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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1948, p. 16

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THURSDAY, OCT. Ilat, PAGE SIXTEMI TEE CANADIAN STATF.SMAN. ~OWMAMVILL~ ONTARTO 1948 PAY CASH AND SAVE- MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD IN ME~MORIAM [BELL-In loving memony ai a dear mother and grantimother, Maude Cynthia, wifc af Lawrence Bell, who died October 21, 1945:. Peacefully be thy rcst, dear mother, It is sweet to breath thy name; In life we loveti yau dearly, In tieath we do the same. -Sadly misseti by Marguerite. Gwynne anti Ronald. 43-1* BROWNELL--In loving memory af a dear mather, Maria Brown- cli, who passeti away Oct. 19, 1947: One year has passed since that sad day, Whcn ane we loved was callecd away; Goti took her home, it was His wiil, 1 vvAi.inin our nLIar (.0 OLUClIveCLI MUTTON-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce still. Mutton wish ta announce the ar- -Ever remembereti by her dau- rival af a baby brother for Bon- ghter, Eva, son-in-law anti grand- nie, Howardi Bruce, on October'children. 43-1 7, 1948, at Bowmanviile Hospital. 43-1 BROWN-In loving memary ai a ur dear son. Clifford, ageti six THOMPSON-Mr. anti Mrs. Ro- years, who passeti away Oct. 24, landi Thompson announce the 1947: birth ai their tiaughter, a sister Bes ide your grave we aiten stand for Karcn, at Bowmanville Hos- With heart bathi crusheti anti pital, on Octaber 13, 1948. 43.1* sore, ________But in the gioom the sweet words TIGH -To r. ad Mr. Muraycame TIGH-.-T Mr ant Mr. Muray "Not lost but gane before." V. Tighc (nec Christena Camp- God knows how much we miss bell) a daughtcr. Lois Christena, you, on Wetinesday, October 13, 1948, lL'e counts the tears we sheti, at Bowmanville Hospital. 43.1'e And whispers, "He only slecps" "Your loveti one is not deati." WILSON-To Rev. anti Mr';. H. Sa xve'li be brave dear Clifford Leonard Wilson. \Veyburn, Sask., Anti pray to Goti each day a son, Meivin Paul, on October Anti whcn he calis us home ta 18, 1948. 4.3-1* you WITHRSPON-T Mi.and Your smiie wiil guide the way. WITHRSPON -To r. ati1 -Very sadly misseti by mother, Mrs. E. G. Witherspoon (nec father anti brother, Billie. 43-1* Phyllis Dyer) at Wellesley Hos- pital, Toronto, on Thursday. Oct. GARROD-In loving memory of 14, 1948, a daughter, Martha Jane, a dear husband anti father, John a sister for Stephen. 43-1. William- Garroti, who passeti ENGAGEM ENTS rMn. anti Mrs. Mike Vesna wish ta announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Eileen Bernice, ta Gardon James Burlcy, son ai Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Buriey, Newtanvillc. The wcdding wil t4ke place quietiy Nov. 6th. 43-1* ~Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. Balson, 'ampton, announce the engage- ecnt of their youngest daughter, ~rances Jean, ta Mr. Keith Albert illett. yaunger son oi Mr. anti edding E.willtkef plaeriy in'd ens. .nE. ili aeto prnfardi, ovember. 43-1 The engagement is announceti of a Hilda Mary Basil (Peggy) Lighe, second tiaughter ai Mrs. K1he anti the late Dr. F. T. JTighe, anti Harvey Wright af Aurona, son ai Mrs. Wright anti the late Mr. Atidison Wright ai Van Donf, Ont. The marriage wil take place quietly the latter part ai October in Bowmanville. 43.1* away Oct. 18, 1942: Beautiful memories cherisheti forever, 0f happy years we spent together. -Lovingly remembereti by wife anti family. 43.1* Help Wanted CAPABLE girl for housework. Phone 835, Bowmanville. 43-1 HIGH School girl ta help with iight housework in return for roomn and board. Phone 606. 43-1* WAITRESS, also a laundress re- quired. Apply Balmoral Botel, Bowmanville. 