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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1948, p. 3

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THURSDAY1 OCT. 2Ist, 1948 111 porting; younger groupa assisted Future Community ron i iaos in football, basebali, hockey, track and field, figure skating, lacrosse, ep n on A ton of T w o n i part of youth care. ________Memorial Park Rink At the general meeting of B ow 1949 Program Mr. N. J. Scott offered rink fa- m~anvlle Community Council The revised pragram set forth cilities in Memorial Park for the held in the Lions Communit,.o- 94 sa flos winter or until new rink com- Centre, Oct. 8, it was resolved to 4 *Te on xaddwt pleted, was gratefully accepted. pl.ace the 1949 programn before Itwixpceth~ ow on Town C ouncil with ~a request fort more supervision. cil wili call a special session to the usual support given to engage 2. Stamp Clubs; Senior club to j hear representations from the a competent Recreational Direct- assist juniors. Community Council and ta take or. Interest in the question was 3. Swimming; an absolute to1 action in view of the fact that shown by an attendance of aver 'train more children. -the present Recreational Director 80 percent of the Community 4. Day Camps; to ask use of leaves for Dunnville on Oct. 31. Council and many citizens on an Federation of Agriculture camp- evening in which a heavy ramn site. fell steadily. 5. Pet Show; to be continued. i6. Supervised piaygrounds to WEDDING The resignation of Bart Smith- 'be more effective. son, who organized and conductedJ 7. Public speaking group; Mus- LARMER - SNOWDEN the activities of the Commun ity ic appreciation graup; Camera Council led to meetings of the club; Dramatic club; aIl aduit Simcoe Street United Church, executive and the general meet- groups, to be continued. Oshawa, decorated with palms, ing was called to place the whole 8, Fireside Sunday graup to be yellow and bronze chrysanthe- question before Town Council.' It 'further discussed. mumis with white satin bows was feit by majarity opiniôn that 9. Waodworking; continued in marking the pews, formed an ef- it would be almost a civic cala- Public School. fective setting for a wedding Sat- mity to abandon lhe work now. 10. Sports; older groups self-sup- Mis,; arafternoon, Oct. 1 he Dowmanville Motor Sales Bowmanville Moto r Sales DODGE AND DE SOTO SALES AND SERVICE 166 KING ST., E. PHONE 585 ATOIZE I I I A DALE Snowden of Oshawa, was united in marriage xith Mr. Ralph Mii- vert Larmer o! Blackstock. The bride is daughten of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden, Oshawa. The bridegroom is son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Larmer. Blackstock. Rev. J. K. Moffatt, B.A., per!ormed the ceremony. Mrs. Reta Dudley, Bowmanville, presided at the or- gan and accompanied Mr. Don Aliman. Oshamia, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" at the commence- ment of the ceremony and "Be- cause" during the signing of the register. Escorted by her father who gave ber in marriage, the bride wore a graceful gown o! white fnosted moire taffeta fashioned with a moulded bodice and a floor-length gored skirt. The bodice was high- lighted with a sweetheant neckline and long lily point sîceves. Hen veil o! embroidered tulle illusion, which swept into a train, was gathered ta a headdress embroid- ered in seed pearîs. She wore a double strand o! pearîs, the bride- groom's gift and carried a white open bible showered with ribbons and crested with gardenias.' Miss Lois Larmer, Blackstock, sister o! the bridegroom, was maid o! honour. Miss Beryl Larmer, Blackstock, another sisten o! the bridegroom, and Miss Helen Cox, Toronto, were bridesmaids. Al the attendants wone identical frocks o! frosted moire