TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMMrVnLE, ONTARIO PG HE inger U*pv'iel was mounted wil WEDDNGfour plumes, and she carricd cascade et Joanna. Hill roses an TRloMPSO1WARLOW stephanotes. Miss Pearl Irer Wright, Toronto, as maidc 'White mumns and fern formed an honour and Miss Clara Soph: effective setting in Sherbourne Marlow, Blackstock, as brides ROuse Club, Tarante, on October maid were ideutical gowns off mos 28th when Gxwenyth Ruth Marhow green velvet stylcd similarly t becamne the 'bride off Ivan Orr the bride's. Thcy warc matchin, T'uompson. The bride la ihe daugh- plume headctresses and carrne ter off Mr. and Mms. Wallace Mar- cascade bouquets off yellow ani low, Blacksock, and the groom's bronze mums. Mr. Henry Thomp Parenits arc Mr. Win. O. Thompson son, Osbawa, acted as best mai and the late Mrs. Thompson. The for his brother, and the ushcî ceremony was performd by Rev. were Mm. Jimn Mariow and Mi 1.G Carruthers, ad Miss Verna Jack Marlow, brothers off th, McNaliy playcd the wedding bride. iflhlae. For the reception followiug thi The bride, given ln mamiage cercmony, the guests werc receiv by hcr fathr,' was gowncd lu cd iby the bide's mother wbi ivorY velvet fashioned on Victor- wore a taupe shade gowu witl !an lines with gored skirt, fittcd winc accessaries and orchid cor bodice with Peter Pan collar and sage. Assistlng was the groom'ý leg O'muffn scve ivemy sister-in-îaw, Mrs. Lorne ThomçP REMdEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE -~ A Remembrance Day Service under the auspices of His Worship the Mayor and the Town Council, Bowmanville Ministerial Associa- tion and the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion will be held in the TOWN HALL, DOWNANVILLE thi a id of .la i- .d id J( Di c sr A S1 R H NÉIV1!MRRR 1TU 1MAR ,s Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp. r. Base Line, accompanied by Mrs. ce C. Depew, Town, have retumued tram a vezy enjoyable motor trip ,e visiting relatives at Detroit, Bris- ltol, Tenu., Washington, D.C., 10 and Fredarick. ,h Mr. R. L. Stevens, O.A.C., iu r-, Guelph, spent Suuday at home. Miss Marion Snowdan, Toron- ta, at home. * Mrs. S. L. Bartlett, Toron-to, visiting hem sister and brother-lu- law, Mm. sud Mrs. H. R. Foley. Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base Lina, speut Tues. lin Oshawa, visiting Mr. sud Mrs. Sam Suowden, Mm. sud Mms. R. D. Snowden, Mr. sud Mrs. N. 1. Metcalf. Mr. aud Mrs. Ray Suowden, Donna, Blle, speut week-end with ber parents, Mr. sud Mrs. R. R. Stevens, also Mr. sud Mrs. W. J. Snowden. Institute meeting on Monday evening, Nov. th. The evening auxiliary met at the home et Mms. Milîs on Thurs- day eveuiug hast. Majory Jctt- emy, programme convenor, opeuad the meeting with a prayer, fol- lowad by the Lord's Prayer in unisen. Hymu 266 was suug. Le- oua Milis, Marlon Gimblett, Leous Bradley assisted with worship service. Mrs. Marlon Gimblett gave the 2nd chapter off the Study book. Mrs. Jean Munday, Pres., conducted the business sud Mrs. Floyd Beckett sud Mrs. Art Brunt gave s comical duet. Mrs. Leona son, ln a wlne frock wlth corsage off pink roses. rl*e bride tavelled in a pluin brown iridescent tweed suit wlth matching tep coat and accessorie. On their return from a wedding trip ta Montreal and Quebcc, Mr. aud Mrs. Thompsan wiU eside at Nestleten. MAPLE GRÙVE 13OME AND SCHOOL CLI On Frlday evening, Oct. 29th tShaw's Home and School Clii eutentained S.S. No. 9, Lockhart, Club at thelr annual Hallowe'e Party. An enjoyabie program wai given by the viiting club as tel lows: a mock wcdding was staged the principals ot which were Mr and Mrs. Rasa Allun; a cemmunil] sing-song led by Mn. Russell Os berne with Miss Ruth Bragg a >the piano; piano solo by