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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1948, p. 13

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~rMSDAY, DEC. 2rid, 1948 THE CANADIAN STRTESMAN, nOnWMANVTLE. 0NTARTO ET!lTY cup. who contributed most ta TP CîfP 'tT'T Courtice pe (Rex'.) Boy ce, Oshawa. the bride'spacaSf1jrsdtEv Copl oîrr BdMr.Robt. Adams.Sndn:ei.TreeF- Lclamiation for Darlinglon Council Rp\emTeezsteB î\îna a~Cm Honoured On %violi oe the cightv mark. ePin5.1nfcPrs Ine Vacancy Leit on School Area Bd. u j vwcnnt is- M sDor;s WeC1hTorontofaroat SlveIWld'ngSALEMdinokeanfrt Sixteen names were placed in1 The following naines were p]acd Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larmar and «Miss Vera Forder. Toronto. ih1Mr. adMis. G. Bw~ and Fricndcs riumbcring arotind 7 O0mination for the 1949 Darling-i in nomination: For Reeve. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Smith. Mill- Mrs. John Foîder who hasbenfam:ly at H, A. Beaton l s, gathcred at the homne of Clarence !1 Salein Voiieli's Aýociation met Anc plg0 tCiO ~~~~fl~~~a Tonh CbrowthM.adMr.G os-sc. r n rs'. F. L. Smiil %wL: eard Mis. Penfound. Ebeniezer, on ,. . 25-tth nnTwsip ouncil when the Squair. For Counicil. Rov rokeGîlMrid rs Gano ng îc.o<e %wio ejox ei the Tiie:!iavighit. Nov. 23, to hep nNx aa h oeo rs a o oe.l21pc date was thrown o-pen inj thc Town Harold Skinner, l-oskin Smith, vear. NMr. Grant Ferguson and friend, crsnnmmdslî tcl ~ rcr: hî ivrwd:g L. Welsi. The president opeiied so-chnd hog YO qlu Hampton, Fridax-, Nov. 26. Garnet Rickaîd. Frank Wcrrv,. Mis. H. Findlay and Bruce, Un- Toronto, and MNiss Mona Fer-gus- ~\caelzY Osh:x .T legcsqts fh.rhd oet the meeting wijth a short devo- jlre hnaP0 utr n ýut'the majoîity faiied to sign Claie Allun. Milton H. Wight. Les lonville. Mr. Dean Findlay. Sun- !on, Peterboro Nor.mal S'o. Mr n is. A. wrace . Te ' gMicofehor iactîce, îto~lprc olx db ed nldstfh~ro Paprs,3. . Cant AdmldrladwittMr an Mr..A andth rran Mi.A. wFrguon.rhax efe wîhtMhead Mv. vvichlef te wv coarforthutes aonmiuts ad bsinss i e an mxar reisîyth nmbr eeedtoSharp, Gordon Brent. OrvilleOs Richards and Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Hooper, Peterboro. spent GaeS.' 3c oarre xeyhn. cussion. Mrs. G. Barr'e had charge - ri k p th e in co m in g cou nicil. b o rn e an d J. F o rb es H ev lan d . B ig elo w . th e w eek -en d w ith G len n V an - Min k n d M is. J. D. ______a__ofte__________M'_K .