taffeta in a soft shade of green, styled with fitted bodicýs and fully gored skirts. The bodices wene made with scal loped portrait necklines and short siceves which were alto finished with scallops. They wore long mittens fashioned o! the same material as their gowns and crownless bats with scalloped bnims baving long streamers of matching ribbon at the back. They each wore a gold necklace set with pearîs, the gift o! the bride, and carried powder puff bouquets o! yellow rosebuds with frit sof yel- low tulle with long streamers of. green ibbon. Mr. Bruce Taylor, Solina, per- formed the duties of best man. Mr. Rots Cryderman, Sauina, and Mr. Gerald Cox, Richmond Hill, were ushers. The reception was held at Ade- SALE -OCT. 23rd NO RESERVE BIDS Wm. J. CHALLIS, Auciioneer. This will be a gigantic sale. The Lions Club expects to off er at this auction 500 ARTICLES bath new and used, danated by citizens of the commun- ty and business f irms dealing in this area. A f ew of the items ta be off ered are listed belaw: FURNITURE:.. 1 table lamp (new); 1 rocking chair: 2 kitchen chairs; 2 table lamps: 1 dresser; 1 coal oil stove; 2 wash stands; 2 brass beds, 1 bed spring; 1 baby's commode chair; 1i what-not; 2 feit mattresses; 1i dock; 1 baby's basinette; 1 V'ictrola; 1 book case; 3 tables; 3 floor lamps; etc.; etc. PRODL-CE:- 8 bus. Spanish onions; 10 bus. apples; 1 bus. pears; 5 bags potatoes; 3 bus. carrots; 1 box butter, 1 bus. turnips; 20 6-qt. apples; etc.; etc. IIS('ELL.%NEOt-S:.. 2 lawn mowers (good condition-, 1 pair men's shoes size 9!._); 12 pairs bloomers (ne%,); 6 ladys purses: 2 24-qt. cases motor ail; 1 silver pie plate: 1 silver flo-wer basket: 1 bag coai: i pair ski boots; 1 pair lady's speed skates; 2 ash sifters, 1 electrie mator; etc.; etc. In Case of Rain Sale will be held the following Saturday, Oct. 3th -' Samne Hour - Same Place THE C ~ANAflTAM 'rATEMAN. W. RIANMTT.. OràwAuTr Wed in Nestleton United Church MR. AND MRS. WILLARD THOMAS COOK % who were wed recently in Nestletôni United Church. The bride, who is.the former Bertha Jean Malcolm, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Malcolm, Nestieton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cook, of Oshawa. -Courtesy Times-Gazette. laide House, Oshawa. To receive the guests the bride's mother wone a peari grey crepe drets. French silk embroidery accented the bod- ice and soft drapeny lent interest ta the skirt. She wore a fur neck- piece- of brown squirrel, an off the face bat o! black feit with matching satin trimming and pink carnations composed her cor- sage. Mrs. Larmen, mother o! the bridegroom, who assisted in a fuchtio faconne crepe drets de- signed with drapery on the bodice wbich was repeated on the skirt, witb whicb she wore a hat of blue feit witb shaded blue astrich plume, and a corsage o! white carnations. Pink rotes and the three-tier wvedding cake gracedj the bride's table which was laid with an embroiclered linen cloth and so!tly lighted with pink and white tapent in crystal holders. Mrs. Fred Wight, Cobourg, aunt o! the bride, poured tea. The tea assistants were Miss Helen Snow- den, Toronto; Miss Joyce Cox, Bowmanville; Miss Gwen Osborne, Bowmanville; Miss Ileen Balson, Solina; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Pet- 'erboro, and Miss Hazel Cryder- man, Osbawa. The toast ta the bride was proposed by Mr. Charles Osborne, cousin o! the bride, and responded ta by the bridegroom. Later Mr. and Mrs. Larmer le! t by motor for points in Eastern Ontario and the United States. For the honeymoon trip the bride, donned a gabardine suit o! Vie- torian wine with which she wvore a satin trimmed black feit hat, black accessories and a corsage o! white gandenias. On their ne- turn they will reside in Black- stock. The