43-1 * CAPABLE woman or girl for a week or more ta help with house- work in small family. Phone 2052. 43-1l MAN for steady travel among con- sumers in Bowmanville. Perman- ent connection with large manu- facturer. Only reliable hustier considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. Articles For Sale ROLLS-ROYCE razor, good as new, Phone 2290. 43-1* SOUTH wind gasoline car heater, almost new. Phone 2191. 43-1* GOOD quality McIntosh apples. K. E. Dean, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1902. 43-1* CHEVROLET coach, 1934, in good running order, price $375. Phone Clarke 4440. 43-1* BOY'S suit, size 18, hardly worn, $15., cast $40; reason for selling, too small. Phone 631. 43-if MAN'S large leather easy chair; platform scales, weigh up ta 200 lbs. Phone 2852. 43-1 BOY'S leather coat, size 14, in good condition. Apply 103 Liberty St. N., Phone 391. 43-1* BABY'S pram, silver colour, like new; also baby's pink bunny bag. App]y 67 King St. E. 43-1* BOY'S overcoat, size 12, navy blue, good as new, Phone 835, Bowman- ville. 43-1 CLOTHES reel with platform. Write Box 145, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 43-1 BOY'S dark brown overcoat. sizeI 8 - 10; also baby pram. Phoneý 2809. 43-1 ONE 1936 Pontiac Special coach, in excellent condition. Phone 2544, A. L. Blanchard, Hampton. 43-1 STOVE wood, 12" lengths, beech and inaple, $3.50 single cord; oak and cherry, $3.00 single cord. Ap- ply Sam Manetta, Pontypool. 43-1* DYED rabbit fur coat; wvhite shag coat, both box styles, size 16; too smnall for owner. Phone Clarke 720-.43-1* GIRL'S wintec coat, dark brown; tweed reversible coat; bath size 16, good condition. Phone 2600 evenings. 43-1* PLYMOUTH sedan, 1930, in goati condition; aiso smail white en- ameileti caak stove with resenvoin, like ncw. Phone 900. « 43.1* FIVE walnut dining-noom chairs; high back icather seats; anc arm- chair; anc saliti walnut large side- board. 196 Church St. 43.1* FORD DeLuxe coach, 1946, iow mileage, heater, excellent condi- tion, privately dniven. Phone 761. 43-1 OLDSMOBILE sedan, 1934, in gooti condition, 6 gooti tires anti heaten. Phone 2058 after 6 p.m. 43-1 TWO new Lazy-Boy chairs with large foot stool, anc blue velour, the other rase, cheap. Phone 2174. 43-1 SLENDOR Tabiets are effective, The CANADIAN STATESMAN Classified Advertisung Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANES - $1.00 per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10c a line for verses per Insertion NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, EfC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must be paid before insertion. If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50e). Add 25c extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Additional Insertions at Same Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order ivith order ta get low rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE 'f. Articles For Sale GIRL'S'brown wool tweed coat, plaid lining, size 14: brown alpine flared skirt, size 12; red blanket cloth parka jacket, attached hooti, quiltcd lining, size 12; to be soid at a bargain. Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Phone 2367. 43-1 TRADE-IN cabinet and mantel radios, $10.00; Findlay coal stove with reservoir, $29.50; McClary electric range, $35.00; Beatty electric washer, guaranteeti, $59.50. Murphy's, Phone 811, Bowman- ville. 43-1* 1939 HUDSON 4-door sedan, low mileage, recently overhauleti, 5 gooti tires, splendid heater anti de- maoster, excellent uphalstery, ai- ways same awncr, gooti reason for selling. Apply Donald E. Gibson, Newcastle, Ont., Phone Clarke 1103. 43-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern chester- fieldi, bedroom anti dining room suites, anti studios. Betiting anti floor coveninga a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive pnices. Befare boying visit Brati- ley's New Funniture Store, 38-40 King St., W., Oshawa. 