?lTRSDAY, fECI lt, 1048 'I~Wt PAJ AflTA~~? ~q'Aq'U!~R A?~T ~e~w~I A t..TTflT .? P flt..19' A ~ ?~A~W 'rTT~9~wwM - - s... aLIA.i .t, VI alan, v ~4aA.e. c. c .....ts - rrue Neaning of Democracy lailined ai Rotary Meeting 'y Honorary Nember of Club Once again favoreJ with a brie! serving a period of 56 years as a tM penetrating, address by - the minister of the Protestant faith. ýerennial philosopher of the Club, Dr. Jim Devitt. in his introduct- [IonorarY Adherent Rev.' W. P. ion o! the speaker, also disclosed logers, Bowmanviîle Rotarians hitherto unknown items sncb as ind distinguished guests aI Fni- the vigor displayed by Mr. Rogers ay's luncheon heard Democracy as a university student when he XPlained in ils true light. Declar- held the al-round athletic champ- rlg that Demoeracy and Pro- ionship and was runner-up for the kstantism were 1w i n b r o- intercollege Dominion champion- ýhers, born the same day, Rev. 'ship. Thcre's as something logers warned that they must re- new learned about Ibis mînister- 'nain inseperable or both wouid emeritus of Bowmanviile and dist- lecOme strang]ed 10 death. In rict, stili vigorous in retirement; Mter words, the freedoms guaran- stili tbe best read and best in- ýeedl under 'these asscociated prin- formed individual hereabouts. $,0ies, if flot vigorousîy defended, Outlining his search for a truc Uldc fali under the bcdl of any definition of bbc 10cm "Democ- Ztator gaining strength suffie- racy" Mr. Rogers qiioted several st to dividean hang themn sep- eminent world statesmen whose rately. shaded political opinions sifted Youthful Speaker clown througilyto the more careful Mr. Rogers atbacked bis subject' analysis of ]eading philosophers, nith aIl the io of ot after both mInra and extra mural. Some vigor yonth claimed democracv 10 be a tradi- tion, an adventure or a bazard under which equal opportunity IIC IC EWARD. JiiSt ly was afforded every human being 1l8isting on MaxwellI House to develop talent occording bo individual capacity under free- 'ou get the world's favorite 'dom guaranteed b ' Lawi. randof offe.. bledcd The State o! Mind ýran of offé . .. binded Themore precise diefinibion was 'Y experts from specially that Dernocracy was an Idea whicb .'ýapplied a doctrine squarely oppos- eIected Latin - A merican cd 10 ail other doctrines and Offees-the bcst hIe World "lsms" wbich denied man anin rodues!dividual identity and wbhoily sub- ýroducs! ilrdinated bim and submerged him as a mere robot in the service of FI Il 3 3, 'J r-- - _____ CHRISTMAS SPECIAL the State. Mr. Rogers a! firmed that Demnocracy was a doctrine revolving about an attitude of mind clearly spiritual rather than political. although expres s e d materially in dernocratie forms of government, in a free social or- der and in the industrial sysbem. His conception of a truc democra-' tic spirit xvas one of! attainirig a benevolent attitude of mind that held a spirit of reverence and re- spect for *individual personality."i From there the speaker went on to define "personality." Il was re- flected in tne extent 10 which an individuai was capable of learn- ing 10 direct his activities whole- somcly within the compass of a benevolent attitude of mind. Reas- oning was carried further 10 show the evolution from a minus 10 zero to a plus, progressivelv 10 reach a firmn understanding of truc democracy; tbree phases that grew into a corresponding measure of individual self-rd.