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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1948, p. 9

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THUUSDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1948 TH~!AN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Woodstock, were guests at the Balmoral Hotel last week while ~wmu attending High School Commence- SOCIL AN PERONALment exercises. Mr. Longworth presented the Longworth Memor- Phone 663 ial Prize in honour of his son, -Harold Longworth, B.A. former teacher at B.H.S. who lost hslf Mrs. C. L. Upper, Peterboro, Constable Fletcher, son of Mr., in action with R.C.A.F. Was weekend guest of her sister, and Mrs. Fletcher. 1 First Bowmanville Co., Girl! Mrs. G. F. Jamieson. Mrs. A. M. Williams, Mrs. Lottie 'Guides met Monday in the High Lucky winners of the Lions Bingham and Mr. and Mrs. jim, School gym. After Horseshoe, re- hockey tickets this week were J. Williams are on a motor trip to, cords were ail checked and Knight and W. Woolner. Los Angeles, Calif., to visit Mr. brought up to date. Mrs. Lewvis or- Mrs. Cruickshank, St. John, N. and Mrs. Adolph Koldofsky. ganized four basketball teams and B., is spending a month with ber Dr. Geo. W. Millei ad Mr.Ag athmteir fi-ws ntucios F'sters, the Misses Allen, Beech Chslatr'r rpeetdA ap ieanwsn Zoom Ave. Chasowmarteir epeLinClbset Galle" was learned. After Taps Mrs. Vera Goslin, Napanee, was week at an organization meeting theopatrolfleaders dore o a istr it rs Jc Kigtto foi-m a Lions Club in Oshawa.aCorofHnr visioter BwhMrs. Jack Kinighon On Wednesday evening, Nov. and ohrBomnilef-tnso Reeve Arthur J. Runnals of 24, the Tru-Ki-Lo (Truth, Kind- Moda.Hope Township is the first to ness and Loyalty> Group of Trin- Mr. and Mrs. M. Tburston and throw bis bat in the arena for the ity C.G.I.T. met at the home of Ray, Lindsay, were weekend Wardensbip of the United Count- Miss Helen Pritchard. Business guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ies for 1949. The honor comes to session was conducted by Presi- Bennett. Durham County next year. dent Betty Cowle with Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mountjoy, Dr. J. C. Devitt was in Toronto Eileen Spicer reading the minutes. Heward, Sask., visited their aunts, îast week as guest of the Angler'si Announcement was made at, the Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss A. Club. He showed motion pic- Nýational_ Christmas Vesper Ser- Mountjoy. tures taken by him while fishing vice on Sunday evening, Dec. 12. Mrs. W. J. Cully has returned in thxe Atlantic off Cape Breton The foui-ti chapter of the mission- from a pleasant visit with her and Halifax and other views tak- ai-y study book "Tales from sons in Toronto and ber daughter1 ing speckled trout in Algonquin China" was read by Miss Rundie In Hamilton., Park. and followed by the devotional Mi-. and Mrs. J. A. Hinch, Sted- An increase in attendance at periôd led by Miss Pritchard. man and Nicholas, Syracuse, New local churches is in prospect for Recreation was conducted by' the York, visited Mrs. W. F. Dale, Sunday. There are 17 naines on leaders, after which the girls en- and other friends. the ballot foi-m for the municipal joyed lunch of hamburgers, cook- Winnei-s of Oddfellows hockey elections on Monday. It is hoped draw for Nov. 2tb were N. Ai- the Stewards will not forget to Pigeons are the only birds thati lîson and Bruce Vivian, and for pass the plate. drink water by suction like bu- Nov. 27th. L. Buckler and W. Joil. In the cunrent Lions Club mans. Miss Elaine Bennett spent the Christmas Seal Campaigni a total weekend with ber cousins, Fred of $289.10 bas already been re- Friday went to Toronto to see year. 0f 1,900 envelopes sent outM sag F o Santa Claus. 