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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EXIGHIT UONA1I 1 STATESAiN, BOWMANV1LLE. ONTARIO Chambers of Commerce Io Promote C,1,r Springs; C. A.Pollock, Gen- Lions Club Support' S homne Co., Kitchener; Robert . odfrBrti Greaier Interest in National Affigirs Prettie, President, Northern Wood,' Letters ofThanks "ith the largest membership 'al Committee for the coming year 1Row, Vice-President & teneral Sorne time ago we published in 'strY a total of 173 Boards are:- Chairman, H. M. Turnr Manager, Chrysier Corp., Windsor, heecouns a few of the letters orOtriteysdnt aaia eefrorn perçons in England and and Chamb tes iOntar o , t e re ide t, Ca adi n enral Elec- Scotland, ho w rote thanking the Cornmittee andj the Ontario Direc- ric; D. W. Ambridge, President LisClubthor hed rceveof.fThe tors resident in various parts of and General Manager, Abitibi L wisClub continuecto suppT the Province, have a personal re-- Power & Paper; H. G. Colebrook,:,ILosCu otnet upr sponsibility to encourage greater General Merchandise Manager, this worthwhile project and from -interest by the Boards and Charn- The Robt. Simpson Co.; N. R. thes reCinted a oe et bers in national affairs during the, Crawford, President, Dow Chem-i esrcv aepbsh. A coming year,"1 stated H. M. Turner, ical; J. G. Crean, P~resident, Robt. .ti esno h er esol be particularly happy that we are Chairman of the Ontario Regional Crean & Co.; P. K. Heywood,!lnapsto o hr ihohr Committee of The Canadian President, Engeline Shops; R. H. il ostont, some ofthe goods Chme f Commerce, following MDade, As itant General Man- thnsfo ouhqr fpety the first meeting of the newîy ager, Cana an Bank of Corn- tFrom Yforksuhire corne tilete. apponte Conmiteehel inTo-merce; John S. Proctor, Assist- ronto on Friday. Bowrnanville ont General Manager, Imperial 8 Brewery Road, Chamber of Commerce is repre- Bank, ail of Toronto: R. L. Beat- Ilkley, Yorks. sented on the Ontario Board by tie, Vice-Presidenit, International Da Geo. W. James who attended the Nickel, Copper Cliff; Chas. Finch, I arnirs tn:t ou o meeting. President, Finch Brothers, Ham- behaîf of mny mother, to express Mr. Turner also said that the itn .H ~d aaigD-I. u otgaeu hnst o policy pronouncements of the rector, London Life; J. Allyn forth most atiful arce of Board and Chamber movement TalrWrs Sprnedn, food which 3-ou have sent to math- Canada Trust, of.-London; Geo. W r o o' nwtepesr ag r fted t the re ent Ann a aes, Edio r, Thie ;CanadianY u have given er. The contents M e ti g n a C abe in eo ]d a; a e m n, B w a v ll ; B u eare perfect, and very m uch appre- Otrewaened the Cabinettate. R. Kitchen, President, Leather ciated, when food is so very short, Ottaw in he ner fuure. Label Co., Brantford; V. G. Me-asi15utathereetine Mebes f heOtaioReio-Guigan, McGuigan's Orchards, - Again, rnay I express our- grate- FILTER Q'UVEEN Don't buy a Vacuum until you have seen The World's Finest. FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION W7RITE OR PHONF Your Authorlzed Representative WAR SURPLUS STOIRE The Place to Buy and Save - 24 Division St. Bowmanville Army Pullover Sweaters----$3.25 Army Khaki Trousers -------------$4.50 Air Force Trousers ---------------$4.50 Army Wool Blankets ------------7-$4.00 Red Indian Blankets (H.B.)----$6.95 White Sun Ray Blankets (H.B.) --- $6.95 Real Value and Savings in Sport Shirts, reg. $6.50 ----------for $3.50 See our War Assets Truck Tarpaulins Khaki Battledress, Trousers and Tunies; New and Used Parkas, wool pilie ined; Heavy Wool Plaid Shirts; Mackinaw Coats; Combination Underwear; Reconditioned Army Boots; Rubber Boots; Overshoes at Money Saving Prices. All Merchandise rurchased at your Dominion Store ta uncontionally ISURranteed tu gi-r, 100% gatlfao- tion. values Effective ThuPeday, Frlday. Saturday Dec. Oi, loth , llth ROSE-S WEET MIXED PICKLES ' 291 AYLIrJER-SIVEET RELISH PICKLE 'eJr 21 c CLARKS-OLD LONDON TOWN MINCEMEAT nn27c CORN KERNELS 1 M .lac BRIGHTS-PITTED RED CHERRIES T, 31c COICE BARTLETT AYLMER PEARS 201 --29c CROSSE AND BLACKWELIE-PLUM PUDDING Tn53c SELF RAISINc, M4 Lb BRODIE41 FLOUR ,.291 RICH3ELLO-COLOURED OLD CHEESE IL. 49c AYLME-PURE BITTER MARMALADE s.31c DOMINO-BLACK TEA JP.85c k43 OGILVIE T-BISCUIT MIX u ts 41C RICIMELIO-FRESHLY GROUND 6C Lb. COFFIE sioi: 2 m~. 