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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1948, p. 13

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&ýÙURSDAY, DEC. 9th, 1948 Former Darlinglon Couple Reminisce! OuTheir 501h Wedding Aimiversary, LOOking baclc over fifty years logether Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Run- die, Nassau'Street, Oshawa form- erly of Ebenezer district agree that it has all been very worth- ,bile. "We have had aur ups and dowýns, good times and bad, but ive have neyer realîy quarrelled. IfWehave had a difference of op- 'fawe have agreed ta disagree, Conmented Mr. Rundie. Mr. and Mrs. Rundie are coun.. tr~y. people, born and bred. Mr. Rde was the youngest of eight CMr. and Mrs. James Rund. e, a ,gre W Up on the old farm south nd east of Ebenezer Churc rs Rundle was forrnerly Mlis Mary L;etitia Worden, daugh- ter of-Mir. and Mrs. John Worden whose farmiland spread down ta the lakeshore at Courtice. They were rnarried by Rev. J. S. 1. Wil- Sonl, fOw of Oshawa, at the bride's borne, fifty yasaoNv 0 1898. yasaoNv 0 Last year Mr. and Mrs. Rundle '%ent ta live in Oshawa and al- hough they admit the city has mnany advantages they still think the country lf i rtygo Orne." wokf iaprtygd "You Workhard, but you're in- dependent, and each day there is a different job ta do," said Mr. Rundie, adding "but it has ta be done. There's a right time for ev- erything an the farrn, and if you lacken you lose out. But it's flot ike being in a factory or a store where you are doing the sarne me- ~hanicaj thing day after day, or ryîng gfa please difficuit custom- ~rs. No, your life's what you make ton the farrn." *They spoke of the sleigh rides ~nd house parties and the social Ictivities that had ccntred in ther orne in their younger days, but( ey did flot deplore the fact that17 he Young people of todaI eek. came tram Cornwall in 1323 bring- ing bis father, who was then a boy o!f ine. He chose the land at Ebenezer because be found a constant spring of pure water there, and winter and summer he was neyer without for his family and stock. Young James Rundie would tramp miles ta bring in the caws, often getting home at night. fall when the wolves could be heard bowling closeby. To lay in a stock of provisions the senior Rundie would take a boat into Port Hope, make his purchases and corne back the next day. This was easier and quicker than riding a horse inta Toronto, following a raad that at places was a mere trail through swamps and thickets. "My father told me," reminisc- ed Mr. Rundie, "that they were laying the main road through Oshawa over a black ash swarnp." Tuesday, Nov. 30 the couple were at home in the afternoon and evening and received 135 vis- itars. Miss Hazel ,Rundle, their daughter, and Mr. Walter Runidle, their son, greeted the, callers at the door, and several beautiful bouquets and gifts were recieved. Special guests were Mrs. Rund- le's brother Mr. Morley II. Wor- den and Mrs. Worden fromn Mel- ville, Sask., and sister-ir-law Mrs. Ernest Worden from Crystal City, Man., and her daughter. Mrs. Jack Shore and Patsy of Morden, Man. Also present was Mrs. Harry Rose a niece fromn Picton. Nieceî of the couple served the guests. A surprise party in their honor was held at the home of their son, Mr. Walter E. Rundie at Ebenezer on Saturday night. Mr, Rundie n0W operates the farm south of C'ourtice which was his mother's home. Nearly fifty guests assemb- led ta honor the couple and their THE CANAnIAN ~'rATW~L1hM ~(W11MAMVTIh' f~MA~IrI Darlington Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding in Oshawa MR. AND MRS. FRANK W. RUNDLE County Temperani their' pleasure oôtside tehm.nephew, TMr. Elmer Rundle, Tor- LieUi LFi. El. simpleC 'Theres good and 'a onto, presented them with an el- Jnused Mr. Rundie, 'an tt e ectric refrigerator on behalf of the hped tey get the good out of i family Mrs. flundle's brother. Dr. Strong R slto nd leave the bad alone. Life isS Otis Worden, of Toronto, acted as ruch faster than it used ta be, Master o! Ceremonies. (s ge voung People have ta learn ta get BAge ilong in it." Surgery has yet ta discover how! The annuai Convention of Dur- Mr. Rundie bas absorbing taies ta graft a new idea ta a closed .harn County Temperance Feder- btell o! his grandfather who mmnd. ation was held on Dec. 1 with the President E. H. Brown presiding for the a!ternoon session. The pastor, Rev. H. A. Bunt welcomed the Convention and had charge of the Worship Service. A!ter the business session Dr. C. W. DeMille addressed the gath- ering on the "Meaning o! Lucerne the 23rd gathering o! the Inter- national League Against Alcohol". These points are worthy o! study: 1. Continued insistence o! Total Abstaina ce. -1 2. Necessity a! Continuous Edu- «'~.y~.cation. .