_THURSDAY, fl3C. 2nd, 1048 THE CANADIA1~ STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. VNTA1U~ PAGE ELEVmr In the Dira and Distant Past Fr-om Tii.Statemm aFile FIFTY TEARS AGO gesting ta bis pupils they take six MeV. 2, 1898 letters, 3 vowels and 3 consonants -say A. 1. O. and L. N. S. The Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, outcome was Salina. Save a reception in honor of the W. H. Greenwood, well-known Governor General, Lord Aberdeen jaurnalist in Toronto, and son-mn- and Lady Aberdeen. Those at- law of W. W. Tamblyn, died in To- tending this function from Bow- ronto. inanville included Misses Addie 1 MeDowell, Nellie Williams, Ena Darlington Cauncil considers an Trebilcock, May Vanstone, Mosetta agreemnent for the Ontario Hydro and Sophia James and Mr. M. A. Power Commission ta supply light James, ail of wbom were presenteci and power ta the residents of the to Their Excellencies. In report- township. ig this affair the Toronto Globe Newcastle - Wm. Pointen, a bas this paragrapb: «"At the con- young and earnest divinity stud- clusion of the concert Miss M. ent, preached in the Methodist Mosetta James, of Bowmanville, Chu.rch, Sunday evening. Whose sweet and artistic singing Tyrone - Rev. E. A. Tonkin is had greatly pleased ail bier bear- taking Rev. W. T. Wickett's work ers, was especially complmented during ris illness. thereon by His Excellency the Solina- Allan McKessock was Governor General, wbo congratu-, home from Normal School, To- lated her upon her singing and ronto. ao upon ber modest, unaffected Contestants taking part in the Inanner." B.H.S. oratorical contest are Al- The Agricultural Society ban- bert Allun, Hilda Foley, Iva Gil- Çuet held at the Bennett House bank, Elizabeth Hancock, Reed Wau an outstanding success. Presi- Pearn, Marion Pickard, Constance dent John Davey, Leskard, was Seward and Stanford Symans. master of ceremonies. Speakers Norman Allun, Newcastle, and WereDr. . W.McLaghli, at F. S. Coulter, Haydon, had an auto W. C. King, D. B. Simpson, Mr. collisina onro iet n J. C. Mitchell, Mayor R. R. Las- IKing Sts., when cars were dam- combe, P. C. Trebilcock, Thomasi aged, but occupants escaped with Pascoe, Thos. Baker, Editor M. A. sight injuries. James, L. A. W. Tale, W. F. Allen, Capt. C. W. E. Meatb, member W. E . Pollard, H. C. Hoar, Hugh Federal Appeal Board, Ottawa, Greenlees and J. M. Joness. publishes an article containing Thos. Millar & Sons, Oshawa, much information for soldiers have purcbased the dry goods firrn wishing ta make appeals. of J. Craick & Co., Port Hope. In the judging contest for junior Miss Etta l'ailbas been appoint- fammers these headed their ciass: ed soloist of Yonge St. Methodist1 horses, Lloyd Crago; dairy coottie, church, Toronto. Wm. Swain; beef cattle, Hilton Rev. J. J. Rae bas a telephone Tink; sheep, Anson Balson. Installed In the Methodist parsan- age.A EYTI LC Wmn. Gill, town, is caachman for AVR HNSC Dr. Gilmour, Warden of the Cen- I'apourbeiftt tral Prison, Toronto, who is a Dur- s a populge a zable that Bell uTelepone. satd o.of the factory dollar," Hardware Bel Teephne o. tared ov.and Metal comments editorially 1 to give continuous service,.lin a recent edition. Garnet Trewin wheeled home "Ediphone" reports a group of from Toronto ta spend the week- Brantford businessmen, through end with bis parents. the Board of Trade, studied eight Wilbur Hoar and Percy Elford local industries and came up with bave returned frain a trip ta Mani- the following facts: Out of every toba. factary doIIar--641,, cents went Sauina-W. Fursey has moved for wages; 51,'2 cents went for ta the Tremier farm . . . Will taxes, 2 2/3 Cents was retained in Montgomery has resumed bis stud- the -business for plant renewal, ies at Queen's University. extension, etc. Nine-tenths of a SCourtice-A. B. Werry and A. J. cent was paid ta shareholders. lOke are deer hunting in Minden "The investigation also showed, dintist. -Ms yletr odthe hardware business paper 1 be bose ta Chs. Sltert for points out, "that for every 100 her ous to has Steartforemployees, there were 92 share- $400 and is moving ta Lindsay. holders; that the annual average Mt. Vernon - Miss Mina'Heattie pyfrec mlyews2 entertained ber SundaySchoolpay fore ach e poyee wa 2 class. shareholder; that t takes an aver- Dicke. uelh, as. age capital investinent of $4,764 stal]ed acetyline gas fixtures in ta provide a job for each persan the argan factory. on these payrolls."J TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO 'Before 1939 this