PAGE SIX CA~ÀbïAN STA'rE~MA!'J. ROWMAr~V1tL~X d~rrA1~TO THURSDAY. DEC. 23rd, TrURNINmo TUE PAGES '0F ST. PAULS C.G.I.T. Trinity Y.P.U. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met in the Hold Annual Lecture Roomn on Dcc. 8. ThereChit a Prt was no Worship service as t he C rsia at whole evening was spenit in pract- ising for the Vesper Service. We With the happy Christmas spir- were very pleased in having Mis$ it prevaling and a beautifully Ileen Balson as accampanist for decorated tree surrourided by the evenîng. gayly wrapped gifts, the young At the meeting on Dec. 15 due people of Trinity United Church ta the absence of both Secretary gathered tagether, Monday even- and President, the chairs were ing for their annual Christmas taken by Joyce Bragg and Colleen party. Hutchison. Mrs. Quigley had The singing of favourite carols charge of the Warship Service, preceded an inspiring service of which was based an Christmas. warship on the Christmas theme. The caîl ta Worship was giv,'en by The worship centre depicted the Mrs. Quighy. This was follawed humble manger scene and the pic- by singing "0 Little Town af ture of the angels announcing Bethlehem." A short story was Jesus' birth. Scripture was read given followed by a prayer. Mrs. from slides further partraying the Quigley gave a very interesting wonderful story of the comlng of stary on how the beautiful "Silent the Saviour. This service was con- Night," was composed. This was ducted by Marjorie Rundle and follo\ved by singing of "Silent Frayn Jaohns with Helen Nelles as Nigcht". A periad of Carol Singing accampanist. ; very mucli enjoyed. The rest An enjoyable program included of the evening was spent in gamnes. paems read by Gwen Gilmer and Mrs. Quigicy served deliciaus re- Marjorie Runcile; piano sala "Andi freshments. This is the last meet- the glary of the Lord" from Han- ing of the year 1948. The meeting deI's Messiah played by Ileen concluded with best wishes for a Balson, cornet duet of carols by Mer Christmas and Happy New Ia oie n o atn Yer. Charles Tazewell's deightful story ~ ~ ~ The Small One" was read by Hel- ~ en Pritchard, and, a humomous ~~ monologue by Frayn Johins con- icticludeci the program. In place of the*usual exchange in tMe I8th century 4. afgft ach member gave a smalh Father Blard suggestdpresent which will be given ta usln an ran ox, uch s --. oung ones hn the children's used in Germany, for a sllr wvvoad ire. This' was Tee Canada's first type of stoye. Th eetipn aof officers for 1949 Ùes onùced by Rev. S. R. Hen- ~. derson with the following appoin- After Canada's first gas -* - '.. te:H .Prs-Rev. Henderson; company was started In iJ Past Pres.-Frayn Johns; Pres.- Mdon treal in 1847, the gas 'II Marjorie Rpandhe; Vice Pres.- dtove was iatroduced. This, ReaMto;Sej.Mraê with the electric range StceRTena Mutton; S e-Mrgan- which was developed early W~Sae;Tes-i ae:Cn in this century, changed the iÇ enors-Dorathy Haig, Bob Wil- Canadin kitcen. lams; Christian Missions-Marý / ~ Aldread, Gwen Murray; Christian Citizen sh ip-Doreen Hardy, Shir- liM é ley Moore: Christian Culture--. MAnna Johins. Don Morris; Lead- Today, the modern d.eship Trainng-Helen Pritchard homrnaker has at Publications-Jean Cunningham; ber command many Pîanist - Helen Nelles; Social ftypes of sleek, eficient stoves to gcommittee-Frayn Johins, Jean J.ghten her work. Brng aut ail the tinsel and X~ Crassman; Recreation Convenr- mmîns~ Sng ui te~Don Anderson. tree trimmnsdSngot h Marjarie Rundle conducted me- y gayest af carols! Have the ~ creation and lunch was served by L~jollysprto Chritasi the social cammittee. First meetý spiit f rstms ll ~ing of the New Year wihl be held ~your heart and share, it with o n January 3rd. ~ evrvoe yu kow e e- ~ Re-member the special service ten tayauandyous ar ~in the church on Christmas Eve t., end to ou nd yursour at 7 30 p.m. when slides and the ~~~~~s~~o ofcr ETWIHSa h "The Other Wise Man" These developments portend 4 ~ il e prestentd. Eeynei Rseason.ivtdt ted for there's room to grow In Cnad Unimitd. ____ ~Director of Music SCompliments Our Music Critic J. W. JE WE We have received many faverà ry L able camments and verbal 'bcu- 'BIG 20" quets on the write-ups which have appeared in The Statesman of thc B R E W 1 N G PHONE 556 k1sponsoreci concerts presented this