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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 4

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PAGE POUR ~~EE CANAflIAN ~TATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO ~'}IURSDAY. ~ ¶ftfh. tua, -NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mýrs. Alfred Redknap and Douglas, Oshawa, spent Mon- day with bis parents. M r. Pcrcy Rowe, Vîew Lake, visited bis sister Mrs. J. T. Pearce. ,Miss Inez Symons who is convele- scing after an operation is also v:s ting her aunt and uncie. Mrs. Cooper, formerly Miss Rose mark, British Colum-bia, is visit- ing ber aunt Mrs. Sam Smitb. W. A. met Dec. 7 at tbe home off Mrs. J. T. Peerce. After the busi- ness session Rev. H. A. Bunt pre- sîded for' the election off officers for 1949: Pi-st Presidcnt-Mrs. J. *T. Pe2rce; President-.Mrs. C. M. Joce st. Vice-Mrs. George Kimbali* Sccy.-Mrs. Frank Gil- mrr; Treas-Mrs. Arthur Red- i i knap. The work off this society during the year bas bren very fine. Lunch and a social bour brought the evening to a cicse. Anr.ual meeting off W.M.S. met at the parsonage on Dec. 14. Mrs. Raymond Bruce had charge off the study book. As ail off the caien- dars have not corne in it was de- cided to announce on Sunday exv- eniog that they could be left at the parsonage or given ta a W.M. S. officer at church service. Mrs. H. A. Bunt presîded for the clect- ion off officers: Hon. Presidents- Miss I. Laing, Mrs. H. A. Bunt; President-Mrs. Cecil Buriey; lst. Vice-Mrs. George Stapleton; 2nd. Vice-Mrs. Gcorge MLvcCuii- ougb; Treasurr-Mrs. Sitiney Lancaster; Christian Stewardsbip Secy.-Mrs. C. Burley; Temper- ance Secy.-Mrs. J. T. Pearce; _______________________________________________________ I -i I 0 p A T v A ENING LAST! R r (P' y Ji. ILtiu JUJ->3 PAVILION Located on No. 2 Hlghway 2 Miles East of Oshaw-a RING RING OUJT NEW YEAR'S IN TH-E CLBAINTHE OLD CEBAONNEW - AT - VARCOE'S GRAND OPENING M USIC s rpPLIED BY STAN PATTON ahd, His ORCHESTRA Well Known Toronto Dance Band Direct from Club Norman PERFECT SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR BATS . . . HORNS NOISE.MAKERS. . PRIZES rADMISSION: New Year's Eve t'$7.50 Per Couple Tickets on Sale at Varcoe's Booth. Don't be (llsappolnted. Make li Reservations NOW. - JOIN THE CROWD .AND HAVE FUN AT VARCOE'S PAVILIIN Ji Bowmanville Com. Friendship-Mrs. John Bar- rie; Baby Band-Mrs. Charles Morris; Asst.-Mrs. Edgar Har- court; Pianist-Mrs. Ross Hallo- weh. The Mission Band will be carrîed on after New Year. The hostess served the eleven present witb a cup of tea and bomemade Christmas cake. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown and daugbter Luella and Mrs. Wiiey, Peterboro, with Mr. Brown's sister Mrs. W. N. Stevens. Don't forget to look in "Coming Events" for aur Newtonville Hockey Club dance in Newcastle Dec. 17. MAPLE GROVE Miss Edna Swallow is visiting Mrs. Wallie Pearson at Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Toronto, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Mr. Pbilip Everson, Mr. Ron Ev- erson, Montreai, called on Mrs. Snowden and Mr. Bob Snowden on Sunday. Special Christmas and White Gif t service on Sunday at 2 p.m. xvhen food for parcels for Britain wili be taken. Sunday School and Chuch service xiii be combined, also baptismal service. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping and son, Toronto, wcrc week-end vis- itors with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Miss Marion Snowdcn, Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents MIr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Blackstock M.D. Loses Appeal The jucgiment off Mr. Justice Gale against Dr. J. A. McArthur off Blackzstock was upheld in Ontario Appeal Court at Osgoode Ha-ll in Toronto, whcn Chief Jus- tice Robertson and Justices Fish- er and Aylesworth dismissed Dr. McArthuî- s appeal. Mr. Justice Gale lhad ordcred Dr. MeArthur to account for a bill which he had rendered the latc William H. Lconard off Port Perry, after the Lcunard estate had claimed that Dr. McArthur had overcharged him for medical services. Acting for the executors off Mr. Leonerd's estate were A. W. S. Greer, K.C., and W. T. Harris, Counsel for Dr. McArthur was Thomas Delany, K.C. The judgement orders ta Dr. McArthur ta itemize bills for treatment off Mr. Leonard, and ta acount for the money paid by Mr. Lconerd. Leonard is seid ta have paid Dr. McArthîîr $1,000, for _trJat rne nt, ar claimed a balanCE 25. The judgmer McArthur's clairs $927.25. 'Current" Ideasj For Christmas S$9.91 SILEXi GENER AFFLE IRONS $1 2.95 1 .. ETRIO 5 - $12.95 KSTEAM IMON $23.00 lAL ELECTRIC ATING PADS $9.95 Nothing-, but nothlng, w'lll please mother more on Christmas day than an electnical gift - a practicai gift! Nothing can bring ber more pleasure on Christmas day and every day in the year Iban a mixer, an iron, a stove or refrigerator. Sec aur sciection today. Inquire about our easy-payment plan. - \I-1 - (xcneral Eliectrie TOA 'STER S $9.95 - $14.95 Cieneral Electrie ELECTRIC KETTLE $14.50 Gla-ss A lu ni nu STOVES for bath above Coffre Makers - -------- $3. G. E. ELECTRIC BLANKETS ------------------------- IGGON ELECTRI 42 K ing St. E. Phc ENFIELD W.A. met at the home off Mrs. G. Bowman. Last year's officers were returned to office by accla- mation. The following new com- mitees were appointed: Lunch Com.-Mrs. F. Samis and Mrs. E. Prescott; Comfort Com.-Mrs. J. H. Harris and Mrs. W. Pascoe. The executive were re-appointed as the concert Com. It was decided ta send donations ta, the Star Santa Claus Fund and the Save the Cbildren Fund. A large crowd enjayed the pic- tures prespnted Tuesday night by Mr. Carveth off Newcastle. A bigb ligbt off the evening was the un- posed pîctures sbowing some off the prize horses in tbis community and their owners which were flashed on us witbout warning. These were taken at a nearby Faîl Fair. Mrs. Seymour led a greatly en- joyed sing sang. Mr, and Mrs. W. Pascoe and daugbter at H. Beeton's, Oshawa.1 Mr. and Mrs. F. Mason, Osh- awa, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mrs. Prescott and the school eilîdren are busy preparing for our Christmas entertainment Fni- day nigbt.1 PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM Our forum met at the home off Mrs. I. Bragg and Sons with 20 present. The discussion topie was "Let's go ta the movies". We think the films shown at the local the- atre could ho considerably impro- ved and would recommend that aGrade A picture bc shown at the week-end insteed of the usual Western or double feature. We would elso like suitable films shown for children et the Saturday mnatin ce. Young people in our immediate rural community are not greatly influenced by the movies because tbey do not go often enough, un- less a film is cxceptionally good. The influence on rural life in general is not great or lasting. We do bave the oppo:-tunity to sec the educational or document- ary films. School children tdo can sec about five films during the school year. These are provided by the National Film Board and shown by Mr. Carveth. Upon re- quest we can sec films off local in- terest teken by Mr. Carveth and Dr. Devitt. After lunch was scrved tbhe members sarg Christmas Carols. Next meeting-Review night- will be at the home off Mr. and Mrs. Earle Osborne Dec. 20. PONTYPOOL d McArthur had Winter is here when we have an ce owing of $927.. inch of snow and the ponds are rit aiso dismissed frozcîn over. We were able to plow 'n for the further sod till Dec. 8. Why do the High School stud- ents cail their graduation, prize . g\7n, pechmaking episode, ý'Comrnencement'? Its a wonder Sthey don't cali it finish or napoo Sor kaput. The annual migration to out- Sside