TRU~8DAY, NOV. tlth, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THEZU D Lway of life among the etith Chartered Banks Act as Bookkeepers world1 Democratic processes and common sense will iron out any FII~IU* nfaults that myeit nldn 01 S venMillon anadan usto ersthe combination of high prices and high taxes, which is not con- fined to Canada. Gwned hy 56,000 Shareholders In his report to Canadian bank customers, Mr. Rae s4id the 10 Cariada's economy is at 'such a huge volume of payments by char teebansomdpestnd a Peak of activity that the chart- Canadians to one another, the mondngtheslvesforadesit3an ered banks handle customners' banks act as the bookkeepers of brlenig sinerssaveda3,385 cheques totalling $6.5 billions a their millions of customers. It il- banks are owned by 56,000 share- month, Robert Rae, President of lustrates, also, the simplicity, fa- holders who last year earned 3.8 The Canadian Bankers' Associa- cility and impartiality of banking I, eto hi eutcmae tion said bere today. service. .t per cent nor theireuiy cmard Addressing the annual meeting Mr. Rae gave a general revîew1 The shareholders annually elect of the Association, Mr. Rae, who of economnic and financial condit- 192 directors who, in turn, ap- is1 vice-president and general ions in Canada in the form of a point the senior management to %p~nager of The Dominion Bank, report to the 7 million Canadians supervise an army of bank em- more Canadians are using who are bank customers. ployees now numbering 41,616, an bWk facilities than ever before. He said the Canadian banking increase of 65 per cent since 1939. They are writing more cheques ýystemn has proved sound and safe to handle the larger volume of than ever before, with the result ûnder cvery test in recent Mnem- bank business in Canada's ex- that debits to individual accounts panded economy. average $6.5 billions a month, a Bank payrolls last year ap- volume o! turnover equal to theprahc$7 milos13pe deposits of the public once a pc her thamlinsre- 1r3 ner montb. cn ihrta r-a.Itr By hndlng ad rcoring hisI Sest paid to depositors reached _____________and_______________ $466 millions. Taxes totalled $21.4 millions, compared witb $9.4 ByâsnesÉDiretorymillions in 1939. Contributions to Busiess irecorystaff pension fuonds were $9.5 millions. Legal In the 3,385 branches of the Canadian Banks, customers main- W. R. STIKE, Ke.ain 7,221,052 deposit accounts Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Deposits by the public, as (listing- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal N ished from those by govern- Money to Ican - Phone 791- ments, total $6,217 millions, of Bowmanville, Ontario xxhich $4,000 millions represent LAWRNCE . MAON, A. avings accounts of individuals The banks have 800,000 borr- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ... ng customers, who, of course, King Street W., Bowmanville are depositors also. Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 i Banking service is a matter o!f banking experience and manag- W. F. WARD, B.A. crial skill," Mr. Rae continued. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 'N lentv ytmamda 91h Kirng Street E. :-teering credit for the fulfilment Bowmanvi-le ---n-arioof political aims could serve as Phone:. Office 825- House 4091 weil or as impartially. MINSS APHA 1. HODGINS Rbt Rae. "Onr primary duty is safegaurd- Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public ory. Then be continued: "The ing depositor's funds. We safe- Successor to M. G. V. Gould prime reason rests with our 7 gaurd the privacy o! ail regular Temperance St. - Bowmanville million custorners. Their unwav- transactione. Our business is Phone 351 ering confidence in their banks sýhort terni lending. We take has been decisive. risks within reason. Competitiv- "Itis ue o te seadnes ?fely we scek to keep credit moving Denitdetothasldies o hrough ail the channels of trade D eialthese satisfied customers, their and opportunity. thus furnishing DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL willingness to Icave their savings a foundation under national pros- Graduates o! Roy~al Dental deered crtiius, their ssac o un- perity. production, marketing and College, and Faculty of dredess ti cceptdneirus- employment. We