1br "Darham County's CGreat Family Journal" .1 F --- - - - - - - - -- - - - .- ',~J J b ~ J L . L ~ ~ 4 ME 94 flnU~TMÇA lTXTTT T v 1r%%"Tm A i-tNv, I yro, 0" X & . ,,WT"%A -i - - .U~JYV .YI.t±N VJ-aiifj.UN IiIUU II¶IÇZiJAY.Nooc4 M r4M t.h uA5 ,m- ARENA FUND CANVASS FRIDAY NIGHT %A,. rchi*te-ct's Dr awi*ng of New Memorial A77n IM(/ 'T~ /î BOWMAN VILLE. ,ONT'~-.- -- -~ ----. _ New Arena Being Speedily Erected This picture taken Tuesday ereet the new building. The shot censtruction of the building Is morning of the pregress of the shows the east wall of the new a future hockey player accem- New Memorial Arena under con- Aena with the Goodyear water panied by bis mother. If you have time stroil down te the form- mtuction is fast becoming eut- tower in the background. Welking er Rotary Park and see the new dated as the centracters speedily aleng the road ooking at the rapid building under construction. IPublic School Oratory Team Selected Dollar Days Draw CarlVesa an BabaraGodard Favors Town Folks Car Vena d Drbaa Gddad Dastd te bthreeBi Carl Vesna and Barbare God- aetdC n in chants of Bewmanvîhîe hast week fd, both in Grade 8, w1h1 rp-T lnedC ad n or elsewheme engaged in Halle- gar, . ~ .we'en activities, few people were meent Public Schools of Bow- Airtists C..oming To present at the Post Office at 9:30 manvihie et the County Public Lions Concert, Nov, Il Satumday night, frtepie Schools contests in public speak- afode nte uk rawhe tick- ing o bcheld in Port Hope on Continuing the Lions Chub Con- ets which went with the bargain ing to e pr cesd n g the c s dale. ck Friday, Nov. 5, et 8 p.m. Tbey cert Series which is sponsored by ponhsedurby the Cae o plaedhs an 2d n he linia-the Ontario Department of Edu- Commerce, President.. Charles tiens in Bowmenvilie Central cation, the third effering of the Carter, Smi. announced the win- Sebool, Oct. 28. Beverley Frank came close bebind Barbera God- season in the High Sehool eud- ners as foilows: (1) Mrs. Frank dardto in tirdplae. iorim, Tursay ight Noem-Hooper, h9 Ontario St. $50. (2) dardte ainuthir place. e toriumt,Tbrnsey nighNvile Pyllis Maynard. R.R. 4, $25. (3) Quit a umbr o paent be lht, bing teBowanvllePaddy Weish, 41 King St. $10. were in attendance te hear the an exceptienaiiy fine aggregation (4) Mrs. T. Richards, 25 Queen ten contestants deliver their ad- of musical talent. St. $10. (5) Mrs. M. Cressman, dresses which were considered Twe of the artists appeared home 69 King St, $5. of a fine order and showed mark- lest year and wiil be welcomcd ed improvement since the con- with, acclaim on theiîr etumn.Sar tests were first sponsored by the Katharine Irwin. concert pianist. D)urham Countv~ Trustees and whe won hem A.T.C.M. with high. Frank HooperStr Ratepeyems Association, The f in- est honors et age 16, wili againOs waG er s als in Port Hope are held under delight a Bowmanviihe audience. OsawaG n r auspices of the Association. She is a fermer pupil of Regînald Experienced Judges Geen, Oshawa, President, Ontario Frank (Sonny) Heoper is going The judges xvere Mrs. William Registered Music Teachers' As- great guns wîth the renowned Clarke, member of the Bowman- sociation. 1 Osbawa Generals Hockey Team ville Bouard of Education, William Mary Ann Paul, concert violin- in bis first season in OHA Junior Lycet.t, former teacher et Mapie ist, wiii be bore again te demon- *'A" company. Playing center on Grove atid Bart Smitbson, fermer strate wby she won the beamtîî o the team, he scored the oniy twe Itecreation Director, Bowman- ieading critics following ber ap- gls eisteedebdy the Ges ville Community Couincil. They pearance in New York and London,intirWdedy ibtgm admitted rnucb difficuhty in plac- England, and ail acrass Canada, hast week and teamed up Setur- day te set down St. Catharines, ing the leading speakers. Wbiie Heard here for the first time Ih egelaes o hi is thie individuai marks were net e- wiii be Leopoldine Pichier, so-teeag h eades, fr heir fîst leased the