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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1948, p. 7

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THURSDAY OCT. 2lst, 1948 THE CAKADIAN STATESMA!'T, flOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO SPORT NEWS Badminton Club 1 Lady Bowlers Do Open 1948-49 Season1 Some Higli Scoring With Popular Dance 1 Ini Leaque Games I - - -- - & _ __ _ _ - 1 __ - - _ - - -- - Bowmanvilie Badminton Club 1 The girls bowied real good opened their 1948-49 social season scores this week with three teams on Friday evening when they hcld bowling over the 1.000 mark. The their first big dance of the year. Black Cats bowled 1,024, Kools On this occasion the dance wvas in 11,017 and Tucketts 1,012. High charge of the directors of the club singles went to Vi Coole 282, Ada who had the hall beautifui]y de- Luxton 269, Dot Brooks 261, Doris corated in yeilow and purpie.j Polley 261, Millie Weish 245, Liii Music for the happy dancingi Phillips 241. High triples went ta couples Nvas supplied by Bernard 1 Vi Coole 704, Ada Luxton 680, Tierney and his band f rom Osh- Millie Welsh 661, Liii Pbillips 595. awa. During the evening severai Team Standings lucky spot dances provcd ta bel Points very popuýar. Winners of the priz- Black Cats 17 es were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jack- Lucky Strikes 16 ELfi, who won the Marr's Jewellery Old Chumn 15 prize and Miss Evelyn Hall and Tucketts 15 Mr. Mark Marchant who won the1 Phillip Morris 14 Atkins Flower Shop prize. 1 Players 12 During the intermission a tasty Exports il lunch was served by Mrs. Robert First Ten Averages Kent an~d her refreshment comn-9 mittee. It is cxpccted that there Games Averages wiii be several more dances pn Vi Coale 12 217 sored by the club in the spn- HeleTnkLarge 29 195 future including the AnnualNPew daTnkn 1 9 Yer' Folc.Eileen Hearle 9 190 Yer' Folc.Doris Jo11 12 186 Ada Luxtan 9 185 B.T.S. Road Race Bernice Buday 3 184 Marlon Swindeils 12 181 Keenly Contested Helen Lockhart 8 181 Thanksgiving Day Jo Connors il 180 A very large fieldi of 92 en- B.H.S. Sr. Lads tries fcatured thc annual thrceTouc O ha a rs mile race at the Boys' training ru c Osa aI . School on October 12. The"heavy In Exhibition Game rains on Monday caused the one day postponement. Bowmanvilie High School Sen- The Program Staff, rugby team had littie d*fficul- Braden, Bagneli, and Rackham, ty in racking up three touclhiowns once more arranged the d etails. ta d efeat a strong Oshawa junior The spectators enjoyed an ex- teami 180 in an abbreviated exhi- citing race. Donald Campbell of 'bition game at Oshawa, Oct. 14. Centre House who has won this The game did flot get underway race on tw-o other occasions at until after 5 p.m. and was halted the Gaît School romped horme an by darkness at 6 o'ciock. easy victor in the very good time Oshawa juniors averaged as of 19 min. 38.4 sec. In second heavy as B.H.S. Reports indicated plac. erada esLge of Cienrs that the juniors were better than Houe. erad Mrlat o CetreOshawa seniors and O.C.V.I. sup- House finished very strongiy in porters were confident that their third position and John Dennie favourites wouid make short and Gardon McClurg ran fourth wr fteivdn emfo and ift, rspetivly.the rubber town. From the outset, Points for House scores result- however, Bowmanviiie had'things se, 3-. KCenre House, 4. Norytheir own way. Their finer know- House, 3. South i-I ouse, . Nrt ledge of the game was in evidence House 5. outh ouse and they exhibited far better kicking, biocking and bail carry- ing than Oshawa. Oshawa was stapped every time they got the LUMBER bail and made only one important1 advance when they compieted a _________________pass for about 20 yards. ~Bowmanville started cautidusly but maintained the offensive. The Co LlMMMt bail was quickly moved into Osh- awa territory and DeGeer booted a long kick ta gain one point. A àpollllge fewminutes later B.H.S. again Sporanges ** ** Iheld the bail deep in the Oshawa end. DeGeer attempted a pass over the goal line, but the Oshawat backfield interfered with the in-3 Q ten.ded receiver, Alan Lobb, and the 'bail got away from hlm. The -& s-..