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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 11

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---------14---CAAIN TTSMN BWAVILONATOPG EEE R.vI.w this books says that it was th WeIwy state of thînga in the world tha made hinm a Socialit-it also miad hlm an atheist, for he forsook hi 1%e fodernJewish faith. Strangely enough,1 Ata mankind that have tre h 1rninds of men to religion. Th, ! greatest emancipators of the hi By LEWIS MILLIGAN man race have been men and wo men who, realizing their own lm ___________________________________ ;perfections and their inability t i grasp the "seheme of things en ".God i8 perhaps giving us a ground of ail human disorder; the1 tire," have humbiy submittec lga by which He wiil take away dreadful, godless, ridiculous op- their lives ta the grace and guic us every illusion that we are inion that man is the Atlas who is ance of divine Power and Inteli capable of building a tower here destined to bear the dame cf heav- gence. Whose pinnacle shail reach ta en on bis shoulders." The mavement for social re heaven." That is a quotation from There are',a great many people forrn in England did not begir an address delivered by Prof. Kari in the world today who are warry- with Kari Marx or the Laboi Barth at the opening session cf ing, not only about the present, Party; it was esyentially a spirit khe World Council of Churches In but chiefly about the future state ual movement and began wl sterdamn. Prof. Barth is regar- of mankind. H. G. Wells spent the John Wesley ireachlng the Gospe 1as ane of the profoundest greater part af his life condemn- te the ceai miners at Bristol. Wes. eooaglans cf modern times, and ing the imperfections cf the social ley had ne cut-and-dried econom. message was delivered as a order, and in drawing up a plan ic theories; he did flot regard mer key-note for the Councii's discuss- for the "Shape cf Things te as classes or masses, but as indivý Ion on the present disordered Corne." Before hé died, hé wrate idual seuls, and he preached ir. 8tate cf the world. a pessimistic bock entitled "Mind dividual conversion as the firs "WTe ought te give up évery at thé End cf it's Tethér," in whîch essential to social salvation. Fo thought that the care cf thé hé admitted that ail his efforts !ifty years he travelied, mostly or Church, the care of thé warid, is had been in vain, and that se fair horseback, ail over thé Britisl our care," said Dr. Barth. "Burd- as the mind cf man was co'-'2rný, Isies, and thé orderly reforms o ened with this thought we could the problems of the world were1 the nineteénth century were Iarg straighten out nothing, wé would insoluble. Wells had leit (,ocou. ely the resuit cf his spiritual inr only increase disorder in the of bis planning, Sacialism and fluence. Lard Shaftsbury wasj Church and thé world stili more. Science were his twin déitiés. déepiy réligiaus man, and he diè For just this is the final roat and Prof. Harold Laski in one cf more for thé advancemnent cf so<. __________________________________________________ il reform than ahl the irreligioti agitatars of his day. k Wesley knew nothing cf Sc. WAR S RPLUS STOREiaiism. It was net until the yeai 1830 that thé term Secialism waý -The Place to Buy and Save- mentoned in Engand. Roberj 24 Division St. Bowmanville first Socialist, adh a a pro. in 1801, he migratéd to the Unité Army Pullover Sweaters ----------$3.25 States at the age cf 24, where hE ArmyKhak Truser - --------- $.50 joined a radical group cf "Freî Arm ICakiTroser $450 Enquirers" which was opposed t Air Force Trousers -----------------$4.5 ionary scicangecs. In hi: lattei Arry oo Ban et - ------------ 4.00 days, however, he gave up hopt rznyVIol Bankts f etabiishing a political Utopi. Red Indian Blankets (H.B.)---------- $6.95 andebecame a spiritualist, pubiis- White Sun Ray Blankets (H.B.)