PAGE SXE~ THE ~ CANADTAN 'ATiffAN. MWMfA~7M? V fr»¶.J .ZIi'lr.. _________ -----.-, ---. aflu, *194 NBRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS io SELL t 0 ,o PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD B3IRTHS CARDS 0F THANKS Articles For Sale COMING EVENTS Found ALLEN-Mr. and Mr3. Marvin Mrs. Edward Darcy, Biackstock, LADY'S \vine winter coat, size 44, Piano tuner here now, Ottawa's COW strayed ta the farm of sa Allen <fiee Margaret Scott) wish 'ishes ta conv'ey sineere thanks Phone 2425, Bow~mn'le 91 xet 'akHlenSeilMQae o 1 o.4 at to announce the arrivai of their mandllappreciatiartnFrta Hher friendsia MÇTudT. Lt 21Aon.y an prcaint e red offer. Phone 2257. 49.1* wright Twp. Phone Portier baby daughter, Judith Lynn, at: and acquaintances for their ex- SILVER fox muff, neariy new LJADILLJIJSTATESMAN5r4 Bowmanville Hospital, on Sunday pressions of sympathy and many1 Phone 2719, Bawmanviile.- 49-1* Dnec.a3rd. Ruthilan'sH ar- 49-1 morning, November 28, 1948. acts of kindness during her recent! - day, De.rieauhliso' Vr Mother and baby bath fine. 49-1* bereavement. 49-1* ONE pair of giri's black skates, iety Band. Auspices of Enniskiilen Real state isize 8. Phone 2367. 49-11, Athletic Club. Admission 50e. For Sale By Tende GILBANK...Lorna Ann Giibank1 The Wiiiing Warkers of St. l s iid49-1 announces the arrivai of her baby John's Church, Bowmanvilie; CARROTS, $1.00 bus. delivered. F~~TT sister, Carol Marie, at Bowman-1 would i:ke ta take this opportun- Phone Bawmanville 2468. 47-3 Fniday, Dec. 3, Salem Womnen's zF±Riv-L.ot 9 and part .OL±. han th loal ercant tAssociation will hold a bazaar! Concession 9, Darlington, (nw vlle Hospital, on Monday. Nov. iît thankd tenota ntheeloalomechant M Eutt Fil northmi 29th, 1948. The happy parents'also the T. Eaton Ca. and Roberi GURNEY cook stave, coal and j_ iFrm woo, ea* ** -elin fr es Community Centre, from 2:30 ta of Ty'ronc. Tenders shoudb Shw.49-if natcd ta our draw and ouchre, and than haif price. Phono 2152. 9*-53 ..4ý*acmpne yacriidcou ail wo helcd tamako l a sc- ______for $100 and addressed ta itrc 494* DININGroom furnitre, soliaEFFECTIVE .TANUARY 23, 194P Hurry, Hurry, get your tickets Youp t., VTrntoLand Atr 5 JAMESO~Mr an Ms. sca ces.fumed oak. Mrs. O. Roberts, 206 nowforte Leslie BellSigers, Yrk42 Jamieson, 370 Monaghan Ro-ad, H____St,_Phone970.___1_theWLonsr t itBsu ne Fin Sb th. ooto rbfr wîsh ta announcf, the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. James T. Siceman HihS.,hn 70 91teLos hita oc rt, Fn- son, at Peterborough Civie Hos- and Miss Hilda wish ta express FORD V-8 Coupe, '36,, in good I UniteChurchaiBowpma, nitAd pital, on Thursday, Nov. 25, 1948. their thanks and appreciatian ta condition, radia and hocater. Phone BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, Uie hrh omnil.A-P ro a missio 75c;studetPe5s.on9- 49-4* Dr. D. E. Cannel of Toronto, Orona 1r14. 