>referee ruied the pass completed ,and it caunted as a touchdown ta 1 mak e the score B.H.S. 6, O.C.V.I. 0. ýeGeer's attempt at a convert was a few inches too low and bit the crossbar. The star of the game was Roly1 Coombes, the flashy B.H.S. half- Position ta tackie hlm and a couple even managed ta get their 1I came right from work. De i hands on hlm, but by twisting and r you mind?" changing pace, Roiy got past t them and crossed the goal line le after a run of 50 yeards. To prove le it wasn't just a lucky bréak, heg did it a second time. He intercep- S, ted a pass an the iast play of the game and ran mare than 50 yrds past the whole Oshawa teami to( score another touchdown. DeGeer cov.te bath scores ta make the DUFFERIN PARK, TORONTO FIlS T 1 WEEK DAYS 2 pa. RACE j SATURDAYS - 1:30 Saturday, October 23 TO Mlonday, November 8 AD1Jn.MISSION (Including Tax) - $1.20 CHILDREN UNDER SLXTEEN NOT ADMITED - TOP NOTCH LUNCH COUNTER - Cartwright Council Threaten to Raise Dog Tax to $10.00 Cartwright Couincil met Oct. 4, .'ith ail members present and Reeve W. G. Bowles presiding. .Communication from Heakh Unit re slaughter bouse was read ut no action xvas taken. Emergency Fund for B ritainr Istitute's Action was appraved y the Cauncil. Dept. re *m lunity Programs was aiso ap- )roved by Council. Road Supt, was instructed ta 7pair road from Lot 4 between on. 4 & 5 westerly and sautherly oReach Baundry and have en- osures moved. Arena wiil not be eniarged this ýear owing ta high costs. Steel viii be purchased ta repair cioak aom of arena. Reeve received phone messager aom Fire Extinguisher Service1 hat they wouid remove the ex- 1 inguisher and equipment ýwhich >uncii had purchased as mechan- aiiy unfit. Clerk wvili request the Women's nstitutes and Athietie Associa- in ta appoint a member each onî he Community Parks Cammittee. ý Dept. of Highways appraved; naunt of Road Subsidy as aud- l ed.1 Council is considering setting 09 tax at $10.00 instead of $2.00, there is no let up in the siaugh-. ýr of sheep by dogs. Orders signed as follows: T. Hoskin, 2 lambs kilied $41.00 J. Wilson, 2 iambs kiiled $61.50) S. R. Hart, supplies 3.55 E. Gibsan, 1 sheep killed 20.00 O. Hyland, Sec. Treas. S. S. Na.r a'. 200.00 R. Wall, stock valuator 20.00 E. Larmer, 3 lambs kilied 61.50 J. Green 2 lambs damaged 20.00 F. A. Hyland, assessor 1150.0() Cauncil adjourned ta meet ov. 1 at 8 p.m. as Court of Re- Sion. W bi bi m fr ti cc Wc ro ti th air itî In tic ite No vis Men are nat hanged for steai- ing horses, but that horses may not be stoien-Lord Halifax. The object of punishmient is for the protection of society: for the reformation cf the otfender.- Tryon Eclwards. .11 Wif e Beats Hubby Ini Bowling League The Bush Bowling League had another good night on Friday. Enniskillen showed the B.T.S. the way to bowi when they hand- ed out a 7 tao0 win over them. Milis assisted by Siemon, Mc- Laughlin and Johnson were the big bowlers for the winners while Harrison came out of hibernation to try to stave themn off. Incidentaily, here is a choice bit for this league. Siemon, the big1 boy from Enniskillen, bowled bis wife after his 248 for the league1 in the presence of a few friends. His wvife neariy doubled bis score