c0hrý i Durhiam County's Gjreat Family Journal" VOLUME 94 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1948 6c PER COPY NUMBER 52 Dinrham County Ti Prtiduce Nearly 1M States P. G. Newell âPenetrating an aromatic cloud - ftobcc smoke at the Rotary Club meeting Friday, guest speak- er, P. G.. (Pete) Newell, manager Canadian Tobacco Plantations, spoke with greât fluency and com- petent knowledge 'on tobacco cul- ture in general and introduction to Durham County just over a decade ago. He aroused much in- terest when he told that the 4.5 farms producing tobacco in this district had a total yield this year Of 1,750,000 lbs. with a market value of more than $700,000. His careful prediction was that in a very few years the acreage would more than double and it was quite probable that Bowmanville or Newcastle would become a central market serving the tobacco area of central Ontario, inc-luding the new plantations around Barrie. The Speaker Mr. Newell, who resides in Bow- manville and commutes daily to his Newcastle office, was intro- duced by Dave Higgon, who with other Bowmanville 'businessmen, toured the plantations a year ago and were banqueted on Mr. New- ell's personal farm. Born in Ox- ford, England, Pete Newell came to Canada.20 years ago, graduated from the O.A.C., Guelph, then studied for his Doctorate at Tor- onto University until war inter- rupted his studies. He served in the artillery throughout, rose to the rank of Major, won the Miii- tary Cross and Bar, then came home to join the Adams Corpora- tion of Simcoe, heavily interested in tobacco growing and the lum- ber, business. *Appointed manager of Canadian Tobacco Plantations in 1945, Mr. Newell continues in that position1 and is also manager of the New- castle branch of the Adams Lum- ber Co. which was opened a year ago. In January, 1948, Mr. Neweil was married to Miss Beatrice Win- sby, R.N., daughter of a promin- ent Victoria B.C. family. They met overseas when both served un the late war. Mr. Newell has been a pioneer in growing hybrid corn in this district and is a practical scientist in the f ield of agricul- turc. obacco Farms illion Dollars Il at Rotary Club 1For instance the federal govere- ment gathers a tobacco tax cf $24, 000. every bouc cf every day throughout the year. Estimahing 2 ,i lbs. cf flue cured tobacco per 1,000 cigarettes, the farmer gels about 2c per package and the goverement gets $17.50 in taxes on every thousand manu- factured andi soid. The Canadian production is 80 per cent flue curcd for making cigarettes and it is considercd just about the world's bcst. Bunley tobacco, useci for pipe and cigar purposes and pipe perique grown in Quebec, P. G. NeweII make up the balance of 20 per cent. Burley is also mixed with flue cured for stronger cigarettes. Tho main producing centre is the Simcoe-Delbi district, but there is small annual production in British Columbia. Durham County has become a recognized tobacco area and an acreage is being deve- loped around Barrie. Reclaimed Farms Mr. Nexvell described the type of soul best suited for tobacco grow- ing. Abandoned farms in Durham County to the south of the pine ridge had been found ideal and Christmnas Party For New Canadians Greatly Enjoyed A pleasant and appropriate gathering in the form of a Christ- mas Party for new citizens of Darlington Township took place in Central Public School, Wèdnes- day evening. Guest of the local committee conducting classes in English and Citizenship under the auspices of the Ontario Department of Educa- tion, were the 38 aduit students taking instruction each Wednes- day evening in the "New Canadian Class" at the Bowmanville High School. Chairman at the party, M. A. Slute, local Public School teacher. was accorded great tribute for his pains-taking efforts as Princ- ipal of the class