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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 6

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- ....-.. ~ -----j PAGE SMx MHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1BOWMANVTLL, ONTAR!O THtTSDAT flC. Ith.1948 Maple Grove Ladies Hold W.I. Meeting Fuli of Inspiration At the Dec., meeting- of Maple Grove Womnen's Institute the ral cali ",what I woul1d like for Christ- mas," might tax the resources of the dear old Saint when a new house was asked for. Among reports off social services Mrs. W. H. Brown reported a large box off Red Cross sewing now on hand. Five dollars was voted for the use off the 'Girls Homemaking Club. Nine girls are enrolled with Mrs. Howard Ormiston and Mrs. Art Coverly in charge as leaders. Publicity convener read the dut- ies of the standing committee: Agriculture and Canadian Indust- ries." Mrs. Wallace Munday gave a brief review of the full report in that day's Globe and Mail off the Dominion wide house planning contest for rural houses. Mrs. lxvison Mur'day, official delegate to the Area convention, gave a most interesting and help. ful report on a part of proceedý ings. Advice to, members, for meet ings, is. as far as possible, usý your own talents. Do somethini practical, have things usable always do something, hear someý thing, see something. be humai beings. Our first duty is to b( good homemakers, and affter tha look to the welfare off our owi community, which programn wi] eventually reach far beyon( either. Due to the recent annexatior off Newfoundland as our tentl province, Mrs. Munday include( hin this report the address at thg Convention off Mr. L. B. Dufff o Welland, on "The New Look' which was a review off the histor of the oldest colons- but now ouý newest province. Mrs. Cecil Milis, convener o Lagriculture and Canadian Indust iries, presented an exceptionaîll welI mixed program of agriculi ure and Christmas sentimer which consisted of Communit, singing off Christmas Carols an( two Christmas solos by -Miss Dor PROCLAMAT-ION I hereby request ahl citizens of the Town of Bowmanville to observe Doxiing Dayr Monday December 27th, 1948 as a holiday and to govern themselves accordingly. SIDNEY LITTLE, Mayor. Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE KING e ,n 3t 'n il d ýn h 'd ie f r f [y een Jefffery; reading "Hen.- are Hens" by Mrs. Staîker; reading by Mrs. Cecil Jefffery -Advantages off Farm Life" and a Christmas reading "Following the Star" and a very humorous reading "Rec- eîpt or Recipe" by Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. The two outstanding ffarm read- ings highliffhted the fact that bé- cause off the nature off his tasi<s, because off life amid the beauties off nature, and -because off the nature off farm homes the intelli- gence, character and ingenuity off the farmer, marks him as the man upon -whom the welffare off a nat- ion must rely. Reffreshments including a cake, bearing the message 'Merry Christmas" in colored decorating were served by Mrs. Mill's group. Attendance 26. Courtice Couples Meet at Ebenezer 'i ýy Courtice Circuit Country Coup- dles Club held their get-to-gether in Ebenezer S.S. It was decided to hold ail future meetings in Eben- ezer as it is difficult to move Ping- SPong table, darts and various games from place to place. Walter Rundle led the couples in a lively sing-song, xvth Howard Cryderman, Howard Ormiston, and Cliffford Swallow taking part. President Wilff Brown extended a warm welcome 10 the new coup- les present. Programme was in charge off Clifford and Jes.sie Swallow, Eileen and Lloyd Down and Jean and Wallace Munday. Devotional was taken by Clifford Swallow, follo\ved by 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing". Quartette composed off George and Murray Osborne, Elmer Down and Bil Rundle giving several renditions was greatly appreciated and mer- ited praise and encouragement j ffrom Rev. Sam Henderson. Sam VanCamp introduced our guest speaker, Rev. S. R. Hend- ersoxi, the popular and muchi sought after young mninister from Trinity C hurch, Bowmanx-îllc. Touching briefly on Mr. H-ender- son's talk, hie began by saying tha.t every person needs 10 aim for a high goal. We are living in a generation