placements wcme as prano, bomn in Europe and temmed nabbed 3 aissasn, hen onnyime folhows: 1. CarL Vesna, Grade 8, in press reports as a girl with "a on "Defence of the Boy Today." voice in a thousand." She has At full time, St. Kitts and Osh- 2. Barbare Goddard, Grade 8, on sinre been the leading soioist with iawa were tied 2 ail. Going into "Barbare Ann Scott," 3. Bever- the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.1 overtime. Hooper and bis wing- ley Frank, on "Birds." Added te the programme te 'man Bambie.rearriwnthte ton. Others Cemmended provide a quartette of high talentWihHoecarngtepk The others taking part xx're is Pierre Boutet, noted Canadien in fast stick handiing, he passed mot reported as te order of place- tener, who retumned from a tour 'te Gamble for three quirk goals ~ients but ail wcre cemmended of. great acciaim in New York te in succession te take the verdict ;fm fine efforts. They are: Marie xin the open award et the C.N.E.152 Loeddy, Grade 7, topic, 'Canada"; Festival this ,year, To hear these Janet McGregor, Grade 8, on' talented young musiciens it xiii "The Herse and Its Relations"~: be necessary te get tickets early R gla etn~ o ECleaner Lcighton, Grade 8, on: for Nov. llth is just areund the "Lord Baden Powell"; Donald corner. Town Council Tonight Leask, Grade 6, "Beauties, Ad -__________ vantages and Industries ef Dur- TeTw eni vi eti iiam County"; Don Laird, Gradie The R. M. Hoilingshead building regular monthly session in the 7, "Ouar Canada": Hazel Webber, on the cerner of Church and Div- Couincil Chember, tenigbt, Thurs- Grade 7. "Jimmy Frise Cartoon- ision Streets bas had quite a face day, Nov. 4, vith business te be Tanya Goddard, Grade 7, lifting with-Dave Preston & Son fransacted open te the public. «yTrip te Summer Camp." administeming a bight mcd peintr This will be the hast regular meet- A number of citizens from job te the woodwork and trim. ing before nominations on Frida, d0owmanvilie wiii go te Port This work has made a 100%1 im- 'night. Nov. 26. Mucb importantý Xope for the County Contests on provement in the appearance of bu..'ness wiIl be deait with of 'I'riday night. the old building. iprime interest te ratepayers. -spirit of Pioneer Settiers Needed to Inspire Our Youth States 1. Alex Edmison, K.C. There's always something new was a city alderman for seven in the way of coincidence brought years, a Prosecuting Attorney be- out when J. Alex Edmison, K. C., for finally devoting bis full time speaks in Bowmanville and to rechamation of Canadien youtb. there's likewise close attention te Noted Penologist wbat he bas te say for be bas the Today Mr. Edmison is Presi. faculty of introducing new and dent, Canadian Penai Associatior refreshing sidelights in hammer- and Executive Secretary, J o h r ing home bis perenniai appeal to Howard Society, both devoted tc Canadiens te do everything pos- reformation and reestablisbmenl sible for the underprivileged and of people who have become wards wayward yeuth of the nation. ofgvrmeti ealisiu AddessngtheRotryClu, re- Oens of one form or another. day*, he Éuggested the need pf e-wNring the past sgveral years Mr. capturing the spirit of pioneer -Edmison bas become known ai] fresctforntir riin on, tagen tuvrsordeliver bef o any o- fatestfo traiiniout, a gea tover Northeri e trough lecr- the penal problems of this coun- genizations. He leaves again ai- try would be greatiy lessened. most immediately for Europe te The importance of elimineting study conditions of penal reform, shum conditions in cities was link - shum clearance and ailied under- ed with this intreductory theme. takings following upon the late Origin of B.T.S. war. As a student at Queen's he In the metter of coincidence, studied conditions in Kingston Jack Easteugh, Superintendent, Penitentiary at first hand and bas Bewmanville and Gaît Boys gene on te ibecome one of the Training Schools, wben introduc- world's greet authorities in the ing Mr. Edmison, told that