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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1948, p. 11

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TRUPSDAY, DEC. M#, 1948 _________________________________________ c UANAi L&J1N STATE I SMVIq LN*UW MAINV ILLE. ONTARIO F AUX LEZ Neither man nor animais lnhab.. its the frozen wastes of Antarc- tica. TICKIETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or SteamshiD consuit JURY & LOVELL Bownianvilie 15 King St. W. Phone 778 ~« -~¼~ Jingredients as you pour in the ForG eat ns liquid ail at once. Watch the11 temperature and time of baking,0f Hudison Family 7.PeiOcd Biscuit Mix: Divide At Happy Reunion the flour mixture into four bowls; ta one portion add grated cheese (Peterboro Examiner) ta one some cinnamaon, ta anather It was the maie members of the some cut peel and ta the otb'er 1 Hudson famiiy that gat ail the at- tomato paste. Measure 1'4 a! the tention at a recent famiiy reun- liquid, stir this amount into each ion. And smail wonder, either, batch and rail out separatelv. because there were four genera- Hawever, bake an the same cookie tians of therm gathered under the sheet for the saine iength of time, one roof. Hello Hamemakers! Have you1 homemaker is sure of good results 450 degrees for 12 minutes. Principies in this quadruple ever stopped ta think what your: when ail she bas ta do is open, mix I8. The New Cake Mix: Fiavor- celebration were Andrew Nelson gavings o! electricity mean in with a measured quantity of water1 nsnabede tthemx-H so,7,afr rrsin f teris fl5a!processed foods? Here is, or milk and cook according ta the tungs may be aed t theemx- Hudsro, 7, andfomerlrvidnt o! anexmpeiI Soth vOtra reae ead unireectros.U ica ityfo r ture, yet they are good, plain, and Ennliskillen, Ontario; his son, An- In -Watlhe Otarlbin er kidthen I ouehof eles iii save the I resuits sure. Pour the batter for drew Gardon Hudson, 50, of 107 -wat lghtbul inherkithenhouehod nedswil sae te te egbt-inch pnit drap cake Morrow St., Peterbora, at wbose S 40-watt bulb there wauld1 maximum amount for theseca theîpnno be e gh ecorit s~d erilpoueswibm n'- tinÉ or layer pans. Drap cakes home the picture was taken; bis each h of uset enaedntaria wama pradcis w"lîfesaes a sbouid be baked at 350 degrees grandson Roy Gardon Hudson, 28 .iood ofrsessng pas t ak an . 'cams"lfeavrs for 20 minutes and layer cakes at Of Collingwood; and his great- ýfo ppesig lnt a ak nSavlng Hints1 375 degrees for 35 minutes. grandson, nine-manths-old David averge f 1,00,00 aoffod.d 1i.i Canned Soup: Add a tin o!ý Holiy Ring Moid Gardon Hudson. 'Lackgods that unpaedaur1 ik asoup emptied intoa asauce- ievîp eaieThe reunion was cailed ta cele- <lacaey shelvs we an se howpan and et ny a'c poîd atier brate Andrew Hudson's 79tb grcryseve eca e hwpa n ha nl asimmering, 1 u ol ae birthday on Oct. 9 and the 28th fartunate we are in Ontario. These point. Do flot bail. Add crumbs of 1i'4upho ae quc-oknrayt-s n leftover crushed toast. / o ae birthday of Roy wbich precedes .quck.ooingreay-o-ue a I2.C nnd eas Ad 14 ta. 2 tablespoons sugar that of his grandfatber by three Canned products savé expense ani.Cne es d 4ta teaspoon sait Uirne in aur modemn way of bouse- spoon dry mint and beat in the 2 tabiespoons prepared days.t keeping. We depend on such food OPENED can piaced on same sheif horseradish Relating the incident o! iight- every day-fro-' ---ne,' '- as raast turkey or meat. 2 tablespoons vinegar ing the candies, Gardon said that foods ta graund coffee. Canned 3. Canned Cranberry Jely --1 cup diced cooked beets it took several of tbem ta do the BOUPS, fish, meats, vegec£aL)iîcsSlce off required number o! 12 cup finely chopped cabbage job, working at top speed. gravies, fruit juices, pudding servings. Store remnainder in its '3 tablespoons minced onion 'Yes, it was quite a job lighting Pawiers, cereais, quick yeast'container covered with oiisilk cap. Soften gelatine in cold water; thase 79 candies," be laugbed. foods, muffin mix, biscuit mix, 4. Canned Sauce: Open the tin dissolve in bot water. Add sugar: "And the odd ane got bis fingers cak mi, aso ~otledmii, pck and heat (WITHOUT THE LID) sait, horseradish, vinegar or lemon npe rmtefae. aged cheese, butter spreads, etc.,j by standing it in the water over juice. Cool. Wben it begins ta But the eldest member of the and mnany others are within easy îwbich the puddinga is being re- thicken, foid in vegetables. Potir Hudson clan made short work of reacb. beated. into ring mald that bas