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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 5

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DEC. l8th. 1949 .!'UW I~A MATIT A M ~'r A ~oe7iI A ~? Uf~?1I A ~.T~TY? i .V ~T'I~ A ~?Pi Ca* t** ais., n v a~au. ~,.' s nn.s., 1'AUE FIVE and family spent Friday with Bomavle eevstr wt r n r.Topo S TARK VILLE iMr. and Mrs. Walter IUngyear, C OURTICE Mr.anvil l iiora with Mrwills Tyl o rvhrir aual ieaso O r n e sMrs. Forrester, Westport, who Womens Asociation met et Sunýday services at Ebenezer visitor with Ross and Mrs. Pearce. We wish themn success and hap1________________ has been vstn e itrMs the home of Mrs. Carroll Nich- were in charge o! Rev. F. Yardley Normnan and Mrs. Griffin were ness with their children in terLS Mm. R. E. Logan visnhs rtrn hromserM Officers for the new year when communion was observed, with relatives at Orono, enjoying new home. Mrs. Shutka visited friends in are: Pres.-Mrs. Earl Inch; Hon. and reception of three young girls a chicken dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johntn . Mr. Dick Morton, Toronto, dent. Refreshments were served Oshawa. Pres.-Mrs. Oke; Vice Pres.- into the church. The choir prov- adfml ilb oigt h 'I? t~ e 'i r o n o i'~ e w s M~. Fals, Kendal, 'Brn old Be st n e:s-MrisRe v e d u it nal :h::i as cahrrîdIuJAA a<me n am lywehope o inw rin1U Èpent the week-end with his par- after a very interesting and in- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrec htMsiAnl utn ec.Ms ddsial ubr hogh- Parr omeTV . tthe4aylo9 ents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morton. spiring meeting had been brought Maple Grove, with Mr. and Ms er_______ .-r.Rev;ot Sn-y colwa aredC D U igroom, D eonald n Nor, il Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto, to a close. Mr&. C. Duncan and Ross Hallowell. Corr. Secy. and Flowers Com.- out in the usual rnanner. getomettled fordSPENCER with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. Jones sang a duet which Mr. and Mrs. F. Fls naMrs. Ttand Ms rmnAs. Crsmsmeigo h vn amsWA n ...mtgtstldi hi oen Carl Bilhings. was enjoyed. with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- in; Visiting Com.-Mrs. Reeve, ing Auxiliary was held at the at the home of Mrs. Tenneyson a long and happy married lf. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- Miss Laura Allun, Oshawa, was Weil. Mrs. Beighton, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. home of Mrs. Clarence Hockin Samelîs Tuesday evenîng Dec. 7, Cadmus and Nestieton Fr U P R awa wthMr ad rs Nilinton n onayviitng Mr. and r.JmsLwy Holdaway, Mrs. C. Payne; Save with an attendance of twenty. with 13 members and 8 visitors Forum will be held at Mr. n Poarte i r. ndMr. ein tw o oda istn have taken up residence in Orono. the children Fund-Mrs. Tutt; President Mrs. Archie Muir Jr. present. The meeting was opened Mrs. Lewis Stinson's. ~IN Porear. fe Dna vst r nd H alo n Shiloh W.A. held a very suc- Red Cross-Mrs. Arnold Austin; opened the meeting with a poem. by Mrs. Geo. Johnston, President A riumber of Devitt's membr SPCAL Mr. in d Mebr. FrdoDnca visit Mr. .parts nand cessful meeting in Starkville Childrens' Aid-Mrs. Brooking; Devotional period was in charge of in the chair. Devotional was taken attended the Lodge meetingi OlO Clark PerToro.i Runlme oug.rvstdhrprnsi o school. After business discussion Telephone Com.