T~Tr7RSDAY, DEC. Otti, 1048 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, 0NTA~IO PAGE ENVEIS Johnston - Clark Wedding Group 0f interest was, marriage held Grace Clark. Pictured above Helen Roach, Dr. Charles Mce recently in Trinity United Church, followlng the ceremony are the Ilveen, Mr$. Clarence Bell, Mr. Bowmanville, of Mr. Albert Henryf bride and groom with their at- Donald Mason and Miss Eleanor (Bert) Johnston and Miss Ada tendants: Mr. Jack Dunn, Miss1 Johnston. Mr. A. M. Hardy is nunsing ai broken right hand, the result o! a faîl while fixing a fence. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Finnigan and son, Rickie, spent the weekcnd with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Finnigan, Frankfond. Mn. M1 Murdoff, Lindsay Mr. and Mns. C. W. M. Elllott and~ son, Paul, Toronto, spent Sunday visit- lng Bowmanville relatives. Mrs. J. O'Dell, New 'York City, Évnent the weekerxd with 1,--~- 1 ther, Mn. C. H. Papineau, Liberty St. N. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hooper and hhe61, POWER Miss Helen Hoopen, Tarante, were weekend guests with Mns. Mar- garet Silven. Mns. B. M. Warniea, Arthur St., is recavening fromn a senieus fall and is naw able ta sec visitors.- Oshawa Times-Gazette. ;Harold Catheant was elected Reeve and Delbert Olan, Deputy- Reeve o! Cavan Township, bath by acclamation. Miss Pearl Breslin, mai aning in languages at the University cf Toronto, was home for a visit with her parents, Mn. and Mns. Maurice Breslin. Mrs. S. G. Chartran, Mrs. W. R. Stnike and Mrs. Gea. W. James wcre guests cf the latter's daugh- ter, Mrs. Wand Hoffman in Ta- ronto on Wednesday afternccn. Charles Chapman ia the new Reeve o! Manvers Township fol- lowing the netirement o! Ernest Cavano aftcr a threc-year term. Lewis McGIII is the new Deputy- Reeve. Dun's Report for the weck Dec. lst, litts 71 Canadian business failures in December eompared wîth 47 for the same perioc[ last yean. This average decline has been reported in Dun's the past 10 montha. Recent guests cf Mrs. Ensley Hodgins wete her son, Dr. Lyall Hodgins, O.B.E., Vancouver, and her grandsans, Mn. Barrie Hod- gins, University cf Chicago, and Mn. John Schinbein, University e! Toronto. 11 The sale of ç.k held by Mrs. Thos. Gould in the Sons cf Eng- land Hall on Dec. 3nd, was very successful. The weather was grand, the attendarce fond, '" combined with cheenful willing helpers ail made possible a very successful afternoen. A second donation of $2500 from the pro- ceeds has been given ta the Anena Fund. Visitons at Mn. and Mns. W. R. Strike's on Saturday, Dec. 4th, were Miss Anne Baird, Toronto; Miss Margaret Sutherland, Guel- ph; Miss Sherry Carruthens, Win- nipeg; Miss Anna Staples, Orono; Mn. Elmer Eadie, Oshawa; Mn. Glenn Ross, Brighton; Mn. K. Fleming, Owen Sound; and Mr. Alan Stnike, ahl students at Vic- toria University, Toronte. It was a very enjoyable hause party. Mrs. C. F. Cannon, Mrs. Wesley Taylor and Mns. C. E. McTabish, Tonorito; Mrs. Donald Gibson, Mns. H. H. Goode and Mrs. Norman Inwin, Whitby; Mrs. George Fran. comb, Miss Beatrice Mclntosh and Miss Ethel Lockhart, Newcastle, and Mns. H. R. Deyman, Cobourg, wene among the guests at a fane- well tea at Adelaide House, Osh- awa, Friday aftennoon, given by Mrs. Hugh Hall, Simcoe Street North, for Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin who with Col. McLaughlin left this weekend ta spend the winter in Bermuda. The editan was pleased to have a eall on Saturday from Col. John A. Shaw, Toronto, who with his cousin, Reg. Lovekin, and his son, Jim Lovekin, were on thein way ta visit the haunts of their yauth in the Shaw's school sec- tion and the pioneer Lovekin farm "Kilcolman," west of Newcastle, Jack Shaw who has been head cf the Norwich Union Fine Insur- ance Ca. for many years is a native cf Shaw's and i o narticulnr intenest Is the factthat his grand- father, Alex