been rins-i this labour o! love. He doused the Read labels and advertisernents 5. Gravy powder: Do nat let ed in coid water. Chili until ,hale 79 of them with two giant ta be sure of the ingredients, mixture houl af ter powder bas been f irm. Arrange on greens with hreaths resulting in a mushroomn quantity, quaîity and directions tboroughiy mixed in. cottage cheese halls stuck with of ascending smoke that. iooked for use. Easy-to-prepare dishes 6. Muffin Mix: Do flot add too sprigs o! hally. Serve with may- cieamnaur iiiaa are availabie in famiiy srvn much fruit for sweet muffins or onnaise. blast. sizes-so there Is literaiiy n o the resul t wiii be a heavv product. Christmas Pudding The cake was eageriy devoured Waste. Even the inexperienced Stir oniy enough ta wet the dry 2 , usifeflr by the farmily and Mr. Hudson,; - -cu--sftd-fou Sr., ag'ain took the bonors by get- _________________________________________________ teaspoon baking soda tirîg the five-cent-piece in hhs 3 teaspoans baking powder suice. It was baked by the sep- i2 teaspoon sait tuagenarian's daughter-in -l a w_. 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg the former Olga Kusbnir of ~teaspoon cinnamon Winnipeg. 3i cup fineiy chopped suet The oidest three Hudsons have 1 1 Cup molasses ail lived in Peterboro. Gardon,' 1 cup seeded raisins, fiaured 'who now runs a gracery store at >ND~EW <EjAIêS ~ 1 cup curats foue Lock and Lansdowne Sts., came to làI cup citrontsor mixed pe the city witb his family when be % cu ciron r mxed eelwas Il and attended King Edward Sift flour together with soda, Sehool. He started bis 'business A lI LF baking powder and spices. Mix in 1925. Ten years later he bougbt ANDtogether suet, molasses and rnilk. a store from E. G. Johnston on 213 .lt9 ta.Add fruit. Mix together well and erected a new building there in y, inbe pour into 2-quart grease-covered 1936. Later be soid the Park and 001A0ytm 1tp 1.949. th" inight, 1 pudding moid. Steamn on top o! Eim St. premises ta J. H. Dewart. aYi j5nuarY ae net~ ot3d 99 range 3 hours. In 1946 be also soid bis present not ldetintio 1949. store but re-purcbased it a year MAd OID C()o~4I Anne Alian invites you ta write later. ~ ULL"<~;.I~'ta ber c/a Tbe Canadian States- Andrew came ta Peterboro 49 10 1621, mari. Couliard, daughter of Canada' s firet farmer, Louis Hebert, cooked ber husband's meale hi alarg Iro potSus- 50Oyears later French farmer@ had ae atoneA open-air cooklng aven I aled a 'caboose". This type of ovncan mtli be seen in smre parts of Quebec. Father Blard euggested ueing an lron box, such as used ln Gerrnany. for a wood lire. This was Canada'% fret type of etove. A ter Canada' a conipany Was startedln Mon treal ln 1847, the gas tove was Introduced. This, wlth the electric range whlch was developed early ln this century, changed the Canadian kitchen. 9roda,, the modem haniemaker han nt ber commnand many types of sleek, These developments portend stili greater opportunities, for there's room to graw ini Canada Unlimited. 8 R EWING0 COMPANY LIMITED F3-212 this column for replies. OBITUARY THOMAS T. PEREMAN A lifelong resident o! Columbw Thomas Tennyson Pereman die at bis home December lst, 194E --in bis 65th year. The decease -had been in failing health for th, past 16 montbs. A son o! the iate Thomas an( Sarah Pereman, the deceased wai Pmarried ta Mary E. Foster at Cal umbus on December 31, 1908. « farmer for many years he hac been a taxidermist in recent yean and bad one a! the finest amateui collections in the province. Mr. Pereman was a member oi Columbus United Cburch andî former member o! Phoenix Ladge I.O.O.F. Besides bis wife, he Is survived by tbree daughters, Mrs. L. Hos- kmn (Maxine> o! Solina; Mrs. G Wilson (Marion) o! Oshawa, and Mrs. E. Innes (Elsie) o! Manches- ~rter, and one son, Gardon, at home. ¶Also surviving are five gran~d cbildren. The funeral was conducted b' Rev. G. W. Gardner, minister ai Columbus United Churcb, at the Luke-Mclntosb Funeral Home, De- cember 4th. Interment was in the Union Cemetery. MRS. JOHN PATERSON In poor healtb for over a year Elizabeth Blakely, beloved wife of John Paterson, died at the family residence, Biackstock, Dec. 1, 1948, -in hem 75th year. Born in Scotland on July 1, 1874, the deceased bad lived in Canada for the last 38 years. She had =7lived in Toronto prior ta coming Sta Blackstock in 1934. She was a member off the Order o! the East- >-ern Star at Scotland, Ontario. Besides ber husband, ta wbomn she was married in Scotiand an December 31, 1898, she is survived by six daugbters, Mrs. George Kerr (Sarah) o! Toronto, Mrs.' John Raiston (Nettie) o! Moore- field; Mrs. William Orchard (Bes- sie) o! Toronto; Mrs. John Hooey' (Pearl) o! Ajax; Mrs. Ivan Kavai- man (Roberta> o! Kitchener, and Mrs. Joffre Hughes (Agnes) o! Oshawa. and two sans, William ofBrancbton and Alec o! Biack- stock Also surviving are three sisters. Mrs. William Rceee off Detroit; Mrs. William Kessick o! Toronto, and Mrs. Susan Miller o! Wain- jwright, Alta.; two brothers, Robert and James in Scotland, 20 grand- children and one great grand- ch ild. Tbe funeral was held from the -Armstrong Funeral Home. Dec. 3, folioved bv interment in Oshawa Cemetery. Rev, H-. F. Davidson, jminister o! Knox PresbYterian Cburcb, conducted the serv ices. SAE Satisfying Service STE VE N'S BOIV3ANVILLE -ONT. ý,urbagoasa g.m em LÂpÂUyee, later wozking with the Mapie Leaf Miliing Ca. and after that as a foreman with the city. Wben his wife died 15 years ago be ieft Peterboro and returned ta farm- ing at Tyrone. He was on a mailj route for four years and tben he1 retired four years aga. Now he lives at Enniskillen. Roy, father o! nine-month-old David, is a graduate o! PCVS wbo later recieved a B.A. in Honor Arts from Victoria College and a!terwards he served in the navy and with the YMCA Army Ser- vice. He niarried and then attend- ed the Ontario College of Educat- ion in Toronto. For a year be taught P.T. and mathematics at te coilegiate in Collingwood. He is now an insurance salesman in that centre. No definite plans have as yet been made for a reunion next year, but the family is wondering wbat a cake wouid look like witb E VERYBO S. Sby How time-conscieus are you? The man who tries ta make the best use of his time can do more and better work per hour. And he i5 more Iikely ta succeed. Here are five time-saving hints that increase efficiency: 14 Study every aspect of your job ta see where you can make shorrcuts. (Sometimes two jobs can be done at once - e.g. the truck that mixes its Ioad of concrete as it travels.) 2. Don't start ta work gradually. Hit the job hard right from the start! 3. Plan your work accord. ing ta a schedule. You need a "blueprint" for your time in order ta estimate present and future needs. 4. Get the most efficient new tools available for your type of work. They'll pay for themselves many times over. 5. Have everytbing you need for the job ready before you star:. If you put these sugges- tions into practice they'l1 heip make every working hour more valuable! Canadian Life insurance com- panies meet their obligations promptly. la 1947 they dis- tributed 112 million dollars ta living policyholders and 69.5 million dollars ta bene- ficiaries under death édaims. f WOULD KEEP US WEAK peace-seeking citizens. A sudden shift in the Commun- We must remember that it was ist party line as just taken place, the "peace seekers" and appeas- warns the Financial Post. The ers that almost led the worid ta r.ew line is "Let's have peace. ruin in 1939. The vast majority o! Everybody wbo doesn't side with those people were sincere. But aur graup is a fascist warmonger terefrsatai ae h and a tool of" (what the ireCommun-aly avd h ist press calls) "the Wall St bil- way for war, instead o! prevent- lionaires." ing it. In the 1938 peace -offensive Thi i th o d p li y o H tie of the European dem ocracies, This s th old poli y of H it iter saw oniy w eakness and a warmed up again. The Nazi dic- chance ta spread bis power fur- tator softened the way for bis ther. prewar grabs in Europe with 10- If we are toa avoid repeating year nonaggression pacts, violent that tragic mistake today tben we protestations o! peace and charges must prepare ta defend the peace, o! aggression against ail and sun- ta aîîy ourselves firmly with dry wbo saugbt ta oppose him. It those nations and groups o! nat- is aimost exactly a revival o! tbe ions o! like mi. We must be Moscow 1938-39-40 line when prepared withi sufficient military Britain, France 'and other dem- strength ta stop aggression In- acratic allies, wbich were trying stantiy against ourseives or aur ta bold Hitler, were accused Of friends. Only in that way lies any waging an imperialist war on assurance o! peace in these cnit- o rders fromn Wall St' ical times. On the sound assumption that no sane man or woman really wants war, and that many decent The Christian Science Monitor people wiii oppose that drastic is lampooning the slick "Men of step even wben it seems aimost Distinction" whiskey ads witb inevitable, tbe Reds are boping ane-paragraph day by day news ta gain the support of millions stories o! the flot sa distinguished o! unsuspecting and genuine activities oï drunks. Gay Gifi UMBRELLAS What cauld make a nicer Christmas gift than one of aur bright umbrellas. If you don't know what ta give this may be the answer ta your problem. Came in and sec aur large variety in an assortment a! colours ta suit every taste. $2.95 Io $9.75 CHILDRENS --$2.89 *.