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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1948, p. 12

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PAGETWELE TU CANDIANSTAr~MAIAT RW1'RAM'TT.TWJ fT9'rnn 7T?~~AV NVI~B41 qni .L iLAAzi.flv 1 M4%LI£OV Durham Farmers Break Ontario Production Records in The Annual Potato Club Contest To give a litie more emphasis to aur report on the 500 bu. Pot- ato Club Contests for Ontario this year, we are pleased ta repub- lish herewith the report of the banquet at Bethany for the Dur- ham County winners. The follow- ing account appeared in the Pet- erbaro Examiner, Highest average yield in Onta- rio of 534.6 bushels of patatoes ta the acre was grawn this year by the 25 memnbers of Durham Caunty 500.Bushel Potato Club. This was annaun.ced at the club's annuali banquet and presentation of priz-1 es at Bethany Town Hall on Fni- day. The club, which was formed in 1944 was originally striving ta attain an average production of1 500 bushels ta an acre. Members were congratulated by Charles Stcphcnson. MP, who also led community singing, with Rab- ert Sisson at the piano. John1 Foote, VC, MP, told the farmers he was anxious ta forward their prospects by supparting measures ta alleviate their production and marketing, difficulties. He also spoke of his wartime experiences. including his sojaurn in a Ger- man prinsoncr-of-war camp. He paFsed on his own good wishes and those of Premier Thomas L. Kennedy ta the farmers. Proper Storage Mr. Alex Steven, Warden of the counties of Northumberland and Durham, who was introduced by Reeve Ernest Cavano, express- cd his interests in the xvork of the club and hoped something would be done ta provide proper storage facilities for the huge potato sup- plies. "This club has indeed came a long way since its 1944 and it would seemn you have gaincd a reputation for good pota- tocs and good crops. Now a good tt' ~! THURSDAY - FRIDAY - DEC. 9 -10 (nin!ho sent those littie bot shivers- r ~ ~ ho oting down to her toes.. she u if iuUdwsDNI/yda 'Y COLUMBIA PItT1JRES EXTRA! jJ~ Cartoon in Technicolor -Movietone News 1 starage unit is the next step," he said. Awards were announced by E A. Summers, agricultural repre- sentative, and were xresented by R. E. Goodin, who added his con- gratulations at the rcmarkablc achievements of Durham potato growers. He voiced the apprecia- tion of the members in having Mr. Summers as the agricultural re- presentative. 'You are indeed for- tunate in having onie so interest- ed in all farming problcms and with such outstanding ability ip coaching junior farmers. Short Courses and training junior boys and girls for judging campetitions. Mr. Goodin criticised the Globe and Mail for the recent headtline "Dumping Potatoes." He said thatI while this years bumper crops have crcated an excess of supply over the present demand, the re- cent adoption of a support price as announced at Ottawa by J. G. Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture,, Commerce Minister C. D. Howe's statement that potataes will be placed under cxport contraI, do much ta brighten the situation". "There will be no potatoes dump- he declared. Twice Winner Alfred Johnston, Pontypool, had the highcst individual yield for the second time. As no member i S awarded more than once with the prize of a gold watch donat- cd annually by the Agicultural Chemlical Ltd., he received a knaspsack syraymotor. jErnest Cavano was a close sec- ond with 677 bushels an acre ta his eredit and received haîf a ton and a cash payment. Mr. Cavano won a gold watch in 1945. The third pnize winncr was Melville Strong, Millbrook, whose total yield averagcd 670 bushels ta the acre, and he receivcd the coveted gold watch. Henry Blakely, Pan- typool. was placed fourth, grc,,sa- ing 639 bushels an acre. He won 250 lbs. of DDT duster. Milton Weatherilt, Bethanv, xvon fifth prize with his 586 bushel entry, receiving five gallons of Dithane D-14 and 10 Ibs. of xinc sulphate. Deibert Olan, Millbraok, last year's first prize winner, grew 573 bushels an acre and received a silver cake plate and $10. Hu- bert Lowes, Cavan; Albert Olan, iMillbrook; Fenton Fallis, Ponty-- pool, and Earl Weatherilt, Beth- any, whose yiclds were 559, 558, 553 and 534 bushels