?HURSDAY, NOV. 134h, 1042 TRI CANADIAN S'rATESMAN, DOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO PAGE SEVEIf il.i l ST.101«' ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright Rector W. E. C. Workxnan, L.L.C.M. R.M.T., Organist Sunday Next Before Advent 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Clama Il a.rnMorntmg Praye Subject: ""The Fat and Lean Years" 7 ]p.m.-Evensong Subjeet: ""The Next 5 Years" Groceries Mns. H. S. Ryan and Jane, To- rento, were guests o! Miss Mar- garet Trebilcock. Mrs. J. Clarke was Sunday guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Base Line. Miss Mildred Russell, Taronte, was weekend guest o! Miss Jean Living, Church St. Miss Vina Stacey and Mr. Rod McNeil spent the weekend wltb Mrm. Raymond Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Dawson, Tillsonburg, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Heffman, Andrea and Jimmy, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James. Mis. George Ricbards was in Oshawa Saturday attending the Houston-Hambly wedding. Mrs. Richards ls a great aunt of the bride. *Mis. R. H. Hamley, Miss Ger- Trînlly United- Church AT, il A.M. DR. W. E. STRANGWAY MEDICAL MISSIO14ARY TO ANGOLA WILL PREACU AT 7vP.M. WORSHIP AND BIBLE STORY SERIES Minister, Rev. S. R. Henderson. B.A.,B.D. Diiector o! Music, Mr. R. G. Harle - Meais - Fruit 44 King St. E Bowmanville trude Haniley and Miss Louise Hircock, Oshawa, weîe weekend guests o! Mr. and Mis. Thoe. Hircock. Mrs. S. R. James and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard attended the funemal of the latter's siter-in- law, Mrs. S. J. Beacock, on Mon- day, at Taronte. Mr. Dougald Gillespie, Toronto, fermer farmer in the Providence district was a weekend guest at the Balmoral Hotel and at Wood Senate wlth many old friends. Mi. Donald Brown, sololat at St. Paul's United Church Anni- versary and Mr. Ray Dudley, bath o! the Royal Conservatory o! Music, Tarante, spent the weelcend with Mis. Reta Dudley. Winners o! the Odd!ellows hockey draw tickets for Nov. 13th were A. Tweedle and Sid Mur- doch and for Nov. 2tb, Harold Knigbt and R. Atkinson. Dr. H. L. Ballantyne bas closed bis dental offices at 23 King St. E., Bewmanvillie, and wlll resumne practice at seme other Ontario centre wben a suitable location can be !eund. In hast week's issue tbe distaff proof readers mode onother slip which credited the Lions Club with asking a $3,000 rebate in taxes. Our phone-bas been busy explaining that the figure is only $300. The Liens Club Community Sale netted the handsome sum o! $624.30 te be used for cemmunity betterment. Planned as an annual event the Liens Cemmittee looks farward ta holding the sale in the new Memorial Rink. The-final returns fromn the Boy Scout Apple Day bave net yet been reieased but will include re- tumns of $41.00 on a bushel o! apples auctioned at tbe Rotary Club and $12.50 en a like bushel auctioned by the Lions Club. A Garton Bus bas been charter- ed for the last day o! the Royal Winter Fair te take in the great -)arade a! livestock and the R.C. 11IP. musical ride. Reserved seats may still be had by pboning Mr. - ai ýett, Balmoral fhotel, 322. 1The editar o! The Statesmnan iwas noti!ied this week that he had been re-elected te the Ontario Regianal Committee, Canadian Chamber o! Commerce. The elec- tien took place at the Vancouver Convention on Octaber 28th. Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugblin and Mi. and Mrs. Gea. W. James weîe among the invited guests who attended the officiai cere- mony for the epening o! McLaugb- lin Hall at Kingston on Monday afternoen, the gift o! Col. R. S. McLaughlin, Oshaý4a, to Queen's University. Bowmanville Canadian Legion held their Remembrance Day Dia- ner in Legion Hall with Major, the Rev. C. H. Beulden, M.B.E., Part Hope, as guest speaker. It was a grand occasion, unfortunotely net attended by the press to re- port the address. Mrs. Agnes E. Wren, 217 Huron St., Oshawa, in a letter te the editor writes: 'II arn sonry I was unable ta attend tbe Remembrance Day services at Bowmonville this year. I bave just passed my 8th birthday. I look 'forward te receiving the Statesmnan each week and enjay il. Give My kind regards te ail my friends in the aid town." Mrs. Elizabeth A. Gives, Dead- wood, Alta., in îenewing ber sub- scriptien ta the Stotesman writes: 'II like ta get the paper as there is always semething o! înterest, ltbough Bawmonville bas cbang- ed considerably since I le! t there." Mrs. Reta Dudley attended tht' Canadian College o! Organists Organ Recital played by Miss Muriel Gidley, Tarante, assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Walker, soprano soloist, in St. Andrew's United Churcb, Menday.