COPN LMTD27 King St. W.. Bowmanville -ao undçm the joint -auspices F3.212 of the Bwmanville Lions Club and the OtroDepartrnent* of _____ -cd ta pas-s these merited and1 mucli appreciated compliments an ffl ffl *A-11aMvta aur youthful and talented mu- sic critic, Gregory Friend, 19 year s. ~ aId student of B.H.S. and son of YF i Mm. and Mrs. Otto Friend. ......... t i eu___i er b e la ure in publishing the folowing- .... . . >etter eceived this week from .........Major Brian S. MeCool, Assistant SDirector of Music, Ont. Dept. of N ~ Educathon, which is further proaf of the splendid service "Gre-g' is Srenderiiig: Toronto 2, December 10, 1948 SDear Sir: Mav I offer my compliments ta :e. vou for the very excellent and tr discerning criticism that yaum dramatic and, musical wmiter lias offered with respect ta the De- Spartrnent Sponsored Concerts PA operated in Bowýmanvihle. I do flot feel that inadequate P artistmy should be patted an the back for imperfect effort but con- sider that your writer gives vemv Sthoughtful, helpfuh, and encour- agngcmment ta aur yaung ar- tsswtotnecessamihv ghossing points where improvement is pas- k:.:: f sibhe. of the artists have made -01.tstomeo their apprec- iatonofthe reports in yaur Z newspaper and I would like an behaîf of the Depatment and on behaîf of the artists ta express Stheirs and my thanks for your Have A Merry Christmas Brian S. MCo The multi-colared lights which adorn your ChristmasAsstnDieoroMui tree will be ref lected, we hope, in the radiance of yaur pi, joy through ail the years ta f allow. And may the happy , surprises which await you itark the beginning ofa future which will be filled with good health, good will, good luck anid a pack of happiness ta last a lifetiiei aver. We thank you sincerely for your past patronage and look forward ta serving you ta your complete sat~ isf action in the New Year. SEASON'S GBEETINGS TO YOU ONE AND ALL SAOSBS WALTER Beneffis Enforceci fly Joseph Lister Rutledge. The benefits that commn ism bring ta the worker is the theme sang of "Red Deans," Friends of Russia and just plain Soviet agents. The advocates and near advocates of the systemn grow lyric over the levellhng process that brings such untold benefit ta the warker; benefits that he cauldn't hope to secure in the de- cadent democracies. iCzechoslovakia was one of those demacracies, before Stalin's agents betrasyed it for its awn gaad and the autstanding benefit af the warker. Czechaslavakia didn't quite realize its industrial decadence. It thaught its progres~- sive labar pragram, its standard 40-haur wark week, as somethingi that might well be viewed favor- ably by its great neighbar thati had the worker's interests sa much at heart. But R ussia va s interested in the warker in 'its awn way. -B5 its constitution of February 25, 1947 it -had made the 48-hour week mandatary. Naw, naturally, in its generaus interest in ane of its newest satellites At felt that ahl benefits shauld be shared. Offic- iaIs af the Czech cammunist gavernment made the 'suggestian' na daubt at a hint fram Pa'itbura Th'e Czech Minister of Industýr? in passing on the "suggestion" used a niccly padded velvet glove. Said he: "We could praduce mare if we would voluntarily decide thaýtn free Saturdayv should exist i h five-year plan. Dan't yau think it is a crime against aur building endeavors," lie esked the commun- ist party canference. "when we do nat work 52 Saturdays a year?" What could be friendlier or mare, canvincing ta labor than tbiht. Alsa, as the New York World Telegram points out, the Czech worker wvho preferred lis own ways still had a very obvious "Out". If lie didn't like the 48- Fred T. Rowe- Retires From Business hour week, he could always go ta a concentration camp and work a seven-day week. SILVER WEDDING MRt. and MRS. H. VINE On Saturday evening. Dec. 1l, about 80 fricnds and neighbars gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbe rt Vine, Nestietan, ta ceebrate. with them the happy occasion of twenty-five years of wedded life. The evening was spent playing cards and Mrs. Lamne Thampson favored with several musical selections. At the appropriate time Mr. Leonard Joblin calleci the gathering.ta order and .Mrs. R. W. Marlow read a very pleas-. ing address. A beautiful round glass mirrcr, cavered casserole and plant in full bloomn were pres- ented ta the bride and groom, ta which a suitable reply was given. At this time " For They are Jally good fehlaw-s" was sung. A silver entree dish, pair of linen pillow cases, and a china cake plate, cl- ectrie bardeaux lamp wcre also received. The bride's twa brothers Mr. Armour Irxvin andi Mr. Fran- cis Irwin, Toronto, who were ush- ers at the wedding wcre preFent. The family presenteci their par- ents with a General Electrie wash- ing machine. A daînty lunch was served also wedding cake, ice-cream and candy. Ail went home having spent an enjoyable evening and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Vine many mare happy years together. Those who mistake comfort for civilization cotilc as easily mistake regimentatian for democracy. A ane-nian flying chair ha- been m-nufactured for overlanci patrais, with , cruising speed of 60 miles per hour. IONA BRAN'D PEACHES Th-, Real Partnershi & Roive, knovn as Having business lh My succes Donald E. bas been of a larg farm neaý was very: or. He i O.A.C. an, highly re residcnts comm unit, Mr. Gib: purchased Whitby an th emse lvcý town. On myi thank ail patronage and solici support fo Gibson, kr will prove businessmE support a! B owm an. May thi the glc New Ye FRANI Dairy Cattle :RESERY ýTRIST 'ECTIVE Ni 0 ta 9.00 D.m. ta 8 Estate and Insumance ip kno,,Nn'as Bowman Whitby, since 1933, ýi January 1, 1949, be iBowmnan & Gibson. dccided ta retire from ife I wish ta introduce ;sor, in the persan of Gibsan. Mr. Gibson owner and aperatar e fruit and paultry ir Bow.manville and successful as a farm- is a graduate of the id cames ta us very 'commended by the of lis former home )son and family have 1a very fine home in id no doubt will prove ,s a groat asset ta aur ratimement I want ta aur clients for the thcy have give n us t the same kindly) )r my succAsor, Mr. ýnwing ful vchl he e himself a eliable an and merits yaur ts a patner ta Mm.î FRED T. BOIVE. is Christmnas b e iddest ever; the ar most succes- Phone 2403 Phone 2024« 'OVEMBER 22 P. M. .00 p.m. Tin-or. BU RN S' PURE LARD H GREEN GIANT CORN 141BLETS 2Tis35e FRESH SALTED CASHEW NUTS Jar 39e A & P CHOICE 2-z TOMMTES 2 Tino. 37e PU!ý'E GOLD Poultry Dressing or SAGE ' ' - Jar 9 ALMOND ICING « CANPELL'S TOM. SOUP JELLV POWDERS JELL-O -« - b45e 2 10-oz 3 Pkgs. 25e YUKON CLI. PLUN 1 OIID CHI CHRIST] NILK B. LROKAR FRUIT1 VOUR A & P PRODUCE BUY 0F THE WEEK GRAPEFRUIT' SexM, D8' .45e O ANESC.-irorria Navel28' LEURNS HIrnn StdNo. 1 GRAPES CIc TaleNo. 1 TANGERINES lrdSwe SNo. 1, 176's AIPPLES MDosieGrade Doz. 25 2 Ibs. 25 Doz. 2S 3 Ibs. 3 Bahamas Hand Selected CeIlo TONAOESNo. 1-min. 14-oz. Plkg. CELERY S1TALKS ;Extra lrge2fo SHIALLOTS Louisiama 2 C. CARROTS Wacherd, No. 1 .3 1 ONINS On .Y IoC:okirig 3 bi. PEPPER SGl!ASH Fresh Green 2 for 1! 1< H 1! JB (Contents Only) - 30-oz Bti. 12o mER ALE Case of 12 1.44 i JB (Contents Only) 1WATEROO 30-oz btl lOc lUT MAPLE LEAF *2-1b. 35e~ ]PUDDING .C- ' *Tn33e ÎEEESE FINE CANADIAN - lb. 47e 'MAS. CRACKERS « Box 591f READ ANN PAGE 24-oz.e COFFEE Customn Groudlb j CAE ANN PAGE - 3ILI -1.39 ~.SEEDLESSI ] LRAISINS 2 Ibs.29 CHOICE PIECES PINEAPPLE «28Soz. 3)e A & P FANCY 59 TOM. JUICE 2 T:ins 3e AYLMER TOMATO 5e CATSUP'Oz.1e 9e FANCV SOCKEYEà >~SALMON " « 'ns 39e~ 39~ McLAREN'S STUFFEDg ~ OLVESManzanilla 8 43. 39 IX STGingerbread Pkg27 9e~ ANN PAGE OId Fashaoned Oe COO]KIES - - Pkg. 25e 9 ge FANCY GRAPEFRUIT 2 IOz. - - - - lb. 71c - - - - lb. 55C - - - lb. 63C j Xhole or Haif 11) .52c >kcd, Picnic Style l1) 47c Roast, WhIole or Half il 47c ut Red or Blue Brand licef 11) 5 3c Rcd or Blue Brand lîccf 11) 5.5c Park, Ideal Lo)r Stuffing l1) 47c Smokedlb 75c slt- .1,63c e Te-af (:hoice il, Ai7.cj - Holiday Greetings to you! We are adding aur Season'a Greetings ta the many we are sure already surround you in warm Holiday spirit. Our best wishes ta you and yours for a joyous Christmas . a Happy New Year. . . and a sincere hope that we may continue ta serve yaia during the cominq yearl Bowmanville Frigid Locker System ~~1~~ REAL VALUE - A REAL SA VINC m Uri Si j 'R~ n 'ID/ T URK E YS Choice Fresh CHI CNE NS FreshKilled G E ESE Fresh Killed- LEG BANS Snkd PORK SHOULDERS si PORK LEGS Fresb, a (hoe BLADE ROAST ldbo u SHORT RIB ROAST SAUSAGE ROLLS, Pure1 DOIVELESS HAMS BREAKrAST BACONV MliNCEMREAT Mapil rÂdE -six ........... .