~ t 3. The finding o! Medical Men: (a) Alcoholism is a disease which .........................can be arrcsted by non indul- gence but canriot be cured; (b) The nccessity c! their rehabilita- tion through Alcoholics Annony- mous, Yale School o! Alcoholic ........~'....1Studies, etc.; (c) Organizations o! o W .doctors who are bties Hon.W. . GO DFELOW4. We must do aur work nation- A. OOD ELL W Iaiiy and make internationally i MnseofPublic Welfare for Onfrie scope, and further become inter- continentally in scape as the liq- w ilii 3p Uk on . uor traffic is world wide in organ- ization. AlsDoaur work must be .....HUMAN PROBLEMS'ionlly S UMA PRO LEMS5. Our work must be positive, as.el as negative, encouraging .. ....manufacture and use o! fruit juic ~Ies in non-alcoholic condition. S..... Mon da:ý 6. We must not forget it is not >: possible for any la\v Io be made 74PECEMBER l3th that rnaN- not be -violated by RADIO DIAL 1030 Abvalou ma tter. A series of five-mintt address- . ...... es were given on: Liquor and * *.. * ..Crime bx' Beryl Larrmer; Liquor ndthe Home by R'-x. I11 A. Bunt; Liquor, Subtie Advortising by SRev. E. S. Linstcir: Liruor and ««......*.......*.. .~ ~Recreation by Rcv. B. K. Cronk ________These were followed b a discus- j ~ ~ p-. ~. -. 76. ~.. Yt OLD CH U The Tobacco of Quality ..o'.»."%. ce Federation .s, Orono, President Opposes Liquor Ad. ,s Burley) sion period led by Mr. M. H. Stapl- es. The music was provided by Mrs. C. M. Jones soloist accom- panied by Mrs. Gilmer. A hot supper was served by the New- tonville Women's, Association. The evening session was in charge of Rev. W. W. Patterson, Director o! Temperance Educa- tion. The Y.P.U. of Trinîty United Church, Bawmanville, conducted the worship service. Twenty-three pupils, 12 years and under entered the Public Speaking contest as follows: Larry Argue-"Alcohol and Crime". Rosernary Bostack-"A Girl's Ambition". Marilyn Bristow-'Whv I arn determined ta abstain frorn Alco- holic Beverages". Francis Bruton-"A sensible run-axvay". Lîllian Cole-"Social Drinking arnong Young People". Helen alole-"A Magician's Hat". Bernard Lynch-"Health in Body and Mind without Liquor". Marjorie White-Whizz and Sputter". Jack Wilson - "Spok e s m a n Jirn". Torn Leask-'What sort of man do I Want to Be". Jane McLure-'A Blessing in disguise". Gwen Austin- (Intermediate) Berneice Bel1-"What is wrong with Alcohol?" Ross Brown-"Alcohol and Sport". Carol Challis- "The C a s e Against Booze". Norman Galbraith-"Alcohol". Jean Tremblay--Why I gave up LDquor". Fred Weatherlt-' A Christ- Business Directory Legal W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montrea] Money ta Ican - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 91½ King Street E. Bawmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitar. Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Denfal DRS. DEVITT & RUDELI, Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday. Closed Sunday. j. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 maon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - 23-5* Opfometry JOHN T. MeCREERY Optometrist 22 Division St., Bowmanvilie Offiýce Hours: .Mondav- - 7:30-9 p. Thursday 2-8 p.m. p h ones: Bowmanviile 2024, Port Hope 248 ian 's Attitude toward Liquor". Dianna Webber-"Beve r a g e Alcohol-'. Ivan Woollv- "Eco norni1c \vaste of Alcohol". (Senior Denny Lynch-"A Chat with ýMr. Alcohol"'. Sadie Smith-"Acohol in Mod- ern Life". Dorothy Stapleton-'*Liquor the Cancer". The 'following winners were presented with cups by Rev. W. W. Patterson: Junior-Marilyn Bristow; Intermediate - F -r e d Weatherilt; Senior-D a r o t h y Stapleton. The last named will enter the Provincial Contest. Gloria and Billy Lane sang a duet accompanied -by Mrs. Ross Hallowell. Another highlight o! the aven- ing xvas a short pointed address by David Powless (diamond medalist) of Oshawva, on Man- hood and Alcohol". Each contestant did especiaily well bath in choice of niaterial and delivery and the three judges Mr. Goheen, Principal