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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1948, p. 1

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y~ "Durham County's Gireat Family Journal" 'VOLUME 94 BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3Oth, 1948 6c PER COPY NUMBER 53 mng Christmas Message pied at Rotary Club bv,. S. R. Henderson Mutuaaî felicitations and appro- 'Piate carol singing were the pre- jlHMinâries at the Christmnas meet- ýig of the Rotary Club in the 8aimoral Hotel at naon, Friday. Thie chie! enjoyment came with th sPlendid turkey dinner with ,English plum pudding ta be fol- ~1wed by an inspiring Christmas Imessage delivered by the newest member of the club, Rev. S. R. lienderson, minister of Trinity Ujnited Church. To bring out the true spirit of ý-hristmas for the fireside gather- eýPson the eve of Christmas, a hauirs later, the speaker told ~estory of Old Serooge, the Piaracter immortalized by Dick- ~is i nbis "Christmas Carol" writ- Sjust 105 years ago. With an ~t memnory and fluent diction -Ir Henderson reviewed the story ...d braught out the characters ta -iake the aid tale live again in !its perennial appeal. Insumming up the speaker sug- :Ssted that the lesson in the story ý0fered the true spirit ta be cul- ÎàVated at Christmas time, and 1broughout aIl the year as well. ï-brought out the real meaning 0the moral values ta be observ- ,d ini human living which came into the world with the birth of >ur Lord and Saviour. Fallowing ýý*p thanks expressed by Dr. Cy, ý$lemon the n embers accorded l(.Henderson a great burst of ,plause for it was indeed a mem- rable effort. Telegrams Guests who enjoyed the occas- ,n were Rotarian Murray Mil- ,Oshawa; Rev. H. F. Yardley, urtice, and Art Baker of The tesman staff. President How- Rundle, wha welcomed the ests, also warned that they hit see saine of the exuberant rit among their hasts before dinner was over. Immediate- came a special messenger bear- ~te rams for two Rotarians W'~o be honoured at the -e is Ier received a wir( 'on on attaining hi! fec~ attendance pir cable from North Ire. ratulated Ex-Presiden t on winning his 20-yeai tendance pin. The cabli rportedly signed by th( Lor ayor of the Irish villag( where the Elliotts cut quite2 wath before migratýng ta Bolton nt, from whence Len came ar o Bowmar*ille ta introduce par. BAH.S. "Sc DUNCAN PB After the completion of th( hristmas examnations the an. ½ual Chrîstmas party w as helc t B owmanville Hîgh School un. er the direction of Fifth Forni nlike the marathon of other ears, this party was principal i evening affair. T1.ose in chargE t that a party Leginning at2 .and lasting tili 11:30 'va, long. wever .l'afternoon did af- on previously uin- S5. The teachers payed Fi -orm in a game o. volleyball before the game, the staff d ip the rules. Each temias use eight players and the Fif ormn teamn was to consist of -boys and girls. The issue wa ) be decided in a two out of th game series with each game ta 1 points. The team o ichers consisted of Mr. and Ms.' pelI, Miss Ber- ry, Mrs. Lewlî Mr. Anderson, Mr. Stacey, Mr. itherspoon and Mr. Ross. Fifth Form d1ide finto two approximately e)et teams and switched at about haîf time in each game. On the first game, the students went ahend in a very close game but in the end, experi- ence or something seened ta tell as the teachers came on ta 'vin the two remaining gamnes and capture the series. Ev,'ry game was decided by only tvo or three points, however, and tiie large student body in attendarce was thrilled time and time again. Later in the afternoon, the stu- ,,,dents who wislied chose sides and played. basketball. At seven o'clock the party be- gan by singing Christmas carols in the auditorium at 7.30 Santa Claus (Hank Tamblyn) arrived ta Sieout the presents which m-ere anged arouind the two Christ- 21strees. Santa brought with hmaWh clowns as Bob Knox. Gerald Morris and Jim Frank ta &id in the distribution of the pre- sents. Earlier in the week, the Studenta of each form had ex- changed names and in this 'Way everyone received a present. Afer the presents had been de- Uivered, Mr. Witherspoon recit4 a poemn which he had written. 