-~ ~ ~ '-~w-rr *~ ~~-ra br, "'Durham County's Great Family Journal" 'VOLUME.94 TP~Tf A 7%'TT T ' r %T r " A" yÉ-%rn -- - - - , -, - - ., ~ J. J.~J.b ~ J. iN U±VJ.DI!iI~, 'k~1 DU VVIVJJiIN VILL.t4j, U.LNIAIUU. 1'tlUl<SDAY. DECJEMBER 2n.rl 1~MR PT~P ('flVV I~TTT~ffTfl~TI id~ 'T 's YOUR Tk1iQE CANDI]DATES FOR MA"'7R Arthur S. Baker First coming ta council by 'Vote for the electorate, A. S. Bak- er bas since been netufned by ac- clamations and last year was un- opposed ta become Reeve. Chair- man of Roads and Streets the past year while serving on Counties Council, he feels he is capable of Presiding as Mayor for 1949 and deserves the honor by way of the usuiai rotation.-His estimates last year wene fully employed where work was considered most needed. Sidney Little Standing for ne-election as May- or of Bowmanville, Sidney Little submits a record of 15 years on council with the statenient that the job is one requiring hard work and bustling about ta save money for the taxpa3 ers. He dlaims a 100 per cent application ta the job whiie in office. With a new co1in- cil Ia be elected lie believes his services an d experience are needed particuiarly for 1949 as Mayor. Lawrence C. Mason L. C. iViasonae, stands for Mayor on a platform of finance iwhich seeks further support froni the provincial govenniment for zmunicipal services and reanrange- 'ment with the local Public Util- iities on fine hydrants and disposai plant. With strict economies he believes that the tax rate shouid not again advance next year. Twice serving on council he offers bis expenien- ce and talents as Mayor for 1949. Glaspeil and Baker DUTY TO CET OUT AND VOTE rtn Every Seat to be Contested In Council Election Race No Election for Other Boards JShowing the keenest interest for years in municipal nominations, a representative gatherîng of the IBowmanville ciectorate fiiled the council chamber Friday riight, Nov. 26, and many had ta -ýtand for threc hours while nermes of candidates were filed and foi- the reports and speeches wbich fol- lowcd. The Qroceedings were in charge of Chairman Alex Lyle, Town Cierk, who closed the lists prompt- IY at 8.30 and anne'unced the namnes of those duly proposed for the vani- ous offices. The compiete list will bie found below, together with the names of those who later qualified ta stand for election. Qualifled With the deadline for final ac- ceptance schieduled for 9 p.m., Sat- urday, elections are assured for the fulloxving positions: For Mayor - Sidney Little, L. C. Mason and A. S. Baker. For Reeve-Wm. G. James and Norman Ailison. For Dcputy Reeve-G. F. Jamie- son and R. J. Dilling. For CoLincil-Morley Vanstone, J. J. Fiett, Mel. S. Dale, Wilfrid CarrUthers, Nelson Osborne, Ab. %,a mpAALJUion bnowien. Prout, Robt. H. Mutton, Jo]i ýîAt Chicago Show Niekerson. ________Acclamations Wbile most of the feed grain The three seats open for th I Board of Education were filled b prizes at the great Chicago Inter-aclmtobyr-etigW inational Livestock and Grain PtroD.Hri egsna Shwqre*engypurd Alex McGregor, 50 no baliotingi tUnited States fanmers, the judg-reued îng in the iivestock divisions took a different turn. It remained for Asoreetdbyacati two Hampton men ta win the spot- t the Public Utilities Commissi<: iight and headlines in the press was long-time member Milton releaes Moday.Elliott, wbich fuIs the slate. releaes Moday.Besides a compiete siate to b F. G. Giaspeli, Hampton, with balloted on for Town Council, an bhis Cotswoid sheep beat the best other ballot form wili be present lin America by capturîng first cd ta the electorate wbich is prize