24-tf ________________________ iVL-J140-.11 MonIiLeal. 42-3 z weeics, suppîy $1.uu, 1.z wekSNE1W o±anlets for aid voollens. DEAT StS5.00, nt Jury & Lovell's anti Me- Turn in ail your aid woollens, anti DE T SNEVER before has there been suce Gregor's Drug Stores. 43-1 get branti ncw. ail-wool or pure a demanti for Avon Products. Re-- waol blankets, in ncwest colaurs, I MALLEY-At Pontypool, on Oct. presentatives needeti in South FOURTEEN cortis mixed hard a substantial savings. Custom 17, 1948, James Maiiey. beloveti Bowmanvilic anti Orono. Make waod in cordwood iength. Apply amatie, direct from miii ta you. handisf7th yc.intEmnt Beebe, youn spare hours pnofitable. Write G. E. Robinson, Yclvcrton, an%7A Ask for Îcatalogue today. Dept. 22, hsanth yai Tenitina Ponty- Box 131, Statesman Office, Baw- Highway. 41-3* Mdat iiMdatOtra pool eeey manville. 42-2* 4. Cemter. _____________________HEAVY rubbcn tire wagon. Would ___43-________l_ IMANNING-At Hinstiale, Illinois, WANTED for Toronto Christian exchange fan light wagon or smali HVOEl3 atrCah on October il, 1948, Minnie Man-hmilorwon 0t 45 years plgs.Apy isn brety * new paint job (Royal Blue); com- ning, auint ai Miss Evelyn Man- aid. for generai houscwork, plaini Jackman Ave., Phone 2419. 434*pîcte mator averbaul; nexv near ning, Bawmanville. 43-1* cooking. Seventy dollars manthiv i APPLES custom presseti. Sweet enti; nexv ail kace action; ncw Iprivate roam, board anti uniforrns cider for sale. LaSalle, Lot 2. Con. battcry, cables, plogs, etc.; four McMURTRY - At Toronto, on su ppiieti. Famiiy consists of twvo 3, E. Whitby, Phone Oshawa goati tires anti anc spane. Boick Sunday. Oct. 17, 1948, Walter aduits, two gnown chiltiren, six- 3430J1. 40-4 28 Coach, in gooti condition; Allis Blake McMurtry, formeriy ai Bow- day week, four cvcnings free; twa ________________ Chaimens Ail Crop 40 Harvester, manvilie. beloveti husband ai the iwccks' vacation with pay. Refer- HAPPY Thaught range, in goati in perfect shape. 2 miles cast ai late Arabella Prowver, anti dear ences requireti. Write or tele- condition, hcating aven. capper Caesarea, Victor Malcolm, Nestie- father ai Margaret. Proiver, LucyI phone Mrs. M. D. Allen, 9 Qucen neservoir, steel top nickel trim. ton. 41-4* anti Isobel. Interment Bowman- Mary's Drive, Toronto 9, Jonction' Carl Wright, Blackstock, Phone ville Cemetery. 6614. 42-2 Part Pcrry 106-32. 43-1* NEW team manure spreatier; new ___________________________set Case 6' tandem dise harrows; ROGERS-At hier late rcsitience,i OLDSMOBILE sedan, 1939, with new hcavy wire electnie rangette; Duke St.. Bawmanville. an Wcti- Wanted To Buy heater, in Ai condition, dlean in- new eicctric rangette; useti en- nestiay, October 20, 1948, Harniet side anti out; 1930 Durant sedan. amelleti cook stove; useti Quaker Wintec Rogers, widoxv ai Joseph :PIANOS-if you have a piano for Art's Garage, Hampton, Phone ail burning heater; electnic grain Rogers, in hec 9ist year. Rcsting1 sale telephone F. J. Mitchell. Bow- 2148.4,3-1ginr,3hpmtr;2alsno at the Morris Funcral Chape]. i manville. 43.1*-- fence; electric watcc pressure Service in the chapel on Satunday. EOR eîig1urîv - VENETIAN Blinds-F. F. Marris systems; cement mixer; Beatty at 2:30sep.m. Interment pauitny Ca., distributors for Canada's fin- water bowis; Super Pyro Anti- Oct. 23rd ti 23 ..Inemn trv u,%. Our pnices are higher. M. est venetian blind£. We measune Freeze; barbeti wire. W. H. Brown, Bomavil Cmeer.Ffatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r anti instail. Cail 480 for frce esti- Case Dealer, Phone 497. 43-1 13.S0FTH NKe-verse charges. 