I'UffSDAY, DFC. lOtli, 1948 The Statesman for 1949. 1 like to keep in touch with Bowmanville and the paper is like a letter every SOCU AR ERSORAL eek. I hope ail my friends there il have a very nice time at Phone663 Cristmas and that ail wilU have a happy and prosverous new year. Mr.andMrs NesonCobledck erfar bul ad pre redHer-.Mrs. Reta Dudley attended the Mr.astan relsotng hbe Hford eiferntopMr. Ardhure- presentation of the Opera "The News leaSre.vstn e sister,1 odhiet M.AhuEÉ_: Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart on Ir.El tie & Sons, Durham. He also sold aThrdypenedbTeRoa Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Cramp,1 young pure bred Hereford bull to, Conseratopry of Music T eRa Campbeliville, spent the weekend Mr. Robt. Patterson, Warsaw. Cool inaton Af uiOrium rao WithMr.andMrs NamanPinle. Murray MacDonald, 216 Alfred ronto. Sir Edward Johnson, man- As we go te Press the temper- St., Kingston, writes: It gives me ager of Metropolitan Opera Co., ature is down ta 28 and for the great pleasure ta renew The New York, was an enthusiastic first tinae this fall, farmers find Statesman subscription for my guest. plowing no longer practical. mother, Mrs. A. D. MacDonald. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held in Mr. Kç.ith McGill, son fMr n She enjoys'receiving the "home the Lecture Room on Dec. i. Mrs. Roy McGili, Enniskillen, has1 town" news and it has praved an Coileen Hutchinson and Marilyn jained the civil service as a per-j ideai Christmas gift. Leask were in charge of the manent member of Bowmanville St. Paul's W.A. met Dec l14th "Worship Service," the theme Post Office staff. with a good attendance. Miss E. Leask red th iptu r an Mrs. E. P. Bradt, 54 Lyon Ave., Orchard was in charge of the Lakra h citr n Guelph, in renewing their sub- pragram which consisted of read- stary called, "'Barefoot Carfax." scription *writes: We wouid stili ings and singing Christmas carols The "Litany of Supplication" was be lost without the weekly visit Mrs. Dav1es, ist Vice-President* 1 read by Eleanor Dunn. This part of The Statesman. presided for the business. The of the service wvas closed with a Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence Group Leaders served refresh- prayer by Joyce Purdy. and Mr. and Mrs. H. J.* Babcock ments.- Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Napanee, calld o Mr. Ge. P Rikard Ou cagratîaUns a M was seriously injured Sunday af- Ncatle on sunday . i being. Hele ngatulaWisons of Mrysternoon, Dec. 5, when she was thewocasiono Ms. Riard's4t 4tin Hleadig te il het.rysstruck down by a car, sustaining bthd cayianniveMrsar. Rcads9t nlaig h oli ward a broken ieg and two cuts on the birtday nniersay.et the civic elections on Monday head which required nearly 20 Out of town Christmas shoppers and elso being the first lady ta be stitches. A letter ta the editor are advised ta get in tow n now elected a member of* the town from Mrs. Olive Allun, dated Dec. roeds are excellent and select their council in her native town. Mrs. 14, states Mrs. Trenouth is mak- gifts. See the Christmas ads. In Wilson is a daughter of Mr. W. n faobl prgestwd this issue and get in early for the J. (Billy) Milîs, a native of Enni- rng fvrabdi le pogres toward many bergains on display. Don't skillen. rcvr n selwdt e be diappoited.couple of visitors a dlay for a few be dsapoined.Senators John Metcalf, Carl minutes. Miss Julia A Syer, 215 Wod Kent, Gea. Peerce, Win. Newton Mrs. Alpha Pinch, Oshawa, for St. Lexington, Mass., writes: My and Bob Stevens are among the many years a resident of Bow- femily, which inclucies 1\'rs. John 80-year-old group ta be honoured manville, celebrated her 93rd I'~'~uhIn cynreFs aur deep at the Christmas Party' in Wood birthday on Dec. l3th. The Osh- apprecietioni for your splendidly Senate Thursday afternoon, Dec. awa Times-Gazette in comment- e-Leu .