to make it a real success. His assistant, Miss Mari- orie Couch. Central Public Sohool, aiso shared in the felicitations. The evening was devoted to free conversation in English to mark the vrogress made. An education- al film, "Peopies of Canada". a release from the Ontario Dcpart- ment of Education, was also shown. Miss Couch was hostess to the ladies of the New Canadian group. The pleasant evening con- cluded with deliclous lunch. It is hoped that this first gathering will become an annual affair. Sundav School Xmas Program A visit from the most pornular man in the world "Santa Claus" climaxed a baopyý Sunday School Christmas party in Trinity seaool room Tuesday ex'ening. Tiny tots and older pupils, their teachers and parents were present to enjoy an interesting programn which re- vealed the clex'er talent of the pupils and competent training on the part of the teachers. Dr. J. C. Devitt, Superintendent of the Sunday Sohool was chairman for the following pro- gram: carols sung by Miss Frayn Johns' class: recitation-Patsy Ann Smith; chorus by pupils of Miss Doreen Hardy and Anna Johns' classes; chorus by the pri- mary class; resitation-Janice Beech. Several youngsters from Mrs. Wight's kindergarten pres- ented ltheu' Chrsma ton r, nth Staittory Meeting 1948 Council Presents Year's Balance Sheet Mayor Receives Praise and Gi The constitutional statutory for insurance on co ntractors bond. meeting of the 1948 Town Council From Lundy Fence Co., Toronto, was held in the council room Dec. enclosing invoice for $2,822.30 for 16. Estimates and expenditures the erection of a fence around the sewage disposai plant. for the year,-came under final re- Moved by Councillor Jamieson, view with balances as shown in seconded by Deputy-Reeve Allison the table below. This report is that the account if correct be paid. .merely a brief form of the minutes Càrried. of the meeting whîch we consider Reports self -explanatory. i Councillor Mason presented a At the close of the meeting report from the Finance Com- Mayor Sidney Little was accorded mittee submiting sundry accounts a distinct honour in receiving amounting to $ 1,946.25.* Local praise for bis indefatigable work Improvement for $20,185.64 and during his term of office. As a: Public School building accounts mark of appreciation for his lead-1 for $6,800.00, certified as being ership the members of the councili correct and recommending pay- presented him with a handsome ment. pen and pencil set. In reply the1 The Tax Collector presented a Mayor spoke with feeling of the report of current tax collections honour accorded and wished as follows: Amount of Roll, $141,- every success to the incoming 760.67; Additions, $796.81; Total, council. $142,557.48; Taxes Collected, $126, Communications 553.51; Discounts allowed, $778.l 7; From Board of Transport Com- Taxes oustanding, $15225.80. missioners, Ottawa, in reference The respective standing com- to the crossing at C.N.R. Station. mittees presented their reports of From General Accident Assur- expenditures during the year as ance Co., Toronto, enclosing rates 1-ollows: Department Estimates Expenditures Short Overj Roads and Streets ----- $25,000.00 $28,277.28 $3,277.28 Fîre Dept. ---------- - 8,396.00 8,031.96 Public Property ------ 7,550.00 Printing & Stationery 800.00 Relief ---------------------- 2,200.00 Contingent - ---------- 3,200.00 Police---------------------- 7,000.00 Cemetery ---------- 4,000.00 Civic ------------------------- 2,600.00 7,746.37 719.01 2,132.60 3,63 7.55 7,643.71 3,821.69 1,510.57 196.37 437.55 643.71 354.04 80.99 67.40 178.31 1,089.43 The reports of the standing iBY-Law comitteswer adptd ad sp- Reeve Baker introduced a by-i plementary grants asked for be lwt rvd o h orwn of $18000.00 upon debentures to granted. CarrIed. complete the cost of