of New- castle High School, Mr. A. Thomp- son and Gordon Kellogg had a difficuit task. The following resolution was passed: "We protest the cantinuance of the so-called goodwiUl advertising by the liquor interests with its subtie appeal ta childhood and youth and we request that Prov- incial Authorities withdraw the privilege of such advertising, and direct that a capy of this resolu- tian be forwarded ta the Ontario Temperance Federatian with re- quest that it be forwarded ta Prp- vincial Authorities." "*We recommend that the Ont- ario Temperance Federatian give serious cansideratian ta matter of advertising in press and passibly otherwise, ta meet and combat goadwill advertising spansored by liquor interests. This cansid- eration to include plans for a means ta finance such a program. We of Durham Caunty Federatian pledge our full support ta such a project. We further recommend this matter be farwarded to the forthcorning Provincial Conven- tion for action." Officers elected for 1949 are: Hon. Presidents-A. L. Pascoe, N. Down;* Past President-M. Brown, Port Hope-, President-M.1 H. Staples, Newvcastle; Secretary -Rev. H. A. Bunt. Newtonville; Treasurer-W. F. Fallis, Mill- brook; Assistant-W. Elson: Dir- ector Temperance Education- Rev. W. W. Patterson; Directors1 Youth Post-Rv. T. S. Liný-i- stead. Hamn, Gardon Kellogg, Part Hope R.R.1. There are 45 municipal revres- entatives. These aiang with al ministers and President of W.C. T.U. constitute the executive. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gimlett, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allun and Gail wîth Mr. and Mrs. Jam- ieson at Dale. Pansies are stili being found in gzardens. That's something in December. Mr. Sam Turner, Providence, visited Bob Stephenson on Sun- day. Several from here attended the christening o! Leslie Axrn, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Stephenson, on Sunday at St. George's Angli- can Church. Christmas exarns are in ful swing. Brown's exarns are just about over, but N.H.S. Is right inj the groove. Miss B. Cain and pupils are working bard on their Christmas Concert. By ail reports Santa is going ta be there. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbank (nee Thelma Freeman) on their second daughter-Carol Marie a iittle sister for Lorna An ne. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow. Mrs. C. Avery was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herring. Maple Grave. Oshawa Ch. Artist Sentenced to Jail Bowmanville business men who were victimized by a rubber-check artIst a few weeks ago will be in- terested ta learn that he was ap- prehended and received a sentence of 8 months in jail when he ap- peared in Magstrate's Court in Oshawa. Charged with passing many worthless checks in Oshaw a, R. Clifford Hall entered a plea of VIGOROIL CO.I pending in Bowmanville be added ta the score ta dlean up the whole siate. It is reported that the total of 13 charges in Oshawa and some 7 in Bowmanville were disposed of by the above sentènce. Defended in court by A. F. An- nis, K.C., he made it known that Hall had made no restitution but that he prorised ta set aside $30 Lper mnth when in a position ta reimburse those whom he had de. frauded. 78 BOND ST. W. FUEL OSHAWA OIL 17 gala STVE>a1 OIL 2 ~gala These Prices will include Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whilby and Brooklin We are naw in a position ta fulf il 100 new fuel ail cantracts For Delivery Phone Oshawa 3198 M _____ if vs You just can't iiistake the finer, garden-fresh lavour that has madle Libby'y i irst choice in Canada. Extra delicious because only the finest, juicy-ripe I tornatoles are used-pedigreed beauties, the resuit of 36 years of selec- tive seeding by Libby's experts. The resuit of this care has been progres. sively f.ner tomatoes, and tomato juice so uniformnly delicious that Canadians prefer it from coast to coast. And while you enjoy it, remember this; Libbv's is an excellent dietary source of Vitarnins A and C which aid in growth, help ta maintain appetite and promote radiant, glowirig health. Get your supply of Libby's from your grocer now. Serve it at Ieast once a dayl 17g 9w Çentle premu TOMATO JUICE 20-TP-48 Ji THE CA.NADL,%,N STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLË- ONTARIO C, , .- -;, v'- ý ý, ý, ý . - N 77Z

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