~1.PGTEX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARO TUSADC2l,14 Tird Annual Roy Nicliols Party Huge Success at Newcastle Tusa Large crowd watches the stage show at intermission. Over 1,100 jovial citizens of Darlington Township had a wonderful evening of fun and frolic. McIntyre presents "Miss Darlington" with bectutiful Chest of Silver. Football Presidenit Harry Davey, Orono, asks Joan Morgan ta present flowers ta !MÎ& Roy Nichols ah token of the gatheri'ng's appreciation while Mr. Nichais looks on. Courtice, for the second year in a row, won the Bresiin 'Carl Welsh, Murray Osborne, Bill Rundie, Arthur Burgess, Alex Muir, !William Nemis, Michael Nemis, Bill Gearing, Robert john.son, Herbe Z l rtph , Fr m lf-1o ngh: T m Ba e, Ca ti1f h ogers, Richard Nemis, Bruce M uir and M aurice Breslin, on or tof ýp, ýSolina, preaenta Oam with a new football; Bobt. Muir, Capt.;<1> the trophy. Courtice ailso won the Softball Trophy, donated by MargwilI Tohnson, Horace Vetzal, Jim MacGregor, Grant Hay, Bob !ohr.&son. Ekj Fur Farm, Tyrane. Lef t ta ight: Lamne Penfound, Bill Mitchell, Barry Gearing, Carl Weish and Bill Thiesberger, donor of trophy. '7< Magician Boss Bertram fools Frank Sobil, Zion Bowmanville Lions Club Presents THEIR THIRD ANNUAL CHRISTMIAS CONCERT f eaturing The Lesie Bell Singers FRIDALY, DECEMBER lOth at 8:30 p.m. Trinily Unifed, Church Audit orium Admission 75c Students 50c Tickets from: McGregor's Drug Store, BoNvmanville Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle Tyrrell's Drug Store, Orono and from any membcr of the Bowxnanville Lions Club Greaiesi Social Event of Year Held in Newcastle'"s Fine Hall' NIr. and Nrs. Roy Nichols Rosis Surpassing ahl previaus records again next year the trophy wouic for attendance and interest, the be their permanent posession. annual social evening and dance Miss Darlington arranged by Mr and Mrs. Roy Nichols of Courtîce, in Newcastle Eagerly awaited w'as the beauty Cammunity Hall, Thursday even- contest which was captured this ing, Nov. 25, was indeed oa bril- year by Miss Joan Morgan, Zion, liant affair. Invitat'ons ta ý10 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. corded the Courtice Football ton, the ncw xinner -was attend- Team, Champions of the Darling- cci 4y two former winners, Miss tan Football League, were ex- Eunice Leask, Taunton. and Miss panded ta include a generai in- Marylin Rundie, Ebenezer. Miss vitation to the publie ta came and Morgan was given a great re- enjoy a fine stage programme, ception as shc thanked ber spon- the selection of "Miss Darlinig- sors and the judgcs for hier suc- ton, 1948," the presentations of cess and xvas deeply appreciative eups and the great dance. for the hsndsome chest of cor- There was more ta it than allonation silver donated by Mr. this for a central feature of this and Mrs. NichaIs as the grand premiere since its inception three prize for the winner. She is on years ago is the prominence gîventhsafofheDmnnBnk ta the mator vehîcles producedOha. by General Mators of Canada for Harry Davey, President of the which Mr. Nichols has been one Darlington Football League, on of Ontario's leading agents for th~e behaîf of the teams and guests past quarter century. Always expresseci thanks ta the hasts and present are leading executives ofj asked Miss Darlington ta present General Motors, Oshawa, and once Mrs. NichoIs iwith a bouquet with again, Thursdsv night, genial Bob the best wishes of the League. MeIntyre, Advertising Manager, The stage programme presented %vas the Master of Ceremonies. by Boss Bertram, a highly accom- There was great acclaim. when plished magician, and The Ripleys Mr. and Mrs. Nichais made their expert balancers, aillof Toronto, fine addresses of welcome which