PAGE ?WO T11! c!AMArtAT ~'rA ~ A ~.n urInr!z A ~m i v ~.T'I'A ~ , ~ UUI, ÂV*U TH CNAIA SATRMN.RV VANÂ1V UA.AaJM, n.fW TL.LTf T hbwmeuyillé Newii.The New,-te txdependont and Thé Oreno News 93 Yearg' Conîinvoua Service. toth. Town of Bowmrnan%"fle and Durhami Count y Authorr.d cm Second ClosMail. Pomt Office Dparlmnn Ottawai AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Nembes Audit Bureau of Circulations N WookIy t4ewpaptr a Assocition SUESCRIPTION RATES $2.50 a Yomr. strictly in advancc $3.00 a year ith. United Stateu published iby THE JAMES PUBISHING COMPANY Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Editoz Farm Forums Praise and Criticize Function of Papers We had much pleasure in reviewing the reports frorn county Farrm Forums which were publlshed in thia paper last week. The aubject dlscusaed was "I See By the Paper" which led ta ratings of dailies, weeklies and farmn journals in regard 10 their value in interpreting and sup- porting agriculture. The dailies were flot highly regarded in~ this department but speciaiized faim journala naturally were, for that is almost *wholiy their business. But what strained our vest buttons were the complimenîaîy things said. about The Statesman. We quote the following extracts with rnuch pride: "The Statesman fulfilîs ils mission as a champion of the faim cause. "The local paper Is doing a splendid job and is a good f riend of th. Federation of Agriculture." "Il is excell- ent in reporting farmn activities and is a great booster for the home county." "W. consider a farm reporter should have a farm background." Èut then we were laken down a peg with these commenta.: "W. think politics should be on a neutral basis for suhscribers corne from al parties." "We would like 10 see les. prejudice on political inatters." We have always taken the view that well- considered faim opinion is just about the sound- est in the country. In rating The Statesman as -above, th. evidence generally supports the con- clusions. We always have strongly feaîuîed and supported agriculture and have very fui- somely boost.d Durham County and bath have rlchly won aur acclaim. We have as well a farm reporter with a farm background, one of 1h. beat informed in the business. Finally we have laken a strang stand on political questions aind certalnly have neyer been neutral. But lhe question of prejudice la a matter of opinion that can b. debated endlessly and stliib. in dispute. A sound newapapeî observes two main pre. copte: ( 1) To publish ail the news- considered of value la 1he public, accurately, fairly, con- * dsly; (2) To comment editoîially an any ques- ilot considered of intereat ta the public. An ailert editor studies trends with great care and * seks la clarif y and. interpret events for many readers who may not have h. lime or inclin- -ation ta study questions of public cancern. Edi- torials wrill alwaya b. commended by some and critcized by cthers.. But no editor worth ils sait wlll ever b. neutral. To b. neutral means ta take no stand or any part In any question affecting human af- faire; to gtve assistance ta no cause or criticise acnything. Ere took liat stand in the late war, has since aevered ahl connections with the Com- *monwealth and yet cdaims citizensiip. If neutral *Tie Statesman could not support dgriculture or tiie poitical and economic objectives of Canad- Ian farm ers. Few faimers romain iteutrai on lhe questions of w.eds, pesta, unfair puices and a host af other things. Sa It arppears aur bîand of neutrality go.. îight along with the farmers. Now as ta prejudice, il goes right along wlth xieutrality. Wien this paper is thus cate- gorlzed il simply means that w. should lin. up wlth thase who want us ta corne 10 their view. 'Thon w. ahould be neither prejudiced nor neut- rai. Il would ail be simple but we would h. * ~ ~ ~ ý 7ntn1unpduo yante ato . Th disease stili takes the lives of mare people over liv. years of age than do aIl other cantagiaus disceasacombined. On. of oui mightiest weapans against tub. erculosls is tie free community x-ray survey. W. in thia district aire among the 600,000 persans the National Sanitarium Association has x-rayed without coat in the last few years. Doctora discovered from their x-rayu thal 1,400 out of the 600,000 had active cases cf tub. erculosîs requlring sanatorium trealment though mony of lhem were not aware afiti. Had their trouble nat been discoveued, il mast certainhy would have infected others, ail the lime grawing I s.riousness. Because