do the job ef- Dentistry, Toronto.nerousficiently and well, at low cost to DentitryToroto.' economic doctrines that the banks Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. have been able to serve so well our customers." King Street, Bowrnanville the pcopie's needs in war, reon in r ae ew of bankg ondt-, Office Hours: struction and post-war product-ios r.Repa-danast, 9 ar. to6 p.. daly. onas of Aug. 31, at .,à,182 millions, 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday. "Isol like to assure each an increase of 130.5 per cent sinces Closed Sunday. on fI u cssbes fould eat1939. Current boans stood at $1. Office Phone 790 aoneciof ur utmerofiudeate,959millions, representing 29.2 Residerice: their loyalty and their sane im- per cent of C anadian deposîts. Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 movability in the face of the Bank bans as of June 30, were Dr. W. M. Rudeil 2827 winds of doctrine which, from 76.8 ýper cent higher than at Oct. time m31, 1945. Between those dates, DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. time. to time, beat about their loans to municipal governrnents Of ibert S.,n., B omnvi"eOur customers know by direct and school districts increased 160t 100 ibety t.,N.,Bowanvlleexperience that the depositor per cent; boans to, farmers, ranch- Office Hours: controîs bis own money, the con- ers and fruit growers, 106 per 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily dition of bis bank accounf and bis cent; boans to manufacturers, 119f 9 arn. to 12 noon, Wednesday regular transactions are strictîyI per cent; mînîng boans, 56 perh Phoed04 u - 2a5. is own affair. His right to take' cent:loans to contractors and C Phone 604 2-5 bis deposit or his borrowing ac- builders. 117 per cent; and boansj count from one bank to another to individuals. 135 per cent. M onumenis makes certain that competition More people are using banikr _________________________is always at xvork to serve bis services today than ever before, 1 The Rutter Granite Company needs. I arn sure that our custom- Mr. Rae noted, adding "at a time Phon 50 - .O.Box622 erswan tht cmpeitin pes-when feeling toward the ibanksa Port, Hope, Ont. erved." aogpol tlrei ai In bis general revîew of Can- !estly better than in any pastc adian affairs, Ms. Rae found "a perîod, it seems incongruous (one F Opiometry busy Canada', a nation that, apart noted editor bas seferred to it as from the United States, "is in a 'Canada's greatest anomaly') thata JOHN T. MeCREERY more prosperous condition than an agitation should arise to, changeC Optometrist any other countries in the world the accepted systemn for sometbing 22 Division St., Bowmanville He predicted the Canadian people cise."1 Office Hours: will not easiiy be led to scrap tbe n Monday - Tuesday, 7-8 p.m. free institutions of governmentJ Tbursday 2-8 p.m. and business that make this pos- MO (H p w . v Phones: sible and have helped place thel ZO (Hp Tw ) Bowmanville 2024. Port Hope 248 Canadian standard of living and aV, nn~~r~,l~ Pl We're Praud indeed that we have been oppomnted outhorized deoler, in this district, for famaus PITTSBURGH PAINT PRODIJCTS. lt's in keeping 'with aur policy of hondling only quality merchandise. PITTSBURGH PAINTS, naw "Mode In Canada," Include Sun-Proof, a superior outside point mode with "Vitolixed Ois"; Wolihmde (flot, semi-glosa and glass) the wonder-working, one-coat, oul-base point which covers ony surface; Watersper Enamel, a quick- drying, mor-resisting finish for woodwork and furni- ture; and Florhide, a taugh, elostic, weor-resistant enomel foryood, cernent ond concrete floars. We'il welcome your inquiries-drop in any time. I. H.Abernethy PAINTER AND DECOeATOR Bowmanville Phone 431 school teacher, spent the weekend at Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven. Bunker Hill, spent the weekend at Perth Road and Kingston. Mrs. J. C. Forrestes. Westpost, is with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruth- yen. Bunker Hill. Tbrec members of the Davey Tree Experts. Bill Smith, Gordon and John Elliott. Port Hope, caîl- ed on Mr. Harold Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. George McCul- lough and Laureen, Newtonville, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cas- xve 