when realm of penology. he was Boy's Mayor of Tomonte, Dim and Distant he met the late J. H.H. Jury, Afutecindnecaee Bowmanville b¶isinessman-phil.. utercicdnc aet anthropist who later donated light when the speaker took the the property for the Boys Train- restrum. He told that bis first ing Seheol, the first unit of a new public address outside of T or onto, system for Canada as cenceived was delivered in. Bewmanville 2 by Mm. Edmison. Graduate of years age, when as a mere youtb Queen's and McGill Universities be spoke on the samne theme as Mr. Edmison became a noted triai today. That occasion, be said, lawyer in Montreal, won bis K.C., (Continued on Page Six) Rink Comm ittee Message lVhen we %vere appointedi ast sprlng by the Town Couneif, as an Amena Building Cornmittee, wve knewv that it wias a diffleuit job we were undertaking. Ail summer long we endeavoured fo aise funds and te some extent weme successful, especiaily among business men and industries, but ive eonciuded the summer far short cf our objective, mainiy because se meny people refused te contribute until ive could show them that the Amena ivould be buiit this year. Contributions and promises at Sept. Ist amounted te some $35,000 and we decidcd te start building with the hope that the citizens of Bowmanviile and district would support us flnanciaiiy once they could see the project golng ahead. This we have donc, giving the contract te a young and well reconunended firm of veterans, eager te enter the Amena field and with that are cernent aveilabie. Their work, se far has justlfied our confidence in them. They too have gambled because until this week ne eontract had actually been signed and they had net rcceived a cent for their labors. The centract has been spiit into four payrnents each of whlch wiii be made prier te the actual stage being started. For Instance, the initial payment of over $21,000, whlch has now been made, includes the surveying, architect's fees, the footings, the foundation and erection of cernent block waiis. The second payment cf $12,000 willi pay for the nine trusses when they arrive. The third payment cf over $19,000 willl include the piaclng of the trusses and the completion of the roof and the fourth payment cf ever $9,000 will take care cf the Ice cushion, the heating, iightlng and flnlshing cf the interlor exeept for seats. Seating ivili be taken came, cf separately at a later date or can be done by local carpenters If deemed advisabie. At the present time %ve have sufficient funds te make the first two payments and part of the third. We aise have prospects cf obtaining $5,000 profit from the sale cf tickets on the Pontiac car, and S5,000 fmom the provincial govenment by way cf a grant. Neither cf these amounts are assured at the moment so that a minimum cf $20,000 ls requlred from citizen contributions in Bowmanviile and district. There may have been better %v'ays cf obtaining an Amena but this is the method which ive have adopted after long heurs cf considemation. We knew that the peeple cf Botimanviile can give this amount easiiy. WVe know that, ,%%hen this Amena Is completed, ail w~ho have cntmlbutedl %viii be more than pleased to know that they have piayed a part in helping te ereet wihat the contracters say wfill be one cf the niost beautiful Amenas in Ontario. Al ve can ask ts that you give as genemousiy as you can. Wlth your support, the Amena wiil be comrpieted for use this winter. Thank You. The Amena Building Cimmlttee: J. Clifford Saniis. 