bridegroom's gi!ts ta the best man and ushers were leather billfolds. Recent Bride Honored At Prenuptial Parties And Trousseau Tea Mrs. Ralph Milvent Larmer, the former Miss Margaret Caroline (Peggy) Snowden, Oshawa, was ententained at a number o! pre. nuptial parties pnior to ber mar- riage on Saturday afternoon. Simncoe Street United Church Sunday Sehool teachers and offie- ers and othen friends held a social evening at Camp Pretoria, when the future bride and bridegroom wvere presented xith a cornflowen design sandwich plate and cream and stîgar set. Mr. Fred Britten made the presentation. For en- teitainment the beginners and primany departments staged a mock wedding which providedî MUch merrirnent. Refreshmcnts1 fwere served and a social time en- j oycd. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home o! Mrs. Roy Hopps. Guests wene neighibours and friends o! the bride-to-be. Games and contests were enjoyed under the direction o! Miss Eve- lyn Gay. After the unwýrappling o! the many lovely gi!ts, lunch xvas senved by the hostets atsisted by Mrs. Ira McNaughton, Mrs. Art Lymer and Mrs. Stan Kinsman. Mrs. Charles Osborne o! Eben-i ezer, ententained xith a miscel- laneous showen at ber homer h guests included aunts, cousins andi !niends o! the bride-to-be. When the attractively packaged gifts bad bcen unwrapped, lunch xvas ser-f 1 x'ed by the hostets assisted by her pdaughter, Gwen, Miss Mabel Jew- cil and Mrs. Kenneth Cox. The girls o! the Cost Accounting 1 Department o! Genenal Motors en. ftertained for the bride-to-be at a dinnen party at the Central Cafe. f xhen the bride was presented with a silver cream anid sugar set in the grape design. fThe staff o! the Cost Depant-l ment presented Miss Snowdenf with a beautiful table lamp on ber flast day at work. The C.G.I.T. leaders and friends met at the home o! Mrs. L. W. Curreil. Sirmcoe Street North, Io honour Miss Snowden. Mrs. R. V.1 Gow presented the bride elect wiha carving set on behal! o! Miss Evelyn Gayý, Arthur St., entertained friends of the bride- to-be at an evening party. Each Iguest present contributed'a recipe ta the bride. The evening was spent playing court whist. Lunch was serv'ed by the hostets. On Saturdav afternoon and ev- cnîifl1. Oc',. 9, ýlrF. W. E. Siov,.dcni was hosteýs at a trousseau tea for her daughter. Miss Eleanor Gay greeted the guests at the door, and Miss Donna Snowden was ini charge of the guest book. To re- ceive the guests, Mrs. Snowden wore a black crepe dress with white accents. Miss Snowdcn, the bride-to-be, wore a hunter's green crepe frock with side drapery and trimmed with matching satin. Mrs. E. M. Larrner, mother of the pros- pective bridegroom, who also greeted the guests, chose a rose figured silk dress. Mrs. Jack Wylie ushered the guests ta the dining- room where tea was served. The tea table was laid with a white cloth with maderia embroidery, and softly lighted with pink and white candie in candelabra. Pink and white carnations composed the floral decoration. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Jabez Wright, Mrs. Elgin Taylor; and in the evening Mrs. Harold Gay, Mrs. Noble Metcalfe, Mrs. Fred Wight and Mrs. Kenneth Cox. The tea assistants in the afternoon were Miss Lois Larmer, Mrs. Frank Frauts and Miss Mary Snowden. Those serving in the evening were Mrs. Don Cox, Miss Gwen Osborne and Miss Mildred Snowden. Mrs.s Phone 451 THIIE MODE RN STORE PArMWr TRDPU 'q Don Alîman presided in the roam where the wedding gifts and show. er gifts were on display. Miss Beryl Larmer was in charge in the a! ternoon, and Miss Helen Cox in the evening, in the room where the bride's own collection o! househoid linens was arranged.. Miss Joyce Cox presided in the a!tennoon and Miss Lois Larmer in the evening in the room xvhere