14 a saréastie way, it dealt with* t4 vofleybafl gaine in whichth te chers defeated Fifth Form a because of this, the studen peeted hlm with a loud cheer. A .t this time. the Fifth For gfrs served cider and doughnut d as usulI here was ne acar celain baths, ail furnaces and Irish wit and humor. Len also received another telegram of con- gratulations from Premier Tom Kennedy, another native son of Peel Caunty. Good Cheer In more seriaus Christmas mood the members voted extra personal assessments after dinner in true Rev. S. R. Henderson communîty spirit. A collection 'vas taken up ta pravide gifts and good cheer for two or three local families who had suffered mis- fortune as Christmas approachcd. Next the plate 'vas passed ta give same tangible thanks ta the ladies who have served the dinners for the past year. These included Mrs. Aldsworth, Miss Bertha Plea- sance. Miss Alice Somerford, Miss Phyllis Loonan, Miss Audrey Prcscott, Miss Gladys Maynard and Mrs. Mary Abercrombie. Their thanks were expressed by Mrs. C. 4. Jarrett, ca-owner and hostess o! the Balmoral. Bowling prexy Howard Biekell announced that Dave Morrison, lst Pack Brownies Host to Mothers At Christmas Party, Ist Pack of Brownies and their leaders Brown Owl Violet Col- well and Tawny O'v1 Dot Thomp- son entertained their mothers; at a Christmas party Dec 22 at the Lions Community Centre. Guest of honour 'vas District Commissioner Victoria Frank who enrolled Mary Anne Smale, Mary Anne Humpage and Lana Purdy as Brownies. Joan Buttery having successful- ly passed her lst class work, re- ceived her Golden Hand, a great honour for a Brownie. Peggy Barrett received her 1 year ser- vice Star. For their program the Brown- les danced into the room singing Jingle Belîs and then Merry Christmas to You. A dance, "Han- sel and Gretel" was performed by Linda Colwell, Carol Plummer, Shei]a Browvn, Gloria Smith, Ruth Goheen, Karen Anne Mutton, Thelma Jeune, Pat Bagnell, Bar- bara Bathgate.. The whole pack sang "Do your Ears Hang Low?", danced "Skip ta my Lou", "Five Little Chickadees" and a singing came "Swinging in the Swing". The pack then gave Commissioner Frank the Grand Howl. Commissioner Frank graclously thanked ail the girls, especially for their wclcome cercmony, a new one which hadn't been used in Bowmanville 'before. A beautiful cup and saucer wvas presented to Mrs. Frank as a Christmas gift from the lst pack of Brownies. Mrs. Tom Buttery, Mrs. Erie Colwell and Mrs. Thompson served a dainty lunch to the mothers and children. An exchange of gifts took place afler lunch and each girl xvas given a hat, horn and a bag of candy. Mrs. Everett Efliott, Church St., personally donated 40 large sugar canes and 4 doz. large oranges for the girls. Many thanks, Mrs. Elliott. Your generosity coming at Christmas time makes lis really believe there is a Santa Claus. We would also like to thank the Lions Club for allowing us the use of their' beautiful home and their kitchen for special occas- ions. We wish them a Happy and Prosperous New Year. A New Year's Message from The Ministerial Association Deginning The New Year With Cod! How ta begin? That is the question. It is always a primary question. Sa much depends on how we start. This is true af each and every enterprise in the great business af living. The end is very ai ten governed by the beginning as indeed may be each and every phase between the beginning and the end. How to begin the New Year. That topo is a vital matter. It lies bef are us, ail uniried and aIl unknown. It is sure ta brin g to us wide fields ai service and many-sided calîs for human help- iulness. As in ather days, temptatians will be lurking araund the corner. Some people are gain g t a lu, but they will ris'e ta iight better; some will fail dtterly. The seeds af laughter and ai tears await the light ai a new day about ta dawn and the sound ai hurrying footsteps anticipate the entrance af a New Year already knocking at aur doors. How shahl we begin? From the experience ai the past