P'AGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEF. ONTARIO THURDAYDEC.23rd 194 PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS1 $'àN' JEL t ___BIRTHS__ CARDS 0F THANKS1 Articles For Sale Chrstms gft.Trasf BATES-Dnvid and Larry. son We wish ta express oarec EE sof cernent. Les An- icte f AchiTreanfr o etf peetwre rn Ms ei cd. A good lunch v as s r e r . F k C r e n h e of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bates, iatian for the kindness extended 'derson, Phone 2215. 52-1r. n Mr.CrecRam wthtegia hoHny aus brother, at Bawmanviîîe Hospital, manville. Wishing you ail a 22 MARLIN rifle, practically new. S AT SM N y n w eston. M r. and M rs. Cecil Rahm , T a p o , p e i i g f r t i a t M s a e B a b r , J m i n on Saturday, December 11, 1948. r Merry Christmas and a Happy' Apply 92 King St. E. 52-1* Uin r n r.Gog am ftemeig 521an roprosNe ea.Iaintfield, with Mrs. H. Rahm. i lyChristmas trNeteonerradMs Mr. and Mrs. Daug Tapping. 1931 FORD coach in goad con- 1 MTylr, *Blî akstock. Mr. N geatly enjoyed at bath hrhsBabrteepeetdwt BURDETT..To Mr. and Mrs. J. 52-1* itonnPan Care 82. 2.* C Burdett at Bowmanvillea Hos- ____LADYSwine winter coat, size a if*i e d te, rs. C.Hae, mwt er e. Mr.nd M. David Fiton, inrtbe1a ete PialonDcebe 1,198,a o, 4.Phn 225 Bwanile The Public Schaol Christmas Taronto, with Mr. and r.Olvl hresoywdi David Wayne. 52-1*, On behaîf of Dad and myseif, I521 Concert will bcefield in Black- Wright. Mrs. Wright retreoTecmunt on n~ wauld like ta thank ail thase whoA i* *tokHlinta furen the city with themn.ultosndwsigheh WHYTE condtion. Appy 145 Kin St. E.,Church as formerly advertisecl. M.SmFru ,M wish ta announce the birth of. ing the past two weeks. We xvould codtondply15KigS. .rtI1~ii R tes __________ Mha.Sam FergusndMrfandMs opemn oeyaso a their daughter at Bawmanville like especially ta thank Drs. Birks Bowmanviile. 52-1* adM.adMs ap odJmsPr ntedaha e Hopta n auraDeebe ndSemn is arig n;and Mrs. Jack RahrnadAln Smah i xeddt r. an8,atu48ay 52-ece the nsesftemon MispringandforRENFREW Acorn caak stave, in IEFFECTIVIE JAINUARY 23, 194P and Mr. nd Mrs.Mn the nrses0f te hapita forreal good condition. ApyRc-Pf1T~' their wonderful services. plRih1B O N and Eldeene, Part Perrywt ieMr.Cvnwhdedn E D AT S onld rap. ar KikPotyool Pon 8rgand Mrs. Orr Venning. LahunSsk nes D E T H an l C a p. ad ik, P nt p ol ha e 81Mr. T. W ilson and W ylene visit-Mr W. B Fe g an H spe,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ st52ad.i-orDITS ETHEGGEETMRRAEc with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. setafwdy nti omn-_____________ -0ALSNin Bawmanviile Hos- ____iWILLOW soewoi oror BRA. EAH, NAGMNTan AGS iywith h'sbroIrr me -P-tal on Wednesday, December 22, , n-foot lengths. A. W. Graham, CARDS F THANKS - $1.00 Per Insertion Tlsa e vening ta. M a nuM r Fergusn and other relaumes fl 1948, Wilfred a.Alsn eoe hehsadadfml f the Newcastle, Phone Clarke 12-23. Tusa vnn oanme aflais, M. rs.wR. entands oMs. Congratulations ta Mr.adrs DACN CLSE 51 ear. Rstig a th faiiyexpress their grateful thanks and spae5heter Ise 3 anth, ma wiI-spnd1h00wekPnus braconin teir onarorvversdeWnterTera Inrsertionit residence, Neptune Grave, Maple appreciation ta the Wamen's In-i OIL pc etrusd3mnhM.ad r.Elo Hg-1yasmridonDc2 Grave, until Friday, Dec. 24, at! stitute, Rebekah Lodge, St. Pau's' haîf price; new Massberg 22 rifle;i NOTICES. COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, MaplemiGravpedtwke. iniatthenhonmehofrMr. andrs.J- Poo95 1 igS.E 1 p.., hen a te UntedChutherChuchturss atthehosptalC7-fot kisanurarnsss hon LthSTOK FOpSAE, OR RNTWANTDMrTC.an.dnd M-s.Sta Couh vsit-ephBradurnon Sturay.Thos>___________________ Maple Grave, for service at 2:30 Dm-. and Mrs. McKinney, Brook-' Clarke 4502. 