they were found, lie great majority of the 1,400 have an excellent chance af complet. recavery. And lhey are no longer a danger ta lhe community aI large. Unlil recentiy il was believed that few people over 45 yeurs ci age contzcted tu1bercuioows Yet thia y.a lie National Sanilarlum Associci lion has found 126 ln this age gîoup requlrlng sanatorium care. Most easily infçcted, however, continue la be thase f rom 15 ta 30. Sa far luis yeaî, 216 ai lies. young people, ln theu Most productive yeaus, have had ta put aide career plana and go mbt sanatoria. Yet as we said ourlior we have gone pro- giressivohy ahead in defeating lie disease. The prospect for lie future is most encouraging when yau reahize tiat in iess than 50 yoars - just Ihink afiti - wo have cul the deali rate by 80 percent! T.B. Christmas Seals have played an Important part. T.B. Christmas Seals provide tie funds fau cammuniîy x-ray surveys. Sa be moat generaus thii year when these colourful and attractive Seaha reaci you in lhe mail. They inean protection for you and for your f amily. The - Canadian' St atesman Again Ranks Highly in Editorials Competing again this year among the 600 weekly newspapers ai Canada in a national editorial contest. The Stalesman ranked second. LasI yeau luis paper came first in ie conlest la win lie handsome lropiy put up by lie Can- adian Weekly Editor of Vancouver, B.C., a na- tional magazine serving lie interesîs of thie Can- adian weeklies. Il was aur great pleasure la send lie trophy along ta this year's winner, the Powell River (B.C.) News. In third place this year came lie Suscsx (N.B.) Record. Thisi.i thie second year of this important contest. In an accompanying shory in this issue, some af lie parlicuhars of tuis national contest are set forth, wilh comment ai tie judges on how tiey arrive aI their decisions. W. simply add houe liaIt tus national campehition ha. been of immecnse benefit ta lie weeklies in brigihening up lie tone ai editorials. Lasi year thie subject chosen was "National Unity." This yeaî lie subject was, "The Bol. ai Tie Weekly News- paper in lie Lii e ai Ils Community." Tiese intriquing suijecîs were selected ho bring ouI lie best thougits ai rural weekly editors and ho claIe tiern in lie best editorial form. In lie many entries lieue was siown a very keen appreciation ai iow besl ho interpret lie questions presented. The editor dýnd staff ai The Stalesman, working as a team, are higiiy guaified in winning first place hast yoar and carning second luis year. W. shahl continue ha strive and maintain luis high standard in aur editorial colurnns. In future issues we hope ho publish lhe puize edilorials so that oui readors may botter under- stand thie raie of lie local newspaper in ils community. Loyalty ta Local Merchants "How ta keep aur community shopping dol- lars fram slraying intolie tilîs ai largo city stares?" Thal is thie puoblem ifacinq local mou- chants in tawns in luis Christmas shapping period. During lie war years deparîment stores'in nearby cilles were able ta ai 1er a greater varieîy ai merciandise and sioppers irom rural areas palronized the big city stores. Tirougi consist- ent advertising lie city stores have endeavoured ta keep tuis "greater variety" hothie fore, ta lui. tawn residents. It siould be empiasized liaI thie supply o! merchandise is, to-day, plentiful in Bowmanville stores, and il seems onhy f air liaI we should iehp educale oui community shappeus ta give local mouchants iirst opportun- ity 10 f111l hiu oudeus. The Stalesman ' has long heen a booster of iomelown shopping and is prepared to put forth every effort on beiali ai local merciants who share thie burden of local taxes and who advertise iaithfuliy in lieui orneown newspaper. These are tho people ta whorn you hurn for support in every cc9mmunihy ef fouI . . . surely if lhiu merciandise is equal in quality and com- parable in price we siould patronize local stores. Our local stores are at lie present lime dis- phaying many attractive guIfs. Christmas gif t shappers will find cheerful, courleous attendants in aur lown siops, many ai wiom they may have known since chiidiaod. We meel old friends and acquaintances in lie stores'and on tho streels in aur shopping centre. BesI of ail, Editorial Notes In 1938 oaci man, woman and child in Canada shouldered a burden of $84.40 for *Dominion, Provincial and Municipal taxes. In 1947 tho figure had risen ta $259.20 peu capita. Il must b. uemembered liaI lie purpase of educatian is nat