49-1* CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per insertion msin5cstdts5e 491 R-- ______ove specialist. and ta Dr. C. W. Sie- Daceait_____Hal, I RHa, etMaTriefMforrovedreat mon and K. W. Slemon, and ta al 1CLARE Jewell range; Caleman I Dnce tRtroeh llso' aitdy MeNtSOLandrlfo r rhiabeuaim ENGAGEMENTS~ the nurses of Bowmanville Hos- lamp; sad irons: phonograph and IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per Insertion De.4h.Rt WisnsVrtyMNSLno avibeinhi ita, fr hei knd ndlovngBand. Admission 50c. Free trans- district. Representative, Mrs.Rb Mr. ad Mr. Hoarde.oFaros.cPreohne Mr379.cman9vas portalian from Bowmanville via ert Jarvie, R.R. 3, Bowmanile Orono, announco the engagement patient in Bowmanville Hspital. TWO pairs boy's' skates, siz 4; NIES, COMN VNSATCE FOR SALE, FaORor'sBus bav Garon' at hono2TC. 49-1" ý -ý-- of their eldest daughter, Evely n 49-1* boy's large wagon. Phone 832. N sEupplieALFOsETIANE, T.8:0 4-' Kien, son fM. Wllad Gorges911.ah Wi:2l-wod(mn 3c.-ut paid before insertion. Meeting of Men's Canadiang0oads) mailed postpaid iiipli ia .Knox, B ruanmr. Te I IWMilA-EIU ieQubchetr If Charged: 3e a wvord (min. 50e). Add 25e extra for box Club will be heid on Wednesdlay, i sealcd envelape with pricelit marrageta akeplae qiety th ____________ -ncwslav coditon.Phoe 287.numbers or replies directed to this office. Docember 8th. Speaker, Mr. E.F Six samples 25c; 24 samples 10 latter part of December. 49*CLARKE -To sad and laving' 49-1 ThompnPaifenSea Agent, CainMilerder. Dox9p,. it-38, vRb memaries of Hannah Elizabeth - Additlonal Insertions at Same Rates) dnowfPatci seasis. Ji4 erC.9Bx9-1aitoOt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pattin- Clarke wvho passed awvay Dec. 3, HOUND, just starting ta run, son annaunce the engagement of 1938: white and tan. Phone Clarke 41-3(1. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MIUST BE IN NOT 1LATER Mrs. Thomas Gould - Sale of R tr their daughîer, Jean Elinor, ta mb toHea%-cn's mansion she i4 9 -- * HN ONWE ESA.Cssapormny\rkiSnsfEgldHl, Do Not R tr Terence Garth Dustan, son of entered TA ONIEDEDY ah tap rmnywrin Sons of3, 19 nand2.Hal.m. Mrs. Dustan and the laIe Mc. T. Never la sigh or la xveep, JACKýET hecater. coal. in new co- order with arder to get loiv rate. shrday, De. 3, 1948, at 2.30ep.m Experts Advise A. Dustan. The marriage wjll: After long years of iife*s slruggles dition, number 2 size. Phone 2669. _________________sha ilrp. Came early. iw anses.LXp take place on Wednesday ex'cn-i Oui- darling had fallen asleep.. 49- i1*apons, hilden's wear, nfyants Keep on okn ing, Der. 15, at 7 o'ciock, ini St. !Sad].,, miFscd hv daughters. - CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE aflernoan tea. Ex'erybody wel- John's Anglican Church. 49-1*:LoIn and Hilda and familY of BABY bîîdgies: also tv-o breeding cm.4-* Avc oodfl:"o _______Rochester, N.Y. 49-l* pairs and cages: selI cheaply. . I________P._________________________tcae 73 ire ce n te j fl 'on' e i O~~~; . Box 54 or Phone 2648. 