points to do Christmas shop- ping is in full swing. The slogan S 'Pontypool to, Peterboro or Ibust'. Although most farmers consider tLheir operations at a standstill for the winter, the tobacco people are 4busily stripping and baling Stheir product. The potato, people are plugging away at their job of Sgrading, weighing, and bagging A the spuds for sale. X Mrs. Calahan sponsored a dance Sin the L.OL. Hall Friday night. à4 The crowd was mostly local, a àlittle smailer than usual, but or- j derly, and seemed to, enjoy it- self. While the sponsors off dances in this vicinity welcome folks Sfrom outside points, they don't ~like the smart alecks that corne Ai from a few miles distant, who 44 s~mel1 a beer cork, then have to act unruly and rude to, prove to the cockeyed world that, they are drunk. These same ginks don't Sdo it in their home hurgs. About SaIl they really accomplish is prove Stheir ignorance and embarrass Stheir hosts. h Last week's issue carried cards Sfrom defeated candidates in the eybd o floetvotng fothemin everBowmanforleoeectinfothkin j~and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Look fellows, you ain't fooling anyone but your- Xselves. You were sore enough to ,~commit mayhem. Whato you real- ] y meant was, 'so you didn't elect me eh! I just hope your taxes are A twice as high next year, you I bunch of dopes, turning a smart 9 uv like me down. You'l bc ask- Sing me to run next year, well I w~ont-."sc lljsttl yut 90wo' .t eiyut A lady wrote in last week's is- 04 sue that Bowmanville bas pro- ci dced a lot of wonderfui men who lhad left ton and becar-ne famous. A 1I You must admit madam, they Shad to leave Bowmanville to bc- Scorne famous. Your town also at- tracted some splendid people from Kother centres. Mr. and Mrs. F. AIScb on, 8 Beecb Ave., are Europe- eans, aî-rived in Canada about .1940. Thcy are refined, cultured, à gracious and charming. Eacb day SMr. Sebon visits the Training I Scbool to give encouragement, eladvice and guidance to a special group off ladis. When hie couid just Il~as easily have a cornfortable nap. IIt must give him great satisfact- 191ion ta ho off service to the future .95 i ctizens off his adoptcd country. U95 h~1or~.~1 as produred great M people, but don't overlook the .45 _éý pcoi)lo tat other places j~have prociuced and gi'ven ta Bow- Amanvýlle. SWe -ae jList icarned off the $44.50 A death off our old Battalion Com- Amandier, Colonel John I. McLaren. AThe members off ouir old unit ai- sý,v-aN-s fig-ured him to be the best boss off a ny outfit that left Can- 2 da during the 1914-18 war. The f secret off bis greatness xvas, he c g'nver frgotthatunderneath ail iap, riuasdeing our buman .ein, -urcorrespon- :)e 438 ii dent, who bad received punish- e mon' for mi:itarv infractions frorn G i ci cr:ed like kids wvhen we shook hands and bade him JI farewell, when he left us in the O t y ~ se YrsSalient, because of being O t.H drxo Syte recalled to Canada. If old soldiers One of the Biggest really do go to beaven when tbeyi~ * die, we hope they give our ol. Business i Canada 'Kernel' the biggest golden hiarp and finest pair of white wings Ontario Hydro Electric syster they bave in stock. is one off the biggest businesse A lady off our acquaintance in in the Dominion and its opera hospital recently, didn't like the tion should be as free as possibl orange junket served, and, asked off political influence, wvere th to bave it deleted from the diet. opinions expressed by Kels But stili it was served. At last, Roberts, former member of th in desperation, she stuck a flower Ontario Legislature, in a recen in the middle of the junket and address in Toronto. returned it to the kitchen. "Experience bas shown that th Wben a Gentile boy becomes people off Ontario are wiliingt thirteen ,ears off age, be is given put up with inconveniences ai a pair off long pants, banded an