teliiili e mmnds of students wiîh facts, il is not la reform them, au amuso them. ar make themn expert teclinicians in any field. Il is ta teaci them ta tiink, if that is possible, and ta think ahways for hhemsehves. --oetM. Hulchins. Those who expeclta reap the biessinqs of freedom must underqo lie fatigues oi support- ing it-Thamas Paine.. On. ai lie tiinqs Ibis world needs most is a spirit ai friendliness - whelier il be on a persanal, stale or national basis. -Robeut C. Clothier. -p nfl~'T.7ffllTIf we are te sumn up in one It is trial that proves one tbling i r TYPOuuJ. phra:Êe aur American Heritage, it weak and another strong. A I ~ heDî nd Dita t jwould be "Liberty Under Law." bouse built an the sand i nfi In th i n itn ast A letter fromn Fred Yaungrnan Liberty without law is license and weather just as goad as if buildeci la tells us he i. naw at Hydro camp iaw without liberty is tyranny.- on a rock.-Henry Ward Beecher. t JFrom The. Statesman Files at Chalk River, Ontario. How that Fr'ank P. Holman Extraordinary afflictions are guy gets around! Apology doesn't came easy but nat always the punishment of The school children in this vic- goes a long way.1 extraordinary sins, but sametimes 25 Ycara Ago 50 Years Age inity are ail working on Christ- What goes an in the home gaes1 the trial af extraordinary graces.- Pire ini Holgate's Evaporator South Ward Tabernacle held a mas concerts as well as the three out ta the nation. Matthew Henry. e did about $7,000 damage. Cause successful anniversary. Program R'S. A dtroc wrdGog o u n t Rbo ..'smr runknawn. was in charge of Carrne Babcock, When visiting Jim Richards Bernard Shaw for hi. opinion 0fta wo miles high, but Mount 9 Orono Creamery Co. has be- Martha Jarves and Addie Mc' recently, we mentioned having Babe Ruth, and the question came 1Lagan in the Yukon I. almost four if corne incorporated at $1 00,000 Dowell. Luther T. Courtice was ta corduray and gravel a piece of back, 'WVho is she?" miles. high. 0 with Henry Junker, President. ,Supt. hoggy road In the near future. n President Dr. J. C. Devitt re- Wm. Fishleigh ha. installed a Jim suggested fiihing the spot with ported the Bowmanville Hospital Northey gasoline engine in the lots of ccdar -brush, then cutting 19 had one of the best years in its Statesman office ta run the press. a sharp knoil off and use iA for 1JI UfU 5V It history. es. Win. S. McKowan i. foreman. fill. So you c:nsee folks, even a NOTICEvu A RDIERSuam d Dr. E. W. Sisson ha. shipped wnnrfuprwnnmth t a gudaehis n sometimes soeof bis prize-winning xht nTop wnesi lwn achba u thsongame. Thank24H U SE VC leghrns a th Briish wte d- David Milne's f ield at Black- iesstc weeJs. Mcel Hg t will soon be Dec. l3th. On Richrd . SuchProideceRoss, Jas. Parr, Albert Vennir.g, that day, thirty years ago, yaurWCIY shw as$0Ofr RineDrd lngto n f r ereWm. Leask. correspondent marched across the DeadorCrppleds H orhses10.d0Cows droieNv. 7, a ged 9 y ars. Cyrus Siemon. one of Durham's Rhine River at a place called a orCipe H rs ndC W Efforts to re-organize the Thom- clever teachers has been engaged Bonn, Germany. It started ta codnosz n odta-ml nmi eoe re son Knitting Co. affairs were dis- to teach at S.S. 3, Darlington. pour just as we lined up on par- Ne trouble to the farmer. We de the loading cussed at a public meeting. J. H. Frost, B.A.. bas been eiect- ade ,at R sm. and kept pouring HGETPIE ADFRODBRE Prize winners in the B.H.S. Or- ed president of the Choral Society. tili we reached our billets at 6 p.HGES PRCS AIJFROD OSS atorical Contest were Constance Miss Mabel Borland gave a m. in a village called Neunkir- PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES Seward, Marion Pickard and Ai- piano selectian. at St. George's chen. bert Allin. Church Ladies' Aid concert at Our twelve year old worry wart NICIC PECONI, Owner Rev. W. T. Chexry, an ald Brantford. started to fix his bicycle tube re- Bowmanvilie boy home frorn Frank Grigg and Guy Pethick cently. As we were an aid bicycle Singapore preached in the Meth- have securcd positions in Toronto. rider we promptiy pushed him tai odist Church Sunday morning, Robt. Beith sold a matched team one side and proceeded ta show Newcastle Memorial Library of his prize winning hi'gh stepping him how we used ta f ix tubes1 was officiaily opened with Dr. J. hackneys to Lord Minto, Gover- awayTh bkwe we wroere youth.