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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THF CANADiAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY, DE~. !Oth, 1940 a High School Commencement Wins Great Public Acclaim Operetta Praised byAn Expert The Commencement Exercises Brian S. McCool, Assistant Direc- recently concluded at Bowman- tor of Music, Departmnent of Edu- ville High School received great cation, Toronto, wl-o in a letter to The Statesman. voices high praise public acclaim for seats in the aud- of the spirit that animates the itorium were sold eut completely people of this district in the realm for the four nights of the proc- of cultural activities. eedings wbîch included prescrit, The foilowing programme gives ation of prizes, the vaîedictoryI complete information on the en- address and the fine stage playsI tire proccerdings together with ail put on by the students. the participants and prize win- Indeed the featured play, 'Trial ners. The address of Valedictor- By Jury" was so -weil rendered as jan Gien Brooks appeared in last to attract the notice of Majori week's issue. BOARD 0F EDUCATION Dr. 1. C. Devitt, Chairman Mrs. Wzm. Ciarko, Dr. H. Ferguson, Mr. Alex McGregor. Mr. E. Oliver, Mr. W. L. Pater-son, Mr. W. E. Ruridie, Rev. 1. dePencier Wright. Mr. S. R. lames, Secretary-Treasu TEACHING STAFF Mr. L. W. Dippeli. B.A. Mr. A. C. Anderson, B.A. Miss L. M. Çarr. B.A. . *. J Miss E. 1. Cunningham,B.A. Mr. G. R. Elijatt, B.A. Mr. R. G. Harle - Mrs. A. V. Lewis, B.A. Miss G. 1. Murray, B.A. Mr. 1. Ross, B.A. Miss H. C. Rice, B.A. Mr. W. M. Stacey, B.A. Mr. E G. Witherspcon. S.A. Principal and Teacher of Science reacher of Latin and Lower Schaol French and Engiish Teacher of French, German and Art - - Tocher of English Teacher of History and Guidance - - - Director of Music Teacher of Heaith and Physical Education, Physics and Lower School Mathematics Teacher of Commercial Subjects Teacher of Heaith and Physical Education andi Lower Schoat French and :i.sîory * - Teacher of Mathematics Teacher ni Enqlish, Agriculture and Penmanship Teacher cf i-eaith and Physical Education, Geoqraphy and Commercial Arithmetic Programme Orchest, -il Selections - - "0 CANADA" 8:15 - 8:30 p.m. Address: Tuesday Night . Dr. J. C. Devitt Chairman of Board of Education Presentation of Track and Field Medals of School Meet and Inter-Schooi Meet by - Dr. 1. C. Devitt ond Bey. . dePencier Wright Wednesday Night -1 . - Mr. Alex McGregor, Member of Board of Education Presentation of Commercial Awards and Diplomas, Rugby Medals and Dramatic Award by - Mr. W. L. Paterson, Mrs. Wm. Clarke and Mr. Alex McGregor Thursday Night * - Mr. L. W. Dippeli, Principal Presentation of Lower and Middle School Awards by - Mr. W. E. Rundie and Mr. L. W. Dippel Friday Night - - Glenn Brooks, Valedictorian Presentation of Graduation Diplomas and Prizes to students attending Normal School and University by Mr. . Brough, Dr. H. Ferguson and Dr. H. B. Rundie Play: Tuesday * * "Courage, Mr. Greene" Wednesday - - "The Boor" Thursday Night * Courage, Mr. Greene" Fridary Night - - - "The Boor"' Piano Solo Valse Triste- Sibelius Catherine Teeple Goliwog's Cake Waik - Debussy Twelith Street Rag Operetta "Triai by Jury" - Gilbert and Sullivan "GOD SAVE THE KING" ""Trial By Jury" Operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan CHARACTERS Judge Defendant Council Usher- Foreman Jury Plantif f. Angelinat Bridesmaids Pianis * * - * Gerald Morris * - e - Rowland Coombes - * a *. - Grant Brooks - * - Gregory Frierid - . - * arle Brown - e Mary Alldread * . Jury . . Chorus st - Miss Phyllis Challis Edwin tiring of his sweethrart, Angelina, falis in love with another: and Angelina accordingly hails him into court for breach of promise. At the rise of the curtain the Usher. while enjoining imipartiality on the Juryr-nen, shows a definite