the bride's personal trousseau was Trinity C.G.I.T. COURTICE Elects New Officers Marion Dippeli, Pres. oe metn a heime o t Mrs. Herb Nichais. Due ta the ab- Marion Dippeli was elected 1 sence o! the President, Miss Ann President of Trinity C.G.I.T. De- Hait presided and opened the partment group at the apening meeting. Devotional was in charge meeting on Wednesday evening, of Miss Alice Arnold and the topic Oct. l3th. wvas on "Thanksgiving." Bible A lively play party and sing- reading was given by Miss Arn- sang. under the direction of the aid. This period closed with a leaders. was thoraughly enjoyed hymn. Reading was given by Mrs. l by the girls, as was the supper O! Harry Gay. Musical selections by hot dogs, cookies, ice cream and Mrs. Edra Price. Reading iby Mrs. chocolate drink. ' Nichais. The f irst chapter of the Rev. S. R. Henderson conducted Study Book "West o! the Gorges"~ the election of these officers:- was given by Mrs. Clarence Hock- Past President - Gwén Griffith; in. Social time was enjoyed at the President-Marion Dippeli; Vice- close. Present 17. President -Betty Grant; Sec.- Smah setndote Marilyn Miller, Treasurer-Wilma- Siy opathe is etendred' t te Richards; Pianist-Lorna Fletch-fami l of the lateFrenkJcoic er. The latter, on assuming her and Dlo nte Mrsfr Jacko new office, delighted ail with an sond on in theloty fMr.a improftptu piano selection. snt udny Group leaders for the year are: Among some o! those in atten- Seniors-Mrs. Gea. Miller and Mrs. dlance at the ploughing match at M. Goddard; Intermediates-_Miss- Lindsay from here were Esli Oke, es Jean Cunningham and Mary, L. J. Courtice, Bill Bickle, Syd- Alldread; Juniors-Misses Mar- ney Worden, Keith and Lloyd janie Rundle and Helen Pritchard. Crago. Norman Down, Alan and jIn ta short business session it Mrs. Down, Blake and Mrs. Oke,, \vas decided ta hold regular meet-i Douglas Oke, Norman and Mrs. ings in the Sunday School room Griffin and many others. every Wednesday evening com- Congratulations ta Herb and mencing at 7 p.m. An interesting Mrs. Osborne who celebrated and profitable program is planned their 40th wedding anniversary for the winter months and ail girls onl Friday night. Oct. 15tb. aged 12 ta 17 are invited ta attend. Leslie and Mrs. Hancock en- i joyed a pleasant week end and r Thanksgiving visiting with rela- NESTLETON tives in Rochester, N.Y. Will and Mrs. Found, Harmony, were week end visitors with Herb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Niekie, Mr. land Mrs. NichaIs. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and famn- Messrs Elton Werry, Chas. Os-j ily, Madoc. visited Mr. and Mrs, borne and Walter Rundle attend- George Johns. ed the funeral of Mn. J. J. Mellor Mr. and Mrs. Willarçl Cook re- at Orono. turned from a two weeks' honey- On Tuesday e"-ening, Oct. 12, mnoon on Satunday. the Aftennoon Auxiliary W.M.S., Mn. and Mrs George Johns and the C.G.I.T. and the W.A. held a Billy, Mn. and Mns. Leonard Job- joint meeting in the Sunday1 lin visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd school roomn and were guests of Hunter, Port Pertry. the E.vening Auxiliany. Mrs. Ar- Mns. Jas. Williamson and Mr. chie Muir, Jr., President, opened Arthur Jackman visited Mr. and the meeting with words of wel- Mrs. Ivan Wright, Janetville. - Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Woods vnd Maxine, Starkville, Miss Louise Johns and Mn. Fred Johns, ~M Caeara, istedMr an Ms.A 19IfN O U 1N Wilmer Fitze. Mn. and Mrs. Laurance Malcolm visited friends in Brantford. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Donald Thompson in the passing ATKINS FL( ofalli.Camus; altoMrs. Mrei-h nalds Nesbtt i th asMs gi-e i eco sisten. A~ number fnom here attended the funeral o! Mrs. Katharine Downey at Linsday an Friday. 