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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1948, p. 7

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'1'HU SDAY, NOV. th, 1 48 _ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ I& **%;5JLA2PL lOAU.5L11TJ W VIJI*4 V Jjl.* , UNT RIO I t*lW irn' Among those attending The Salvatioii Arniy Aninual Congresa' at Masay Hall, Toronto. this past weekend were: Major F. Williams, Lieut. B. Bessant, Mr. and Mrs. E. Willatts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartlett, Mr. T. J. Webb, Mr. and I(rs. J. Aldworth and Mrs. Thos. Richards. W.M.S. of Trinity United Church1 held their supper meeting, Tues., Nov. 2nd. Meeting opened with quiet miusic played by Mrs. T. MWiuter: Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Division St. Hircock. A hymn was Sung and Rev. Henderson led in prayer. President Mrs. Chas. Wight wel- comed the members and visitors and conducted the business. Miss V. Spargo's group had the wor- ship service. Miss Margaret Allin sang a beautiful solo accompanied at the piano by Mrs. W. E. C. Workman. Mrs. P. Cowling and Mrs. M. Tamblyn toolc the 2nd chapter of the study book on "Women of China." Meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Harle. Bowmanville RENEMBRANCE SUNDAY And Canadians are rememberlng. i Each one of us sees lu thec mmds ~ cye our own lutile mllitary par- * ade with uniforms of ail the colours - but together we re- mnember. LET US GATHER IN OUR CHIUCHES TIUS SUNDAY To Pray and to Rededicate Ourselves to the Spreadiug of the Christian Gospel of Love. "THAT THEY SHALL NOT HAVE DIEU IN VAIN" lji', 'i F011 EVEliY nOm lxNYOIJB nom£ IT'S TIME FOR NEW SLIPCO VERS DRAPERIES FOR YOUR HOME 1 Let us help 70u choose your slpeovers and asist you iu a cholce of harmonizing drapes. Eaeh piece ls cut to fit your home, and we guarantee the workmanship. We suggest early choosint whiie fabrlc assortments are complete and beautiful. The beauty of your rooms wil prove a revelation, when the Job Is completed. If your present furniture needs npholstering wc are equIpped to do a perfect Job for you. PHONE Port Hope 1009J ColleM' and a representative will cali. THICK LUXUBIQUS BROADLOOM JQ uit arrived . a new aipment o! the famous Engllsh Broadioom j ln a large selection o! colours and weaves. Se oOur amples first before choosing. MAb a wide selection o! ruts and capetlng. - RUBBER TILE LAID BY EXPERTS - HOUSE 0F 16 John st. JAMES CcdU Port Hope 10091 Collbct Port Horie Bill Terry Sues Town for Damages Dun's Bulletin, Nov. %, 1948, lists a court action against -the Corporation of Bowmanville, un- der writ issued in behaif of Wil- liam Terry, resident of the South Ward. The case Is scheduled for Cir- cuit Court with the cause of the action stated as "damages." This is the outcome of a long-standing dispute placed before council iby the complainant for water dam- age to his home property. IRON- FIREMAN OIT730% MORE HEATl J A CKBRGUGH1 PLUMBING AND HEATING flowmanville 3 King St. W. Phone 2384 ~ wk reif t . lfaut actnL G 1cet a bttdy ifVilJ .LLLy il - $600 DOWN hI ail You need ta purchase a new home of outstanding mernt. 'You have a choice o! 4 aud 5 room bungalows. 6 room 11/2 storey and 6 room 1% storeys. Below are listed only a few of thse outstandlng features you get: 1. Always an excellent district. 2. Low monthly payments. 3. Good floor plan, 4. Carefully supervised construction. 5. FulIy hnsulated walls and celing. 6. Hlardwood floors. 7. Early occupancy. 8. Full 7' basement with new furnace. 9. 3-pc. bath with shower. 10. Lots average 42'x125'. Now isthse turne for you to a friendly home where housework hs easy and You are able ta enjoy lite. People wiil admire your modern roomy home de- sigued for efflciency and happy living. We have pictures booklets, blueprinti, etc., ail available for your Inspection. Veterans of World War 2 have prior- ity o! purchase whlle home hI under construction. Please ask for Mr. Nashs at 4400. Reaitors 6 Slmcoe St. N. meeting was conducted by Mr. R. Osborne, Bowmanvifle, and the judges were Mr. F. MeMullen of Newcastle, Miss M. Couch and Miss J. Cunningham, Bowman- ville. A vote of thanks was ten- dered the janitor Mr. Chapman, and