51c AUSTRALIAN -VACUJUM CLEANED CURRANT S LbCelo15 AUSTRALIAN-SEEDLESS SULTANA RAISINS ction. 31c SAXONIA-MIXED CUT PEEL *ru. SA-XONIA-.M!\ED CUT FRUITS r 21c JELLO JeIIy P@wders Zpkgs. l7c Y.GOS WANTZD we puyai~hz .market pilerfee ais. bppiUE taus Avaimble ut out more.. Pmaager fer par- tirclav. lie«. grding lstion 0-29. club every success for the future. and Harold L. Garner, General j Yours Very Gratefully, Manager, Peterboro Examiner, Mrs. Burbend. Peterboro. * ChAlso active in the Board and 4 Limants Rd., Camber mavement are the fol- Ainsdale, lowing Ontario members of the Southot nln Chan-her's Foreign Tradie Corn- Dear Sirs: thrtEnad mittee: C. S. Bond. Chairman ofj Have Just received a most the Board, Gutta Percha; H. D. wonderful rarcel from you Burnis, President, Bank of Nova and your Club Friends. Sorne of Scotia: le x Gray, Presîdent, the things contoined in this par- Gray Forgings & Stampings: H. cel, we have not seen for yvears. V. Lush, President, Metal Stamip- Needless ta say, my husband and ings, and T. Oakley, Oakley, Jack- connot thank you enough for son & Farewell, al of Toronto; your generosity. Louis O. Breithoupt, M.P., Presi-~ We are bath old age pensioners dent, Breithoupt Leather, Kitch- and cannot afford many luxuries ener; R. W. Keelcy, President & tChese doys. and I can assure you GeCnera 1 Manager, Bendix-Eclipse al you have given us a treat we Windsor; C. W. Meakins, Presi-, shali never forget. dent, Meokins & Sons, Hamilton, I think Gad has just put this an and E. E. FI. Wright, President, ous hearts tdreward me for look- Welland Vole Mfg., St. Catharinies ýing after o sick sistes for thre Secretary of the Cornmittee is months and wos feeling vesv mun C. Syd. Matthews, Toronto, On~ down myself. I amn sure some of tasio Manager of The Canadian teago hnswl u e Chamiber. hin. ME. _________________________ Thanking you ail once more on behaîf of my bushand and self. Yours Truly DIA Vl TU~D IMarie Bellamny Here Now Ottawa's Expert FRANK HALPENNY -SPECIAL OFFER- pnn7,.fl;, aaeit Visit our FRUIT DEPARIMENT CALIFORNIA SEEEDLESS NAVELS SUNIKIST ORANGES New Crop! Just Arrived! Size 3444's Size 252's 2 doz.- 45c -doz. -45c Florida Marsh Seedless Size 96's 6 - for 25c Large Heads 2 fior 25c No. 1 Green Mountain 10-lb. 75-1b. bag IPSE.I. Potaloes - 31c - $1.75 Brazils and Mixed In Shelà Christmas Nuis - - Mb. 49c Local Grown No. 1 Rame Beautyi Vooking Apples - 3 lbs. 25c 1 Bridge Grove, Dear Sirs- Southport, England 1 thank you very much for the lavely parcel, which I have se- ceived frorn your Club. I live with rny doughter who is a widow and bas ta go ta work, and I con oniy go out very rarehy l. my bath choir. I feel 1 would like yau ta know what o lot. of pleosure yaur gift and kind tLhougbts have given me. Thanking you acain, I arn Yours Faithfîully, E. Williams. 37 Channel St. Galasbiels, Dear Sir, On behaif of my mother-in-law Mss. James Meirose. 103 Halli- burton Place, Galashiels, 1 wisQh to express ber thanks for the ex- cellent Food Parcel she received through \vouInorgonization. The reciafient is 84 years of age Pnd lives alone so you con imfagine the pleasure the gift bralitght her. For a lone persan it is a con- tinuai struggle to eke out the rat- ions, and yaur parcel will add variety ta ber diet for a long time ta Came. 1Ithtank you ogain for the kind- ]y and gcneraus gesture. Yours Foithfuliv, James I. Sanderson 3, Cadiz Street, Leith, Edinburgh, 6. Scotland. Dear Sir, My sinicere thanks are extended ta yaur Club for the really mogni- ficent parcel received by me from yau. Everything is in good order and much appreciated. Yaurs Sincerely, (Mss.), B. Hoim. 45 Haig Ave., Southport, Lancashire. Dear Sir, I arn writing ta tbank you for the wonderful porcel we received on Fridoy. My youngest daughter was in when it arrîved. I just can't find words ta tell you how we felt when we were 1 apening it. To say we were ex- cîted is ta put it mildly. When my husband corne (he bas been blind fromn birth) we toid hirn Red Emperor . 2 lbs. 25c B.C. Fancy Quality Size 1003 Delicious Apples - 5 for 29c . m ý/Jjb* 25c '/21b. 15c SORE THROAT DOWM à aIl about it. He was delighted. As also were rny other daughter and son when they campe in. Will you please thank the Club mem- bers very much indeed. Yours Sincerely, Elsie M. Chadwick. 