&p - w \,e coK lor- 23. This notice is a special invi- ing on this event says her hobby ward ta its coming with ger.uinc tation for them ta lie present. If is stamping quilt blocks and mak- pleasure. any namnes axýe omitted the invi- ing pretty aprons, and she is in- A real estate deal of some Pro- tation is for them, toa. terested in ail the local news and Portions was transacted recently Master Noel Dudley spent a derives much pleasure from ber when Mr. W. J. Bagnell purchased pleasant weekend with his bro- radia. Full of fun Mrs. Pinch is from the late Miss Annette Cales' ther, Ray Dudley, at the home nimble physically as well as men- estete the stores occupied by Mr. of Mrs. Garrett, Toronto, and en- tally and can stili bend down and Bagnell, confectioner; Lloyd Ellis, joyed seeing the- hockey game, li touch her taes. shoe repair shop, and James Marr, I Mapie Leafs vs. Boston Bruins.1 Mr. Wm. Jeffery, tailor, bas re- jeweilery store.1 He also attended the morning !' turned ta his native town for the Mr. George Stapleton, Newton- vice at the Metropolitan United winter months after spending the ville, delivered a young pure bred Church where Ray is a choir summer and autumn at his cot- member. tage on the shores of Lake Scugog. Are you lonely this Christmas 1Aithough in bis 87th year Wiilie C hurches - time? Perhaps bereavement or! is as spry as a cricket as he makes _______separation have left you ail on b is daily trips up town ta meet your own. The Salvation Army aiod friends. He stili holds the THE SALVATION ARMY wants ta help you enjay the hap- ali-time record of nearly 50 years First Lieut.: M. Fermer piest day of the year. Celi up perfect attendance at the weekly Pro.-Lieut.: G. McKýenzie this week the officers (Phone1 meetings of Florence Nighitingale 2233) and tbey will Ize gied ta Lodge, I.O.O.F. Well does the Sunday, December 19th entertain you for. the day. Don't editor remember bis first exper- Il a.m.-"God With Us" be shy! We really mean it! ience in becaming an Oddfellow 7 pm.-TheWonerfl Nme" Mrs. Berthe W. Bailey, 21KC over 40 years aga when Wiliie Monday, December 2th - 8 p.m. Bartlett Ave., Victoria, i.C.. scared bell out of the nervous Christmas Concert writes: Arn enclosing renewel for candidate as he delivered the Warden's charge with ail the Sdramatic fervour of a Joseph Jef- ferson wba for years played the T T elcherecter of "Rip Van Winkie." S t. ->au's u iteaRumor bas it that a progressive St. aul' U nied C urch ladies' ready-to-wear chain store will locate in the Murphy Appli- ance Sbap early in the New Year. C IR]RISTM S SEB IfICEFollowing the style of their other stores we are mnformed this one1 ------------Fifth Avenue Shoppe. Greatc credit is due Art Walker, Oshawa,i il am. a d 7 .m.wha purchased the Horsey Block Sstaries into nine living apart-.i ments and converted the fouri Evénng Srvic of ongstores on the ground floor inta Evenng ervce f Sflgattractive and modemn premises.> AIl of which means business i Special Christmas Music at Bath agi being g ulydanback calling the palmy days et the turn1 Services. of the century of the West Endc House and the Bennett House.a Coucb, Johnston & Crydemmant Sand The Statesman are the only1 businesses in this section of King St. which stili carry on and have ST.JOH 'S NGLCAN CHU CHweathemed the ups end downs o ST. OHN AN LICA CH RCHover 6G years. Rev. J. dePencier Wright, W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M., R.M.T., Organist EVENING 7 p.m.