Madelinq Osborne; rcading by Mrs. Maur. ice Pedweil; maie quartette b3 Messrs Ross Alln, Wiil Allun, Chas Glenney, Austin Turner; pian( solo by Helen Turner. The prizes for costumes werf awarded as tollows: Best drcsscd girl, public schoc: age-l. Little Flowcr Girl, Bavez. ly Gilkes; 2. Miss Muffet, Christ. ina Lamb; 3. Red Riding Hooc, Lynda Alldrcad. Best dresscd boy-i. Highland- er, Merrili Brown; Pirate, Bris: Rabb; 3. Indian, Brian Cryder- man. Character castume-1. Marc] Hame, June Wood; 2. Mick Mouie, Kcith Lamb; 3. Indian, Bobby Stephenson. Adulta-Charactar, Indian, Mr. Stanley Aluin; Best dressed lady, Mrs. K. Squair;, Best dressed gent, Mm. Archie Brown; Hon, mention, Mr. K. Squair; Comic, Black Mammy, Mrs. Lewis Wbod; Coun- try Doctor, Mr. Lewis Wood. Hallowe'en costuma - Witcb, Mary Hussk; Ghost, Aun Cryder- man. Bcst couple-i. Bride and Groom, Glen Prout sud Harold Hammond; 2. (, honorable men. tion) Lii, Abner and Daisy, Ar- lene Cax sud Helen Osborne. 01M 1 -u w w *-~~~m £ £ ~ ~p-p v iis ra. - ena Bradley con- B R E O "'f illoducted soe Haiiowe'en panks, The Public School childrcn's after which lunch was served by Hailoweu Party sud Dance was at 10:45 a.m. the group lu charge. held at Euniskîhlen Hall, Thurs- The Barrabail brothars sud day, Oct. 28th. Tom Gatcheli, Members of the Legion, Scouts, sister with their wives sud hus- Bowmauviile, won tirst prize for baud, familles, Mr. aud Mrs. Bar- faucy drass. Local talent suppliad Cubs, Brownies and Guides are ex. rabali, mther sud fathar off the the music. Proceeds $12. pecte to p rade.bride,' Mms. eMartha Lunu, Mill- Faimly large crawds attended pectd t parde.brook,, cousin, met at the home off both the afternoon sud evening Russelsud Marion Bamabaîl Thank Offcriug services last Sun- Following the service, wreaths Gimb.ýettto spend a Hallowe'an day, Oct. 3lst. Rcv. R. Seymour will be placed on the cenotaph. It surprise party, lu bonour off Rus- took attemnoon service. Rav. W. C. i su ad Maio's lSth weddiug Smith, Port Permy, took the even- is hoped that many of the citizens aunivemsary sud peseuted them ing service. Bath gave inspiring with 1/ doz. cupsansd saucers, messages. The choir instmuctad by wil1 find it convenient to attend this M' doz. 5 o'clock sîa e p~ leader and organist, aIse Mrs. K. service.after wbich a dainty lunch wa Roblin, supplied special music. service.served sd al departed for theirMm F. Werry, our electrician do- homes wishing Russell sud Mar- natdhaif a day's work on ne- SIDNEY LITTLE, ion many more years et bappi- pairs, sud two new lights. The nassa. ns lu i the church for the ser- Ma&yor. vices were supplied by Mrs. Har- ry Rahm lunmmemy off ber late Town of Bowmanville More than a million Canadian husbaud. men sud women wbo semved lu Bast wishas ta Mr. sud Mrs. God Sav The Kin the armed forces sud marchant Hamry Grace ou the arrivai off a aveun mrine lu Worîd War II will e- 10 pound boy at Bawmanvilhe ceive the Cauadian Volunteer Hospital. 'Service Medal. Sorry that Mrs. Leslie Taylor's yeungest child is in Sick Chihd- e's bospital for treatment. Ou Monday, Nov. lst, the pie Social spensored by the W.A. was a go0d success. Evemyoue had s good time lu spite et the dul Iweathar. Proceeds approx. $20. ILadies are making Plans for the f Aunuai Bazaar for Tuasday, Nov. th lui the churcb. A Town Hall is greatiy naeded for s Commuuity centre here. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cochrane sud chihdren with Mr. sud Mrs. E. Adams. Mms. E. Strutt with friands. Rev. snd Mrs. R. M. Seymour with the Gis, Suuday. Mrs. W. Avis sud son Jini, To- rante, witii Mm. sud Mms. J. Car- ter. Mrs. Rilda Stephenson sud AI- barts, Toronto, with Mr. sud Mrs. A. Hughes. Xffl ANTEDMany tram hera fook advan- VAT,7r@ CFT.CTMBtage et the Special 3 Dollar days VALJa EFETIV Îioes for beg»u. Mbppng by the Bowmsnvilie Chamber of - ~ . rm ua ., FR1, f A6 , t8" m a a ll for o t o ien ter eC o m m erce sd B u s, ro u n d trip s. noOV. 4, dnt sation9_».Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shute sud ¾~ ~ ~ AUSTRALIAN....SEEDLESS famiiy, Raglan, Mm. Tommy Gat- SULTANA RAISINS.2 Lb 29c chell, bewinauviiie, Miss Maxine Pkg. Vviansud Mr. Douglas. Brack, - SUMA I-SEELESSNorth Oshawa, Mr. sud Mrs. Chif- O15Y O t ord Brown sud Diana, Oshawa, GODCALIFORNIA RAISINS l5 g'20C visited at Mr. sd Mrs. Dave ITTED DATES P6 g 29c VACUTUM CLEANED Pg.Gatce teVvinN Ohaa ALTNSGRENGLCEAUSTRAL IAN C UR RANTS Pkg 16C~ visited hem sister, Mrs. Dave H E R RIE S kg 16c AONGatchel. FRLLD 3 z, SAXNIACongratulations ta Mr. aud ~ELL D CUTM4XDOZEL. 1 .8 : oz.rsHall (nee Irene Rahme) on LMONDS ED PEEL .their receut mamiage. LfELLED-PIECES AO A 4lzIU M X D UTS 7Oz. Fromn 1871 ta 1941 the percent- IALN UTS Pkg.24e jIX D F UIS eepkg. 21Ic ag ofmieinCad IED 711L _ POz OSE2 Lbdropped below 51% off the total 71 Oz IVIE DtICC CIOe"In -2b. g 7 Lb.-ny SHELLED FILBERTS. ]P4,. GLENWOOD-ARTIIAL EXTRACTS B.W mzzm&zuuw "m m ][0..nz 27c 40On. i 5 DURUMY SPAIN BROKEN OLIVES "oz.< BEEKIST NO, 1 WHITE HONEY Blue Label OZ cn49C CLARK'fS PORK and BEANS In Chili Sauce 2»' 27c GLASSCO RED PLUM JAM With Pectjn O 25cJ RICHMELLO COFFIE '" olGro ILdlb.5c STOKELY GOLDEN CORN Cream Style »'20c ARR@W NEW PACK pEAS, std. na' BRIGHTS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 2TLM19c Fruit & Vogetablos CaMlornia Red,, Emperor - Dellclous Eatlng Ontario Grown, Ffrm, Frese Grapes . . . . 2 lbs. 25c Parsnips - - « 2 Ibs. 17c Cailfornia Large, Crlsp, Flrm . Sise 6os Florida, Sweet, .Tulcy - Size 96's Hbad Lettuce - 2 for 25c Grapefruit - 6 for 25c Sweet and Full of Julce . Size 216,z DeIiCIous Eatlng 6-qt. baaket Florida Oranges - 2 doz. 59c Snow Apples ---59c Aý *-McIntosh Apples *-~ 1( - SOU q [ex. "-N.. PLANNING TIME i ypp ur. nWestern Canada tbas varicd batween 53 % sud 59% in that time. YOUR EYES and ]Rewrltten from previaus copyrights of C. H. TUCK Optometrlst Disney BIdg. mt (Opp. PAY) a Oshawa, Phone 1516 with No. 27 coas Many are unable te fi certain Positions today on account off their eycs. This condition dîd net exist lu the past because the position itsclf was auiy created lu the me- cent years. The vision etfnmodern days Is se avertaxed that much off litc's hap- piness is jeopardized, for this reason 1 arn impefled te freciy express tacts with the hope that the few who become acquainted with themi wili accept that which te them s applicable. The cyca luinadern lite deal with industrial eyc conditions sud their application ta othcrwise dor- mant conditions. The eyes off the child at home and at schoei. The cyes et today and the eyes et yesterdsy, te impress people with ae proper appreciation ef their (Copyrigbtad) ALL WOOL Now la the tima ta get the littie oncs a snow suit te kaap out the winter cold. Here's eal value in an aii-wool frieza cloth. Oua or two-piece styles te choose tram, ail kasha cloth lined. Knitted ankies sud cutta ta keep eut the wind. Colours are wine, $ 9.75 eack TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED GIRLS' COATS An outstauding value in a girl's coat. They are made tram an all-wool temiai sud intcrlined for extra warmtb. Some have hoodsand somne ara trimmed th fur. The colaurs are wine, green, brown sud uavy. Sizes 8 ta 14x. These ts arc styhed just like big sister's. Core ne lasd sec them teday. $ 15.95 eack BIZES 8 TO 14x kVa4&e4 S044L'ùnded hone 451 T-HE MODE RN STORE Bowmanville twoTDRD FOR BETTER ]BAKING 1 9c MAGIC BAKING POWDER] ALL VARLETIES 10Oc DALTONS COCOANUT 1 1 l 1 SHAWIIS