also the chùrch Ïboard for the use o! the Sunday school rooru. Meeting closed with the National antheru. Lustre-Creme Shampoo -- 29c-55c-$1.00 Velvetta Brilliantine ----35e Tout Home Permanent - - $2.50 RefuIl-----$1.25 Pnell Shampoo ---------27c-63c-89c Cocoanut 011 Shampoo --------- 25c-39c Kreml Hair Tonie-------- 59c-98c-$1.39 Huduut Home Permanent $3.25 Refil--- -----$1.75 Shasta Shampoo --59C Suave Hafr Dressing - ---- 50c-85c Halo Shampoo --- 29c-49c-89e OLIVE QIL I... e.3e.32c COLD CREAM Protamine Zinc 40 nuits INSTJLIN 10 C.C. Vial 96c g0ouîit $1 .85 LINSEED MEAL IDA. 12-oz., reg. 15e - 13c "EvelYn Howard" 1-lb. reg. 69c 54c CLEANING FLUID I.DA., 4 & 10 oz. 14c - 27c 2 SOCIAL Al Be sure to buy a Poppy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weel Toronto, spent the weekendm his sister, Miss Edith Weekes. Miss Helen Morris has returx fromn visiting Dr. and Mrs. Har Fox ini Washington, D.C. Miss Annie Mountjoy Is visit hier brother, C. J. Mountjoy, Islington. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Pear Brighton, visited Mrs. J. E. liott recently. Mr. George Carter attended1 R.C.E.M.E. reunion at Guelph1 weekend. Mrs. George Carter visited latives at Peterboro last wef end. Dr. and Mrs. Cauffield, Dayi( Ohio, visited their mother, M~ John Percy, and sister, Miss BEi Percy. Winners of the Oddfell<, hockey draw for the October 3C game were R. C. Rogers and Vanstone:- Mrs. Warren K. Roberts, CIeN land, has returned home afi visiting hier aunt and uncle, I and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. Mr. R. H. Pickard and daug ter, Mrs. P. A. O'Heron, Kin ville, spent the weekend with]N and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Dr. A. F. Perkins, wife ai daughters, Toronto, spent t weekend at the home of Rev. J. G. and Mrs. Carscadden. Hydro cutoffs in town commen ed on Monday with current turrt off between 10 and Il a.m. wi few complaints heard. Mrs. R. W. Douglas has retui ed to Markdale after spending few days with hier cousins, Mi ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright Rector W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M. R.M.T., Organist 24th Sunday After Trlnity 10 a.m.-Sunday School eud Bible Class 11 a.m.- Service of Remembrance For ail who served lu the past two wars. The Bowman- ville Legion will parade to church. Nursery for 2 years and over 7 p.m.-Evensong SubJect: ""The Church and the Community" Ail warmly invited A.B.S. & C. Tablets I.D.A. 100's, reg. 23c ---18C 'Dependabie G.E. LAMPS For Better Light --- 15c - 20c1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOfàý- Your Local I.D. DRU Druggist R G 1 - TRINITY UNITED CHURCH - SERVICES AT il A.M. AND 7 P.M. - Special Instrumental Music at the Evening Service INDEPENDENT BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SERVICES wlll be held ln the UNION HALL EVERY SUNDAY NICHT at 7:30 p.m. Commencing nexi Sunday Niglit November 7th " Bright Congregational Sluglng. " Brie! Messages From the Word of God. * Special Musical Numbers. - REAL FELLOWSHIp Corne and Bring the Whole Family PASTOR R. L. DEVERS ln Charge. HAMPTON ND PERSONAL lnWlimSduyspt Flou 663Miss Verna Lane, Port Perry, --Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Heasllp, thisJ. E Ellott nd Mss AnieTrenton, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Bert this J. E. lotadMs ni McMullen, Gary and Lois, Janet- DeMissNacy. Topon et ville, at Mrs. Frank Rogers'. wlth mount, Quebec, spent the weekend AMisonDandMra Purdon, N, 9. with Miss Joan Greenfield, and Cherryoonad aspent heweeknd ned together they attended the McGill- athryome. pnttewekn oMd Varsity rugby. game at Toronto, thms.R.HdnsTyoews Saturday. Ms .Hdis'yoe a Itlng An organizational meeting o! guest o! Mrs. Russell Luke. at te Jnio Hoemakng lubwil M r. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman bedat the no eAgrigClulOfice visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, on Frid ay eenAgig N alOv.f5t ceatGreenwood. irce, nFia vnnNv ta Mrs. J. A. Hughes who visited El- 7 p.m. This club is for girls aged her friend, Mrs. Bert Stevens, has 12 to 15, inclusive, and the pro- returned to Toronto. the etts year is. "Being well Mrs. Eva MacMillan, Mr. and lait dressed and well groomed." Mrs. W.R. Young, Dennis andi rementing on Ted Woodyard's Ex- Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truil. e-: clusive Auction Sale in Orono, Mr;s. Will Hartt, Palmerston, e-Saturday, gave full credit to thé with hier sister, Mrs. W. E. Stev- advertising columns pf The States. ens. on, man for making the sale one of Mr. Geo. Dobbin, Toronto, Miss 4rs. the biggest successes in many Ada Dobbin, and Mr. W. R. Hugh- ryl years. es, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. W.à Sunday morning members of the E. Stevens. ows Bowmanville Legion will parade Mr. and Mrs. Dan McQuestoni ýOth to St. Johns Anglican Church for and Mrs. McQueston Sr. visited C. the Armistice Day Service. Mem- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke. bers of the Legion are requested Mrs. W. Jeffery, Maple Grove, ve- to form up at the Legion Club was guest of Mrs. W. G. Doidge. ter House at 10:30 p.m. Mrs. M. Mountjoy entertained M(r. The Legion's Armistice Day friends to tea on Tuesday even-t Dinner will be held Thursday ing. gh- evening, November llth, in the A number of relatives gathered Lgs- Legion House, special speaker for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- M,'r. the occasion is Major The Rev. sell Luke by surprise on Friday C. H. Boulden, M.B.E., Port Hope. evening, Oct. 29th, for a house- and Mrs. Carl Devitt and sons, warming now that they are settl- the Wayne and Terry, have returned cd in their new home. They were A. to their home on Jane St. after presented with a lovely chair and spending -two months with hier other gifts. A pleasant evening was nec parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smart, spent with refreshments served. mcd nd sster, Mis Aury Sart Th e sum of $56.65 was obtained .iand sMtrsRbeM ixon EdrSmont in the subscription taken for the ithan r.Rbr ioEm - British and Foreign Bible Society ton, Alta. 1 by the Hampton Branch, which is rn Members of the Carlisle Avenue much ahead of former years. ea Circle spent a social afternoon Women's Institute will meet this ,rs. recently at the home of Mrs. P. E. Thursday afternoon in the church Greenfield, where the presenta- basement. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, jtion of a purse and gloves was Orono, District President, will give made to Mrs. Douglas Rackham. an address. Meeting is in charge Mr. and Mrs. Rackham, Lee and of the centre group. Lynda are now residing in Hamp- A number of ladies attended the ton. bazaar at Solina on Wednesday Hallowe'en went off in town afternoon. without Incident. High School Hampton Wo-He-Lo C.G.I.T. pupils entertained many at their met Nov. lst. Purpose was repeat- dance in the High School auditor- ed followed by a hymn. Minutes ium and the streets were almost were read and roll caîl answered.- deserted. It was decided that the girls would Many comments are heard of the start taking orders for Christmas great succcss of the Three Dollar cards. Mary Lou Widdecombc Days held in town last week. took up the offerîng. Fae Reynolds Country people wcrc particularly took charge of worship service. pleased with the frce bus service Cal k :'orship was read by Fae providcd and many have phoned Reynolds; Y'q.. rie Williams rcad in their thanks. the scripture; Nancy Coutts read The Northumberland Music Fes- a poem; Fac Reynolds read a tiavl Society held its 1948 annual prayer; Mary Niddery told a very meeting in the AMricultural Office, interesting story. Brighton, on Oct. 13th. The re- We welcome Mr. and Mrs. A.' ports showed that the 1948 Festival Masters and sons of Bowmani- had been a fine success both mus- ville, to our village, who have ically and financially. It was taken up residence with ber par- decided to hold the 1949 Festival ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMahon. durlng the week of May l6th, if The public speaking contest for possible. the school pupils of Darlington township was held in the Sunday Congratulations ta Tanya God- school room oof the church on Fni- dard and Teddy Cramp, who were day evening, Oct. 22nd, with a prize-winning pupils in the 1948 good attendance of pupils and Grade VII and Grade II, respec- parents. There were six