N THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TNURSDAY, DEC. Igth, 19 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTHSArilsFrS e Articles For Sale Notice ta Creditors Wanted To( u _Fr onBcr ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Luther VrHITE babY pram. Su.nshine.l QUAKER oil hcater; new e1ectric~ and Others I N çxpair(if u. cd Fil 5Rprt prai Alnachpyt noneii k nwPhn287 511R.gct;DLvland B.T. Water -Ihlone !274,xiFrte atYa Alumn ofa son abrother for Helen, l:kcncw. - Phono 282arrier Bucket, The CANADJAN STATESMAN IN THE ESTATr, 0F JAMES___ at Bowmanville Hospital, on Fni- QUEBEC hcater, equipped for oil. B.T. Water Bow]s; roll Snow BOWVN, deceascd.SCAhttre,$Y) c.Pîkirenntcth nuaRpo day, December 10, 1948. 51-1 Phone 2260. 51-11 Fence; 15 Steel Posts; B.T. electriei ALL persons having eaimSCuP. .b.atteieon irShpo!heCnda ______________ 1 Grinder: Martin Senour Paint; against the estate of JAMES Phone~ 467.4tfcvrigoransorteyr AMES-Ralph and areddy nice CHRISTMAS trecs. Keith Bickeil. Aluminium Rofn. .H. Brown, Ba iri ROWNrham.fa ofrthe ownof a.o 1 98acre~ dauhte. .udîh Jil" a Bov-QUEBEC heator;, also 12-gauge; NEW Blanlkets for Old Woollens!aottelt a fAgsBxmnil.5-v k 51o*uciwa usaetsld woolle soki'1948, are required to send t, h - ai1m1t,,ebast 1948. Mother and baby doing fine. - sunudreabaktscrs wajdersigned at Bowmanville, On- BEFORE scIllng your ieputrthonotCac. ar4 ers. i loa- astpart,000 aI 4fopor ce manvill Hospial on Dc l3thghot gn. nearinew. hone e6. A Autoa tlri fllparticulars ofthe sie r i.Ouîr pi 13arhghrTeBadmesistmra BYSskaiýtcc, size 4. in good con- highest qualitatBsankets.rAuto r e h 5hdy fJn lttR R ,Bt dition. Appi.," 157 King St. E. or Rugs, Ski Cloth. etc. A new, AI alleoete15hdyo-a-FatRR 1Btay poe7rrpybeovrprosu o2 ANI-oM.adMs .W hn 1.5 *Wool. fuli-size blanket can be ob-14,atrwihdt h 3 ees hre.1-f:er.ToBadmymk di Annis To Mr.nd ovMrs.2 , Phone914. for as low as $3.00 with 12 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1940 assets of the deceased will be dis-F______ _______tinldveebrnnghoo1 Annis, Tyrono.egrd olon NohvomRES:rld2ad>, 1948, a daughcr, Charlotte Grace. BOYS skates, size 12, good as ILs. off old woollens as part pay- tributed higrgadoyt the x tr HstORSE, s: bnurps d ih asu t 6Ooh eti r 51-1 iiwtricy-cle ha good shape. Bill ment. Write today ta DepL. 22,dam ofvhcthExctrretpielubnsifdierdumane.Lnsreae pyr Corn'sh'. 53 Elgin St. 51.1*' Micland Mîlîs, Midland, Ontara shall then have notice. at Tyrone. Also ablet ila etbyhvsokadcu~ CARTER-Mý,r. and Mrs. Tom H. rand ask for froc price list. 51-1 i DIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, DAEDbhis9thdayoffDccm our farm. Deadnamsoc e en nham(adan ae b e re r1 9 4 8 . m o v e d a n n ov i t hit h a uAh o u r.he nC a t I U S a o rdrr e p a - - ' bu-i l d i n gs- - - - -m a k e Carerar hpp t anonc to EA-od en sitbl fr oat-- NLEBcdsreads, $4.99 ea. CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per insertionROETLN AYMCHL colleot. MargwillFrFam birth off a son. Thomas, Charles. at in.