17-tf mates. 6f ______ ________________THREE-piece bcd autfits, $26.95; _______OF_________ HORSES: Olti anti crippleti. High. WALNUT bcd. spnings anti spning steel panel betis $13.75; spring-fiil- Mrs. Jas. Adams wishes tae'est price, plus bonus if delivereti mattress, with dressing table ta cd mattresses $24.75; 3 picce ches- thank ail hcer frienis, neighbours at T3rone. Also able ta kîlI at match; aiso unmatched dresser. terfielti $99; double doar glass ant reatîes on hei kxtinss.J rur iarm. Deati farm stock ne- Apply No. 2 Concession St. West. wardrobcs, special, $47.95; wainut andrslativesflor tiunîngherne- m oveti within an hour. Cail us 43-1 coffee tables $9.99; card tables, ~cntilnes nBomavileHo-colect. Margwill Fur Farm. special 99c; xvainut corner cab- cenitl also henursesanistaff Boxvmanviiie. Phone 2679. 38-tf jLARGE Qucbec heaten, with Si-'nt$19;btrqaitces .pital. also the urses and staff!lent Giow ail borner installeti; ies$29; eldqalt h anti Dr. C. J. Austin. 43-1* PRINTING Plant-out ai town Cosy Home cinculator; nexv bad-ti- fe suites. $159; feit base faonr byrwill purchase plant fuliy mintan racquet. Blake Short. cKings, ecibo 6cs,.$47.5; Fsti Mr.nd dhtrs. PManion ant rcequipped ta produce standard Phone 2479. 43-1 igic boe,$75;suo ,anddauhtes, arin ad Gacesiz peiodcal aswel asjobcouches, extra speciai, $49. Bradi- of yrce, ishte han thirpinting. Substantial cash avail- THREE piles ai dry inixeti harti- ley Forntiture Company, 38-40 manv fripnds and neighbours for' able. Reply in confidence, listing waad, in tree icngth: also quantity King St. W., Oshawa. 35-tf the magnificent party anti giitsi principal equipment anti asking ofa 2" clm planks. Apply R. Sten -________________ ;presented ta them, anti vill ber price, ta Box 141, Statesman Of- ger, Enniskillen, Phone 2824. ,gladtiet sec them at thein new l fice. 43-1 43.1* Personal 'home anytime. 43-1 ____4 i - HALLOWE'EN costume (new); H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubben- f Mrs. R. L. Worden and sisten, For Rent boy's nain caat, overcoat anti suit, gootis) mnaileti postpaid in plain :Made Mrs C.E. e~b t)wi1 - size 14 ta 16 , cars. Hockey gloves , sealed envelope with lirice list. ta express to their man\, irientis, ' TWO unfurnishieti oomis inni-e\ basketball. toogn plî Six sampies 25c; 24 samnples $1.00.I relatives anti neighibours theirilhome. Apply 35 Jane St. 43-. 1 Carlisle Ave. I Mail Ordex' Dept. T-381 No%,-Rtib- hearticît thanks anti appreciation-- -_____ ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ifon acts ai kintiness. messages ai ROOM, w~ill give breakfast if ONE-ton Fard panel truck, 1947, 36 -9 sympathv anti beautiful floral'pnefcrned. Phone 2809. 43-1 Serial 21 1H47-65555). Engime 6T- INDG r-- 387 1. real gooti condition anti weîî DIESTION, headachýes, nec- 'tributes extendedte t thcmi in their' THREE or four partly' furnisheti equippcti. Appiy Leon Moore, vous, Try praven FRUIT-A- ýrecent sati bereavenient in the loqss rooms. Write Box 144, Statesman T rn. n. TIVES, famous herbai medicine of a dean husband anti brother.! Office. 43-1* __ - ~ - ~ - iilseti successfull., for 45 years.ý t- APRTMNTSo434-r-msant 1938 DODGE coach, v.ith a ncxv'Brings relief quickly-tones op 1 APRTMNTSone -roms ndmotor. gooti tires. body in goati iiver-keeps bowels acti%-e-ne- Wanted to Rent twa 3-rooms, sepanate entrance, condition. Apply ta Rov Stinsan, stores gooti health-Reliable. 43-1 electricity, ail newl ticcoratei;, Blackstock. Phane Part Perrv ________________ .WANTED by mîidle ageti couple. r eaêonable nent. immediate po05- 197r3-1, 43-1* 'FPunnisheti apatment in Bowman- ssin on ope rfrei -ville. preferably with garage, 10 minutes from Bowmanvilie on STROLLERS - Prams - F. F. Mac-o Write Box 142. Statesman Office. Hîghway. Write Box 146, States- ris Ca. have the largest stock ai HARLEY'S Sehool ai Driving-1 ___43-____________ man Office, Bowmanville. 