PAGE FOUTR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ROWMANVTT.L1! ON~PARTO ~'1flJRSDAY, NOV. ~4th. !948 Things Nust Be Different Now Tom Kennedy is Premier Writes Edilor N._Mclntyre Hood M. Mclntyre Hood, Managing Kennedy, Minister cf Agriculture, Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazette, v;as ta bo the next Premier cf the rocently came back to bis present Province. Now be bas taken of- position after five yoars as Di- 'fice, and with bis accession, things rector of Publicity, Ontario De- will be different, not only in the partmcnt of Agriculture, presidcd way in which business will, be over by Non. T. L. Kennedy wha canducted, but also when the Go- became Premier cf Ontario two vernment faces its tirst session cf -veeks ago on the resignation cf the Legislature at tbe beginning Non. George Drow. Mr. Hood of the year. travelled e xt en s i ve 1 y witb The new Premier is known by Mr. Kennedy on dopartment friends and palitical opponents work, prcpared the officiaI re- alike simply as -Honest Tom"- beases, knew Mr. Kennedy in- a tribute ta the sincerity cf the timately. 1 man wbo is now at the head of Intimate Friends laffairs at Queen's Parrk. Writing a signed article in the Times-Gazette, Oct. 23, Mr. Hood pays hight tribute ta bis former - chief and states: "Things wilI be different around Queens Park when Tom Kennedy takes over his new responsibilities." The arÈcle is strictly non-partisan. It is simrly a personal, honest tri- bute from one friend ta another. Mr. Kennedy i's classed as a "grass-roots" farmer. We are hap- py ta quate extracts from Mr.- Hoods -article as furtber introduc- tion ta the ncw farmer permier. Mr. Flood writes, in part, as fol- "Thn~i v ilbh differeat" is the meossa'I that bas been ringing thir le halls at Queen's Park in the last few days, since it be- cicm' k1nown that Hon. Thomas L. Things Will Be Different Things will be different aroun< the Premier's office in Queen's Park, if Mr. Kennedy continues the practices he has followed in the ministry of agriculture in the East Block. For five years, Pre- mier Drew bas surrounded hlm- self with a staff of secretaries, under-secretaries and executive assistants whose main duty seem- ed ta ho ta keep people away fron the Premier. To obtain entry as difficult as the biblical feat of passing a caniel through the eye of a needie. Even ta reach some of the private secretaries required porseverance and patience. Tom Kennedy's plan is differ- ont. It is his invariable custom in the office of the Minister of Agri- culture ta Icave his door stand- TURNINC THE PAGES OF _____ .a*ee / In l"T2 carmer -. .. Daniel Massey made the first mowicr ln Canada. Later Alan8on ______________ 1 arris designed ~ the reaper. Their comblned efforts 1 ln 1891 helped -- develop the,~ i~ wheatland of the West.1 b The introduction, in 1910, cf the com- bine, made it pos- sible to reap and thresh 25 acres a day. Now, one man with modern equlp- ment can cut and throsh 50 acres a day. It is Canadian people and Canadian machines that prcove. .. there's room to grow in Canada Unlimited. COMPANY LIMITED F3-210 I d Canadian Plowmen Gel Free Trip to Britain The 1948 champion Canadian plowmen, wbo won free trips to Britain at tbe International Picw- ing Match beld in Lindsay, are shown above with their manager. Prom lef t ta rigbt are: Wilbert McFaddin, Rhys Bacher, Elliott Masos (manager), Alvin Mark and Robert Timbers. The five mon will tour the British Isles as guests sing wide open, except when h f is closéted witb a doputation or ean official discussing confidential e business. When, on becoming Mi- nister ini 1943, be called his staf. in for a conference, bis message tc -them was "My door is always n open ta any of you and came anc -seo me whenever you want ta talk anything over with me." The same principle is applied ta his dealings with farmers, no rnatter how humble they mîght bc. HNb door is always open ta them, and his secretary on many occasions figuratively tears her hair as she sces schedules upset by people without appointmcnts who have just walkcd in ta receive the smiling xelcome which Mr. Ken- nedy always bas for bis visitors. Ne likes talking ta farmers, and he bas a most amazing faculty for picking their brains, finding eut wbat is in their minds, and talk- ing ta them as just plain Tom Kennedy when thoy are beset by problems. Demnands Effieiency Tom Kennedy demands effi- ciency in bis staff, and he gets it. One morning he told a group of his officiais, "I can excuse a man for making a mistake ýonce, but when he makes the same mistake a second timo, thore is no excuse." Ne appoints men whom he be- lieves know their jobs and are qualified to do tbem, but ho keeps his fingers on everything that is being dane in bis department, and is one Minister who knows