Imum'nv NOV.1-14,1948 Berry's Bookstore New Book Issued Record Garden Beets Robbed Friday a.m. On Public Speaking Grown by Robinson By Sneak Thief By Dr. G. E. Reaman- This paper has got pretty well During the pre-dawn dimout Dr. G. Elmore Reaman, a former inured to the unuisual records Friday morning, a long1-fingered Superintendent of the Boys Train- laýd on the desk as they are meas. sysneak thief broke open the metal ing School a't Bowmanville, and ured from flowers, fruits andj Scash box on the newspaper silent now head of the Departmnent of vegetables grown in this districti 0 r ROBY9W ý1, 9 salesman outside Berry's Book- English at the Ontario Agricult- and brought in by farmers and store and filched the entire con- ural College, Guelph, has recently gardeners Who seek to astonish I tents, save three nickels in the written a book titled "Speak the us with the productive capacity bottom. The robbery was dis- Speech" which has recently been of Durham County. Hello Homemakers! 'Neyer un- lin which there is a high wattage covered by Mr. Berry when he published by McLelland and Wehogtw haracda derstiatethepowr o a o- amp Whn eplningclohesopened the store at 7 arn. He es- Stewart, $2 in cloth,$5 oint where nothing would sur- man." According ta the numerous cîoset. attie or basement take the timates the loss at aporoximately paper. prs u uxiveme frW letters we have recjeved i-ou have iiashight. You can save elec- two dollars, the average for this R bno ,7 r w t o m n Put conser electrisity into tricity on these infrequent, short public convenience. vle h ihhssalsncm %Lfctice. There are many ways ta trips. The box is fastened at the bat- into the office recently, with four d n the h am oueo;lctiiy Ca de o the ini ta om wth a padlock, but the thief gàrden beets they just harvested thhm; hs is especialiy ar'e now a necessity in order to pried up the top lid which permit- from their garden. We stood for t n preparing meals. Hydro sax-e electricity. ted the use of one finger to liftaspeinugedamz en ha een rightly valued by i-ou as 3. Soak ciothes in water to which the nickels and pennies one by before getting out the old tape to a eatgcookeina n washting huave aciced a dot'erýent which one. It inust have taken quite take measurements. heaing cokin an wahin an !-oftcns the %wýatcr and-soaks out Isome time to e h on u consequently y~ou have eliiminated the cdîrt-thcn you need operate1 but aparently gooetcthe ons tat'~ Taking them in order the big- ân onesetalue fîta r-lh asig ahiefo mcýdtctteconfIdent, breakfast- gest beet measured 1 f t. 11 inches quesed n vew f te e erg ncy shoter pcrod.i lssindvid al.length c rcumference; 1'71/2 inches There are, howex'or, a fcw 4.~ Shaî<o the clotîhes before iou Mr Berry had the damaged box Eround the middle and, with the neighbours who have nt rcahzen .uig tuern on the line and pegIrepaired in a waY to insure that e gh It wi ed 4 Ib .N x thenee t sae cecricty ilfliothe let the breeze dry themn the box will be dusted for finger4 order that industrial and agri- as quiekly and as evenly as pas- prints if the orneration is repeated. imn iha1,,i.logirt cultural concerns rmay bes scrv"cd l He accepted the loss ph ilosophie- 1 im ondthae7i lg and with power to do their iobs. _Vany 5. A card table near the clothes allv as just part of the profits ' n o aet otug mfanioerations are a ffetcd or- 1n" xiii save you much time and from the 300 copies of The States- 5i'1n/to ae aro beginna'g y b lcrcpwr oed much honing. Fold everything as nainlie selîs weekly. His custom- I weighed 31,ls.Te4w oh tricity inust be savcd ta produce -ou rcrnove the linon and gar- ers will stili be accomnodated bv ieswihe ad2 rset food,ý clo thing and shelter for aur mntns frorm the lins, spreading this silent salesman. e r Rbi nso 34 n doug /tteseet- people. Let us consider ex ery tiivn snooth with the palms of frMSar. t'bisonbugStheed Stre Bw Smaîl saving. Towels, pillow slips, away withont ironing. fo wRd AmSeSr vet w-e 1. Use a flashlight going through shcts and underwear may be 6. Plan to bogin ironing with i tmanv i, e ulycan y, d- A hall with a high ceilîng fuýture I1 isted inf shape readv ta put rayon fabrics while the iron isf ed fertilizer. He planted two rows heating and set aside small sheerj and the famîly had aIl the small pieces ta finish ronung after the-besfo n o ron is turned ta "off" and is cool- Dr'. G. E. Reaman et they wanted fo n o S~ in. ,.lon, during the