wake great sacrifices for the gai, extra quarter and cautioned ag- off the nation," Mr. Roberts saic ainst spending it ail in the one refferring to public attitude tc store. His father figures bie bas ward present Hydro restrictions. five more years to go beffore rea- "This great public utilities en ching man's estate, s0 does flot terprise sbould-be divorced fror tell Junior the facts off life, littie politics," the former rnember fror dreaming that the littie snipe is St. Patrick's riding continuec 'hep' ta more than hie is supposed "There are many difficuitiesî ta. When a Jewish boy becomes obt aining such a goal, but I be thirteen bis 7iarents figure he lieve we can improve on the syç knows pienty anyway, so they tem administratively and execu give bim a sort off coming off age tively." party. At thirteen ho is presuni- Poînting out that the propertý ed to be a man. The birthday par- rîghts and assets, for the mcs ty isn't one off those ring .around part, belong to Hydro municipali a rosy affairs, but is a bang up tics tbroughout the Province, Mvi aduit schemozzie, complete with Roberts compared the Hydro sys entertainment, guests, 'bath adult temn with the Canadien Nationa and junior, speeches and fire- Raiiways. xvater. Quite reccntly a lad of "I believe that the technîca our acquaintance wes tendcred staff off our Ontario Hydro Com sucb a perty. Amongst th~e en- mis.sion is a very efficient, ex tertainmient was a weil-known perienccd and highly qualifie drum majorette who performed one," be deciared. ber art garhed in an extremeîy He statcd lhe had it from goor abbreviated costume. One old authority that if the demand fo codger present, about 60 years off lectrical power does not increa, agc becamne very excited and unexpectediy during 1949 andi leaped out off bis seat ta get a we should have normal rainfal closcr view. Whcn bis frau dis- there wouid be iittle or no in gustigiy chidcd hlm, he pleadcd convenience from power cutoff impaired vision in onceycv. An- by this time next year. other chep, wvho excitedl1y stood to gel a better vicw off the girl Some big stores now teach col turnîng cartwbeeis, absent-mind- 'loge girls to be buy-ers. Wi edly set down on bis new ten dol- thought their sex born with tt lar bat. ability ta buy. As the home goes, 50 goes th( nation. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Parker, Tor- onto, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise. Mr. and Mis. Leslie Brooks,! Bowmanvillc, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. Miss Velma Gay, Bowmenville,; was guest off Mr. and Mrs. Har- land TrulI. - Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds,; Toronto, visited bis sister Miss. L. Reynolds,. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Sauina, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hepburn,: Columbus, visited at Theron' Mountjoy«s. A number from Hampton at- tended the Leslie Bell concert in Bowmanville. A large bale off clothing was for- warded ta Victor Bowin at Bruce Peninsula, under supervis- ion of Adult Bible Class, for dis- tribution among the people there W-ho are in need off clothing.r A white gif t service will bo beld at the Sunday school next Sunday afternaon Our pastor will have charge off the evening Christ- mas service, and special Christ- mas music wilI be provided by the choir. You are invited ta came and join in the Christmas Cerols. Mi-s. Gibson, flowmanville, 1 visited ber daughter Mrs. Clifford Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, Greta, Donna and Donald, B 0w- manville, visited Perey and Sam Dcwell. Mr. and Mrs. James Smales, Enniskilien., xisited their son James Smaies Jr. HAMPTON FARM FORUM1 H4ampton Forum wes beld et: the home off Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley, with 14 present. Thc discussion topic was 'Let's go fo the Movies". Our group did not