the answers ta agricultural problems even better than the members cf hiý staff. Tom Kennedy bas a keen eye ta the future of Ontario and of ag- riculture in the province. One day whilc we were driving along the highways of Ontario, be said to me "Mac, I bave too many peo- ple around me in the Department, people xvho are caming close ta superannuatian , and I arn very much conccerned about what is go- ing ta happon when they retire. I nst bave more younger men in the key positions." He put that into action. toe, when be appoint- ed Clifford D. Graham deputy minister at the age of 41, -brought n Jim Garner from Kent ta be Director of Extension and Albert Barr tram Stormont ta be As- sociate Directar cf Extension. His accent on youth is a]so seen in the keen interest which be takes in the Junior Farmer movo- ment of Ontario. That is bis pet branch of activity, because he is convinced that the future of agri- cultural living depends on the propor training of the young farm people of today. High Spiritual Plane Tom Konnedy's keen interost in spiritual things is real. Ne bas a deep sense of the place of religion in the life of the individual and the community. His ancestors es- tablished the Anglican church at Dixie, \vbich ho attends regularly. Ne sametimes amazes bis cal- leagues by bis knowledge of the scriptures. I can recali one oc- casion when be was travelling with a party through Northorn Ontario. As the train was rolling through the Algoma district, after having visitod Temaskaming and Cochrane districts, the Minister of Agriculture rather surprised us by suddenly quoting from the Book cf Deutronomny: "For the Lord thy God bringeth thee inta a goad land, a land of 'brooks, of water, of fauntains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley and vines, of ail and bon- ev; a land wherein thau shaît oat bread witheut scarceness; thou the Grea:esf ýValue in Ginge' ie - CHARLES WILSON LIMITED--- - TORONTO 8a2 Distrihulor for Bowmaaville anid Oshawa District: D. NYERS of Imperial Oil Co., and Salada Tea Co. Rhys Bacher cf Hagersville, and Robert Timbers cf Stouffville, won gold and silver medals respect- ively in tbe Esso Champions Tracter Class sponsored by Im- perial Oil Ltd. Alvin Mark cf Cameron. and Wilbert McFaddin cf Miilbank. e 'shaît flot lack anything in it; a r land whase stoneý are iran and d~ eut of whose hi fls thou -dig brass." .f Ne spoke these wards quiotly, 0 sincerely, without besitating or 1 faltering ta find the right word, CI and thon ho added "That is Onta- k ria." e Tbe new Premier is an i'nveter- Sate reader, but most of bis read- r ing in recent years bas been of, speriedicals and publications which J deal with the many problems et smodern agriculture. Every af- Dternean, on leaving bis office, ho Ltakes with him a brief case filled cta overflexving with the day's grist of official reports, statistical statements, agricultural publica-j tions and particularly thase tram other countries, Ne reads very thoroughly the publications tram1 tBritain. Every day there came ta »his desk the overseas airmail odi- tien of the London Times, a gift fram a friend ho made in England last year. Ne nat enly reads it, but invariably ho brings back te the office next morning seme per- tinent items ho bas clipped eut. and whicbho wishes to bave filed for future reference. L Deeply Hîîman Personality Cal. Kennedy bas a deeply bu- man heart. Members et bis staff were net merely emplayees-they were friends. Ne knew themn all, knew their tamilies and their pro- blems. knew whenever there was sickness and distress. It was a cemmon thing to bave hlm stop one of the lesser members of the staff' in the corridors cf the east block, ta ask, '-Now is your wife coming along naw?" or "Haw is that son of yaurs getting along?" I That was one of the characteris- tics that endcared bim toalal whe 1worked for him. Porhaps tbat is net the rigbt torm, for ho made alI cf us teel that we were not working 'for hlm' but 'with him.' There will be ne dictatorship under the premiorship cf Tom Kennedy/. He is net dogmatic in any way. He believes in the road et co-operation and consultation, and time and again, when preb- lems arese ln agriculutre, ho would caîl in a greup et farmers, put the problem before them, and ask them trankly for their views. And those ho called in were net mon et the same poli- tical taith as himsolf. Tbey in- cluded mon et alI political creeds, and ho saught and secured their co-operation. Such mon as Bill Dryden, Breoklin, Ross McEwing et Wellington, and Nick Whyte et Seafortb, staunch Liberals, were taken into bis confidence and ho sought thoir assistance, and received it, on many occa- sions. Converses with Listeners There bave been many Prem- iers who are much groater ora- tors than Col. Kennedy. Ho makes no pretentions te