-Service lix the Farish Hall 11 %rn.-ornig PryerAnnul il .m. Morlng Fra erN ativity Play Subject: under the direction of "The Importance of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Sehon Believing the Best" -Carol and Hymix Singng- Bush League Heads Into Final Week With ane week left ta go tbe race for play-off, positions in the Bush League is tightem than the proverbial fat lady's girdie. The teams were really bearing down on Friday night and it was Walt Polley's teem that made the big- gest gain when they handed Gel- lagber a 7-0 whiteweshing. Jack Eiston and Lloyd Ellis were ';he best for Polley's team with Bob Gallagher turning in nice games for a losing cause. Doug Taylor's teem steyed rigbt in the race when tbey defeeted Courtice 5-2. Doug Taylor, Jim Levitt and Deve Preston led the way for the winnems. Vetzel and Balson were the pick of the lasers. B.T.S. team tripped Up the Foundry lads 5-2 and this made the standings tîghter. Walt Webb and Jim Thompson led the B.T.S. teapi. Bill Polley and Collie Wooiner best for Foundry. The big surprise of the nigbt came wben Deeley's team defeateci the League Leading Enniskilien 5-2. Cy Trewin led the way for Deeley's boys when he rolled 745 'ta take High Triple for the night. Elliott and Bird aiso turned in good gemes for the winners. Bray was the pick for the lasers. High single of the night went ta Deve Preston with 321 with1 Walt Webb runner-up witb 305.s .In the Lemon League Ace Rich-c ards and Jack Smith weme tied1 with 98 apiece. lionourable men-c tion must go ta one of aur betterr bowicrs, Bob Mitchell, who bowl-t cd 118, 107 and 104 for e 3294 triple.1 Team Standingsi Enniskilien --------------------- 60 1 Foundry ----- 53 E Taylor ----- 52 Paliey ------52 t Gailegber 511i/2 B.T.S._____43% Courtice ____.29 Deeley -----23 Player Averages Bill Poley -----217 Bob __________ 2111 Collie Wooiner 206 Doug Taylor 205 W'lt Polley ------ 21 Ted McLaughlin Jack Elston --------- NormCowie ..------ Matt Harrison Gord Balson ------------ 'Jim Levett ----- Johnny Graham------- Don Cameron 201 201 199 198 195 194 194j 193 ' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. OW~ARTO 1Trinity Choir Joins 7With Oshawa Choir t In Christmas Carols Once again the ChrIstimas st son witb its weeltb of imusi( tradition was ushered in Sund ievening when four chairs of t 1district led in a program of cari tin Simcoe Street Unitedi Churg Oshawa, under the auspices of t Canadian College of Organists. A cepecity congretation w present ta heer the selection of mes choral music by the chairs Northminster Un.ited Churc Christ Memnoriel Chumch, Trini United Chumch, Bowmanville, ai the Oshawa public schoois' chc and te join in the singing of su well-known Christmas hymns "O came ail ye faithful". "Angt from the realms of glory", littie town of Betbbeýhern", came upon the midnight cleai "Hark the hereld-engels sing" ei "Sulent night! Holy night!" Following the orgen preluc Carelli's pastorate (Nativity Co certa), pleyed by Mm. John Rc ertson, and prayer offemed1 Rev. H. D. Cleverdon, the Osha' Public Scbcols' Choir, under t direction of Mm. Wallace You and accompanied .by Mm. E. Kg vin James, opened witb "Gi Me Wings", Baynon; I'Christrr Hymn", Praetorius, sung witho accompaniment; "Unto Us a B Is Born", l5th Century; and Wish You a Merry Christma! Old Engiisb. Uuder the direction of Mr. Kelvin James and Mr. W. Geor