______ m Vegelables Phone 674 SOCIAL AUl PERSONAL Pbou 66 ST. PAUL'S W.M.S. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. D. W. Armistead, Nov. 16, with President Mrs. G. C. Quigley presiding. Mrs. Armis- tead led in devetions, Mrs. S. McAllister and Mrs. R. Whitmee assisting. Interesting reports were given by Mrs. Quigley and Mrs. R. Wbitmee on Newcastle and Port Perry raillies. The Study book Chapter "West of the Gor- ges" was given by Miss L. Sex- smith, relating the life of Helen, a Chinese girl, her ultimate suc- cess in obtaining an education and the dedication of her. life to the ministry. Mrs. Quigley con- tinued with the Study book com- paring the lives of the women of China as they live now and in former years. Mrs. Geo. Chase closed the meeting with requests for sulent prayer for the mission- aries now in China. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Wm. Lane who has been visiting her son Harry and wife at Plattsviile returned home on Tuesday. Mr. Andrew Reichrath, having completed his farm work has gone te resume his winter's work at the King Edward. Bert Bunt was home from Queen's University, Kingston, for the week-end. Mrs. Fred Smith and son Sam, Bowmanville, were calling on friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Ovens is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Ken Ware in To- ronto. Mrs. Willis Jones and Fae visi- ted ber mother, Mrs. David Mer- rili, Warkwortb. The Thompsons of Toronto visited their cousins, Mr. Geo. Pnd Miss Bertha Thom-psen. Mr. Edgar Harcourt bas en- larged bis store making room for a meat refrigerator. Mrs. Hasson, Chatham, came Tuesday te, take up residence -again. Edgar Milîson, Hugh Stapletan and gang, Willis Jones' gang and C. Burley's gang have arrived home from hunting, with several deer. The iast gang ibrougbt a bear also to their credit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, rier mother. Mrs. Hall and cbild- ren, Toronto, called on Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Mrs. Tom Lang- s'-ff on Sundlay. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton, \4arilyn and Miss Edna Denault moent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. L. Vasey, Port McNichol. IDn't sufer any Ion;... yt. Y-u'Ufind quick rief for panDfulpiles whess you use Dr. Cas. s antiseptac Qintment. Proven relief for ove. 50 yesrs. Or. C ha s e's - Ointmenti C us tom Killing Col. and Ms. IR. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa, entertained about 800 guesta at their beautiful home 'Parkwood"' on Saturday alter- noon when their friends had the opportunity of viewing their prize chrysanthemums and to take tea. Among those from Bowmanville who attended tDis social event were Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle, Col. and Mrs. L. T. MeLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey and Mrs. A. C. Anderson. The Registered Music Teachers o! Oshawa and District presented their annual prize recital of pupiîs who bad gained the highest marks in this district in their respective grades in Oshawa recently. Pupils o! Mrs. E. S. Ferguson wbo took part in the recital were, Teddy Cramp. Grade II piano and Tanya Goddard, Grade VII piano. Among the donors of prizes were Bow- nianville Rotary Club, Bowmnan- ~ville Lions Club and Bowmanville Music Club. ST. PAUL'S C.G.I.T. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Nov. 10 with meeting opened in usual manner. Worsbip service was taken iby Marilyn Hall and theme was "Cboosing Wbat is Most Im- portant." Caîl to worship was read by Jeannie Bond. Marilyn Hall read the Litany' of Suppjica- tion, which was responded to by ail. A story called 'The Searchers' was read by Colleen Hutchison. Prayer was given by Carol Tuerk. Closing prayer was given by Marilyn Hall. Remainder of evening was spent in making slippers. GUIDE NEWS The 2nd Bowmanville Guide Co. met at the Hlgh Schaol Tues- day evening. Due te the Hydro cut-off, aur meeting was very short and we were unable to have the regular classes. Christmas cards were distri'buted and we discussed how te raise funds. It is hoped every girl will do ber ut- most to sell ber share of cards, thus enabling us te carry out fu- ture plans, Captain Bennett wei- comed te our company a visiter, Miss Joyce Buttery, who until tbis year, bad been one o! aur capable leaders. Joyce bas accepted