on a Pen of three, and a first pleIiiscite ta answer "Yes" or "o again plus a third and a fourth in on the question of hiring a nev the singles. Sa far as we know Recational Director for tbe Boy the Glaspeil entnies were the ol manville Community Council. sbeep shawn from this dstic. Sbowing Scotsdaie Bombardier, 25-Year Record Norman Allison IWm. G. James a rcd Sbortborn bull, Maurice Checking back files of Thi Elccted witbaut a vote as Depu- IEiected by ballot ta serve 100 Baker, who fitted the animal, S tatesman it is found that thislf ty Reeve for 1948, Norman Alli- per cent, on Bowmanville Coun- swept everything in the U.S.A. the first occasion for 25 years pas son was expected ta serve 100 per cil, William G. James attended off the boards ta capture the that a full siate for Council will b( cent. at ail Council meetings, but regular and special meetings 100 Grn d Cbampionship in this cîass selected by ballot. Indeed, duriný came at the bottom of the list with per cent. during the year an d was at the show. The bull was en- t he past quarter century only twc only 64.3 per cent. attendance. As the anly member ta turn back a tered as the herd sire from S. G. Mayors were elected by ballat he explained at the nomination substantial sum ta the public Bennett Fanms, Georgetown, Ont. Geo. W. James in 1931-32 and W~ mreeting, much of bis time was treasury fnom his year's estimates. Maurice Baker is a son of 3n1ros.tie b meitl a taken up fîying 17,000 miles, also In retunning 43 per cent, cf the and Mrs. Jack Bakcr, RRl, Hamp- lowed bim. Acclamations belc as a CCF candidate and as a money aliotted, bis Commitîe'ton. For the past two years bielbas sway as the predominating 4ea Union officiaI. On tbis personal work was also fuliy carried out. fitted and shown the Grand Chami- Aturc. lrprcie Car statcment be invites elevation ta On Ibis record Mr. James is con- pion Sborthorn bull at the Royal L As eular prnactice, Chaîrma the position cf Reeve for 1949. testing for the position of Reeve Winter Fair and tlhese, plus thie l carepot rd re ea micaed Chairman cf the Fire Commit- for 1949. win at Chigago, mark bim as one tany reot adresss th e cantofte tee, Mr. Allison generously cned- Figbting aIl down the line ta cf the best Sborthorn bendsmen onto akanatethspr0fh Ited the Chief and members cf save the taxpayers' money on pub- the continent. The judge at Chi- pnoceedings was concluded thE the Fine Brigade for a low fine lic works, Mr. James was voted cago was a lcading breeder from 'nccltiil was thnown open far ]oss for the year and completely down by head table members the Argentine, South America. general questions from the voters refurbislicd equiprnent. The Fire when hoe demnanded tenders on the Another bonor fell ta W. A. present. Departmenî is one cf the best in Jackman Bridge deal. His plat- Dryden, Gencral Manager, Royal Nominated the province and bias proved its form for 1949 is a continuance cf Winîer Fair. Bill was guest. cf Tbe following wene nominaîci abilitv ta carry on alone. the work and economies hielbas the fanions Saddle and Sinloin ta contesî the positions indicated. As to leadership and adminis- constantly pnacticed in business Club. Chicago, and bis portrait in For Mayor: Sidney Little, L. C. trative ability, Mr. AIlison bias life and on the Town Caunicil. ails was bung beside that cf bis Mason, A. S. Baker. maintained his position constantly As ta leadership and adminis- late fathen, Hon. John Dr 'yden Far Reeve: Wmn. G. James, Nor- as head of a local labor union and trative abiiity, Bill James bias an former Minister of