52 Ca. edte:hera parents,3c).MuMrb. and Mrs. J.erion P. M. Interment Bowmanville' une, and al ather fiends and __ITAStes,7cta__shRt:2eawrd(i. 5) Ms-epadbfo-iseto.jusn Cemetery. Officers and members! acquaintances for their many, If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box Mýr. "and Mrs. H. Hancock, of Jerusalcm Lodge, G.R.C., Na. lkindnesses, floral tributesan Spuend asmce and numbers or replies directed ta this office. Ooo iic r n r.M 31,kinly eetin he odg rom epresios o sypaty i th ppickut out e oa. nice anc.ono v Brookdaan Mrc-M 3t1 :45indlym eet ittn thelodg e ro m p essi on of a sympathy i n thend Kingswav Nurseries, near C.N.R. i H n o k ati :45p.m. t atten the fueral pssing f a lovng wif and rStation (sorry, no delivery). 51-2 (Additional Insertions at Same Rates) BrnsHoeadchlAs of aur late brother. mother. 52-1 sociaton sHme on Tday een A- PETS-Special Offer-Buy your Wlo rsne h MCAGR-Sdel, tU.child a registered Scotch Collie, ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER ig. After the business period Tom McTAGGART.on Sudden14, 9t, n- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duck wish male sable with white collar, fur THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or mney Miso rs. t h following ionville, on Dec. 14, 1948 Minniegram: M s .Riechrath, pianoP R E T G F S T A O P A E Ruth, wife of George A. McTag- ta express their sincere thanks months, $15; alsa turkeys for order with order ta get low rate. I ol y r. .BrwEadsaa gar, orery f awanilei and grateful appreciation ta their Christmas. Stanley Taylor, Bur- solo____________ by hMicrAth isrs;n Mr. Caros bert84th er, motfer 0fartol, n many friends and neighbours: ta ketonl. 52-1* bveth se picturs;LunCas- Mnea;Mre Mr.A C:the J. Anderson Smith Companyvt hwdpctrs uc a ts taf aci mpoyes;terhlCeCSHUT 0 tacai-,.racorCLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE served and the meeting cioscd Hard), Toronto, and the late Lts affadgc, .F.&.M. N.' po wCCs, dril3s, maursp radctr,______________________________ Atu le.ItretMutDurham LogAF&.. o lwvrls auesraes ith God Save The King. lA ntur Elm er. ter m e t M o n 66; to D r. J. A . B utler of N w - binders, miow rs, etc. Sleighs in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c r e D e s g r c h Plaat C mtr.- castle; ta Dr. V. H. Storey of: stock. Large stock of repairs. Clare cm r e gre ot s aowmanvillc; ta Doctors Bird. Jcwcl cook stove, ncw; DeLavaijLvskFo ale coT'7TTyMrst. atikadDa IN___MEMORIAM________ ills, Patterson and oke f rseparators. Apply Keith Bradley, __________ ____ForL>Sale1LL vsited hparets, Mn.and Diase Oshawa, and ta the nre n Pontypool. Phone Orona 8lr12. TNgo ufl ws antJ usn BIGELOW-In loving memary of staff of Oshawa Gencral Hospital! 52-2* TNgo ufl ws antJ usn adea husband and father, Char- Rcad hn 83 for aIl kindncsses reccîved dunîng - iRcad hn 83 52-1 Sunday Schoal was held at 10:30 Bnown's Busy Becs met at the lesArîurBiglaw wo pssc M. Dck' ilnes. 