e PAGE FOUR TMECNf!NUAUSA,~WAVLE NAT I9IlISenAV TNV' 04m. 1948 Th e Orono News ?M . LE. L"gM1 Dr. E. Eustace, Winnipeg, has Association wish to thank ea..h been visiting his son, Rey. A. E. and every one -,%-ho gav-e ~'t Eustace and Mrs. Eustace and blosad hltti n was in the pulpit of Park St- ay to make th,.s pOý'sà"e. church on Sunday evening. He Mrs. M. Mallerv and ;on. Tý%- brought an interesting account of ronto, spent iast -we,'k %%.;,h \Ir his work as Assistant Supt. of the and Ms H. Bir'w. North Wnnipeg Missions. During Mr. anI Mrs.Edi. Ml,~ the service, he christened his 6- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy BioN\ nr'va. months old grandson, Richard son, Johnny, Lindszy, were weetrk Ancrew Eustace. Dr. Eustace has end guests of '.\r. and Mrs. J. D. hz-2n attending a conference in Brown. Oshawa as a delegate from Win-. Miss Audrev Bln .Tcorct,.o, n .cg. spent the week-end at h,)nic Tha supper and bazaar held on There was great exciten'.(ent Mr' Saturday, Dec. 4, in aid of the town on Saturday e\vetni w .hen building fund of Park St. United Santa Claus arrived and pre't- Church was a great success. Sel- ed each child present with a gif t. dom have we heard so many fa- Arriving in a truck Saturday ev- vourable comments on a supper. ening, Santa hopes there w1 li be Each booth was filled with very snow for his next trip on Xmas attractive articles. The bazaar eve. was opened by Mrs. A. E. Eustace. Mr. and MINrs. Geo. Crowther Proceeds amounted to $475.00. and Charles v-sited Mrs. C. Wood, The Executive of the Woman's Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Barlow and FREE TE ST NEW HEARING IEVELOPMENTI No.4 Cordi No Suly DBatteriesl1 No Receiver inthe Eur 1 j Home Tuesday, December 2lst Demonstratten from 1 -9 P.M. apponment Genoshct Hotel, Oshawa The Ladiuc Shcr Phone 573 family, Totronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mns . B,~avlew, Mu. and Mrs. Ray l2anletçui moved in thetu new htuîne ut% Churrh St. Sý. last week. Mus R A.X i etalett%00$% Orç,%N 'to io'.,tke ttheewîhhi e ' ' . ý te' ' M t% '. . t ità. ' . \%~~î'~'V. t 10Uotlà St ' t N itel~-t' PuVS l :t .% in the' thaoir Duru1îî'. the ettt' tus I Ntt.h'. ' I It a àzftfrril' .MSAo auJ t'pres.set tilot' î t t li t t th' iittîit'es .'iru 1heyl' h" rmoo. sht, was le.gvillg 'rt t ,îî llibaIs heu home vîth heu $oi in'.llaîîîLI- ton. NIlr. R. W-. o î' k stili a t- tient il% i'vnt"i1' Ilospital. W«e hope bis coni'dti<on %'vill sooni show sone ipocoe Mýr. and MuIs. Jis. 'lani&olyn Antij family are living in 1\r. and Mus. S. Rîîtherford's bouse in i Klrby uintil their new homie i complet- ed In Orono. CLARKE TI'P. COUNCIL Clarke Township Counicil met Dec. 4, wnith ail members precrint. Progross w.as reported on pro- cuuing a piece of land in Orono, which nay be used for dumping garbage. Resolutions were passed giving the Road Superintendent author- ity to advertise for tenders for snow ploughing certain portions of rond in the Township instuuct- ing the clerk to communicate with Dept. of Highways concerning snow fencing the nid Provincial uoads and authorizing the Road Supt. to seil the caboose. Applications for the position of Cieuk, Treasurer'and Tax Collec- ton weue uead and a meeting cailed for Dec. 8 to deal with sa me. These bills were ordered paid: Orono Hydro, lights ---- 12.20 Road Voucher No. Il------3770,00 C. L. Counish, supplies 3.30 Prov. Treas., Insulin 15.00 R. G. Moffat, Revising Voters' Lists ------------ 15.00 Orono Times, Ptg., etc. - 190.50 Orono Coal, coal ------ 134.38 Town Port Hope, relief- 22.23 Irene, Rinch, bailiff fees 8.00 W. R. Strike, legal fee- 5.00 W. J. Watson, canetaking 72.60 R elief ---------------- -- 15.00 After Cane 10.00 R. vs F-------------------------- 32.00 W. A. Reid, labor, etc. ---- 69.20 Carl Payne, 7 sheep killed, and shooting dog . 