building a It ws mvedtha tukey beMemorial Arena in the Town of It ws mvedtha tukey beBowmanville. By-Law was given purchased for Town employees. its first and second reading and Carried. then laid on the table. Building Temporarily Stalled Due Io Hold-up in Naterials Nativity Play Greatly Enjoyed by Capacity Audience The Nativity Play presented in St. Jahn's Church the past week- end drew a capacity audience of both aduits and children on two successive evenings. The play was also acclaimed when presented at the Boys Training School. The significance of the play was ex- plained by Mr. F. R. Schon, who with Mrs. Schon again direeted the play as they have in past seasons. The encellently trained cast in- cluded three soloists, Miss Betty Sisson, Mr. Arthur Bell and Keith Wood who won much applause. Carol singing was alsro a feature at the gathcrings and a supper and Christmas tree won the hearts of the children Monday night when Sant Claus made his annual visit. Frida.y night at 11.30 ehtre ,xviIl be a snecial Christmas ser- vice at St. John's. Trinity Auxiliary Elects New Off icers On TDee-mb-- 14 the ~inof the Trinity Evening Auxiliary prepared and serveci a banquet to the mon of the church. It was sponsored by the Missionary and Maintenance Committee. Rex'. Jack Long of the Home Missions Board of the United Church was the guest speaker. Aftcr the addrcss a short busi- ness meeting was held. The Nom- inatincý Committee, Mrs. Symons, Miss H. Cryderman and Mrs. C. Allin presented the following slate of offioers for the coming ye'i r lst President, Mrs. Clare Allin; Past President. Miss Helen Cry- derman; President. Mrs. S. James; lst Vice-President, Mrs. H. Jef- fery; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. A. Ailin; Recording Secretary, Miss Leila Carr: Corresponding Secre- tary, Mrs. A. Anderson, Treasurer, Miss M. Jewoll: Stewardship Sec- retary. Mrs. O. Osborne; Commun- ity, Friendship Secretary, Mrs. O. Plummer, Convenor. Mrs. Thomp- son, Assist.; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Fry; Citizenship Secretary, Mrs. L. Mason; Missionary Monthly Secrotary, Miss M. Jewell; Liter- ature Secretary, Miss Carnie Pain- ton; Press Secretarv, Miss H. Cry- derman; Pianist, M rs. M. Symons; Big Tax Revenues the -clima te had been fou nd satlis- partsUU (14U1aflannelSoboard to de Mrs. . Osbrne, o pigexpert Ec - 'ur nie ""-ci-- fatry ih ite *sfrmfosLpat si fanl orlt e Convenor, Mrs. Spicer, Mrs. Beach; man, Lions Swinr- Club; an 'hmefadfml.Er Tobacco growing in Canada was fcoy ihltl osfo rspict thetbree scenies. The nar-S ilIo eS aigh Ja .3 mntn C mteHlntrywhahndsf bkri r JJcr3j, Nominating Committeea Helen try batl a hand-shiftbackground eaves shrChyafortMontueaint cSmparitively new venture in ard. Thoro bas neyer been a real Kent Clayton and Dougie James -cryds; GronLelader, Mrs. filled sat;ae tuJms o an indstralCorortio i cornresrcial. .arming. The total crop failure in this district and the ihagr'cousfMrid The Arena Building Committe'e sent time except that the Public Wicas, r.haders,2. Mrs. i llpet ft saîtsaerI t for n htct.Hs6yasa odn production In 1924 was around, general success experienced bas Mutton, Mary Lou Marr, Anne received a most welcome Christ- Uilities have installed the water ards, Marion Belîman; 3. Mrs. named member and a bottieafLo in oxmniewo6r- 60,000 lbs. The production figures led to a constant increase in acre- Harle and Charlotte Austin. Piano mas gift on Tuesday when tbey pipe take-offs leadinÉý te the Arcna Saunders, Mrs. S. McMurter. Halo Shampoo for bald-hoade et f'cs ol odFl for 1948, estimate the total at age planted. duet-Shirîey Pollock and Hazel were banded a cheque for $1,000 the floors cf the dressing room:1 Hydro expert Van Bridger.io" something more than 140,000,000 The speaker described the