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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 7

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TRUR8DAY, DEC. Igth, 1948 T92 r!ANJelNTA h R??IUW,.AMfI t V 1-L,%,.mAR -V~~~ .J~~Z.l~ PAGE SEVEN Patrons of the Newcastle Mem- orial Library will please note that the Saturday evening hours are now fromn 7 to 9 o'clock in- stead of 7 to 10. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and farni1Y visited Miss E. M. Pearce and Mrs. Eric Pearce and family, Toronto. Mrs. E. Patterson is visiting ber daughter Mrs. Albert Pearce. Congratulations to Mrs. Geo. Rickard Who celebrated her 94th birthday on Sunday, Dec. l2th SUrrounded by hier six daugbters Who were ail able to corne for the occasion. She received a great nany cards of congratulation and i3est wishes, some from as far wy as C alifornia, British Col- iflia, Saskatchewvan, etc. and Unerous gifts. She greatlv en- jOyed visiting with the rela tives and friends who called to sec bier. Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, sPent the iveek-end with lier mo- ther, Mrs. Gea. Riekard. Newcastle Ladies' Softball Club Plan to have a Party once every Inonth during the winter. Mrs. Howard Rowe and Mrs. Chas. Bonathan had the first one and last Wednesday night th egil mnet at Mrs. Alec Hcr.drv' s, Lake- shore. Cards, dancing and a gen- eral social timýe was enjoycd. Mrs. D. S. Milligan entcrtained four friends, Mrs. Latira Fisher. Mrs. Jack Nesbitt, Mrs. Morleyi Saliows and Mrs. Sutton, Thurs- day afternoon piior to leaving for the soutb around Dec. 20. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Dawson and Miss L. J. Dyer, Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dyer and Francis. Miss Odie Warren lias returned from Buffalo where she visited with her sister Miss M. E. War-, ren. le Independent ] Newcastle Public. Idy SllowsEnjoyed by Apprei 'Miss H. Nason Bol WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION___ ELEC OFFCERSFOR 949 A large audience attended the W.A. of 'the United Church met Public Sehool Concert in the Com- in the board room, Thursday af- munitv HallI Auditorium, Wednes- ternoon, Dec. 9 with President, day evening, Dec. 8. Mns. C. A. Cowan presiding. Mes- Mn. Frank McMullen, pnincîple. damnes Emmenson, Fisher and AI- acted as chairman and intenspen- bent Peance bad change of the dev- sing each numben with bits of wit otional which was in keepîng and explanation of xvhat the jwith Christmas. Rev. W. W. school bas been doing. Pattenson offered prayen and Mes- The pupils of grade 2, xvbo arc dames Cowan and Fenguson con- taught by Mns. Joncs, sang threc tnibuted a xvocal duet with Mrs. sangs ta start the pnogram. They H. M. Allun accampanying. Rev. wore red capes and black caps., Patterson presided fan the eleet- Little Miss Karen Barchkrdxvas ion of officers. after which lunch drcssed as a kitten, taking the sala was served by membens of Mrs. part in "Six Little Mice." Josc's gnoup. Mrs. Jackson enter- This year there are 23 beginn- tained with some musical select- ens and they litenaliy fillent theý ions on ber accardion while platform performing wanderfuily lunch was being senved. foT their audience. Mn. Neil Officens for 1949 are: Past Pres. Stewart was at the piano and the -Mrs. Harold Toms; Pres.-Mrs. littie ones stale the show. C. A. Cowan; 1sf. Vice-R. Dick- The dances by grade 2 were nson; 2nd. Vice-A. Gienney; Iveny effective with txvo tiny ones Rec. Sec'try.-Miss Ruth Han- at the microphone singing wbile cock; Conr. Scc'trý .-Mrs. Ceeil the others danccd. The txvo at the Ferguson; Assistants-A. Pearce mike were Karen Banchard and and Miss O. Warren; Tneas.-E. Teddy Sallows. Fisher; Flowen Comm-Mesdames The Intermediate roam girlsi Toms, Fengusan, Bnown, Misses and boys sang and danced splend- Ruth Hancock and O. Warren; idix- doing their parts clcverly.j Pianist-Mrs. H. Aluin, Assistant The boys and girls mixed voîces Mrs. E. Rinch; Press Sec'try-Mrs. was much enjoyed. Miss A McNab H. R. Pearce: Kitchen Comm.