-; potr table turnhps. S.W \X*C NLE ~ .ROBERT67 LIfNDSAYemcr MISTCeH1ELL Bowmarville Hospital, on Thurs- Brooks. Phone 2227. 51-1 At x'.hoîcsale prce. First quaîity'an GRDN RONExcuvteBarlhs en mrethn 60 da.Dc ,14,abrother for bra-itifful Chenilles, well tufted inl EN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per insertion tors. by Apha I. Hodgins, their f1000 Patricia. .51 -1rr BOYS hockey skates and boots, ail colours for double or single slctrhri.5- ______ .i.e Ï,. G andi 7, in good condition.c. S4.99 ca. Fuîl 90x100 basket, For_______ ______ Re:______ MURDOS-Mv.,. and Mrs. idc% h 3Î. 51-1: off f loxvers design. completely cov- 1 NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, Murdoch iare lippy ta announlc2 cred %with Chenille for $8.98. As LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. -Help _Âanted TWO or thrce rooms. fuase r:l-utiigb< aiga t- arve f herdagtePAIR oZ' 7-ft, skis, Ilpl arcs.hbitant hand hooked riigs, 18"x ufrihd sds Brena Mrie, a s st-w for _Bar- Phone 2921 or apply 56 Lamb .sr 36' v colorful, 3 for $4.00.1 CasARae: e aworA(mn. tc) MuI b pad bfor inertonfor, yotng couple. AIpyM e o.d fiil tt Brna'Thos atcls -tail for double the If Charged: 3c a %vord (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box F required. Apply Goodyear Tiire &cuNwasb.5-§Zurctrt f4 e et bara ar.d x 'endolyn at Bov:ma- Lane. oce. Send C.O.D. plus postage,. numbers or replies directed ta this office.Rubro.Bwmnie. 5-- ovrthnaypvisrtetp ville Hospial on Deceber AVAILABLEon-aftor Jamuariatlydrefhnte if Rucbe.ro.,dBonmavinse. de- 1948. 51-1 l9111) DODGE .cdan. in good co- mncyîmmdiaelyrefundd i diin hn '9.BetnDrhu ltor.23 hbrooke Westrn~i- (Additional Insertions at Same Rates) MAN for steady travel among tlirce furnhshed bedomchtO h or dta enn o 51-I Serok etot consumners in Whitney and Bow- water heated, mode coenmrgaeoeyiontenras ENGAGEMENT -c~~~ral, Que. 48-4 mnil.Praetcneto c-c.WiePO E N G A G E E N T TýODE,ýL A Ford coupe, al n - -- -- -- -- __ _- ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER manvlare manfce .c oncton incc iteP . B x 43 n - a h wi b taiy rsn. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth C2swell. Iiresý and b?'tt'ryý, $150. Phone COMTNG EVENTS 1 THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money reliable hustier considered. Write Ts r~n rnpriual Newtonvhlle, announce the engage- Cik 03.3- -urder with order ta get îow rate. MrealhsDpt L -4-3.,EGTroe amhuewt h rii rvneh 0 ment of thoir ldest clau.ghtcr. Pi3ono tuner bore nov.. Ottawa«s ______________Mnra.43rwater, hAro and frae a adlrc am n hs~s. :F oi',FaPART time opportunity for wo- 1rient nartofladoal11acerlethaheadtta fw Annie Doreen to Elmer Frccierick GRX ,b k'sxihvhr"enrtFrnk Halpeany. Speciat flado Grecn. son off Mn. T'rcdcirhck Crccn, b'... ec7: jl0o breakfast .uitcoffir. Poo25.5- CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCEmnofabeavrgitliec, can use firov.'ood for fraefo en g esta 0pncn Ororo. Fnd th? late lr.Ccs.bL"fot,. PbeoI-e 280.