11. A number from here attended anniversary services at Newton- ville United Church. Mr. Ellsworth Caswell bas left for deer bunting with a party at Tory Hill. Congratulations to Caroline Jones, daughter o! Mr. and Mss. Cecil Jones, Orono, formesly of Zion on winning the Public Speaking Trophy at Port Hope on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Porter and bid ren, Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Brown. Miss Joan Faircloth, Osaca. visited at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell. IWATCHI REPAIIRING IC for satisfaction reasonable prices Bring Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIES GUARANTEED For One Year NIAINSPRINGS INCLUDED MARRIS JEWELLERY BOWMANVILLE 43 King St. W hoe463 SOLINA Mr. Frank Cowling, Hampton, at Mr. S. Hockaday's Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Potter, Bowv. manville, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rick- ward, Dorothy and BillyM*s Annie Potter, Toronto; M.and Mrs. Harold Potter, Brenda and Ricky, Hampton, at Mr. Alex Pot-i ter's. Mr. Lawrence Squair, Miss Ida Stephens, Providence, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruickshank and Joan, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Peter- borough, at Bruce Tink's. Miss Pearl Leach with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton. Mrs. H. E. Tink with relatives at Peterborough last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Green- wood, at Albert Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevens, John, Joe and Jili with their par- ents at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson, Helen, Jimmie and Janette, To- ronto, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's. There will be no church service on Sunday owing to Hampton an- niversary services, and Sunday School will be held at 10:30 ar. with Mrs. Gordon Leask in charge of the missionary program. Hampton Circuit Brotherhood will meet at Zion Nov. 30, with Col. Murray Johnston, Oshawa, as guest speaker. Inspector T. R. McEwen visited the schools in this district. Mr. S. Hockaday and Mr. Roy Langmaid have been under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy attended the 4Oth wedding anniversary reception for Ralph's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, at Oshawa, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker also attended the reception. A number from here attended the bazaar at Hampton, Tuesday. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. 4nd Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, Bowmanville. Service Club met at Mrs. Leon- ard Stainton's on Nov. 2nd with 12 present. Evening was spent in sewing. Next meeting at Mrs. O. Ashton's, Nov. l6th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Short, Sea- grave, at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milîs'. Mrs. Bertha Yeo. Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Stainton, Hamp-r ton, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stain-( ton.S Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry andS family, Enniskillen, Mr. W. Gil- bert, Miss Edna. Miss Winnifred Cole, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Telfer, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pearce, Miss Mary Pearce, Port Perry, Miss Elva Or- chard, Bowmanville, with Mr. Geo. Reid and Mrs. A. Leadbeater>. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston and Merle, Enfield, called on Mr. Claud Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Miss Betty Smales, Oshawa, Miss Fan- ny Smales, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales and David, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and family, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. A]bert Rundle and family, Har- mony, Mr. and Mrs. John Rundie, Rickey and Kenneth Rundie, Mrs. Mary Cann, Reta and Joan, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie and celebrated three wedding anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Gwen and Eunice, Nestieton, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Mr. Harold Stevenson and his mnother, Thornhili, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stevenson. Mr. Trenton Ellis, Port Huron, Mich., with bis brother, Mr. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and family with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H-ough, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and a a n f f a d IV fi a t( a b ti S( F C French Academy is bottle green, 1 he color they consider symbolie of wisdom. MRON FIREMAN ~ STOKERS 43T 30% MORE HEAT JACK BRGUGH,ý PLUMBING AND HEATING BowmanvIlIe 3 King Si. W.' Phone 2384 noon by a ladies' quartette from Mss. Herman Wilson. The beir to an African tribal HAMPTONTrinity Churcb, Bowmanville, and Mr. Francis Irwin, Toronto, Mr. throne is in bot water witb bis in the evening Mr. E. J. Luke o! and Mrs. Reg Middleton, Islington, people because he married a white Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson King St. Choir, Oshawa, will be with Ms. and Mrs. H. Vine, girl. and family, Columbus, Misses isoloist. Gladys Chapman, Cecile Petit,! A short missionary programi was WARNING! Rotin Toronto, and Raymond Petit, Longj presented at the Sunday School1 Since the war ended, Canada ; sn Branch, were visitors on Sunday session by Audrey Kerscy, Miss- will bave absorbed 100,000 refu- makes ail the difference in at Will Chapman's. ionary Superintendent. wbo read i gees and D. P. 's by July, 1950. icfe.MxelHuei Mss. E. Horn witb Ms. and Mss. I an interesting story and Annabelle "Radi. axwoe " . . . a Percy Allin, Oshawa. 1 Adcock contributed a vocal solo. Rdai Rose . a Mrs. Coulter, Millbrook, is guestI Report o! money in missionasy TICKETS TOrcakbe poes t t o! Mss. E. H. Cole. purses was also presentfed. EVERYWHI.RE reakbe poesta Mr. and Mrs. L. CryderMxan C. E. Horn, Lorenzo Truli and Air, Rail or Steamship i oasts every bean evenly al and Mrs. Wili Wilbur vîsited their Harold Quarry are on a, hunting consuit through - captures every sister, Mrs. Harry Hoidge at trip in the Haliburton region. JURY & LOVELLatm o rihcfe god Stouffville. aBm owmanviffe lod Miss Bessie Blackburn, Salem, 1 Kg t.W. Phne 77 spent Sunday with her parents, N1ETLE ON ____ S__.___W. __Phone_____778___________ Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn. E T TO Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allun and Jh, Bowmanville, witb C. W. Nestleton W.I. met at the home Souch and Ms. and Mrs. Ken of Mrs. M. Emerson, Nov. 3rd. Caverly. Meeting was in charge o! Mrs W.iT IN Mr. and Mss. Merwin Mountjoy D. Ferguson's group. There werc ES R A TN:H were supper guests o! Ms. and 25 ladies present. Mss. Roiph, 1 IMrs. E. Lawson, Yelverton on Osono, District President, visitedI Saturday cvening. our meeting. The quit made by Ms. and Mss. Charlie Nelson, the members was banded in by; and Muriel, Toronto, Ms. and Mss. Mss. L. Joblin. Mss. L. Fitze verv Stanley Plougbman, Ms. and Mss. kindly donated a batt. Plans wer e1 OMNT and Mss. Edwin Wood, Bowman- put it in a bale wbich W.I. are ville. visited at S. Williams'. scnding to England. Mss. Rolpb Ms. and Mss. Ceci] Slemon, 1 gave us a fine address on the work, Haydon, were guests o! Ms. and o! standing committees o! the W. Mss. Theron Mountjoy. I. programme. Reading by Mrss Mr. and Mss. M. Mountjoy at- 'Willett "God Sent There"; rcad-1 C T OS AE on Sunday and visited relatives. Little Home": solo by Mrs. Law- 1 Mr. and Mss. Jimmie Brodie, rence Malcolnm, 'The Beautiful i TRIS SATURDAYI NOV. 131h Toronto, with Mr. and Mss. J. R. Garden o! Prayer." Mss. W. D. Reynolds.I Ferguson put on a cake contest i Messrs. Alec Stackaruk and Aus- which was won by Mss. Rolph. 1 p.m. sharp tin Basson wcre in Ottawa during Roll caîl was answered witb the weekend.' "Tongue Twisters." A daintySA E The Rackham twins, Lee and lunch xvas served. Mss. Rolpb,: PALMER'S MOTOR S L S LOT Lynda, accompanied by their Mss. Ferguson and Mss. Emerson mother attended a bisthday party were given a bearty vote o! thanks King St. E., Bowmanville for the Jamieson twins in Bow-j for an evening -weil spent. Next 1 manville on Saturday a!ternoon. meeting at Mss. Harry MeLaugh-'t E M A HN E E V Ms. and Mss. Allen Parker, To- lin's in charge o! Mss. O. Brown',s TE M CA HN S RV ronto, with Mss. M. Goodman and gsoup. 1 Louise. Mss. Alan Wilson and Glenda. Auctioneer, Wmn. J. Challis Mss. Hariand Truil was at Lin- 'visited friends at Brooklin and Tisaltedsoeothblncofhete.