contest- tively, piano examinations 14 ants. Shirley Taylor, Courtice; Oshawa District. Tanya Goddard Tracy Finney of Maple Grove, Pwon the prize donated by Bow- Helen Cole of Bethesda, Ken -manville Rotary Club and Teddy Brooks from Maple Grove and Cramp, the prize donated by the Olive Cryderman and Donna Vice Bowmanville Music Club. These of Bradley's, all o! whom had pupils will be heard at the Ani- chosen interesting subjects and nual Prize Recital to be held in were commended for the fine St. Andrew's Sunday School, Osh-prsnaon fthi sece. awa Saurdy, ov.6th at8 pm.First place was given Helen Cole, St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held in Second, Donna Vice and Third to the Lecture Room on Oct. 27th. Ken Brooks, Hampton. School pu- We were very pleased to have puls favored with two choruses Miss Ilcen Balson with us as under the direction o! Mrs. Par- *pianist for the evenirmg. Miss Don- sons, with Fay Reynolds at the aida Creasser was in charge of piano. Pupils of Providence and the worship service. The theme Shaw's School also favored with was "'Overcoming Evîl by use of two well-rendere<I part songs ac- Courage and Prayer." Quiet mnuslc companied by Dorothy Adamson îwas played by Miss Balson. The and which were vcry enjoyable caîl to worship was read by Miss contributions to the program. The Creasser and the "Thought" read by Betty Carruthers. The prayer was given by Carol Tuerk. Wor- ship service closcd by benediction read by Joyce Bragg. A very en- 1 D joyable sing-song was led by Miss 10or 15 Percent Creasser and accompanied at the piano by Miss Balson. Plans for Increase in Reni2? next week were made and the time was spent in playing games. -WvrD~ ' STARK VILLE Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toron. to, with Miss Norma Hiallowell. Miss H. Deckert, Toronto. visit- ed frlends here and visited at Howard Farrow's, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rallowell visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Wark, Owen Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hallowell, Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrison, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. Reid. Mrs. Reid was formerly Mrs. J. Clysdale, Mrs. Walter Farrow, Newcastle, at Howard Farrow's. Mr. and Mrs. K. Haw and fam- ily at Sld Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka was in Oshawa. Whales and sea lions will play together. 10% OFIF ALL MERCHANDISE - Except - Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Confectionery ON PRESENTATION 0F THIS ADVERTISEMENT Offer Expires Monday, Nov. 8th, 1948 at 5 p.m. ELLIOTT'S Variety House 65 King St. E. Opposite Garton'a DRU SO,Éý. W. Deliver Il - Phone 792 I.D.A. BRAND WEEK-END SPECIALS Calamine Lotion, Reg. 25c, 45c -------l ----- 9c -37c Idol-Agar, 16 and 40-oz., Reg. 69c, $1.29 -----------------------47c - 89c Kleen-Or Antiseptic, 4 and 16-oz. Reg. 25c, 79c - ----------- 18c - 57c Syrup Figs & Senna, Reg. 25c -------17c Senna Leaves, Reg. 1lOc, 25c -----8c - 18c Tr. Iodine, Reg. 20c -----------------14c Give YOUR HAIR a NEW LOOK Ladies (Men too)! Beautiful hair is a priceless asset;, give your hair plenty of attention and use products of establish- cd merit. R HAPPYSAhE LOTION - 600 OIL. -60t &1.10 POWDER - 280 & $50 CREAM - 551 Alka-Seltzer - _ 29e - 57c Bile Beans ------- - ----- 47e Chase's Nerve Food ---- 69c-$1.79 GIN PILLS TWO SIZES AND PILS Feenamint 19c-33c-69 Asprgum -------- -- - 33c-f1 Instantine ------------ 25 [Softer 1 Saler I1 Write al information to:- BOX 152, e/o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. 1 12 De BOX 33e TffUUDAT, NOV. 4th, 1948 TRE WrAqw-qlrÀkm upUMRAMRII 'PIR STORE SPACE WANTfED RELIABLE CHAIN ORGANIZATION WANTS SMALL 'OR MEDIUM SIZE STORE ON KING STREET - We want to occupy it as soon as possible., NOTICE' -** FARMERS 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows According to sizt and conditiou-Small animaIs removed free. No trouble to the fariner. We do thse loading HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICK PECONI, Owner l7 *lýl / '. Q;ýj i , --- 1 LACTOGEN -- 79c - $1.79 Modified Milk HOT WATER BOTTLE Port Hope

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