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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1948, p. 13

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TH1JB~DAY NOV lRth 1~4fl THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THIRT~V~ Dr. andI Mss. Jack Leslie, Peter- parents.1 haro, spent the week-end it'brl h dance given for the Orono Parents, Ms. andI Mss. W. Ricideil. Girls Softball Club on Friday' Miss Audrey Biliings, Toronto, night was well attended andI a suc- 1 visiteci ber parents, Ms. and Mss. cess in ail respects. Tbe draw for! Carl Biîîings. a tri-light floor lamp was won by Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osha- Ms. Ross Patten. wa, was home for the week-end. Miss Jo Armstrong visiteci rela- Ms. nd ss. . E Logn .tives hese oves the week-end. tedrelatives.n.BELogaeand Na: Ms. andI Mss. Charles Tyrrel Paed elatnvsui elilnday.- vîsîted in Niagara Falls with Ms. Thnere brigadewa clld ,utand Mss. R. Rosboroîîgh. é Th ýir brgadewascall ou Mr.O0. W. Rolpb is kittending the nbursday afternoon ta Ms. Wm. Winter Fais in Taronto andI show- .*itcbell's garage. The fise wasI ing bis bosse. Soan under contrai andI vesy littie Congratulations ta Ilr. and Mss. damage done. Bud Hooper, nee Rita MeKenna, Congratulations ta Ms. and Mss. who were married in Bawman- Ronald Hall on the birth of their ville on Nov. 13. son in Bowmanville on The Gold Medal contest wbicb Nov. 13. was ta bave been helsI in Park St. This week being Education cburch on Nov. 19, bas been Week the parents were inviteci ta postponed ta Nov. 26. This is visit the public sebool on Mènday sponsared by W.C.T.U. aiternoon. Many mothers availeci Mss. J. Haaey feil in ber home theniselves of the oppestunity. Thursday and receiveci injuries At the marning service at Park waieb have confineci ber ta beci. St. Unitedi Chusch, Rev. A. E. Her friends hope she willsoon be Eustace baptizeci the infant son of around again. Ms. and Mss. W. Grady, "John Mss. Jas. Bagleson suffered a William", Ms. Grady's mother, stroke last Wednesday andI was fromn Hamilton tvas here Las th.e removed ta Bowmanville Hospital occasion. by ambulance. Hes condition is The partY of mon xvho went vesy critical. deer hunting sreturneci with not A very bad accident accurreci as many dees as usuel. They se- an Higbway No. 35, just south of port deer scarce norfh of Perth. Kirby, ov. 10, when the cas of Ms. Mss. John Blue andI Mary Lane' andI Mss. Chas. Winn andI 4 months returneci from n visit in Palmes- aid daughter of Pantypool col- stan at the homne of Mss. Blue's1 lided witb a large tractas trailer van beionging ta Hill the Mover, Hamilton. Ail three are stili on the incapacitated list. Their car1 was a total loss. The two ocupants of the van escaped injusy though the tracter went into the ditch. Ms. and Mrs. Ed. Milison were in Orono for the week-end and at- tendeci the Club 15 dance in Bow- manville Friday night. Mrs. Wesley Elliof. Kendal, is spending a week with Mrs. Eliza- beth Tamblyn. ZION George and Ed. Knowlton, En- niskillen, at Ray Cameron's. Alf Ayre and Hans Geissberger have returned from deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacNab and daughters, Hampton, at Harvey Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. George Hiits, Oshawa, at Alex McM\aster's. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bail and family at Clifford Fice's, Lake- field. Miss Ruby Gifford, Toronto, visJted at T. C. Glaspel's. Mr. and MrS. Harold Gifford and Jovce at George Cherring- ton's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Je Fisher, Toronto. at Chas. Naylor's andi Alex McMae r's. Mr. Leon GibFon. North Osha- wa, at Russeil Stainton'.. Mr. and Mrs. Anzon Balcon, Moffatt, at R. W. Bail'sz. Trcyý Glaspel, Cierry Glaspel and Eoyd Aye are showing their sheep at the Royal \Vinter Fair at MiIk Is Making A '"man"" of My Baby ... How right she is. She knows that mailk off ers so many of the requis- ites for building strong sturdy, bones and healthy bodies. Our milk is creamy rich and full bod- ied . . .. the perf ect drink for everyone in the f amily. Phone now-we'll start delivery at once. GLEN