- $6.95 fing twos ontted, bjectfao Real Value and Savings in on the Boundary cf Anothei Sport Shirts, reg. $6.50 - for $3.50 Robert Blatchfard, one cf th( most popular and trenchant Mar. See aur VVar Assets Truck Tarpaulins xian Socialists at thé beginning Khakl Battiedress, Trousers and Tunics; New and Used of the present century, was ar Parkas, wool pile lned; Heavy Wool Plaid Shirts; Macklnaw avawed atheist and materialist Coats; Combination Underwear; Reconditioned Army Boots; and yet, like Owen, hé becamE Rubbr Bots;Oveshos atMony ardent spirituaiist in bis lasl Rubbr Bots;Ovéshos atMony SvlngPries.days. He abandonéd bis faith ir Socialism as a remedy far thé il) A n Everyday Santa.. It's a "Santa Claus feeling" 365 days a year for aur milkman. No jingle belîs or rein- deer herald his arrivai but every f amily on his list knows he'll be there. They know that they can expect pure, fresh milk every momning of the year. Our milkmen proudly bring health and good cheer to our com- munity during the Christmas season and throughout the year. HOLIDAY SEASON DELIVERIES In arder that our staff may enjoy the Festive Season with their f amulies their will be no milk deliveries an Christmas or New Year's Day. Kindiy arder enough milk on Friday to caver your needs until the Monday delivery. In case of emergency the dairy will be open an Sunday marning. GLEN RAE DAIRY King St. W. Phone 444 For Delivery Bawmanville le of mankind. Robert Owen and C ute pn etRobert Blatchford were sincere C u te pn de men, with a deep sympathy forl$293,096.52 On ls the workers and a burning desire adi 14 it to improve their lot. But they [10 n 94 he discovered that they wére no of Atlasses and couid net carry the The sum of $293,096.52 he world on their shoulders. Théy spent up ta Oct. 31, during hé also discoveréd that men wére on the caunties road systeni u_ immortal spirits passing through Northumberland and Durham. o_ this region cf time, and that this tai amount covered by thé by n- was net thé only worid. Théy fin- for the full year is $304.000. te lshéd where Wesley had bégun, Non-subsidy éxpenditures n. and the présent worid disorder, ounts te $3,314.38. Mainteni ed as Dr. Barth deciares, is thé re- of roads ta October 31 tta d- suit cf "the godless, ridiculous $112,199.31 and major items l- opinion that man is the Atlas who this amaunt include snow rery is destined te bear thé dame of ai, $17,911.70; stabilizing, $9,C eheaven on bis shouldérs." 58; weed spraying, $2,419.26;1 in ding, dragging, etc., $14,82, SMIlk Producers 003.16; brushing and weed eut- th Set New Record ($5,157.40, e-surfacing and1 el vel patching, $11,291.74; bi s- At Annual Banquet $4,753.22; prime, $ 13,230.79 1- surfce reaen, $,20.45 ,n TéOhaaMl Poues A total cf $22,945.41 was sr AsoTiOnhawnaMlk banque ntheon new machinery of which v- Asocitio annal bnqut inthe181.00 was for a four wvheel d l- Sunday Schecl Hall cf St. An- truck; $3,089.00. for a si st drew's United Church, Oshawa, pieugh of one type and $2,61 ir Dec. 7, touchéd a new high in at- for anothér type cf snew pict >n tendance, entertainment and ail- A third snow plough cost $2,6 sh round excellence. Over 230 Pro- 76 and a ightér truck, $5,02E Of ducérs, their wivés and friénds On construction work, $133,95 9- attended the gatherîng at which was spent and on oads in 1- Clarence Wérry, président of thé following townships: a Association, presidéd. C id Foilowing a turkey dinner serv- Ca an, No. 10-$233.71; No é- d by thé womén of St. Andrew's lake, $566.45; No. 1, $872 [S Church, thé program which in- Na. 9, Clarke, $7,526.94; No. cludéd sélections by the Pacific Darlingtan. $280.65; No. 18,1 CIslanders cf Tarante, soies by Ro- wick, $5,076, No. 18, Alnv Lr bert Wagstaff cf Whitby, mono- $11,599.11; No. 18, Hamilt s logues by Miss Iva Faloýwdewn $52.70; Cartwright, $1,591.62: rt cf Sunde'rland and vocal and in- 8, Clarke, $13,024.99; No. 14. Cý e strumental séiéctiens by thé Bro- wright-Manvers. $6,928; No. D- therhoad sisters of Columbus was Manvers, $1,771.07; No. 31,. id énjoyed. Mrs. George Johnson cf mour, $1,154.00; No. 25, Pei ,d Blackwatér, actéd as accepns Cramahe, $5,83 9: No. 25, Pe le Introduced by Ross Lee, Rev. $7,746.21; No. 25, Cramahe, Be Norman Rawson, minister cf Cen- 291; No. 16A, Cavan. $10,00: eO ténary United Church, Hamilton, MNo. 10, Hope, $7,101.38; No. ±- deiivered an address repiete with Muray, $2,323.55. r humeur in which he recounted No. 39, Murray Township,$ e bis experiences as a îaypatro 471.30; Ne. 60, Manvers, a a mission field te bring home 903.46; Ne. 61, Haldimand, - soe plain truths te bis audience. 