1welbourne J. Wight, John M. James. Lions Club Realize $406.65 on Their Community Sale At the first sale of its kind held in Bowmanville the Lions Club reaiized $460.65 at their Com- munity Auction beld hast Satur- day. Commencing at 1 p.m. sharp, and continuîng until dark, Auc- tioneer Wm. J. Challis, assisted by many members of the Lions Club, disposed of approximatehy 275 items, ail of wbich hed been donated by citizens of the com- munity and business firms in the erea. A wide assortment eame under the auctioneer's hammer, fur coats, lewnmowers, glassware, metor oil, dressed chickens, prize apples, ladies purses, onions, etc. were sohd in rapid succession to eager ibidders. The Lions Club is most grateful for the wonderfuh support given their first venture in this field, both te those who donated arti- cles for the sale and to those xvho turned eut in such goodly num- bers te bid on the items offered. Despite the best efforts of the' auctioneer and bis assistants, meny items, some 200 -inail, re- mained to be sehd when darkness fell, the largest portion of these being the -bigger and better ar- ticles such as furniture, steves J etc. These will *be sold at auction on Saturday, Nov. l3th, starting at i p.m. on Palmer's lot. ]y tbank Miss Eila MrIntyre of On the cx'e of the big commun- Bexvmanviiie for Postponing ber ity drive for funds te compiete sahe until this week in faveur of the new Memoriai Rink in Bow- their auction. manville, this paper dispatched its well known, hard-hitting, out- spoken, chief reporter te get a cross-section of local opinion on Fire Chief WTarns the value ef this rerreatien centre te the peophe of tewn and district. Watc FuracesHere are some of the answers In P werCut-ffs te the direct question put, "Wat _______Ct-ff About YOU?" The general im- pressions getbcrcd may be rut Fire Chief L. Hooper issues the down ta brief form as follows: folowing warning te hocalhbouse- omnilMnstra heiders using autematir draft Bo anleMnstra fumnares during the Hydroecut- Association offs. "The new Bowmanviiie rink is "Thase whe bave reostats or now in the process of being built eutomnatic contrai. connections an and should shortiy fi a hong-feit furnares should make sure theirî need in the community and become draft is net turned on just before an essentiel benefit te the town the shutoff and then ]cave the and surrounding areas. bouse for an heur or se rhinking As members et the Bowman- it wiii shut itseif off, ville Ministerial Association, we "When the current is off there are in a position te appreciae is ne power te make the shutaff more than most people the« pro- and a fumnace wouid gct ta an bhems invohved in yeutb training, awful heat in the time befare cur- dev~ehopment and adult living. We ent cernes an again. Sce that believe that tbis ink, in our town semeone is loft in tbe bouse or xvouhd heip inimeasurabiy te pro- shut off the contrais befome leav- vide facilities for wbolesome, and ing or thcre is greet danger of fire beneficiai exercise and ecreetion Arena Ontario Training School Bugle Band bth young and od. We theefore endorse the rink projeet with the hape thet it wil ecive the whohe-hearted support of the peo- pe ef the town and sumounding areas." (Signed) J. de Pencier Wright Samuel Henderson G. Carneron Quigley The Mayor Mayor Sidney Little: "I bave supprted aul forms of sport and rerreation fer many years in Bowmanviilo. The new Memomial Rink offers ali-season recreetion for ahi tho people of town and dis- trict. It requires and deseî-ven full finanriel support from al citizens." Youth Leaders Jack Estaugh, Superintendent, Beys Training School: "My work natumaily persuades rne of tbe value ef heeithful recreation in ieading youth into patbs of good citizenship. The Memoriai Rink bas e value fer beyend mere dol- lars and cents. I arn confident it wiil receive fuhl support in the final drive for funds. Boys ike te play garnes. Good garnes are a This group et boys tram B.T.S. for v'arious faims and gatherings. town on Thursday and Saturda y are becorning increasingix' popular Their iast splendid demonstratien Iferon.Thyaeune h %vith martial music fans' in Bow-1 was in aid et the Bowmanvi,"iite nos.Tearudeth manvihie and district. Ahi summer'Chamnber of Commcrce Dollar, direction of Bandmafter Bill they have been kept busy playing Days when they paraded about1 Shotter. VOLUJ .