MIKR KENDAL Lunch was served. Jdigb the rnge The prizes were useO-HoeTw . dal shouid have plenty of young and the contestants right on their 1 Mri. Archie Muidrew, Eliza- people in the next five or ten tees. The affair was held under Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCullough Z' bethville, visited Mrs. Joe Gor- years te really help things alon.g. the auspices off Mrs. Ed. Calahan. atttended the Anniversary Ser- don. Most of the tobacco growe1's Those Pontypool members who vices at Welcome on Sunday. h, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Port tram this section left Monday te ouneed ta Orono, state that Mrs. Harold Caswell visited Hoe wt rs ay uo attend the apening of the tebacco OpnIs lto in the Town Mrs. George McCullough, New- en and Marion. market Tuesday at Delhi. The Hall was a top notch event. Both tonville. as Miss Hazel Mae Fisher, New- crops have been graded kiln by rnen's and wamen's division of Some tram around here who aL castle, with Miss Margaret Jack- kiln, by the graders off the differ- the Oddfellows staged a colortul, tended the Johnson entertainersP on. cnteComan isand te aers interesting ceremany. Af t e r concert at Newtonvilie were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hoy visitedarusaybdaprcacodn whlch cveryane drifted ta the and Mrs. Stanley Jones, Ross and r. hsprns r n r.Hnyt this grading. The minimm besement, where ample lunch was Gwcn; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wal- ReHo. aveMsulJne-14 reprofice ebepad for th served toalal. Several outstand- ker, Mrs. Roy Best, Jean and Ger- Re.adMs'Jlen ae-14trp lecrdtbcco ing dignataries of the Order were aId; Mr. and Mrs. Robcrt Morton, ville, werc guests ef Mrs. C. with the various grades ranging rsn.HlM.adMs BlMot. ieTompsan, Arthur and Annie. ase Oct. 22 at 41 %4c per lb prsnt. Heleya aazng Mr n Mrads. Bi M rton.s r- M . a d M s. C are ce ell rom Bl t 8217cto O at20.4c.place. Although only a squirt of ted M r. and M rs. Lloyd M rton, )y visited Mr. Lamne Bell and Hilda. a place some ef its citizens think' Baltimore, on Sunday. Mr. An i ho p o , at 10 M s. A nie Thom son Car- U N I YPOO L and act ln terns of wide latitude. Sunday visitors at Mr. a d M s .wright, visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. This in turu draws the attention Robert Morton's wcre: Mr. and Patterson. -off shTnilar mindcd people in high Mrs. Russell Lowe, David and re Mr. and Mrs. S. Soucb, Mms. Last weekend was a big ane for offices tram othier, and often, Peter, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson and Eva Patterson spent the school childrcn. Hallowc'en much largaer centres, often resuit- Lloyd McGahey, Sharon and D Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. with its parties, witches and good- ing in pleasant contacts, which in Gary, Peterboro. rSoper. ies is anc Canadian institution turn are advantagcous 'te both _________ t- Mrs. Tremaine, Torono, is with that docsn't diminish with the parties, which brings up the aid d, hier sister, Mrs. Milton Robinson. years. and true axiom that "anv place Edmonton is wondering what to Mr. and Mms. C. V. Cooper and On Friday afternoon, the school is just as big, and no bigger, than do If the oilfieids creep into the Mrs. Annie Evans, Orono, were held a hallowc'cn party that was its people." Pontypool 'Lake note! city limits. n Sunday guests. quite a gala affair. Besides h Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty, usual games, tancy dresses, etc., Elizabethvilie, visited Mr. and there was the schoolboy's delight h Mrs. W. Mercer. -lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and According le information given yGardon and Mr. Morris Patton to us, the foliowing were