partiaiity himself for the fair Piaintiff. Edwin expiains that he simply happened to fal In love with anothcr girl. Though both Jury and Judge in- cicate that they have similar episocies in their own past, they have littie sympathy for him. Aftcr the Jury is sworn in, Angelina appears and immed- iately captivates ail the men presoent. Her iawyer gives a stirring snecch, and she fails sobhing on his breast. yOUR MOST N4OURISHING ECON4OMICA OREAKFASI Edwin proposes varjous solutions, but in vain. He offers to marry her if he may marry his other sweetheart later, but her Iawyer objects. Edwin tries to dissuade her from wanting to marry him at aIl, saying that when he is drunk he would beat lier The Judge proposes that Edwin be made drunk te see whether he would, but ber lawyer objects. Finaliy, the Judge, disgusted at the objections and eager te get away, marries Angelina hîmself. "The Boor" A Comedy i One Act, by Anton Tcheko fi, translated by Hilmar Baukhage. CHARACTERS Helena Ivanovna Popov - Catherine Tucker, Wilma Richards Grigori Stepanovitch Smirnov Morice Tamblyn, Neil Britton Luka - -- Fred Tuerk Gardner Michael Sherba Coachman * * Larry Chant Scene - The Estate of Mrs. Popov. Time- The Present. ""Courage, Mr. Greene"" CHARACTERS Percy Green, a hen-pecked wage slave - Donald Whif e lane Green, his arnbitious wif e- Peggy Dippell, Virginia Hopkins Robert Ramsay, Greene's employer - Robert Gallagher Minnie, a maid in the Greene househoid Colleen Clarke Smith, a gentleman burglar - Ross Souch, Murray Walton The Scene is laid in the living-room of Greene's home. Costumes for "Trial by Jury," by Mallabar Costume Company I'The Boor" and "Courage, Mr. Greene" produced by permission of Samuel French (Canada) Ltd., Toronto. Prize Winners BANK 0F MONTREAL CUF For speed and accuracy in Typewriting. Winner-Ralph Lamb THE BANK 0F COMMlERCE PRIZE To the student chtaining the highest standing in the Com- mercial Form. $5.00 in cash. Winner-Lois Fisher COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS J. Buttonsbaxv, D. Chartran, R. Evans, L. Fisher, E. King, R. Lamb, R. Snow\den. ATHLETIC PRIZES Boys' Boyvs' Boys' Boys' Boys' Box s' Girls' G rls' Girls' Girls' Girls' Girls' Boys' Boys'1 Boys' Girls' Girls' Girls' Girls'j Girls' Senior Chamnpionship --.-------------- Tom DeGeer Senior Runner-up ---------- Gregory Friend Intermediate Championsh ip ---------- Rowland Coombes Intermediate Runner-up - -- ------ ---- Joe Ki'lpatrick Junior Championship --- ------------------ Jack McCoy Junior Runner-up ---------------------- Grant Herron Senior Championship -------------------------Betty Grant Senior Runner-up -- ---------------- Betty Hooper Intermediate Championship--------------------- Lydia Bates Intermediate Runner-up - ---------------- - Joan Craig Junior Championship-.----------------- Dorothy Hockin Junior Runner-up - -- ------------------ Betty Brock INTER-SCHOOL TRACK MEET (Whitby, Uxbridge, Port Perry, Bowmanviile) Senior Runner-up - -------- Gregory Friend Intermcdiate Championship ----------- Rowland Coombes Junior Runner-up -- -------------------------------- Jack McCoy Senior Champion5hip ---------------------- Betty Grant Senior Runner-up -------------------. Betty Hooper Intermediate Championship -----------------Doris Larmer Intermediate Runner-up ----------------- --- Joan Craig Junior Runner-up -------------------- Dorothy Hockin DAVIS CIJP Donated by Mr. E. Davis, in memory of the late Mr. James W. Davis, to the student xvho bas contributed most to Junior Rugby. Winner-Rowland Coombes RUGBY MEDAL Donated by Mr. 'W. L. Paterson, to the student who has contributed most to the Senior Rugby Team - 40 per cent rugby, 60 per cent academnic. Winner-..John Cattran BOARD 0F EDUTCATION PRIZES A'varded to the students ohtaining the bighest standing in Grades IX and X. $10.00 in books. Winners-Grade IX- Colleen Clarke Grade X- Judith Stenger MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB HISTORY PRIZE Awarded to the students in Grade X obtaining the highest standing in Canadian History. Donor: The Men's Canadi?