Repiey, the comýbined chairs Northminster United Church ai Christ Memorial Church openi their part of the pmogram, wl Bach's "Break Forth, O Beautea Heavenly Light' and "The Dav of Christmas", Mueller. "TI Shepberd's Noel", Ingbam, sui by the men's section of the clic was followed by Wilean's "Wh Is This Lovely Fragrance", by tl women 's section. They conciud( with "Christmas Day" by Hol! Trinity United Cburch, Bo% manville, led by Mm. R. G. Heml sang Black's arrangement of tI Swedish camai, "Lct CamaIs Ring "In Wintem Cold", Leslie Be was sung by the women's sectii of the choir. The men's sectig sang "Glory ta God", Stebiu and the final offering was Ma ryatt's "Mid-Winter Camai". During the offertory Mm. Rol ertson playeci e Fantasy on" du Frohliche", by Rebling, an as an orgen postlude be cho: Scbubemt's Gloria in Excelsis. The ushers for the evening wei the 8th Osbawa Sea Rover Crew United Laymen Plan Five Point Program On Lay Activities The United Church of Canai bas announced pmeliminamy piet ta reise minimum salaries for o: daineci ministers ta $2400 yearl within the next three yeams. Objective for 1949 will be $2100 minimum, for 1950 the rai will be $2200 and by 1951 it hoped that evemy omdained miniý ter wiIl be in receipt of $25( yeamly-as well as a free manse. A confemence of ieading Unite Church laymen is scheduled1 teke place in Toronto, beginnir Decembcr l3tb. Leading Unite chumcbmen fromt coast ta coaý are expeicted ta meet on that del ta formn a "National Committee This, in turn, will be asked1 help devise a long range progmat of information for ail churc members on the urgency of rai, ing salaries ta a point morei .keeping with today's high castE living. When the latest incon- statistics were published late thi autumn, newspaper reports di not eiien mention minister Physiciens, lewyems, teachers, en gineers, artists, dentists-all th? Professions are there --,2pt ths of ministers of the gosi'g. Yet the ministers of the Unite, Church, who are expected to, ir spire their congregations and t be leaders in their communitie. nust meintain ordinary livin, standards comparable ta those o teachers, ]ewyers, and doctor. rheir families must lie fed, clat? ed and educeted in keeping wit] S t a t f e a c( 2. s. c '9 c e, CI tu rivation, so do church and con- mregation. The need for reliel ýseif-evident, and toae very greel .xtent the future of the United ýhurch depends on the success of le cempaign. The St aiesman SoId At Following Sf ores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonvifle T. M. Siemon, Enniskilien F. L. Byaim, Tyrone G. A. Barman, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T Saywell, Blackstock C~. B. Tyrrel. Orono W. J. Bagneli, Jury & Lovell J. W Jewell, WV J. Berry and The Statesman Office. A. Campbell Shares estate to the board of governors Canadien National Railways I The Maoris of New ZealaneL Sof Trinity College School, port trains, lest yeer, carried 21,226,8891 have full citizenship and send 's In Drothers Will Hope, ta be used by that board passengers - nearly twice the their representatives to parla- for the furtherance of educat.ional ouainfCndmet Probate of the wili of Peter G. abjets of the school. Campbell, late president of the ;a- Toronto Besebaîl Club wbo died The late Mr. Cempbell's inter- ical an Nov. 7 bas been applied for by est in the Toronto Maple Leafs [ey the Canada Permanent Trust Ca. Besebaîl Club is specielly treeted the The value of the estate for pro- under the terms of the will, and aOIS ch, bate purposes amounts to $169. he provides that the first oppor- he 291, which is