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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 14

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TWURSDAY, DEC. IOt, 1948'0 i-~E OURTEN q'u (,MTmA1.t l 'I'a'mrjclvm14, rMAT'YililvTLLW WrAR Ini 1945 there were 3,151 tele- f aeF l e dn C50,000 telephones. Number~ ra h per ofW o dH str.LteFl W d in ralls per telephone was estimated a . . a1,736. Uni olded al Men's Canaan Clu ~ Dy Mr. E. F. Thompsonof C.P.R. 'E(cntne frmPgOn) krno termed the 8th Wonder. . .~sula bvmrotor, a grca stretch of, China, in theanbodian "Valley T. B. i clesrt wastraversed bY a roadi ofth Mekonng" (Mother of Wa- ove- which cloueds cf dust spaced, ter<) lie these vast and amazing 1' cars in choking procession, an ruins. S a rea dcnuded like many othcrs Migration cxploitcd without knowledge of Ih bas been deduced that the SEALSA~ conservation. At Sicm Rcap on the original settiers in the valley b order of Angkor, the tcurJsts carne fromi India around the lst T HI S Y A ~found a hotel established by the century AD. to found what is now French GoDvernment. Here, unless1 known as the Khmer Settlements. n ight lights were put eut.,rnyri- As lime went on they built Angkor 'ads of insccts sw,,armcd roons op- Sap 'ceside an interior lake, Ton le ced or entlaton nd djaentSap. Thriving for 5 centuries, 8th s u ~ hrcsts produccd a cacophony of to l2th, in point of chronolegy,I ~ildlfe orgin.this people established one of the Ruin of Angkor greatest empires Asia has ever Proccdîg ito he nteiorknown. An early emperor estab- Procedig in te iteror- lished a vast maritime empire over convict-built road. the tu vjhich endured for more than 500 sts arrivcd at the point cf inter- st, he uinscf ngkr. FrstI-yars and erccted the stone build- ordof hisccnre f aciet« ings, ail of xvhîch have escaped 'ilization to rcach the modern itrcl oiei arecco vorld came from mis:ioilaries in paedias. h wh ha pen- IIn turn falling before another t te 6th. century hhapec conquering horde the Kingdom cf ratcd the Cambhodian Forest. the Khmers fell and city after SPtirchases of these T.B . Preservation o h un a city xent back to jungle. Today Christmas Seals has eeni due te a French naturalist, Henri full size trees rear up amidst the beouoehoeplre4hearabuildings, inside and eut, and bats, very gratifying to date, hon- 4i ;n 1860. Since then archeotogists1 birdis, andt capering monkeys now hve fergetten, fole whoup been have orgotenthe stone records thereabout, te homes, From 1907 on, scientîfie folliv u î, establish that Angkor had be a explorations and excavations have Sletters are going out ths,.- Capital that counted in succession taken place te try te unlock the k ~~~~~ ~120 kings and an army cf fîve creso h atadmn m wee. million soldiers. seportnofthbuidinstaved en, in MR. AND MRS. MUR SYour donation te this worthy Mr. Thompson extemperaneOus- part restored. whose marriage took place recer cueis urgently needed te vroe oftetadtoa0 CptlCt Evelyn Murdoch, the bride is thec assist in wiping eut this 1 World Wonders, 1, Sphinx and Mr. Thompson gave bis im- Mroh fBwavle n ca ~~~~Pyramids; 2, Hanging Gardens of pression cf the Capital, Angkor Mrdeh fBwavl n dread disease in this district. Babylon; 3, Temple cf Diana; 4, Thom, (Sanskrit derivative, Ang- Mr Thomas H. Tabb cf Tyrone, Denatiens of any size are ir 1Tumb cf Mausolus; 5, Statue cf kor for capital, Thom for city. 1Zens; 6, Colussus cf Rhodcs; 7, Laid eut on an exact square, 