cour.trv hiad Nov. 11, 1923 Rev. J. H. Turnbull, a former mninister of St. Paul's Presbyter- ian church. died in Toronto. Teams of J. B. Mitchell and Dr. Bonnycastie are tops in the Fîve- Pin Bowling League. Mrs. A. Garner was given a farewell party by Companions of the Forest on moving to New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry, Kedron, recently married, were honored with at surprise party and presented with a beautiful easy chair. Marriage is announiced of Les- lie Cox and Helen M. Smith at Edmonton, Alta. Tfhe groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cox, Bowmanville. Ex-Principal John Elliott of the B.H.S., now in London, was pre- sented with a Lîfe Certificate by London District Teachers' Feder- ation wîth 43 years' teaching to his credit. Van Winkle, Jr., writes: Solina got its name by the teacher sug- Business Directory_ Legal W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Ican - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanvîlle Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrigter - Solicitor - Notary 9'à Kinig Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 ?MSS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Teznperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Denial DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bownianville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily. 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residerice: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeil 2827 DI. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., ýBowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - - 23-5* Opfometry JOHN T. McCREERY Optometrîst 22 Division St., Bowmanville Office Hours: Ivonday - 7:30-9 p.m. Thursday 2-8 pin. phones: Bowrnanvil.le 2024, Port Hope 248 never made a weapon larger than a service rifle. is young sire has been stabled Because early maps showed the farm of J. T. Brown, New- Africa as only a narrowi strip on tle, and many keen judges the Mediterranean, explorers, who e rated him the best young believed the world was flat, were 1in Canada. The Hoisteins afraid to penetrate the continent e placed by a judge from thinking they might fall off the nsylvania. earth. Gifts ta St. Paul's was "The Lord's Prayer"l by Ma- This lotte, i which Janet Barr sang the at ti Church Dedicated solo part i excellent voice. casi j At Morning Service Unied hurh i may mn eturnta Wosin S_ * Pe "Te ~largest congregation ta at ote ostis ber took part in the acts of wohp Again at Royal Fair Sunday morning and were de moved by the beautiful ritu;al per- A feature at the Holstein ex- j4ice of the hour. was the two Grand Champion- 1' -The Junior Choir, underth1 ships won b Franlo Farms, Hop- 1% leadership of Mrs. G. C. Quîgley, kins, Minn., U.S.A. The two occupied the choir loft and brought anismais involved were Grand the congregation ta an attitude of Dhaminns in 1946 shown by J. deep reverence when they oee .Ins Woodstock. They were the service with "The Lope nd defeated in 1947, then exported Lord~5 n t Hopkins, where they were re- His Holy Temple, let ail the earth kei' pn ~h-foe wim." fitted to make an astonishing Floing the first hymn. Rev.cmeck G..Quigley, the mînister. made Among district breeders who reference ta numerous giîts St. icaptured prizes this year i the '~ ' Paul's had received in recent asHolste in classes which brought out for the beautification of the churchi 259 head were, Hugh Ormiston, and Ibe gtory of (7 r1 in pt <or Brooklin, who won the Reserve wvorship. Among those mentioned j Grand Championship for females. were the memnorial communionj Elmcroft Farms, Oshawa, also won table froin George Corden a nd firc"tfprizes. family: mnemorial flags froin Mrs. The joint entry of the Central J.H.H.Juy;brass flower vases'Durhamn Bull Club, Orono, and J. J. H. .aury Mrs. David Ormis- 1J E. McCague, Alliston, in the ~ t'~~ itead, and memorial walI lights srnior vear]ing bull class, Glen- froin Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott. afton Futurity, was piaced second. __ Mr. Quigley then praceeded in- simple ceremony ta dedicate a new baptismal font which had been presented ta the church. This lat- ;est qift ta Si. Pp1'1'ý is ~2ttfi -NO, NO. HERBIE, WE PACK ON LY TINNED FOOD1>5 1rin design and in light oak colour blends in perfectly with the other furnishings of the church. The 'Warden A. Stephen fgreat struggle was ta gain enough slerlted on Mhe top rads: Yi "Pre Pland on which ta live.i Carruthers ta St. Paui's' United Gets Gold Watch "The most pleasant, kind and Church, Bowmanville, Ontario- From HYi TT Colleagues the Bavarian peasants living aon INveinoer 28. 