______e 1eeve Kyle Squair declined to Faïluie of severa1 nominees to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. JohnsnCap familv. Orono. at W. Bo\wmun's. wdd bells mnd tc al'e xihM.E ocg aeav.xVv Acclamson.quampi vrfor the Sco pent tlie xeek--a a ice doth, centred xxiitb bouLquet an tîe t g a coit o hs LionS w ere acco rd ed th e co m p lè te ] f nl w w o q al f e nd M . an r . o aMa d ri ndea r Tilbt i l w i h r . n n n B a tf i n : i c h i u x < v r be n a d e a ndcn î ep tatin ae acoi t c o a' s. e-B a l t T R e e v : A t h u M i l s o n h o n e c e s a v o h e r e lf e t o d h o r a n d L l o y d , B o v m a n i l e i td M a k M r y io w , T r n d a i .m u s who receixved acclamations. It will 1Mr. and1Mirs. E. Stainton, Jean Mis. Eail Dorrel. în i .Pot h sqîexc ocesadohe-buut f.eacoa ti'p to heing cand knît- o E Hl De.Reeve: Roy W. Nîchols. another nomination to fi]the Miand\îriH allf nL. nae a charinîg 0hone- îgxeetîednfothbaaESA.' Dep.cllrs Roy McGill, Harold slate. Chairman Garnet Rickard1 MIr. AlIbert Hunt. Kenneth and fo b opewowr On Dec. 3. Mrs Barrie and he ~~COuncilîoîs. Mi. Robert Smith, Peterboro, 'Mr. and M7is. F. Gilbert, Solina. icalix- taken bv srprseto sec50 group seac is_______________ knner, Garnet Rickard. retiîed fîom the Board to serve on wt mnofhe renshr. Doal, Ms.J.Wsmr.wih anarnt. _a___social_______ DnlM.adMsJ.Wsewt ipaet.Mi.anad Mis. H. Smnith il.mxofte îedthe.aî-orwsenoc. Darlington Councîl. IEddy and Frank, lslington, vwith Mi. and Mis. O. Graham weie friends in Toronto. W1th Mi. Ticreî- at hie piano Electd toserveas tustee forMi an Mis K. Cîba% in Toronto for the Investiture on Mr. and Mrs. H. Grass. Coluin- thýe couple weî-e eer in to the -________ 1s49rner. R enodMn Eu-Sr. and Mis. H. Stainton and ýNov. 22, whcn Mr. George Wolfe bus, Mr. and Mis. T. R. Boxxman.,stiains of "Herie Comes the' W ~ Oshoîn C. childien visited Mis. L. Guy, Col- xxas pîesen'îed with the Miliiaîx' Blackslock, and Mr. and Mis, G. Brýide' and piaced %vithch-s MA L GR V fA HTh folowý%ing weie norninated umbus. E elvsetadyi Medal by i Excelicncx-, Field Boxvran attenced a biithda - dil-ni uelv decorat(cd. Mis. Jne Ga-rci& Walter Rundle. Harv-ey Brooks and Toronto last weekz. Miss Marion Bcacock, Toronto, Baxxnian xxas the guest cf, honor. l ha fmm n inda EeigAxLr e nFl ~~L ~ A N flI I IilK nne ith e . tYong. A i s ntc- r a d M siLr e H yn s a d xith' M . and M s. Austin Bea- - uttîoniaie on the brdeginom s da,, evening, N cov. 26 at the o mneC a L o f A~Kf8R A~ xii ntivth rat a wîr a-Ronald. Mr. and Mis. Bob Shred. cock. RTDPTý ca. iMis. Vloiilt v Flintoff. Mis. taWaneand Betty, Bowmanx-ille. Mi. Laine Biadbuin and ,im-'l-K.ECitiemserf Flintcff, pioiicgram . een receive nominations to fili the riC visi ted Mi. and Mis. R. Shîed. mie, Toront,'Ir.îh.Mu. nd Mis. convnci. epen-f mie Toono, ithMr an MiS.cerernenies, in a fexx x\-el-(-hosen cd n e m c t Il xx1ha -o! o b.Mis. K. uv n u a f orsatsfacion maining seat on the Board. Msss DnadMuriav and Weley adbun.1 ooio eeîa îr e atne h xoi-ds. explairird the intrusion ,Sanîersf1ord. Iolloxvcd by Contes-!