49-1* _____________________________________________tire o*,.epon ih bjbyo DE T SFOWLER-In loving tribute ta -- - -RereMndyDembrth a. t_ he memory of a dear hu sband and PIANOS We bu *y instr~uments of Articles For Sale W!171 'p .y ad t a tf i pwrf Gd i Iock arling, y Sm Erne.s I HUGHES-At Eugene. Oregon, on father, George N. Fowler. who value and finance sales la aur ______-- vatu 10.Un Ht o ndia" phoroene a ockWCstmingtercHnslgsuga November l7tb, 1948, Fred E. depatrted this life December 1, customners. F. J. Mitchell. 49-1* YOU can make maney by collc- ARofgrl'wit kae,-ie-3Tninity undasieo f m ta Wecsinsthe Hasitl, i Hughes, formenly of Leskard. Ont. 1945: igcub___ frne lnkt .PIRofgl'5 whiteskate, siz 8:30pmYound e upies Uo ticon of the Brtihs,,,Sc 49-If Hîs mcmory is as dear todav, LADY'S greY hroadcloth coat, sing club rmodrs o nw Banets2.mPons352.n9-1Pole's3c, Uion, ten ofthe nitish Asof cito Asinbb ou h pscdawv. 1-6-1c8, nw.Phn Care ae ro adwolin. rad dms Phones 5e hîdrnCloatrkAvecmet fScene PER MANAI olmbu Aso -if te anDughtierpas 49a * 264. 491' alwool or pure wool, fuID SRAP batteries. $1.50 each. Pick- 20,. 48-2 "The most important probe __ R A - dns A t, DCmbus on 1,ean 1948,s. 491*vet olu_ 264.4-__sz blankets, in newes c ls up. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, is how ta insure themselvs h _Wdna T eyon erem,19n, h- -_____ - --E-rda, i szs-raonb Direct fram mili ta you. Write for Phono 467. 49-If Dancing at The Avalon. Oshawa, rigbt to continue working wiou hzàM fMr E otr elEsaeFrS l priced. The Radio Shop, Bow- catalogue Ioday. Midland Milîs, CLE o eln rmaet Wednesdlay, Friday and Saturday. impcding the promotion oftos Is 651h year. Funeral froi- ma nville. 49-1 Free dance every Wednesday younger than Ihmees" o - - DepI. 22, M idiandh onntai3. 49-1th e e k a d. a ph D v s for couples only. D on't m iss ur said. le Luke-Meîntosh Funeral Home, SEMI - DETACHED house on, DODGE. '32 sedan, good tires, OSHAWA'S largest assortmont of Poe21.- -4- Sunday concerts starting this 'That mecans: know howt shaw, onSatudanDeceberBrow St. immdiat posessonn'ctsnbl R.Stener Eiskioesseoosionning Conoîeus li- BF. Est'lirigyourliv pouîry uîndy at8:3 xvih Jonny reggabadon he ejoymntloith 4th, at 2 p.m. Interment Union two thousand dollars cash. Apply Phono Boxvmanville 2824. 49-1* oleums and inlaids, all xidths and try us. Oui- prices are higber. M. 'and his orchestra and three good first violin's pnivileges andler Cemetery. 49-1 ta T. J. Webb, 25 Brown St. 49-i'1- colours. Over 100 patteras. Rugs Flatt. R.R. 1, Betbaay, Phone 7 rJ acts. 49-1 ta play second fiddle." WHIEHEDSddoIv t he OUE, ort o Noton'ilotaELECTRIC slave, General Elec- and carpets a speciaiity. Your1. reverse charges. 17-If 1i Hitherto the old bad 'been o bHTHA -udnv tt e ro vcd fnrhofm Ap- letotrie Holpoint, perfect condition, 1 complote homo furnishers, Ruther- - 1 Wedîiesdlay, Dec. 8th. Bowman- garded as outside the streamo Bowmanville Hospitai, Thursdav I reoedfo promises. 