e -- TIIUKSDAY, OCT. 318t, 194 l'ÂGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO STARK VILLE Shiloh W.A. was entertained at the home of Mrs. Orme Falls. Plâns were discussed as to the iorthcoming bazaar. Mrs. Falls w'rved a delicious lunch. Next pleeng is to be at Mrs. Ewart aminson's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and àary Lou have returned after a pleasant holiday in Parry Sound iting his father and friends. $iss Eileen Farrow spent the eek end at her home. A number fromn here attended rs C. Reid and Miss Hazel1 Toronto, visited Mr. and j .Wilfred Wood. I talk te the mothers which was enjoyed. Mrs. Chas. Morris, baby band secretary, Mrs. H. A. Brent, Mrs. John Lancaster and Mrs. Sid Lancaster were the committee in charge of this most important gathering of the year. Approx. '$8.00 was brought in mite boxes. BURKETON The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Russell Dean for the October meeting. The next meeting will be eldatMrs. H. Rahm's. Mrs. H. J. Frankum spent a few days in Toronto with her grand- m other, Mrs. Fred Breckell wbo returned to Burketon with ber for a visit.j revra aer aveven een Min, vMr. and Mvrs. ±Rooert Bate, now- * district. manville, Mr. Ross Ashton, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Etwell have re- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. sned fromn Seabright. McLaughlin. Mrs. Ed Caughill visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor, Black- NE~W iuiNVILLE stock. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Mrs. Richard Hunt an-d Kenneth, To- Mrs. Chas. Walters and Bruce ronto, Mr. Clarence Av'ery, Hay- ived borne from the Yukon don, with Mrs. H. Rahm. jstrict last v;eek and are visiting Mrs. J. Porter visited ber mo- ~r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- ther, Mrs. Munroe, Toronto. odBruce and sister, Mrs. Herb A large number of friends and ýson of Newcastle. Charlie neighhours gathered at Enniskil- e home on Sunday morning. len Hall Tuesday evening, Oct. 12, 1and Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer to bonour newlyweds Mr-. and Peter, Niagara Falls, visited Mr,. J. GilI, Mr-. and Mrs. J. Cur- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ran spent a day at the Gill's mer. ctaea oeyen MS. was hosteÊs to the Baby ctaea ocyen d on Tuesday aternoon when r20 babies and small children Of the 2,635,000 homes in Can- re present. Mrs. Wm. Patter- ade, 57 pcr cent are owned by the rNewcastle, gave a splendid people wbo live in them. INESDAY, THURSDAY-OCT.20-1 ~ IS LIKE A LOADED GUN l la1 tlils la wlth Til r DARING THEME SCREENEDI i ,À' SA EV NA Technicolor Short and Cartoon IýýiRIBDAY, SATURDAY - OCT. 22 - 23 M , IS IS NOT A GANGSTER PICTURE - M-G-M S THRILLER I WITH A NEW KIND OF RILLER! I JAMES DUNN in Technicolor NONC TUES., WED. - OCT. 25- 26 - 27 E- ~~K4M*G 6MIs TECHNICOLOSSAI. .STAR-SPLASHED MUSICAL! ESTHER' WILLIAMS LAURIIZ Jimmy JOHNNIE XAIRCUBAI and i Orchestra - IN TECHNICOLOR Movietone News Uartoon ENFIELD Those wbo attended Thanks- giving service enjoyed Rev. E. S. Linsted's fine message and the especially enjoyable music by El- dad choir. The congregation was not large but the collection plates were filled which gave evidence ot the thankful bearts of those present. Monday, night, Mr. C. R. Car- veth, Newcastle, showed a wîde variety of motion pictures of a highly educational nature. These pictures were also beautiful and very interesting, even to the small fry. Mrs. R. M. Seymour directed a lively sing song, wbich added greatly to a grand evening 's en- tertainment. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and family and Mr.-Aylmer Pres- cott with Mrs. C. Prescott and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith attended the funeral in Oshawa of Mrs. George Hepburn, Unionville. Glenn Prescott is recovering from a tonsilectomy. Mr-. and Mrs. A.-W. Prescott and family and Mr. Aylrner Prescott enjoyed a motor trip via Belle- vile, Madoc, Havelock and Peter- boro. TYRONE Discards Unions f or the Chain Gang jMr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell are now occupying their attractive new bungalows recently erected. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Linstead had as their guest, hîs aunt Mrs. J. E. Love, Lacombe, Alta. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds, Len- oro and Alan, Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests of Miss L. Reynolds. Rev. and Mrs. L. Linstead were in Ottawa a couple of days last %veek. Mrs. Love accompanied them and will visit ber daughter there. Rev. S. Seymour, Enniskillen, occupied tbe pulpît acceptably on Sunday evening and gave a prac- tical and belpful discourse. Our pastor was in charge of the spec- ial Thankoffering service at En- field. The public speaking contests for the school pupils of Darling- ton township are being beld this Friday night in the Sunday school room. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy enter- tained Women's Association of Haydon, at her home on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mrs. E. S. Linstead and Mrs. Jack McNab were bostesses for the Women's Asociation of Zion wbich met atý tbe home of Mrs. Balson oni Thursday afternoon. On Saturday evening, a com- mnunity gathering was held at the sehool in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truli (nee Ruby Clat- worthy), a recent bridai couple. Laverne Clemens acted as Master of Ceremonies and after a few 47 KING ST. F introductory remarks led the group in a sing song. Harold Wil- kins and Orvîlle Hindman made the presentation of a lovely floor lamp and picture of Mr. and Mrs. Truli with tbe best wishes of the community. Fitting replies ex- pressing grateful appreciation of the gifts were expressed. Frank- lin Trul itb Mary Niddery at the piano provided violin music and games, cards and dancing formed the evening's entertain- ment. Refreshments were served by memnbers of the ladies' service club. Mrs. H. Wilcox and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli xvere bostesses for1 a shower held at the bome ofj Mrs. Wilcux recently, when the bride was the recipient of many lovely gifts, and a pleasant even-1 ing was spent. Refreshments BOWMfANVILLE as Agent For PHONE 651 FAIRBAN KS m MORSE Automatic COAL STOKERS See the model now on'display ln aur ahow" rooms. It's easier and more economiccl to make installation nowl, When you install a Fairbanks-Morse Coal Stoker you get ail the advantages of automatic heating and cut your fuel bis besides. Thermostat control assures even, comfortable temperatures at al times. Furnace-tending drudgery is dons away with ; just fill the hopper once a day, when it suits you. Clean heat, too ... no more loose, dusty ashes to dirty the. house. Fuel bis are reduced because you use Iower priced stoker coal, and automatic controis regulate its feed to the firebed only wher, it's needed. There's absoluteiy no waste. Mrs. W. Theishurger has re- turned home by plane from a *class reunion at Carnegie Techni- ecal, Pittsburg. Mr. S. Saywell, Oshawa, was -guest speaker at Tyrone Sunday morning and Rev. Cresswell was preacher at Raglan.________________ Mr. and Mrs. Ce-cil Belîman and Janie, Bowmanville, with Mr. and fined to bed for several days suf- Frank Bailey bas been filled lr Mrs. John His. fering from a tbroat and ear in- and the bill cut down on the for- Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs' Mr. and fection. mer grounds. Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael visited Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Rahmn, Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Clara iMr. and Mrs. William Gibbs, Osh- Clern and Doreen, with Mr. and Marlow Mrs. Carl Wright, Mrs. MawandMs aeMCyo Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Purpie Hill. Dalton Dorreil and Miss Heler Brook]itî, witli Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Van Camp attended a shower on mnan Woodley. W cd. evening at the Sherbourne Mr. and Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bow- flLACKSTOUUS House, Toronto, given by Miss manville, with Mr. G. Phair and ____ Pearl Wright in honour of Miss Lance. 'Gwenyth Marlow, a bride-to-be A yealy event in our commun- of this month. Mr. and Mrs. G. McCoy and ity wbicl-t is greatly enjoyed was On Tuesday evening, Oct. 12, Jack, Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Bow- t he Public Speaking Contest of the 19th annual Black Preceptory manville, visited Mr. and Mtrs. A. the Cartwright schools in the Hall No. 398 banquet was beld. The mannfrawky vîthMs. M on Friday evenîng, Oct. 15. The -business session was conducted Mrs iG.foreand Ms. Nlli programn began with group sing- in the Orange Hall. The Grand Scrgi, G.sbawM and Mrs. W. ue ng under the direction of school Master B.A., John eSmith, Toron - Tcrner, Osarwan, Mr.iand Mr W music teacher, Mrs. L. Thompson, to, was present, also the Grand WT. Wor