- s.rwith Mr. and Mis. Hariy dgr-fancial cf Athur W cîten, xx sund called on Kathleen Piddtîck. sica cf s in il'uison, Buddist and T PlPSex-eral fîom heeattended the'tn eaeswx alseM.adde nOhxa optlNv ..Ixha îoadsaine ioxel.v ii'l ilitrihat sang by Mis. Stimeistord. en.a eToctiv expi-îsing the feelings c ixcMs tlc:M A dan atNex-casle hurdayMis. Edgerton wba are moxint Miss Mý'axir.e Vivian, Mi. Dofîg- l d xx ius lms xc-Mis. S. Tyler; solos by Mis. Howv-41 RT reasGonaoneClpricend Rox- NichaIs. Courtice. Maux fainiers and their tiiends Eau Siabe and famil, Raglai . îougîitîlI thiags bestoed en ;f sudv bock x\as givc.n by Mis. Mi.gYor a anoUs R d Mis adolp adng pnandd bx- i. and Ms. Port eiiy. a s Bwih rck. aa M . aî. vrsîn b h au-knda adMlso fHapo.1ho Brlng Your Wateh TBeUseRoddy , wMi M. and Mi en iand Mis. MW. H. Hooper, hxeejoved StokleyVanapwt i n i.Dx ache]ltaa.(acc. îdDîtvr-F xit viesx'scnutdadcnsr _____ WlhBllxilexit i a Ptibro i.Dvi ooe adShows at vaiious centr-cs. Mis. Cecil Gatchell and Tomi, ' din a inost giac!oas nianni-. b rsdv.Ms alMn Mis. Raymond Clapp.'1bx Pî C. Ant. Mis. Wullaec' Mr.- Mi n r.William Lake iMs.Canxd OoowthM. Congratulations lu Howa r d Boxx mlaux\-uIl, Miad Mis. lîoxx- Wtîi Mi-. '[icueer at hIe piaalo a da.v A social haîf hoar w'as en-20tn ALL WATCH REPAIES M.adMs adFakWis.Trei h o h pie adAbt adIn -,Zol oe hi ulc a evd childien, Newcastle, with Mr. aan~Tr. i.JmsT exuxh xatep / o ic oîad iîl,-Zoi,- x iligranid ioînmîuiiîîîx ip- ,oi xasioe balnhxxasieiv r M. Harold Skinner.~ti c ut r bo nti t-c. Mis. Jamles Gatchel.j el. ao Osciections ancl e1ost-, FRSTCOE Larî- RoFeneath, visited Mr. andUA A TE . .. . Wa-He-Lo Mission Baud met ah Miss Christiina <atchel1 xxvith x vceai solos b.vMi-. 'I rener. x vhich 1,rs. Han-s- Ros'e. Souîth Bay, GU RA TE DMiss L. Cari, Bowmianvillc, MiS. Willis Stewart.r the home of Mus. Cecii Hill con Miss Mariai-le Vixiaii, N.Osa. spent the week-end at Mr. Frank - Mi. and Mis. N. C. Yellax;lees. Nox-. 27 with the presideut presid- Seea hlîucx.rvcîî apprcciabed verv niuch. xisiled Mis. Boss Stevens.....FITSRE Werr's.Sevral hilrentbîoruLg lx-\ en- 1Axix fine set cf dishies N-as 'The tiist mieeting cf tbe Junior For One ear . Weras. teins oMi. and Nrs.Tornto, wtMr. ond Yllxxs. ig et eihu eîsnigjo - teiei satt Sauta 1 piesentcd ta Clarence and Doio- Sexxing Club met ou Saturda\ o MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED Loîne Annis an the bi2th of a Wih.Miss Hi Chi Yu, xx-ith Ruth Hain- Ciaus parade in O'h-awxa. hx and ti,ýe hope cxpres.sed thai afteriioou in Ille Maple Urov' litthI- daughtei. .nmbl i-m er enbte lonparsioin, ldassexerl î.an Ms.Cîieic Avr3tbv axhosoie t cceb-ae cboloo, x MthMis CxCils aeII A'llhI Congatuatios t Mi andMis OsAxva Sbrdax- ta see bcSata and uitei-esting stoîles of China iwith Mr. and Mis. Cyrîl Ax-ct-*is. hir o]deicaniveisar-. bn-adlJs rnso n hre hn:Bwavle Con 1raultins o îr ad rOhw aud ,toeteSnaadthe ruanner ianxxhich tliey oh- iNewc-ast le. IatHtehrîs.i<Idgxe-Scvcn girýs '«cie re-istced and a Muiia\ Tabb (Margaret Murdoch) Cats ab sixct iwoiay.Ms.Hldis .Hubi -ihMs.W cngWl- euR Lc-o H. andad.sev - r oidy. r. i l r.Hu, axx- it r .