15 1.00E J. Allun, valuen's fees------ 6.00 CLARKE TOWNSHIP ELECTION RESULTS For Reeve-E.R. Woodyard 702, C. M. Jones 384. For Deputy Reeve-J. Hart- well Lowery, acclamation. For Council-Jas. T. Brown 661, Arthur McKay 599, J. Harrys Davey 580, Sid. J. Lancaster 365, G. Wilfred H-awke 317.e The Boy Scouts Association of Britain has been granted 1,245,d 000 clothing coupons by the Boardd of Trade to shlow uniformed mem. 3 bp'ri of the Movement to replace parts of uniforms and to assist 1 towarcls the provision of uniforms I for new recruits.c Ouickly Relieves Distresof relieves niffly, tiiff c 38 Kint St. E. AND Johnson Tremblay Cenirifugal Fire Pumps Johnson Iron Horse Generalors 300w-12 volt D.C. NEW MOTORS ARE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL MNES 0F CARS AND TRUCKS h1ANNAS luiL cSe" 3,.A* SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 1 Mile,,EasI ai Courtice Phone: Dowmanville 2833 I. TYRONI t'i% e ics'. à mti.it iliu M:olt t.eot tX~ot rî~ t'nî ti0 t 441i litlit; 1 t Ni~1 i b t45, l t é u11 z i . . 1s, l t'. ietcit t". A % I toc l Zsîoîo% i iic Iti, Ie t , 1'4l1tt e set t- 1il - 1 n g .ll ,-'î s toti i Ii t . lo It \ot~tO t l 1Iiot i i É jIt tt llolîo, lti t c, Iltn n , ii. t 1 n .îîo t 11o t 1, 1 o- it tîtlot Itîlcol u. i I M. \ý NWr nIigh.s Vigt tna i for kt visit. M\11s. Robt. Sini. Miss litlen Miller, Toronto Cvii- oral1 Hospital, w,%ith heu parents Mu. and Mis, W. J. Milieu. Mr. and Mus. W. Lake, New- castle, with Mu. and Mus. HI.Skin- ner ai-d Mu. ai-d Mus. L. Skinîner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowleu and Bobbie and Mr. and Mus. Fred Kelly, Oshawa, with Mu. and Mrs. Byron Farrell. Mr. and Mus. Neil Yellowlecs and childuen with Mu. and Mus. Francis Thompson, Bowmanville. Mus. W. Miller with Mr-. and Mus. J. Bird and Mrs. P. Hay- ward, Bowmanviile. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman on the binth of a fine boy. Mu. and Mrs. S. Hall with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm, Bunketon. Mr. and Mus. 0. Beckett, Mus. L. Virtue, Mr. M. Virtue with Mus. Elva Beckett, Bowmanville. Mu. and Mus. J. Bird and Jacq- ueline, Bowmanville, with Mu. and Mus. B. Maynaud and Mrs. J. McRobents. Mn. and Mus. Boy Maynard at- tended the Walkeu Smnith wed- ding in Bowmanvilie Saturday ev- ening. Mu. and Mus. W. Bahm, Ken, Clemn and Doueen, with Mu. and Mus. J. E. Griffin, Yelveuton. Mu. Frank Colbany, Etobicoke, Miss Millie Haylock, Long Buanch Mu. Harry Kuuse, Toronto, visit- 1ed Mn. and Mus. K. Colbary. Mn. and Mrs. Perey Hayward, Marion and Grace moved to theiu new home in Bowmanville Fui- day. MrS. J. McRobeuts is under the doctor's cane, we wish heu a speedy recovery. Mu. and Mrs. B. Maynand, Mus. H. Hall attended the showeu given M\'r. and Mus. S. Hall in Black- stock Friday night. Miss Evelyn Becl3ett has return- ed home from. Mynile. Miss