-Mrs. T. Austin, Mrs. Blake Courtice, who read by Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. A reading Bowmanville last week withhe B mavle27 Clare Tonshi Coucil et burg.there was a program and lunch Mrs. Bruce Dinner; Pianist-Mrs. the Christmas lesson after which was given by Mr. Win. Philips Reaboro Degree team. The evenn:Oo~ 71 Dec. 8 for the purpose of choos- The *Sunday school of Park St. was served. Carroll Nicholis; Asst. Pianist- Mrs lcMi odtesoyo n xhneo it o h olwsmc noe n inga uiabe eron orth ps-chrc hed tsWhteGi tservice Mrs. R. Boughen with Mr. Mrs. Reeve; Auditors-Mrs. Bar- thie 'Other Wise Man". Prayer cail. Rev. R. B. Harrison has been fui lunch was served. ition of clerk, treasurer. There Sunday morning. In the church Arthur McKay. rowclough, Mrs. Ford. was offered by Mrs. Courtice for Prcsident for the past 2 years and were eight applications and the service which followed Rev. A. Mr. Walter Farrow, Newcastle, Farm Forum was held at the closing Thfis period. This program made a very successful job of it final decision was made in favour E. Eustace gave a timely Christ- At Howard Farrow's. home of Mr. and Mrs. Aif Hold- was present - Whistling solo and will be missed. Officers for Of Mr. H. Edward Milîson. Exten- mas message. Taking as his theme Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilmer with away with a record attendance Of by Margaret Pollock, accompan- 1949 are: President-Mrs. Mar- ~~~* * i - jj SiVe alterations are being made "Let us go to Bethlehem" he urged Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley, New- 21. A good discussion followed ied at the piano by Mrs. Will wood McKee; Vice Pres.-Mrs. )q)I I) t..IUL - -*u. ini the town hall to provide a suit- that in the rush of Christmas act- tonville. touching on the topic of a com- Wade; Story-"Why The Chimes Geo. Johnston; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. - afli able office. It will be in the -base- ivities, the buying of gifts, the munity skating rink. Rn"b r.HryGy oa unyHoy st-r.Ru- ~ o e5-- rn ment and have a separate en- sending of cards, etc., we must Mrs. S. O. Milis, PortRope nso " by Mrs. Harld Mui; Voca-ll ar e r oe; Prss e.-Mrs. us trace fot forget that the real reason for N S spent Sna with Mr. Simon Mr e.Bter rk i eg eertngCrsmsi tebrh E TETONITuna ing by Mrs. Gordon Chartran; Lorne McKee; Treas.-Mrs' Tenn- Mr.Ge. uter bok bs eg clerain Critms s hebith ~Barrowclougb. Mr. Barrowclough Piano solo by Mrs. Will Wade; eyson Sameils; Pianists-Mrs. am m at the ankie on Saturday. He was day of the babe born in the mang- is still confined to his bed. Famid H se W rn take taOshwa Hspial hereer t Bthleem.On he atarwasReading by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. Gordon Stinson and Mrs. Wm. take toOshwa Hspial bereer t Bthleem.On he atarwas Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs. Wilfred Bee spent Sunday Christmas Carols were sung with Philip; Auditors-Mrs. Jhso it was x-rayed and set. We hope a beautiful -basket of munis the Herbert Vine who celebrated their i Peterboro. Mr.EiJorieadMs iladMs ce;Foehndo Repairs and Aleàin he illhav a peey rcovry.gif t of Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Cuttell 25th wedding anniversary and Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough spent Wade at the piano. Lunch was Fruit Com.-Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt P l ie pcat A number from Orono attended in memnory of his father and of entertained friends on Saturday Tuisday witb Mr. and Mrs. SimonsevdadnechneogitMr.uselLmrrsGron- F eEtm ts- the concert in Trinity Church, the church. The choir rendered evening. Barrowclough. carried aud ante hchneo t Mrs. LloydllStinson, Mrs. rth r dana Bowmanville, given by the Leslie the anthem "A Legend of Christ- Mr. and Mrs. George Johns vis- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll, Tor- Courtice spoke on behaîf of the Stranger's Com.-Mrs. Wesley Bell Singers on Friday night and mas" with Rev. Eustace taking ited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stinson, onto, andNfriends with Mr. and Auxiliary extending ta Mrs. A. Sweet, Mrs. Sam McKee, Mrs.Seca Fo Chim s report a wonderful entertainment. the baritone solo part. CamsSrspeeuhte.Mi teraprcainofbrMrinNsit Ptheoply i"Daon ofthigh" Th nuaCeeigub isrc Mr. Will Hoskin has returned Mr. Edgar Barrowclough spent service as' presdent. Mrs. Alexý Program Leaders-Jan.-Feb.