____ resident in Bowmanville or in 'woods. Phone 2810. 54 f crwnsfo h o~ J" iuar16-8,ioarly ew Phono Clar e i i'ris"tmas Concert on Wed- casional wonk intenviewing in A cinFfr ad u o vr13o~~ - 264. 11fncsdav. Dcc. 22, at 8 p.m. Every- GIVING UP FARMINO os connection with public opinion ____ __ cd DE T S---__--1o:;e \\ cîIcomc. 51-i1:::___ surveys. WVi-te: Canadianl Factsfo b ______1, ndsýa_5,cze7 AUCIIOUIIli -Limited, 146 'Wellington St., West,.1:I have received instrutosfo ________________ BAE-nBwn\ilo ,c .L 0 i zc- et Tyronle H-ait. Saturday. hrpryo SMALL hound. bla.ck and white, 'Toronto, Ontario. 50-2 Mr. Stanley Smith to etb u' BAE- e oEavl. O o n c. o:il S. 5L. MD'c. 1tf.. 106 CoA. s Vritywith brown inarkýingls. Answcrs F ic auction on SaturdyDe.1,rrsn±, 14, 1948, Florence . Oborcba-ionSt Phonec.13T. RlhWi1on 4Vrie82w 9at theri-or off LunnsHadre _____________ Che if fFrd0 ael of LADIES' black CC.7.. sk-at-. c.Ac m______c. 5-1., r George Win Osaa Rexvard. 51-1* oo S For Rent Oronio, his entire t.sbl f YINC upis-~ubr Reoestne.nPer at the aFsi y pblc aaîon I -________Of -feets. This furniture asttprgod)aidpspidupln .ao,mn\i, .,. ,c good.0 s ms.Cn-, r OU ronis eoer> cîasd ns'. fie mnts aoubdlsaee evolpe ithpnie Northcutt &Smith, ~ e5Z 'Ci1 Solii-i Sc I Crita o- ORrosedr couple. ist.ner iv m r for service on Thuîsdpry, Dec. 16, D orS ~ii 12c2r Fiday'. Dec. l7tb, at 8 p.m., LOT 17, CON. 1. MANVERSF GOLD Sheiaffer fountain pen, lost rooms furnished, bard anid soft is in perfectcoitn.TrsSismpe25;4saps l0. Cemetcry. Khadly omit IlOxwenS. ONEcad brs.fsiominion1, uscdon" 7Clu e;o ttesho.Po Chîrc. P Rî,Co, ox91 BR W -A h Q eaElzb t wintr esPhon 21.550,n17, graflýý ib y ncn the he s. 51 Pr- Miles East of MclCrea's Church Anglican C u .Rewad. Phone Richards, 19 Bradshaw St., Town. Jack Autone.eeiHmdtnO t Phone2138_51-agra12:30 sharp on 1-1 2957. 51-1 51s-1 11I459~' flospital, Toronto, on Saturdey, MANS tuxedo. smalt sizo. oxcel- 1 tnhl oce lbwî Fia eebr 1p - r ecembor 1l, 1948, Emma Brovin, lent condJtio:i. Apply N. J. Scott, îodadnehNecteCm-l . r'Ope graadmother off n.rewi u erct. 51-1 m(inity Hall. Fiday evening. Dec.r the followîng: atteMorris Funerpl Cheiýpel 0on CHEVROLET co'ch. 93.fïair 1i t. Don Hamm's Orchestra. CATTLE .m. ral erentaSt.eîd1,condition. nevi tires, scaihcanraACým'ioi-: 50c per person. Si-h Hereford Cow, 8 yrs., due Jan.h; ~r'..