summer. Har- e 7. If you have bcen ironh»ng in a ManUjals forbcgudneavstg the seonuridataee dark corner with a light on, here- publie speakers are always in de- Mr. Robinson gave it up and cal- N tofore, unhinge cupboard type o! 1-nand anci the new one by- George led in the neighbours when these E board and place it between two1 Elmiore R'eaman, bas the merits huge specimens were derricked >straigbt back chairs near a Win- oF bcng tcrse and comprehiensive lip. t( dow. ~In a short book, Dr. Rearnan bias He says there are enough beets a 8. Save tume and electricity byý not onîx covcrecd thc clemcentary in the one row ta feed 16 families C planning meals ahead. points oprain addeir- îl winter. WVe can readily believe R 9. Keep a well-stacked emer- ngr a-rc/icudgrdoitftreegony four o! them rr gency shelf. Make use of commer- and panci and round table discuS- ad e epe ase oet cially prepared mixtures and in- suons buttbcrc are inistructions qiial tbem at the Royal Winter C Odividual baking dishes. in elnnution, the~ proper pronun- J Fair. 10. Prepare fods that the child- ci"l on cf common xvords and 1 C___________t ren ca ct ith ya-tenrides foir conducting a business C thee il b lsscoki'~h rne mefîng. Inthe roatter of e20uO- PfIE Ol R s i foerew e less compin,-of e ~- ciation, we wisb him wdll in his PfARfM L FOUMJ tricity. For instance, applesauce, efforts ta correct th(- -oveiiN-y _Si_ instead af apple pie. spe mking habits com-non in this BLACKSTOCK FARM FORUM* se 11I. Bail only the amount of proviînce. 1 (neddfrls ek t water required for tea. The use of Speak the Speceh is a volume (ITne d fcksokrmFrueek) i a dipper or quart measure in filI- of blunt.,, ell-informcd adviee ta TeBacsck ar Fou v ing the tca-kettle is as important the begirner. The author hiad opened on Monday night for the 01 LUday as the teaspoon ta measure shown goadi sense in stieking ta faîl series, with a meeting at the the tea.essentiels. Beyond wbat ho lay-s home of the President, Mr. Percy1 12. If you only require two cups dlownu there is notbin5Z except VanCamp. A fair representation 21 of water for tea or cacaa, heat it practice and, wbcrer possible. bon- o! th e neighbouring farmers wvas cr on the same clased element as you cst critieisin of actual efforts. in attendance. have caoked the potatoes using the This 'bock will give gcod value After the Radia Broadcast a de INTW sot easwehaeelectricity stored in the element. ta those who study it carefully livel iscussion took place on hE 1.3. Stored heat in the aven can and try ta appîy the principles h ujct"o etsGr. a IeNued a asantget fteeaoustam-dhharve.If there ire twa lb was decided that the qualitiesP addd oer257000teephnes ~have baked an ven meal and the laks. thev are insufficient warr- that are necessary for a farma put in hundreds of switchboards 4 W ' heat is turned off, custard mix- ing lbat public socaking is a dif- wife are very much the same as o an taiedthusnd o popeturcs. apples and tapioca can be ficult art and inadeouate stress on those which tend ta make a good C and raind tousads f peplecooked for the next meal's des- hnving something ta sax- that is wife in any walk of life. Namely, thý to extend and improve your telephone service, sert. Worth listening ta. Thecro are the a love of Home and family if e i n, Oven M1eals eminent living examolecs of the and an understanding o! and Ca-_ We are adding more telephones to meet (1) Squash stuffed with Sausage facb that a spoa!sor nmay bave operation in her husband's accu- M the continuing demand for service just as fast Oven ebcarni, grace and. poise but leave pation. C Ovncooked carrots tbe audience xitb the imn)res:ion The xvav ta create an interest as equipment becomes available. B read-Raisin Pudding - thcv have -bcen hearung1 pleasant io and better understanding of Ail this is being done in the face of rising costs. (2) Sliced Hert with Onion Rings ntigs.fanm life on the part a! urban Scalloped Potatoes beautify our farm homes, and Yet, up to now, there has been nio increase in Turnips. julienne Fam u Mounties i en a farmner goes ta town ta the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. _Bkdape ----- For you, this means greater value than ever beforu for us, the satisfaction of providing "the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost". THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA s -k Ricue pudding from ýsbored heet (I) Fish Loaf Tomato-rice