2- TRADE-INS - drap side couch HRFR - with an attendance of 39. A com. home of Mrs. W. Farrow. A quiît, V away December 26th, 1947: xith mattress; white kitchen set; in few days. caow, u afehnmtc a apitdt rag a uitdb h ih ebr One year aga dean Father was ragtn olsoe;selbdivl e 805, B rmn o Phonete cBowmane stelfors a candle light service ta be present. Lunch was scrvcd by - c a l l e d . - k i t c h e n c a i r s a n d t a l e s ; c o a l i l e ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5_2 - 1 l h e l d n e x t S u n d a y v e n i n g . C h u r c l i M r s . a r r o w . . a d e x t n g To bis eternal rcst; I otice 10 Creditors stove. 5-burner, with aven; adas WO GradeHîti heifers, ac- flodwihD.keracng Fo yurorspdnt ils a s etan t e sw sig m cie. M rh scei a vry aodChristmas sermon iMerry Christmas ta the readers.ths Baty oe, Gon whre he nges Dngsa an 0ter ~ wasing mahins. urpy's crditd nd vaccinated, due ight1 accompanied by the beautiful canal Phone your correspondent yourI setiPhone 811, Bowmanville. 52-1* away. Stanley Malcolm, Nestle-'w And taken when God knew best, ofth i ___ eao. hsMnad Mitrs. H îcnt Wemiss him here sa veny much iIN THE ESTATe 0F JAMES iROLL snaw fence; 15 steel posts !- tan, Pha--Part-Pnny-194 1 farth Foumidwsasan. Ca h r.stadvsirs. i hahwith wihaefvuie fmn oemk Hi rsneotsesng RWdcae.new Electrie Rangette; Electro, REGISTERED Yorkshire boar, home of Mn. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. H. Bellamy, Lesk- ~Crsi-a it fgetdsicin But we ail hope in Heaven ta ALL persans having dlaims pails; set 600xl6 car chains; De- born March, sired by Jae Feather- Best. The topic pravided wvas ard. r~A meet against the estate of JAMES Lavai and B.T. pressure systems;i stone's Junior Champion Boar 1947 "Let's Go To The Mavies." This1 Don't forget the sehool meeting, A.' TUCKAA I-etypakdI iuae Where no anc says gaod-byc. i BROWN, late of the Town of ail hcater; Martin Senour paint; Royal. Glen Glaspeil, Phone: \vas the pros and cons ta movies Dec. 29th at 8 o'clock. leotein lio liao ri-lcBono -Ever remembercd by wife and jBawmanvillc, in the County of jP-yro anti-freeze; 1928 Whippet rOshawa 163w1-1. 52.1* and a good deal of discussion xvas Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore, Toronto, family. 52.1* Durham, farmer, who died on or! sedan. Came in and let us book ______________a hepr fwche oishdxisited his parents, Mn. and Mrs. ond-coetipirt ofEssentilsrfor Lvelinei CATR-ni avng emry f 19,arct equirc dtastay the gut yorcosetc.fW.rH. rown, CseyPets For Sale an effect on the mind of abuah 9hdy0 uut yu ne o mmcieygrow- F. Moore.an1ob -$1.0;malrsz$90 CAO-I oin eor f 98,aereure osedt te _____ t. .H.BonCs ing child. dean husband and father who undersigned at Bowmanville, On- Dealer, Phone 497. 52-1 eaegdtorptth lte passed away Dec. 25, 1943: , anao, ful particulans of the same r1PonLE 2265. E. GlraNihis sbckfoCrc LC .SRVC ITselfrserumna wnligwt Chnîsîmas2- Dayouary 1949, ater whic date th _____ Five yas have passed this on or befoe the lth day of Jan- R a s at oPal C h Coic pup,5six Cek hclren shta nr observation. E U CReadrcn's HospitaalinToronto, When anc we laved was callcd assets of the eeswl e decae ilb is- SX-omdbik ouefly old. H. W. Stapleton, Newton-r Miss Jane Reeve of Toronto-' The Black Preceptory-, No. 398,ihehad- fcktinerpct..InBcW' away, tributed having regard anly ta the' insulated. witb hardwood floons ville.521Unvriyetnd', We lave him stil and aiways cdaims of which the Executors t1uhusnpnc n aae a frteCnsmshoeidnys. I electioo offccrsdancc 141heinBo 521*Unvcsiy etredhoe n nl hd oo atedaceatthi BowanandBueorRaraahge,. 