-Aot 0 dsay on Thursday. Windsor.Thssl odsoeothbaacofheim.-Aou20 We wclcome Ms. and Mss. 1Ms. and Mss. Laurence Malcolm in ail - left oves from the previeus auction and includles m'ost Douglas Rackharn, Lee and Lynda, attended Ms. and Mss. Quick's of tbe larges and choicer pieces, a number of wvhlch are to Hampton wbo have taken up silver wedding at Bowmanville. îisted blowti:- residence at soutb end o! the Ms. and Mss. Stanley Malcolm village. visited Ms. and Mss. Neil Mal- Gas Stove; Baby High Chair; 2 Sets Speed Skates and Boots; Visitors at Pcrcy Déwell's werc colm, Blackstoek. 2 Hot Watcr Tanks; 7 Sets Bed Springs (good condition); 1 Ms. and Mss. Frank Dewell, Ms. Frank Emerson, Ms. and Brass Bcd; 1 Steel Bcd and Springs; Z Wood Bcds; 1 Hall Thistltown, Ms. and Mss. Orma Mss. Edgar Emerson and Ian, To- Seat and Hat Rack; 1 Baby's Crib; 1 Wash Stand; 1 Chest of Cruickshank and Joan and Mss. ronto, visited Ms. and Mss. M. Drawcrs; 1 Sideboard; 1 Chesterfield (good condition); 8 Ida Wilcox, Peterboro. Emerson. Ms. and Mss. Jack Baker visit- Ms. and Mss. George Joblin, Tables (assorted sizes and shapes); 3 Settees (good condition); cd Ms. and Mss. James Smalcs. Valentia, visited bis brother, Ms. 2 Sofas; 4 Mattresses (excellent condition); 1 Coal Chute; Visitors at Sam Dcwell's wese L. Joblin, 1 What-Not; 5-gai. Oil Can; 2 Oul Stoves (good condition); 1 Ms. and Mss. Emil Landry, To- Ms. and Mss. Ivan Hoskin o! Oil Steve <excellent condition); 1 Wasb Tub; 2 Bicycle Tires; 3 ronto, Mss. Fred Luke, Mss. T. E. Blackstock, visited bis parents, Auto Tires; 1 Crokinole Board; 1 Rug; 1 Garden Chair; 24 Kaiser, Oshawa, Miss Annie Hoît, Ms. and Mss. R. M. Hoskin. Straight Chairs; 1 Fcrn Stand; Assortcd Pîcture Frames; 3 Courtice, Migs Mary Howsam, Ms. and Mss. Harold Wbeeler Roeking Chairs; Assortcd Boots and Shoes; Assortcd Electric Port Pesry, Ms. Jim Baird, Saint- and family, Blackstock, visitcd Ms. Fixtures and Globes; i Battcry Radio, and other assorted 1tem.; field, Mss. W. J. Lcask and Mss. and Mss. George Bowers.. Lumb, Bowmanvillc. Ms. and Mss. George Johns vis too numerous to mention. Thank-Offering Services will be ited Mss. Mitchell, Ballyduf!. IN CASE OF RAIN THE SALE WILL BE HELD IN THE beld Sunday, Nov. l4th, at 2.30 Ms. Sam Jeffrey, Ms. and Mss. p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. R. C. Norman Malcolm, Blacksteck, at PREMISES OVER PALMER'S GARAGE Copcland, Pickering, wili be the Ms. and Mss. L. Joblîn's. speaker and our chois will provide Ms. and Mss. Colville Evans and special music assistcd in the a! tes- Donald, Orono, visited Ms. and HOME FURNISHINGS From WALKER'S CRISS CROSS MARQUISETTE CURTAINS The curtain you need to finish off that bedroom. Criss cross curtains in a fine quality cotton marquisette with large puffy chenille dots. Ivory cobour. Heading 15 qf full 60" and each curtain is 46" x 2 ¼ý yds. long$4.3 pro RUFFLED MARQUISETTE CURTAINS Fine qualîty marquisette cuî tains Io dress up your windows. Pull 81" loi.g and each side 46" widc, with bcaded rufflcd and lots o! fullncss. Ivory colour only. -.....-«------ ------ - ----- $3.69 pro 50 INCH RAYON DRAPERY A sichly texturcd cotton and rayon drapcry in an ail-oxer design. Esp#ýcially suited for lix'ing-room use. 50 inches xide. Colours are wine, green, and cggshell.------------ ------------- $1.79 yd. BRIGHT, CHEERY COTTAGE SETS Here, are, d2,inty littho sets Io hriglicen Up your kitchen. White backgrounds with chenille dots o! sed, green os blue. Sie28" x 36", 0%t~t wit lvvr i-sh24" x 45". -- -------- -- $J6 sel "PAYTEX" PLA.STICIZED DRAPES Beautiful -windowvs at a loxv cost. These Plasticized cellulose fibre drapc.ý are proce.n;' te look and bang like expensive c]otb. Edgces arc seinforced. FuIl length and 58" widc, %vitb autornatc frenc THE MODE RN STORE Bowmnuviile 94 Concession St. 7 FOOT HOMESPUN READY - TO - HANG DRAPES Dîgnified drapes that are vesy mucb at home in liviîng-room or dining-roorni Home- spun drapes in four lovely styles. ExpertlY eut and designcd with pinch pleat hcading. Each curtain is 7 ft. long and 44" wide. Come in and sce thcrn to-dav. $11.50 Pr. - $11.95 Pr. - $12.50 Pr. - $13.50 Pr. TTSBURGH PA 1 NTS Phone 451 m TRUMDAY, NOV. Ilth, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMASV=X. ONTARIO PAGE TH