- replaces Miss H. A. Mason teach- Mesdames Gienney, Fenguson, ing this roam. Browyn and Miss O. Warren. Par- The Scotch dance bx- tbe Sen- sonage-Mesdamcs W. Rickard, ion room girls w-as well done and C. A. Cowan, H. Jase, H. Cooke, the seior rooni boys chorus P. H-are and H. Toms. GroupJead- wonk xvas excellent. Tbey present- ers-Mesdames H. Jase. A. Glen- cd sevenal difficuit numbers. The ney, P. Brown. Auditons-Mns. girls sang several unaccompan- Howard Toms, Mns. Robt. Waiton. ied numbers with good tone wbîch _________________ ere much enjayed. Sir Henry Gurney, K.C.M.ç., tbe new Governor, has accepted the appointment of Chief Scout of tbe Federation of Malaya. FOR YOUR HOLIDAY BAKING use PICKERING FARMS PURE Kettle-Rendered LARD Your Most Economical Shortenlng 20-lb. pail - - - $5.49 Can be obtained at:- WHITBY PLANT or TORONTO STORE In the pnize presentations Miss Velma Alidread xwan the Softball1 Tnopby prcsented by Mrs. Alfred Gray. Velma Alidrcad aiso won the public spcaking prize, the presentation being made by Rev. D. R. Dexvdncy. Miss Mary Holu- benks xwon the Masonic pnize and Mr~. McMuilen presentent ber xxith lier pnize. The Champions at field day wene Marilyn Lodge for girls un- der 10. Billy Brunt-box-s unden 10 and Ruth Garod-gir'ls under 12. Mn. Stewart hiad the senior boy s daing a Swedish dance wbich "Vas supposed ta 'bc a sbam fight. It was welI donc and caused much laughtcr from the audience. The boys are ta be congratulated on attempting this number. Joy Dunbar and Charles Gray sang a duet "White Christmas". PICKERING FARMS LIMITED The audience joinent in the second Phone 336 - Nlght or Day chorus. WHITB, ONARIOThe iast number on the prog- WHITB, ONARIOram xxas the minuet danced by TORONTO - 792 Queen St. E. the senior room girls who lookec veny cbarming in their aid fash- ioned gowns. Yards of Gifts! Unusual Gifts! Colour- fui f abrics for slipcovers . .. drapes. . . dresses and suits. Our large selection of pre-shrunk, colour-fast f abrics corne in the newest patterns ... the gayest of shades ... at truly prices. Give f abrios ta your friends ... or treat yourself ta a delightful gif t of f abrics. NEWLANDS Kroy Knitting Wool Drapery Materials Rods - Tracks - Cranes Hooks - Etc. DRAPES Made-to-Order Butlerick and Simplicity Patterns Silks, Woollens, Coftons, Rayons, Suitings, Coafings, Plaids Bedspreads, Crib Sheefs, Cushions Bath Mat Sets, Bedroom Rugs Table Clofhs, Pillow Cases Irish Linen Bridge Table Sets Large Assorfme1iiU WOOL BLANKETS including Pure Wool Blankets Motor Rugs Indian Blankets Baby Blankets Shop and Save ai Weber' s1 W eber's'Fabric Centre 10 King St. E. Bowmanvile School Concert diaive Audience iored hy Board DR. J. A. BUTLER LEAVES FOR ARIZONA About Dec. 20th of this month Dr. J. A. Butler and his sister Miss Cora Butler plan to leave for Arizona, U.S.A. where the doctor will spend the winter for his health.1 Since October Dr% Butler has been iii and was dangerously ill in Oshawa hospital for a number of wveeks. We are sorry to see the doctor give up bis practice but he needs this well earned rest. Neyer has there been one more devoted and faithful to his profession than Dr. Butler. Throught storms and sun- shine he has practiced for 50 years, 34 of those years he has at- tended the sick in Newcastle and surrounding districts. From the horse and buggy to the automo- bile day s he has neyer faiied to answer a eall, no matter if it wa, only a frantic mother whose new baby had a touch of coiic or a pat- lent with a more serious ailment. There on the pad in his office was his message as to where he couic be reached. Citizcns have missed him vyen mnuch, for, since October, New- castle has been wihout a doctor. We understand a new doctor xvil soon take ox'er his place. We know that Dr. Butler's in- terest in Newvcastle xviii continue and xve hope that his trip to An.