd on on about the l9th Reserved Seat Plan for Firat Concert Opens day af September, 1948, arc here- Local Mail Service -rnhd ... og yu 0 TuesdaY, Oct. 2Mthet 9:30 arn. at Alex MeGregor'. Drug Store b>' natifled te send particulars a!Scnoudfapn'mto ik' aoRba aToNl- Q same te the undcrsigned on or Mail Closes TuesodyGnielit at th eticonol s aoRb rV-To45c2fn6e . T 8 fethen whicb thf e Esta Going East 10:.30 a.m Tundrladcrsghip at in Ben-o Tickets $2.00 for Series Time 8p.m. 148 are th latdat~e e_____________________leadership______of_____________Ben- will be distributed haviX regard Going local Rural nctt and acting lieutenant Ulva __________________________________________ UNDER THE JOINT AUSPICES OF THE onl>' to the dlaims a! Whlch tbe Routes 11:00 a.m Green and Audre>' Richards. ThePR S ITON A M undersigned shall then have Gaing Port Hope onl>' 1:30 p.m. meeting opencd in patroîs andPR S ITON A SEC LY Bor fEuainnotice. Going East and West 6:30 p.m. horsc-sboc. We bad a few words from Commissioner Mrs. Frank __ ad thse dayf Otober. 1948. tisMailaig es Arrives 1:0 'about adP:sagafew songs. The A& L Em .X mc G IRK E APHA I. HODGINS, Fram East and West 8:30 a.m. canipetitions of patrals are now in Bowmanvill i on Cu 16 Temperance Street, From West 12 neon this order: Gladys Hodson 1l Tickets rnay b. meured trousm ymmber of the 'Losclub Solicitor for Markus L. Rocnigk, From East 8:00 p.m.: le>' Piper 10, Jeanette Lobb 8, IRW.flIhm. _____________________________________________ jExecutor o! the Estate of the late Cut this achedueou and pastej Dorotby Johns 7, Bernice Finn 6.!Dugs Florence R. Knight. 42-3 up I a handy place for reference. 1 We closeci our meeting with tapa.-

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