10,- grateullyreceied. Phares cf Alexandria; ail man- 000 ft. te a side, the temple is en- rated as the world's grcatcst won- D èi made creations that appear com- cMosed by a stene xvall 20 ft. highdrM.Topo lsdwt ~~~ ~~paratively Jnsignificant when set pierced by 4 gateways, the wholethsoerain 'necn elI agaînst the vast palaces at Ang- protected by a water-filled moat hsoerain"Oec wlD 325 ft. wide, across which are imagine that the towers cf Ang- *stone caîîseways Ileading te. the kor were in reality carved witht igats. Tesepassgesare ur-the sword rather than the chisel, gaes1Tee asagsar sr and the climax was logical. I ened with 7hae stone autae The meeting was conductd by s eofgantpots, inal President Howard Jeffery untii À 54 of her, wec smbol ofelection cf new officers following2 IJ u i \//  cf hem. f r esyml etndthe close f the address. Visitorsc f c ianhpfo h alc.n welcomned as guests were two' Tfhe interior thus guarded, CPR associates cf Mr. Thompsonf THEA RE BO MANVLLEhoued amilionpeope, elivedwho motored with him from Tom-) THEARE OWM N VLLEI husc a mllin popl, hlieed nte, Mr. H. F. Nelson, District te be the largest on the globe at Passenger Agent, and Mm. W. J. 1 that time and the centre cf a pop- Berry, Public Relations Depart-s ulation cf 30,000,000 people. The ment. Mr. Thompson was accord- CHRISTNAS GIFT FRDM ~~theomy of tewn planning was put e pluefrhsefrls x A CHRISTMAS CIFT FRnN ~~~~into practice in laying eut boule-e pluefrhsefrls x US O OU~vards with exact balance, wit position of an almost unknown royal 'buildings grouped i the peried of histemy. Ti-e thanks cf US TO YOU'centre, equi-distant fremn the the club was ably expressed te j~Igates. Stili standing, stronig and the speaker by Mr. Chas. S. Rob- M onday Io Friday - Dec. 201h - 241h 1 mta 1r teson hiesisn New Officers c% f such gd as Siva, Brahma andc A Vishnu, the golden. Pools cf water Reports by Secmetary Haî'ryr A "TWO"" for *"ONE" Show wcre spaced about and centrally Cryderman and Auditor Lau D'p- was found the tremendous pyra- pell, revealed a very succcssfult i~midl known as the Bayon. year. The new slate cf officers THE PURCHASE 0F "ONE" ADULT TICKET WILL 1% Aweseme Temples for the coming year was voted in ADMIT "TWO." THE PURCHASE 0F "ONE" CHILDS Ti9epe 40f.hgcn as follows'. Past President. How- TICKET WILL ADMIT "TWO" CHILDREN. 1_ Thructemplin 140stages , cropnt ard Jeffery; President, J. H. Bote- YES!IT' "TW" AMISIONSFORTHEwith gallerles and tepped with mac; Vice President, Harry Cry- - VE! IS "WO" DMISIOS FR TH - ~ tli trres. t vrieu pontsarederman; Secy. Charles Carter Sr.; PRICE 0F "ONE." I~~ stone faces 10 ft. square, number- MSae.Mmesi emt in., 160 and the building was aM.Sae em rsiCo it sanctuary for paying tribute te tee, Gea. Annis, M. J. Elliott, F. the mvthical geds cf the day. Tbe Dorland, Mcl Staples, W. F. Rick- WEPNESDAY - THURSDAY - DEC. 15- 16 speaker tlid seme cf the mythol- ar, Russell Bragg, H. Skinner, ogy associated with al iheseJ.R Reynolds. The exciîtive buildings and temples. The e- consists cf ail Past Presidents n. commis on the stone walls and pil-adpoctjfer I YVNZII~SMsaIrn@pm.,cto. ars tell the stery cf the military VONN D.E n conquests cf the Khmers as well TY ON TONY " ALO as their amnazing capacity as arch- T R N ARTIN iteets and sculptors, quite in par- ____ PETER LORRE allel with the people cf the Medit- SeilWîpGf evc *~dI.,.d,,emanean basin. T0RE s m. Tompon qete som cfheld at the chumch on Sunday for M AIA a errace c so utee oeloants l is sn h rgh tel.