-n Club, Bowmanville. $2.50 each in books. Winners: Girs-Judith Stenger Boys-Donald Taylor CATHOLIC WVOMEN'S LEAGUE PRIZE Awarded to the student obtaining the higbest standing in Grade X Latin. $10.00 in cash. Donor: The Ladies' Leanue of St. Joseph's Church. Winner-Judith Stenger ROTARY CLUB PRIZE To the student with hiîghest standing in Upper School subjects, .'ho in addition, bas xwon the school crest for athletics and first ciass honours, in at last five subjects. $25.00 in cash. In the event of the crest not having been won by the student with the highest standing, $13.00 is awarded to the student and the remaining $10.00 to the Athletic Societies. Winner-Gregory Friend THE HOSKIN PRIZE The Hoskin Prize for the bighest standing Upper Scbooî examinations. $5.00 in books. Donor. The late Jobn Hoskin, Esq., L.L.D. Winner-Gregory Friend THE LIONS CLUB PRIZE For, t he bighest standing in Upper School Mathematics. $1000 in cash. Donor: The Liions Club, Eowmanvilie. Winner-Arcbie Hendry W THE HAROLD F. LONG WORTII MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP V Awarded to pupils of Grade XIII for general proficiency. Candidates mucst write on, at Icast, eight papers, French and German heing a roquisite. In addition, the candidate must bave wvon the School Crest. If in any year, no student qualifies in . German, Latin may be suhbstituted for that year. First, $75.00; 836-0-8 second, $25.00. Donors: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Longworth, in inemror.v of thon' son, Harold F. Longworth. who served as M'/odemis teacher and Rugby Coach in Bowmanviiie Hlgh Scbool. Winniers -lst, Gregory Friend; 2nd, Pearl Bresîîn GRADUATION DIPLOMAS M. Alldread, H. Beilman, P. Breslin, Glenn Brooks, Grant Brooks, G. Friend, W. Goheen. A. Hcndry, J. Heyland, J. Mun- day, J. Paterson, W. Rundie, H. Stevens, M. Tamblyn. STUDENT COUNCIL Tea-cher Adviser, Mr. A. C. Anderson; President, Tom DeGeer; Vice President. Peggy Dippol; Treasuirer, Roy Falls; Secretary, Juno Biekle; Couinclors-John Cattran, Jeanne Rey- / nolds, Robort Gallagher, Patricia Bowles, Gerald Morris; Form - ~- \ Representatives-lA, Yvonne Hawley; lB, Dorothy Johns; IC, Catherine Stewart; 2A, Barry Johinson; 2B, Joan Wonnacott; 0 111, Donald Taylor; IV, Wm. Harnden; V, Robert Knox; C., Brooks Pearce. LITERARY SOCIETY M eF Teauher Adviser, Miss E. J. Cunningham; President, Peggy -. .Dippeli: Vice President, Gerald Màorris; Secretary, Earie Brown; Treasurer. Gwyneth Griffith: Pianists, Janet Dale, Catherine IIALF Teeple; Form Representatves-IA, Shirley Bate. Harvey Diii- December ing; lB, Norma 1-agerman, Ross Jeffer.v; 1C, Gloria Robson, nusry Ist, Gordon Ritter: 2A, Mary Bowman. Kenneth Hockin: 2B, Jeanette Lobb, Keith Shackleton: III, MurP'1I Stevens, Gerald Piper; IV, esti aio Isabel Carter, Frank Mohun; V, Joan Rice, Wm. Robinson; C., Monday, Patricia Cole. Barry Mason. GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY ONGESTION Teacher Adviser, Mrs. A. V. Lewis: President, Jeanne Rey- in/rato~. nolds: Vice President. Patricia Bowles; Secretary-Treasurer. Betty ~JGrant: Foi-ni Reprscitatiîves- lA. Giadyvs Hodgson: lB, Kay Jones: IC, IL nore Oho,.ne: 2A, Jo.vce Reid: 2B, Ruth Gibson; II Marion Dippeli; IV, Lomna Sudds; V, Virginia Hopkins, C., Ly dia Batus. BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY Teacher Adviser. Mr. E. G. Witherspoon; President. John Cattrpn; Vice President, Robert Gailagher; Secretary-Treasurer, Jack Moffatt: Pubiicity, Gcrald Morris; Form Representatives- lA, Ivan Bernard; lB, Grant Herron; 1C, Louis Phiilips: 2A, Ted Dadson; 2B, Donald Stutt; III, Rowland Coombes; IV, Ken- neth Crawford; V, Alan Lobb; C., Ronald