280 have so far been returned Mi-. and Mrs. Ai. Fletcher and witb donations. Let us basten the In ainthswe'reott Mrs. A. L. Darch motored to Belle- camnpaign. the citizens, we, the Arena Build- ville thîs week for a visit with Mi-. and Mrs. W. G. Werry, of ing Committee, are pleased to Salem, Mi-. and Mrs. H. M. Foster, acîvise that progress continues at Cambelcrot, issE. annnga good rate of speed. The four Campellcoft Mis E.Mannngwalls will be completed this week Mi-. and Mrs. H. B. Foster, Bow- and the preliminary work is now manvlleweredinner guests of bigdn ota h era S T. J 01 ' S Mrs. J. W. Black, Port Hope, in Stoeing dn e s adtothPorn ANGLICAN CHURCH honor of ber busband and Grandpa portion. Through the couxtesy of Foster's birtbday. Goodyear- Tii-e & Rubbei- Co., Rev. J. dePencier Wright As a resuit of recent rains the Cecil Mutton bas been alowi% Rector Increase of electrie current gen- leave of absence from his work in W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M., erated bas resulted in eliminating the plant to apply the base piaster most of the recent power cuts and coat which is put on before the R.M.T., Organist dimouts in this district. Those stone is applied. The Committee _______who blamed George Drew for the is indebted to Goodyear and to cut off s are now searcbing for Mi- Mutton, wbose efforts wili BIBLE SUNDAY an excuse for theli- siliy protest- allow tbe contractors to complete ations. the attractive fi-ont. 10 &.m.-Sunday Sebool and Bowmanvilie is in the categoi-y The nine huge trusses ai-e ex- Bible class. these days of big town stuff with pected this week and the process the Leslie Bell Choir and the of assembling them will go for- India International Badminton ward as rapidly as possible. The 11 a.m.-Holy Communion. Team appearing bei-e dui-ing th*e 2" x 12" x 12' B.C. fir joist for the coming week. A full bouse is roof ai-e expected early in Decem- SubJeet: assured for each appeai-ance, s0 ber so that tbe roof can be com- get your tickets early and avoid pleted "Back to the Bible" disaRpointment. Finances at present are not in His many friends will regret good condition. Wben the trusses 7 p.m.-Evensong to learn tbat wbile on a business airive a $12,000 payment will be trip to Quebec City Mi-. Edsall required immediately. Befoi-e the SubJect: (Bill) Oliver of the Goodyeai- staff trusses are pîaced on the 25-foot was taken suddeniy tîl and is nowi piers the roof payment of $19,900 "The Origin of a patient in a Quebec bospital is to be made. At the same time, Upon receiving word Mrs. Oliver the plumbers and electricians and Th e Bible" immediateiy left for Quebec to be carpenters can be instailing the with ber busband. Iights, the wasbroom facilities, the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Longworth, dressing-room floors, the inside doors~,. the a t . c.+an th 6om Utco ~rnc YOU WILL BE WELCOMED TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Services at il a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Dr. C. W. DeMille, SECRETARY 0F ONTARIO TEMPERANCE FEDERATION will speak at the morniag service Rotary Choir at Evening Service Ministen: Director of Music: Rev. S. R. Hendenson, e.A., B.D. Mr. R. G. Harle, . . $3.59 &il-important 80x180 ice cushion, wbich amounts to $9,107. If enough Carpenters were availabie, the seating couhd be erected while the roof was being compieted at an ad- ditional cost of $3,000 or $4,000. At present, the commîttee bas just sufficient funds on hand to pay $8,000 of the $19,900 roof payment, which means that there is a bal- ance of $11,900 to be paid before the roof can be compieted, plus $13,000 to take care of the balance of the construction necessary. The only solution wbicb appeans at the moment is to ask Council to put a money by-law before the people for at least $25,000 so, that the Ai-ena may be completed wîth- out interruption. The Town wouid be certain of receiving a return of $5,000 fromn the Provincial Gov- ernment foliowing the fi-st session of panliament, iikely in February. The Town wouid also receive the estimated $5,000 from the Pontiac car foiiowing a grand opening nigbt, which would biing the total amount required eitber by deben- turc or by bank loan to $15,000. . . . $3.75 4 Records - Mail Orders Filled Promptly THE RADIO0 SHOP Bowmanville 38 King St. E.1 NIonductor ovenhooked. Evenyone connected1 with the Commencement did a' wonderful job, especially the teachers whose belp contributed te making the performance a success. ýWr 1WEDDING TABB-MURDOCH Multi colored cbrysanthemums artistically airanged in baskets, the pews marked with large bows of light blue chiffon with yeliow f1ower centres, formed an effective setting in the United Church, Maple Gi-ove, for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 27, wben Miss Margaret Evelyn Murdoch, daugbter cf Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch of Bowmanville was united in mariage with Mi-. Mur- ray Earl Tabb, son of Mr. Thomas Hl. Tabb and the late Mrs. Tabb of Tyrone. The Rev. H. F. Yardley performed the ceremony. Mr. Leslie Coliacutt Dlayed the wedding music and Mr-. Ross Met- te Bell calife sang "Because" at the com- One «vorld's ieading mencement cf the ceremony and choral tiductors is Pro- "Always" during the signing cf the fessor (at the Ontario register. Coilege ion, wbo brings Given in mariage by ber father, bis celellie Bell Singers the bride was gowned in white of conceind movie fame satin fashioned with a mouided to Bowii Dec. lOth for basque and richly gathered ski-t.1 a conceent under the The bodice was styled with a high,1 auspices)ntario Depart.. round neckline inset with a lace ment of and the Bow- yoke wbich was bighligbted with manvillab. lace flowers. The long sheathi sleeves erided in lily noints, and1 p&jlù ~~~the graceful skirt afloleghi R~~~ ~ i miee ecrown of orange bîossoms held ne finger-tip veil of tuile illu-1 sion. Her ipwf-,lprv wp~s i nerI The deceived by the necklace with matcbing earrings, Buildinge could be used and she car-ied a cascade of red to compxase of equip- i-oses witb white ribbon ties. c ment sulunch room ne- Miss Mai-gai-et Murdoch of Bow-E quiremeying equipment manville was maid of honon fors with the of a litile left ber sister, and wore a floor hengt over foripital. It should frock of petal pink bi-ocaded t be remeit, to date, this Ai-ena Il the taxpayers one cent'he only money given b., was a $15,000 *gift froGill Estate 'be- quest. ,munic'ipalities, the taxp contributeci in taxes a85,000. The psent, is to ask Council. y-law through two reauickly as pos- sible, hmitted to thcj Municiptr approval, ac- companlcquest for th( utmost Stbe by-law acf ventised.veeks requin I and ask to vote on th by-law xing Day, Dec ~,.edn 27, or o, Jan. 1. The ugit- dates win the rapidity AiIiolice of the Mard's approval _________________ or non-a If this througb, and. if the Peirmanville sig- nify thait the Ai-ena completely that there wili be9 hockey early in Janu4 even if the lunch rteating aren't complete surface can stili 'be f In thefunther dona- fions arei-om any per- son who itiibuted. ittee: _. jAIS MEI-. WIGHT. JOIES 1.V - ,> Impreaptism At the vice at Trin- Fresh, tasty Lama Secord ity Unitéïov 28, Rev. the tree and on the table .- S. R. HLnducted the they seem apa.rt ofthe gooý beautiful rite of Holy make up a happy Christi Baptism ol1lowing in- tpt1ar eodCn fants werby their par-toptaraecdCa ents: Dai son of Mn. shopping list-and your g and Mrs-Moi-ison of Hamiitonlfi-ed son of Mn. and :-t McDonald;J Margai-etdaughtei- of e 6 " j -C Mr. and S~ Bennett; A DE Betty Leof ÏMr-. andCA DE Mrs. Ledle; Brenda Annette, Wri. 'and Mrs. Ewart Be Geoffrey, Softerl Safl son of M William G. James; ariglas, son of Mr. and IXgui-e. In the.~ choir and organist, -, King St. United Cawa, added effectivelce Of pi-aise. Mrs. Rtk, soprano, àl sang th-e "Prayer Perfect" )eakes. An- themos rer. choir were "Seek Yeby Roberts, 6 j - with Mi-.5as tenon I12 luNBox soloist; alwaring ai-- rangemenj Christian ________________ Soidiers". Henderson continued-m of even- ing sei-mtq of nBilo lede hv iox! feta faille designed with a tight- fitting bodice baving a keyhole neckline and cap sleeves and bouf - fant ski-t. She wone a headdness of pink velvet flowers, long pink gloves and the bride's gift a peari necklace and matching earrings. Her fhowens werne a cascade of white chrysanthemums with plnk streamers. Mr-. Lawrence Tabb of Bowman- ,ville attended bis brother as best man. Messrs. James and William Mur-doch, brothers of the bride, The reception was held at the home of the bride, R.R. 2, Bow- nianville. Pink and white stream- ters and bouquets cf vari-coloned cbrysanthemums decorated the rooms. To receive the guests Mrs. Murdoch, the bride's mother, chose a street hength dress cf black crepe, with pink accents, a higb- cnowned f elt bat, and a coi-sage of red roses. The tbree-tier wed- ding cake centred the bride's table. Those serving the bridai party and wedding guests were Miss Esther Murdoch. Lindsay; Miss Ruby Hore, Dunsford, cousin of the bride, and Miss Grace Mur- doch, a sîster cf the bride. The toast te the bride was proposed by Rev. H. F. Yardhey and