$F0B the astonishing legends depictedaiteBanAprxmey$0 .s eig enttJouhfhe .lin. o iand anv rceo trcare figurecfor food te be forwarded te the' ____ ~~~~~which seems te have been a habit ISho nin hm Samong people cf aIl ages that ou ii-nister attended as a boy'. stems down te our victory arches A batflbuutc ht ........ .. EXTRA&W and memorials. These carvings, mums was placed in the church ! like Egyptian Hieroglyphics, have Sunday momning in memomy cf the March of Time Technicolor Cartoon become an open bock through the late Mrs. L. Thompsen by mem- _________________________________________________ work cf modern seholars and n 0w bers cf the family. threw much light on our present A number from home attended FIDIAY - SATURDAY - DEC. 17 - 18 tcivilization. But space dees net the N.H.L. hockey game in To- permit the full stcry as told by the rente Dec. 8th. Yvonne DeCarlo Dan Duryea Isekr Mr. Thomas White has suffered In conclusion Mr. Thonapson a heart attack. fl~fl~to ld the amnazing story cf "the' Tyrone Y.P. serenaded Mr. and B L A C K ]B A R Tgroatest sight cf ail" the temple Mrs. Muray Tabb Friday night. cf Angkor Vat. located a mile or Mm. G. Rosevear visited his given by Rev. A. E. Cresswell, I ~IDec. 19. In the eve-nijng sles WiseMan' ' the Senior Young People. ily Mms. A. Moffat and Shily '~'>A MERV HRISMASw~-r~-~Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. Leon A MERY +ARSTMS WI+ Moore.~a .and Mrs. Gco. W. Gmraham adBarbara, Town, ,vith Mr. and \U /RcAV ICTOR 1 Mrs. Don Stainten. RECORD ~q IMm. and Mrs. Don Thnmpsen RECRDS@nI and NommanCouirtice, with Mm. ~kri and Mrs. Art Youngmnan. Te f that kesoitçn n' r and Mms. T. H. Tabb, Mm. NI TCACKF SI IF' land Mrs. M. Elford. Port Pemry. Tchaikovsky - Album DNM 1020MrJ*arc B%,mn-le "Greig Concerto in A Nlinor"Mm1.-M-ya-d,-owmanille kW ~ ~ ~ .11 L u inst e IfWfinl- %h~U inumi.N ~ 'MUSIC TO REMEMBER" - C'hopin ( Jose Iturbi - Album DM1 1110 The Radio Shop "OIdat 40,50,60?" - Man, You're Crazy Foret vour MeU,cu, aq re pepi' nt 70. iry -Dep piiîg Up' -h*11(cre, I. ,U ,ice for W.. ,in.iown feeling l(île -dieIV ' i , oîiy q i ccl. f roi * fheh mna e riv l- i wc ,rncý,u id 1rv lscirex i n.' iTauh!iet ior;rp % lu'v, e-nz.r tin h.nq O, -V i * *', O ,,,,l-,i 1..O, ' acc. 1' r balc i al drui; lLurecb .crc. 1at Maple Grave RRAY EARL TABB ntly. Formcrly Miss Margaret daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter the bridegroom is the son of and the late Mrs. Tabb. Courtesy Times-Gazette. Mir. Ross and Miss Verna Mc- Roberts with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vlaynard. Little Robert Hamilton has had the measies. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine and Viargo, Haydon, Thomas Mahaffy, Burkcton, at Mr. K. Colbary's. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and children with Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Cornish, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham, Bowmanville. Mr. F. Lindsay, Miss M. Lind- say, Mr. B. Smart, Miss June Lind. say, Mrs. R. Carter and Ken Mc- Donald, Toronto, called on Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. F. Webber and Mr. George Webber, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Clem and Dorcen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward, Bow- manville. Mr. Herb Cameron bas had a t;ouch of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees and Mr. A. Cation, Hampton, Mr. Donald