me- Wcbber; accordion solos by Dean from Bowmanville Lions Club.,j areas and the furnace room have Thr're x';ns a lot more te it taIl amswo h 4tcesi Ibs. with a total farm value of chanies of planting and growing Allin: rectation-Don Laird; vio- This donation is an excellent con- been installed and W. L. Elliott, Donald E. Gibson ail this. Probably the rmost c-to hce rw eutnl more than $50,000,000. But figur- tobacco. A heavy initial invest- lin solo-Morley Richards: pfiano tribution xvhen it is considered has put in the soil pipe for the! pensive and most appreciate addo-rb ocGdad ing in the manufacturing and re- mont included a greenhouse for solo-Gwyn Griffith; a Christ- that the Lions Club have an ex- wash rooms and lunchrooms. i Enters Business gift w-as the miniature bat bx Teipyevnn ocue tail sales, the total value was far propogating tobacco plants, spec- mas playette by Brownies conduc- ceptionally heavy expense in Everything is ready to proceed WTt TityFr presentcd to the "more or les" itaroig'0Cnd. more mpresive, nd th excie ialmachiery fr platingnum-ted bx' Mr.. Geo. Miller: piano maintaining the Community Cen- quickly once the joists put in an I_______________________ taxes collected by the government crous kilns for curîng, and a good duet-Pat Bagnell and Marlene tre on Beech Avenue. appearance. wero a constantlv încreasing barn for dry storage. To accom- McDonald; cornet duefs by Bob Other most weîcome and ap. A considerable amounit of' Donald E. Gibson BSA who has~L t source cf government revenue. (Continued on Page Eight) Martyn and Ivan Woollev and a prcae'oaiosicue h money is still required and dona..Lt34 o.3,Cak1Twsî piano solo hy Grace Nicholson. following: tions should be forwarded as soon LotH34,dCes.RecordareesoownsMiil Tots Toggery -----$ 5.00 as possible to either the Bank cf 1 since 1940, recently soid eut his Win. G. James----------- 25.00 Montreal, the Bank cf Commerce entire farming interests to enter Palestine Chapter Plays Hast St. a l' W.M.S. E. A. Surmers - ------- 15.00 or to any member cf the Arena business in Wbitby Mr. Gîbson Psmse alKn h a Waltr Fank - ------ 20.0 Cmmitee.becomes a full partner in the long- To Grand Chapter Officers E1i fiesJe cwr 00 Chamber Sponsors rednoethi61Yarnth P tt ~~ b Grand isi st gFor ComingYear wma i-Preston and Son imvestrnent specialists. Mr. Gibson Free Matineeditctisieina af Presenation I r n s rincipa TeCrsms otn f ville SoftbaIl.League donated $50 bougT. o-ut "the De. milsattholocl PstOffce hi ThCritmseeinoS-_n Goodyear Recreation Club bas Votea J.I1nks T Rowe and has jinect witb Ed. Fida , D c. 4t Paul's W.M.S. was beld at the pledged a contribution cf $100 plusOf Bowman in the new firmi of Boxv-Ch-sasoan.Wttereu Over one hundred Masons were 1 across the border, pointing eut home cf Mrs. S. McAllister Dec. the money they make on a bingo Of ooud enate man and Gibson. Don assumes Santa Claus is brîinggmori a tf vrin lct1 er present at Palestine Chapter, No. how differences arose. 2lst. The president Mrs. G. C. to be held in January. bis new occupaten on Jan. 1, 1949. than presents for the Christma al nteruh c ctgo 249, G.R.C., Monday night te pay The inter-relationships between1 Quigley presided. In bbc absence In the meantime work on the S. G. Preston and Son, Bow- Born on the family bomestead tree this year. The Bowmanvicrihaon wihhc xitbs honour te bigh ranking officers the Blue Ledge Capitular Masonry! of Mrs. W. H. Carruthers xvbo had Ariena bas been beld up for the manville paînters and deceratoirs, wbich bas been owned and farred Chamber of Commerce decidc star ieashoobyf from the Grand Chapter who and the Scottish Rite were men- the Christmas program. Mrs. first time since it was started and xyere tendered a unanimous vote by the Gibson clan since 1837, Don te give Santa