ýa lnccake, \:%cie seivcd and an ibriet Stimaix-cf enWll otheir marriage. - Mi. and Mis. T. H abadtold the stoi3 'heBin.Cai'Biv 1 bl.iesen 1ehr.Desdau elGcoe"xs M ADD~~~~~ Mi. and Mis. J. Bigelcxv, Kirby, Ms Yvonne Bvam attcnded the (2nd chanter cf the bookc, ~eMu. lHenry DeM\ille, ZicuMi. aiag thngesîs xx e Ms ie.Elcinc ffcîsto ~4~e Mu an Mu. Cintn Bge-Tabb-Murdoch wc%-dding ln Maple Agcaitist The Sea"). Betty an'l Boss Hiîbbard, Mr. sud lMis. Wv. -_______i______ r CogrtlatonstwBsi.HlsGioxe LUnited Church Saî<iida3 - Ruith sanciaduel '"Savior Tcach Biyan. Osliiawýa, with -Mi. and Mis. xxConrceid the Dei anFer Glenn Brooks, a former pupil nie da\- hx- dav.- The x'-orFhip sei- B.'lHubbiii. J WE vLE o rsn ivec aIeo Gitt and F enricf the Tvrone public schoolan a Vice ccnsisîedi of a hymuni, repeat- Mi. C. Hoskins xxith friec-is ia JEWELLERShY riace cdGtegBrony pr edgraduate af Boxxmanville Higa iing bhe 1001h Psalm'and pîayeî. Toronto. BOWMANVILLE RotaiyClub pri70 Hoskin prize dcs tteComnemn Mr. and Mis. Roy Leask, Grecn- Ms E. Caugh«lill and M\i, J. 48 Klnt St. W. Phone 463 and Harold F. Longxxouth Mèm- dav evoning at the hieh school n. wt u n iW.Snli vt i n i.M a oriaI -Schalarship prize and RoI G e s o ttdin nvriy Van Camp. x-eiI, Torouto. ___________________wontheDavis United Church W.A. and elect- Mis. L. HcaFrnan is 'ierho at Mus. Meivin Guaham's xith ton xxho is voix' President Mis. N. Mountjoy in Mis. E. Adamis xith lier daugh- S A F E the chair. Devotional '«as baken tei- in Peteiboî-o. FIL E R U E N Stisyig Srvie b. Mis, R. Duff. RaIl Call was Mi. and Mis, Oixille Greiec Satifyin Serice answered %vith membeîship fecs Oshaw-a. F ILT R Q U E 14for the ncxvyeai. Tharnk-\ ou notes Sexcial froin heie attended the Don" buya Vauum ntilyou ave eenwcio read, fîom Mis. Earl Brad- B.H.S. opoietta and cOmreiîce-ý Do 'tbu a Va uu u ti y u av s e S T E VY E N tlS ban, M s. Albet Wright and M s. ment and enjoxed the fine musicj The World's Finest. Hill. It was decided tu contribute and talented artists. The leaders. FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE OR PHON.ET A v y a prize for an essay-writiug cou- deserve mach cidt Your Authorlzed Representatîve T mà% m a propose ta be a Total Abstainr".M. and 'Mis. R. Wilson. Oshnilwa. WILLIAM S. COLVILLE Phone 822 sent to those outside our imrned- jEnniskfilln. wih thigrandpar-.- - ALSO USED VACUUMS AVAILABLE - ato vicinity wha 50 willinglv con- entq Mi, and Mis. J. Carter. Phone Bowmanville 2393 160 King St. West BOWM'ANVELLE - ONT. tributed to atur bazaaî, and hclped Mis. F. Cook, Boxvmanviîle, _________________________________________________________It make it a decided succes A xisited fui. nds ln tlilc e cheerx- gct-weIl card w-as signed,1 hnbÀc Carte- xith Mi. auni Mr b.