,n t4friVaU "Durham County's Wreat Family Journal" YOLULME.94 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 2lst, 1948 6c PER COPY TENDERS NOT Three igantic Dollar Days Neature free Bus Trips Draw For $100, Cash Prizes Bowmanville Chamber oCm-rnning only on the days desig- merce bas completed plans for iinaed three of the biggest Dollar Deys A ew venture being tried out in the bistory cf the town. This by the Chember of Commerce kig event will take place Thurs-j will ho -buses running eround the day, Friday and Saturdey, Octob- Itawn of Bowmenvilo on Satur- er 28-29-30. Spocial buscs, giving'l day efternoon. Two schedules, free ridos ta shoppors, will run one for the north and one for the frôm the country end in town. A south wards bave boon drewn up. grand draw and special mercb- Fare ta the shopping centre of andise features are being offered town willbeh 5c and the fare home by the participeting mierchents. is free providing you bave a stub Considereble thought and plan from the coupon. ning bave gene into this merch- For all bus scbodulos please andising feature te acquaint the reed carefully the advertisement rural and urben citizons with the on page 7 te avoid confusion. value of shopping in Bowmen- Cash Draw Prizes ville. No stane bas heein bft un- To make it even more interest- turned te malce this the outstand- ingfrpol oso nB ing event of the ear. îIt in frpol aso i ov expotcd hat any iîî veumanville on these tbree big Dol- themselvos of the spocial bargeins i lareDas the Cbamem cf Com- being affered ta fi their Christ- mrebsarne ahv mas shopping îîst. ýdraw for five cash prizes of $50, $25. $10. $10 and $5. To obtein Specia Busescoupons for this draw al vou To make it easy for people ta 1 bave te do is purchase one dol-i got ta tawn ta sbop, special buses lars worth of merchendise et eny bave been chartered ta bring eny- 'of the perticipating stores and in one ia who wants ta came. la thîs 'rotumn with the merchendise you week's odition of the paper, on wili recoive e coupon. Write youm page 7, the Chember of Com- neme and address on the coupon, merce bas an edvertisement eut-1 tear off the bus fere stub, and de- liaing the vericus bus sehedules posit tbe coupon in the ballot box and aiso conteining twa coupons in the store. For each dollar's which entitle the halders te a free worth of merchendise you buy trip to Bowmanville on the day you are entitled te one coupon. and sohodule outlined. There is ne limit an the number For the return fare home each of coupons a persan may enter in customer who purcheses $1.00 the draw. worth of merchendise et eny of The drew will bo made Setur- the particîpating stores will e- day ovening, Oct. 30, et 9:30 p.mn. ceive a drew coupon and a stub in front of tbe Post Office. It is which will entitle the bakIer te flot necessary thet you ho proscrit free passage on a homeward when the draw is made to win bound -bus. these cash awards. Bus Routes Thursday, October 28 The first day, Cllecutt's buses will bring pessongers from New- tonville, Newcastle, Pontypool, Enterprise, Kirby and Orono on this one day only. On Frîday, Oct. 29, Gartan's Coach Linos will be running bus- es from Cpurtice, Maple-,Grave, Enfield, Solina and Hampton. The lest day on Saturday, Gar- ton Coach Linos wiil again ho runninge buses from Ceesarea, Bleckstock, Bumketon, Enniskil- lon, Hampton, Haydon and Ty-ý rone. These free buses wili bel Special Wmndow Signs "In ýordor tbat you mnay know wbich stores will be bandling coupons, special window stickers bave been made with e special Daller Days sign. A duplicate cf the sign appears in tbe Chamber of Commerce edvt. Only stores with theg signs are participeting in thÊtfllai' Dys aýd they cnly will bave'bbupons. Watch next week's edition cf The Canadien Statesman for more details of these three Big Dollar Deys, as well as the special velues being offered by Bowmanvilde merchents. Bowmanville Lions Club Voles To Help Form Oshawa Club Big Local Program Planned At the postponed Lions Club Plans are going forward hope- meeting held in the Lions omm-_fully, under Lions Club sponsor- unity Centre, Monday evening, ship. October, 18, a resolution Carried to l (5) It was recommended ta con- join with the Newcastle Lions tinue Lions Club sponsorship of Club and the Port Hope Lions the Oratory Contests at BTS, Club ta sponsor and help organ- ,vhich have met with great en- ize a Lions Club in Oshawa and thusiasm. (6) Assistance was sug- district. Preliminary steps have gested