Moorcraft. THE STEVENS PRIZE The Stevens Prize for Public Speaking in Grades IX and X. $15.00 in books. Donor: Mr. R. R. Stevens. Winners-st, Judith Stenger; 2nd, Marlon Dippeli; 3rd, Isobel Cruickshank. THE TAMBLYN PRIZE The Tamblyn Prize for Public Speaking in Grades XI, XII, XIII and Commercial. $15.00 in books. Donor: The late W. W. Tamblyn, Esq., M.A. Winners-st, Robert Gallagher; 2nd, Peggy Dippell, Jacqueline Heyland, tic. THE LIEUTENANT REGINALD HEBER JOLLIFFE PRIZE In memory of the late Lieutenant Reginald Jolliffe, killed at Vimy Ridge; awarded to the student writing the best essay on a-topic of imperial intercst. Incomne from $300.00. Donor: the late Mrs. Elviria A. Jolliffe. Winners-(To be announced later) THE GILFILLAN PRIZE The Gilfillan Prize, in memory of the late Principal James Gilfillan, for the highest standing in the Middle School Ex-q-i inations. $10.00 in books. Winner-Gwyneth Griffith DRAMATIC AWARD To the student who has shown most promise in Dramatics. $5.00 in books. Donor: Mrs. Maitland Gould. Winner-Gerald Morris THE BARTON PRIZE For the highest standing in Engiish Literature on the Uppcr School Examinations. $5.00 in books. Donor: .Mr. Douglas D. Barton. Winner-Gregory Friend THE DEVITT AND FERGUSON PRIZE Awarded to the boy and girl, elected by feilow stucints who showed diligence in studies and other school activities, cheerful subrnission to authority, self-respect and indepcndence of character, readiness to forgive offence, desire to conciliate differcnces of others and moral courage and unflinching trui-- fulness. $10.00 in books. Donors: Dr. J. C. Devitt and Mr. E. S. Ferguson. Winners: Girls-Bessie HuIs Boys-Archie Hcndry THE MeGREGOR PRIZE To the best student in Latin and English in the lJppor School. 1,10.00 in cash. Donors: Miss Helen McGrecgor and Mr. Alex McGregor. Winner-Glcnn Brooks THE SQUAIR PRIZE To the best student in Upper School French. 55.00 in books. Donor: The laie John Squair, Esq., M.A., Profersor of French, Univcrsity of Toronto. Winner-Pearl Brcslin UPPER SCHOOL BIOLOGY FRIZE For the highest standing in Upper School Biology. in cash. Donor: The Board of Education. Winner-Charles Cattran $5.00 LU.S. TURKEYS DOWN According to preliminary esti- mates by the Bureau of Agricul- tural Economics, 31.7 milion tur- keys are being raised in 1948 in the United States, compared wL".h 35.1 million in 1947 and 40.7 fI 1946. sin itt Our store is just lam packed 5Fi with icieal Christmas gifts for the itte ons. h some. S thing hcre that y ou xiii find both practical and colourful for ~' Christmas giving for Chiidren S of ail ages. Corne in and sce our varied stock. Little Girls' Cotton Blouses, trimmed with either red or blue ric-rack, with long sleeves in sizes 2 to 6-------- each 98c Babies' Pinwale Corduroy Overalîs, in navy, brown, wine or green, sizes 1, 2 and 3x pair $2.89 SThe above in larger sizes 2 ta.. 6, Pair- ----- 33 SFancy Fafirisle Pattern Mitts, Pair o- ----- 89C SWhite FrMts wt e rwhite leather palms. pair $1.99 SBaby Bunny Bags made of windproof materiai with arms and legs, in- Svariety of colours.-------- 79 ~,Girls' Cre-pe Dresses decorated with f elt daisies and gold nail heads, f lared skirts t'a and tie backs, in powder blue andi rose. Sizes 7 ta 12,- ----------------- $4.89 Er.Fai.lsh pre-shrunk wool, All colours ----------------------------oz. 30c Up - LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F BABIES' TOYS. - NOVELTIES AND ACCESSORIES PTHE TOT TOGGERY V ~MRS. BERNICE COI LIS, Proprietor 57 King Street Eas~t Bowmanville "7 (Opposite Balmora ilotel) Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS -Open Every Day 4 and Evenings Phone VWhltbf 542 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby TEURSDAY, DEM, Uth, 1948 PAGE TEN THT CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO

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