made up of rel es- tunity to purchse the shares be tate, $9,000, cash $20,000, and the given ta those who had worked Arbalance in stocks, including acosvwihimntemag- Xas substential holding of Maple Leef ment of the basebali club. of Gerdens and Toronto Maple Leaf Succession duties have been eBasebali Club. estimeted et $61,000. ity The terms of the wiil pravide ind for a legacy of $5,000 and a life ir, interest i n ti3e residue ta a bro- There are about 140,000 retail ch ther, Alan Campbell, formerly of stores in Canada, and they do aI- as Bowmanville, end the members most six billion dollars worth of,____ rels of his femiy, and a final gif t the business in a yeer. ind Competitive Prices Plus Personal Servie cie, m_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ by wa them ng :el- veli I 1_ nasM out oy. e edent E. il, lliance"Headquarters" for Christmas Gifts e ge A of ;j% ned Complete the festive season ith rwlth an ample supply of Sparkling Gifts by C N D R ing -_____ GINGER ALE :he Pit. -25for V W_ CCLmeVBoqut ."plusY 6e-3 Palmohlve needs. le, Gift Sets containing a wide Se pls depait 9c o$22 het variety of casmetics. v 't ze954 22 9 k85c to $2.35 .X 2.0 1 ___________Splits g ,on ___________ -c OR lY l, - ;Vn Attractive Gifts byL pls VRS 4 P.2 AZlI.i CUTEX \\\%6 Dust aer Taylor Fine Soaps. Hudnut "Gemney" Sets Bu pueSa S35 42 n p3large cakes in box )se Hudnut Essence Duo 14- $3.OO3 rose-scented cakes. and cellophane wrapped GOYA erf unesnbcolourful box. "~ '~iu gemSet" s aboe 19c$10 Also in Lilec and PASSER- SAPER L ,ý ý'uzge et s bve 1c 150a d pCarnation SMOOTHER Other Sets --- 59e- 1.75 - $4.50 ___________ SApril Showers RVO' FINAUD da <~Gfsb hrm Artistie Gift Creations , V G T L ýr- 7I4 li1, -A deiightful r- ' ~~and refresbîng tý a 5 for a gift of fine cosmetis after shave ColgnePerfume, Cologne, Toilet 8Clogne Water, Etc. Perfume & 75C -$1.00 -$.50 etc. 65 $.2 ed Cologne ta P 1' oxe $l-NEW Action, Poîsed B C I G A ng MATCHMAKER LSet $1 OU ~ ..Cologne & Talcum $2.50 contains nail enamnel and Ist large sizes and gift box meatching IipstickL T "Goldette" Set--------- $2.50 etractable in BSoa te " Trme W one " S t _ $ .0 " mo'ml ode"Bl Set ------- $3.95Pen ---i---c h OL'(...teeJe Ct1ic' PI' . -A delightful o0UGLEGITW ~Look, "gift 0 HUDNUT Home Permanent feels and ' 75c à ne For1 xury baths $375bndles like ________ .s l S sof! s the water $.5ii ede- ershlxGyCrita akg the excellentUsulaGft idfl relaxes- erehs n a CrstasPckg quality pen it is Always sf aGft 5 - 50c. ~oriy $1.69 Henry Perkcins Shaving Gifts by Reis--9c BILLFOLD it $1.00_Id - ~GILLET TE On Blade Dispenser Set, includes Baby's w Bath Sets $.0u d G ive HER a Gift from dispenser, Total of 60 biades Soap, Talc., Oil, etc. - ______ YAR LEY_____$3.00 69c, $1.23 up Add warmth and gaiety ýs fODNJohnson & .Iohnsor Ata Youm gif te with OfODOg Baby Gift Boxes Cards - Seals - Tag's gf 65c, $1.35 upWrppn Pa r SMennen's Gift Box Etc.n P pe e-q ÎÏ i2 tins Pdr. :$5e 1Et-c5. et. _ Pipes..--$1000te $750r $1.0 as11.7t6te Deiight ber Give Her a s L]pstick wit ýf ~~~Boxed Wt rNAEN 1boxedi Baby Ermov.nie $3.47 $25 f95c Target Brownie $6.72 - CAND2 Y paI uIr rIMN popular makers .n i512 Kodak Duaflex . $14.56 sucb as jhtcrIr 8e Vigilant Jr.----------$04 -$20,44Neilson's d'n~Kodak Film $1.25 Zc-37c-48c-etc. rLaura Secord f Page 8& Shaws GIVE LAURA SECORD CANDIES -THIS -H-RISTMAS * Alex MeGregritDrugs %jkWe Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 A' Rector. MORNING 10 a.m.-Sunday Sehool and Bible Class THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVI=.'ONTARIO PAGE NM