3-1 strollers, go-cants, totdile cants, Saiety equipped cars with dlual TRAINING Sehool employee de- cribs, etc., for the baby this side contraIs, l61ý Bond St. East. sirs t reit smhl anmin oom WatefaiToronto. You xiii save by get- Phone 5595, Oshawa. 40-4* sirest______a___________in__________e ting ur pices flrst. 36-tf ________________ Bowmanville vicinity, or a bouse- - or apartment in town. Mannieti, TWO ladies wishing ta came ta KITCHEN range, Pnincess Pat, in Custom Work 1 witb two chiltiren, nion-drinker, Bawmanville ta live desire small goodi condition. with coal anti f non-smoker. Can supply character heated apartment or share part' wýood grates. large aven. wvarrming PLOWING anti cultivatn.As anti business neferences. Contact ai home with hucepn priv- eac andir~ror John Ra'nm.' John Deere repair work anti B. E. Mprtiii. 73 Cronmwcll Ave.. î1e2cs. Write Box 143, Statesmian B tc: Phone Port Perrv parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 1 Oshawa, Phone 3351w. 43-l1v Officc. -t1-1 106-23. 43411 ______- - 19t i AUCTION SALE The undersigneti has receiveti instructions framn Chas. E. Taylor ta seli by public auctian at 12:30 p.m. sharp at LOT 23, CON. 10 CLARKE TOWNSHIP Mlle Nonth of Enterprise on Highway Na. 35 on the afternoon of Friday, Ociober 22 The follawing Farm Stock, Feeti, Implements, Etc.: HORSES Matcheti Team ai Bay Percherons, mare anti geiding, 10 yrs.; Brown Percheron Geltiing. 8 yrs.; Piebali Mare with foal at side : Piebali Mare, l-yr.-alti, part Hackney. COWS Hereford Cow, 4 yrs., due Fcb., milking; Hereford Cow, 6 yrs., due Fcb., milking: Hereford Cow, 7 yrs., due Apnil, milking; Brindie Cow, 7 yrs., duc March, milking; Brintile Cow, 6 yrs., due April; 8 Hereford year-olds; Brindie Cow, 8 yrs,, duc Aprîl, miiking; 7 Spring Calves; Black Jersey Coxv, 8 yrs., due April: 1 2-yr.-old Steer; Jersey Cow, 7 yrs.. due April, milking; Brintile Heifer, 2 ýrs., due Navember. SWINE Sow with 6 pigs, 4 wccks; 10 Shoats, 160 lbs. cach; 2 Soxvs, due in Navember. FEED 300 bus. of Ajax Oats; 150 bus. of Rye; 10 tons of Hay; 200 bus. of Buckwheat; 50 Bags of Potatoes. MACHINERY Cockshutt Manure Spreader, No. 4, near new; Buggy Scuffler; Fleury Tractor Piow. 2-furrow, nearly new; Cutter; Allis-Chalmers Tractor, Model B, on rubber, good as new; Otaco Rubber Tired Wag- on, near new; Single Plow; Ou.- Bath Binder, 7-ft. cut, McCormick- Deering, near new; 01-Bath Mow- er, 5-f t. eut, McCormick-Deering, near new; Corn Binder, McCor- mick-Deering; 2-row Potato Dust- er; M-H. 13-tooth Cultîvator: O. K. Potato Digger; Silo Filler, complete with pipes, good condi- tion; Coal Brooder Stove; Oil Brooder; 2 Coleman Lamps; Gas Washer with Johnson Motor; Set Team Harness; Set Single Harness; Coleman Iron. - Giving Up Farming - Quantity of Furniture Terms Cash No Reserve Auctioneer's Remarks:- Anyone wanting good machînery and live- stock should attend this sale. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 43-1 Work Wanted HOME sewing, crochetingÊ and knitting. Apply Mrs. C. A. Vivian. Hampton, Phone 2401. 43-11 Notice Farmers xvith poultry for sale contact me first. H-ave connections xvith a packing firm. Commission basis. Szam Manetta, Pontypool, Phone Bethany 20r1liw. 43-1* On andi after October I9th, 1 wil not be responsible for debts incurred hy my %vife in my name. Arnold McMurray, R.R. 1, New- castle. 43-2 For Sale or Exchange 1939 DIAMOND T ton and a half truck, in gaod condition. Will trade for livestock. 1. Bronstein, 4 miles north-east of Newcastle. 