- lance and capacity to help others. Leadership Needed Mr. Rogers quoted tests iby psychologists among 75,000 people which rcvealed that those who were firm1Y motivated by the Christian religion developcd the stronger personalities. The sum- mation of bis 20 minute address, therefore, logically linkcd Dcm- ocracy oith the Christian religion. His conclusion xvas that il was the duty of the church and service clubs, suchi as Rcbary, to so prac- lice and apply the principles of these txvin forces that xveaker in- dividuals would be made strong- or and thus fighb against aIl con- trary doctrines xvould thercbv be made immcasuiabl 'v strongcer. The nced of the hour was the strong- est kind of leadership on these lines to win the fight now bcng, s0 clearly waged on the world stage. Past President Mol Dale ex- presscd the vote of thanks to Rot- ary's mentor and President Hoxvý- PUDDING BY THE TON: !-Ioisewives work out their recipes for Chïristmas pudding in tcrnis o! pounids, but Fred Conway, chef instruictor for the Canadian National Railways, lias the annual task of preparing flirec tons -or 29,000 scrvings -o! the traditional Ytilctide dessert. W'orking in a railway <iîiîg car v.Jllu two assistants, lie pi oduces this 3-ton puItdding cntirely by lhatd in the bricf space of two wcý,cks. .flhe special and provcn CNR recipe calîs for 675 potnnds of stigar, 600 pounlds of! suet, 1200 potinds of raisins, 000 pounds of cinrrantý, 600. pounds ofii\e(l peel, 000 pouinds o! bre,îd cruinbs, 300 1)0tiu1dsof flotir, 600 potinds of dates, 300) poitnds of prunes, 300l potinds of carrots, 125 pounids of assortcd spices, 78 dozen lenions and 300 dozen eggs. Witli a w oodcn spoon, Mr. Coiîway mnixe., the îîîgrcdicnts in a linige chirome plat ccl l)wl and încasturcs out ithe pudding mb 1 .ý poîînd rontîincu s. Tlirce lînurs later tlîcv are coolcd, seaicîl and miade ready - di u.nîîue madje tne usual iftt for distribution 10 various p -nt ---og -e-2--0-nîilvCNR yten aof i p pT W G ' of ppfor a great lesson. points - - - _the_____________________ _____ 51Guests included Vernon Know- B A K T C dent, Mrs. J. McKibbin took the 1les, Director o! Public Relations,.L CK T C Bible reading. Mrs. MeArîbur 4Caniadian Bankers' Association: gave bbc Treasurer's report in the -Ja-John Drvlie, Public Relations WmnsIsîuebdacr absence o! Miss E. Parr. Mrs. E. jC ounsel, Toronto Hacbor Commis- party in bbc Communiîy Hall on Crawford read "My Cfurch' and '~sion and yonng Kennebh Koch. Thursday evening. Crokinole was Mrs. John Carter rcad *Betiedict- senior student, Boys' Training also played. There was a good ns" from the Living message. A d4 Sehool, Ibis year's winner o! bhc turn-out and evoryone bad a plea- letter o! thanks was read from à% Character Award wbicb carnies sant evening. Prize winners werc Mrs. John Forder for fruit. The with il bbe annual Rotary Trophy. Mrs. Leslie Mounbjoy and Mn. papier drive is over for Ibis fal Ken wvon a fine round o! applause. Jack Smith. andi evec-yone is reminded 10 save kHe was guest o! Supeinlendent W.A. of United Churcb served for spning. Th e programs were Jack Easbaugh. a turkey dinner on Wednesday arranged for the next four 6 only Gent's 15-jewel Swiss rJ Ted Flaxman and Fred Van- noon to bbc Durham Counby Hol- months. The ladies are to meet at -stone won bbc week's theabre stein Breeders Association in bbc bbc Rectory on Dec. 15 10 mako Wrist Xatches, reg. $22M5 Special $150100 tickets, Art Hardy was reported Community Hall. decorations fior bbc church. A prognessing favorably at bis home e.adMsFr RinB - group will go out singîng Carols See our higher pricéd- line of Ladies" and Bill Tennant is convalcscing Re.ad rsFediinB- on Christmas eve, then go 10 bbe Snicely. Sam Henderson than kcd bara a nd Paul, h ave moved from cbureh for