Yellowlees, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton and family with Mrs. H. Harris and Mrs. H. Tuck, Toronto. Judging by news pictures, the boys who do the fightit1g for peace in the U.N. ring, always shakc' hands between rounds. Prcsidcnt Truman obviously hadi no intention of accepting the titie of the world's most disting- uishcd Displaccd Person. Reservalions .. now being accepied AT The Radio Shop FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY HATS. . . HORNS BALLOONS .. . FAVOURS and VAN WALKER and his ORCHESTRA Vocalist - Walter Scott JU-BILEE PAVILION OSHAWA YOUR EYES andî S Rewritten frcm previeus copy rights cf1 C. H. TUCK: * Optometrlst; Disney Bldg. (Opp. P-0.)1 Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 33i Sir Stafford Cripps, in a moment speech in Englanml. stmesýsed ai vers' important peint %w.hen ho statedl that the incmeased pay that' xv,,as requested shoulmi net be granted unicss production ceuld show an increase te can th is raisŽ. "More prodmîce te market means biggem pay envelepes." The eyes tee have a big part te play, botter cfficiency means less effort te the job being done. Professional assurance is ob- tainable te knoxv just te what ex- improperly expended, and il is surpmising te %%hat extent this vvasted energy is applicable te physical weakcesses and ilîs of, the body. (.Cupy-rîghltcd) session Rev. Linslead conducted the election cf officers. Thoso who will continue the womk for next year are: Superintendent- Wesey Yellowiees; Asst. Supt.- Bruce Taylor; Secy.-Harvey Yel- lowlees; Asst.-Rae Pasce; Trea- surer-Walter Parrinder. Wcmen's Institute met Menday Pfternoon wilh Mrs. Roy bang- maid presiding. Mrs. E. R. Tay- lor and greup were in charge cf the special Christmas program which opened with carci singing led by Mrs. Everetl Cryderman, with Mrs. J. W. Yeleowlees aI the piano. Mrs. Taylor gave an in- teresting address on Christmas rAGE FOýURTEEN TTnVr""fl ~ customns across. the world. Mrs. BURKETONJ. W. Yellowlees and Mrs. R.1 Gi'inert explained and dernon- The election of officers took strated the making of four kinds place at the December meetinglof Chri.stmas(î d.Ms ibr of the W.A. held at Mrs. K. Rob- ,fiso gave a reading "Santa Claus lin's. The following financial parade impressions" and piano report for 1948 was given hy selefýioIlq by little Patty Davis Mrs. H. Gi: 1anid Mrs. F. Cryderman were en- Receipts: Cash on hand Jan. , 1joYed. Rollcali was an exchange 1948, $1096; Collectionf;, $1721*1 of xifts. Concert, $16.95: Supper and Play, IYoung People's Union met $3095; Procedst. haz.aar, $62.32: Mrendlay night with Mary Cryder- Quilt, $3.50; Total, $171.89, main n charge of the program. Expr1dIturrM: M. & M. Filici TW hE' wrship service was presented $2.00; lsiv, $15-001: Supper, $10,46- hy.Jean Crsclerman, Ewar-t Leask store buiits $96; rr)ts ii$8oo:n cnMil ison. Eunice Leask 1Balaince on haid, $132,80 p i;;ird Murray Vice gave humorous $7.03, $140,83.acis. Elcetion of officers was Nf-wPrridet fo 199 i Mr. ;iIo hrld wîth these officers ap- New P-ll r'an I n r 1949 k r'c. 1ponnîcd: President-Ew art Leask; flî~cei )ra mn Ms.