43-1* FOURTEEN-plate disc and twa- furrow riding plow, bath in verv goad condition; aIso eight-year-aid work horse. good worker andi quiet; for sale or exchang Jf o r cow's or voujng cattle. Applv J.,Ks' R.R. 1, Enniskillen, Phone 94 BIWl11S DRO0W-In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Tuesday, October 19.,1948, teoMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, ason. Mother and baby doing well. 43-1 CAMERON-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Caineron wish ta announce the arrivai of their daughter, Thurs- day, October 14, 1948, at Oshawa General Hospital. Mother and daughter doing wcll. 43-1 DEWELL--Mr. and Mrs. L . M. Dewell (nee Lorraine Pickard) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Richard John (Rickey) a baby brother for Randy, at Bow- nianville Hospital on Monday, October 18,1948. Mother and baby fine. 43-1 craters, domestic and rommercial,. I have been authonizeti ta seli Real Estate For Sale Higgan Electrie 42 King St. E by public auctian for Wm. Wadc, 1SXroe osKn t hn 3.2i anc anti a quarter miles narth aofSXrom 1husKige., pone43. 6- Courtice on Wedncsday, Oc t. 27, session ai three rooms arrangeti. NEAT-WTay Shoe Repair: Goad, at 2 p.m.. 12 vaccinateti HoisteinI Phoanc 2040. 43-i* substantial workmanship, reliabil- heifers, anc anti haîf ycars olti; 3FRM 2!arsto ies-s ity, dyeing, saling, sewing, etc. 1 heifers. not vaccinateti; 5 Dur- of Newcastle, gooti buildings, bush, TyteNa-aopst o; ham anti Hereford stackers. dow5 'creek. hydro. Appiy Sidney Brown, manville Cieaners. 7-tf breti in Fcb. anti Apnil. Ternis PhoneCak 51 3* R o n or cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioncer.1 nClre23.4- R o adB ad 43-1 1Found ROOM anti board availabie in new FURNITURE-I hiav.e been au-'-_____ home. Apply 35 Jane St. 43.1 thorizedti t seil by publie auction 1 RONSON lighter founti outside ,___________ for Ella Mclntyre. at the rear afi'Post Office. Owner may have same ROOM anti boarti availabie in 109 Church St., Bowmanville, on by paying for ativt. Phone 2.519. gooti home for two gentlemen. Saturday, Oct. 30, hier householti 43-1 .Phone 312. 43-1 effects inclutiing. tiining-room, FOUR smail calves have strayeti. Escape from punishment is nqo, kitchen anti bedroorn furniture; into my pasture some time aga. in accortiance with Gad's govern- staves. dishes anti many other Ow-ne a e aeb angm tsn jtieêthhnd articles. Sec itemizeti îist nexti e a e aeb aigmnsnejsiei h ad wee. al atI .m Tcmscah.: expenses. John Hantwig, Solina maiti ai mercy.-Mary Baker Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 43-_1 i-Poe20.43-1* Eddy. Mr. H. Van de Beit, Lot 31, Con. 3, Clarke Twp., 1 concession north10 anti 1 mile wcst ai Newcastle, is giving up farming anti wiil seli by public auction an Satunday, Oct. 23, at 1 p.m. ahl his farm stock, impiements, poultry.equip- ment, Autotrac anti a neariy new tractor pIaw. For further partic- ulars sec buis. Termis cash. Jack ___, 'PN O W.e. 4-2 ReiiauciocerN42 On Saturday, Octobcr_2ý_rdl948 The Bowmanviiie Lions Club wil seli by public auction at the Palm- er Motor Sales lot, 20 King St. E.. Bowmanviile, a large assortment anti variety of articles new and useti, donateti by the citizens andi October ta May is the period for Cod Liver Oil. business concerns ai Bowmanvilie Toarnaintain vitality and guand against colds Cod Liver anti surrounding community. Pro- Oil in either liquid oi capsule form should be taken daily cecds ta, be oseti for the construc- tion afi watiing pool anti other durinq these winter months. To-day ail Cod Lver Ois atidit*ans at the Lions Community ace fortified with additions of Vitamins A and D whiclr Centre Termis cash, na reserx'e.ý greatly increase its value in the prevention of vinter colds. Sale at 1 p.m. Wm. J. Challis, i Nwi h iet u o ie i auctioncer. 