brouîght rounds of applause. In 'brought a rousing: "For They choosing them for the cvening's are Jally Good Fellows." In fuir- cntertainmcnt. Mr. and Mrs. Niéh- ther appreciation on behaif of the ais secured talent of the high cal- guîests, Miss Darlington presented ibre of the old Keith and Pan- Mrs. NichaIs with a beautiful tages Circuîit. They won encares bouquet of flo,,ers. time and again. Flve-Fold Programme Stage Setting To be precise in reparting the The hall was set with a back- event it was in fact a six-fold ar- ground of banners featuring Gen- ray of general interest and pleas- eral Motors cars and arranged in uire. Featuring the Football Cham- baskets xvere a great display of pions and Ceneral Motors pro- mnums on the stage. The whole duets and the crowning of "Missi affair was nicely balanccd with Darlington", the programme also intermissions that added muîch ta incluîded the presentation of a.1 the enjoyment of dancing which traphy ta the Darlington Men's lasted tili far past midnight. At Softball Champions, the ususal its close Mr. and Mrs. Nichols re- sparkiing stage show and the ceived another rousing accolade dance and refreshments. Sparing1 as the happy crowd prepared ta no expense Mr. and Mrs. NichaIs1 go home. were also hasts ta a number of' Noted Gucsts guests at a luncheon in Queen's Aogget rm usd Hote arond he mdniht hur.points were Chic Hebert, Mauîrice Football and Softball Pitman and Norman Fowler, Gen- Grauped on the stage, the Cotir- j ral Mators, Toronto; E. J. Huîm- tice Football Team, Champions phrey, General Sales Manager, for the past two years, were pres- Bob MeIntvre, Advertising Man- ented with the Breslin Trophy- bY ager, Herbert Kearnev, Advertà- Maurice Breslin, Bawmanville ing Department, Lloyd WilsM, merchant, who donated the cup Distribution Dept., and Reg Bell. for campetition. Tomn Baker. Cap- Accouînting Dept., ail of General tain of the Salins Football Tesm, Motors, Oshawa. Reeve KYle handed ta Caatain Moîir of Couir- Squar represented Darlington tice the inscribed football as a Council, on which Mr. Nichais is token of xictary. The winners also a member. were given three rouîsing cheers. Tivo oldtimers, A. L. Pascoe, NexOtat appear for public se- .Salins, Ex-Reeve af Darlington. dlaimi was the Courtice Softbail a football fan for 60 years and Bill Team, Darlington Champions. w7ho Davey, Mayor of Orono. were just overe presented with the Thies- about the mast interested people burger Trophx-, donateci bY Wrn A in the gathering. Bath thanked Thiesburger. Margw,-ill Fuir Farms Mr. and Mrs. NichaIs for a grand Tyrone, and presenteci in person. occasion. Tt was annouinced thpr Caurtice The muisic for dancing was "ro- ceam had oan the 11ropi i for two vided by the falcnted Cea. Wade j years straight and if ý hey won orchestra. Acmnpanying pictures lend more glan'our ta this in- selves and for Canada." adeuat reortIA s in last year's statement, The story woild flot be com- bright thumbnail sketches and plete without giving high credit clear cverydlay language in thc to Chief of Police R. J. Drum- actual breakdlown of the stite- mond, Provincial Constable R. J. ment's figure,, make the B of MsI '" Pollard and Provincial Traffic report undcrstandlable and Inter- Officer Raymond Kowal, for esting bo everyone. maintaining perfect order among Record Deposits F7j Billion the more than 1000 people who ~- thronged the village for the oc- In step with an increase in casion. The parking facilities were practicallv cvery clepartement of . . taxed to thc limit and were Spien- the bank's activities, deposits &re '- didîx- supervised by tle police nearly 100 million dollars higher, >r,., Swho were an duty far passed mid- with most of the increase being in , night. the