- Corne in and seeou secase ct nof afld sponsored by Orono Chamnber 4 Association of Agriculture Soc- from the west and is visiting his Saturday in Toronto. Muir will be the new president and Mrs. Arthur Hanna; Mar-April- oComreo ensa ih eiswas held in the Orange Hall parents Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hos- the other officers will carry on for Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt; May-June-T be a p wa nt s el atede a ope d ec 10. The local society xvas kmn another year. Mrs. Wesley Sweet; July-Aug.-Pieswlceirh u for. Poc s esareto end s oed to hst to the visitors and the ladies Mrs. Jas. Williamson visited At Ottawa, November 26, AI- Ladies Berean Class met in Eb- Mrs. Russell Larmer; Sept.-Oct.- Pries for Prceds reta e sedtacrved a doudcous dinner in the her niece Mrs. Ivan WrghJan- phonse Larocque of Ottawa, Ont., enezer Sunday School on Friday Mrs. Tenny Samelîs; Nov.-Dec.-TT 1 brin Chistas hee tothetown hall. There were about 50 etviîle.Wigt was fined $25 and costs for seli- and was opened with President Mrs. Lorne McKee.O en. eigsi Ch sma ch ltle u of th isric.heay who attended. Mr. M. H. Staples Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited ing apples, the packages of which Ann Holt reading a poem. This A very dainty lunch was served wa altte u o heoriar.was in charge of arrangements Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns. were not marked, and which were being their Christmas meeting, and a vote of thanks was render- The 3 acts taking place in a haunt- for entertnining- the visiting dele- r.H ieadMs E- below the minimum grade re- devotional was in charge of Mrs. ed to Mrs. Samelîs for use of ber ed bouse where very gruesome gates.MsH.Vnan r.MEm urmn.R.Gywih r.Cra ed things took place. The parts were adMsGrntonsaderson gave the W.I. Convention qurmns .Gy ihMs amnra- home and lovely lunch. well taken by the cast, some of r.GneTo sad report at the meeting and Mrs. ing the scripture and Mrs. Blake Members of Devitt's Hall put on them being very difficuit to por- family, Colborne, visited Mr. and Jos. Forder gave a two-minute Courtice offered prayer. "For a box social and dance Friday tray. Itwa a good performance Mrs. W. Stainton on Sunday. talk. This was incorrectly reported God so Loved the World" was very night, Dec. 10. It was well attend- of a very sinister tale.___________ last. week. FROM MISERIES OF abîy given as the tapic by Mrs. ed'and the 20 baskets sold as high The Evening Auxiliary W.M.S. Miss Helen Bowers, Toronto,.p R. Gay. Business items were as $5.00. They cleared $40.50. met Thursday evening. Program The action was taken by an spent week-end with ber parents UiI ei wt.MrLetiOe ci- NetFidyngUse. 7i was in charge of the Executive inspector of the Fruit and Vege- Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers.D is. ed on Mrs. Wilfrid Brown to pre- Devitts school concert to be held Cesf and a Christmas candie-lite ser- table Division, Dominion Depart- Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Archer an~dË sent the slat1ý ' off icers wrio mov- in the bail. Hoping everyone will- vice was put on. The slate of of- ment of Agriculture, under provi- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jack-leeci the adoptrý i with Mrs. Annis turn out and help Miss Thelma ficers for 1949 was presentsd with sioris of the Fruit, Vegeta'bles and man and family, Toronto, Mrs.seodr e-An Hlt It.Fgunma aucs fi.B te, Mrs. Mae Allin the new Presi- Honey Act and Regulations. Jas. Williamson, Mr. Frank Jack- *MD DVîce-Mrs. W. Brown, 2nd Vice- There will 'be Santa Claus with man and Arthur visited Mrs. Wm. Mrs. G. F. Annis; 3rd Vice-Mrs. ail the trimmings with a dance to Williamson. Keith Ormiston; Sec.-Mrs. Wiil finish the evening. Bickle; Asst. sec.-Mrs. Charles Mabood's school concert is iWSA AE!. Found; Tres.-Mrs. Charles Os- Thursday, Dec. 16, at Mabood's SOSADSAM WESEYVILEborne, Asst. Tres.-Mî-s. Glen scbool. Hope everyorn, will turn ________LL Pickeli; Teacber-Mrs. Hopkins; out and heip Mrs. Ha ýold CraW- "Here's ho to *vod the rush o Flower Com.