responded to by the bridegroom. For the boneymoon trip to De- troit and other American points the bride chose a street length dress of autumn brown moire taf- feta fashioned with bigh, round neckline and cap sheeves. A pep- hum aecented the waistline form- ing a bustie at the back of the gown. She worc a wine coat with brown mouton tnimming, brown bat and accessonies and the bride- groom's gift, a necklace set with onyz and matching earrings. A corsage of pink and white chrys- anthemums complete-d ber en- semble. On thein return they will reside in Tyrone. Befone ieaving, the bride threw ber ibridai bou- FOR MORE NIORE UNIFORM PASTRV USE PBELI"5 PLOUR- quet, which was caught by Miss Grace Murdoch. Guests were present from Ty- rone, Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Duns- ford and Niagara Falls.1 Jack & Till Club 0f Trinity Churcli Enjoy Social Time The Jack and Jili Club of Trinity United Church beld thein negular meeting, Nov. 30, in the Sunday Sehool rooms. Mai-ion and Howard Jeffcry and their committee of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morrison, Mr-. and Mrs. Gor-: don Elliot, Mi-. and Mrs. Ed Foi-an, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rundle, Mr-. and Mrs. Orland Plummer and, Mr. aî;d Mrs. Robert Mutton, had change of the meeting. They showed two very interest- ing and instructive films, nameiy, "Strange Gods of India" and the "Land and the Maharajah." A ladies' quartet consisting of Mns. Richmond, Mns. Van- Driel, Mrs. Stuart James and Mi-s. D.1 Alldread favored the ga7i1 with several numbers, whi~lb very much enjoyed. If b President Keith Slemo5c lb. charge of the business part meeting. A delicious lunch, consistf.~. coffee and doughnuts, was sýce automat style by the Comm~ Next meeting will be a C3Di mas meeting and wihl lncludcIi election cf officers. LOSE thot SPENCER SUPPORT DUSIONHO FOR. YOU Bovïmanville 2027 Orono 27r16 -, I i I.D.A. Brand Weekend Specials CAMPHORATED OIL, 3-oz.-------------- ----- 220 CASCARA AROMATIC, 3 and 6-oz.------- 2le - 37ej COD LIVER OIL B.P. Standard, 16-oz. ___ 63a COD LIVER O]IL CAPS., 100's ------------- ------ L7ý' HALIBUT L.O. Caps., 100's, 500's q3c - $3.19 MILK 0F MAGNESIA. 16 and 32 ~ 24e - 43o SYRUP, FIGS and SENNA - ---------------- -----186 SYRUP, WHITE FINE and TAR, reg. 25o 180 Christmas Gifti Compacts--------- $3.50, $4.25 up Brush, Comb and Mini-or Sets - --- $7.95-$8.95 Evening-in-Paris Perfumes -----$1.00, $1.50, $2.50 Manicure Sets --- 59c, 79c, $3.95 up Yardley Ladies' Sets -- $1.85, $2.50 up Toilet Soap Gift Boxes ---.-~ 55c, $1.00 Up Goya Perfumes --- 75c, $2.25 up Remington Electrie SShavers --- $19.95 - $23.93 II*I IITi Packard Elect,ie Shaver I~-~-II1111 "Good Mornlng Kit" ____ $25.50 il ljJ DI Ruberset Shaving I 1Brushes .----------- 50c-$2.00-$5.00 up SRonson Lighters - - --- $6.50 up Pipes ---- ---- $1.00 te, $7.50 Pen and Pencil S Sets $1.504$1.954$3.4Z 1Candies by much ýd things that isaa Be sure idies on your zam ----- 23c -2 for 45c -- --------- 4c-3forOc, 8c-c22for 5c -18c -29c -79c \ I25O r Wf ii J1 9W, On ththt before Commenc.,yas a dance put on atýe student Councîl. 'tTas a very buytifliicurriculan activities, cesr FOR TSAT to finish -ight. The dnebei'clo&i< and h L1 a el. byeight.tas afairly RuC M.OLD~Bew e ,was, hOWi'thing that RUIN. things staause thcy *power wOithc recordm a-s player is ricity, the.. *music alsO«, and for I AN this seasý- that beO M58 9 e decided t0ice. Show tickets wi as prizes BB ED at variou$fough the ...i evening wqit, every- one cnjoy. On FricIby dance w- - will be.hbh School Audtorut ope itPRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY wiil be ">And be an 1 cessful se#vr uc1l x MG e o As the gt is now over afterour-nigiit e . showing, 0'ing abou the Operetrifonrst We Deliver Y u in the twÏll as the Yu Local I.D.A. Drug Stc other attt not be fongoten 7he niandi fl ý &" y m r 5 I r, ore Drugs Phone 792 -iwr - % -Ofw ~WWV~f J PAGE JetA aIOtA * aies * *155, * SjSt* ais, t Sas. t a.,a . - -ça.... - *~,s. - LbRuG.ý TORE Friendly, Personal Service --.4 5 Records Phone 573 1 1 A FlýV% A ýl-. -- - --------- - - - - - - - - - - s. St t ~ r,! IMURSDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1948 9 -1. -«fffw Tff*« STATESMffl, BOWMANVME, ONTAMO

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