- zona xviii resuit in his complete recoverv and in the spring we xviii be iooking forward to seeing him home and again interested in bis garden wbich bas been his hobby. We hope also to see hlm at the bail games as he was ai. ways gneatly interested in young people's actix'ities. We ail wîsh him a safe journey, improved healtb and good luck. MISS MASON HONORED il I i i i i iIl i I Il w b;, wb;b; y wb' t,' t, y y y w w y F y w y w One of the higbligbts of the Concert xvas the pnesentation ta Miss Hattie A. Mason of a lox'eiy silver tray -by the Board of Edu- cation and Rex'. Dewdney, chair- man of the Board, spoke warmn xvords reganding Miss Mason's connection xith Newcastle public school and then cailed ber ta the platfonm. Mn. Emerson Fisher, also a member of the board and former pupil of Miss Mason's rcad the following address: Miss Mason: It is the priviiege of the New- castle Board of Education on be haif of the people of Newcastle and more particuiarly on behaif of your many former pupils ta mark to-night thes occasion of yaur retirement fromi teacbing. For mptny years, 34 years 8 months ta be exact, you haxve servent the people of Newcastle and their Board of Education as a teachen in our public school. You have had the great responsi- bility of not only teaching the requined course of study but of influencing the girls and boys un- 1949 Automobile Insurance Raies There wlll be a ONE DOLLAR REDUCTION ln the rate where no drivers are under 25 or over 70 years of age. TOWVN 0F FORT HOPE AND BOWMANVILLE: Public Liability and pnoperty damage $5,000, Was $19.00 $10.000, $1,000 Now $18.00 Where there are drivers under 25 or over 70: Public liability and prapenty damnage $5,000, Was $19.00 $10,000, $1,000 Now $21.00 Outside Town Limits: including Welcame, P or t Bnittain, Canton, Newton- ville, Kendal, Onono, Miil- brook, etc. Whene no drivers unden 25 years of age or aven 70. Public liabiiity and pnoperty damnage $5.000 Was $17.00 $10,000, $1,000) Now $16.00 Where there are drivers un- der 25 yeans o! age and aven 70: W as - ----. ----$17.00 Now-------------- - ------ $18.00 Farmers' Special Rates: Select (when no drivers un- der 25 on aven 70 yns. o! age) Public liability and pnopenty damage $5.000 Was $16.00 $10,000, $1,000 Now $15.00 Standard (whene there are drivers unden 25 years o! age or aven 70). Public liabiiitv a nd propenty damage $5.000 Was $16.00 $10.000, $1,000 Nonw $18.00 Fire and Thcft Rates Remain Unchanged: For ublic Lîability and Pno"pertv damage S10,000, S20,000, $3.'000 add iv0, ta the above rates, and $25.000, $50.000, $5,000 add 15% ta standard rates. For the best in Automobile Insurance see FRED WV. IVELLS Agent Amenican Automobile Insurance Co. 34 North St., Port Hope, or Phone 147J Port Hope, ont. der you in the ways of decency, Note on sex equalty: A man Ca nada's National Gallery sends Two out of three Canadian chil. cleaniiness, neatness and in ap. who marries for money is a heel: art exbibits across the country and1 dren who finish primary school do preciation of music and art. We a survey at Los Angeles nexeaied lends material from rts permanent: not go-on to high schooi, and more belive the people have been weil that 70 per cent of the girls woui collection to scboois. commun ity than h aif of those who enter high served by you. prefen marrying for money. 1 centres and art galleries. Isehool do flot finish. We are sorry that At has 4been necessary for you to retire from ~f .f~.~Wà h active teaching. We know that Pa -your interest in our school wîHl continue and we hope that y ou may have many years to enjox the life for xvhich you have helped to prepare a great numberi ýh We ask you to accept this smaii î ?r token as an outward expression of )r the esteem and the good wishes of ?r the people of this village. S n is The Newcastle Board of is on bebaîf ofDeu uI LV J21) il The village of Newcastle !r Miss Mason accepted the tray with her usual grace and referred or ý otepicasant years she spent at sth Public School here and the I any memories she wilI hoid ' dear. POTTED PLANTS This is another token ta show~a the high esteem that Miss Mason fo ~is held in Newcastle and surnound- ing district. H IT A 0 WEDDINGS V ROWLAND-WISEMAN wo t On Friday, November 26, at 8 s p.m. in the chapel of Deer Park àUnited Church, Toronto, the wed- ding took place of Margaret Paf- ricia Wiseman, daugbten of Mn. -afld Mrs. Alexander Wiseman, to W illiam John Rowland, son of Mn. iand 'Mrs. Howeil Rowland, Orono. The bride xvone a midnigbt blue suit xitb vinter white accessonies cand a corsage of blue and whiîte * mîms. The bridesmaid, Miss Sue : \, Bartoï, xvore a burgundy colored ~ . .