eppear ta bc movic-gaers. How- ever. it was docided we did not attend enough shows ta form an opinion on films off aur local theatre. In regard ta the influence mov- iles have on aur yaung people in the community, it w-as faund that in too man.Y cases the films de- picted incoherent home life; there was very often a third party. It is not prectical for aur young people ta copy hollyvood stars. .Rural life in gencral is nat in- ffiuenced mucb by the movies as we do net attend enough movies. j 77 Then money is need( IF YOU are absent ji finitely from your job a resuit of an accident,% loses? YOU DO! You can prev Cnt your of Income while unahie tc 3'our ivork, iv'ith Accid Insurance. Ask this agency to tell more about it. f Stuart R. Jami INSURANCE - REAL ES' Phone: Office 681, Res. King Street - Boxmanv nde- s a Ioss dent les TATE' 493 ille I I I I I I I I I I K LPO--RK -BU-M.fS ses1 a-i ble the th the o md od ti eo- sn- i- y, os-t tl- vr. s- ai cal a- 'c- Ise if Il, in- ffs o1- Ve he he f/fi oo, q l-IILLTOP PURE ALM ICING - IONA BRAND 24-oz. 1<'PEACHES Loaf JONA BRAND 4-1b. 9 G REEN PEAS Stab MAPLE LEAF 4.1b. 59< NINCENEAT FLOU R Tins7.1 5 ROSES FLOU R i33e ROBIN iHOlOD BREAKFAST CEREAI 16*oz 45< GATSPURITY CANA DIAN 2 19 OLD CHREESE A & P CANDY Jar 'W:z79 àXMAàS JELLI] SMALL MEATY monum -PRUNES -4&,p 22.ý puianal Uo YORA & P PRODUCE BUY 0F iTH I i~1DL'~DIfI'I'Texas M arshE IMEIURIT dess, 28' ORANGES LENONS GIAPES 1TANGERINES APPLES Californie Navel 288's New Crop No. 1 Imported - Hand Selectod No. 1 Californie Red Table No. 1 Floride Sweet No. 1, 1761 Mclntosh Red Domestie Grade FRESH lb. me AOND lb.45 I20-oz. lo Tin U 2-1b.35 7-lb. Bag 38ç 24-I1b. 1.25 Bag £Li 48.oz 24<e NU lb. 47g ES lb.- 35e 2 Ibo à" M Do. 29e 2 fbo. 253e Doz. 29 3 b,. 33 Ce roll f- t, 3 TONAOESBahama4 Hand S:lected L15Pascal Crisp CEILY STAU 1 Extra largo SHALLOTS Louisiana2 Buy Conada's Finest Quality Beef RedorDlueRDmnds, STEAKS OR ROASTS TENDERLOIN or RIB END PGRK LOINS -' KIDNEY SUET HPE PURE, MAPLE LEAF, PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS lb. MAPLE LEAF, SLICED RINOILESS SIDE BACON . V SIL VERBR IG HT SALMON STEAKS CHOICE CISCOES COD FILLETS RS (Age 16 andl17) FOR LIGHT FACTORY WOR1K Good Wages and Working Conditions Apply Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Lid. J. T. McCREERY OPTOMNETRIST 22 Division Street Poe22 NEW OFFICE HOURS EFFECTIVE NOVEN BR2 Monday - 7.30 ta 9.00 p.i n Thursday - 2.00 p.m. ta 8.00 pm FILTERB QUEEN Don't buy a Vacuum until you have seen The Worlcl's Finest. FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE OR PHONE Your Autliorized Representative WILLIAM S. COLUILLE - ALSO USED VACUUMS AVAILABLE - Phone Bowmanville 239 3 160 King St. WVest CHOICE or STANDARD CUT b 'WAX BEANS 3 >."25e: A A4 REAL SA VING ANPAGE-WHITE or 13ROWN !41L1< BREAD - ANNN PAGE FAMOUS sI.3 FRUIT CAKE Rin3g CROWN OR BEEHIVE 2.. CORII SYRup 2Tin.5 CAMpBELLS TOMTO SOU? CARK'S CHRISTMAS PUDDING~S - CORONATION PLAIN OlUEI OLIVES FANCV P'IlEAPLEJ'î GYLER CRakuBER& SALTED CASHEW NUTS -Glass 39< AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 2 lb..29 A & p TON. JUICE 2 Ti- ms199 BURNS' PURE LARD " « lb. 31g FANCV DLENDED JUICE -2-Tins 239 BARKER'S CELLO BISCUITS - Ol<g. 7 A & P ORANGE PEKOE TU BAGS - Zg' 34e CHRISTMAS CRACKERS « Plcg. 59< SOUTH AFRICAN CHOICE APRICOTS -28-oz:35e GENERAL ài LECTRIC WASIIING MACHINES $149.50 - $164.50 $174.50 COIFFEE MAKERS Yo ur General Electric Appliance Dealer PORTEIJIOUSEI SIRLOIN WING OR BONELESS ROUND - 1 « * lb. 69g A & P Meat Buys 0f The Week BLADE BONE OUT BLADE ROAST lb. 53e SHORT RIB ROAST lb.5e Phone 202.4 «ER *22 M. P.M. -- --- --------------- ---------- "Otbkwa"b ---------- âwjmuwKwgm mum "ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, IBOWMANVILLE, OINTARTO eS. MURSDAY, ZICC. 1 lm. itu Le d

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