a hand this ycar anz h otOfc s-oddcn visited the local Chapter. Ex. tioned and their varicus aims and! Quigley led in the candle-iight surprising as it may be the reason i of thanks by the members cf Wood was the fourth in succession to is putting on txvo froc shows a iuul ihatrn fctz coplp Wd. aee is rn bet ulndindti.srieasse ymmes s net because there is no money Senate, Saturday, for their gener- ewn and Operate the property. the Royal Theatre, Friday aftt-es cîpal, presided. Becoming 'more specific, the Mrs. Quigley weicomed Mrs. 1 available. The roof trusses bave O us offer to redecorate the senate The original 100 acres w-as taken noon, Deccmbcr 24.Infreyar ieortm After conducting the regular place cf a Mason in bis home, in, Daxid Arnîistead as a life mem- been assembled and are ready to chamber, frce of charge, in plenty up by pioncer William Gibson. This matinee w'ill be a pietur'bsbe rgheo 't ad business cf the lodge, visiting: business, in service clubs and in 'ber in St. Paul's Aux. transferred be placod on the piers but the Of time for the Christmas party called Lii' Abner. If's the sae chsadofebrgtiny Masons were welcomed from Jer- the church was reviewed and the from Sberbouî'nc United Church joists have net arrived from planned for the ox'er 80 group cf Lil' Abner that you scein te'r.Ae oxil.Btti er usalemn Lodge, Bowmanville; Dur- necessity of the cburch in Mason- in Toronto. Mrs. J. H. Jury in ber British Columbia. Tbey were due the Senate on Thursdlay, Dec. 23. fun nies overy night, compieeMs ovleisetc onac ham Lodge, Newcastle, and Orono'ry xvas stres.ýtd as being ail im-j usual pleasing manneîr addressed t o be bore Dec. lStb, but were Moving in Monday morning, the ' with Daisy Mac, Mammv and Pip h tf enor hngtt h Lodge, Orono. portant. The fact that a Mason's the meeting on the Natix'ity, the delayed in shipmcnt so that tbey Preston spraying crew laid two-pyYkmadilhoohrD-narscfeorautoftar Ex. Comp. A. M. Tbompson, dutY and obligation did not go bappiness cf the Christmas seas- did net beave B.C. until Dec. l9th. coats of crcam enamel on walls patcheks tand alu lic o e iA ofe eoertînn odsrb Xirector cf Ceremonies, intro- bey'ond the Masonie Hall but cx- on, xvich cemmemorates the i Frantic efforts are being put forth and ceiling which forms a fine - ,xvCl as this focature pieture, thor, t h udessc etn n duced the following Grand Chap- tended te ahl places where in- birth of Jesus. Prayer %vas the Pc- by everyone concerned to bave background for the red chairs and ' w'iil bc, a cartoon ail in celer adgfstatpunfome-iymi ter and District officers:1 justice was rampant and condi- tent factor ho lead Christ from the the shipment expedited but it is trim cf Sonate tradition. The ex-. a short. Both should be topsintanhtpusstth saio Most Ex. Comp. Fred W. Dean, tions prevailod te make jux-enile cradie ho the tomb, the reSurrene- unlikeiy that it wiîî arrive until collent job donc by the Preston yeur estimation. srigti on Masons cf Canada, Hamilton-, R. ly emphasized. Easter. -normally takes from Il ho 14 days the Senators xvho again forcgath-- mas on hand. Mr. Harle, yo( ikto.îcdaM.Kn ad Ex. Comp. Dr. W. C. Blackw'ell,l At the conclusion cf bis master. Mrs. Jury related the truc stery ho make the trip. As scen as the Teeday her orishd îrîr musical director, wiil be there h W r on u eht ev Grand Supt. Ontario District 10, ]y addross Rt. Ex. Comp. Dr. Fer- ii..'the life of a home missionary joisîs arrive, work will be resum- uosa mrin.iad .u\ n om onas. Al yî vrocl hegcts uhi Midland Chapter, Lindsay; Rt. Ex. guson, on bohaîf cf Palestine and bis family, the hardships. de- cd and the building will go aboad Interviexi'ed by the press, Sen- hav-e Io do is sit back. -ing as Ioiî h itr fheBx:axii Comp. A. Sherman Cooper, Grand Chaptor. presented