and from the light ai the sacred page, the answer is flashed upon us that we must begin with God. Ta cherish .the thaught that Gad is the rewarder ai ail them that diligently seek Him; ta realize that we are co-workers tagether with Him in a mighty enterprise ai building a better world; ta believe that His strcngth is made perfect in aur weakness; ta hear His word of encourage- ment in the haur ai sorraw and prove the comfort ai His iatherly compassion when and where we need it mast; ta trust'His sustain- ing grace in the daily round and comman task and ta look for the cansccrating touch ai His loving hand when joy filis the heart - this is surely ta begin the year aright. "In the beginning God." That is how the star y ai creatian opens. It is flot otherwise in the stary ai every creative process known ta mon. Love in aIl its inherent powers and patiences traces its ultimate arigin ta Him. It is He who gives depth ta aur motives and richncss ta aur purpases. H-e gives steadiness ta the hand ta construct and patience ta the spirit ta achieve. Jndeed, what dreary prospects without Him? How dark the future apart fram the thauqht ai Him and haw hapeless the out- look but for the assurance ai a campassianate Father who de- mands af us anly that which is within aur power and who wills the best for every one ai us. We have nothing but gaod ta anticipate when we re- member Him whose benevalent will determines that ail things are warking toward a camman end. When the conviction that "Gad's in His Heaven" resuits in the presentatian ai aur lives for His service, we, toa, can say with Browning, "ail's right with the worid." In extending ta yau New Year's greetings we urge you ta begin with Him who is aur God that aur service may be creative and fruitfui and the future fuli ai promise. For He wha is at the beginning will weicome us at the end and meet us at every turn ai the road and in Him we shall be truiy blessed. BOWMANVILLE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION JdePencier Wright, President. G. Cameran Quigley. Secretary. Public Utilities, Treat Employees to Christmas Banquet Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission treated their ernploy- ees and their wives and children ta a deliciaus turkey dinner and an evening of good entertainment at the Balmoral Hotel, Wednes- day, Dec. 22. During the dinner, the Christ- mas spirit became predominant as Gea. Chase, Manager of the Bowmanville Public Utilities Co- mmission, led in carol singing ably assisted by Hotel Proprietor, C. A. Jarrctt. Ross Strike, 2nd Vice- Presidcnt of the Ontaria Hydro Commission, acted as Master of Ceremonies throughout the even- ing and extended the best 'vishes of the season to ahl the employces. In return. Clif! Anderson thanked the Commission, on behaîf of the staff, for the wonderful dinner. After the dinner, while the aId- er generation 'vere enjoying caf- fee. cigarettes and the odd cigar, Santa Claus arrived, escorted in by Grandpas Chase, S. Little and M. J. Elliott ta cheer the hearts of the youngsters. However, the children 'vere not the only bene- ficiaries o! Santa's generosity. The adults, as 'veli, received a t- tractive gifts from his well-stock- cd bag. Mrs. Walter Branch. Oshawa, provided excellent entertainment with piano selections during the evening. Chairs 'vere pushed back and the rcst of the evening vas snent in dancing %with music providcd by a public address syftem. Lions Club Award Additional Prize In Turkey Draw When the draw for the ten turkeys 'vas made by the Lions Club on Dec. 21, it was found that twa membvers from ane family hiad their names drawn. These fortunate pcople 'vere Mr. and Mrs. E. Winnacott who had pur- chascd anly two tickets and had bath tickets drawn. The first ruling of the coni- mittce was that only anc turkey should bc given ta any one fam- ily. However, in view of the.facti that this ruling had flot bren prinied on the ticket it was~ de- cided that an additional prize The Local Evergreen Club Honoured by Wood Senate At Annual Christmas Party Just about the finest Christmas gathering held in