casserole Bakcd potataes Gingerbread in Muffin tins Creemv sauce frorn stou'ed heat ~ ~Iio ~ (4) Baked Short Ribs o! Bec! - Tee Biscuits Banane Pudding Anne Allen invitesyou ta wribe ta ber in cane o! The Canadiai Statesmean. Send in your su.gges- *tions on homemaking problems and wateb this cci' mn for ren)lies. aress respectably and look l -ike -a Being Featured at gentleman and advertise farmn life Royl /ite Fir for which Areally is, the ms Farm boys and.girls as wel as Whon the Royal Agrictiltural aIl other boys and girls should Winter Fair opens on Nov. 16 be given training ta prepare them it vith many ncxv f"atures for 1948, for marriage and parenthaod if none will hold ;grcatcr intcrcst or this \vorld is become in the future draw bigger crowý%ds than the de- a bebter place in which ta live. tae-menit. nf Royal Canadien Forum will meet for discussion eMounted Police who \vill present next week at the home o! Mr. and n ta dr first post-war musical ride Mrs. Ernest Larmer. un Canada. Now on tour in tbe U. s SA. the Mountics vill sbo wv tleur 1,rained horses in tbrîllhng and Profits for To--morrovy colorful manoeuvers. Other special attractions in- B JaehLsrRuld) clude the Royal Tleatre of cook- (B JsehLtrRuld) ing demonstrations and films put- A good many people speak of on bv bbc Dominion Dcpanîm,-ent profits in a sort of husbed voice as of Agriculture. Tbe ncxv pucjljon if bbey were eommitting nids xibold Dominion, Provincial, erebian. They think a ofit t and] Dutcb Government exhibits way-profits, that is, thet go ta and of spocial interest to ladies,' someone else. AIl the ilîs o! high a fult scale fasbion show is ar- pricos, the lack of housing and rangcd by the International Wool anytbing else that troubles therni Secretariat. they lay on that convenient door- Good nexs cores with the ann- lp ounicement lbatne and efnbarged IlWhat would they do about pro- aceomodation bias been made av- f^1t1 if they, were in control? They ailable for modemn restaurants hae 1a i figured out. "Divide serving excellent food at current then," they say prompty. Theyl prices. This lu really a fine change don't want ta stop profits-just ta for the bettor. give bhem ta more people. It's a Livestock, poultrv, flowcrs, little confusing, for, if profits are fruits, vegetables, maàchincry and wrang, cen tbcy be made ight by- bbc ame horo sow ae te 0ving more, or different people a bhings thet ma' bcRya h shere? That seems to be the idea. oubsandng e-i tscla1 she We justify it by pointing to the tbe wbole worid. Designetedi as ecanomie warries we will avoid. a Royal Show by- the Kings o!f Its sa easy to prave-provided England it ,viili bave again His you teke same figtures and forget Exccllency, the Governou' Gen- others. We like figures such as eral, Vseount Alexander and the this. Profits in 1947 were $1 1,J Honoureble Ray Lawý%son, Lieut- billion more than in 1939. Let's Governor o! Ontaria, bath par- not mention anything about in- ticipating in the Royal Prog- dustries being bigger and vastly ranime, The show opens Nov. 16, more numerous. Let's overlook closes Nov. 24. entirelv that, while profits were increasing $1%1/ billions, over the - Isanie pcriod, remember, salaries and wages were incneasing $5 billion. Let's just concentrate on profits. Suppose we distributed it ail among you and me, the he twelve million o! us. What would 1we gain! Somewhere about $100. 'Not bad," we say. But xvould we gain that? Let's take the proable facts first. The most important is that aur gov-, erniment, inxious ta provide us Jwith the advantages and securities w e dcmanded, had aîready taken a substantiel bite, lb was a bite o! $692 million. But it stili left quite e chunk o! money. What did the people, who. if we didn't take it, still awned it, do with that chunk? g Thcy salted away $609 million for tomorrow. - Now, tomarrow should bulk pretty large in the thinking of you and me. Wages are good now. Wil * thex' ha, tomor-ow? We're aIl do- - . ingpretty well, despite high prices f or Butu oasteof tomorrow? fits, even the dmnse rft C OUGHS, COLDS left efter the gavernmental bite, SIMPI E hat about t0morrow? No $609 milion set aside this year, no SIMPLE S906 recerved from other profit S ORE TH R AT ycars, no urge an enyones part ta RE THROAT venture sametbing in the' hope o! making mare. No cxport business. V o busir.ess at ail. Xhat bappens ':n ta cuir .