Most Ex. niais and greilt disappointments as, rapidly as possible. Il is stil, ator W. L. Paterson who donated as y ou can and have a go'ttimr otOfc. n sw :'vi Registrar, St. John Chapter, Co- Comp. Dean with a beautiful but the direct answ-er ho their hoped that there will be publie thewSoa tequrts andSeaker The best part cf this show- h rr h ob ,sc n bug tEx opDrH.Fer- painting bvMc. A. A. Drummond, prayers and the prayers cf their skating and hockey before theLewWdtrmdhiofran that il is epccialiy% for Pulic'sedl muhe s ' eu bourg; Rt. x. Comp. Dr H. pn - wrk cf S. G. Preston and Son as.,u guson, Past Grand District Supt., Orono. as a token cf esteem andci cildren xvas \-ryimresi- n d cf January because as soon "a generous publie spirit thank- Sehiool cilîdren. No grownîîps aispcl ok huliith Palestine Chapter, Bowmanville: affection. The gift was graciously behaîf ef the members Mrs. Quîg- as the roof bas been put on, the flyrcie inteCismsal]oxv.ed and there xviii be neou 'ci cis Rt. Ex. Comp. A. W. Gould, Past acknoxledged by the cecipient. loy expressed ho Mrs. Jury sinecre lighhing and the ice cushion wiîîflly eevdi h bîta hr eselyu o.Ra~saeaw~sitrs GadDs.Supt., Midland Lodgc, The toast ho i"The Visiting Comn- 1tbanks - be installed, always provided there season and an added honor bo the Rheembe kis fsil for f ro:utnko.to ae f hs h Lindsay; V. Ex. Comp. N. W. panions" was proposed by V. Ex. The report cf the nominating is sufticienh money on hand te do over 80 grcup of the Sonate". c e se tber on bi'saud foridx frnth IOfcea hit Purdy, Penhaîpha Chapter. Osh- Comp. L. W. Dippell and respond comitce or194 ws gx-n bGtis.r afternoon, ah the' Royal Theatre msim.Sbrei h rst: awa; V. Ex. Comp. Col. L. T. Mc-, cd te by Rt. Ex. Comp. Dr. Black: Mrs. David Ormistead and presen- The By-a'frS800t o- Laughlin, Palestine Chapter, Bow'. I well and Ex. Comp. Osbourn. j ted by Mrs. J. H. Jury as follow-s: plete t#e Arena bas been forward- Brilliant Lecture-KetAriauPomserak rnanville: Ex. Comp. A. Rittie. lst tThe toast te, "The Visiting Crafti President-Mrs. G- C. Quigley; lst cd ho the Municipal Board forCh sm sP rtKutClrFrcrsRwMs Principal, Midland Chapter. Lied- Membors" w'as proposed by Ex i ice-Mrs. Kenneth Worry: 2nd apro-l.ChreispotmheAtDnadE.ass Pahrty' r.ad ehhMGil say; Ex. Comp. C. H. Osburn, lst Comp. H. G. Freeman and ce- xice-Mrs. l'aroid Ferguson: 3rd Bv-law, it î ll e adx-etised Stamp Club oniiGi,-o ad . .By KindergartenBtxxbtcmiaseMsId Principal, Pentaîpha Chapter, spcnded ho by Wor. Bro. M. L. v~ice Mrs. Otio Bragg: 4th v'ice- three weeks and xii then be i Meeting in the Lions Commun- Gibson, father cf Donald, xvbe re- Enjoyrable AffairHokuxh atlyrird;tr Oshawa; Ex. Comp. D. C. Davey, Clemens cf Jorusalem Lodge. 1 Mrs. Chas. Carruthers: Secy-Mrs. piaced before the ratepayers cf 1 ty Centre, Dec. 15, the Stamp Club tired Frome yoars ago andi is stiîî1 er eriemteloa fie lst Principal, Victoria Chapter, The musical part cf the programj J. A. Ccx; Treasurer-Mrs. Geo. the Town of Bow'manville for ap- organized bx- the Bowmanx-ille bale andi hearty.Mihe 11e-kterrircofitiug a great Port Hope. added much ho the enjoyment cf, Ch ase: Carres. Sec.-Mrs. Rcbt. prox'al or denial. It would appearr Community Council had an cx- Donald was edct. n e-tne faI tr ymrsCf.hokndA. -ac iWrm e auirensa After a cordial frahernai w-el- the exening and includeci saxa- Hetbenington; Christian Steward-, that the carliest this can be donc ceptional'i- intcî-esting and in- castle and Bowmanx-ille andi thon ie the primanyci' no c lac ing officers andi mernbers by Ex. Jerroxv witb Miss Audrey North-. -Mrs. S. MeAllîster; Communityi of January. IAif. L. G. Meteaif. Oshawa, a OntFrio Agicultural CoHIege. He a close, Tuesday afternoon xith olxigetr ok mb Camýp. Pasce aIl w-ene inxited to cutt accompanist; and vocal solos,,Fricndship-Mns. Robt. W'hitmee: It is cxtremely unfortunate that widelv know,-n expert. spoke on teck a post-graduate course inChsmapnt.Temhrsc rtig ohpp Crims the banquet bail whenc a sumptu- by Ccmp. Owen Nicholas accom- Suppil' Sec.