40-4 Nwi h ret byCdLvn01 A large consignment af modern furniture: building supplies: elcc- trie stoves; washing machines; electric radiios*-.aIl kintis oaidcc- trie xiring; gasoline engines; cook1 staves; kcgs 6f nails; 1940 G.M.C. truck anti huntiretis ai other articles, some neyer been useti. The prapenty ai Mr. Ted Woodi- yard, ta be solti at the Exhibition! Groundis, Onono, on Satuntiay, October 3th, at 12 o'clock noan. For further particuilars see bis.1 Ternisca. Jack Reidi, Auction- er. 43 - I The untiersigneti auctioneer wili seli by public auction an SaturdaY, Oct. .10, the farm stock and impIe- ments ai A. Hooper, Lot 35, Cori. 8 Darlington, known as the Hobbs Farm. anc mile west of Enfielti; the fallawing: 3 hanses: 5 gooti milk caxvs; 13 stockers, vrcight from 500 ta 700 lbs; 3 calves; 2 sa.:1 hoar, anti ail other stock ant i mplements. As the farn has been solti there %wull be no resenve. 1 Terms cash. Sale at i p.m. Clifi Pethick, Auctioneen; T. S. Mount- joy, Clerk. 43-2 Strayed BLACK cow. 4 vears aid, straveti fram Lot '2. Con.' 8. Danlington,-an October Ilh. An 'vone knowune xvhereahouits pleaie contact Hý Waad, Tvrone R.R. 1, Phonb.1 Onono 62r'18. 43-1* - Purtest Cod Liver Oul, Vitamin Tested. High Patency --------.---- -- ----- - -- . 85c.- $1,5 Purtest . Cad Liver Oul, Fcrtified 10 Times A and D Potency ---------.- ------ Purtesi Extract af Malt with Cod Liver Qil . .65c-. 5100 Purtest Perco Cad Capsules, Percomorph Liver Oul in Cod Liver Oil, 25 capsules.89c Purtest Halibut Livér Oul Capsules, with atideti Vitamin D, 50 capsules Purtest Plenamins, contain the six vitamins known ta be essential ta normal health, together with Liver Extract and Iran $ 1.15 Purtest Vitamins and Minerais Capsules, 50 capsules, 25 doses, for chiidren anti aduits .........981 Ayerst Caod Liver Oul witli Viosterai, rich in Vitamnins A and D. Mead's Standardizet Caod Liver Oul - .-- 75c-SI.75 Neo-Chemnicai Food Tonic, a deliciaus vitamin and faad supplement, excellza.t for children .-,i$.35-$2.95-44,95 JURY & LOVELL YOUR RE;.ALL DRVG STORE PHONE 778 When We Test Your Eyes It ls Done Propcrly BOMMA NVILLE .4... t...... BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 1Ù,000 READERS ýigwunnu a - 1 - A.. 1 . .. . - . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AUCTION SALE Livestock For Sale COMING EVENTS FIFTY hens, ane year aid. Phone Reserve Friday, November 26th, I have been authorizedti t seil by 2154. 43-1 for the bazaar andi tea sponsored publie auctian for Mrs. Gardon - by St. Paui's W.A. 43-1 Trevail, Administratrix for the TWELVE choice feeder cattle. Apply Murray Byers, Burketon. Dance at Tyrone Haln, Satur- Estate af the 43-1* day, October 23. Ruth Wilson's LaieGordn TrvailVariety Band. Admission 50c. Laie Grdon Tevail 22 YOUNG pigs. Howard Brent,431 112 Miles West of Courtice, Tyrone, Phone 2835, Bowmanvilie. ____ 31 at Tooley's Hill, on No. 2 43-1* Plan ta buy your Season's Tic.. ket for the Board af Education Highway, on 150 BLACK Australorps, three Concert Series. On sale now from S aurdy, ctoer 3 ronths old. Apply D. Hatider, ail Lions Club members for $2.00. SfraOtbr2'Hmpton. 43-1 First concert, Oct. 28th at 8 p.m. the follawing: in High Schooi Auditorium. 42-2 IMPLEMENTS TWENTY-ONE young pigs, six Binder, M.H., 7-jt. (good condit- weeks aId. J. T. Cooper, 356 Lib- Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Fni. ion Mwe, MH. St. Sed niierty St., N. 43.1* day, October 22nd. Ruth Wilson's ioM; ulivr, (Cackhtt nee r- WO prcre eies- rmVariety Band .Auspices of Enni- M.H., Cltiator(Cokshtt)near TW puebrd Leceser aniskillen Athîcti Club. Admission iy new; Farm Wagon; Corn Bmn- lambs. Alex McMaster, Phone Osh- 50c. 43-1 der, McDeering; Sleighs (tobog- awa 2921J3, Lot 29, Con. 5, Dar- gan); Wagon Box; Cutter; Gang lington. 