-from aur wide and thorough collection. Fromn Pure siiks. rayons, satins, 'wools and knits, we bave "THE" necktie that fav- ours his persanality. 50c Io$1.95 Gifi Shirts . . . He can't bave too niany o! tbese. Srnartly styled shirts, in a camplete variet 'v off whites and colours - ----- -- $3.95 Io $5.50 In production of newsprint, nic- kel, radium, platinum and asbes- taCaaa sfrs n hywrd Print s Here is an ideal suggestion for the woman who likes ta make er own Christmas gifts. Brightly coloured prints ta make smart aprons and dresses for Christmas giving. Sec our vide range o! materials taday. // I The perfect last minute gi initialled aIl-linen bandkercl, in boxes or singly.- ---- Gloves Sec aur large variety of kid, wool and fur gioves in a complete variety ot sizes and colours. A gift tbat is smart and always appreciated. 49c Jorh $4.95 i.1. UIAi? I ilj lidLLI Give Hlm a New Hase Wardrobe Choose it from aur bud- get priced selection of brigbt patterns; suave solids. A wide variety o! si 9k C Itons an$ 1 l.9 39c Jo $I.95 ft. Menis Give him plenty off support this Christ- hiefs either mas with aur useful and calaurful SOc bracw~s. A g'ft ea y 60c la main can use. CODCH9 JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Phone 836 Bowma nville I ,~' k' Makce it a gala occasion for everyone this Christmas! Find the perf ect gif t f or every member of the f amily in our store . . . f rom f ash- ionable dresses and clothing for Mo ther . .. dainty embroidered dress- es for the littie cherub to smart socks, suits and ties for Dad ...ail here in one gift-packed store. SUI --c candia"Macm q vi ty alia a et w '-.- - - __________ s' TURNING THE pAGEzS OF u 4<eo«,0ee44 1k.~ RODES and DRESSJNG GOWNS The most cheerful ...the most useful gif t of al a warm, snugly fitting robe. Choose fram aur fashian- favoured holiday group of softest woollens, quîlted sat. in, silk, jersey or cottons. Fast ta flatter in ber favour- ite year-'round style. upIo $14.95 E4-- Iý i j a For the Young Miss . . The Junior Miss of the house -wilI. be able to use plenty of these colourful. hard-wearing socks. They'll look smart on anybody's Christmas tree. All-wool socks 3c" in a variety of colours and sizes - ------ 39c I 75 Useful Gifi Bags Gift giving is in the bag when you give her one of aur beautiful hand- bags. It will be a gift she will want to carry with bier atail times. Choose a stylish gift from aur large selection of plasties and h]gh grade leathers in a variety of colours. $395 Io$12.95 Card CIoths Table Cloths A splendid gift for the An ideal gift for the up-to- woman of the bouse who en. date hastess. Classy im- joys entertaining. Smart, ported linen, or lace table colourful card cloths that cloths and runners. Mather will add class ta any card lias iikely been wanting one party. In either plastic or of these for a long timne. feit. Corne in and see them. $ 1.85 ani $ 1.95 Variely of Prices Present Perfect Hankies The perfect gif t for Christ- mas is a set of our dainty, beautiful handkerchiefs... hand - embroidcred, morio- grammed, printed. Be sure ta have a stock of these on hand for last minute gifts. 'See aur selection taday. 15cIo 85c n T"r rlAeAnTA" QFFAMVC"Ale Grand FaIl Weather Breaks Ail Records Picking fresb garden fiowers in December is so unusual in this dis- trict a! Ontario that aur reporter found when inteî!viewîng several aldtimers that notbing they recal can match the extreme miidness o! the fail o! 1948. There has been no snawfall, no freezup, as people bustie about in brigbt sunsbine for teir Christmas shopping. Farmers bave barvested the best crops in years and bave just about compieted fail piowing. Indeed the weather the past two. thee Carionrecliat en u in Ma wheeks orore blias en Mstaiy this year. Wbiie there bave been beavy snowfalis in Northern Ont- aria the climate aiong Lake Ont- aria, according ta weather affic- ials, is the mildest on record at this time. Al of wbich is reported for the "Dimi and Distant" coiumn 50 years hence. Linen Handkerchiefs Men's Braces Bowmanville

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