off xast and difficult charges. Our xvhole liffe seems toi be wrapped rip in the gadgets sur- rounding us, whereby we become lost in ourselves and thoroughly dissatisffied. To escape this we seek varied amusements. For ex- ample, wc line up in queues in front off the theatre to see a movi e where we ýbecome lost in another life in a plot where everything always comes out right. Each per-1 son has a mind so filled with emo- tions off love, fear, hate, worry, etc., constantly warring with each other for supremacy which causes confusion. We ail think we are unique in ourselves with our problemns, but wve aIl are confronted with the same difficulties in day to day living. How cften 'affter a day has gone exceptionally well have we stopped to wonder if there was something we should have worrîed about. Forget yourselves and past regrets which are done and over with and make a fresh beginning. From a religious and psychologi- cal standpoint every person needs a goal to follow or man who is so 'finite in an infinite world becomes lost. Only by aiming high and with the help of God can we achieve this goal. Mr. Rundie thanked Mr. Hend- erson on his absorbing and inspir- ational talk hoping we might have the pleasure of hearing hlm again. Recreation and lunch was pro- vided by committee in charge. Next meeting on Jan. 12 in Eben- ezer. More couples are welcome. We are equipped with games to fi11 your needs off relaxation and amusement. OBITUARY WALTER JAMES ROWDEN An employee of Pedlar People Limited, Oshawa, for the past 441 years, Walter James Rowden, be- loved husband off the former Nel- lie Clay, died as the result off a heart attack, at the corner off Gid- don Avenue and Drew Street, while on his wvay to work, Dec. 13. he was in his 83rd vear. A son off the late Mr. and Mrs. William Rowden, the deceased was born at Port H-ope on July 5, 1866. and went to Oshawa 51 years ago. He was a memrber of St. Andrew's United Church and was a member off the Chosen Friends and the Sons off England. He had been a mnember off the latter organization for 62 vears. Besides bis wiffe he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. 1. E. Clancy (Gertrude) off Osh.awa, and four sons, Charies W., Cecil G.. Arthur and Douglas C., aIl of Oshawa. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. David Haskill off Cobourg, three grandchildren and one great grandchild. The funerai was held ffrom the Armstrong Funeral Home, Dec. 15. followed by interment in the Union Cemetery. Rex'. George Telford, minister off St. Andrew's United Church conducted the ser- vices. Local Men In Oshawa Motor Tilts Here 's a wonder fui "family"ý Gif t A pralilcal gifi ihai will he enjoyed every day - year in, year oui. "CO-MPACT" FRIDIDAIRE REFRIDERATOR, There's plenty of room f or everything in the space-saving, space-making II. J.jÂ..U.IL . evi < ul t- ionary new design actually provides 30% to 50% more food storage space without any increase in kitchen space. And you'Il be amazed at the operating econom'y made possible by the f amous Meter-Miser ... uses bulb. Anoiher Famous an ordinary light LOOK AT THE SIZE 0F MODEL MJ-7 (shown above) 4.7 cubic foot capaclty. 14.4 square foot sheif area. Requires kitçhen space only 57" high, 31 15/16" wide, '27-1/16" deep. Among many motor accidents reported in the Oshawa Times Gazette, Monday', were the follow- ing involving two local car own- ers: An auto driven by Percy Albert, 430 Brock Street, Toronto, and one driven by E. Vance, Hampton, were involved In an accident at Aberdeen and Simcce Streets at 6 p.m. Sunday. Albert reported he was driving west on Aberdeen Street and was making a right turn onto Simcoe Street Mien his vehicle was struck by an auto, driven north on Simcoe by Vance. Fenders off both autos were dam- aged. Two automobiles entering the General Motors parking lot on Bond Street, near th(, Oshawa Curling Club, were slightlY dana- aged when they collided at tht'i entrance tbis morning. Frankî Svnikal. 