-Mrs. D. Ormisteaci: this tw'o-xveck hold up should .-Philatelic Ramblings". pouitry science beforetknovnt hicrn eeplaaly n-Ih pr"ath Ps Ofc: ous repast wvas serveci under the panicd b% V. Ex. Comp. W. E. C.TiperanceMrs. Wtl-. . arut- come ah a time w-hon the work World trax'eller aud ]earned c-the fmii.- farm. With one of the tiertained bx- a prcgram cf songMs.Rbn Kt, isMain ablo direction of Ex. Camp. R. E. Wcrkman. 'lr or: Miss. Mthiy Mrs. . Diie- shoulci be proceeding ah an unie- pontent of stamp collections, n ehapeoea ntecont, chenal rcadings and dances cv- Dp(i.Ms lanrCo ~olloxing cvuing cded wih bbc ingijgGroup Leaders--Mr.q. W. H. Car- bas bad. anything to do' with ob- cf the pbiliatelik-craft, with many hatherv and shippeci an average e Threngîted f the iprnga. lrMsLreKr n rn K'ng randi Royal Arcb Masonary" cf Christmas carols. Auld LangrtesMs . ritad r.tainiug matonials tviiilîindershand prietpit nvle nî~ f2.0 -h hcsaulywsThe hCihIistma o th t was n ohn hs xr npe~ Ex. Comp. A. M. Thompson pro- Syne and the Third Principal'sRoaDdexMisnBudLa- and appreciate the difficulties in- acsthctic field. 1 durng bis cnure. He scld the pro-toc lebeeprs Chlo' reilpr po--d the toast ho "The Most Ex.- Toast. csMs e.Grhm c...volveci. Had the ccmmihhee been r hespakr evaidnutenicI orv aspartsA. ,nptsChatre-Iinoncx ceFeént Grand First Principal and Palestine Chapter officers for 'aid Hethcrngto. .Mrs. W. Cenci-!assuned cf funcis it would ha-e, stoyi teser ifte famous Aio rmbi arigineess utieeithe fecond artK rmpifo her p-rî ffe Grand Chapter. Roy al Arcb 1949 ai-e: Z H. G. Freeman; H.__-,GoenBayB d-rRn been possible ho onden the joishs -Rogues Gallery" of Hungary and, Donald teck a keen intorest eC1tntescn adDulssc'c n hspootCnsîa Mn-.ons cf Canada." I R. E. Logae; J.-N. A. Wilkins: C.. acher but as thene w-as no sucb ils stamp assembly. Ex-en more cburch andc communîty aff1 amst etid.rsh hy aetanpiidxp-s b7is vas responded ho by Most Scribe E.-L. W. Dippel: Scribe assurance, the order had to be itiun a h tr bu h ya g a lceih h ib'The Christmas tree thon hecamoMisMs G bûg. --Comp. F. W. Dean in a mcst N.-L. T. McLaughlin; P. Soj.- leIercn luinc he hld up until both contractons r haîf cent U.S.A. stampcayigIpificfDsrtDeuyfth the centre cf attention~, as Christ - -cssîx-c andi informative ad- A. F. McKenzie; Treas.-J. Ross Oshaxwa LiteUdrfcsxe and committee were definitelv the profile cf Nathan Hale. Masonir, Order. Ontario District. mas gifts w-cre di5stnibuteci amog Shutt: Auditors-G. E. Chase and, notice that tw-o former citizeuls cf certain that moneey for paymeeti Members cf the Club accorded lMrs. Gîbson, former, MssSal tecide.M.adMx .A SbriefiY surv-eyed the history E. H. Brow~n: Outer Guard-W. P. Bowmanx-ille are iucluded. Tbcy w'ouid be available -when the Mr. Meteaif great applause for bis omne Hfowý.and. i.ý a daugbero te Mrs.Xight closeci the party-, wo'rcul rtcui r- a r Masonr 'vsbew-.ing the reliat- Corbett: Trustees-L. T. McLaugh- are Ceeul H. Duidiey\, Presideut. jîiw'orhh sex-cral tbousand iînstructix-e lecture. The Stamp. late Rex. J. Scott Howard. Ne%% - tbanking the mothers foc the, rn-tîtc ar uuc .t -hip betxween Grand Lodge cf, lie. Jack Baker and A. W. G., aed C. H. Witberidge. Sccretacy- dollars. ax'-iv-ed.r Club will continue lo meet xveekI: caFtie. Tbcy ba'.e tw-o cblîdren, a co-opcration andi attendance a uoe n îb rltx ýigland, our lodge and lodges 'Northcutt. iTreasurer. That is the situation ah the pre- in the Lions Club Centre. sQn 6 andi a'daugher 4. Ithe party. WosokfrCrsms 'i k t. i 'h Lions Club Vote $1,0O0O0OO For New Memorial Arena At Their, ChristmasParty Tuesday night the Bowmanville faithful reporter of The States- Lions Club, at its annual Christ- mari. Nestling in the box beside mas party, paused long enough to a miniatrue blue hat xvas a certi.