~ Tuesdy at pr1Hereford Cow, 7 yrs.. due ac.; GergsAnlca emtry t hgt. o.'beks Apy 651-1 0(1011 St. 51-1::: Burketon Public School ,Vill Red Durham Cow, 4 yrs. due > j' Blackstock. liold Ilicir Annual Christmas con- M~c;RdDra oSYrs., i , 1930 ODSMOBLE redn, h (c"it o Thuns., Dec. 23rd, at 8 p.m.FdeMri eeodCw i'.-~ . ýýncl cndition ,ccl tres, b-r-ain_:1______t Heifde Ar 3 foDrhm ot;,Dur- cfsr Apply Kings\,way Lunch. Evroa .cloe:s- yrs., due Apnil; Grey Durham i1. BROWNELL-In oving mcmory Newcastle. 5i1*rl________ 3yrs.. caif at oo; oDr o f a d e a r F a th e r, J a c o b B o w n eil l, 1 93 H V , i-n w ti e o o D n ee-n n s i l n H a l r - h a mi y e a r-o ld s.PI INME OR14 31 dcondit in edtieb'iii ' ukeo nie(CuIldeApi; e ura oagi ,. Titi maseoy de and.ti94e: .iob, clutch nnd bod.v gooci. brst cda y. Dec b Rt iSsTamworth Sow, due ha Febnueiy: fi departs * offer. Appiv finIt off iswen tttielu.Amiso Yorkshire Sow, due January, 8 Kinect..as.12 Vact1Bad.Aupics1ffEn Yeu live forever ha our licarts. Kn-t 1r.___________Sc Fat Hogs; 9 Sucking Pigs. duhEvaybs SE sentn 13. ngora.71- 12 Tons of Mixed Hay; 1225 Bus. daghei so-i-aad ning Conditin, wilsiteo o- roup 2 off Mepte Grove Wom- grandchitdrea. 5-1aby.E. L. Bare aMlltea, 100 sale off cookies and candy aI the 900 Bags of Potatoes. MARTIN-Inlongmmnof home off Mrmý. Ceeul Milîs on Fri LUMBER a o rR x l Our dca'- mother. Elizabeth Ana APPROXýIMATELY '700 ce-der .ofPn24;00ftof Matc xn ay, Dec. 17, ffrom 2:30 to 4:30. 00f.o ie24 00f.o Matn.ur icIjý, ioprssed away Deccm- rails. for, fençing orinin, 51-1 iPipie Ptank; lOQO ft. of Pine inch;______ Al ryemembercd by Allen. o6rlS, Oiruno. 5~1 emok 10 f f bei- lth.1943:pnice righ for uhck ale.Dhonoe_____Oak Plank; 500 fI. Oak inch; 7000 Belle ad Aan.GIRLS figure skates, size 6 i2:î Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, ia Orono 1fI. of Poplar. , j- MeCABE-In recmbrance off my atm White s, -n mchine: and Town H-atl. Donald HammadhsIMA IER parent. Mr. nd'Mrs AlexaIýi . Oval cook stove. Apply orchestra ini attendance. Admis- M -H. Dise Seeder, near new; McavidFrgan- paensMr.an rs Aeanc, 3Tmperoce St. 5 1- f* sin: S2.00 per couple; single ad- Cormick Hay Rake; Eureka Potator Mothe.-wbo pessed awey Dec. Ci t IDEAL Chtas present-pure 1 Binder, McCormick-Deering. near. ri J TC S 4 T C î ,1-1 rdppis iehi ere; Soline Suaday Sehool Christ- Iv new; M-H. Binder, 6 Ît. eut,~T a,, ,tu sevic. Debysiremasconcert in Eldad Church i.good condition; Frost and WoOd ','i 5-*DecembLr 22nd. et 8:15. Cantata Cultivator: Set off ight Steihs; 4 a ?, yE lck ntqu left iclSente ogt h mih"Renfrew cls200I.,nw 5192: Ylecin.1JoeFiand Set-an other progrem. Amsin Top buggy; Set of Sicigh Runners; 25 d b15 c.ia.51-1 M-H., 25Disc.5c His abscnce to us is a sorow. C. Berendsen c'o U. M. Bullock. Odcfellows Service CluOn-ITrmYas'oReeve ~PR e i trcielapro ea otie HisIle-s :e xv;il alwals regret. Lesk-ard Road. Orono. 