43-2* Reserve Tuesday, Wednesday, Plow; Single Plow; Scuffler; Rid- Thursday, Friday, Nov. 23, 24, 25, ing Plow, 2 furrow, foot lift; Fan- PUREBRED Yorkshire hog, anc 26, High School Commencement, ning Mill; Scales, 2000 lbs.; Hay. and a haîf years aid. K. E. Dean, musical comedy "Trial By Jury." fark Equipment; Ladders; Sep- Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1902. 43-5 arator. 43.1* ___ HARNESS aar hrdy o.4h Set Team Harness (nearly new'>; TWO brooti sows, one with eight Baoaar. ThurdHay, ov. 4th, Collars; Horse Blankets; Mse-pg,5 weeks aid, other with fine aicl Is ns f nglwrk andyl, hame-conk- laneous Articles; Quantity of pifs, 2 weeks aid. Phone 2377,. ig; faywor, andy fish onde Metal, caulti be used for various LBowmanville. 43-1 Squilt daw and oatrnon teof purpases; Grain Bags; Chains; LEICESTER ram îamb, 120 lbs.; The Forest. 43-2* Forks; Haes; Whiffletrees; Neck- aiso twa year aid rami; stack of yokes, and many other articles; lean fail wheat straw. Cari Lions Club af Newcastle Hard Quantity of Cedar Posts. Wright. Blackstock, Phone Part Time Costume Ha1iowe'en Dance,' CATILE Perry 106-32. 43.1* Newcastle Communil.y Hall ,,Fri- 9 Heifers, Durhams, 700 lbs.*, 5 - - day, Oct. 29th. Dancing 9-1 a.m. Steers. Durhams, 700 lbs.; 1 Hol- 190 ROCK pullets, laying 50%; 1l Admission. 50c. Prizes for bcst stein Heifer, rising 3 years, vac- Holstein cow, milking; 1 Renfrew costumes. 43-1 cinateti, pasture bred; 1 Holstein eiectric separator, good as ncw. Bull, 15 months; Several Cowvs, T, W. Wilson, Newcastle, Phone Reserve the date, November 12, bred, and Springers. Clarke 2531i. 43-1f for *'Moonlight Cruisc'" sponsored FURNITUEb y Club 15. Dancing 9 ta i a.m. FURNTURECHOICE purebred Oxford year- t a Bernard Tierney and his or. Cook Stove, Qucbec, rcservo]r and lin g ram; also rami lamb. Pricetid~sr~PoetsfrteBw warming closet; Sideboard; Aiad- 'ta seli. Appiy Foster Snowden -avleRnkFn. 4- din Lamp; Pictures; Iran Bed and R *R." 2, Oshawa.4l*mnienkFd. 43-i Springs; Churn, and many other TeJhsnEtranr n articles. MATCHED team af Percheron MThe J anson En eotainstn Terms Cash Sale at 1 P.m. mares, five anti eight, thirty hun- Mislpse a F aliowdown, eiocuint Elmer Wiibur, Auctioneer. drcd pounds; thrélehundned bus. Nw pr enit vrety prgra in 43-1 of oats; eight tans af gooti mixed la.Ncwtnvlente ti ChurchmissFn hay; wonk harness, compiete, I c'ts, 5Oct. 29hat 8 p.m. dmissio practicaily new. John Hartwig, dls 0;Citrn2c 31 Auction Sales Sauina Roati, Phone 2208. 43-1* Blue Ribbon Shorthorn Sale at BROWN horse, seven years, sound atd oiy rRn the Fair Groundis, Oshawa, on weight 1600, penfectiy traineti for 1'TFTY o- oiq~hty acre farm. J. T. Friday. November sth, at 1:30 p.m. single garden work; also single Cooper, 356 Liberty St. N. 43-1* J. Baker, manager, Hampton, harness, single dray, plow and Ontario. 41-5: cultivator. Having no further' use Wanted for this outfit, will sacrifice ail__________________ FURNITURE SALE-Mrs. Rama or in part. Apply 658 King St., DAY care for small boy, 2 yearl' Turner. Lot 5. Con. 1, Clarke Twp., East, Oshawa. 43-1* aid, in respectable home, prefer- at Port Granby, xiii sel by public' abiy in North Ward, Phone 2845. auction on Wednesday, Oct. 27, at Pets For Sale 43-1 1 p.m.. her entire houschold cf -________________________________ fects. For further particulars sec PUPPIES-Phone 2194, Bowman, REPÀIRS bis. Terms cash. Jack Reid, ville. 43-1 _________________ auctineer.42-2REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- 0 t, loq IV - C: ý;J 1 -- 40c-$1.00 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNMVM=. ONTARM

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