Marlon Hayward spent the week-end with the Misses HiUs. Mus. Mina Hughson lefi Satur- day to spend the winteu with heu daughter and son-in-law Mu. and VIns. George Arnold. Mu. and Mus. Norman Woodley wîth Mu. and Mus. Dave Hicks, H1aunistor'i, and Mus. R. Stephens, Gorrie. Mrs. W. T. Worden Is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mu. and Mus. F. L. Byam, Clif- ford and Guanville, Miss Yvonne Byam and fniend with Mu. and M4rs. John Lillicuapp, Peterbouo. Tyrone Ju. Young People met on Fuiday evening. Bill Jewell took charge of the opening exen- cises. Dorothy Skinner had charge of the puogram. Sculpture by Bill reweîî; poem by Johnny Coombes. M'r. Cresswell gave an inteuesting alk on "Culture". Poem by Don- othy Wright. A deiicious lunch was seuved by Douothy's guoup. St.f AnusN ,ba th I Lake Shore, Clarke Wî' '.isîleîl Mr. and Mus. Robert of Brlaî i 3own's section, Dec. 111( vvhlwlat do ycoj suppose we liaI loir stipper? T'was freshly îiickoul letînce, fuom Mu. Guah- anisgauo'nIliat very day. Some 1 gitcss, that had seeded itself fututu tbe suier plants. Some couiiîtry this! Suppose we'Il have allY wintcr ai ail? Brrr! Fuiend httbby says '"Wait tili some fine day corne the middle of Januauy."1 Cools me off considerably. Mus. Arthur Bedwin and fam- ily with Mu. and Mus. H. S. Tay- lor. Courtico. Mus. J. Baskerville, Newcastle, is visitiug Mu. and Mus. Wil-buu Baskcrville. Mr. Bey Jaynes was home from Smnithsviile. Mu! and Mus. W. H. Brown and family, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mus. Geo. Skelding. Mu. and Mus. Ken Bahl and fam- ily, Orono, with Mu. and Mus. Robin Aildred. Miss Hazel Powell with Mu. and Mus. Don Coulter, Downs- view. Mu. and Mus. Gieni Pohlard, with Mu. and Mus. W. Holmes. Mus. Jack Holmes with Mr. and Mus. N. Goheen, Port Hope. Mu. and Mus. Bill Lake and famnily with Mu. and Mus. Harold Skinneu, Tyrone. KENDAL WhenYour BCK Begins to Ache Backache is often due te '.- an upset kidney condi- tioni,snfo over hall s century Dodd's Kidney Pilla have helped bring relief frein bacicache by treating the kidneya. Cet Dodd's Kiclney Pila today at any drm couister. Look for the blue box with thse red bsnd. You cas depend on Dodd'a. 13 C. & I. BRD SAUCE "TIi 53e ALL. PURPOSE FLOUR 24-lb. bag PURITY $1.19 SHORTEN INO DOMESTIC Ib39g OGILVIE SONA ORANGE & GRA MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY 4 -u.28e Pkg. tAPEFRUIT 24'oz. PIE CBUST AUSTRAL IAN RAISINS AVLMER CUT AYLMER CATSUP SAXONIA RED GLACE OUR OWN SPECIAL IACKTEA FANCY PINK SALMON- CHINESE TYPE Colgates Palmolive Soap Sale PAINOLIVESOAP SUPER SUS ODEX 2cae c.1< Cake 149 PIC:g. 37e PGin63e 2 Cks19e EL.Reg. 36e Gient 3 Pkg. 370 CASHMERE IFL1pig. g 7eFAB Nat BUQUET PRINCESS FLAKES Pkg.71g 2 Cakes 254 àv Cuudu's finwst Quuliy sDeef Red or glue grand Beef 1 pkg. 314 Steaks or Rocsts IPORTEIHOUSE -" *69< SIRLOIN, WING or BONELE'88 ROUND VOUR A & P MEAT BUV 0F THE WEEK FRESH SHANILESS PORK SHOULDEIS b. 39< FRESH PORKDBUTIS CHOICE SKINLESS WIENERS SHAM ROCK EITHER END PORK LONS - 37 . L .51 , lb. Ce . 1655e and Elleen, Bowmnanville, at Mr. Jack Baker's. Miss Gladys Yellowlees with relatives in Toronto. Quite recentiy, Ulster has given Alexander, Auchinleck, Diii and Montgomery to the British Army. Heslrng, Soothiaz and Aatiseptic. Dr. Chates Ointment brios quick rulief. Resular Siun 69 c o o y Si . 