('arncc~vice nreuide,.j(lnt -Stan Milîson; gavert. miseerctry Ms. Symnir'çrt;ry-Pearl: Leach; treasu- gav ti' isu>arystîd <hip Irr Murray Vice: Convenors- te'r 'foctors Old and Nrw, in F I llwshiip - Harold Clendenen Chinia" Rev. R. M. Seymouîr anrd Jean Cryderman; missionary <losc'd the meeting. Lunch was - Rae Pascoe and Elma Cryder- sc'rved by Mrs. Roblin and her mnan; Citizenship-Mary Cryder- group. man and Bruce Taylor; Cultural- Mrs. E. Caughill with Mr. and Jean Montgomery and Harvey Mrs. O'Hearn, Lcfroy. Yellowlecs; Pianist-Eunice Leask Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace and, children in Beaverton. Mrs. B. Hubbard in NorwichV with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard. X CHRISTMA Hubbard, Peterboro.ishm th B L R. ber father who is very M1. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodman ~Bw and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barnes Bowm and Bruce with Mr. and Mrs. E. ,V Full course Turkey Dit Adams. December 19th te Ja Mr. Nelson Hudson with friends. 1 Exeept December 25th and Mr. and Mrs. J. Strong, Cad- IVclosed te mus, with Mrs. E. Caughill and friends. Mr. Albert Adams and Miss u tos Lois McMullen with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ross Oke, Oshawa, Friends are sorry te learn of the death of Mrs. John Paterson who died in Blackstock Dec. lst.ROBINSON Miss Dorothy Rahm and Mrs. D. . J. McLean are improving nicelyiP 142 KING S' after the recent accident and areV - PHO1N ,now at their home.,husÎ9F . SOLINA Baby Budgies in Mssionary prograrn at Sunday from $ School cnitdo story by Dor- ejîîHodUt othy Harciy and vocal duet by y il od ni Jean and Elma Cryderman, ac- y ALSO CANARIES AND AI leomipanied by Gladys Yellowýlees. LS DINNER] UL HOTEL acnville dnner served dally from Tanuary lst, inclusive, 26th when the hotel wll be the public. Meal - $1.50 PET SHOP STREET EAST NE 916 - ind Sai. Special iAssorled Colours ý5.95 up ,il Christmias Eve. ýLL OTHER BIRD SUPPLIES WE ARE PAYING M'E HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES 1 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HORSES . HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TORONTO: ADelaide 3636 COBOURG: 483 Here's a Jolly Good Chrnstmas Gif t Suggestion! SEND YOUR FRIENDS A SUBSCRIPTION -TO The Canadian Statesman -A YEAR ROUND GIFT - $2.50 A YEAR =- ($3.00 IN U.S.A.) Here is a Gif t that will be appreciated every week of the year by your friends at home or abroad. An attractive CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD with each Subscription Enclosed find S ia pay ment of------- The Canadian Statesman. Kindly mail te the following: ------years subseriptien to ADDRESS - ---------------------- - --- NAM E . ~ ~ -------------------------------------------- ADDRESS------------------- - -- ------ -------- - SIGNED I 14 I n s 't i i . CATTLE Auditors-Francis Wotten and Harry Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson, Murray and Robert, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklin, at Bruce Tink's. Short Courses ai O.A.C. Stant Tan. 3 In order ta allow the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College to enjoy the Christmas and New Year holiday season without in. teruption, it has this year been dec; ded ta hold the usual xvinter short courses a week later. This year they will start on January 3, and continue until JanUa,, 7, 1949. A riew course in athietie coaching is being started this year, for the first time. Other courses will be livestock, cropg and souls. farm mechanics, agrÎ.j% cultural economics, hortI"culturF['- bee-keeping and comunity pro-' grams. Application re registra.,ý. tion should be made early to W D. Tolton, O.A.C., Guelph. . THE CAMADIAN STATESMAn. tOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO ~4fWloe ZLëý

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