-Ann Hoit, Mrs. K. ford make a success of her cre 'jPRPRTO D~ I iSunay chool was beld at lilE Courice, Mrs. H- F. Osborne. too. Santa is epeedthahre Piano duet was contrihbuted by He's a very busy man at this iDSPEf:,TO Ln DitneCrsm sCls White Gift offering was heid and Mrs. Glen Pickell and Mrs. Lloyd of year but ha bas never faile - then followed by the usual classes. Down. Christmas story was told us. Church service wasbl t ~by Mrs. K. E. Courtice. Lunch was Mr. Oscar ' McQuade is in Tor- 7:30 with Dr. Oke preaching a then served. Groups 2 and 3 were onto East General Hospitai hav- To be sure of reachin<cgo sro.Th hrc a ec-~1' in charge. Present 25 adults and 7 ing undergone a serious operationLe1 faraay fians wih Norated with Christmas ligbts in BIG EIFWT cbîldren. and is doing nicely. We ail hope Ltu ofr>o htSntn a - ~ ron oftbe lta. EERYBREATH Courtice-Mapie Grove, Broth- he will on ehmeahai alreaddoefrtusnsfsasfd aminimum of Several members of the Senior '-a - erhood held their meeting at Eb- missed very much in bis Lodge, custoesai1vr"hout~ Girl's Class, Mrs. Arnold Austin, You know what effective re- enezer with President Elton Wer- Cburch and anythîng biei asked delay- ' and Mrs. C. Payne met at the lief you get when you rub o'n ry in charge. The Osborne Quar- ta take part in. We ail wish him Scnd u n ril.I o o' gc home of Mrs. Arnold Tborndyke Vicks VapoRubl tette, Bowmanville, provided mu- a speedy recovery. it's t]efns r lann o vrhd Cail BEFORE - to, ake arrangements for the Nwr.-we o aea sical selections andi guest speaker M"r. and Mrs. Bob Vivian and Christînas EeorYnfor the Christmas concert. ngggrpycuhdeta was Chief O. D. Friend, Oshawa, baby spent Sunday with Mr. and it CSt o u:ohig \,. I P o ple s U io n et ed- co d, h ere s a sp ecial w ay t o m e_ Youn Peples Unon et ed- Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRz, wbose address was much apprec- Mrs. Arthur Hanna. CrsmsE orresday nigbt. Mr. Clarence Nicb- Se7 n t rngads- iated. Lunch was served, and a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanna and AFTER Christmas. olîs, Fellowship convenor, provi- lie! in c hiurryl social time enjoyed. Bill McGill spent Saturday witb ded the topic followed by games. Put a good spoonful of Vlcks Mrs. Horace Hancock bas re- their parents. Friday evenîng at the home of VapoRub in a bowl o! boiling turned home from Guelph after Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Patterson, Day Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best a water or vaporizer. Then ... visiting ber son James and Mrs. Manitoba, visited Mr. and Mrz. euchre party was held of ten inhem.the medcted gvaporsb Hancock. Marwood McKee and Mrs. Tbomp- THE BL EEHN OPN FCND iheeysnl I K r *- .. .. .. .t e lwettaunel cb. brdeathi Try It l VAoRU, M. nd Mrs. JFred Mountjoy, was a pleasant surprise for bier as Phone Zenith 13000 sh the___t____Inc._as.,an Mr.J E l she didn't know they were coin- Bowmanile Agent: HOESLDE'WA LET ___Giad 1U 1 bua es 1 1 ra ioUniversal Lightweight '4 Te b es itte radi Autornatic 7 6 5 M A KE I T A Electric Irorr Kitchen Clock $6.95 plus tax eTORTOISE BROWN e SEA GRASS GREEN wlth full 14" speaker for A marvellous tone. _ Your choice of ~ior rll I~'crIcTpasers nd utomatlc Record Changer Hotplates Large record storage section ~,. NEW ~~~~~Silex Steam Iron - $23.50Agifo cwolfmly No need te dampen clothes.WA- 230 Automatie Heat Control may be used an - regular iron. Now -$229.00 ElctrieStove "~~ 5 ~ 4 t' T n E ~ A vtI hrHlv ngdo u b l nr O iytll[e o X NOW. ON DISPLbY ~ use! Until OVEN CONTROLS$28O $28O autatnatic iran you hveno idea howeasyironingcanbe. Tm i,> A large selection ta OEN LA OE VNNSUTLCRSMStip heat regulator la handle. cos rmFS . EEDBE. Bomnil 8Kn i .Poe53'hw'h ... 1.5 Fo 6.0u SDAT, t)LPC. 16th, 1948 el TEM CAMADUN STATzqmAn i;nwvAlýmn.T-r num,&itTn 9% à pqvn

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