- 1- A. Butler, Reeve, Master of Cere- nor Gencral of Canada., fui. Tetuen wksrende moDrnAS. ihy .B t . Wes Shawv, manager Tel ee- asked for scissors, cernent, patch, G r . . Gouland . . KMasonM phone Ca. announces a phone bas heavy weight. After 15 or 20 min- ( i played.agouandof.Scotch oe been instailed in the Pelican Club. utes wve îifted the weight, told the an he owlnggren Nv. 2. Jas. Beith was eiected presi- boy ta blow the tube up. He did. on thse. M.nggHan na, Sehoo dent of Bowmanville Curling only ta see the patch blow off.: Nurse, has resigned and returned Clbeaiiylidhste.enn ta Toronto. In a Varsity Literary saciety wasnt quit. dry. Only ta have Zion-apple packing bas been debate Aif Mitchell, Enniskillen, hlm tell us that we had no rubber : 7 completed -by BaIson Bros. at wyas leader on the affermative cernent. Wbat we had used was' Solina Fruit House. side. Resolved that Lord Salis- LePage's glue. Then they won- f Ernie Rehder of Bowmanville bury's foreign policy has been on der why fathers go grey. Radio Club announces a special the wbale censurable. A short time ago Andy Sutcb r concert by local talent over his Solina-Will Baker and Edgar attended a shooting match. In t station, IOAE. Werry are captains in a contest at three tries at the target, against Miss Marlon Van Nest, soloist, Sons of Temperance Division. a field of eleven, h. won three and Miss Irene Bray, accompan- Jerusalem Ladge was honoe geese. That's one tirne that shoot- 1ý ist, took part in the Durham Club with a visit from the most War- ing the bull paid dividends. programi when meeting was held ship the Grand Master, Bro.T. Nomination day passed off at R. W. King's. Mloe Toronto. D. B. E.mso T about as quietly as a wake. About . Geo E.Gibard dagg anc .M.ofSimpson Ldg s three dozen curiaus folks were GerontoE.nieba Trd, dgiste .ofJrslm og. . present. The Reeve and Deputýt* Tornto ntiv o Tyon, ded Courtice-S. S. Brooks is in- Reeve were each given an accla- leaving an estate of over $32,000. staliing a wind miii on his barn. mation, but, as four men quali- Prof. John Squair of! Toronto t University gave an interesting Oshawa is agitating far water fied for the three counicil seats, 1I UNDERSTAND SANIrONE DRY CLEAN)NG m bistory cf Newcastle dating back warks system ta bring water from the las" two ta qualify tossed a REMOVES SPOTS-" to 1793. Raglan at a cost of $80,000. coin ta decide who wouid drap Miss E. E. Haycraft, editress Thos, Smaie, Darlington, is a out. The result is that we have an Yes, Sanitone isa better kind ofdry cleaningl Spots are banished 1 The Statesman, was elected on the candidate for the Wardenship. acclamation of the entire council. ;. . dulled calais are revived ... perspiration stains and odors Provincial Executive .at the Wo- W.. Armstrong, Supt. of New- Mrs. Ed Youngman reports that gn . odycenn dr!OrSntn evc en men's Institute Convention frt castle Fish Hatchery, brought 7 she is again a grandmother. She goe.nodycainaor!OiSnoeSrvemas Toronto. cases of f ish eggs from Wiarton. is disappointed that the new ar- extra attention toalal details too-buttons sewn on, loase but- J. L. Morden. was given eonsid- John McMurtry is paying 16e rival was not a girl. The latest tons secured and minor mending jobs are done FREE of erable publieity in Toronto papers a dozen for eggs and 15c lb. for addition makes the count five charge. Get this better kind of dry cieaning for ail your claties. on a snow goose being a guest at butter. (Well might they b. refer- grandsons, no granddaughters. Phone us today! the Cream of Barley Camp. red ta as the "good old days"). early g oi s that a person PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM of eigbteen years cf age entering We met at the home of Mr. and Iiith E itr' M il the Army, Navy or Air Force be- Mrs. Earl Osbarne with 22 pres- Oshawa Laundry and Dry Cleaning anteE io' al fre b ecoming of use ta the service ent. The discussion tapie was -1 COMPANY LIMITED o! the country must, tbrough hear on the Radio".PinZeth300saw _________________strict discipline undergo rîgid The types o! radio programmesPhn et 100Oaw Nov.24, 948 ining for responsibilites abead. we like best are educatianal, good Nv2414Thspreparation should be just es musical programmes and piays, FO ASTERKN F R LANIN&I Dear John,- neccssary before accepting re- lectures, wcather and market re- have very vivid recollections sponsibiiity for the choosing cf ports and sports, farm broadeasts, o! the fun we used ta have skating wbat pohicies shahl govern aur citizen's forum, good books dram--______ at the aid Drill Shed in m y young- way