158 Verdun Road. report- ed he %vas going west on Bond St. and was making the turn into the parking lot xvben bis car was in collision with one driven by . osephi Trx 1er., Bowmanville, wbich 1was, east on Bond Street and was rnaking a left turn into the lot.I Tbe right-hand door and runninp board off the Symkal auto and thf, rîght front fencler off the Taylor car were damaged. ..P ..i,>ý I/ Vou il muad thais Frigidaire Appliance Ihai Ihai says a lasting "Merry Chrisimas!" The RJ-20 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE featuring the Big Even-Heat Oven, espec- ially appreciated on such occasions as the coming f estive season - will roast a large turkey weighing as mù~ch as 25 lbs. Exclu- sive Radiantube Units . .. Thermizer Deep- Well Cooker and many other wonderf ul features - ail designed to save y'ou time, work and money. MASON & DALE BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO AMONG THE 1,000 ISLANDS F~vervthing voit want from a sutine'r lidjîax' y,,u'll inici i the I ,I0t> .laicls 1 tih l>iatltakirîg bvaut.v ald a f i o~ f Iis~tory tliîoîn InI. But srraall boat sailing is tops. W'ant t>, kîiaw norp?9 Write th" t ha iber çof ( ,fiime«ru ai sati lai i rs t fa' rail arnd Ina>! scrviv,,as tariarii>qfei.,s Oh th,' mi n i ine rom NIont real and (t >tao a t,> "o,î,,îto and! Winîls<îr. Yoiîrl meet miiiîv vjit,,rs frorn the 1 ".S~.;n îike tlii iae. welcoi( tOf 1hiospi tii l>. ( )n tari o. LETIS MAKE THEM iWA.NT TO COME BACKI PHONE 408! Ed. Summers Attends Meeting of Agri. Reps. at Peterboro E. A. Summers. BSA, Agricul- tural Representative in Durham County for the past 20 years. at- tencled a two-day convention of farm experts held in Peterboro last iveek. It was the usual con- vention off Representatives from the counties extending from QOnt- ario on the west to Hastings-Fron- tenac on the east. Plans were laid generally to assist in farm activ- ities for 1949. Among experts who addressed the meeting anid took part in the discussions were R. H. Graham, Queen's Park; Prof. W. H. Sproule dairy department, OAC and Dr. H. D. Bernion. department off nut- rition and feeds, OAC. Much con- cern was expressed for the present declîne in cheese production. Any changes that may take place in operations off Representatives will be determined after study off the recommendations off the recent Dominion -Provincial Agricultura] Conference. Girl Guide News lst. Bowmanville Guide Co. met Dec. 6 in the High School under the leadership off Capt. Jean Dev- itt. The following girls passed their Bedmaking: Muriel Steph- ens, Bernice Young, Gladys Rich- ards. Betty McLean, Eleanor Leighton. and Jean Stainton; Bus and Telephone-Catherine DilI- ing; and usefful article-Lorna Fletcher. A Tenderffoot Class was carried on for four new recruits. \1iý Ccîich taught a new square dance and brushed up on an old one. At Carnpiire the girls played Buzz and sang several songs end- ing with "The Lord's Prayer' and ."Taps". Scarlet Pimpernel Patrol made $1.50 from the sale off candy. Next week torget-me-not Patrol will seli candy. It was clecided to hold our Christmas party with Second Company on Dec. 17 at 7.30 p.m. More news about the party on Dec. 13. lst. Company guides met on Dec. 13, under the leadership off Capt. Jean Devitt. The girls form- ed their Horseshoe and repeated the Guide Prayer and sang the "King". The following girls pass- ed their Tenderfoot tests-Gladys Richards, Tanya Goddard, Elean- or Leighton, Betty McLean, Mur. iel Stephens Shirley Young and will 'be enrolled on Friday even- ing Dec. 17. The Forget-Me-Not Patrol made $1.15 from the sale off candy. A joint party with second Co. xii] take place Friday evening at 7:30 pro. The mothers off all the Guides have been invited and affter the Enrolment Santa will visit the girls. Second Bowmanville Guide Co. met Dec. 7 under leadership off Capt. Thelma Bennett and Acting Lieut, Lena Mutton. Meeting op- ened with patrol inspection and horse-shoe after which each group had patrol corners and the different classes were resumed. We were glad to have as our guest i w i 'G 1P CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR E Books:- For Adi China & Gift Pg SVERYGNE dlts and Chlldren k Glass:- leces and Sets Stationery:- Attractlvely boxed, S white and voloured I{andkerchief s:- F Plain and lnltlalled, white and eoloured Dolls:- i Large and Small Games:- For Ail Ages Chrisimas Cards In boxed assortments and singles OutstLanding Values Also Christmnas Gift IVrapplnts, Ties. Tags and Seals. 