to promote *a Midget been taken and it is hoped ta pro- Hockey League. (7) The club will ceed with organization at an early take part in promoting free lib- date. j rary books for children. (8) The President Jack Brougli said projected Lions Boys Band is held that zone "A" 'Lions in Ontario in abeyance pending further talks were creating a solid front to carry with the Bowmanville Schools out the groat youth movement in- Music Derector. (9) It is planned stituted by Lions International. He ta form a Junior Teen Town ow- disclosed that the treasury* of ing to division of special rnterests Zone "A" Lions now had a surplus in the age groups. of $500,000 oarmarked for comm- These were the main things unity service and it was hopod ta outlinod in a very ambitious and have the proposed new Oshawa extensive season 's work in the Lions Club participate in this youth movoment. Aub Smith ad- great work. vocated immediate attention ta thîs work since the Recroational No Speaker Director, Bart Smithson. was The programme Chaîrman, Lau leaving and the work must be Dewoll, charged with the respon- kopt alive until decision is made sibility of getting a speaker for the to employ a new Direetor. evening, was absolved from blàme Other Business for flot providing one whcn it n'as Otho r reports included an out- learnod that ho had becomo the 'une by Alox MeGregor of the f ather of a baby boy that vory day. great Lions Community Sale The meeting then resolved into a Sat., Oct. 23. See advertisement business session. Before the very and spocial story on this in other important projects discussed were columns in this issue. Alex re- haif covered, almost haîf the memi- ported a comfortablo net from the bership prosont walked out to splendid play sponsored by the pursue other interests. The press club i n the High School last was flot cautioned ta refrain from week. Sublishing this oxample for the Bert Parker prosonted a nice enefit cf the new club being ciub gift to Lion M. Littlewood, gponsored. recently married. Tail Twister Big Programme Deac Goddard offorod apologies ta Rav Dilling for seissoring his Stan Rickard. Chairman, Boys tie and then drapod him with a and Girls Committee outlinod dozen, multi-colored, sweat shap recommiendations in this sphere replacements. gratofully receivodý for the comiL \inter: (1) The by the reeipient in a ïneat left- Father and Children recepti.on handod address. night ta be enlivened by' a promiin- Presidont Brotigh gave a short ent speaker identified wvith the report of the proceedings at the Youth Movemient and an attractiv~e Zone Advisorv etn in Peter- programme provided. (2) Lions bora. A box of apples, raffled for to ibe represented at each Thurs- the Bo, Scouts, brought $1225. It day Night Hlobby Night at the! was won bv Ted Chant. Winners Boys Training- School and visits ocf the. wveek's luckv draw for to be made \vith the students in hlockeyý tickets were. *L. R. Brum- hospital. (3) Memnbers nainied ta mcli and Ken Palmer. help on Teen Town for the com -_________ ing season. A unique "Druggist Night" was Music Festival held at Ontario Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Much interest %vas created In Port Hope, on Friday night. The point 4. which outlined plans for work cf the evening was conduct- the revival of the Music Festival ed by druggists of the district in- for Bowmanville and District. A cluding J. Ross Stutt and P. R. joint meeting of the committee Cowling, Bowmanville. During and the music teachers of the dis- the evening Rt. W. Bra. C. B. trict which resultod in an agenda Tyrrell, D.D.G.M.. officially in- drawn up by the music teachors vested V.W. Bro. Lamne Plummer which strcssed careful selectioRq as a Grand Steward and present- of an adjudicator as necessary ta ed him wvith his rogalia on behaif the Èuccess of the undertaking. of Ontario Lodge. ASKED FOR IN BRIDGE CONTRAC? Guelph Esccxpee Captured Here By Cons. Kitney While on a routine patrol cf the town eariy Thursdey marn- ing, Night Constable B. R. Kitney apprehended Edward Lefebre, 21, one of five Guelph reformatory Council is Against Tenders' Put Bridge Contract Through Arena By-Law Mleets Delay inmates wbo escapepd Sunday In a hectic special session cf Motel Rendezvous evening. Town Council Tuesdey inight, It may bo a cainciden'èe but a ta discuss "pressing problems" the W. B. MeMulien, saimo narne as Constable Kitney, accompenied only items brought ta a conclus- appeers on the stationery cf Mc- on his nocturnal prowl 'by