îoh and fat cextr-a )bilion un salaries and wages? SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK of the Famous GENERAL TIRES notgrwt, mke AEmal ropAofWe thiRTers Accustom yourself, 's better then a wiîderness of dul. OBITUARY MRS. JAMES MORTON The death occdrred on Oct. 28, in East General Hospital, Toronto, of Mrs, James Morton, resident in Toronto for the past 30 years. She wes 60 years of age. H-er busbend predeceased ber in 1941. since when bis widow suffencd a graduai decline in beeîth. Mrs. Morton was a daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. George Ed- ger, Bowmanville. and a niece o! Mrs. Thomas Vanstone and WVil- liam and Fred Luxton. She wa born and educated in Bowmaýn- ville and moved ta Toronto aften marrying Mr. Morton. The late Mrs. Morton was a kindly and intenseiv religiaus persan wbo toak e leading part in the xvark a! the Salvetion Arm-y for miany years. A generous and helpful disposition endeared ber ta a hast o! friends who were shocked ta learn a! her passing. Remaining ta maurn ber deatbl are one daugbter, Irene. Mrs. Len Kendall, 10 Mortimer St., Toron- ta. The funeral service was held on Oct. 30, in tbc Evans Funeral Horne, Toronto, prior Io inter- ment in the Pine Hill Cemnetcry. The palîbearers froni Bov,,min- ville were cousins Leslie and wil- iam Nichols and Fred and Clar- ence Edger, Eenl Mutton and Roy DR. T. H. RATCLIFFE The Blackool (England) Ga- ette & Herald publisbcd tbc fol- lowingz obituary o! the brother o! Mrs. Wm. Roberbs, King St. E., Bowmanville: The funeral book place et CarIe- an on Thursday. after a service at Victoria Street Congregabional Church, o! bbc Rev. T. Hilton Ratcliffe, M.A., D.D. of The Pro- muenade, North Shore, the secre- tary o! the Fylde Congregational Cauncil. The service was conduced hy fie Rev, Smith Slinger, o! More- ýambe, a fniend 0f Dr. Rabeliffo ince their student days. Dr. Rateliffe died in hospital on, undey. Ne leaves e xvife and a ;n. He ivas a member o! Victoria- treet CongreLletional choir and aI iolinist in Blackpool Symphony )rchestra. 14 Atlantic Crossings A native o! Burnley, he spent ýyears in the United States and ,ossed bbc Atlantic 14 tinie, His firsb pastorate was ïrt Cod- es, South Dakota. From tbcre ue îas called ta Pierre, South )akota stabe capital. where m-ie was ppointed to tbe Senate. id was head o! bbc depariment feducation a! bbc Pierre Bible holege. Dr. Rateliffp was chaplain to e Middle West legisiature, andî istructor in psychology et the fidwest Bible College. Later he was called ta Avalon THERE'S No TIRE LIKlE THIS SNOW TIRE! Tbinking, manhoad. therefore, tt thinking.-Isaac lards and stronger than the might Taylor. o! cmpires.-Mary Baker Eddy. TeG EN ER A L. ESPECIALLY FOR REAR WHEELS GripS IHurd in Soft Going YNOu a'tiaginewh a difeene SNOWca'SLUSrie hataMUDernc pair of General WINTER-CLEAT Tires on your rear wheels makes. The tread in double-thick and cleated. It gripa bard ini soit going-zips through wher. rthers slip, spin, bog down. Put a pair on your rear whee1t now and save yourself tfle risks of faulty traction. The nuisance of being stailed. The expense of bemng towed. FREE SERVICE You need WIN'TER-CLIEATS for snow, slush, xnud. We'll store your present rear tires and switch them back when the time cornes. S&USHY, ICY OUTTERs - UNPLOWED SIDE STREETrS INCLINED DRIVEW you pull away eaaily with - c a n'f bag you clown sure fraction is pr Wmtbu-Clta. with Wintet-Cleat. by wntex.Cleats. SoId 4y:- DIS TRIR UTOR On F. Jamieson Tire Depot BOWMANVILLE PHIONE 467 CORKi DEALERS Roy Graham, Haydon M. Sissons,1 Doug Rackham, Hampbon Burkelon GE L. Fallis, Cadmus Sid Lancasi Ler, Newlonville WAYS - CGENEIRALJ VOU NEED ONLY OP PU RIT F OUR I'Iy FORm ONE RESu )AT5C For holiday baking ;.;. and everyday baking . .. go right on using Purity Flour. It makes w-onderful cookies, pies, cakes, buns, bread . . it makes wonderful everything. - ------ ISI buys y ou the famops Purity Cook ME FLOUR Book with tis 875 recipes, develored i n the Purity Flour KitcLxen. Send > our nearest Purity Flour Mils Offic% ru *.. St. John, N.B., MontreaQue.,I M ,awa. Ont., Toronto Ont W JLT Na .............................. UNIMPROVED ROADS... Orono jarage, Burketon -sm. I One of a series of adrerlisenienis in !ribuufe Ioth ose Canadians in the service of the public TIs.-ýl)VIJ' !S ; -v ~ I' itppo(R- 0F TIIE ST. JOUX AMBULANCE APPJEAL. NOV. lst TO 2th PAGE THMTEE? '= CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrÈLLr- nWT,&lqTn m 1