- transact current business before ficate exchangeable for the best Santa Claus distributed mutual hat in Canada, the Biltmore. gifts amonz the mcmberF. It wss Thank you Lions, for a swelled a memorable evening, with much head and a smaller fit. See it on side-line amusements under the the street. chairmanship of the very capable Other items of club business pesident Jack Brough. followed Comnunity carols under The feature of the meeting was the baton of Wilf Carruthers and the majority vote to contribute the ivory agitation of W. E. C. $1000. to the building fund of the Workman. There was movement new Memorial Arena in Bowman- and hilarity ail dowý%n the line ville, now under construction. An~ during the whole evcning. amendment to reduce the amouint Among the presents distributed to $500 Aras smartly voted down. was a check for $2164. proceeds A splendid banquet was served from the Lions carnival 1948. Club by the ladies of Trinity United funds were also swclled by the Church under the Convenorship return of the check issued to Dave of Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Their grac- Higgon for wiring at the Carni- ious and capable catering did val. Dave said: "This is ail free much to induce the favorable en- in a free couintry--îf we can kcep dorsation of Bowmanville's great- it se." Good old Dave! est need, the Memorial Rink. Dave Buckspan, Royal Theatre, This Christmas party of the also came in for applause for his Lions Club was one long to be generosity in shoxving free films remembered. Like kids at a ire- to boost the Lions T.B. Campaign, side Christmas tree, every memi- represented in the current Christ- ber looked forward to the coming mnas Seal appeal. of the red-coated. pot-bellied. old Proceeding in the programme gentleman called Santa Claus. Deputy Dist. Gox'. Dr. Gco. Miller When he entered there were reai reported that a ncw Lions Club childhood cheers, followed by a had been formned in Oshawa. bush of expectancy. Bowmanville, Newcastle, and It is not possible in this space Port Hope Lions \viii visit the to list aIl the haif-hundred pres- new Club at an Oshawva banquet ents. But this reporter, who was with 250) rescrved seats alroady also handsomely remembered, taken Up. cannot refrain from mentioning a Concluding the whole show few. First to burst forth wîth there were draws made for hockey happy protest was Lion Russ Pol-ties and *(- aiannusi Christmas lard, Provincial Police Prexy-, of turkeys put by the Lions Club. this district who received a toy Namnes ot winncrs appear s;eparat- set of handcuffs and a plastic re- ely in this issue. volver.Gra pluewsacrdth Most interest, however. center- Grea tapau erias afc-cdc th ed on the gift to "Tail Twister" gtetometeneromMrs.C.' Bart- Deac Goddard, who at the last ltt heomote fom Mrs. eC Bart meeting received a framed certi- lt.Teenc it eercie ficate of membership in the with quiet apprcciation in mernory "Stinker's Club". The Christmas of Charlie Bartîcti, a loyal Lion gift wished on Deac wns a ijorcel- who passed axvay this year. ain "'Po" inFýribýd ')ualiti- not Other individual presonts were quantity and on the bottomn a parents gif t to Mr. and Mrs. of Ihis hc' -, rnve . Ralph Aines on the hirili of ciîivýh- wereglud fur ive cet cgar. 'ter Jill. E. Summers told an appro. wps a great laugh for the catoring prie stoyan eotciii.iti ladies.prsnain Other gifts noticed by the visit- A burst of applauso came whicni ingr scribe \vere a pou nd of lard PaFt President Earl RidIdoh- w