7.0 For in lshah thenlehaveetntice. tiled kitchen and batroom wlsF or R entr Young People's was field on the Orange Hall. Over 40 mcem- For in aur hc rts he livth stii. DATED this 9th day of Decem- r and flors, everything in n w- _______ W dnsday vening as usual withb ebrs w re present with 7 visitos --Sadly missed by bis wife and ber, 1948. condition, storm windows. storm FOUR roams, elderly couple, Miss Berneice Best providing the fromn Oshawa. C. P. Devitt pre- family. 52-1* ROBEET LINDSAY MITCHELL doors; centrally located; immcd- rooms furnished, bard and soft tOPic. sided for the clection which ne- and GORDON BROWN, Execu- I late possession. Phone 705. 51-1 waten; also garage. Mrs. George rWc are sorry ta report the death sulted as foilows: W.P.-Hcrb.I1 CORDEN-In loving memory af a tors, by Apha I. Hodgins, their - - Richards, 19 Bradshaw St., Phone 'of Mn. Harold Clarke. Mi-. Clarke Swain: D.P.-Wilbur Fitze; Chap- dear husband, Lyall Corden, who solicitor herein. 50-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - 812. 52-1 was one of the first cottagers in lain-Le olin; Reg.-Henry passcd away DV. 27th, 1947:, In Bowmanville - $2,000.00 - 4- ______ ____ Weslcyville at Redle,ý Beach andi Thompson (22nd lime in this of- Nothing can ever take away roomed soiid brick bouse, central-neIi ad,. fice); Treas-Elmer Neshitt; lst The lave a heant halds dear; Lost ly located, vcm-y warm, gaod cern- anted To r fore 23 constannly been conmng Lc-ebHoy n e. Fodmeois ige vrydy,:___________ _________ nt cellan. hydro and water. Seli- Mis.\cenar lno cstl. esl Thonmpson s es Remembrance keeps bim neai-. BLACK leather, fur-lined glove, ing cheap l'or quick sale. Forr SCRAP batteries, $1.50 each. Pick Ms Ele AlnofNwasl esîll n; s Censo-i -Always lovingly rcmembered. right hand. Finder kindly tele-1 further information Phone A2621 IuP. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Mn. Murray Payne attended the Fe li;2dCno-ei Sadly missed by bis laving wife. phone 357. 52-1*. Clarke, Mi-s. Evelyn E. Cooke, Real Phone 467. 49-tf candle light service in Port Hope Hill', lst Standard Bearer-Orton ____ -United Chumch. Badburn: 2nd Standard Bearer- Maud. 521 Estate Broker, Newcastle. 52-1 BEFORE seîîing yaur Live pouîîry i Mr laeceNchls tene Dave McLcan; Purs. - MelvilleI FEMALE Great Dane, brindle, __________ ry u8. Our prices arc higher. M. the Vegetable Gmowers' meeting GifnTyeJo am;C- EMESO-I lvin mmoy f anwes a ameof"Lsh."Re- - ersonal Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r l in Bowmanxville on Friday evn mittce-Ed. Harris, Jas. Bycrs, W. Flying Officer Ralph Emersoni ward. Kinidly phone Mn. GiIl at 13. reverse chages. 17-tf ing. j Murphy. Crawford English, Non-r.W R.C.A.F., killed in action on Decc. 2372. . * 52-1" -IMn. Sidney Lockhart of Por-t man - Malcolm, Bert McMullen, 8J£ I. Reh 26th, 1944, and buried at LSPOTTED- haund knawn asocý Lignere -~______________ -i HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber HORSES: Old and crippled. ih Hope hlad tea xith Mn. and Mrs.LsleBaok Installation-By France: SOTD hud kon a od)mie otadiplnes price, plus bonus if delivered Roy Nicholls udyenig 1 Hehsntmse h a, "Rufus" lost in or near Hampton ispalcd envelope with pnice list. at Tyrone. Also able ta kilI at 1 e res: wre giiivL en by aIl d-fficcr He could but steer, the course on Fni., Dcc. 17. Reward $10.00. Six samples 25c: 24 samples $1.00. yaun farm. Dead fanm stock ne- clected. Mn. James Byers was We aurriioPtokot adtsocotenaWidoubby Ront2eailtdriDs:. -38aNo-Rub moedaithiyanhou. Cîl ugCaada ammy m beng raind p fset fr bi OOh cnseutiv PHNE 78 I isDonONEpc778BOMANILL H ol ing a b tti -sc nre an aw a (n orth H arm ony , 1 m il w est ber C ., B ox 91, H am ilton , O nt. i colle t. M argw ill F u r F a n m i n o c t e n s r U .S . A y a o l c i n o f i e s n weary wing. of Taunton. 