'caý e.sanable. Apply 156 Wellington l ord Furniture Ca., 156 Simcoe SI. I FIVE-six roomied bouse, brick or,ý ville Home and Sehool Bazaar and active life, with the result te Nov. 251h. 1948, Mary Josephine PhYoClre o1n5n34. n48-2 St r hoe 51.491*Su-a4- ohsbevdwieoThmsPhonMo la.yRbnoN,ýtnil, o hnke 134.41.-I49 _______South.______ 7-framne. cent-ally located, ia Bow- afternooa tea from 3 ta 5 p.m. ',.nk ib loneliness and baredm Johit, eeddugherof TheolaboGs~ re oo we ot manvilie, will pay cash; possession::Baoths includle: aprons, fancy , Tnere is no scienlifie evidec iWiliha , and Ete Jaof P at PI o ose n lreyS.,ccL' enc ondto.sied 14, ooNE-W set Case 6" tractor discs; new in the sprino. Write Box 168, work, knitted articles and coun -frth seeinofheeiig Hoe i er2bbyar unrlP0 ARag he, atrond lre 1riýiforsmalefor ower. Phno 2716tfurr W ill a m n d tti J o n s f P rt S t , e e cl e n t c o n iti n . i z e 1 4 , t o o C a s e 3 -fu r r ow p lo w ; n e w C a s e 2 - S ta te s m a n O ffic . 4 9 - 1 1 tr y s to r e , fis h p o n d , b a t d o g s . a n d a g e o f 6 5 fo r m 2a a n d 6 0 o service was held at the George Appl.v Mrs. W. J. Mactavish, 340,GO 49-1 owpa;nwmnrsredtff pes or hekdeswmn.ltelsI5yeste FueriChpePot oo.Sa-Sunnyside Ave., Toronto. 43-2 -____ r; water pressure slystems on 100 ACRJE faim, gaod land, gondj Everyone welcame. Corne and 0expectation of lire bas inereac Fitb , 100 dry badPortrdopood, an hand: B T. xater bowls: new rang- bidns hydro instaliod, good briag a friend. 4-1by almost 20 years for womonan urday, bhe 27th inst, fallowed by NEW bouse. partîx' finîshcd wt:0 ea posîs. posts 35c eacb. ote~; B .eeti grinder. W. H. i vtr sîîppiv, ncar Eoxvmanvilc._____ _____ intorment la St. John's Cemeterv. well and from ane la rive acres Appiy Douglas Taylor, Burketon. Brown, Case Dealer, Phono 497. an or near Nýo. 2 Higbway. Writeý The Bordea Golden Crest maie 49-4* of ]and. D. Bothwell, Phone 2633.i4.1 i491 Box 167, Stabsa fie tt oc hi ilpootartr I49-1 ! ~ ____- ---- ing location and cash price. 49-. engagement at tbe Higb Sehool WOTTEN-At the General Hos-j- LE ROI Centaur tractrs-Leader WE are forecd ta vacate aur pro- pital, Oshawa, on November 24th, ON No. 2 HigbWaY. new fouIr-room tractors. aiso orie Farmail B. trac- sont promises, December 31s1. HORSES: Old and crippied. Higb-Auioum nTusdyDe.2 1948. Arthur H. Wabten. aged 39 nexývIv dec'oratcd bungalow, bot'toi-, usedi, on rubber. E. C. Cap- Stocýk reduced ta clear: trade-in est prico, pluis bonus if doliverod "-t 8:15 p.m., under auspices of years. Intermeat Hampton Cemne- and. colcl running vater, three- ping, Orono. Phone --8r16. 49-2* rangettes, $29.511; coal staves, at Tyrone. Also able ta kilI ait 1S John's choir. Tickets may be tory pice ath baf are ind.Phoo -$190: ashig mchies,82950 our farm. Dead farm stock ro-' obtained from mo-mbers of the 2030, Bow,ýmanv-illc'. 49-2- NINE-piceo xalnut dining-romr up; coal heater, medium size, $10; movcd wilhin an hour. Cal us '0.Adiio:dutOcad F o Ret IFIV ~ nKi~g t. ..suite, Icather scats, perfect con- baby carniage, like ne\v, $15; baby collect. Mrrgv,7ill Fur Farm, Cbildren, 35e. No re.