1 au d y 0 CENENT )WER SHOP sed ail day Ictoher 23rd Customers are requested to place thefr orders on flday If possible. In case of emergency please Phone Oshawa 862-w-Z Colleet. We will be open for business as usual on Monday, October 25th snown. M CLOTHES FOR THE FAMILY AND. YOLF Glamor by the yard for you and the whole f amily in aur wanderfu f abrios and nations departments. Plaids, checks, warsteds, solids at a fraction of their ready-made cast. Came in ta-day and see them .... buy them. "«CHESTERLAINE" WOOL ÇREPE An all-wool, wonsted, Englisli hroad- crepe that is 54" wide. The season's high style colours ta choose from. Makes chanming dresses, smart skirts and blouses - $2 .95 yd. RICH VELVETEEN A fine quality nayon-backed Veiveteen that is 36' wide. In Faîl shades o! red. xine, green and royal blue. Makes Up into loveiy jacket9 and$33 COLOURED BROADCLOTH Just arrived! A new shipment o! this liard ta get cotton broadcloth in soiid colours. 36" wide and colours are red, gray, note and yclYow. 4c" Be eaniy for this.---- 5 d ALL-WOOL SUITINGS This al]-%Aool suiting in hcrringbone %veave is the idecal material foi that new suit, skirt or jacket. 54" wîde in colors of rcd, winc, powder, green and brown. $2 .75 yd. AUTHENTIC SCOTCH PLAIDS You wili want this material ta make up into sporty skirts, jackets and dresses. It's all-wool and .54"' wîdc Featuring colors o! reds, greens or blue plaid. ------$2 .65 yd FLOWERED PRINTS There arc eight patterns ta, chante !rom in this smail fiowered design print. Grand for aprons, housedresses and quiits, 36'" ide, in a variety o! colours, reg. 69c ----9ed LU STROUS RAYON S5a72 A medium weight rayon satin that win mnake up inoa ovely Lingerie for Christ- mas giving or personal use .36" wide, in hlue, pink or white-. 14 d Bowmanville DGN'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE LIONS CLUB COiMMUNITI AUCTION THIS SATURDAY I PALMER NOTOR SALES LOT 20 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Sale la Commence ai 1 p.m. sharp TERMS CASH k/d/e4 gt4, 2ne i ey came after which she read a short poem. Worship service was in charge of the W.A. and Mrs. E. Warburton read a loveiy poem on Thanks, Mrs. Scargie offered the prayer, Mrs. Hoy read the scrip- ture and also a missionary story on India. Mrs. A. J. Oke, Pres. of the W.M.S., conducted a short business period when Mrs. Ross Pearce and Mrs. Kenneth Cour- tice were appointed delegates ta the W.M.S. rally at Newcastle on Oct. 22. Mrs. Harry Gay and Mrs. Elmer Poliard were appointe.-d from the Evening Auxiliary. The Study Book was in charge of Miss Louise Osborne, assisted by Miss, Gwen Osborne and Mrs. Glen_ Pickell. It was the story of aone great missionary, a%Chinese girl, named Helen Penn. She became a teacher and after teaching çrme time she did social servicE wArk. She wvas later ordainei and be- came a great witness for Christ. An- interesting account was given on "Then and Now" dealing with customs, houses, education and professions of China. C.G.I.T. girls had charge of the program. Virginia Hopkins, President af C.G.I.T., made their annual dona- tion to W.M.S. Marilyn Rundle gave a piandf solo; reading by Virginia Hopkins and a duet b3 Mrs. Geo. Annis and Miss Louise Pearce "Bless This House." iO social time was then enjoyed b, aIl. The Siaiesman Sold At Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's. Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville T. M. Slenon. Enniskillen F. L,. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood. Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreil. Orono W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveil J, W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Siatesman Office

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