res- ion were the passing of e by-lew Mullen end Brum, was registered taurant ownem Louis Laskaris, euthorizing the 1948 municipal et the Balmoral Hatel, Oct. 9 and was checking the main bighwey elections and jamming through 10, where hoe was visited by Depu- an arbitrary bld te construet a ty Reeve Allison and Town En- on the eastemn limits of town, bridge over the creek near the gineer Bickeli end the ovidenco xvhen near the Creamt of Barley Jackmen Nurseries. Delayed were of the usuel refreshments were Camp, hoe saw e man welking eest. the Arona by-law and decisian ta cieared out by the botel manage- The heur was ton minutes ta bire e new Recreetional Dîrector. ment eftem the party wes over. A rump Cauncil assem'bled with The case is now closed with the three. Councillors Dilling, Patterson and acceptance of the bid put in by The man's response ta ques- Niddery absent, and the quorum letter from McMullen and Bmum, tiens were vague and net too wes dissolved when Reeve Baker wha did net eppear in the coun- satisfactory and bis clothes, even walked eut after the bridge issue cil chamber for questioning. in the dimn light, had the appoar- was settled and befare represen- Routine business included per- ance of a uniform. Becomning tations xverc cancluded by a dole- - mssin that Chamber of Cern- suspiejous, Constable K it n ey getian frorn the CommunitY merce1 may employ a special veb- searched the man and found a Council. icle on the streets te boost the $ sand bag used by underworld Lofe Bid ýDay on Saturday, Oct. 30. Roads characters for lulling, victims te Presented by wey of a letter and Streets Committee was given sleep. Ho aise found a newspaper, from contractors MeMuillen and power toaect on request of Roy clipping wbich described the ýBrum, 74 Dentonia Park, Toron- Nichais ta cut certain trees about break frem Guelph reformetory. 'ta, a bid of $5,632 was put in te do bis new garage et Silver and At this point, Lefebre readily th, work on the Jackrnen bridge Church Sts. Mr. Nichais leter ep- admitteçi bis identity and was tek- with certain oxtras indicated peared to ask permission for on into custody without offering wbicb may greatly increese the paved entrance and oul tanks on resistance. cast. A former tentative prîce wes bis praject. . Ho also stated thet the fiftb received from the Toronto Con- Election By-Law member of the escape group was struction Ca. on May 3, 1948. A By-law for municipal elections, slepin ine ciekn buseinmotion frorn Cauncillars Jamie- involving Council, Board of Edu- tbe area, but an extensive search son and James ta call for tenders cation and Public Utilities,. calîs conducted by Constable Kîtney was vated down. All other coun- for nominetons, Nov. 26 and and Provincial Treffic Officer cillors present supported the elections, Monday, Dec. 6. Ray Kowai failed ta produce eny- view of Mayor Little thet the By-law for municinal amena ta thing. t work should 'begin et once and assure receiving the govt. grant Lefebre will be retumned t the above bid was voted tbrough of $5,000 wes laid on the table Guelph ta serve the balance cf on motion of Deputy Reeve Alli- pending the next meeting wben bis terni.sn In the meentime, Constable sn the Town Solicitor is ta be pros- KiLney is receiving congratula- Stampede Rush ont ta explain all phases of the tions frorn bis colleegues for a The contention of the opponents provincial reguletions. fine bit of police work. for tenders wes thet the job wes Unanimous epprovai wes given ________________ too smell ta ho attractive ta con- tbe request of the Rink Commit- tractors. The Reeve and Deputy tee ta take aver the $15.000 vated B.H.S. Takes Whitby Reeve, suppomted by the Mayor, by plebiscite out of McGili Fund Y ane that the wark bad ta ho and the proceeds cf the sale of In Rugby Game 8-7 done et once ta accommadate the the Horsey Block of $9,500. Only - -public and the disposai of gar- resorvation wes that cest cf the Outclassed in field play bage. Deputy Reeve Allison beld plaque mentioned in the Harsey Bowanvlle Hig Seool thet even a price of $6,000 should deed would came out cf the log- Bowmnvile Hih Scool not stand in the way of complet- acy funds. rugby teamn edged Wbitby ing the proj oct. Councillors JanmRcrsin ea High School by one point to, ieson and James, in demandi' Appearing for the Commiulty' ivin 8-7 ln the game piayed tenders as the best sefeguerd of Council were President A. M. Wednsdayon Hgh Shool seving expense ta, taxpayors, Thornpson* Secretary Mari