148.65, Miilbrook village, e Reminding bis listeners that the 022.54; Hastings village, $3,9& Is world is extrême- and on culverts, $4,555.19. r ly serieus, Mr. Rawson said that if China falîs a billion and haifHgh uaiv ed le more people will faîl under cern-HihQ aiyS - munist power. Howéver, it wvas iNow Available Ig pointed eut that in thé final ana- Ln lysis the final word wiil net hée From 1948 Crop t, speken by statésmen but by God____ e Himsélf. Large quantities cf high qi st "We must réalize that man pro- ity seed from the 1948 crop In posés and God disposes and that now available, the Seed Marl .s you and I are utteriy dépendent ing and Publicity Commîttee - on Thé One xvlo sends the ramn thé Ontario Crop Improven Land sunshine in thé proper pro- Association announces. Anr partions. What realiy matters iS réviéw of secd crop condition net thé great names which appéar ail sections of the province Il in thé héadlinés, but hew you just concluded. and I stand with Tom, Dick and Minimum prices recommeni Harry and with aur Héavénly a yteascainae ther," Mr. Rawson said. y a-byte ssitioere: rde Emphasis was laid on thé fact peatbs éiséed gad- that when oe door is closéd and Ne. i sééd-$ 1.25 per bushel, thin*gs which seem essential te Bariey, régistered grade-s1 happinéss are remoed, we must per bushel. net complain or whimper. Rather Ne. 1 seecl-$l.60 per bu.sheý i men should place their livés in Thesé prices are te include bý ' thé hands cf Gad and givé Hlm aidevrytkntpouc heir ail as Hé aiways provides a basisorelocr~ alkeipngatponuc way. If men wiil trust and workfamolclsipngont on théy wil find that a larger j door will aiways open. More traffic passes up and do S After telling bis audience of the the Detroit River than throt i part bis first teacher piayéd ln the any othér watérway in théevoi i Iéiéction cf bis lifé work, Mr. Rawson toid thé gathering that thé schooi teacher, néxt te thé mi- nistér, is the pooest paid person ~ n te community. "To your pub- ai cho teacher is entrusted the, Imost precieus thing-thé lifé of IIyour child. You can purchasé a nchild's future as thé téacher plaîiwrtxrt ttécs fyurýu a vemy important part in thé de- ivéiopment cf the character and attainménts cf thé children of thé tefact that.the thé ,.,fromuthe country had a gréat advantagé cf Ethe city child if givén thé propér g training. Thé thanks ta thé speaker and thé talent were ably voiced by Nomman Dow.ýn. Othér speakers wére Harry Wallace, secretary cf.......... Ithé Oshawa Milk Foundation, and Wilfred Carruthers, a mémber cf thé Bowmanville Milk Praducers' Association. Mr. and M.adMrs. Clarence Sir, -.nd Catherine, Fenlon Falls, were ZION (Hope Twp.) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Addison, Hamilton, spent thé weekend at thé borne cf their respective par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Osh- awa, spént Sunday witn Mr. anc. Mrs. Edwin Ruthvén. Mrs. F. C. C. Rohi and Mr. and Mrs. Hamold Casweil visitéd Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnson, Néwtonville. AMr. and Mrs. Albert Drum- i nend, Hartney, Man., stayéd a1 Sweek with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin1 Ruthvén. BÀACKACHfE May beWarninq 1Backache may b. a lignai your kslnys 1are Iailing te iter excess acids and poison- muasates frouaithie System. Dodd'a Kidney 'Pilla belp rliive this condition. otn the. causeof backathe, headache. rieamatic pains or daturbed reat. Deda conta. essentiel oais man redicinal ingre- dients which act dir.ctIy on the. kidneys and help tem. regain normal action. Get Dedd'a Kidney Pudis to-ilay, ,138 SDWddKIdneyPili i wvas 1948 r of .To- îaw .00. am- iance dled isin nov- 103.