51I-1 touncecadraeidnd ance ha th -Daugbter and femily. 51.1*IneOoOtai.5- FRCRSMSfnTown Hall. Orono, on Friday, Oronogannaria MYERS-In loving memnory off our mo.Mrris and Williams pianos. r Dec. 1l7th. 1948. 20 pnizes given AREN I sîir.Ptrca BbblMyn, N d hefnecng f nersedava.Roy Foresters famous bandr Real Estate For Sale Per 1947: man\V lle 5lncinl I 50-2eseNEW pa artlan w-ho pa;.ced away, Decomnber 17, Tcteohnne F. J. Mitchell, BowV- ha attendance. Admission S0c. 1 ___________- ARDLEY GIFT E andRus-el Hý'q. 1-1, ILspoce boater, used 3 months, Annuel meeting off the Durham land. D. Bothwell, Phone 2633. OLD SPICE G1F E aad uorcl Haes. i bf prîce: ncw Mossborg 22 rifle;, County Holstein Breeders will ho 51-1 190 Toilet IVater 'ae oa o THOMPSN la emonyoff m >> bp. nIon; mas C.C.M. bic- held on Saturdey. Dec. 18, aI DepI. -- .- (le; 7 fi. skis and herness. Phone'off Agriculture office. Bowmaa- FARM-i041½1 acres ha Clarke ~CITNBTCIIMDSIGPWE I 1G xvîeLiywb pasc aveDc larkle 4502. 51-1I ville, et 1:30 p.m. AIl breeders in Twp., easî off Newvcastle.. Good E~~2, LIZABETH AIDNInc î~ nwmn lSth. 1947é: silCountue hdo sco-;q lat wshIN~TONge d coti t are requested to be pro-su odhushoi o- Blue Grass farne$5 Your ls paiîng ws COMBTIN a and c clent. Gordon Kellogg, President; tracted for, immediale possession. 4'à_____________ ____ Fldlk t av eadsOR puphesand bakaqoec - t nulDne Patr hsBah~r ~ ~ i,~;;a, ~Pn~ A edxvulahd tike b ave ar r iv.wbt n tcso ecà. C. Muir, Sccrcîary. 51-1 IWrite Box 177 Canadian States- \' Aa br'tedii ou er tr ic an.,ette. Applv Ms. . 'i- rman. 50-2 or ___ 17 J 1 ___ -~.9~veloun daxeno bed ufte Repars încc îccs. i dea, $1900ilhcce off soliîg snft drr' -. czady Contact Evelyn E. Cooke imdentake te oporale t4e rink, Newcastle Phono A2621 Clarke EPA-'IRS toalal makes off refrig- 19,18 PONTIAC sedanctie. buiit-in uiailtail the ice. nemo .:e snow, 51-1 q aîr.domesiie and commercialraian etr etcvr.6,0 ývecti :-hsado*rop- gigop Elecînho 42 King St E., rdo' a baer-ea ovr. i:01 tiycnic its ead pr,,vci pr _________ Hi m~les.- 1942 Buick Special sedan. atnWxoieai p.'iefrVanted phonie 438 26-If> iuti radio. undler se, eater: b1)0tl skating anîd hockey acod _ YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE N4ATC-Way Shoe Repair: Good. 19318 Chevrolet sedani; aiso Illaln, 1m 0 ibte prograni of otler years. REFINED lady who would like to - rbstantial %wo!kmanship. reiebîl- other gond u c,ýrs. Ar;',s Gar- Funther information oui nequest.. share widow's aparîment, lovely Ph n 78 îty. dye-ng. Soiiag , xvng. etc. pLo.- lamipton. Pbo:îc 2143. Onn Mis. 'Nuii Sto-ks. Secretary. home whith 211l modemn coaven- fý manville Cleaners. 7t rd-nor eczýyîcrmis. 5j 51-1Office. 5- PAGE SIXTEEN BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFIORE 12,000 READERS -.. -, - , 4 ý - -