bcbng an ara- tom. When ho gets up ta address an audience, ho does net declaim or talk at bis bearers. Ho con- verses with therm, taiks te them in the homely phrases of the wcr- king fammer, i the language that evemy man cao understand. And bis words carry conviction ho- cause they are uttered with 4 sin- conity that cao be toit and under- stoed, something for whicb ma- ny of the so-called orators et the legislature onvy hlm. There have been mere spoctac- ular Premiers of Ontario. But there bave been none who bave accopted the office with greater sincority cf purpose, groater roc- ognition of the high respensibili- ties ef public office, and groator determinatoiR te give Ontarie I sound and progressive govomn- mont.1 won gold and silver modals x.e- spectively in the Trans-Alni Class for herse plowmon sponoe by Salada Tea Ca. Elliett Meses cf Oswckcn. a director of the Ontario Plowmenl's .,Association, will accompany the winners as coach-manager when they sail for Britain earlynx January. Cavan Farmer Fined Unlawf ully'Cutting Ganaraska Trees' Found guilty by Magistrate R.B. Baxter on a charge et illcgaily; cutting trees in the Ganaraska Forest Area, J. W. Hlorner, RR 1, Pontypool, %vas assessed S15 fine and $4.30 cests when hoe appeared lin Port Hope Court, Oct. 25. The charge was laid undeîr a hi- law passed by the United Counties Council following provincial auth. erity granted in 1942 under the Trocs Conservation Act. This P.ct was shaped te govermn trce cuttin§, in ail areas et the province sct aside for troc conservat i e n whether within the limits et the resorvatians or outside et it. The Norner case was the fimst Canadian consumers dollars. of its kind on the Ganaraska pro- jact. Permission may bc givoen tc cut trees that have attainod a growth of 10 inches in diametor a foot above ground or smaller trees for thinning out close growths. Cutting on Lot 2 Con. 1. Cavan Township,' Mr. Hornor did se without permission., Tbe charge was laid by Herb- ert Crown, Field Engineer of the Dopartmcnt of Planning and Dcv- elopmcnt and the case was pros- ecuted by H. R. S. Ryan, acting on bohaîf cf the Ganaraska Conser- vation Authority. Canadian Farmers Forced To One-WayMarket Last week a fleet cf trucks blanketed Ontario with whoie car- laads of fruit and vegetables îm- portcd from the U.S.A. since the Canadian goveramont embargo was lifted. Tans of lettuce, celery, tomatees, grapes, and citrus fruits now get the inside track, and top prices before Ontario farm products have -been' ab- sorbed. Wholesalo prices quoted in Tor- i enta, Monday, show U.S.A . lot- tuce sclling at 2 beads for Lac Iwhile last week Ontario lettîîcet brought 19c for two boads. Cal-1 ifornia tomataes new seIl at 2, lbs. for 47c as the botter Ontario varicties Nvcnt off tho market at less than that per baskct. Im- parted grapes are quoted at 2 lbs. for 35c while Ontario grapes arc still marketed at a much lower figure. At the same time Han. John Strachey. Minister et Food,.J3reat Britain, tald the House ef Cern- mens that the United Kingdorn people could net lhave Canadian app les for suipplies had te came1 from other Dominions and other countries trading in sterling ex- change. This is current news that will bold good for the ncxt eight menths or longer ta absorbý 'WANTED LIVE CHICKENS - FOWL - TURKEYS MHIS WEEK'S PRICES Chickens - good heavy birds --42c lb. Turkeys -desirable weights --45c lb. Bring Us Your Eggs .. . ..We Pay Top Prices PICKERING FARMS LIMITED Whitby 336 - Nlght or Day WHITBY, ONTARIO INSULAtTIONq Wouili you like to save up to 30% of your fuel this winter. If so insulate your home with PAL - 0 - PAK INSULATION Do the job yourself wlth our portable home equipmcnt and save approxlmately 50% of cost of installing. MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY PAL - O - PAK MFG. CO, LTD. - PHONE 2374 OR 2305 WHITBY - I LY Tir FORD-RIVERS WISE ,.-. tre the caelns ri t your car or le protected it frost. Ileyour or dlean? Fan .K.? Antifreezej mIng at ictrical units erly adjused >ur car wii athly, effort- irougheut the "Don't lot a suddon cold snap catch your car with its Summor ail and lubricants. Change now ta Wlnter-weight ail and greaise." nom LU BRICATION Wl NTERIZE TODAYowk S'Pt §fille il, ta ~ourn1uReAt1GENERALTMOTORS.Deoler ROY W. NICHOLS CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, OLDSMOBILE, BUICK AND CADILLAC CARS CHEVROLET AND G.M.C. TRUCKS COURTICE ONTARIO À .* "i "Be te systeni truck1 .against boit O.N COOLING SYSTEAN 'e. '5' E> "s' "If the tir and el1c are propé new, ye run sog liv lythr Winter." TUNE Up AF E Satisfying Service STE VEN'S Phoneo]822 BOWMANVILLE - ONT. s. i 1 - 1; -M-= .ZLUMM ga THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO %JIN 1 £-X"I%ýj "MRSDAY, NOV. f4th, 1948 Now THE TIME To, BRAKE ADJUSTMENT