6 lim es as ,uch $2.23. A hele t for o ser 50 ye. . s. Dr.haes itm i Nie t JI cilîis 2zilh was Plan- étie.l 'litrnlrà iltlt ty m îaIa otlheung *tt Il shi olîvWb plein to e it coosel e. t t ieollo ilt glue diter- liii lot e lt I ltitc l wi l t e Ilit aiîl foia Ill r ei l 0 loî, vu p ttîl f ,lî' l tl e vl1lI I t elle l f I>e ititili t o-cudjil TA - 1l i -e l t, iiit j01t- . RoI t cool Mos 'li lc Iltluî'itî- lice iiii l rt-if, 'i-1f till)tlhy t flit Il I ot i t -.iliîw rl.te-i l #)iu *Y Mo - ( I 'fuî-iv( f ilciit-Yt'yctil NMr,-. o O- 1f1 rvlille'.- jet rile'l toit tht' 111. fool fiiîiirci t ii fli' clo to i col ire.' .Illiil lit îcii lf. a IViti. NIl 1Mîii>11.ii i îo ~l ici m , I rnmthi. lioiftil /t .ioofo het1 afitpeedy MI. i lien ',-Vt-lîi od Mr, and Mio-', LoniiI lit i :fliWIt, wre Vl'oi .1tioîsiiigcîouotîrxfor l9-111 loooluliooi i 101ttbr SS. No. 9, Clarke MILK BREAD MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT BEEHIVE or CROWN CORK SYRUF IONA BRAND GREEN PEAS GREEN GIANT A &P 2c7mil and Vg2Iatt GRAPERUITTexas Marsh Se dies@ DOL 45 TAN~I~ES Florida Sw:et--176'a Daz.27 çfl~p~California Red Emperor Ib.5 GRAPF£ ~No. 1 2i5 APPLES omesio: Gradefo at g3 Im33< APPLES Greening, Excellent for Cooking3 Ibo.25 APPLES ~Domestio Grade 325 CAhOTS Tender, Crisp, * 3be.10 ONIONS LYe--oki1g3 109 TBahaTaE, Hand Selected No. 1 ea. < CELEET STALIKS Pa c rs2 foir29 SALA NIlFromh Shrodded 2 :.25 Fresh Diced Vogetables Cei SOUP nu Washed, Ready to Cook Pk"gI o * 2-lb tin 35c a 2-b tn25c 20-oz ti lOc lb. 29e lb. 53e 3for 199 . lb. 47e lb. 34g 3e "y -- . - - - - WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE AGENTS. FOR DO WNAN VILLE AND DISTRICT Evinrude Outhoard Motors 8-ou. 17 Pkg.17 Il-ou. 170 Bti. 8-ou. 174 BL EN O . lb. 75e i 430 l16% Johnson Iron Horse Engines x400 5/8 H.P. ai 1725 R.P.. x500 1.34 H.P. ai 2400 R.P.N. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE 0F MOTOft CHOPPED KIDNEY SUET SHAMROCK, WHOLE OR HALF SNOKED HANS HEINZ LARGE DILL PICKLES 3 SIL VER BRIG HT SALMON STEAKS« FRESH COD FILLETS- FREBH SOLE FILLETS answered by a verse from a Christmas card and donations were handed ln îowards the Xmas boxes for the shut-ins. Word was received that the blankets made from nid woollens by the Midland Milîs lhnd corne and would be at Mrii. W. Mercer's for distribu- tion. Il. was dccided a shipment would he sent July 1 for those wantIng to sïend old wooilens next yeu1% Mrtî. Couroux and Mrs. W. jîà<'kpi;>ti utended the Leaders' TJraining nchool ln Bowmanviile. 't'lie t.etin "Hnlly Day or HoIy Ilhîy" the bîrthday of freedom was re~i'l hby Mrti. Wm. Boyd. Mrs. F. titoher told frome interesting lterni t rom the fiklts put on by tlh(. Club girls at the Convention and also excerpts from the ad- <JieHf snd alen conducted a con- 1(.st of th<, prominent women in W.l. work. Another interesting topî ic tl him spaxon, 'Heat, how to kep it in and the cold out" was qîtite informative. A Christmas rîontc'st, fol]owed by an exchange of Xmas gift and lunch. Local tt)bacco growers are busy getting their tobacco stripped and readly for shipment. Severai truck lnadis left this week for the plant tin jelihi. SOLINA Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and farnily on the sudden death of her father Mr. Tennyson Pereman. Mr. A. L. Pascoe and Rev. E. S. Linstead attended the Durham