Agriculture for man Allison. hias risrn in provincial union outstanding record wiceh appeared Ontarioa. Deputy Reeve: G. F. Jamiesan, ranks. He. failed, however, as a in last week's issue cf this paper. R. J. Dilling. CCF political candidate. Serving That kind cf leadership and dnive Council: Maurice Prout, G. F. outs ide interests is offered along is %vhat hoe now offers the Bouxx Durham Chapter Jai-ieson, Nelson E. Osborne, R. J. wi th try îng ta serve as Reeve for nianville electorate for the posi- - Niddeny, Wm. G. James, R. H. 1949. tien cf Reeve for 1949. Eastern Star Mutton, J. Nickerson, Mcl. S. Dale, S A. C. Dancb, Wilfrid Carruthers, Instal New Officers J. J. Flett, Morley Vanstone, E. E. CONTEST DEPUTY-REEVE SEAT Paîterson. The installation cf officeso or fEuain .A e ~1Dham Chpter, No1,'a.E.S., Gregor, W. L. Paterson, Dr. Harold took place Tuesday evening. Nov. Ferguisuî. M. I t xas preceded by a banquet Public Utilities: Milton J. El- sorved at six o'clock ta 125 mei- lat bers and guests. The tables xverc In the malter cf dual nomina- attn'active with blue and Yellow tions, Councillors Wm. G. James candies and chrysanthcrnums. anà. F. Jamieson will be candi- Past Wcrthy Grand Matron, spoke dates only fan the positions of > an lnspiring message at the ban- Réeve and Deputy Reeve, nespec- I I ou. iveiy. IThe Installation cenois The varions statements by those Iwere conducted by the foliowing- nominated and wbo spoke wili be Mr.B. Night, P.M. as Installing! found in anothen column. 'Matron, assisted bv Mns. R. Ccx I P..and Mrs. C. Rice. P.M., also' Mn. Cliftonl Moore, P.P. Sîînheani h p in or ..Chapter, as Inistalling Patron; fFrD cm e Mrs. F. Northenîtt, P.M., Install- ing Marshal; Mn,. E. Anderson, TeCara fteCm D.D.G.M., Floral ïMarshal; Mrs. mThee Cof the Bofmthvill lA. n d . R Ld' P.M. I ltalligCa- Chamber of Commerce out- lain Mrs R. udlv, PM. Ista l nes the follou-ing suggestion ing Soloist and M\rs. V. Ferguson, t h ecat o h pc te.the Installs forOthanspt. <. ý.MInstllig Oranit. al Christmas closing heurs:- Officers instalicd for the vear Stores ta remain open al lwr-Mrs. Jessie 'Marr, Worth day Wednesday the two weeks Frank Jamieson Ray Dilliwr Matror: Mr. Elmno Anderson, Won- prier te Christmas, and te re- E½2ctcd bY ballot ta Bownman- Electcd as Councillor the past 1 thy Patron; Mrs. E. RLuthven, A.M. main open until 9 p.m. every ville Council, G. Frank Jamieson five years. Rayv Dilling is a candi- Mn. A .Fak AP;Mc.R eeigdrngteoewe became one cf the first of the date for Dc-puty Reeve for 1949x, Sec ray: Mrs. A. Bouiisall, prier te Christmas, and re- younFen- business men cf the town As a qualified accotintant, Mn. Treasurer; Mrs. G. Brown, Con- main closed Monday, Dec. ta offer hiýse5rv~ices ondut-Dilling bas served as Chainnian ductres;Mns oftAC: 2ta ela hit ing public buisiness duning recent iPublic Propertv this * year. fla us- Mns. D. Nicholas, Chaplain: r Day. -cars A -n e : ýo:1, Frank bias ing up bis estim',ates, scmc lc hn -5zcMasal i. E. Al-_________ miade an oii:.taniding succcss cflivent ta pay froni $30 ta s40 taonCiead, Or.gaist: Mrs. m. NMoffatt, bis w îes As a council- cuit down a single trce. At bis Adah: Mrs. D. Palmer. Ruth: Mrz. Disniiss Governor Ion. along with BillJanieS,: Iheselmain insistor.ce Uice dog h-a M. Pickard. Esther; Mns. Vou1T two hv bren outstanding if wvas Put through, 'Awhich lias .hieei Sutton, Ma rt ha: Miss Vcma c 0fC7.r jl prcss;inc for striL-t cconamies and; completelY ignoned by the puiblic. Electa: 'Mi- .