-erved se-ets. T IKN B For R nt 1FIVE partents n Kig St.E.. itioncribseve$15;oiilou, 11bcris, $15;yocab-d, S1; vaanBo ille. Phonon 2679.9 38 38-If1 T49-1N SMAL frnibedroa. ht wîerBowmanville, No. 142 ta 150, ail King St. E. 49-1* i met radios, $10; mantel radios,____ wofatatve___tin.--- - Courtice Waman's Association and radio. Phono 2083. 49-1 new of tratv$nesmn.S1450; steel beds. like new, $7.50; AU I S lsrt P~1 1Apply Mrs. W. V. Pcvcock, 341 FAIRBANKS-Morse ail humnerlrail-top desk, $10. Murphy's, A cionSae1 annuel bazaar xvîlî bh hld at Store Real SMALL ?partment forrcent. Wrýiîe Richmond St. East, O 4ha *a. for boueteor, stornvconition.Phne811. 49-1' I have- heen- -_ - -iCourtice United Cburch, Decom- P ost ffic B ox 304, oý,ý m aO sha 10a. fospac e s or e 5 , burn c onds itioen PhonoFU R N IT U R E -I h v n aulb- ber 8th, ait 2 p.m . B azaar w ill haE e y o e o vie io.ox30, 4w9-1 - Phono 2070. 49-1 CHENILLE Bedspreads, $4.99 c. on'iz:d o l by public auction pened by the President f Osh- SEMI-bunaglow, double garage, At xvbolesale prîce. First quality for the ostate of t1e laIe Mes. awa \Vý.A. PresbyItery, Mrs. . A. okV a ed - henhot:se, 400 bons, fîx'e acres of QUEBEC hecater. medium siZe.. beautiful Chenilles, well tufted in John Pacien. et Newtonviile, an Crawle. Quilîs, rugs, aproas. fancy1 ln,.2fruit trcs and othon Apply' George Diiling. 161 Liberty J i oor o obeo ige Mon1dcv, Dec. 6th, et 12:30 p.m., work, couintry store, cbildron's -~~~~ :m~~ýrall fruit,. cit'.,-(an veniencos. W. SI. S', Boxvmanville. Phone 69î. hd.8.9ea uI9x00bse -e entire household effecîs, in! ,and novelty couniters. Tea served PRACTICAL nurse (experienced) i G. Allison, M,ýape cGrave, Phone 49-1 of lowers design, compieteiy cev- cluding uprighit piano; Fiadlay tfram 3 la 5:30 p.m. 48-2 ~I Box 468. 49- ~ce sdfu nts habitant hnd ooked rugs, 18'x suite Sec bis. Ternms cash. Lamne The Durham Couny Hî%ei ---- 9- B oom and Board pm ai n amn as 36", vry colorful, 3 fan $4.00. Paden, uctioncerr 491* Breeders Annul Banquet will hco0q PAENSDovu____n___ kmpjck- n Clma amp. hThes Wd. ________tBlck PANgtS-Donouau v tin ove-d oard- % ,il -lê , dae Larrmer Bcikeîon Pbhone J eearticles retail for double theedanWd. ec-cb I lc nin oIPhno urbay itingi OO ad oari valalefor Part Perrv 78r12. 49-1* pnîce. Send C.O.D. plus postage, I have received instructions stock, cammoacing et 12 noon.A hezdquarters, 2928 (hourly rates),. bu.iness prsa-n, v:.,th couple. Write : _ --- _mnney immodiatelv refiincddif fmami Mr. Eldridge Nolson, Lot 10, .programme is bciag pravided. 49- 1 Box 169, Stiitesman Office. 49-1* FOR quick sale at $1235-00, 1941 J fot satisfied. Handicraft Disîni- Con. 7. Cavan 'Tv.'p., two miles Guest speaker wviii ho Rex'. S. R: Give a Kodak. Chevroiet Speciel DoLuxe Sedan. butors. 254 Shebrooke West,Mont- forth and baif mile west of Mi- Hendensaa. It wviii ho a fowl clin- Tires and upbolstery good. Mrs. reel, Que. 48-4 brook. ta sedI by publie auction non, $1.50 per plate. Ail brooders 1 A constant companlon outdoos Fred Nimigon, Pontypaol Village. 