\ ail thc ladies piosent ho bo ýR, Carter,. Pcteubaro. - sent ta Mis. O. Wright '«ho1 is iii ! flntcndcd foi- last x'n iin Toronto. $25 was conttltîited Mis E. Cauîglýill xvibhM M ýj ta the M. and M. ±'und and $25 tu Hi-v.itt. Poit Peiîv. JOIN THEDRIV TOthe budget fond. The foîlowing Mr. and Mus. Lloyd Slingeilanrt. JOIN THE DRIVE TO comrnittee will cater Io the Tui - Niaa-'-xkx ith Messs. NEW LOW PRICES-PFURTHE AIG ASDO 'Banquet for Dec. 8, Mis N .! MrsE. Aczrs inPceebno ,> Motintjoy, Mis. P. Van Camp, Mrs -IL F M PIN ea 2-zt Neil Malcolmn, Mis. H. Shorri dgL A NIPPY UE und Mis. C. Mailow. Rov. B. liai NP SAPOTT B urison prcsided for election of thee o BeehiveC4rown 2-lb linI afficers for 1949: Pres.--Mus BURNS' _________________________ rîidge; Good Checi---Mrs. WV. Ai-Is O N T E cher; Pianist-Mrs. L. B3 ci' r 2 35elL Paîsonage Comm-Mis cî -.i2Ibs. 35< TOMATOES 2 C-oz tiSTY35 CHRISTMAS op ars ex ou' 1 NIX PEEL* « P2. 17e CHROICE CORN 20-ztn35 C. aîlowi, Ms. P. VDuffm, Ms.M 1 SULTANA IONA STANDARD CUT f rom the bazani '«eue sold at bbce A & P COFFEE, Custom Ground v 'Z cose cf the meeting. Lunch w'as & seivcd by the hostess and gîocîp i 1 IfAN AEFMU SEALS IP~~~~;j chaigo.FRICAEirig13 S A SThe Blackstock Continuation YOUR BESI EUY FN T C K ThZcar ~.hool AAutal Commencement - ANN PAGE FANIOUS SOCIETY Exeucises wei-e a great succes;0'lhi.adF.eengs lan Thi'.-c wek, with- lai-go nuimbers attend- MILK BREAD DOG FOOD- 2 in . IWH ITE insweexinroL1uUgn me mali, you recelvect your . Christmas Seals for the year. The purchase and use of these briglit and cheery messengers of good will and good health will help f ight tuberculosis in this County. Each sheet of seals is "One Dollar." Invest in health, buy T.B. Christmas Seals. WHAT YOUR PURCHASE 0F SEALS HAS DONE 1946 Paid fer X-Rays for 4,654 peisoons in the w'estern section of Durham C a n ty. 1947 Paid fer X-Ra\s for 2.700 Persans and ronîpleting suive%, un the w«estern section cf Durhant County. 1948 Pui-ehased and paibly paid for an, X-Ra.vnmachine nstaîled irn the Heallh Unit Office and X-Rayad 331 pet-sons in past 7 nonhhs. 1949 To finish paying for X-Ray machtine and buîld up a reserx-a fou anather mass X-Rax- siuix'ey. Help the Lions Club carry on this gooci work through- out the County and help wipe out T.B. Contributions of any size are welcome and are deductible f rom in- corne tax. A receipt will be sent upon request. Cheques should be made payable to R. J. Dilling, Treasurer. Sponsored by BO WNAN VILLE LIONS CLUB with the assistance of LIONS CLUB COMMITTEE: T. M. Chant, L. Allun, H. Hancock, Dr. G. W. Miller, E. E. Patterson, R. Dilling Bible Sunday Cartwright Bîanch of Bible Sce3has cempleîed ts aunual t xa~ ih assistance cf valua- tcer cîllecters fuoini bhcchuiiches o f lte Township. Althcugb ietuii:s are net cemplete, $105.55 lias aI-i îeady been fcixxaided to Bible Houseý in Toronto. Cai-txx-igbt Bîancb is planning to climax Ibis seasen's programme xx-vitb a special obseux an ce cf Bible ýSuiîday, on Dec. 5. Bev. Egerton Youug.UPpei- Canadla Bible Soc- itUcîx , xxuli -,Pend the day iin Caît- wivigbt, prcacbing in the Uniteci Churches at Cadmus and Black- stock at Il ain. and 7 pin., anri in St. John's Cbtîîch at 2.31) pr. At the St. John's Seuxice a aexx Loctoin Bible, gîft of Mi. A. IL. Cuttla, Diocosan Field Commniss- îioneu, w-ill be dedicated, Immediately after tbe 7 pr. Seix-ice Mi. Young will conduet i the annual meetintg cf lita Cart- wright Bianch and xxilî show a meotn pictîuie antilled: -T hoe ýHeari of India". Officýcis., of the Caritxx-iiu Bacharc: Mi D. S(Itlleic i Mrsro .î:MiFarl Dorrcil, Sec- roeticix :Mis V. M. Archer, Triý- uier.' Ctaada lies in the path cf flio Il A Ortairiiou tes liik ing fuxe c-ontiî nnts. Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS Open Evciy Day 318 Dundas St. E., WVhltby PIMPLES AND Quickly helps ro clear up chese blemishes ICA.1ng skUn sott and smnooth. Prosen ocr jO >ears. Dr. Chose's Ointment WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 24-o: loaf lOc FLOOR WAX HAàWES « ;Ti LIBBYV'S CATSUP il-,Oz.21< B LACK TEA «b 75e FLORIDA MARSH S.DLS FANCY PINK GRAPEFRUIT N o. 1-96's 6 for 25e 'or- 45< SALMON rin 43e< LRD MAPLE LEAF 2-1. POANGES No. 1-216's * Doz. 29e NINCENEAT Tin 35e FLORIDA, SET UC o -7' FLOUR R 41.bgTNERNSD 7 5 ROSES$1.29 CALN:.i-176's . DOL 27<L A & P CHi-ocE 8 z.GRAPES No. 1 * * 2 I's.25e PUM9PIKIN 22: 19e McINTOSH RED - BEST FOR EATING b. CONCENTRATED A PPLES DmsieGae3 33 SU E U S Gia Mt63 C R O S Tender, Crîsp, Washecd, No. 1 3 Ibs. o UT'S CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY pi Red or Blue Brand Beef STEAKS or ROASIS - ~PORTERHOUE, SILOIVîiO9C WING or DONVELE.SS ROUND PF IRE ]RIBD lir.t l.ïxc Rihi-y b 8 VOUR A & P MEAT BUY OF THE WEEI< ]POIRK SHROUILDERaS siuîikeil iîîkc 45c A iJF 4Ju / aa Uea1p CAHADIAN NO. 1 GRADE P'hOTA&TOES 1 0-lb bag 2ic 75-lb bag 1.35 HELP THE CANADIAN FARMER MARKET A BUMPER P OURSHOULDERS Fikls :PORLOINS Eitheî End a-on SMOKED HAMIS While or Hait, 11,~>43c - ~ 55C mate cogp. con- thal iàdo H1andkerchiefs MAKE IT A HANDKERCIIIEF X.NAS ('ome ln and see oui scîce- tion of handkerchiefs for al members cf the fanil. La di es'- Lînen, Plain, Lare Edged and Initiailed. Finest lavn, embroider cd, lace eclged and colourcd. Chldren- C'olored l>ints and Initialled Be sure to see the "I'YAT1ý ILL"' Prints. Men- Lîîxen anddCotton - Whtite English Cttti)ns - (Colourcd Borders. Boxed Ilandkerchiefs at Various Prices J. W. JEWELL "BIG 201, PHONE 556 27 King St. W.. Bonnmanxile NEWCASTLE MBK*M.--.b

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