savings deposit category. These deposits, amounting to well over one and three-quartcr s' . Ban }Ininizs billion dollars, demonstrate how sa national institution like the B ~~~ Its Annual Repor M is big sirnply because a great ' s Making It Readable safeguard their savijngs and ta cmploy those savings according Showing the way for the fourth t on akn rnils sWccssiv'e Year the Bank of Reflecting the bank's steadily Montreal marks yct another for- growing participation in 'business *ward stcp in hurnanizing its an- activities, the B of M's commer- *nual report, e practice originated cial loans increased by neariy 8 *by fihe B of Mfin 1945, and design- per cent over last year's figure cd to take the formality out of and its holdings of industrial bank stafoments. bonds and debentures show a sub- Addessng ts 3ls anualre-stantial addition of over 32 mil- po r ASpecgial Mestae to Cus lion. Howcver, this has not occas- tomr sc h essagM',te repor ioned a reduction of the bank's immedis inteludesMI' the readrt holdings of government and other as an actielpricipantthth e public securities, which have in- . heliading: "Ilt Took You and 1.700, ceasbt.poiael e 000 Fcllfw Canadians to Writecet This $BiihJnDoîar Storv". Then The bank's resources have it goeS On tO show just how dol- reache-d a new high of SI,991,380,- lar defld' ed t te BofM ae 00.This figure exceeds the B of -kep ha ork. . . helping M's obligations to thc public by Canad rani ,,ery walk of life $82,939,000. o makc bet future for them- Net Profits SteadY After paying ail overhead ex- .* nd penses, including staff salaries, bonuses, and contributions to thc Y0Dý JEYE and pension fund, and after making provision for contingencies and for depreelation of bank premises, and taxes, the B of M reports Vision earnings for the year amountingTeBlnig"il to $5, 459, 000. This compares xvith ______Te aacn Rp $5,423,000 in the previous year. Agrpi angstte n, Rewritten Profits before taxes ,wcre some- Agahecrig ttmn whatlfro, eflrtin hihu r o an Inlnovation in lasttyear's B of c 1fompreights ofrating ,costs and interest Qiay- M report, sums uip the \vhole bil- C. H.TUCK Outcf earnings $3,600,000 xvas down to the cent - the distribut- Optometrist distributed to shareho1der., the. DlnyBlg alneof$8969hig trans- ion of the year's earnings in re- (Opp. P.O.) ferred ta the profit and lozs ac- lation to the shareholder's in- Obiwa, Phone 1516 count. vested dollar. Was;tcdenergN. is nerve-weaken- ing ainc discouraging and is a mleans 01 lowering efficiency. What dInstrumental 1J ancingyo or Volir EnPîsr? It affects the I s r m n a a c n fuaurenelp and your hope for___________ futur Oliltion or success. In ohEfinterest of education, eye- CHILDREN'S CLASS, 4 to 7 years (Boys and Girls) sight arl efficiencv teachers. par-1 ents an4 student s shoiild study the JUNIOR ('LASS, 7 to 13 years fut:nctio 0f Vision and the care of thc ey , Parents should knaw 1 SENIOR CLASS, 14 to 20 years becaus O! their children, and be-i cause -i their own cyes earning LADIES' CLASSES theïr li ii1gTeachers because of thc Cli EOC h their care. its ne- Classes held at Mr. F. R. Schon's home, Beech and cessity acquirng education and findin te proper oaio.Teý Lowe Avenue - PHONE 700 by studen %Wil be in a position to know - ltirU._,lf when he attains ta th e e to know, and in the Mrs. Irene Friend men'Weluîst be cxpcctcd ta Graduate Teacher -of Gymnastlcs and Dancing do ou dutYa;hmnl sps sible. ashfny sps Former Activ ities in Sw itzerland and New York ey " - in action BORDEN GOLDEN CREST MALE VOI(E CHOIR WITH DR. FARMER AS DIRECTOR wIll present a return engagement at B.H.S. Auditorium 8:15 P.M. Thurs., Dec. 2nd auspices Si. John's Choir - ADMISSION - Aduts 50e - Chldrcn 35e No Reservcd Scats i .Mur