9 Beech Street, Barns by Yorkshire England. Dear Sir: I wisb ta send my sincere thanks to you and members of the Lions Club for the welcome gift we have received. I xvould like you to knoiv that the contents of the parcel were in gcod order. You rnay be sure wre shahl appreciate each article in turn as we use it. It is a beautiful gesture on the part of your Club members ta think of us, here in England, in this woy. You will sealize this when I tell you that it carne just when we needed it, so that I have a reason ta be grateful. I arna wid- 0W with three children, they also wish me ta rend their thanks for the gift. In closing, I will say thank you again and may God Bless you all and your efforts ta spread happi- ness araund. lusTly (Mrs.) C. Hirs,, Nestleton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Ha.rry McLaughlin, with 27 ladies and sorne children pre- sent. Meeting was in charge of Mss. O. Brown's group. President Mrs. H. Vine was in the chair and opened the meeting. Letters of thanks were read from W.. Sec- retar.v in England for 5 parcels sent lately. Mrs. H. Vine and Mrs. M. Emnerson gave a two minute talk. Roll eall wos answered wîth a useful Xmas gift and exchangeI of same. Mrs. G. Psoutt and Mrs. Bateman were in charge. Several Christmas Carols were sung. Mrs. Brown and group scrved a dainty lunch. Ail were given o bearty vote of thanks. Next meeting at Mrs. George Bower's, Jan. 5. Mrs. Wilmer Fitze visited Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Meivilie Tracey and Jim- MnY, Barrie, visiting lier parents( Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Haskin. Ms. and Mss. Norman Malcolm,. Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Johins and Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunt- er, Port Perry. Ms. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolmo visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cooke, Oshawa. Mrs. Jas. Wiliamson visited her niece Mrs. Ivan Wright, Jan-j etvîlle. Ms. and Mrs. Harold Devitt, Bobcavygeon, visited Mr. and Mrs.1 Wm. Lamb.1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mounýioy.( Heward, Sask., are visiti n gj friends.1 Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto,' visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson.1 Miss Helen Bowers and Mr. Wilfosd Vine visited Mr. and Mrs.1 Reg Middleton, Islington. Mr. andi Mrs. Findlayson and Trudy visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. Mr. and Mss. Fergus O'Neil and Et Marline, Lindsay. visited Ms. and Mrs. Fre-J Craivfora. ~rcher the Treasurer's report was presented by Rev. J. McKib- Practically everyone go e s bin. On behaif of his, Board he through life using but a small por- paid warm tribute to the canvas- tion of his abilities and resourc2s sers and ail friends and support- It takes a solid joit, a stroke of ers for the substantial resuits of lightening to wake us up..-Jameig the year's work. The following Robertson were unanîmously returned to office for 1949: President, Mr. C. Outward attacks and trouble, Sutherland; Vice-Presidents, Rev.1rather fix than unsettie a Christ. R. B. Harrison and Rev. John Mc- ian, as tempests from without only Kibbin; Secretary, Mr. Earl Dor- serve to root the oak more firmnly. rell; Treasurer, Mrs. V. M. Archer. lin the ground.-Hannah More. IDABLINGTGN' ABATTOIR 1 BLACKSTOCK Mrs. A. L. Bailey was hestess for the Blackstock Women's Ins- titute on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Dorrell, President, read. the Christmas Story and gave a splen- did talk on this subject. Roll cal was "My Favourite Christmas Carol." Christmnas Carols were sung. Mss. Dalton Darrell gave a very interesting report on the Area Convention held in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Trewin gave a Christ- mas reading It was decided to make a canvass of the Township for help for 13ritain. A card party will be held in the hall on Thurs-' day. Lunch was served by the hostess and group in charge. At the service in St. John's' Church Sunday afternoon the Churchwardens, Messrs. Creighton Devitt and John Rahm, joined with the Rector in a brief cerernony dedicating the new Lectern Bible, a gift to the congregation from Mr. A. H. Cuttie, Diocesan Field Commissioner. Irnmediately after the dedication Rev. H. Egerton Young of the Upper Canada Bible Society read the Scripture lesson. A lovely shower was held in the > comrunity hall on Friday even- ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall (nee Iréne Rahm) of Tyrone. Hydro Tree Trimmers were busy in the village this week and did a fine job of slicking up the trees. M. and Ms. Percy Collins have moved into the Saywell apartments. Bible Sunday in Cartwright Dec. 5 was observed as Bible' Sunday in the Township of Cart- wright. Rev. Egerton Young, dis- trict secretary of Upper Canada Bible Society, preached in three of the churches, outlining the work of the great organiztion which now distributes the Script- ires in 1,090 languages, and dern- mnstrating that the Bible is still the mediurn of those unchanging truths and experiences on which the rehabilitation of all our life ultimnately depends. After the evening service in lackstock United Church, M. C.R. Sutherland prsided at the annual meeting of Cartwright Branch. Pre.senting the secretar's re- o®rt, Mr. Earl Dorrell paid'special ribute to the-willingness and bard ,ork of seventeen tearns of cal- lctors who this year gather ai- most $120.00. He then read their rnes as follows: Mrs. Ross Duff, Miss E. Larmer, Mrs. B. Hooey, Irs. R. Larrner, Mr. Fred Cowl- ig; Messrs. Merrill VanCamp and Jack Green; Mrs. A. L. Baley, Wrs. G ilbert M a low ; Mises rorra Malcolrn and Grace Gra- ar, Misses Jessie McArthur and :ertrude Finlayson: Misses Mar- yn Forder and Marorie Me- _ean; Mrs. Frank Bailley, Mrs. W. JanCarnp; Mrs. H. MeLaughlin, [ijss' R. Môuntjoy; Misses Jean o0wers and Elaine Thornpson; Mr. farry Hall; Ms. Wm. Stecle; Mrs. V. Fitze, Mrs. D. Johns; Misses ladys Emerson and Mary Hoyer; Jisses Phyllis Williars and Marie anni; Mrs. B. Heaslip, Mrs. A. 'uggitt. In the absence of Mrs. .M , CtomndKSmokin And Smok ng eti - Wholesale and Retau PGondyear set 1in angular bar arrangement like ]Batteries tractor cleats, dig in . . . take hold foTrck. . give light trucks tractor-traction. and Car. GOOD/VtEAR TRUCK TIRES Bowmanville Motor Sales DODGE AND DE SOTO SALES AND SERVICE 166 KING ST.. E. PHONE 585 * ~ 'G O E i*m"~ AR DME HANDS AT WORKefor ONTARIO ONTARIO -q'S products are desired and rurchosed by people ail over the world and the capacity ta produce such gonds rargely determines the econornie welfare of everv man, woman and child within ber borders. Because the sale nt every article produeed in Ontario brings valuiahie dollars inta this Province, we ail are more assured of 'Ob security . . . and we and aur children can have mare of the better îhings ln h fe. Bt ta produce such gonds in stîficient quantities, skillcd labour is vital. 'fhat is wthy every single anc of us should be glad that w-ar veterona are constantly beinu trained ta provide the skilled bandesa needed by indîîstry. l'hey receive ON M'IE JB training under expert instructars in our Ontario factaries. Thisl trainin gpovided thraugh tbe co-operation of the Depateto eeas Affaire, the e Seral Department af Labour and the Ontario Department of Educa. tion, starts the veteran an the raad ta skilied craftsmanship. In assembling business machines, for example, veterans must have a thoraugh knowledge of elecîricitv and muet learn ta perform intricate wark on precisian machines having thoutsands of separate ports. These Canadian-made business machines are sold i ail parts of the warld, creating new iîealth for Canada and Ontario. Therefore everv effort of tîjese newly ekilled veterans helps ta make Ontario a fluer place in which ta ive and contributes ta the welfare and happineas of ail ber citizeus. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) LEARNING MACHINE ASSEMBLY MHACHINE ASSEMULY S John N. West, 25, of Toronto, a Royal Canadian Navy veteran, is show-n here : : making an'adjustment to one of the 10,000 parts in a business machine : designed for a New Zealand firm. Varions types of business machines are produced in Onu ria fac. taries. Becauge of their in. tricate mechanisms it le es. TII ential that these machines be cecked hy expert craftsmen at every stage of their production. 10 OARIO i t S C S a a t CCC 5*5 sassa Sa ..a... s. WILLIAM S. COLUILLE - ALSO USED VACUUMS AVAILABLE Phone Bowmanville 2393 160 King St. West - Grapefruit Califarnia Firm Crlsp Head Lefluce California Fresb Julcy Grapes - - - California Fancy Eating Dates Turkish Fancy Eating Figs FQR1 - RPjic1lng t 0 P E N -IR irAmAnt,&Pj izrArvC2RRAM t 1 NESTLETON

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