respcctively, cach received cash awards of $15. Earl Argue, Pantypool; Harvey McGill, Enniskillcn; Don al1d Lawcs, Cavan; Luther Olan, Mill- brook; Clifford Hudson, Ponty- pool; W. Lard and Son, Campbell- croft; Alvin Brown, Pontypool; Carlton Patton, Pontypoal, and Leonard Porter, Pontypool, whose yields were over 400 bushels an acre each received $10. The re- mnaining members of thc club, Thomas Ward, Pontypool; Clif- fard Curtis, Pontypool; Frank Dorland, Burketon; Be ve rl1y Brown, Pontypool; Allan Payne, Pontypool, each received $5. Ev- erY member of the club was also presentcd with a framed certifi- cate. Turkcy Dinner Delbert Olan, Millbrook, presi- dent of the club, was in the chair, and Donald Lowes maved a vote of thanks to al who had contri- buted ta the success of the ban- quet. Women of the United Church were the caterers, and the tables xvere attractivelv decorated with pine sprays, gilded canes and red and green candies in silver can- dlesticks. A turkey dinner was served ta 165 guests. Mrs. Herbert Doig, Peterbor- ough, entertained with two vocal .,olos. accompanied by Robert Sisson. Creighton and Marie Carr sang two solos also. Guests at the head table includ- .ed J. Foote, MP, and Mrs. Foote; Charles Stephenson, MP, and Miss Stephenson; F. Dano and Neal Masters, ail of Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Olan, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Goodin, Toronto; Reeve Ernest Cavano and Mrs. Cavano; Warden Alex Stevens and Mrs. Stevens; Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Doig,'Peterborough; Reeve Robert Armstrong and Mrs. Armnstrong of Cavan, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Summers, Bowman- ville. MRON FIREMAN ~ STOKERS CET 30 MORE HEAT JACK BROUGH PLUMBING AND HEATING Bowmanville 3 King St. W. Phone 2384 ATTENTION HOMMWIES! Bonded Singer Representative îwill bc in Bowmanville and District every Thursday. For information regarding repairs, rentaIs, sewing courses, electrie and treadie machines. Phone or Write Singer Sewing Machine Co. 47~ Walton St. Phone 1015W Port Hope, Ont. Merelà our nappU.xew univeràal, one$iz,, itrllsait. £;rj ~~~ever~jone tb weerI Some Birds Will Have To Reduce Eleanor Thornpson, Valedictorian Blackslock School Commencement Editor's Note-A contest was conductcd by the pupils on re- parting the Blackstock Com- mencement exercises. Eunice M Wilson of Grade il was awarded first prize and her excellent re- port follows: The annual Commencement Exercises at Blackstock were held on Nov. 25 and 26. Despite the evening power eut off the en- thusiastic friends of the suet assembled well before 8:15 and before 8:30 the hall was filled ta the door. Mr. Allun, principal of the Continuation Sehool intro- duced the chairman of the board, Mrs. S. VanCamp who welcomed the audience on bath evenings and got the programn under way. The first number was by the Grade 10 girls, who werc dressed in navy blue skirts and middies. They put on an interesting bal drill, having luminous halls which showcd their exercise af- ter the ligyhts wcre turned off. The Grade il girls xvearing evcning gowns of pastel shades and carrying dainty little nase- gays displayed a beautiful and graceful drill, Bubbles floated over the dancers throughout the drill which prescnted a lovelyi background. Two girls sang 4I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" and1 the rest joincd in on the chorus. Three French sangs were sung l5th ANNUAL 0,.CaS, DANCE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22nd ORONO Town Hall DON HAMM And His Orchestra in Attendance ADMISSION $2.00 per Couple $1.00 Single Dress Optional WATCH REPAIRING for satisfaction reasonable prices Bring Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED MARRIS JEWEL LERY BOWMANVILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 in parts *by Grades 9 and 10 girls and wcre well directed by Mr. Kieser. Under the direction of Mr. Sutherland, the boys dîsplayed marveilous skill in the erection of pyramids which was much en- joyed. The Intermediate Certificates were presented by Mr. S. Van Camp to Yvonne Chant, Gladys Emersoni, Faye Ferguson, Gert- rude Finlayson, Joyce raham, Norman Malcolm, Elaine Thomp. son, Helen Toms, Mervin Wetry and Eunice