1948."' and running their own farms ' r. and Mrs. Carruthers have Warden Alex Stephen was pre-i while the crowded portion of Ger- been members in St. Paul's for 1Vie wish t( sented with the traditional gold many's people looked with long- many years. They have always watch at the annual warden's ban- ing on a country like Canada," been keeniy interested in their quet of Northumberland and Dur- stated the speaker, continuing. ,T church. its activities and welfare. Df Bowmanville ani hain Counties Council, held in the is something the saine in England Their faithfulness and active par- British Hotel, Cobourg, Wednes- with its crowded population. Here ticipation in many phases of thern in au oeir day night, Nov. 24. Guest speaker in Canada we have unlimited op church's life have contributed un- a igo r pe n was Hon. Major John Foote, V.C., portunities. 1 believe there wouid mensely ta, its history and good member for Durham County. For-1 be less trouble in the worid ta- i works. Mr. Carruthers is a valued merlv a Counties Councillor, Hon.! day, if the rest of the worid was mnember of the choir and seniorOu rag W. A. Goodfellow made the pre- in as fartunate a position as we eider of the Session and has inOu ra g sentation of the gold watch ta are in Canada," stated Rev. Foote. otheî' years been a member of the . Warden Sephen. ~ There ar tco ~ i«Board of Managers, representative icesn a± Head table guests included: these days who feel theinselves tarebeyaddlgteath Reev A.S. ake ofBowan-alcf fom ublc srvie, ay* General Council of the United ReeeA. S. Besd;r.Bowan-alof r pucseies y ing Church. Mrs. Carruthers has ai- ville won Presied;or. Charlie it to beadit7usns.;)iea~~ vs been active in the W.A. and St~aen~n. MP.,forDurham is that it is what you make it. WMS n a nanmr riMng; Mayor of Cobourg J. S. Service Is the one thing that mqt- occSasin n resindant o f eY uaec Smith; Warden Alec Stephen and ters above everything else," stat- )aitrorgbe rsieto heY uaec Mrs. Stephen; Major John Foote ed the speaker in paying warm lte ranization. and rs.U'ot~ . 'Gr~fel trbuteta he embrs f Cuntes Tt was fitting that with the au an Ms.Potn W A G,,'fl-trbue o hemebes f outisdedication of the new baptismal IlspcCLou stock whi' low; Counties Clerk William Barr; Council for their part in the gov- fn hr hudb h armn Warden Humphries of Peterbor- ernment of the country. fontBatiesm. Sadra Ann, inframnt ou gh County; Mrs. A. S. Baker. This United Cotinties Counicil daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Drawing upon his experiences bas produced one of the best menCovradGrgWlim,- as a prisoner in Germany during in the Cabinet of the Ontario Gov- fantesno, and s George ilam n the last war ta provide a striking ernment, concluded Major Foote, Mitchell, received this holy rite,. contrast ta the differences in life turning ta Hon. W. A. (Bill)I The Junior Chair sang the bap- i enjoyed by Canadians and otheri Goodfellow, Minister of Welfare tismnai hymn and gave two special 1r a neooles. MIViaor Foote crllei frr a for Ontario, and M.P.P. for Nor- numbers during the remainder of full realization of the many bless- thumberland riding.thsevc.IsnggPaiey ings o life n Canda. th ser5ce.iIngiStreet VVest M ings o lifei anada. a_____________Soul the Kine of He-aven," ve-, 5 ig tre W s contWe ha'telize wataveatYkere taken as special parts with counry e hve nti wetrael Tt is here that character is mol- Marie Jeffrey and Margaret Cun- around." declamed Major Foote, 1 ded and the basis laid for bapoy.I ningham in solos. and Ruth Rom- who told of tilking ta young Ger- wholesomne and constructive liv- r baugfh andi Janet McGregor singing mans and of learning that their ý,ng. ;a du et. The choir's second number WANTED LIVE -Fowl - Turkeys - THIS WEEKS PRICES - CHICKENS, good heavy birds 42c lb. rURKEYS, desirable weights - 45c lb. Bring Us Your Eggs... PyTo rîe PICKERING FARMS LIMITID Whltby 336 - Night or Da7 WHITBY, ONTARIO ank You! 'o extend our thanks to the people id District for visiting aur store and .g a complete success. Eof Christmnas goods, toys, etc. is [nd will become complete before ordially invited to corne in and in- le doing your Christmnas shopping, ille 5V to $1,00 Store Opposite The Statesmatn Office i r ~Ar uwwmmq TffE CAMADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIVVrLi-M. ONTARIO Chicken -riluRSI)AT, roC. 2nd. 1048 PAGE ELrVM