01___1o Friday, Dec. 3, ait 1 p.m.. aIl and others iaterested in good live- indoors, day or night. 48-2 hbis.farmi stock, implements, bea',r stock are oordialiy invitedi. Gar- 482 Help vvantea. 1gyrain and somte fcimnitume. For, don Kellogg, Pros., H. C. Muir, DUAFLEX CAMERA:a CANARIES. Budgerigaros, any funîý'her parliculars sec bills. Terms Sec. 48-2 KdtLn.FxdFeswt coiour; cages; seed by the bulk, ADDITIONAL stenographie holp cash. Jack Reidi, auctianeer. Kodk______ ried $ aiweys fresb; gravel,'5e per lb.; i eequired. Appiy Goodyer Tire & 48-2 Thore will ho a bazear and sup- KoaDafeShId-145 E 1~~IITS ~ ~ ~ ~ ail supplies. Roiasoa's Pet Sbap. Ruhber Ca. 49-1er in the Town Hall, Oronoo, VGLN JUIR60 142 King St. E., Phono 916 48-tf- WOOD SALE-I have been eflody ftrnoon and eveain, rVPIcILANT UNI-R 20 4 ___ITWO girls for diniag-room. Good aîitborized ta selI by public auction! Dec. 4tb, unden auspices of the! rc ~~~os ~CIIEV. Special Coupe, 1931, heat- boues and pay. Olympia Cafe. for R. J. Hodgson, Lot 7, Con. 7,WA0fPrS.UidCuc, VIGILANT 620: LAAnr, defrosten, 2 sparo tires, anti- Bowmaax'illo, Phono 888. 49-1 IDarlington, on Saturdav. Dec. 4th, staîting ait 3 o'clock. This xill ho F6.3 Lens - - S72 ONLY I4E E LA AL feesethiscoup inlaexcellent conde i.C.oJupdellOmroWAT-A__ girl- ormiddle_-agod -91,',acres more or less 'of standing an ideel place ta buy Christmas r3 ONLYPEDWAY_____ ____ codtoWtimdelOoo ATDAgilo ideae -BB RWI PC FlcS o Ont. 49-1* wamaan for generel bouse work. ltmber, ta ho sold in quarter acre gifts et the sowing and lsnilting BB RINESEIL A1EI - Apply 103 Liberty St. North or lots mare an lessq. Purchaser ta ho booths. There will aiso ho homo- Easy ta Ioad, simple ta use $34 9*;eut0160- honi39.14 ý1*gîven until Apnil ist. 1950 ta ne- made eooking, eandy and farmn oHrYsoaldEigning for eve Phoen391. - _______________ 'maya tiînher. Lots of gaod poîos pnoduee baotbs. Supperwiih TARGET BROWNIE ALWAYSUNI casion. Say it vith flowers.1J. K. GIRL or women for light bouse-, and pasîs and elm lags. Gond dcv served from 4:30 o'clock on until 62 - - - - 367 Graham, fiorisl, Enniiskillori. Phone work, fan two or three moatbs; a rîoacl fac trucks. Terms cash. Sale [ail are served. The menu: pan- TRE RWI -Acir AND ENL 9468,. j7- 1cbild not ohjeetod ta. Phno 2087. I t i o'clack. Clifford Peîbic, , ca ekesooked byropresatluy To ho nemoved wi*hin 4 yeams PART Hackncv geîdîng, t ripass"'"'cio U3 W e . H e B R O W N RPhn Wo 82. 49-ilCo.[rsale). ________948._In-________________________ f rerig o k n g a n 1 s p e d -, e r t c s ,d o m e s t ie a n di o m m e r c ia l i DEALER FOR JNdhlS:Irno>isil,:tici V;dX .ug- mises. XVitn tendurs fon the matcliecî tam .Phoune 29l4 I ~iggon E-ectr. 42 King SI. E., Case Farrn Machiner-y - Firestone Tires l e' s sp!-iîg-filîecl mares:es. dî'op. above addmessed ta Mn. Bigclow. -.