Wilson. Gradc 12 Certificates were pre- sented by Mr. H. Marltw to Neil Bailcy, Jean Bowers, Wm. Fergu- son, Darothy Gray, Verna Gray, Doris Hamilton, Glen Larmer, Joyce Larmer, Jean McLean, Richard Van Camp, Joyce Ven- ning and Gwendolyn Wilson. Secondary Graduation Diplo- mas were presented to Neil Bailey, Verna Gray, Joyce mer, Jean MeLean. Richard Van Camp, Gwendolyn Wilson and presentcd by Rev. Mr. Harrison who congratulated the students, staff and parents on their success. Honour Graduation Diplomas and Grade 13 Certificates were presented by Mr. E. Dorreli ta Mona Ferguson, Beryl Larmer, Jean MeLcan, Eleanor Thompson and Gwendolyn Wilson. Prizes for Field Day were pre- sented by Dr. J. MacArthur: Girls Senior-lst Jean Bowers, 2nd Joyce Venning. Intermediate- First. Da\vne Black, Second, Elaine Thompson. Junior-lst Betty MacArthur, 2nd Fay Reid. Boys Senior-lst Garnet MeDori- aid. 2nd Richard Van Camp; In- termediate-lst Donald Cochrane, Norman Dysart, 2nd Brian Ham- ilton; Junior-lst Lawrence Lar- mer, 2nd Noel Chant. Proficiency prizes donated by Dr. J. C. Dcvitt were awarded ta Dorcen Van Camp, grade 9, and Wm. Ferguson, grade il. Praficiency prizes were also axvarded ta grades 10, 12 and 13 by an anonymous donor. Joyce Graham, grade 10, Gwcndolyn Wison, grade 12 and Eleanor Thompson, grade 13, were award- cd these prizes for the highest standing in their grades. Mr. Kieser presented these proficien- cprizes and conýgratulated them on their splendid achievements. A prize was awarded for the highest standing in. English ta Beryl Larmer and for History ta Mona Fergusan. These were giv- en b\Y Mrs. Butler. Mrs. N. Mal- colm presented the Home Econo- mies and General Shop prizes which were donated by Black- stock Women's Institute ta Gert- rude Finlayson and ta Robert Wheeler. Grade 9's Art project foar the year was building miniature houses and furnishing them. lst was awarded ta Glen Van Camp; 2nd, Nora Vennings and Doreen Van Camp and Audrey Larmer tied for 3rd. Eleanor Thompson wvas award- cd a mnedal for the highcst stand- i ng i n Grade 13 Mathematies and fo f0 ýrao 19iu.taton4" FOR DAKERY i AND RESTAURANT~ OnIy the Best QUALITY * AND SERVICE Phono 855 Science; this was awarded by Mn r. 'sC Allin. 1 The St atesman ,old 0f course, the play was the gtoe higblight of the evening. A three - At FollowingSoe act comedy, "The False Alarm," - was presented by the senior pup- Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle ils. Under the brilliant manage- D G. Walton's, Newcastle ment of Mr. Allin, the cast would * have done *themselves justice in W. C. Lane & Son,.Newtonville Hollywood. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen Caste of Characters F. L. Byam, Tyrane Baldwin Bogue - Neil Bailey. G. A. Barron, Hampton Elsie Bogue, his wife Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool - Gwendolyn Wilson 1-. T. Saywell, Blackstock Susan Bogue, his daughter C. B. Tyrrell. Orono - Clara Marlow. Belva, the maid W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveli -Elaine Thompson. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and Mrs. erth NorhrupThe Statesman Office - Doris Hamilton. Dolly Northrup .- Joyce Larmer. Willie Sample - Glen Larmer. Harcourt Frayne .-Bill Ferguson. Latta Lester - Jean Bowers. Vaiedictory For the first time in the historv of Blackstock Continuation sehool D C N E a Valedietory wvas given. The D C 1 ! E honar fell ta Eleanor Thompsan, who spoke as follows: Mr. 'Chairman, Ladies and'N Gentlemen and Students: Annual Commencement in th~é Chesterfield Suites Autumn invariably marks the' time for the farewell of the grad- , tdo uts uating class of the previaus year.1 tdo utsI Although At is a farewell it is only T a partial farewell, since because Ranges . . . Ir of pleasant associations we neyer farget aur sehool chums ta hm we awe sa much. I think that each H aigPd one is glad of an opportunity ta return to join with his associates TablE of these past years. I amn honaured ta be chosen as Valedictorian ta express on be- hal of~ the graduatingeclass of A LL iB flot onlyforraciatéin work, butTO COST alofor ideals of high living in- T0 C S stilled into us duning aur stay at Blaekstock Continuation Sehoal. It is now that I appreciate more - as what I learned and it is now that I, realize that sehool days are really Golden Rule Days. It seems a long time back ta that first day when we knew nothing of High Sehool, not even the teachers. "Look before you 4R the first month, and then w e evolved into a class af very lively FURNITURE ND boys and girls, too lively at times. 57 KING ST. W. .As we look back aven these past few years, we recaîl aIl the phases of sehool life, the drudgery and wonry of exams and the fun and frolie, despite the teacher's ne- quests ta conduet ourselves be- fitting High Sehool students. Among aur most calaurful 9 memories stand ur teachers, pa- tient and devoted. They have en- deavaured ta develop in us wor- thy charactenisties, good sports- i' 1U I'1A manship, true courage and high I'S CHR5ISTAS5 patniotism, of which they are Corne in and look ovf excellent examples; the realiza- dvcsta ilpes tion that the truc reward of wark arevicesthat wiIanpae is in the knowlcdge of accomp- aebt sfladpa lishment; the awareness that i our every act w r building the Try some of the ama: aos o urfure On behaîf of the graduating class, I wish ta ex- listed below:- press aur thanks t you, aur teachers. A look into the future might bo Lin-x Self Polis most interesting. In a few years, the Continuation may be equip- Lin-x Glass WVax pcd with an auditorium, a gym- nasium, perhaps even a cafeteria Kern-tone and when the name of Blackstock Continuation Sehool -becomes Martin Senour P( famous in sports, in scholarships, in aIl fields of endeavour, we of a Quaker Oul Burný humbler day will be very proud ta say "We wcnt ta that Sehool!" De Lavai Fresh /aý Ruth Wilson's Vanicty Band then played for the dance. Every- - one enjoyed themselves until the very last and went home feeling W *. H e. well pleased. DEALI Réparations in culture were Case Farm Machlnery made recently when Great Bni- DeLaval Milier tain exchanged with the U.S.A. 1 Beatty Bros. S the Wright Brother's first ,aira- 91 KigS.W plane for the manus.cript, 'Alice IîgS.W in Wonderland". WI1N $5000o The American Philosophkcar Society dlaims that an atlas la urgently needed that will indi. cate the arees of the world de- ficient in natural resources and skill. Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL ORKS Open Every DayK and Evenings Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby tVaca (e R 3lst, 1948 aEw langettes. . Electric rons . . Toasters ..Floor Lamps ,e Lamps REDUCED TO CLEAR rTerms PHY'S APPLIANCE STORE PHONE 811 SSHOPPING TINE ier our stock of labour-saving the entire family. Our gifts etical. lZing godds ,hing Floor Wax ..Lin-x Paste Wax Water Paint ctints and Enamels ing Space Heaters iter Pressure Systems BROWN ýER FOR - #Firestc .5 and Separators Stable Equlpment Lone Tire Phone 497 I After each draw, coupon stubs wiIl be destroyed and f afresh start iil be made the following M,%onday. WVin- ners i i be announced each week in The Statesman. -SAVE ON CHRISTMAS GROCERIES - VISIT OUR STORE FOR Groceries - Meats - Fruit - Vegetables - Phone 674 For Free Delivery - McFEETERS' DROS. FRUIT STORE 44 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 674 WATCH THIS PAGE for news of VARCOE'S GRAND OPENING on New Year's Eve with Stan Patton and His Orchestra HARD 0P HEARING ? COME TO OUR FIREE IDEMOq0h iA àO AT THE HO0TEL GENOSHA OSHAWA TUESDAY, DECENDER 141h 2 to 8 p.m. 0F THE. LATEST ELECTRONIC HEARING AIDS 1ONE-PECE BATTERY-CONTAINED ?MODELS TO FIT EVERY HEARING NEED INCLUxDÏNG THE OUTSTANDING WESTERN ELECTRIC MODELS 65 AND 66, DESIGNED BY THE BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES. ~ALL NEW MODELS, GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR -COMPLETE HEARING AmDS. NO GADGETS - Ail modeis accepted by the Council on Physical Medicinc of the Anierican Medical Association. PRICED FROM $97.50 <OTHER MODELS FROM $47.50) Hienry PtNbam & Sons 9GEORGE ST. ]PETERBOROUGH, ONT. ýTHEATRE - BOWMANVILLE SATURDAY - DECEMBER 111h William John Joesph Andy Elliott Carroll Shildkraut Devine 'OLD LOS ANGELES" Short - "Andy PlaysHookey" Cartoon in Technicolor PAGE -iWELV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWlWANJTLLE. ONTARIO -j'RiTlll;nAV- TWt"-- 11th lUs, - 0 Daveno Beds

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