HrmnyvstdMs Mr. Earl Dorrell, chairmnan, called Censor, B.A. Gordon Menzie, To- MW. T, od Mn. Ei Mla the contestants, one by on e, to the ronto and the Deputy Grand tee- Mbrond vis. Hnr Mllr Ml.pltfr to present their speech. turer from Toronto, also visitors Wallace Mviiler. *mthrMrhe following is the list of pupils £rom Oshawa and Millbrook, Mr. Wallace Mr.Mray ato taking part. Harvey Johnston, Howard Saywell, local mnerchant, MnroaM. and Mn.rayCainl "Bambi"; Allan Jackson, "An In- was initiated. The banquet ln the ati onampo, Mr. and Mrs. l dustry" (Farmi) Lawrence Mc- community hall, was given by the CvainBracottoSnd r and Donal Laughlin, "Sur Fredemick Bant- L.O.B.A. Mr. Sam Jeffery was a Pverbo, Sar and Do.nalC, ing",; Doreen Cochrane, "Story of special visitor at the banquet. Mr-. Peeror, r.and A rie .Cato. Morley"; Irene Emerson, "Lauma Howard Saywell sang, accompan- Yellowleeswende gu e oCM.an, Secord"; Ruth Hamilton, "Our ied by Mrs. McGibbin at the pi- Hampton, 'eeget fM.adNational Flag"; Garry Ferguson, ano. Mr. Creigbton Devitt was Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Tyrone. "Aviation"; Phyllis Williams, "In toastmaster. Mr. Jas. Byers gave Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn, Osh- a Gold Mine"; Joan Venning, "Pa- a toast to the guests. Mr. Laverne awa, visited:her mother, Mrs. E. per"; Shirley Hamilton, "Joy of Devitt gave a toast to the candi- Shantz. HdS ~ a Reading"; Marie Hanna, "Parlia- date. Mr-. Menzie gave a toast to otyacopidM. Harold SinradDr ment Buildings, Ottawa'; Ruth the Black Order and Mr. Henry othyaccopaned M. HaoldWbitfield, *"Pauline Johnston";1 Thompson gave a toast to 'the Skinner to Woodbridge Faim Sat- Billy Brown, "Iceland"; Vera ladies. Several speeches were also urday where he showed sbeep. Harris, "Insects"; Phyllîs Strong, given. In the small hours a suc- Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Brecken- "Electricity." The judges were cessful evening xvas brougbt to a. ridge, Norman and Leona, Cen- Mrs. W. G. Bowles, Mr-. R. P. AI- close. treville, with Mr-. and Mrs. G. lin and Mr. McDonald of the Port Rosevear. Perry High Scbool staff. Mr. Me- viieMr. and Mrs. ay odonaP Donald, after a few well chosen H Clappe, BMrvl.an r.Gdo remarks, explaining the methodHA P O Mm. anBellvirs. Jc oheo! judging announccd the win- rt and .r.Jc oen ners: lst-Joan Venning on "Pa- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Rith Mr. Diane, Bowmanville, per"; 2nd-Shirley Hamilton on Wayne aind Kenneth, Ebenezer,ý wihM.and Mrs. F. Wright. 'Joy o! Reading"; Honourable' Miss Ruhy Dewell, Oshawa, visit- Mr-. and Mms. Geo. W. James, Mention-Doreen Cochrane, Irene ieci Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Bowmanville, were Saturday ev- Emerson and Ruth Hamilton. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair, Mr. ening dinner guests of Mr. and Wallace Marlow . presented the, and Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Cour- Mr. .Aked a and Acrs .e prizes fromn the School Board to tice, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Gordon Salter, Mr. at"andMs idPAcedr" To each contestant. These were a Mrs. Rceves, Oshawa, visited Mr. Mr. nd Ms. Sd PelarTo- nap-shot album, scrap book or and Mrs. Russell Luke. ronto, Mrs. R. Hunt andI Kenneth, flashlight. The final contest will Mr-. and Mrs. Elmer Williamson Bronte, Mrs. W. H. Rabm, Burk- be at Port Hope in November. ai-d Miss Mary Keith, Toronto, eton, with Mr-. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Miss Norma Hooey, w-ho is visited Mr. ai-d Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess and teaching Home Economics atý Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns andý Mrs. W. H. Taylor, attended the Weston, xvas home for the w-oek- Bai-bar-a, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. funeral o! Mrs. Jas. Burgess at end. Ted Kersev and Miss Joyce Scott Orono Tbursday and also visited Miss Gwenyth Mariow, Sher- and Lloyd Kersey, Toronto, at S. with Mr-. and Mrs. Herb Burgess. boumne House, 'Toronto, home for Kerscyýs. l A large number fi-rn this com-'th week-end. Miss Mary Wilkins, R.N., Osh-, munity cbartered a Garton bus Mrs. Fred Bailey is visiting Mr-. awa, visitcd her brother, Harold Thussda an atendd te powand Mrs. Maysmith Henry at and Mrs. Wilkins. ing match at Lindsay. Janetville. Mr-. ai-d Mrs. Theron Mountjoy Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and Many relatives and friends at-, visitcd Mr-. and Mrs. W. J. Chal- Teddv and Miss Dorothy Skinner tended the funeral of Mrs. Cecil lis at Bewvcley. visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Downey (Katherine iMcLauglln) Mr. and Mrs. Will Cation, Mi-. Brown, Newcastle. at Lin.dsay on Oct. 15. Sympathv an-d Mrs. Murray Cation and Don-, Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne McCoy o! o! this communitv is extcndcd 1t.o nid, Brampton, Mr-. and Mrs. Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. Har.- the bereaved childrcn and sister.I Ernie Hockaday and Eveline. Sa- old Skinner. Sympath.v is extcnded to Ms-r lina, vîsited Mr-. and Mrs. N. C. Mr. and Mms. Wally Mutton, Meredith Fallis ai-d family on the Yeliowlees. Mrs. Irish and Anne and Miss death o! Ms-s. Fallis. Mis. Caldwell who visited Miss' Nellie Mutton. Coîborne, with The Agricultural grounds have Wilma Leach bas returned toi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pbilp. been undemgoing a change. The Oshawa. Mi-. and Mrs. Alex Perger, new land bought recently frorn!Mr-. ai-d Mrs. Russell Luke and Hamilton, with Mi-. and Mrs. W. __ Rahm, with 'baby Perger return -______________________________ ing home with them. Many thanks to Mi-. W.* Thies- burger who donated a trophyl for the winners o! the so!tball league SA.O'" SV won this year by Courtice. Some 50friends and neighbours -- o! Tyrone met at the home of Mr. A D and rs.Perey Hayward and '. SDw- girls on Oct. 14 for a farewell pre- l sentation. They are leaving this l month ta reside in Bowmanville. Mrs. W. Park Jr. read an address and Mrs. W. Miller presented thern with a tri-lamp and littie Carol Yellowlees presented Mrs - Hayward with a bouquet of red roses while Marie Taylor and' Patsy Pbillips presentedMainnA-Codtn and Grace each with a bymnary. Each ane responded thanking their friends for theii- kind me- A R T'S G A IR A G E membrance. Cards and crokinole' were piayed. Lunch was serve, aftei- which a sing sang was en- HAMPTON- PHONE 2148 joyed. Mr-. and Mrs. George Thomp- ,;on and Mr-. and Mrs. Thomas, 1947 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN - Heater and under- Hamilton, Toronto, were guests l o! Mr-. and Mi-s. Chas. Stire. eoating, 8,500 miles, "Like new. Joan Beckett, Bowmanviile., 1946 PLYMOU~TH SEDAN - 'Spotiess inside and <ut spent the week-end with Mms.! Laura Vu-tue. 1942 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN - With ail the extras. Mr. M. Vu-tue, Mrs. L. Vu-tue "ýNew~ car condition." and Mi-. W. Hambly with Mrs ElI BeckttBowanvlle ~, 1941 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN "Nice dlean car." Mrsck F.tLByma s bleencn14 HV OC Ago u. Donmz'P . oT Urdbyn198TERP1- HL-TNP3-->TUC NOTICE To Users of Hydro IN THE Dowmianville Rural Power District which comprises the rural sections from Courtice on the west, to Hope Township on the easi, and also the south end of Manvers Township, including the Village of Pontypool. THERE WILL BE A DAILY POWUR CUT OFF MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY From 2:30 Io 4:30 p.m. Commencing Thursday, October 13àh, and continuing until furiher notice. Kindly note ihese hours and in your own inferests please co-operate whenever possible in only using hydro when absoluiely necessary. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWUR COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO were served. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren spent Thanksgiving week end with relatives in the Listowel district and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Alexander at Goderich. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Caverly and Mrs. C, W. Fouch were Mr. and. Mrs. Herb Rogers, St. Anne's; Mr. and Mvrs. Wm. McWood, Detroit, Mich; Dr. Norman Allun, Bowmanville. Douglas Caverly, Bowmanville, spent the week end at home. Three times as many electric bot water tank heaters were made in Canada in 1947 as in 1939. Careless handling or mainten- ance of heating equipment, caus- ed $7,390,000 damage by lire in Canada during 1947. I M 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows AccordinjK to size and cofldition-SnalI animais removed free. No trouble to the farmer. We do the Ioadlng HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICK PECONI, Owner THE APPOINTMENT 0F Lu, A. PARKER & SONS 26.-28 FRONT STREET W., j 1 CAADIANTaIrbaDIS *Mors THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TORONTO PAGE POURTEEN NOTICE Umm FARMERS £Un" ýecobiPA"