- hn 3.2- YOUR REXALLD i cle cuuch pads. sprn!,-s and daRy. R.. Bowmanviile, Ontario. will WVanted NËAT-Wav SeRparGodi DeLavai Miikers and Separatons o i . Shae Repair:lGood. i When5 Ve Test Your Eye, Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment J oporn. o::rc np'lf'Hom I h acepod u taandincxîdng sbstntil wmkPhsopneolibi8 el King St. IV. Phone 497 L .,16 Sinmcoo St., South, 0 h- ~~ or ;mn, tender nul r..m'c N.Ir. Gerald, 51 Let, Tr\ the N.,W', opposite B. j awýa. 47-4 ess5arily accepted. 45-2* Ave., Torontu. 48-2* 'maànville Cleaners. 7-tf 1' Prompt, Courteous Service ýOUT GIFTS ? ?You May Buy for rChristmas List Cosmetic Gif t Sets. E vening- in -Paris, Ta!cum, Toilet Wator and Perfume .-.--------.5 Evening-in-Paris, rreated by Bourjois, Face 'enfume - -- - -- Vardiey Trio'Package, Lotus, Apnil Violets, Calimere Bouquet Gift Sget, if 2 Fine Cosmtis, Lotion and Croam - -SI lizabeth Arden Gift Sot;, land-0-Tonik, June, - 52.25 .52.50 lomver Mist dnienne, Cologne and ath Powder - rangcee(iift Set, Powder, touge and LipstIck 'lifton, Dusting Pow don lbt and .Soap Mit .-, îatex Nail Set, Polish, iticler and (uicieois ermoyen ndOiy o qs ýoodbury's Ladies' Set, oap, Cold and Facial 'eam, Pom-ders, Freshener perial 89, Shop Early 'OVELL RL'G STORE It is Done Pnoperly C.N.R. Tickets $2.75 Si.00 52.00 1~ ./ - -.. J3u vv MMI-4 v 1711ý for men. He said that: in Britain thert would soon be more people over 60 and under 20. For economie reasons it wouid be necessary fo~ oid people ta work as long as p'Gx,1 sible. Hits Men Harder Miss Barbara Lewis, another speaker, said that a survey of aid people in Burmingham indicatedt retirement was a much. greaieË problem for mer than for womnen. 1Men did flot know hiow ta oceupiý their time, whereas women couid find odd jobs around the house. .ve ere told over and over again thAt the aid men had 'gone to pieces' since they- had retired." Dr. Marjory Warren said peopieý shouid be educated ta mettn problems of their adVancin-g years. They shouid b odo h importance of hobbisadfrU ing interests outside their work.1 Prof. D. Burns said that asa mragistrate hie oftcn had aid menll brought before him for attemnpted,ý suicide. Frequentiy it wvas fowid the, man had iost his job at 65 or. thereabouts. If lie was a bachclor. or widower hie becamie aprthetic and noglected himself until hie sank in meianeholy and at-; tempted ta take his life. H. S. Shelton said more re- searchi was nesded int the ap-, proximate length of normnal life' and the length of normal ativit.,, It should be learned how mueh, aid age ,yas a physical condition, and how much mental-mn otherý words. how many people becamel aid because it was expcted ofý themr. "For examplc. ail my life I've beca in tho hhabit of carrying a walking stick." hie said. "Now I've had ta give it up because-. oeople began ta assumae I carried, if becai1s,ý 1 was getting aid and decrepit." JONES DELIVERY Phone 381 DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY FROM LOCAL STORES One Trip Daîiy ta Oshawa LLIIE. ulN'I'Alio q1fftl DAY. DVC!- t"4 laie ý 4.1 Try Us For .35 $1.00