-Lý Richards, War- -__ regLtat.i,,Od nntrcts.der: Mn. W. Teeplec, P.P., Seni- Dismissal cf Fred Wight, Gov- -ingu0 111i.'ed co ntracts.1 M . D illin g s aiso Ircp cItc d t a tin o. un iro f th e D u r a n-N o th u n- Kilo%\g infnm rnlbs- be careful cf a dollar, but duning At the cloze cf the Installation borland Counlies Jail aI Cobaurg ness the valuec of a dollar and boxv1 the past year bis allendance rec- the retining Worth\- Matron f' - hr past 14 years, was annaunced ta mieot a pav roIl .Mr Janiieson ord at Couincil meetings xvas down Worth.,, Patron w ere pncsented this week *by the Deparîment asks theo vatc's ta cct hb aslta onlv 71.*4 per cent.. compared wt ees fRfriIsiuin.I a Dc:r,vt,\-Reeve for 1949. His work witb 96.4 for bis opponent, n xth eels.ialRJout Instiug ifions ent ws in brouigtheboutrthrong difference in ciingse] te ans BockJaieson. Mn. Dilling is a mcem- regarding internai administration and get more business in tawn ber cf the Lions Club and bias Mrs. C. A. Jarrett. Balmoral bctveen Mn. Wight and the De- mneans added revenues w'hen Peo- iworked indefatigablv on n'.an.v or- Hotel, fhew ta New York City 'iast pantient. pIe clamor for more services On ganizational driv-ez. Voters on week for a visit \vth friends aord C!Hef Tiirnko\,- cl'ahod Pahen aPlatf'nm !"of lhand-head(ed blisi- Monday v w:!]derido "this crnoi elatixv;r e' r. ereth nchag c h jipedn iess.M Jamie.' on rezts bis caseition hei ý'een dollar - campeting plane hc]ta e r-cl 1!1 fog fon t\wo t'ho appoîntment af a new Goven- in the V'oting on Monday. 'candidates. iheurs before ianding. non. Police Notified 0f Hunting Deer Sunday at Haydon Complaints have been received that hunting and shooting has been prevaient in the district north of Haydon on Sundays. Deer have made their home in the hilîs in that area for sanie tume and it is these harmiess creatures that appear ta be the targets for the Sunday marauders. Police have been. notified and it is likely the area xviii be watched ta capture anY culprits ,vho are now warned of laxv violations on two counts. It is unlaxvful ta hunt deer out of season and it is unlaw- fuI ta shoot on Sunda.-s. The deer are aimost domesticated andi fur- ther molestation wili be dealt with severely. now Lanadian Fariament Works Told by Chas. E. Stephenson, M.P. At Bowmanville Rotary Club Cars Avallable for Cnamsber Commerce Putting the full weight of the Bowmanvilie Chamber of Com- merce behind the "Get Out the Vote" campaign in Monday's mun- icipal elections, the executive has arranged to have a number of cars at each poiling place to bring vot- ers ta the polis and take themn homie. Carrying arrangements stili further, a cammittee will phone to the homes of voters to learn the most convenient time to cal and scrutineers at each poil wili check the lists ta assure no one will bhe missed. It is hoped ta aimost double the vote recorded in recent years. Having persuaded a siate of keen young businessmen ta stand for office, the Chamber of Com- merce insists that the election should be free from party politics and that the best council possible wxill take charge of municipal affairs for the coming year. Voters will be advised on where ta vote, The polis are located as followr: West Ward 1,&2: Town Hall North Ward, 1,&2: Pump House South Ward, 1, & 2: South Ward Sehool. Rotanian C. E. Stephenson, Pont take a fan greater intenest in gov- Hope, Memben of Panliament for ernment and ta exeneise bis fran- Durham County in the Canadian chise wiîh a strang determination House of Commons, was guest to, preserve the freedonis now speaker aI Bowmanville Rotary threatened with authonitanian Club, Friday. In bis address