~ - - - - 1 ýn ýe n n 0 it ýs D eana lan -OU VVIU,&,N VILLE, UNTARIO, THURSDAY- NOVEMBER 4th. 1949 AO PRP r.Opv 'P.TrylrnlmT% à f- 5 FRIDAY NICHT à& , Large Croup of Canvassers To Cover Entire Town Need $20,000 iDonations When the sirens start blowing In many houses, there wiil be as and the bells start ringing at 7 many as three or four people who o'clock to -morrow night don't are making good wages. Each of leave your homes to find out these members of the family are what it is ail about. Let us warn asked to contribute. you now that the celebration will Single Folk Interestcd be the starting gun of Bowman- Young, single boys and girls who vii]e's most ambitiaus campaign are carning wages are especially te raise funds for the ncw Arena asked to consider this donation which is aiready being buiit. situation seriously. This Arena Hope to Raise $20,000 will be of far more direct benefit Objective of the campaign is to thcm for a far longer time than $20,000 which will complete the it xiii be to many middle- erection of the ;building se that it aged people who will be contrib- may be used this winter. Individ- uting. To a single person, a $10. ual objective is i. least $200 for donation may mean a few shows established business men and at or a few "dates" missed but to a lcast $10.00 from every wage- family head it may be a real sac- camner in town. rifice. Meet Can'vassers With a Smile Town Dis'ided Into 10 Sections Almost 150 captains and can- The town is divided into 10 vassers wili take part in the buge sections for the canvass, starting drive for funds. Canvassers in- with the section north of the CPR clude factory workers, girls, and tracks which will be bandled by High School students and business 20 canvassers under direction of men, rnany of whom have neyer Mrs. Art Frank, A. H. Sturrock before canvassed for funds. What and tn un they lack in experience they Grup No. 2, with 20 canvas- make up in enthusiasm. Citizens sers, includes Concession St. to are urged to give eacb and every Wellington under leadership of one of these voluntary workers Arnold Anderson and Bob Stock- a cordial reception. They are doing er. what they can to belp buiid Bow- Group No. 3, with 10 canvas- mnanville. sers includes Wellington and al Ail Details Recorded side streets to Church, under the This host of willing workers guidance of Bill Bagnell, Frank will meet at the Town Hall at Jamieson and Bill James. 6:30 p.m. for final instructions and Group No. 4, under Don Gil- will be in position by starting Hoeley and Ray Fry will take in tirne et 7 p.m. They have a Church St., the section to the, tremendous job to do covering west of Vanstone's Bridge and al every bouse in the town and cit- side streets to King. izens are requested to corne to the Group No. 5, under Fred Cole door quickly with their donation, and Ai Osborne takes in ail of enabling the canvassers to make King St. out the necessary receipt for in- Group No. 6, under Lawrence corne tax deduction and then let Goddard and Jack Brough in- themi be on their way to the next cludes Qucen St and ail side house. Where there is no one at streets to King. home, the address will be noted Group No. 7. under Jim Crom- and a card left asking the occup- bie and Russell Hailman takes in ants to leave their donation at one Ontario St. and side streets to of the banks by Nov. 12. Where Brown. ne donation is forthcoming, the Group No. 8, under Geo. Gra- name wili also be recorded on a hem and Bob Bates includes card sa that that person may be Brown, Jane and Liberty south of canvassed by special canvassers Queen. later. Names of ail denors and the Group No. 9, under Morley amounts given will be published Oke, Ralph Stutt and Reg. Hard- in this paper during the following ing takes in Duke and ail side weeks. streets. $10.00 per Wage Earner Gmoup No. 10. under Al Mof- Citizens are asked to note that fatt and Nomm O'Rurke, includes the objective is at least $10.00 for Concession St., east of Nursery every wage-eerner in the house. (Continued on Page Six) What About You?