with her 191. What is she doing at home every Friday, boys? Why not leave J.S. at home to watch the chickens and bring her? Courtice with Varcoe's 137 and 132 beat Deeley's for a 5 to 2 score. Vetzal was the big shot for Cour- tice and Bird for the lasers. Gaiiagher bozed a 5 to 2 win aut of Taylor's, with Pouiter for the winners and Taylor with ai 697 for the lasers. Taylor's aver-1 age due ta poor penmanship on!1 the sheet was short 80 pins on the first night and sa his revised aver- age is much higher. Foundry beat Poiiey's boys for 7 ta 0 on the late shift with Cowle bowling a nice 704, while Janzenr did bis best for Poliey who oniy had three men. Team Standings Team '0Points Foundry ------ ----- ------29 Enniskillen -----------------27 Taylor's --------25 Gallagher's--------23'½ B.T.S --------------- 18V Polley's----------------------- il 1 Courtice - -------- --- - 7 D eeley's ------------------- 6 High Single, 306--------- N. Cowlc High Triple, 704 ----_ N. Cowle' High Average, 237 ------- Pickle Ladies Provide Smart' Bowling in Major Lge. (Intended for Last Week) Who said "Changeable as the weather"? The weather has no- thing on this week's bowling standings and averages. The Ex- ports bottom of the league really settled down ta bowl and took 7 points from Players, last week's league leaders. Philip Morris got the breaks this week and look 7 from Kools and Black Cat taking 6 points from second place Lucky Strikes, while Tucketts battled it out with Old Chum taking 4 points, so naw standings are: Team Pts. Pins Black Cal 13l 7218 Tucketts 13 6937 Old Chumn 12 6978 Philip Morris il 7776 Lucky Strikes Il '7190 Players 10 7565 Kools 7 6968 Exports 7 6924 Ada Tonkin had a big night with a 365 single and a 735 triple. Il will take some bowling ta top that. Other good scores were Millie Weish 249, Marg King 245 and Nancy Roberts 242. High triples went ta Ruth Lee 608, Nancy Roberts 600, Doris Joli 594 and Joe Connors 592. Average Standings Namne Games Ave. VTi Coole 9 212 Helen Large 9 195 Aida Tonkin 9 193 Eileen Hearie 6 190 Doris Joli 9 188 ro, Connorg 8 1861 Jackie Elliott 3 186 Viv Pickard 9 185 Mlarion Swindles 9 183 )uaine Palmer 9 181 The teams are pretty evenlyr natched this sehedule .with every team a chance at first place and every team having ta bowl for every point. Tension is really growing and girls are turning out swell. -1. 1 FREE ROUND - TRIP BUS FARES In order that our rural friends may participate during these Three Big Dollar Days, FREE Bus Fares have been arranged on the dtays and schedules shown beiow. Ail trips to Bowmanviile are FREE on presentation of one of the coupons below. Ail return fares are FREE with the presentation of a Dollar Day Coupon stub. Read These Schedules Carefully THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th Down 1:30 P.m. 1:40 p.m. 1:50 P.m. 1:40 GA. oRTic o l 1:40 p.m. Courtice Sho 1:50 p.m. Maple Grave 1:55 P.M. Bowmanville Back same day on any regular Garton Bus. COLLACUTT Newtonville Newcastle Bowmanville 5:00 4:50 p.m. 4:40 p.nî. Downi 1:00 p.mi. 1:05 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:25 P.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:40 p.m. 2:00 p.m. GARTON Caesarea Blackstock Burketon Enniskillen Haydon Tyrone Bowmanvf lie NORTH WARD Every hour on bal! hour Leavlng 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. From Garton Bus Terminal WEST on KING NORTH on SCUGO EAST on SECOND SOUTH on ELGIN EAST on CONCESSION SOUTH on LIBERTY WEST on KING To Garton Bus Terminal Down COLLACUTT :16 P.m. Pontypool .15 p.m. Enterprise 20 p.m. Kirby 25 pan. Orono .40 p.m. Newcastle 50 p.m. Bommanville GARTÜN Enfield- Sauina Hlampton Bowmanville Special Reg. GARTON' ýi l( 6:00 p.m. 7:55 a.m. ('aesare&. 