Shaw, gave the site on which Shaw's schoal was erected. The Shaw homestead was the farn now owned by Rus- sell Bragg on the south side cf the Kingston Hi!ghwgv. .i2ck S youthful appearance, keen eyes, smart step and active interest in affairs cf the day belies the fact that he is well past the proverbial age cf three score and ten. Leighton M. Souch, son cf Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Souch, Bowman- ville, was re-elected ta the Osh-1 awa Board of Educatien in thej municipal elections in the Mater City held an Monday. The Times.. Gazette in its Saturday issue gave a thumb nail sketch of the various civic candidates seeking election. Here is what they said about Leighton's very active public careen: "Membens cf the Board of Educatian for the past six years and Chairman of the Board in 1947 and Vice-Chairman this year, L. M. (Jim) Sauch, sales manager cf the Ontario Moton Sales Com- pany, is seeking re-election this year. Mr. Souch i2 President cf the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce and a Past President of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. He is alsa a member of Oshawa Galf and Curling Ch>ts. Mn. Sauch, wha came ta Oshawa In 1920, has been with Ontario Mater Sales Com- pany since its inceptian 25 years aga."y The main catch fer our Atlan- tic ccast fishermen is ccd, and on the Pacifie coast it is salman. In 45 per cent. cf the total land area of Canada wild life, chiefly furs, is mare productive than agri- culture. No ceali h mined in Ontario or Quebec, which provinces have the mast people and the mast factories. SHORTAGE NOT OVER Our quota has been increased sufficienfly to eliminale power cuis for the preseni but oniy if every customer will continue Io save Io the limite We are graieful for the co-operation shown by al our cusiomers especially our industries and mosi especially the Foundry, some of whose employees changed shifis la Saturday and Sunday. Keep up the good work and keep down the cut-offs DO WMAN VILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WEDDING MASTERS--VmITUE North Parkdale United Church,1 Toronto, was the scene cf a quiet double ring wedding on Saturday, Nov. 20 when Evelyn Mary Vir- tue, youngest daughter cf the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Virtue, was united in marniage to Earl James Masters, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters, Bowmanville. Rev. Milton R. Sanderson, Tor- onto, cousin of the bride, officia- ted. The bride looked lovely In a tailored burgundy wine gabardine suit wlth grey accessonies and a corsage cf white baby mums. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, who wore a tailored navy gab- ardine suit with matching access- onies and a corsage cf red roses. The best man was Mr. Ray Lath- angue, Bowmanvillc. After the ceremony the lmmed- iate families gathered at the Hearthstone tea-roomn for a wed- ding dinner. Later the happy couple left for a motar trip to London and B#ffalo. On their return Mn. and rs. Masters will live in Enniskillen. Prior to the bride's marriage her cousin Mrs. G. Flems and daughter Noreen were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower in Tor- onto. The Goodyear office staff girls aiso honored the bride with a miscellaneous shower. The community o! Enniskillen gathered In the hall on the bride and groom's return to showerî them with many Ïbeautiful and useful gifts. New Edition British North America Acts And Amnendiments There is a new edition of the "British North America Acts and Amendments" pub1i"hed by the King's Pinter in 1943. A new Part I has been adclea whicii con- tains an historical Review from 1759 to 1867. In this Review will be found Extracts from the Capit- ulation, the Treaty cf Paris, the Royal Proclamation cf 1763, the Quebec Act, the Constitutional Act, 1791 and the Union Act, 1840. In this year of the centenary cf