a position in Oshawa and is now Acting Captain of an Oshawa Guide Co. We ail wish bher tbe very best of luck. Due to Commencement next week there will be ne Guide meeting but Nov. 30, if the power situation still remains, our meet- ing will open at 8:15. If net, 7:15.1 11 il Used SKATES and BOOTS Boughi and SoId CONTACT EITHER Bowmanville Shoe Repair 12 Division Street - OR - Neai - Way Shoe Repair Oppositethie Cleaner. - Pickling TYRONE Second annual meeting o! Ty- rone Recreation Park Comrnittee was held in Tyrone Hall Nov. 8 wlth a fair attendance. The elec- tion o! three men ta fi the places o! the tbree men of the 9 man board o! directors who automat- ically retire each year are as !ollows: Russell Virtue, Harold Skinner and Murray Tabb. Other officers elected are: Treasurer- Douglas Barr, Secretary-Percy Werry, Auditors-Lionel Byamrt and Leon Moore. Those in charge of sports are: Football-Ralpb. GlaspelI,- Basebal-Leslie Coom- bes, Hockey-Murray Tabb. After 'discussing the water supply for the rink it was decided ta see if a well could be located, if not, a cistern is te be built. is. Everton Whight was a delegate te the W.I. convention at Royal York, Torante. Mr. Wesley His, Agricultural School, Kemptville, was berne. We wish for Mrs. R. Hatherly who is in Bowmanville Hospital, a speedy recovery. Her sons, Harry Frank and Clarence, Tarante, and Jack, Newtonvilla, visited ber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E4rl Stephens, Jean and Louise, Sutton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Alldread witb Mr. and Mrs.,Harvey Strong, Salem. Mr. Milton Virtue, Mrs. Laura Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue with Mr. and Mrs. Taibert Flnd- iay, Tbornbill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry and Tommy Hoar witb Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis and Brian with Mr. and Mis. Allun Annis, Oshawa. Mr. Harold Skinner is attend- ing the Royal Winter Fair, Tor- ente. Mrs. V. E. Milson witb Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Beverly, and Mr. 0. Wright, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Faint. They aise visited Mrs. O. Wright who is in bespital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pbilp, Marilyn and Ronnie, Miss Jean Philp with Mrs. Lillian Philp, Picton. Mrs. Harold Skinner with ber sister Mrs. Alf Brown, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney witb Mrs. Owen Van Every, Pow- assan. Mr. and Mrs. George Sears, Tor- ente, visited Mr. i d Mrs. Carl Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Burketen, with Mr. and Mis. Stanley Hall. Mr. and Mrs. H. McRoberts and Carol, Mrs. F. MeRoberts with Mr. an*d Mrs. R. Maynard and Mrs. J. McRoberts. John Beckett, Mr. G. Samelîs, Miss Edna Samelîs, Scugag9 Is- lprxd, with Mr, and Mrs. O. Beck- ett. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richards Jack and Roy Richards, Osbawa, Mrs. Jack Westlake, Bewman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Bigelow. Sorry ta hear of the drowning of Mr. Owen Van Every wbo was on bis way deer bunting. Two other friends were with bum. Mr. Van Every is a brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney. Sympathy gees out te the be- reaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rabm. Union, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fice and Miss Jean Haynes, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm. Misses Muriel and Helen Oke, Oshawa, and Mrs. Lloyd Petcock. Tarante, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp Saturday even- ing. Miss 'Bessie His, Peterboro Normal School, with Mi. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Mr. Don Stainton bas returned from a deer bunting trip at Rock- croft wbere be captured a nice deer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Mrs. J. McRoberts, Mrs. W. Mil- 1er were entertaIned a. a duck 1 dinner Saturday at the home of> Mr. and Mrs. J. Bird, Bowman-; ville. Mr. I. Philp and Mus Jean Philp with Mr. and Mru. Russel Philp, Peterboro. A social evening was spent in the comxunity.hall, Nov. 10, on the occasion of a miscellaneous shower and presentation In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall. Many useful gifts were given by the community, lncluding a tri- light lamp from officers o! the football team and a clothes haim- per from the football players. Dancing was enjoyed with Mr. F. Denby, Haydon, providlng the music. Lunch was served. Many people are suffering from bad colds and grippe. The sale of the late Mri. D. K. Fraser was well attended and the prices were good. A "Pot Luck" supper was held in the Community Hall on Friday evening for the purpose of liqul- dating the debt on the new par- sonage. After a most enjoyable meal and programme, the people were delighted to learn tlhat suf- ficient donations bad ibeen re- ceived to eliminate this deficit. The note in favour of the bank was burned. As the light from the burning paper died away the con- gregation rose and sang "Praise God from Whom ail Blessings Flow". Further donations will be gratefuly received in order that some of the unfinished work rnay be completed. Sincere thanks and apreciation are extended to ahl who in any way helped to erect this fine parsonage.. Canaries Budgerigares Any Colour CAGES LSEED:t By the bulk, always fres),. GRAVEL: 5e per lb. - Ail Supplies - Phone91 ROBINSON'S PET SHOP 42 King St. E. $4.50 $5.95 Khaki Battledress Trsyusers and Tunies, New and Used Parkas, wool pile lined; Heavy WooI Plaid Shirts; Maekhxaw Coats; Combination Underweaî; Reeonditioned Army Boots; Rubber Boots; Overshoes at Money Saving Prices. I.D.A. Briand 'Week-End Specials POWDERED ALUM, 4-or., reg. 10o ____ 0S CREAM TARTAR, 2-oz., reg. 20o------------ 16e KLEEN-OR SOD. PERBORATE, reg. 25c 18e HOT WATER BOTTLE, reg. $1.29 -- - ---------- 99e OTL EUCALYPTUS, reg. 20c, 35e 17e - 29e CHIfRRY COUGH SYRUP. reg. 25o 18e SYRUP TAR & C.L.O., reg. 39e ----28c ESSENCE PEPPERMNT. reg. 25e-- - -19e VITAMIN BI TABLETS, 100's, 300's, reg. 37c, 79e ------------------------ - 23e - 49e PABISAL TABLETS, reg. 89o ---________ ----- 67e FULLERS EARTH, reg. 15e ----- le PUXMICE POWDER, 2-oz., reg. 10c __ __8c Now is the time for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Ransan Lighters -- ------------- $6.50 up Shaving Brushes-- 50c-$1.045.00 up Pipes -----------------------------$1.00 to $7.50 Billf olds ------ ---$1.954$2.50-$5.00 up Goya Perfumes 75c, $2.25 up Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets --- $4.75 to $8.95 Chermay "April Showers" Gifts-------------- 65e te $2.50 Cutex Manleure Gift Sets------------ 59c, $1.25 up Revlon Manieure Sets --------- 1.00, $2.50 up Toilet Soap qui, Boxes ----------- 55e le $1.00 Yardley Gift Sets for Milady $1.85 to $2.50 up EVENING IN PARIS ... Perfume ---- $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 Eau de Cologne- 75c, $1.50 Toilet Water ---- 75c, $1.50 Taicum Powdem ---50e,75c Dusting Powder -- $1.75 Soap, Box of 3 Cakes - ----- - $1.25 Baby's Gift Sets ----65e, $1.23 Up Pen and Peneil Sets -31.50, $1.95, $3.42 up Almond Lotion -- --------- ----- 37c Mercolized Wax------------------------- 87c SHAVING NEEDS Gillette Tech Razor & 5 blacles 49c Schick "66" Razor & 6 blades --66c Minora Blades ----------- ---10&-25c Barbasol Brushles Shave ---------------29e, 57e Gillette Sbaving Cream -----------33c Mennen Shave Cream ---- --------39e,9o Palmolive Shave Cream ~ 39c, 54o Williams' Shave Cream .--- - ----- 39c, 59C Lifebuoy Shavint Cream - -------- ---29c, 49e Yardley Af ter Shave Lotion-------- 31.00,- 61.50 Pinaud's Lilao Vegetal -------- 65c, $1.25 COLOATE DENTAL CREAM Palmolive Shave Cream 39c-54e Colgate's Tooth Powder 25c-45e Halo Shampoo - 29c-49c-89e BRONCHIDA For chesty coughs and colds 50e -ww Tj PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY A&LEX MoGREGOR Your Local I.D. DR Drugfflst R G Phono 792 We Delivor p. -- -.--.- N WAR SURPLUS STORE THE PLACE TO BUY AND SAVE 24 Division St. Bowmanville J. T. McCREERY OPTOMETRIST 22 Division Street Phone 2024 NEW OFFICE HOTJRS EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 21 Monday - 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Thursday - 2.00 p.m. ta 8.00 p.m. Air Farce Trousers (new) ------- Navy Heavy Weight Wool Trousers (new) ---- *oiUrrnlDNfE-sl; Frîendly, Personal Service Win $5.OOhI Merchandise With every $1.00 worth of merchandise purchased in our store you will receive a coupon Absolutely Free which entities you ta a chance t0 win $500 in mer- chandise from aur store. Draw WiIl Be Nade Weekly AT CLOSING TIME EACH SATURDAY NIGHT STARTING O1NMONRAY, NOV. 22 Af ter each draw, coupon stubs will be destroyed ànd a fresh start will be made the following Monday. Win- ners will be announced each week.in The Statesman. - SAVE ON CHRISTNAS GROCERIES VISIT OUR STORE FOR - Phono 674 For Free Delivery McFEETER'S f105. FRUIT STORE DAULINGTON ABATTOIR HAMPTON - ONTARIO OPEN FOR And Smoking - Wholesale and Retail - 1 . 1 ,ma 1 1 UFMAT, NOV. 18th, 1041t THE CAMADIAN STATESIUS, BOWILANVIII.E. ONTARIO PAGE SilivEN 1