of! hf.. atised and news cammentaries. er days 50 xvould like ta send along Even aur Agnes McPhail seems Those we least like are jazz, sing- a small contribution ta the Arena ta have closed ber eyes ta this ing commercials, crime stories, Building Fund. aspect o! the case. too much repetition of songs and Wishîng you ail good luck in We bape that aur eighteen age jakes and tao many recordings. o u rite your efforts, graup in Durham County have Our only local station is Osh- 3 oTus eti9 ae Sincerely been sufficiently interested in awa. Here farm news is good but3 %TutC tfi ae Jean Tod Wrigbt the affairs of government ta have remainder flot so gaod, there is read and profited by the address too much record playing, moreIS EDornya ut..frateno Dear Mr. James,- ta Bawmanville Rotarians last cultural programmes are needed. LSE o n mui ..fratrno I notice by The Statesman that week Of C. E. Stephenson, M.P. C.B.C. generally is satisfactory." five years. . .. guarantced bath as ta principal the Memarial Arena is progress- for Durham County. Mr. Stephen- Independent stations give more and interest .... Intere'st che'ques mailed ie ing financialiy weîî. son, since representing Durham publicity ta community interests. reach holders on due dlate, or, at lhoider's I also see where the Women's County at Ottawa has given un- Improvements suggested were ta option, may ho aiiowed ta accumulate at Association of Trinity United precedented service to the eleet- eliminate singing commercials, compound intercst. Churcb donated $100. 1 think this are, and there can b. little excuse have more educational prog- was a wonderful tbing ta do and for ignorance where the States- rammes for adults and schooi An ideal investment for individuals, comi- I ho pe that more organizations man is available. children, aiso avoid belittling the panies; authorized by iaw for ccaietcry will do likewise for as the Scotch- In your last issue, Farm Forum farmer as is often done by 'bill- boards, executars and other trustees. man quotes "Every mickle makes reports pointed ta a n.ed for regu- biliy" music and jokes that use a muckle", meaning that it takes lar space in city dailies for farm him as a butt. More of Gilbert and everybady's donation ta reacb the news. City dailies bave thousands Sullivan's musical operas would THE objective, af rural readers and it is frustra- be appreeiated.ST R I G RU S Bowmanvilie is nat a large town ting many times to read- farm Next meeting nt Mrs. IrwinST R I G RU S but it bas produced many wonder- news as interpreted by city edit- Bragg and Sons, 13 Dec.CO ORTO ful men who bave gone out ta ors or reporters. Some one capableCOPRTN other parts o! the universe and cf of telling th. true story of Agri- dispel some fantastie ideas enjoy- 2DySteToeti whom we have been very proud culture ta urban people might ed by those far removed frorn the37BoSteTrno1 ta say "He is a flowmanville boy". scn-c the scource o! their very 3 .r nBsns Since those days the world bas existence. 3 er nBsat ehanged eitber for better or Fireside Observer worse. W. are now faced witb a problern regarding aur young, people and I arn pleased ta find that Bowmanville is trying ta cat- . a)na' Z /W(rWYCAD'* DerM.Editor,- i ;our cusfnmersespeialyour inusri s a n otespeailly In regard ta the plank in the . C W4AAMUQ yUSr4U#4 Ie W#4 y UIUA teen agers! This is another rihiFn-Ar n ib,/cn l#ss.4 iuirl.btr stance o! the C.C.F. n~ hnî things through. Ta ge dawn taAf#~7 f~ P Safurday and Sunday. facts we already have formid - able list a! voters over twenty- *neokh a intalife ay ogt, a oi oey-ioew l o ar itntqay wa ot Wacud ae"1ioeweKeep up the good work and koep down the cul-off& due ta a laek o! personai respons- *corne goft teaun absent loved one ibility for the welfare of the coun- thon a chance ta spend the hell. try, a complete ignorance o! the day sason at hoe..- . s.nd e laws o! the country and no under- standing of how foreign affairs' prepald ralway ticket this yearl affect legisiation in aur own ' country. Any Canadian Poclfic agent These are lb. people wbo listen wilI arrange delivery and explain DO W M A N V ILLE ta agitatars and la those who about special low holiday fares hourss, hi wage andscont porm i setydthough stPUILIC "ILI1j COMMISS which completely upset any fair PU BLIC%_____________COM M ISSION_ balance and eventually bring1 fl ý . dictatorship. i r 1 rPrErySf,. An important fact also over, loohied by Ihose who agitate oi <1r' -h v PACM TWO OrMTILqnAv nve- 64% IDA*