~ esit and black accessonies with a .~(') corsage of red and white mnums * Rev. Dr. Stanley Russell offic- i ated at the ceremony. During tbe 1sîgning of the negister Mr. Harold -Boumne sang, '11 Walk Besidc You,"' accompanied by Mn. W. B. Grwan at the organ. 4 Mr. Peter Ombery was the best e'- mail. t Aften a quiet receptian which was held at the "Oint Mili' the bride and groom left for a trip to e G the United States and on tbeir__._..._..__._...._.__._._..... return xill neside in Toronto. i BICKELL-PAYNE Your friends will be pleased and delighted to The marniage of Shirley Ireneor en ep ce f Payne, daugbter of Mn. and Mrs. receive a beautiful bouquet o e te îc fm g ii Leiand Payne, Newtonx-ille, ta Mn. Kani Bruce Bickeil, Bowman- cent flowers from you. It's the most thoucrhtfulgit o ville, took place in Newvtonville Urnited Cburch Parsonage, Nov.~A i~ r 27, xith Rev. Bunt officiating. can send ... always sure ta >..rng ±appiness 'vith every The bride chose a stneet iengtb c-10 frcs fanisadwoe a ansage of' * loom! Place your orders with ustoday frc of eaqua creeandca - us white roses. Miss Thelma Staple- il ton, Newcastle, w-as ber attend- ant wearing Navy -blue taffeta and black accessories and wone a con- T sage of pink roses. Mr. Grant Thenteli1 was best man. .B- oses - carnaions N -i For the reception heid at the t-V home of the bride's parents, Mrs. %édAl '" Payne receivent in bnown satin 'loîe "ans f llMi.d with bnown accessonies and a cor- sage of bronze mums. She was Se ordipayofPf$r assisted by the gnoam's mothen -.r e u lS±yo o±r wearing black crepe and black acceseonies and a corsage Y uorefreb e smehnr ta The happy couple headed west for a short honeymoan. w l laeyu Tbey will take up nesidence in Bowmanx'ille. The choir bad a quilting Dec. 8. About 20 ladies attended. A T K 1- quilt was also done for the I.O.D. tD E. A lovely lunch was senved. Sunday Sehoal held its annuai meeting on Friday night. Reports e1ý shoxved a very successful y-ear. The Sunday Scbool is having Fl wr S bp A a White Gift service in the church ý't0 on Christmas Sunday, Dec. 19. Everycne try and make this scr-P O E443 KI G S .W vice one ta be emembered.~t We are sarry ta hean little Ross~ BOWMANVILLE Wannan is under the dactor's cane. 1 Ce ci b.b. . U, Uh ru Miss Mary Neal, Pickering, was guest of Mn. and Mrs. Howard Bowen on Sunday. The card party held by No. 9 Ladies in Orono Orange Hall Sat- urday night was a great success. Twenty tables of Five Hundred and euchre were filled. Tbe win- ners of tbe prizes in Five Hun- dred were: high lady, Shirley Brunt; bigb gentleman, Ciarcncel Turner; iow lady, Mns. Under- wood; low gentleman was Mrs. Evans who played as a man. In euchre high lady xvas M iss Edna Hurst; high gentleman, George Calder; low lady, Mrs. Marie Gib- son c.-'iow gentleman, A. A. Gibson. The draw for the three- tiered Christmas cake weighing 20 lbs. was made by little Patsy Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, and the winning ticket was Leslie Gibson's who is attend- ing University in Toronto. No. 9 ladies wisb to tbank ail of thosewho helped in any xvay to make the venture the success it was. Special'j.hanks to Mrs. Jas. Garvock who fin isbed UP icing tbe cake and to Herbent Murray .&ho helped us tbrougbout the af- ternoon and evening so cbeerfully. Mr. Donald McReelis is under the doctor's cane. Mrs. McReelis' niece and ber busband from Ham- ilton were wveek-end visitons. IRON fIREMAN î S I i 0E NIS. JACK BROUGH PLUMBING AND HEATING BowmanvlUe 3 King St. W. Phone 2384 THE CANADIAN STNTIP-qMAM- RnWMANVff.T.r nWmAnv% iy ýd

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