Communion. Mrs. Me- crüd Gents'-\Vrist \Vatches. Rotary Choir for "spl*endid con- Montreal1 to bis new circuit al Kibbin was bendereti a beartv Reguar $2.50 --- --Sp cial $32.0 ~tribiitions.at Sunday's church ser- U~î iy en vote o! thanks for ber work as ~ ic ude ladrsipo! Past Ms sodWib shm President and Mrs. VanCamp was SProsident Geo. Chase. from Toronto and is greaîly im- thanked for ber home and bhospi- VVe also have a numnberof good 15-j ewel Four Robarians recently elected proved in bealîb. bs ade the tality. Electbon o! officers was as "or tob Town Council, Deputy Reeve This fine weather hsmfolows: Hon. Pres.-Mns. . P. Ladies' and Gents" reconditioned Frank Jamieson, Councillors Mon- longest Sawing Season on record Wood, Mrs. R. Parr; Pres.-Mrs. ne rm ley Vanstone, Mcl Dale and Ah at the Baiiey sawing milI. A. L. Bailey; ist. Vice-Mrs. V. "ed rC1 Up Dac,gt a big and and ook a S.Jb' nlcnCuc ilM. Archer; 2nd. Vice-Mrs. Tomn - ALL WATCHES GUARANTEEED - bow when asked 10 stand up and bave their Christmas services both b ih e.S,.IIs .A e e w e er e c unt d -y P esi entHow rd Su day and the Unied hur t.Sh; Rc. S .Mrs. F J. a .m il-n S. . H r W G, w lle ecubdb rsdn oad mornîng and evening Ibis comîng Arthur; Treas.-Miss Eva Parr; S. . ART IG Je elerservice will 'be in bhc evenbng. Dor. Sec.-Mrs. H. McLaughlin; 5 RING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Civiiized land: One wbere no- St. John's W.A. met aI thb, home LittleHelpers-Mrs. McKibbin; --------------------------~-~ body bas a igbt 10 kilI, except of- of Mrs. Wm. Van Camp on Dec. Cor. Sec.-Mrs. Velma Baiiey; fieso! bbc law. 9 xith a good attendance. Presi- Living Message-Mrs. F. Craw- ~>ford; Lunch and Homes-Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Argue; Organis- SMrs. Archer; Auditors-Mrs. F. SHamilton, Mrs. Wm. VanCamp; Prayor Partner Sec.-Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. These officens xvi le nstalled aI the next meting. SChurch calendars will ibe sent to Sour sbut-mns. A social bal! bour was spent following tbe meeting. 1,R B SJusi Arrived!1 Cartwright Council met Dec. 6 ROBE wit mebersallprescrnt and Reeve W. G. Boxvles presiding. Communications were read as and Gay Holiday .olw:Fr xtnuse o 9. bes Clerk Counicil will be notificd DRES INCDRE SESrenoxt meeting o! Healbh Jnit. DRES ING RESS S ~On motion Junior Famrsaîry grantod $2000; Tesrrsslr Smart decor for a gala Holiday r4 was încneased $100.00; W. Pearce GOW NSSeasn . . or ne colectin Iopurchase matonial t10 lino check GO N Ses:n. .:urnewcolectonroom aî the Arena; request Cotint- of . ustros r'at.$6.00. The miost checîf l... the fabries . .. scintillating colors. j Scbool attendance officcu- nî- Î% senîed bis report xvbbch w'as filed. Most useful gifI o! al . bewlitching detailing. Everythlng "~ ~Onders were signed as follows: a warm, snugly f Il ng robe. to make you the most sparkling Clrk revising Voters' Lîsîs $8.00 Choos fromour fAon- f all M. onld, poîl books -- 10.10 Choo e fr m o r fa l~on of ail!) ~N .' H . M arlow , favoured holiday group of Jt ruant officer ,-------- 10.00 softest woollens, quilted sat- g~CT. e aras,letit- 100 in, silk, jîersev or cottons. __________________________________ Couinties levy _ 5522 Fast to flatter in ber fax oun- A Deb. No. 1l, Con. S. 371.33 S ite.year-'round style. Gay .ift ' Bank Commence, uyuiEx. on Debentun' ------- .92 J. Wilson, 1 ]an,. killed --- 21.00 ei A. Leighton, 3 l-anbs killed 69.00 _Up Io $14.95 UMBRELLAS ' F. Tnewvin, 1 Reg. ___ g lamb killed - 35.00 hii H.Thompson, Sec.