3. W. JEWELL ..BIG 201, PHONE 556 S2'. King St. IV'.. Boitmanville w--. I A A i A A A A A A A A A A A A l'h 'i -i. Miss Couch who gave the girls instructions on Square Dancing. Classes were agaifi resumed with Patrol Leaders Bernice Finn and Shirley Piper teaching tenderfoot to our new Guides and the rest of the Guides taking Semnaphore. The Daffodil Patrol under P.L. Shirley Piper held a most success- fuI sale off bomne-cooking for Guide f unds. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and baby, Mrs. Minerva Trewin with Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mr.Jh Vance, Blackstock. r.Jh Mr. John Brown, Orono, with, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mrs. Garnet Towns, David, El- len and'Paul, Coîborne, with her sister Mrs. L. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Mrs. Wright re- maining for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Osh- awa, Mr. Alfred Skoyles, Hes- peler, with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. W Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton , Lois and Charles with Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Austin, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mr. C. Milîs, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott, Ty- rone, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Neil. Mr'. and Mrs. Alex Tilfer and family. Toronto, Mrs. Earl Par- rott, David and Anne, Chalk Lake, with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn. Mr. W. C. Stainton has returned to Toronto affler vacationing with Mrs. H. Stevens and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and son, Miss J. Whitfield, Cartwright, viýited Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Sorry to report Mrs. W. Tren- outh, Napanee, was bit by a car and her leg was broken in two places and required 16 stîtches to close the wound in ber head. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Harry Kirk, Mr. Alvin Kirk. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Forced to Vacate OUR PRESENT PRENISES December 31s1, 1948 We must clear ail items of Furniture by this date. Corne in and take advantage of the tremendous bargains being off ered in this huge clearance sale of f umiture. MOVING TO 52 KING ST. WEST on JANUARY Ist, 1949 In our new store we will carry a complete line of Westinghouse radios, ref rigerators, stoves and small electrical appliances. MURPHY' FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE M1 KING ST. W. PHONE 811 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Rickey, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mrs. A. Leadbeater and baby George with relatives in Toronto. On Saturday evening Dec. 11, friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Orono, form- erly of Enniskillen, gathered at' the hcme off their eldest son, Mil- ton, off Enniskillen and presented them with a radio. it being their 45th wedding anniversary. We extend our congratulations to this worthy couple. Remember Christmas concert on Dec. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family, Haydon, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Miss Joyce MeGilI at E. A. Werry's. N EW WASHABLE' PRINTEO SPUNDRESSES $4%9 5eachm tested by LUX LABORATORIES for washability '0 20 Smart Styles 10 Tailored and Dressy Stripes and Florals Short, Cap and Cap( )e Sleeves 38-44 is recommended for "S unnybïoo k" dresses /a//ü e SCg/ t 1?adi Phone 451 THE MODE RN STORE - OPEN %'ALI, D'A WDFY Bowmanville1 il 10 Sizes 12-20 GOLO GREEN ROSE BLUE GREY AQUA These smart, new wa.shaile SunGm/brook dresses are certain to 7neet with your imnrediate approval. Made of firm quality ? spn rayon ivhich has heen thoroi,'qhly tested- by Lux laboratories for washabi i. ity. They corne in a wide choice of smart printed designs on pastel qroitnds of green, rose, grey, bine, qold, or aqua. There are twventy styles to choose from, tu'c as illustrated, and feature tailored or dressy types, with short, cap or cape sleeves, self beits and V-side gu88et8. Size ranges 12 to 20 and 38 to 44. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Morrison, To- ronto. S AF E Satisfying ServIce STE VEN"Si T -àA-X . 1 Phone 822 BOWMANVILLE - ONT. 1

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