6:05 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Blackstoc?, 6:15 P.m. 8:10 a.m. Burketoný 6:25 p.m. 8:20 a.m. Ennkile4 6:35 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Hampton x 6:50 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Bow'ville 'Affl Return same day on any regular or special Garton Bus. SOUTH W.RD Every bour at 10 ta the hour Leaving 1:50 ta 5:50 p.m. From Garton Bus Terminal !,AST on KING SOUTH on LIBERTY WEFST on BASE LINE NORTHI on DUKE EAST on ARGYLE NORTII on ONTARIO WEST on KING To Garton Bus Terminal The Following Progressive Bowmanville Merchants a re Spon-soring Dollar Days:- flarry Allun Norman Allison Atkins Flowèr Shop Bank of Montreal Bowmanville Frigid Locker W. J. Berry Bowmanville Auto Parts M. Breslin W. H. Brown, Jr. Canadian Statesman Wilfrid Carruthers Carter Famiiy Chas. Cattran Coueh, Johnston & Cryderman F. S. Caulter P. R. Cowling Cream of Barley Camp A. C. Darch Dominion Stores Ltd. Dowtnham Nurseries Co. Ltd. Edwards Motor Sales Elliott's Novelty Shop Len. Eiliott Elliott's Shoe Repair E. S. Ferguson J. A Flett Garton Coaeh LUnes Gien Rae Dairy Howard Hancock Apha L Hodglns Hooper's Jewelery & Git Shop S. R. James G. F. Jamieson J. W. Jeweli H. Joint Mrs. J. H. Ilf. Jury Jury & Loveli Fred Knox Sidney Little W. L. Lycett Marr's Jewellery & Gift Shop Mason & Dale Violet MeFeeters McFeetcrs Bros. D. Alex M~eGregor McGreffor's Hardware Store F. F. Morris Co. Murphy's Appliance & Furniture Store Nelson E. Osborne Oshawa Wood Products Palmner Motot, Sales Parker & Sons Poole's Bakery 0. J. Presson Radio Shop Royal Theatre Sealtite Insulation Co. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Ca. Alfred Shrubb M. A. Sieep Stanley's Cafe Stedman's Store W. R. Strike A. Il. Sturrock Dr. Wm. Tennant W. C. Toinlinson Tots Toggery lvalker's Stores Ltd. WVilliams' Ire Co. Vanstone Flour & Feel 5MM1 Advertisement Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce m SHOP IN DO WMAN VILLE ON Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce. LA orloels last a &ATURDAY 5:.10 p.M . 5:05 p.mi. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29th Down 1:30 P'. 1:40 p.m 1:45 p.m.: 2:00 P.m. SATURDAYI OCTOBER 30th LOCAL BOWMANVILLE TRIPS Only Saturday, October 3O'th SHOP AT STORES WITH THIS DOLLAR DAYS SIGN ON THEIR WINDOWS. That is where you get your F RE E Bus Fare Coupon and Your Draw Coupon. 't jr4 10 I. S lA <y b I 'i a- I BUS STOPS A'-' ALL CORNERS Ail Fares to Business Section 5e-Return Fare by presenting $ Day Coupon gtul RURAL FOLK:- CLIP THESE COUIPONS OUT AND 1USE THEM FOR YOUR BUS FARE TO BOWMANVILLE. GOOD FOR ONE RIDE GOOD FOR ONE RIDE TO BOWMANVILLE TO BOWMANVILLE -At Dates and limes Designated- -At Dates and Times Dcsignated- *1~ A.I ~.i a~. i Fj , TRURSDAY &V FRIDAY 1 il m $10. OCTODER 28 29 -31 WIN CASH PRIZES $500b m $25. To entitie you to a chance to win one of these valuable prizes ail you have ta do is buy $ 1.00 worth of merchandise in any of the stores participating in thé three Dollar Days. You will receive one coupon for every dollar you spend in cash. When you receive this coupon tear off the stub entitling' you ta a free bus trip home, write your name and address on the remaining part of the coupon and deposit in ballot boxes in any pf the participating stores. These coupons will be ail put ta- gether and a draw will be made Saturday night. There is no limit ta the number of coupons you may have. Draw will be made at Post Of fice Saturdayè Ocober 3th - 9:30 p.m. - $10.. TERTRSDAY OCT. 21st, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAI.';, BOWMANVMIX. ONTARTO ipArmý a- Down GARTON 1.

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