-Treas. Ueu z BasWhab could make à nicer Sho -r . ý4899 Christmas gift than one of ~Con. School - --- 1,303.35 Useful Giff Bags ~~~don't know xv hab b give IbisG.Bak onilr 100 A1-1H. B ailey, "Pt . 100.00 GifI giving is in the bag wben youmaleteanxe10or D. Donoîl,. 100.0(0 give ber one o! our beaubiful band- problem. Comne in and sec sA Clerk. bal! year's salar- 2 75.fi00 bags. Il wll lie a gift she wili lorlagevritvI1a JP Wd Ko:hj;,;k. want Io carry xith ber at al i E. Larmer, 1 lamb killed - 21.00 times. Choose a stylisb gift from assortmenb o! colours ta Suit~ A M. Synwick. refnd our large selection o! plastics and every taste. jio ae 05 hîgb grade leathers in a vanîety 'aag 82 of colours. $975rtPeyarc , p iis 94 5 $395b 1.9 I CHILDRENS S. S.S No. 3 173 A Roads1.96 i Cournci adjourned ho meet Dcc. di 15, at 7:30 p.m. COCIJOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN A__.NO .SÈTO Phone 83£ Bowm n'lleN r.and Mrs. \WAi.:am n .i ""Religion and The Home"Tpi 0f Home and School Club Address On Wednesday evening, Dec I one's work but the mother ist. members of Bowmanville How can mothers teac] lHome and Sohool Club met to i religion?Children cani bee hear a 'fine program and a aged to say their owýAnr thought-provoking address. The heart- felt prayers. SimpiE meeting was prepared hy Mrs. cere prayers at meal-time aý W. H. Brown. lime are so much finer anc A letter from- the French child inspiring than the sterec adopted bY the club, was read prayers so often used. Ci thankinq the club for the money do flot need to be bribed received ard tlid of the necessii- aood. Can thev flot be tau ies whicli they were now able to be good for goodness' sake' purchase. The Christian familyi When the mothers' count was hope of this world. If the1 taken, il was fotind that Miss Me- ian faith is to be once morE Gregor, Miss Carruthers and Miss mouint in this world, il. will Bragg were lied. Since Miss Bragg cause the mothers are ea has often carried off the prize, teach and encourage their ct with ber permission. it was de- inl religions living. Mrs. F. cided to dîvide this month's thanked Mr. Yardley fe treasure betwoen Miss McGregor thonghtprovoking address. and Miss Carruthers. Ieccion, -xvhlich xiii be sen MWrs. Goddard in ber humorous Christmas gift to the Chi manner kept the audience smil- Aid Society, Port Hope, wv ing wiih hor account of the pre- en. Presidcnt, Mrs. V. Frai dicaments whlen a family tries btc tnded the Seasonis Greeti listen to a Sunday radio broad- the club. The singing of Goý cast while mother bias a pudding the King closed the meetir cooking in the kitchen. M.\rs. R. G. Lunch xvas served by the Harle sang two beautiful Christ- bers of Mrs. Brown's group, mas numbers, "Oh, Holv Night" and "First Christmas Mýorning". with Miss L. Osborne as accorn- Racingl pigeons sell for pianist at the piano, Mr. R. G. $40 to $400 each. Harle le'd the club in singing a few favourite Christmas Carols. The guest speaker, Rev. H. F. Yardley of Courtice, was introduc- ed by Mrs. W. H. Bro-wn. Although Mr. Yardlcy pleaded that no re- cord of bis talk be publishied,I bis thouglits wcre so sonnd. so cîcar and so essential to-dav, that we feit tliev must be printed. Mr. Yardley's thieme was "Rel- igion and the Homne". We need o nl '-v b look around us or readi the papers to realize that nmodern living Jacks the ideals of religion. Youing Peoples' religion is beingT F you'd like soni neglocted. A verY large percentage outboard perfor, of to-day's young people have aa orc1neE pitifUlly narrow knowledge of the ju.1ldeI Bible. El Even in tbis democratie country modern motor car! 1 w-here every individual is allowed Trigger.quick on t bis oxvn