RAE DAIR King St. W. Phone 444 For Delivery Bowmanville IgUltgyàfSFURNITURE MURPHY'S &E PHON'E 811 BOWMANVILLE 57 KING ST. W. ------------ The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan NEW WOOLS Monarch Radiant A New Monarch Produet Ideal for Chlldren's Sweaters For Socks and Gloves Pre-shrunk - 17 shades 1-oz. bail - 25c English Beehive Plain shades and heathers Pre-shrunk 1-oz. skein - 25c PATTERN BOOKS AND NEEDLES J. W. JEWELL "BIG 201 PHONE 556 27 King St. W.. Bowmanville ENNISKILLEN If you worry about the im- pression you make on other people, remember this: You are really important to a large number of peo pie! Yes, aimost evéAyane you meet and associate with de- pends on you ta support their self-confidence in some way. Even those who seem "high hat" and independent really want ta earn your favourable opinion. Here are some ways ta make yourself even more im- portant ta others: 1. Be a good listener. Go out of your way to express appreciation of what the other fellow says and does. 2. If hie is your superior, show due respect. If an as- sistant, encourage him and let hi know that you value bis services. 3. Neyer belittie the abili- ty or accomplishments of others. Be a booster. 4. Don't contradict, even if you are right. State 3'our facts or opinions in soie in- direct way. By foliowing these hints you wîli enjay better person- ai relations wherever you are. And this, in turn, wiil do wonders for your own self- confidence! To bis farnily, a father is the mosr important persan in the world. And since the famîly depends an him for their financial support, the typical Cariadian father protects bis famiiy with life insurance. Il 's Toronto. Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mrs. Alex MeMaster, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Mrs. Gerry Glaspel attended the bazaar at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley and Ted, Toronto, at Fred Came- ron's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morgan, Gale and Lynn, Toronto, at Mel iMorgan's. Miss Helen Cameron with Eve- lyn Hall, Bowmanville. Tom Vener had an operation for hernia irn Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday. He also had his appendix removed. He is doing fine and hopes to be home by end of week. The Community gathered at Mr. Harvey Crossman's on Tues- day night of last week and pre- sented Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre with an occasional chair, a maga- zine table and a kitchen stool. The Young People presented them with a picture. After the bride and groom had expressed their thanks and a few short speeches, the evening was spent in card plnying followed 'by a loveiy lunch. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel had a W.A, quilting. Enniskillen Circuit Holds Unique Meet Honor Hec. Steward The Quarterly Officiai Board of Enniskillen Circuit featured a unique meeting. The wives of the members of the board met at the parsonage while the members met in the Sunday School room. After transacting business. the members went fa the Parsonage to join their wives in a social hour at which light refreshments were served. This gafhering of the ladies was a great success and it xvas decided that at least twice during the year they would have such a meeting. At the meeting the following ,notion was passed: "That for !he year 1949 the salary of the 'inister would be $1,900.0V'" Arrangements were started in patinfor the annual can- ,. for the M & M Fund and the 'rrent expenditure of the local iurch. This canvass wili bc, -ade during Nov. This is in 1newith the recommendation of lie United Church of Canada. The following letter of appreci- tion of the services of Mr. Jas. A. Wery, Recording Steward, was read and unanimously ap- proved by the board. Dear Bro. Wesry: We, the members of this ',.uarterly Officiai Board of the Z nniskillen Circuit, desise to ex- rssous deep appreciation and 'Iatitude to you on the comple- 'on of fosty-five years as Recor- l'ing Steward. Your accuracy in figures, yous ittentiveness fa the carrying on of the work, your fine sense of humour and yous untising effort -id willingness fa serve in evesy ,Otail, large and small, an this charge, have made for you a place of high csteem and pride in our helemsts and lives. May yau, Sis, under God's gaad ,race and strength. live long to ",ontinue to serve the church as ,.ccording Steward and the cern- nunity as a splendid neighbor Our sincere thankcs are expressed .0 you at this time. To share their experience, British and U. S. A. officers in the armed foi-ces in Europe will -be exchanged. Mrs. E. C. Ashton was pleasant- ly surprised on Sunday when she came home ta ind her family and some friencis had gatbered in ho- nos of her bisthday. Her littie grand-daughtes Lois, presented ber witb a lovely bouquet of mums, singing very sweetly "Happy Bistbday, Dear Grand- nia." Many gifts and cards were also presented ta ber. An appe- tizing buffet luncheon was served by Mrs. S. May and Mrs. S. Rod- man pouring tea. Those in atten- dance were Miss M. C. Virfue, Mr. and Mss. Stanley May and Billy, Torant o, Mss. Irwin Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bragg, Providence, Mr. andI Mrs. S. Radman, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Traveli, Beth and Bruce, Oshawa, Ms. andI Ms. G. Beech andI Janice, Bow- manville, Mr. andI Mss. O. Ashton, Lois and Charles, Enniskillen, Mr. andI Mss. Bruce Ashfon and Lar- sy, Purpie Hill, Mr. andI Mrs. Haroldi Ashton andI Clare and Mrs Wm. Griffin, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes andI famuly, Blackstock, at Ms. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson's. Miss Mary Virtue, Toronto, isi visiting Mr. Claud Smith. Mrs. Vern. Seheli, South River,l is visiting her daughter, Mss. Earl MeNais. Miss Nora E. Kesslake. North Battieford, Sask., with Mr. andI Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and fanîily with relatives at Port Pes- ry. Mr. andI Mrs. S. R. Pethick andI Nancy wif h Mss. E. J. Dickenson andI Mrs. C. Bennett, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gardyn Brent, Gloria andI Davidi, Tyrane, Mr. andI Mrs. R. J. Weavingc, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Allun, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. andI Mrs. Easl McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, Lyn- dia and Tommy, Haydan, at Mr. and Mss. Clifford Pethick's. Ms. and Mrs. Keif h Ferguson visited Ms. and Mss. Davidi Jack- son. Oshawa. Miss Betty Smalcs, Oshawa, visited hes parents, Ms. andI Mss. James Smales. Mss. L. Wearn andI Susan Marie wilh Ms. and Mss. Eci. Jennings, Acton, andI wifh ber sister, Mss. Haroldi Western, Guelph. Ms. andI Mss. H. J. McGilI and family, Ms. and Mss. R. J. Onui- stan, with Ms. andI Mss. J. A. Wesry. Miss M. E. Vistue, Toronto, callesI an Ms. and Mss. H. Ste- vens. Ms. and Mss. Waltes Fergusan with Mr. and Mss. George Lee andI Ms. andI Mss. Danaldi Lee, Oshawa. Ms. and Mss. John Pearce, Miss Mary Peasce, Ms. andI Mss. Lau. Peasce, Part Per, Ms. J. Os- borne, Oshawa, with Ms. andI Mss. A. Leacibeater and Ms. Gea. Reid. Ms. and Mss. R. J. Weaving andI Rickey, Toronto, with her parents, Ms. and Mss. W. H. Moose. Ms. and Mss. Don Cars and family with Ms. and Mss. Aylmer Beech, Haydon. Mss. Haroldi Milîs andI Bruce, with Ms. and Mss. Eci. Jennings, Acton. Mrs. George Ferguson, Mr. andI Mss. Max Johnson, Oshawa, witb Ms. andI Mss. Albert Oke. Ms. Richard Olives, Bsooklin, at Ms. andI Mss. Lorne Lamb's. Ms. andI Mss. Walter Oke, visi- ted Ms. andI Mrs. Richard Grîf- ~~by fin, Union. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaàid, Helen and Charlie, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton and family wifh Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carruthers, Bowmanville and at- tended St. Paul's anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Clasence Bradley and family, Myrtie. 1with Ms. anà Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brur.f, Mr. andI Mrs. A. Sharp %vere Sundayvi- tors at Ms. Cecil Robinson s. Ms. Boss Shaspe and Ms. Roy Werry have returned froni a trip1 through the western States andj visited Mr. and Mss. Hasry Gregg at Montrey, California. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. Pearl Hill left Thussday te spend the wintcr at Richmond Hill. MViss Henr.v, Torontc, with Mrs. James Henry. Miss Vera Forcies and Mary - Ellen Downey, Toronto, with Ms John Farder. .Mrs. Florence Crawford spcii, the week-end in Torýoi-,to. Mr. and Mss. Lrwis I-Ii,':a Loraine with Mr. andI Mrs .cr1i Henry, Nestlnton. Ms. andI Mss. Erie . Lindsay, M .and 11r:.G.ýor Rutherford andI Aila, M r. Mss. Ray Blair an.d Di'nc. C h awa, with Mîrs. GeorgoFn.ýcr Mss. Arches, Mildreil andI Vin- cent, visiteci friencis inî O .çtï Sound. Ms. Jack Mariow, Tnono University , vas homne for thic week -e ndc. Misses Pearl Wright, Slv anaý Peggy MeLellanci ansIdcoh Wright, Toronto, with Mr. and; Mrs. Carl Wright. Miss Verna McNall 'v wih Mr andi Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Ms. and l\Iss. Ivan S~n:andI Anne, Toronto, with Mss. Ccr- trude Marlow, who returnie- Io Tosonto with thern. There was a gooci turn-but to the Memosrial Service on Nov'.l. The first part of the Scirvi- v hielciin the Conirunity I ilcon- ducteci by Rcev. R. B. Ba!rri, oin At the Cenotaph Rccc W.Cl. Bowles seaci the two lists cf0, r and the wreafh \vas î ci Mrs. Henry Mhfy We were prouci f0 heur iwr Farder speak on the C.BC. F: r. a Bsoadcast nt noon on Ti.=oeý and to leasn of his high or. In the announcers ovo vo. "Howard ,vore a path to the cac table". He was high rnan in bat beef and dairy judging and ar the Stonehouse Meniosial ro " Congratulations to yon ll-ov.. tr2 and thanks for bring-in., honor to Blackstock. Sympathy is extencici b Mrs Edwasd Darcy on the p oin f Mr. Dascy. A lovely s1nowes wrs hl la i the community hall on Frî 'vý evening te honor Mr.i. nIm i Ivan Thompson (nec Gc Masiow). Mr. Chas Vcnning va Chairman andI a goodi prognrn was given. foliowed bY I1!ii(-Iian I dancing to tho music of WJlsn« Orchestra, Oshawa. The cnmrmi- ify extencis to the bride and g'roo nm their very best wisbes. The happiness of yoLir lu i"r d_ pends upon the qualitv t of thoughts, therefore guard ;1-Los- dingly; and take care t1iat oI entcrtain no notions LnLjtn o~f virtue and reasonahlc natiirc.- Marcus Anfonius. AND SEEDER PERFORMANCE GUARANTERD! Here's the answcr ta ',aur fertilizing and scedîn pobems. The EZEE FLOW Pulver- izes, MýIxes an.d Spreads uniform applications of any fertilizer .. . regardiess of condition... ai top s p eds ... without clogging. Spreads accurate Iy from 100 pounds ta 2000 pounds per acre. EZEE FLOW SOWS small grains, legumes, a nd grasses ai raies adjusta ble in ranges of Ifive pounds. The only machine that satisfac- terily sows Brome Grass. Come in ioday! Sec the New EZEE FLOW with 2 5 improvcd mcchanical features. You'~I sec a biet, ruggcd machine that wilI salve your fertîlizing and sceding problems. wu H. BROWN 91 King St. W. Phone 497 VV EDBE R'1s FABRIC CENTRE 10 King St. E. WOOLLENS BUTTERICK and SIMPLICITY PATTERNS - SILKS Bowmanville -RAYONS COTTONS '- COATINGS - SUITINGS Drapery Materials, Rods, Tracks Cranes, Etc. WE SPECIALIZE IN DRAPES MADE - TO - ORDER Woollen Blankets, Crib Blankeis Ibex Flannelette Blankeis 70x 90 Pillow Cases, Bedspreads Table Clolhs Ask Us About Our LAY-AWAY PLAN A Small Deposit will hold any article until Christmas. SHOP hN0 SAVE AT WEBER'S - E 9 PE CT ED ! T'îat Is what w~e try to give Yeu In eacii and every .1 el2rfricul iring job we handie for yoIL. Our years of practical m1rig experience have given us flic aci!ity to handie any job nu matLer how big or how smir efficiently and at fihe greatest possible saving tu, you. Wie pride ourselves'in using only the very best of materlals so f1lat ou can count on years of trouble free service. Corne in and sec us or give us a cali to-day and we wvill be glad to talk over your particular problent, - FIREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON REQUEST - Tour General ElectrIe Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanville 42 King St. E. Spreads 2je ws even4' hif«#/ /Ofmy tsep EZEE FLOW FERTILIZER SPREADER ai seadi ,grates cd- iustalCin rdogesoffolive 1ounds orrlIsS- FE' Týt I E ER ZIR: Mr Ouen PAGE TEMTMM , YHURSDAY, NOVý 18th, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Ir

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