aie Wednsda onHig Seool painted eut that the matter had Coucb and Executive momber grounds. Bowmanvilie scored been deleyed since spring with ne Mrs. L. C. Meson. Mr. Thampsan a touchdown in the second attempt ta cehil tenders. presented -nimeographed copies quarter when Cattran took a Corridor Conference cf the representations cf the nass for a 10 yard run. De-. Exemining the letter cf the 'bid- Cammunity Council and made a Geer converted and also pick- dors it waàs notclear wbether the ed up 2 points kicking to the figures hed 'been eitered. But a representetive cf the firm wait- deadline. lng in the corridor, confirmed the Whitby toolc to the air in arriaunt of $5,632 when the letter the third quarter, ran a con- wes teken out ta him. It became verted touch after a 40 yard apparent thet et least one con- trectar wes enxiaus for tbe job et toss, added another point i the erbitrary price quoted. Fur- the final quarter with a kick ther feets wero leemned by The after Bo-.,nianville was pen- Stetesman wbich mey bave bed alied10 Yads.W , bv on.labearing on the case. - verted 8 short forward Passes and one long one to Bowman- viile's one convert. The locals held te ulne plpnging wlth littie advantage throughout. Bowmanville Legion "Open House" A Brillicint Affair Mr. and Mrs. F. C. On Golden Wed< Talented Violinist A tastefully decorated club bouse obtained the approvai of many visîtors on the occasion cf the Bowmanville Branch cf the Canadien Logions 'Open House" beld Seturday efternoon and ov- eîîing. Visitors were met et the dam -by President Cliff Semis and members cf the executive who conducted a tour of the ro- ~- noveted building. Outsiders were greatly inter- csted in the \vay the downstairs bas been tumned into e big meet- ing hall an one side and on the other side wa gmes roam. Alsa on the graund floor is a smeil re- 'freshment stand wbore chocolete bers, saft drinks and cigarettes may be purchased... On the second storey the exec- Donna Gresce utive of the Legion bas a board room end another roomn is devot- Headlining the grand Musical ed for a reading room. The re- Concert booked ia the Lions Club mainder cf the upsteirs is devot- Concert Series, cames Miss Donne ed toaepartment fer the caretaker, Grescoe, the 20 yeer aid Winni- Art Kilpatrick. D.C.M. peg girl, nemed by critie Augustus For this speciel occasion the on- Bridle, as "Probably the world's tire downsteirs was beautifully most thrilling womnan violinist." decorated with ferns, pelms and She will play ber brilliant num- mums supplied by' the Atkins bers on the $12,000 vialin pro- Flower Shop. During the efter- jsented ta hem b3' the admiring noon and evoning music wes sup- cîtîzens çf hem native city. plied and every cPPoxtunity wes At the Corieert, wbich will be given the visitors ta bave a goad held in the High School Auditor- time listening to special music ium, Oct. 28, Miss Grescoe will ho provided by Paddy Welsh and bis supported iby Miss Mary McDon- aýsistar.ts or ta play games. Iaid. Toranto-bomn pianist and The' Ladies Auxiliary of the ]vric soprano, youthful Miss Doris Legion. tindor Mrs. W. Thetford '%van, soprano ýgraduate of Tor- and hem committee, were in onto Conservetory of Music and charge cf the refreshments. The Eari Dick, Winnipeg lenor. for- -ames room was used by the lad- mer RCAF airman. It is beiieved ies ta serve tea. The heed table this musical concert wvill bhoanc xves testefulvy decoreted with a cf the bighest musical talent ever lace tablecloth, silver candlesticks ta vîsit thîs community. and a silver basket filled with __________ bronze baby mums as a centre piece. Ladies belping with the tee in- Durham County Club cf Toronto cluded Mrs. Cendier, President will celebrete its 5th enniversery of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Coyle. Mý%rs.' et the I.O.D.E. Hedquarters, 182 Large, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Humn- Lowther Ave., on Tbursdey, Oct. phrey, Mrs. Faulkner. Miss R. 28, et 8:15 p.m. Lt.-Col. the Rey. Bate, MrF. Galchell. MrF. Kilpat- W. F. Banister xiii ho guest rick, Mrs. W. H. Bates and Mrs. T. speaker. Ail Durhamites are in- Graham.. vited to Ibis memorable occasion. Are You Really Building Th at For Us, Mister ? - Gosh 1 Bily McKnigbt, 9, George Kennett, 8, and Brian Barrowell, 7, just carC-t believe their eyes. as-Contxactors George Frostad and Don Maclean show them the architect's drawing cf Bowman- ville's New Amena. Yès, boys, that Amena is being built for you and other youngsters lîke yau, as wpll as for the adults of the town and district. But, there is one catch. To build an Amena a greet deal of money is required and the Committee in charge -needs flinancil ! 