among and friend, Peterboro, with Mr. the costume prize winners. Jim and Mrs. Norman Patton. Curtis, Florence Curtis, Wayne Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Couroux Kirk, Garry Bickle, Laverne Cur- and Miss V. Mercer spent Thurs- tis, Stanley White, Joe Hackwood. day in Toronto. Mrs. Ross return- Each youngster was expected te k ed ta Toronto with thcm after contribute something teward the *visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack- lunch. Éobby Youngman's mo- san. ther was not available te help him Mrs. Wm. Jackson and Mrs. Ed- out. Sa, he dug eut the cook die Couroux attended the Leader book and attempted bis first bak- txaining course, in Bowmanville ing effort. The chocolate càke, in aid off Junior Girls' work. with icing, was good enough te t l e l ,r Mr. Evan Quantrili who has beat a lot we have eaten, made by been in Saskatoon. and other aider cooks with pienty et experi- points in western Canada retumu- ence. That's the right spirit, find ed home in time ta attend the ta- a way or make it. bacca sales at Delhi. We undemstand that Ray Faith Mrs. Mabel Langstaff, Newton- is relievcd te find that Bobby is ville, visited Mrs. Percy Burley. only 12 years off age, therefore net Mr. Earl Buriey and Miss Ruth a serious threat ta Ray's baking Gardon, Peterboro, spent the business yet. week-end at Kendal. The community's best wishes go Gloria and Fern Bepley and ta Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mucha whe Russel and Argus Rusk, Toronto, have recently become the parents visited Mr. and Mrs. George Mer- of a littie daughiter, their fîrst. cer. Tbeme's ail sorts of ways of an- Thank Offering services Sunday nouncing one's arrivai at a bouse, with Rev. Julien of Janetvilie and but, we think Madamie Hack- McCreas as guest speaker. Ken- wood has the most novel. She just dal choir rendered special music heads the oid family jaiopy for in the mnorning with Mr. N. Stew- the most convenient corner off the art at the organ. In the evening, bouse, takes aim, shuts her eyes, Omono choir supplied the musical and tramps the gas. That's what selections. There was a fine turn- happened when she called ta sec eut at bath services with the George Brown recently. Mr. W r ie Thank Offering amounting ta Brown was asked if the bouse was over $1,200. much damaged. to wbich be me- p LS '-x A goed crowd turned eut ta en- plied that, "ha hadn't noticed any jay the Haliowe'en masquerade and the sbaking un seemed te Friday evening. There was great help the old bouse, the tires now variety in costumes and the jud- burned brightar. the micealal beat ges, Bert Holland, Bill Darlington it, and it actualiy seemcd wamm- and Roy Little bad a difficuit job er." Which makes us wonder choosing the winners. Final seiec- wby tolks bother with insulation, tiohn was made by applause off the wben Madeline is amound ta do It audience. Best lady's costume, cheerfuliv. cluickly and for free. Y U P Y 1,T T L Ross Elliott; best gent's costume, Mrs. Ed. Youugmau bas left Christina Jilisen, with ber cane; Oshawa HesDital and is staying bas-t couple, Helen Couroux and with hier daughter. Mrs. Don Violet Mercer as Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, R.R. 3, Bowmanviile. Farmer John. Mlt received quite This nice spell et mild weather a baud when ha appeamed decked is giving the boys a break that eut in bis grandmother'5 beaded are a bit behind digging their aunam uu silk coat. The rest of the evening spuds. JIANDLY'S UjAUDUflATED ELU G was espent in games and contests, We had a dandy dance on Fri- Elme r Patton being winner off the day. It was the annual Haliowe'en OSHAWA P HONE 755 Pumpkiu Pie Eating Contest. dance and was a success tmom ev- EURKETON WINTER Bowmanville