opinions. almost every There are three 4-cy one admits that religion is the way of lite. Most homes admit this, the lightweight Z- but tbey do so litIle 10 encourage 4clne a truly religions feeling in the hoan home. Too often, in toc, many Cl o homes, bbc conversation at the ~Cl o table tends to mun down the cburcl- Parents are scorniful of church workers. How can cblidren in these homes develop a-respect . for religion? The home is fighling- the church. Yet, so mnany homes ~ expect the chucch. in one hour each week to make angels of the devils they have created in full seven days. Mr. Yardley strongly feit that if our young people are to grow nip to -be Christian individuals, bbey must be taught true religion ~ in the homes. This îeaching is no - rh s.i h this- ncour-l letsrn- an, sin- d moe i oe 'ty p cd hildre iight 10 is the Christ- re para- 1be be- ager to -hildren Wood .oc the 1A col- nt as a ffldren's ýas tak- nk ex- Lings bo Dd Spveý ýng. emem- r !rom Domntori Store ta un a.ily guaranteed ho gi aatt~f action. Dec. Il, 17, 18 lu,40 Nativity Play Again Features Christmas Concerts The sublime Nativiby Play which has been put on in Bowmanville under the direction o! Mc. and Mrs. F. R. Schon, the past fcw years will again be the centre of interest tbis season as an appro- priate introduction bo Christmas Day. In symbolie gowns and cos- tumes a number of new players will mnake their appearance in Ibis year's presentation. A preview of the play -will be shown at the annual Christmas dinner in the Boys Training School on Saturdav niight, Dec. 18. Thon the followaing night the formaI presentation will be made in St. John's Church, the original setting for the local staging of this great drama. Under the artistrxr of Mr. and Mrs. Schon who some yeacs ago xvere participants in t.he prescrnt- ation o! the plav at famed Obera- mrnergau, the local young- people n! St. John's have been trained 10 bring ont the true lesson in xvords and pantomime o! the birth of the Saviour. The play will be put on finally at the Christmas Party for childrcn in St. Jobn's iParish Hall, Monday evening, Dcc. 20. mditton. a100% Values Effective Thurs., Frt., sat. ,n. 37c ltol-36c '. 16C T, 15< CROSSE AND BLACKWELTL PLUM PUDDING .for53c PURE TOMATO Il Oz. Bottie AYLMER CATSUP 17c ANI OOICLFN cLUB HOU7S-QUEERN PLAIN OLIVES DOMITON-ULTF11AVOTYRED PEANUT BUTTER CR~IY<ROU ND AS SOLD RICHMELLO COFFEE lb. BABY FOODS 3 Tin SUNMAID RAISINS Fg TII BIS F-~ lITFCCOLATE, SPICE CAKE MIXES CAKE FLOUR B CAII >1 ý 1' . I -3 0 / 40's LARGE PRUNES ]ls ( ' l 1-,*~S'h(< HEINZ SOUP 2 Tins FRUIT & VEGETABLES BIt 'ZILS AN!) NMIXFD Nuls - in sheli !Sle 88's SO îize 220's (aliforinia Sunkist Doz. Doz. Navel Orange$ - 29c 54c ONTARIO No. 1 Waxed Turnips B7TER 'AAFERS CHRISTIES RITZ JEu EL SHORTENING ENGLISHI BREAKFAST STYLE 35c- DOMINO TEA ONTAr RIO 51C WHITE BEANS 1111,L TOP 25c ALMOND ICING 2<STRAWBERRY JAM IES XO\îX COR AIAIE?.-CUT 31c MIXED PEEL MA Iî ASLlINO-RED 39c LIBERTY CHERRIES 22c DOG FOOD 2 NEW I>ITIR(FNI 31< OXY DOL ~ 15< i~~: 37< Il7Or 1 9c 39(~f IL 85c 22< "' o'- 45c J. .,39c Pl,;.0% 17c % f»O27c M. 27c CHRISTMAS CANDY lh. 49C Large AssorimenL:- BELLS - CHOCOLATES - CHOCOLATE DROP - SANTA AND REINDEER CREAMIS -CANDY CANES - TOFFEE - LJ(ORICE ALLSORTS - CONVERSATIONAL LIOZENGE S. .Z2Ibs. 9c r~v I -q fAr erl. -, ng ~ A .Ie al'Ur srýr i par .c rs E g ~aw ~ * GLENWOOD-FANCY le FRUIT COCKTAIL es AYLMER-FANCY SBING CHERRIES GLENM'OOD-FANCY ASPARAGUS TIPS GREEN GIANT-FANCY WAX BEANS5 ) NN VALLEY-STD. WHOLE BEETS WUPOOS No. 4 SCHOICE PEAS THE CANADIAN RTATLP-qMAlq. RMWVAeVrLtlt- MNTARYn - PAGE -1711 TEEN le