Temperance Federation conven- tion at Newtonvilie last Wednes- day. The Canadian Canners Co. has erected a vinery north of the vil- lage on Mr. Frank Westlake's f arm. Members of the Women's In- stitute entertained their husbands at a Lost Heir party at Solina School last Friday evening. Win- nries were Mus. Everett Cryder- man and Mn. Cecil Pascoe. Mr. and Mns. Cecil Pascoe and Gordon ententained about twen- ty-five young people Saturday evening at a Lost Heir party. Helen Langmaid and Bruce Tay- lor ueceived gifts for highest scores. Several fuom here attended tht funeral of Mrs. Jesse Arnott in Zion. Mrs. W. H. Bray has neturneci home to Pickering after visiting her sister-in-law, Mus. A. L. Pas- coe. Mu. B. G. Stevens %eith fuiends at Enniskilien. Dean and Ted McLaughlin, Oshawa, at Harold Pascoe's. Sibby's -Cleaners 181 BOND STREET W~ST OSHAWA THIMqDAV- nr-C oflh ici* 3 Masters Menton and Wayne Mavin, Bowmanville, with thein aunt Miss Ada Wilson. Mu. Bob Hilditch and fuiends, Bowmanville, with Mu. and Mus. Hilditeh. Mu. and Mus. Chaules Gay and family with her sister Mrs. R. Geach. Mu. and. Mus Je Jillison were in Delhi hast week. Mns. Stan B. Grey, Peurytown, visited Mus. Mary Luxon. Miss Violet Meucer xvas in Ux- bridge attending the Commence- ment at Ux-knidge, High School. Miss Mary Taylor, Toronto, with Mus. B. Alexander. Mu. Wes Falls soid bis fanm and is again with Mus. Fred Falls. Miss Gloria Rapley and Mu. Russell Rusk, Toronto, with Mu. and Mus. Geo. Mercen. A good time was had by tht young folks at a bingo held by Mus. Hilditchi her home Wed- nesday evening. Mu. and Mus. Wm. Mercer and Grace spent Sunday with Mu. and Mus. A. Grant, Uxbuidge. Violet netturned home with tbem. Mu. and Mus. Aylwand Little and son Barry Boss, left Kendal Sunday for their new home in Maukham. The dense fog of Satunday night and Stînday mouning made duîving very difficult fou motor- ists. It took Buuley's bus one hour and ten minutes coming fuom Port Hope. Some folks stayed away in pueference to driving h ome. Miss MeBuide who has been visiting heu sisitu, Mus. Chas. Thompson bas lefi to spend the wir.ter on the west coast. Mu. Mc- Bride is remaining here. We regret b learn of the illness of Mus. G. E. Lofthouse, Oshawa, and wish ber a speedy necovery. Miss Katie Stewart spent the week-end there and brougbt heu two nieces home with heu. Dandehions blooming along the uoadside in December is unusual. About 15 were found while tak- ing a short walk. Some from Kendal attended the Durham Temperance Federa- Lion convention at Newtonviile. The Farm Forum met at tht home of Mu. and Mus. Evan Quan- truI, Crooked Creek. There weue 21 fuom Kendai forum attending the Federation of Agriculture supper at Newcas- tle Thiors. evening. WlI.rnet in the librany Dec. 1, .vith tht president, Mus. F. Sto- k'r, presiding. The roll caîl was OSHAWA SIBY'S CLEANERST of f er until the New Year Cleaning Prizes ta the Lucky Numbers Every Week LAST WEEK'S WINNÈRS WERE IST PRIZE - $5.00 CLEANING ORDER FREE No. 741 - - Mrs. M. Draybeck, 177 Bloor St. E., Oshawa 2ND PRIZE - $3.00 CLEANING ORDER FREE No. 690 - Mr. Frank Jamieson, 75 Wellington St., Bow. 3RD PRIZE- $1.00 CLEANING ORDER FREE No. 826---------- Mrs. Upton, R.R. 1, Whltby Try Your Luck This Week You Migbt Be the Lucky Winner JUST PHONE 419 BOWMANVILLE a 2 20-oz tins 35c 2 Ibo. 2â f