- gra- ý2.60; tting gra- dges, and spent $9,- rivé snow 16.24 )ugh. ,59.- 56.24. 51.86 thé o. 1,1 ý2.38:1 Dr. Reynolds" Farmn in Ontario agriculture. Hé statéd that 86 per cent cf thé chéese, 67 Bought For per cent cf thé butter, 65 per cent of thé processed mnilk and 58 per 1Veterinary C..olege cent of thé fiuid milk produced in Ontario is preduced on pas- One of thé farina formerly own- ture. which is by far thé chéapést éd by thé late Dr. J. B. Reynolds source cf feed for livestock. has beén recentiy purchaséd by Since 1944, fivé acre long térm thé Ontario governmént for the pasturé démonstration plots have Ontario Veterinary Coll'ege. It béen seédéd on 481 farms in On- will be uséd as an expérimental tario. Evéry farmer in the pro- disease station for studénts taking vince Is within a few miles of graduate courses in véterinary one cf thèse plots. Thé use of this science, and for research ini live- typé cf Pasture bas increased stock diseases. many times, becausé it bas shown Thé farm, consisting cf 47 acres, how thé carrying capacity cf a is adjacent te thé Ontario Agri- Pastume can bé rncréased by thé cultural Collège and within sight uec cdmxueadra cf thé OVC buildings. Thé praper- sonably good pasture manage- 1 ty, known as thé Jesse Gale Farm ment. It is now proposéd te ap-. was purchased by Dm. Reynolds piy thé same principlés te short when hé was Président, OAC térm pastures. frem 1920 te 1928. Hé aperated it as a persenal farm holding. Lobsters are fend cf sait hem-j Dr. A. L. McNabb, Principal, ring. Ontario Vetérinary Collège, states that thé buildings on thé farm wîll bé réamranged and enlargéd te accommodate cattle, herses, swine and sheep and new colony bouses will be used te bouse paul- try. Thé farm proper wil bé fénc- éd for pasturing thé variaus live- stock undérgoing tests and éxper- iments. Ne~w Short Termi , \4A 5 7, f 1 ecln- Pasture Project ton,' Is Inaugurated No. ____ ýart- A new pasture demonstration ~.project for thé Province cf On- Sey- tarie, te hé inaugurated in thé ercy- spring cf 1949, bas been announe- ercy, éd by Hoii. T. L. Kennedy, Ontario $9- Ministér cf Agriculture. While it 3.81; will différ ini nature from thé 26, pasturé projécfs startéd in 1944 and continued each year sincé $13,- then, it will follow thé same gen- $2,- eral pattern of having démonstra- $6, tien plots located atsraii $8-points throughout théeonisc 68.25 thé province. While thé previcus projects deait with long térm. pastures, thé new démonstration wiil concentrate on short term pastures. Thé Ontario Departmént cf Ag- riculture, werking through thé i County Crop Associations, will providé thé sééd and fertilizér jual- for two démonstration plots cf are fivé acres each in évery county cf ,ket- Ontario. Somé of thé improvéd eof strains cf grasses developed in ment récent years at thé Ontario Ag- nuaî ricultural Collège will bé uséd in i in thé séed mixtures. Thé plan will have bé continuéd until a démonstra- tion plot bas been established. in ided évery good township in Ontario. This test wiil net only show thé 1.50 amount cf pasture providéd by the mixture, but thé actual feed va lue cf thé pastures will bé dem-i i .90 onstrated by periodical chemical analysîs cf samples taken tram e. each plot. One cf thé abjects is jas te find eut how te producé hay ces adpasturé cf bigher feéding value -by testing large numbers of samplés grown on farms all jéct, Hon. Mr. Kennedy strésséd own over Ontario. )ugh In anneuncing thé 1949 pro- rld. thre value of good hay and pasturé TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship consuit JURY & LOVELL 1 Bowmanvilie 15 King St W. Phone 778 THE CHOICE IS YOIJRS. You get the same wonderful Maxwell House Cof fee blend whether in Super. Vacuum Tin, Glassine.lined Bag or Instant Maxwell bouse, made instantly in the cup. ~i n l I ýAT, DEC. - 10th, 1948 TEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN,' BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO t -mr - ý ý , ', PAGE ELEVEN

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