1iet, from every:citizen in the cDmmu nity ta comple 1te this prai oct whlch will add sa much ta thie fàuur prosperity and recreation cf this entire dlt'c. If you are interested in the welfare of your to~ and its young people don't besitete longer. Takk your donation ta thé bank te-day, -and please meke it as generaus as you- can. complete case for continuing the work and for hiring at once a new St. Paul's C.G.I.T. n u.m Bart Smithson, recentlyrosigned. HodFrt etn em ra I K m zn Action was deferrod when it wa s For Fall Season TUfU i senthtConillckda quor-___Footings ffow Almost ICompleted um ta deal with this extremely important matter. A summary cf St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held at th rprsetaiosmae y heth hm o Ms.G.C.QuDut Donaton ____ ily ee e Community Council will be made Oct. 12. Most of the -irls were ain r e ty N e e in this paper as a matter of public presenit thus starting the season infomaton.well. The new members were Aftar Just one week's work on made 'to acquire funds whlch infrmtin.warmly welcomed. Any other the new Memnorial Arena, the con- have already been promised frorn girls in this age group are invited tractors have already excavated n'erchants and possibly the fol. u.ta attend. Mrs. Quigley announced for the foundation, liave laid the lowing week the final arrange. Pethik Bo ored that the girls would conduet the cement footings and by the end moents for the town canvass will worship service for the Ladies' of this we<ek expect to have part be completed. Only donations re.. y. Presbyterial at Newcastle on Fni- of the foundatior> laid. This is an ceived this week wore from Mn. aing Llnniversary day evening, Oct. 22. amazing record -lien it is con-To.oud$5,ChsCata ) ________ Isabel. Cruickshank gave an in-siedtatam hsaped $25 001 and W. Pingle $10.00. The Happily surrounded by ail their teresting description, of her bhl- thoir operations almost every day. Cor*nmittee wish it made dlear family of two sons, one daughter day et the Ontario School for The cemnept work is beîng rush- that they will not, spend one cent and two grandchildren, Mr. and Leaders et the Ontario Ladies ed at high sgeed because cf the mare than they have in the build- Mrs. Frank C. Pethick quîetly College, Whitby. Carol Tuerk, danger of frost which has a dot- ing fund. As scion as the money celebrated their Golden Wodding Colleen Hutchinson, Myrna Tuerk rimental effeet on the laid con- thoy have is finished the work Anniversary in their Bowman- and Marilyn Hall each told about crete. They oxpeet to be liiying will stop until such time as More ville home, 55 Queen St., on Wed- a part of thei.r camp life at the blocks on portions of tho founda- money is available. nesday, Oct. 20, 1948. The occs-Oak Lake C.G.I.T. camp* and tion before next week. The entire The Committee also urges that ion was one of a quiet family din- showed sorne of their crafts and operation is one which is so well ail people of the tewn, including ner but many friends called and some snapshots. co-ordinated that very little time those who think the Arena should many messages of congratulation1 A very delectable lunch was has boon wasted.1 be in a different location, or and floral remembrances were sorved by Mrs. Quigley. The, Unfortunately, they have lbeen placed differently on, the present received during the day. meeting closed with taps. hindered by youngstors who in- location, or cheaper or dearer,, At he venngdinertase-sist on walking along the banks forget their pet peeves and get fully decorated and graced wi th Darlington Council of tetocekokn ol-bhn h rje rmbr n a wddig ckewer daghtr ~'ers and dirt into the ditches which The faet that Bowmanville, which Mrs InadM. caughton, ugTrn, vacs.LIplcto have been cleaned eut. Mr. Thom- bas been without a clased !ce te, naM emlo e ith the ncrne-Fora measliatonHeighton, who has, on occasion, surface since 1936, is et lest going tax Branche siethe th no eir Game Iardens acted as a reserve policeman in ta have an Arena is definitely a us ban inn atohacdet; on e the town, bas been appointed as step forward and one which wifl hsa. H. anBud) thiacelor At the- Darlington Township watchman from 4 until 5:30 in influence the pregross and pros- anh as. veteranwth t he Roa Council meeting the clerk was in- the afternoons, s0 that this nuis- perity of this muliicipality in the ank, vTorn, sonTed thickoya structed te write G. F. McNeely ance can be stopped and se that 'future. The Arena, in the Corn. residenTorin Dtr, Mich., orthek regarding one case on relief; aise no children will be iniured. mittee's opinion, will be a struc- past 5 erwoccupies an imr tat C. A. Poynton regarding lurn- The entire project looks ta, be ture cf which the citizens will be port25antpstonwh a fuinanial ber purchased for Rundie bridge. proceeding according to plan, if proud. AIl that is asked is that cporatpstion, ad istw a nciln By-law was passed setting the net faster, except for the dona- every citizen gîves ai the finan,. rate of taxes ta be charged on tions which are coming in so ciel assistance possible. The Corn. age 12 and 14. . dogs. slowly that, unîess there is some mittee bas done the planning and In the toasts and remîniscences The Clerk was ordered ta write change, it is doubtful if funds wiIl bas spent considerable time on the fernily circle heard something the District, Forester at Lincisay permit the Committee ta do mucb the projeet and feels certain that o f the wedding day beif a cent- te arrange a meeting for the ap- m"eore than put up the sheil this sufficient moey will be forth. ury ago. Frank Pethick and Mary 1peintmonnt of Sub-Game Wardens year. ceming tai complete the structure Paul, bath Bowmanville residonts, for Dalntn hswe n nefr I etiyar were married bv the bride's bro- C Drin g en. d he Liabiîitywekndaefotil e syer ther, Rev. Dr. 'Charles T. Paul, lnsuirance with S. R. James with ono of the greatest scholars and premnium amounting ta $354.88.Tr orators of Canada, who died a These bills ývere paid: Bell rnt U iedC u c A nî rs y fev years aga while a Professo er hoeCa., Service Charges, nt ntdC uc n ies r in thoe USA. ,$3.34; Geo. A. Barron & Son, Gas M * mreietn Bwavil or for Mower, $2.;S.RJames, Services M'ark Another ilestone Pethick harked back ta the days Hogarth, Sept. Salery, $147.50; hefore the telephone came ta. this 1 J. D. HIogarth, Postage & Excise, Another milestonc in the histor.' Christ tbrough his church. district and courting toek place1 $5.00; Arthum Found, Sheep Dam- of Trinity United Church was At the ovening heur of service;' ivith the clegant herse and car-'ages, $15.00; G. F. Annis, Sheep successfully marked on Sunday, Rev. S. R. Henderson. minister of niage equipmoent of that age. Mr. Inspection, $2.40; Art. Milison, 2 Oct. 17, on the occasion of the Trinity, conducted the worship Pethick told that the first tele- Informations, $2.00; Mrs. Etta anuel Anniversary and Thank- ind welcomed the members of phone exchange had been set up ' Page, Witness Fees, $3.00; Mrs. Offering services. St.' Paul's United Church and in the promises he now occupies1 Howard Stevens, Witness Fees, Rev. R. G. Carruthers, M.A., their minister. Rev. G. Cameron on King St. witb Archie Bing- $3.00; Walter Reynolds, Federa- of St. Cutbbert's United Church, Quigley who read the lesson. hamn the first manager for the tion cf Agriculture, $934.10; Re- Toronto, brought impressive and In bis message on "Rteverence," Bel Teephne ompnyie1f, $239.35. înspiring messages ta the large Rev. Carruthers pointed but that BelTda, .ph ethCmipthany. s congregations at bath services. in this lifetîme ho had witnessed, businessman in peint cf continu- O usa.Otbr5 ru aigbsmmigsro wîth increasing alarmn, the de- On ueday Otobr , agrupthe theme: "What Cburch Mno ln e nrvrnefrGd n ous service ta the public, in the of friends drove ta the home cf bers Cen Do For God," Rev. Car-dn nrvrnefrGd n tawn. Meny aid frîends stili fore- Mrs. Eva Broome, Bethesda, and ruthers presented a stirring chal- for those tbings which are ods, gather daily in hiî shop te beer gave hem a surprise pBi't,,-. T' longe ta aill, but especially te the sueh as God's house cf worshîp "Barb" recounit the changes that prosontod hem with a table lemp voung people to censider entering arnd the Sabbath Day. He placed ave came in the past thmee quar- and a pair cf shoots. Entertain- 'into full timo work cf the cburch. the blame for this decline, whjch ces f a centuiry. H(ý gets about ment fo!lowed th(-r. : ~nHe stressed the importan-e cf. is ,%,akeniiig the moral fibre of without cane or cruitch, drives bis and a liberal quantity of food pro- each member doing bis or fier itentoa h oroh (Continued on Page Eight> longed the time enjoyed by a.. 1 part ini advanci.ng the Work ofj (Continued on Page Eight), j Zbe