52.2* 45-9 Bowmfanville. Phone 2679.* 38-tf formations. ivas presentcd ivith his nul Reccive bis new commission--------------. - urt!! ue f .i- -vrm embeing.oter Dad. Danald, Edgar, Frank, Ellen,Î - Ever reme b_________her Giadys and Irde. 52-1 McLAUGHLINIn laving mem-, arv of aa l'r hhbnd and ;;thp JamesMcLaghli, who died Dec.,I 22nd, 1947: We have on]yv your memory dear father To remember our whole life through, But the sweetness will linger forev'er As we treasure the image of you. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 5____ .2-1l* ___Recep-tion Mr. and Mrs. FredLuxt0n, 114 Duke St. will bc at home to their relatives and friends on Saturday, Jan. lst, 1949, in the afternoan: 3 until 5 p.m., and in the evening: 7 until 9 p.m.. on the occasion of their 6th wedding anniversar v. v COMING EVENTS k Dan ce at Brad]ey's Schaol, Tues. day. Dec. 21h, under auspices of Solmna Football Club. AI Stack k and his orchestra. 52-1* Dance in PontYpool Hall, Wed., Dec. 29. Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Auspices of L.OL. Ad mis- sion 50c. S2-1- Dance at Enniskillen Hall. Fr1- day, Dc. 241h. Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Auspices of Enni- skillen Athletic Club. Admission 50C. R pis 52-1 REPAIRS t ail makes of refrmg- y eraters. dlonestie and ramniercîai1 Higgaon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf! NEAT-Wax Shoe Repair:Go 5iibstintial %vorkmanship, rehiabil: ity. d veing, soling, scwing. etc.y Tnv the Ncat-Wýa>y, opposite Bo__k 7-ti AT YOUR FIRESIDE WITH AN . . ADMIRAL RADIO ,FINE TONE QUALITY SUPREME WITH A FINE HAVANA CIGAR OR CIGARETTE PURCHASED AT A. M. DARCH And You ReaIly WiI Be "Siiting Preffy" AIND SAVING MONEY WITH YOUR GIFT BUYING 0F TOYS, ETC. AT McNULTY'S SPORTS'-& CYCLE y 6 King St. E. Phone 2578J "SITTING PRETTY'l IT CAN BE YOU! A Dominion Life Insurance Policy Can and WiII Ensure You and Your Family lVith That Saving andi Protection Necessary. Provide for Your Retirement. W.. L. LYCETT Representative Dominion Life Assurance Phone 2382 Bowma:14 Ille OD DEC. 25-27-28-29 a Ui Sat.-Mon.-Tue-Wed. SITTING PRETTY" MEANS A VISIT TO .1 IRIS BEAUTY SALGM FOR YOUR PERMANENT OR F AVORITE flAIR SET 3King St. Bi manv ilePhn 45 Bo hn 5 CHRISTMAS CARDS . . . BOOKS . .- CHINA FOUNTAIN PENS . . . WRAPPING PAPER And that's where '<Belvedere" cornes in! He's a gentle- man baby-sitter with a new technique -whose motto is: «IJ HATE BABIESP" Have You Visiled "BOWMANVILLE'S Sc h, ýi fin Çrr"'> -..l.i n COME! DO YOUR SHOPPING AT JEWELL'S "BIG 20" - And You Wiii Be - MAUREEN CLIFTON Buy Your Christmas Groceries O'HARA-WEBBAnd You WiiI Be I "SITTING PRETTY"# ~GRO ON THE MONEY YOU SAED GCERJES MEATS - FRUIT- VEGETABLES I - FREE DELIVERY - HAYN lUI%ïttSAL[RI16N '444 Kluig S.E. FUI TOEPioje 674 --LuP-uua' nt Y U wili ne urprised tb Find Such a Complete Line of Merchandise. You Will Be Served Wilh Courlesv and PRalv h0 ".TTTTg~CtTr TVl CIL--- - -1 ¶ t. - TT m -- -- mà» -&A% JLL%141 1 v urn .i niaving bnapped witIi Us. f E7ý AÉ auglolb.- go ROBERT 10UNG es'1 Pl "RicNai kotlm -------------- en TIMSDAY, DEC. 23A, ie4a .......... VIN ûlli Y>, ýLl Dlx ýlrN ff'w b, ý ef 44-fflï-ýý f