the establishment cf Responsible Government in Canada a number of pages are given te a study cfi the latter subi ect as well as te reviewing the years preceding Confederation with a summary cf the main provisions cf the Brit- ish North America Act, 1867. At the end of Part I, will be found also the Quebec and London reso- lutions which preceded the cnact-j mente! the British North America Act, 1867. Part Il contains the Britishj North America Act 1867 as amended. The Statute Law Re- vision Acta cf 1893 and 1927 are included among the Acts cf the United Kingdom as well as the British North America Acts of 1871, 1886, 1907, 1916, 1927, 1930,1 1940, 1943 and 1946. The Statute Pepsi Promotion David M. Chenoweta Whose appaintment as Vice- President and Managing Directorl of the Pepsi-Cola Company of Canada, Limited, has been an- nounced by Walter S. Mack, Jr., Presîdent. of the company. YOUR EYES and Visionl - Rewrltten from previaus copyrights cf Optometrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.). Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 32 To the employer any inefficiecy af hîs staff will mean peorer and slewen production during the time spent. Inaceuraey and poorer produets, danger tc toals and machinery and danger ta life. For your child, rctarded pro-,, gress in sehool, retarding his class and himself, and as a constant repeater, a source o! worry to his' teacher and his parents, a cause o! later giving up his achool Mie at any early age and seeking cm- ployment - poorly equipped, ai nanrow field o! operation thraugh defectîve vision. Two Important factors contni- butory te effiiency and suecess are now seen merging into anc.j The nanrow field of vision and the narrow field a! eperation, and in many cases the anc is hingedJ upan the other. When the two are praperly ccnsidered, better oper- atian results are obtained. (Copynighted)9 of Westminster, 1931, is reprinted with numerous and lengthy notes. Part III contains Imperial On- ders in Councîl, Part IV, Acts cf the Parliament o! Canada which affect the relations o! Canada and Its Provinces and Part V, Canad- ian legislation relating to federal constitutional matters. Part VI contains the Letters Patent constituting the office o! Governor Genenal of Canada with Appendices and abundant notes. All this matenial has been brought togethen, sclected and annonated by Dr. Maurice Olliv- 1er, &.C., F.R.C.S., Joint Law Clcrk of the House cf Commons, fr the cnveniencc cf panliament- anians civil servants, and more specîaiy for- the benefit of stud- ents cf the Canadian constitution. Price $1.50; $2.00 bound. Maybe women's styles can inake for world harmony. The fashionable women of Russia are ln agreemnent with our women that the 1'new look" is okay. An ancient British custom that requiréd a cabinet minister in attendance at a royal birth, was abolished recently by the King. The 250 million dollars advanc- ed by trusting Germans for Hit- ler's promiscd Pcople's Automo- bile, was wiped out ln lait year's currcncy refonm. Quebec's Shipshaw hydro elc- trie plant, largest in the country,i generates twice as much power as Ontaria's Niagara Falls plant. The motor-bus and trolley-bus are replacing electric street cars ln Canada. In 1926 43 citiez used electrie cars, ln 1946 they were ini use in 22 cit.ies. Dutn kin BraceriAtacie Powder ~& Talecumtrctvl 1.75ode1$1.27 tj 1;:4JIpackaged in Good Morning Kit 14 1* 1 1,11ilfi Lotonetc. 'L0ap. box o! 3 cakes - $1.25 __ _______________ $25.5 wih cse, GIVE LAURA SECORD CANDIES THIS CHRISTMAS zAlex. MeGregor, Drugs j; LWe Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 ~ ý ýý 4 ý , . ' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 663 CAÇ.oý PB EL tj FLOUR FOR LIGHTER - MOUE TENDER PIES, CAKES AND PASTRIES STORES 1 m TRURSDAY, DEC. fth, 1048 THE CANADIAN STATESMAR. BOVnJANVMtE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVM