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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1948, p. 7

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IDAY, DEC. 2Srd, 1948 TRI CANADIAN STATESMAW. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN FROM AI 0F us 'F0 AI 0F YOD THE STAFF 0F SHEPPARD AND GILL, B0WMANVILLE -~ - o 000 i ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Orono, r. and Mrs. Fred Toms and Jean, urpie Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Albert right, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trew- n and Lloyd, Blackstock, Mr. Roy Trewin, Port Credit, lvr. loyd Siemon, Haydon, with Mrs. Inerva Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. *Trewin. Mr. andi Mrs. Adam Sharp and r. Ralph Virtue attended the uneral of Mr. Lorne Sanderson f Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt vis- ted Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Marks, ort Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and fam- Ily with Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, aydon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills and amily were visitors at Mr. and rs. C. Mills, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were Sunday guests with J. D. Brown's and W. J. Stainton's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, spent Sunday with their daughter Mr. Bnd Mrs. B. Ashton, Purpie Hill. Mrs. J. Smales with relatives in Oshawa. Mrs. John May and Gary at Mr. John Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick The Season's Me W. pause in our effort t< and Mrs. E. Strutt at Mr. and Mrs. rink be paid to L. Truli and G. Jack Pott's, Haydon.; Wilbur. 5. Five dollars annual fée Mr.' and Mrs. L. Stainton and be sent to Princct-s Alice Founda- family with Mr. and Mrs. C. tion Fund. 6. Ten dollars be sent Milis, Port Perry. to Children's Aid Society. Mrs. The Women's Association wiîî J. R. Knox ofcrod to ask Mr. meet at Rev. R. M. Seymour's on Luther Allun Io rcpair pump for Tuesday Dec. 28. rink. Mrs. Colc rcpcrted net cost Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley to Institute of bu~s to Convention and Brian, Maple Grove, with xvas $12.75. The EaFt Group then his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Brad- took over and the following pro- ley. gramme was pr-c -nted under the ________________ direction of leadci7 Mrs. H. Rundle. A delightful piano solo by Mrs. M. Mountjoy opcnied the program. HAMPTON Mrs. Pugh brought to members a summary o! the convention re- Women's Institute port on Girl's Work, which xvas The December meeting o! very en couraging. This phase o! l-jampton Women's Institute was Institute work is going ahead very held in thc Sunday School Room uell. Mrs. Daw then reported on with President Mrs. Cole in the Miss Lewis' address at the Con- chair. The Roll caîl was answered vention, %vhich included advice by suggestions for a Christmas to make the meetings more inter- Goodie, also the recipe. Manv de- esting by having something to liciaus sounding ideas, were ex- hear. sec and do. Everv individual changed. The final report of haz- m rember muîst xvoxk to help Instit- aar proceeds was $371.36. The ute go forvard. Women must as- following motions wvere carried. sume their political responsibility. 1. Insitiute send for five copies of Mrs. Daw also reported on the 'World Affairs". 2. Copies be forum on Citizenship, which sug- sent for o! týie three plays on Cit- gested several wa\ s to hclp us be izenship suggested at convention. better citizens, also advice on 3. The jnstitute give to the school 'making new Canadians welcome. complete rink equipment, in good MIrs. Cole gave a short preview1 working condition. 4. Twenty- 'of Mr. Duff's talk on "The New five dollars out-standing against'Look in Canada" and intimated that a comprehensive paper on1 this would he presented at a later date. Mrs. M. Mountjoy reviewed I the mnusical part o! the convention programme which had proved both inspiring and entertaining. The East Group then showed a display o! Christmas table decora- - tions. %which wvere really artistic ' work bv these ladlies. These vr al -old after the meeting.. Mrs., N ~"'..K. Caverly led in the singing o! Carols, after which a fine pro- gramme was closed with the sing- ing o! the National Anthem. The East group served a dei!cious lunch and a social haîf hour was enjoyed. Next meeting January 6. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and Garrv, Janetville. Glen Wil- erriest Creetings liams. Sudlbury, Miss Verna Lane, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm, Nestieton, were xisitors o render service, to wish at the home o! Mrs. Frank Rogers. each and every one of our loyal friends the ble of a qlorious Christmars and the good fortune Happy New Year. G. F. Janaieson Tire Shop Corner King and Silver Sts. assings ao e Phone 467 A school principal wes recently being presented a certificate o!, appreciation bY the Board o! Edu- cation for long and faithful ser- vice. In his reply he stated that as a young man he had started on hîs ernplo -vmenif "fired %with crithusiasin-. Noxv that lie had reached the comipuisorv, retiring agýe he v.-as *'fiîecl-wu-th enthus- lasm". C OURTIC for 1949 was presented by Mrs. ed by Miss Louise Osborne and Services on Sunday at Ebenezer Mrs. Annis took the leader's part were conducted by the pastor, in the devotional period with Mrs. Rev. F. Yardley, who gave a fine Vinson reading the Christmas les- Christmas sermon. Christmas an- son with several carols being sung thems were contributed by the throughout. During the taking of choir. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Down the offering Mrs. Lloyd Downs presented their little girl, Janet favored with a vocal solo and Eîleen, for. baptism, and Mr. arld Mrs. Annis read the prayer of Mrs. Will Wade, their littie boy, dedication. The program was in William Edward for baptisin. the forma of a candie lighting ser- Sunday School session was as1 vice and Mrs. Annis was assisted usual. White Gift givings were' by Mrs. K. E. Courtice, Mrs. observed as of latel- years in the' Yardley, Mrs. Carl Down, Mrs. forma of money, when parcels and Elton Werry and Mrs. Ross Pearce other needy articles are cared for who represented the fellow Christ- by a committee. The givings were ians in each continent and offered generous and also a few white prayers for the churchs in these gifts were donated. count ries. Appropriate Christmas The W.M.S. December report,'thoughts were read by Mrs. Annis Dec. 15, 1948. Meeting opened by and a vocal solo given by Mrs. the Pres. Mrs. A. J. Oke reading Lloyd Down. M\/eeting clo-ed with a short selection on "This is Mizpah benediction. Officers for Peace", followed by hymn and 1949 are as follows: Hon. Pres., prayer by the Pres. Mrs. A. J. Mrs. R. E. Osborne; Retiring Pres., Gay and Mrs. R. Gay were ap- Mrs. A. J. Oke; Pres., Mrs. Rus- pointed to pack and send the used sel G ay; Ist Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. F. clohing to Mr. Bowins of thc, Cape Osborne; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Crocker Reserve. Mrs. X'ardley J. Gay; Rec. and Press Sec., Miss presided when the slate of offic- Louise Osborne; Cor. Sec., Mrs. G. ____________________ F. Annis; Treas., Mrs. Elton ~ ~ Werrv; Ass't. Treas., Mrs. Carl Down; Literature Sec., Mrs. K. Hopkins; Citizenship and Tempcr- ance, Mrs. Ross Pearce; Steward- ship Sec., Mrs. H. F. Osborne; .- > Community and Friendship and GAss. Helper, Mrs. J. C. Found; Ass. - C. F. and A. H., Mrs. Alan Down; < Supply Sec., Mrs. Chas. Osborne; Miss. Monthly, Mrs. W. R. Pickell; C.G.I.T. Leader, Miss Alice Arn- - old; No. 4 Mission Band Supt., Mrs. S. Coverly; Ass., Mrs. Lloyd I Down: Baby Band Supt., Mrs, R. § ~ E. Courtice; Ass., Mrs. A. J. Gay; SFinance Com., Mrs. Blake Cour- - .-'~ tice, Mrs. Esli Oke, Mrs. H. F. Osborne. SThe Courtice Church service was attended bv a large audience on Sunday night with the pastor, Rev. M ery Chisim s ~F.Yarley. in charge. Fine mus- by the choir under the leadership d aHapy ew ear ~of M r. Frank Walter with the and apyNw -er Christmas spirit prevailing thro- Sughout the service. William Mark, May your heart be lilled witb little son of Sim and Mrs. Pen- found and Carl Robert, son o! gladness Bob and Mrs. Fowler, were pre- gladess.sented for baptism. Mrs. (Rev.) Boyce, OY.hawa, great grand- I mother of wee Mark Penfound be- ing in attendance. The candie e ~ lighting service making it vei y Nason & Dale effective. The C.G.I.T. have had two meet- Hardware ings and wiJl hold their Christmas Sprogram on Wednesday of this y Electrical Appliances week wîith Mrs. Gearing. Mrs. Pen- y foulnd and Mrs. Heron in charge. yMr. Luther Hancock anîd his ~ brother, Silas Hancock, rom the west, have been guests with WlaeMna;V -rsMri, Horace and Mrs. Hancock and MAP LE GROVE Stpe Jeffery; Sec., Mrs. Art other relatives and also their fri- Coverly, Asst. Sec., Mrs. Cecîl ends, Norman and Mrs. Griffin. Mrs. Albert Brown, Billie, Betty , Milîs; Supply Sec., Mrs. Art Cov erly; Missionary Monthly and Best wishes are extended toHaitnar iiighrprns o.FedhpM .W. . Miss Florence Courtice, RN., of MHaitn rcsitingHher paentsBCom.; Frisindsip rs.W . H the staff of Oshawa Hospital, WhoMranMr.CH.Swdn Bon; hrsan teasip has gone to Edmonton, Alberta, to, Wc welcome Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs. Howard Cryderman; Temp. reside. Hagerman to our community, they and Corn. Citizenship, Mrs. H. Ormiston; Literature, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice Sunday School opened are living in Mr. Thos. Snowden's Snowden; Tres. Mrs. R. Rahme; its Christmas Sunday service with house on third Concession, form- pianist, Mrs. R. Bowen. the carol "Joy to the World." erly occupied bv Mr. and Mrs. Supt. Eddie Warburton offered Rov Barrabaîl. Mrs. Hagerman is A large congregation was out short prayer o! thanks and ahl re- visiting with lier parents at Pem- on Sunday for the spécial Christ- peated "The Lord's Prayer." Thei broke. We also welconie any other mas service, white gift, when a nice primary and beginners' classes, new corners to our community lot of parcels were received ta combined- to give a song under the whose names the correspondent be sent tO England, also a 'baptis- direction o! their teachers, Mrs. doesn't know. mal service when the following E. Warburton and Mrs. DeCoe. The Evening Auxiliary met on children were presented for bap- The unio bos' cass angtism: Kathleen Elaine, daughter The Jnior oys'classsangThursday evening, Dcc. 16, at the o r n r.E ws;Rnl "Silent Night" accompanied by home o! Mrs. Ted Foley. Mrs. ofrerick, John Camet;ronons Mrs. Fulton at the piano. The Jessie Swallow. programme con-_o! r. nd MrsJohnCliffod swans, Junior girls' class, under the di- venor, took charge of programme. o; Mren rElibeth, daughe rection o! their teacher, presented Mrs. Audrey Snowden read théeo;Mre lzaeh agti a play of the "Baby Jesus inte- rpue arlsnigb'alo! Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Martin. Stable" and sang "Away in a 1JsseSwao";ude Sode'Special New Years message nexi Manger" Mrs. Cecil Adams gave Eileen FolIv ai oeJa Sunday. Duet by Mrs. Ted Hoar, a reading on "Christmas In Other Munday too k charge o! the candle Mrs. Roy Topping, former choir Lands" with word pictures of the îighting service; Marie Bowen members. The Young People wil methodg of observing the sacred then gave the study book- Mrs conduct candle lighting service on day in France, Holland, Finland, Jean Munday then conducted thé Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. when Englane., Germany and Mexico. business, after which the meeting Mrs. Mildred (Mlex) Muir will b. Lorraine McGregor and Lois An- closcd xitiih hmni and mizpah j the speaker. tii. members o! Mrs. Gearing's In- ediction, social time enjoyed by Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. termediaie girls' classa sang *While: ail. The Off iccrs for the Evening Allison and family on the death Angels Sing" accompanicd by Au'zjilarv fc- 1949 arc: Pres.-Mrs of Mr. W. G. Allison. Mrs. C. Penfound. Clifford Bar -__ _______________________ ber, one o! the Junior boys' class, Ï7« i.:...:Iý ýwc played a selection on the guitar . Mrs. M. Adams and Mrs. Bob' Barber with piano and violin, ~d~ favoured with carols while the offering was taken with Mr. C. Penfound dedicating same with a poem-prayer. The Supt. was in !4 charge o! pictures shown depiet- >9 ing scenes previous and after the V birth o! The Holy Child. The roll was called with 107 responding. I Norma Bradley assisted with the 4 announicing story words on the Mj,~Çuuw4 pictures. Closed with "Hark, theec Herald Angels Sing." Iltsand, m candy were then distributed. We send to you the joys and happlnesa of tlla Eleven Days'Holiday Christmas Season and hope they will linger i For Ontario Schools your heart through the years to corne. Our Christmas and New Year holi- thoughts are with you on this Christmas Day. days this year for pupils and y teachers. will give them 11 clear diy between closing on Wednes- day, Dec. 22, and re-opening or Monday. Jan. 3. The dates for ai HT O ESE VC T TO schools in Ontario are set by th, wHIE oSE ERVICE STATION department of education. LocalBoEwrPoieo scoo bars av nthngVosa wCorner King and Liberty Stu. Phone 662 about them. Dont lt dathtak ~,ourhol- - CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS DAY AND - day! Be careful when you waik-NWYA' A Be careful when V ou driv -You cant be cheertul by accident. ia#t -jmmwRký 4 0 e-k, - - - - -i. ý- - - - - - - - - - - - - - TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO M»AY. DW. 23rd, 1048 Jr, I -1 lýl PAGE SEVM

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