lie ideologies. Coinpietcly free froni deait with practical political af- panty bias the address was neceiv- ed wiîh great acciaim. Ifazy Introduction Len Ellioît introduced the sçeaker by deciaring that bie was 100 well known ta requine any .5 ulogies other than having made a notable success in business and as Mayor of Pont Hope before purcbasing a farm in Durham which is aiso being successfuiîy deveioped. Mn. Elliott ciaimed ..........only a casual acquaintance witb the M.P. which brought a f e w smies fnom the poliîical]y Wise. I On the other hand, Rotanian Mcl i Stanos. Pe liAr± amTi...... aAss cia ion, Wbo nmoved the On Dec. 6 the natepayers cf Il was under provincial author, vote of thanks, Was net the same Boxymanvilie xiii be asked ta ex- ity that the 1946 Town Council sort cf sbninking violet in bis ne- press their opinion as ta whetber passed the by-law setting up our markg. they i~re ii favor cf hiring a Camniunity Council and oullin- Informed Thanks Recreational Dineclor for the Town ing ils powens ,ddutics. The Mr.Sîalessai tht Canleof Boxvmanvilie, whose annual Town Council pa-id the salary of Mr ad wone sa thankhals salany wouild be paid by the Town the Dinector, hired aIt hat tume, Stephenso a o hnls Council. AI the nequesî aof many, and bas continnod ta do sa until but nesponsible Iask as a member the Comnunity Council fan Rec- bis necenî nesignation. The Com- of parliament and was doing a reation takes Ibis opporlunity of munity Council, ait present, is goad job fan al cf us aI Ottawva outlin ing briefly its work of the made Up cf delegates (one froni C. E. Stephenson, M.P. with unîiring application ta his ps w er.ec)fo ottraiain r fais i decriinctheindctin utis. e trmed te adressa Recroalion in centres across On- the Town of Baxvmanville, includ- of anewmembr ito he H knowvaiegeonrbuton gcnmenî tri, in support of wbich grants ing Board cf Enication, Towrà and xvent on ta outline the history kolde n wgvrmntaepid by the prvne sog-Cucihrhs SolSr- of Canadian consutuhtional gov- was carried aout and agreed whollv aredpandd rovincb te isara-ionc lbCs c, m adShools-v e r n e nt H e c o n l ùd d w th n w th h e p e a er h at w e e ed t o D e p a rîm e n t c f E d u c a lio n , C o m - (C o c tin u e d o n P a g e E ig h t) appeal for the Canadian voter la (Continued on Page Eight) 'mnnity Programmes Brancb. India's Champion Badminton Team Plays Here Monda y Blonde Miss Joan Morgan, Zion, was accIaimed as "Miss Darlinglon 1948" at the Ibird annual party given fan Danington Football League and friends by Mn. and Mns. Roy Nichoîs, General Matons dealer at Courtice. The panty was beld at New-, castle Commucîty Hall, Thursday evening xih oven 1,100 present., For complete stony ând pictures please tuînn ta Page Ten Statement of Community Council Bowmanville and district Badminton fans are ta be honored iin the United States. Tickets for this evenî may be purehased from Mondav, Dececiben 6. xvhen the all India Cbampiocsbip Badminton the dinoctors ort,,f,.tlîýlb-. Games xvili ctart sharp aI 8 p.m. The Teani vîli vis«t the lrnr-ýAc!,lh for an exhih.*tian match botx'. r on tuai, L cia rn Çjt tIo rnfotro:Gianlema:.Dîar theeolesana hav!1 v The local club is one cf ihrce c. inr M:g'.e,l FIi.le.:yl'rrenor. Bnk mv: lcv Ndc lobai,Laul. the team wiil visit mi he Province of Ontario before they go on tour mnohan Agaskar, George Lewis, Visay Madgaývkar, flurjor Shroii. "MIgS DARLINGTON 1948" RUN FOR POSITION 0F REEVE 1 (;0 PRR (IOPV IJUWMANVI-LLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. 1948 XTTT'Aff'n'VID DUTY TO CET OUT AND m 1