this community this season was the asscmnb]y o! Senators in the handsomely re- decorated roamn of Wood Senate, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 23. The ,meeting was announced as a spec- ial session ta do honour ta the Evergreen Group, or the Senators Eaver 80 years o! age. They 'vere accorded appropriate gifts during a fine programme that attracted an overflow attendance of Sen- ators from bath town and coun- try. But even more important 'vere the congratulatory speeches which wished many more happy years ta each o! the honoured aid- sters. In Memoriam With a decorated Christmas tree in a corner o! thý! room, the seat- ing arrangemer s had the hionour- cd guests facing their colleagues as Chairman Milt Elliott acted as Speaker for the spccial session. The programme incliîded anc minute's slience in mcmory of departed Senators whose names 'vere rcad as follows: Senators Ralph Ames, Wm. Painton. Geo. Lane, Thos. Hogg, Gea. Gilbert, Gea. Pattrick, Russell Wordcn, Hubert Smale and Thos. McNeil. They xvcre rernembercd also in the remarks o! the members o! the Ministerial Association who 'vere special guests for the day. Evergreen Group The Speaker then called upon the Evergreen Graup ta stand. Those receiving the acclaim a!f the whole assembly were: John Met- cal!, Carl Kent. Gea. Pearce, W. R. Newton, Richard Hawkcy and A. L. Pascoc. After thcy rec2ivedj the gifts arranged for themn on the tree, Senator Newton express- cd the thanks of the group in a very moving speech. The States- man's staff photographer then tank a group picture as a perman- ent record for the Scnate's Hall o! Fame. Senator W. L. Paterson, whoj donated the club i-nom1 for the Senate, gave an intercsting ac- counit o! the history of the SenatE and its purpase. His account 'vill be carried in aur ncxt issues also as an interesting record a! this famous local body o! men. Sen- atar Art Baker told the stary of the Pelican Club which recently amalgamated xith the Senate after its 80-years af separate activ- ities. Congratulations A highlighit af the piagi-ammne 'vas the fine reading of Senator Howard Foley who told af the example set by a departcd insur- ance agent w~ho 'vas neyer assoc- iated with an arganization such as the Senate. Others who made noteablc addrcsses xvere Senators Rupert Byers, Mcl Wight, Frank Rickard, Walley Pichcll and con- gratulatory addrcsscs 'vere dcliv- cred by Rex'. J. dePencier Wright, Rev. S. J. Coffey, Rev. G. C,ý;er- on Quigley. Chie! o! Police Sidney Venton and aihers. Hand.rome gifts v,'cre aloo dis- trihuted amoiig active mcmibeî-s of the Senate wha have donc so much ta make it a continuing success'. Sergeant-at-Arms Oliver Roberts reccived spceial mention with the fine gifts thîat came to, hlm foi- his faithful ser-vices. Thanks 'vere accorcd the several people autside the Sonate foi- ap- prciated gifts and ta Northciîtt & Smith for providing extra chairs for the occasion. There 'vas muc'i more ta the programme wvhicÀi cancludcd happily xith the Na- tional Antherm. The Champions Immediately the iproceedings 'vere aver Senator John M'etcalf and his partner Gea. Pcarc, chaI- lcnged a team a! youngcr men ta play a "3-gzUc rries for the euchrî- chanmpionish; af the Senate and district. The challenge wvas ac- cept2d with the result that the prestige af the Evergrcn Group 'vas sustaincd when the Meteaif- Pearce tcam wvon t'vo g'in- zs straight and each played - f il1Jonc hands. It 'vas a I i1t r conclusion ta n z:-ý (.-i .' a:rd .1 fine page a! Iccal his ory. . cluiiîstrian ana pianisL, na won M eig _______________________________ sb -ould be awarded -ta -thle Iucky !- the Christmas chieken for high Inaugural etn couple. Accordingly Mr. and Mrs. f it scores in the annual Rotary Bowl-(I Winnacott were presentcd with a Lr ing League. The season 'viii Offie-O Town CouncilSO AL " n P R N L prize o! $ 10.00 in cash which 'vas Giroc er Jack Allun, W àr Veteran, le iaily close next week when the Monday Evening SO I L A D.P R O A approximateiy the purchase price ea winning bowling team wilb be of____o nc ttrkev. I f w C v r o fC in y l i ýe given a turkey dinner by the The Municipal CoLineil of the Phne63_h_____ o heLin Cu a lasers. The meeting closed 'vith Taown o! Boxvmanville for 1949 -- along \vitis other friends çxtend The appointment of Arthur Joh n iHappy Season's Greetings ta ance'viîî be afficiaîîy s'vorn in onW.Jekns*k congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs.(Jc)Anastenx'G err n and aIl from President Howard Monday evening at the Counicil rnms in Kings is visiting Bîrk and- Mr. and Mrs. S. M. WnnacttI We understand that o!c)Alia the ie Cantes Jail atr Xmas Celebration Rundle. Chmbes aâ7:0 pminhisin-. .n. Scott. ofache UnitedCheers Patientsa Chambrs a 7:3 p.m Thi in- Miss Elsie Bunner, Whitby, spent Miss Jacqueline Heyland, On- this is the first time that they have Cobourg, 'vas official],, confirmed h esP tns augurai meeting should be o! in- been fortunate in this type o! a on Tuesday. Dec. 2ist. Hle Suc-- tercst toalal citizens a! ta'vn. the w'ceekend with Miss Vivian tarin Agricultural College, Guelph, drawv. To mnake up for lost time cceds Fred'Wight xvho retired re-1 As the Christmas spirit seepe I yar cxvfacs wll uIBuniner. is spending Christmas holidays th,,y wcre doubly fortunate in thisctyatesexig1 rs intoi the hearts and hiom-es of Bow Ththat position.aMes. and Mrs. Alun mauville ibis scason.1:heec'vasin ee h evcry position in couincil. 'vith the Miss Joan Grcenfield left Mon- . vith bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. oanc. ta oiin r n 's li 3vleti csn hr a n e h O l lMayor, Reeve and Dcputy-Reeve day Ita xisit Miss Nancy To'vns- Forbes Heyland. leave today ta establishl themnselvcsi detour at Bowmanx-ille Hospitl Ithe only three 'vith previaus mun- end, Mantreal. Miss G'ven Griffith, tow'n, Rev. nteofce esdne ti hteten sick people 'vho uvr icipal experience. It is belicved Mr. Carl La Prairie; Toronto, J. E. Griffith and Banna Mary YOUR SUJBSCRIPTION in e«thofaI Mrs ince.i t : he tit r Chita y, 1ILLIPS, Editor that tenative Committee Chair- spent the weekend with Mr. and Griffith. Castîcton. spent Christ- matron, a post usually assignedabet lbreinruYl! men and sAanding committees Mrs. Wm. Clarke. mas 'vith Mr. and Mrs. E. Emmer- A large number of States- ta the 'vie a! thie Gavernor. jsty-le. have already been drawn up and Mr. Russel Hardy, Leaside. spent son. Toronto. In the front hall of the hospia ýe While food 'vas being served, among other things this 'viii be the *weckend 'vith his parents, M r. and Mes. P. Bi-onson and man subscriptions fali due on Wîth blis active military exper- i aaChristimas tree beautifull i- the chairs 'vere takeni out o! the revealed at the meeting Mondav. Mr. and Mes. Harvey Hardy. Phyllis, Oshawva. and Mr-. and Mrs. January ist. We urge these icnce. his splendid ph *v.;ique and dexa e.Eciror a ci auditorium 'vhich liad been deco- The Arena Committee arc bnp- Miss Kathleen Sisson, Too-tA. Wl ,Oshawa, 'vere Christ- subscribers to renc'v as early his plcasing peesonaiity Jack 'sltcucd by a small Chrstmas t1c i- rated in the afternoon. At fine ing that the borrow'ing by-ia'v spent Christmas with lher parents, masvelî quaiificd ta fui bispssibe inne'v tinsod- in a floxver pot. Ho%%,evcr,te i. o'clock, dancing commenccd xith 'viii be returncd from the Muin. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson. xvard Clarke. iin eelse ihte1t hita inrwsteh r Paul Joncs dance. Later on there icipal Board in Toranto sa that Mr. and Mi-s. Orville Bac and iMr. and Mrs. Andîc'v Devitt the necessity of discontinu- Field Rr'gt., R.C.A.. in June, 19-10, light of the qay as eachi tray 1va y 'vas a group o! three square final action may be taken and so Carl, Seagrave, \e weîe ek- and eilîdren and Mîs. Beatrice ance. 'vent overseas as a Serget ith h is deckcd \.'itli a miniature Saut e dances. The best group a! eight prescntcd ta the ratepayers for end guests of Mrs. Alex Bac. Hall and Barr, Toronto, 'vere uunit.ig *ioninu tay 1941 and sa'v active 2 'vere chosen and thcy receîved their ratification. Miss G\'vcn Griffith is spcnding Christmas guests o! Dr. J. C. De-cot service in France. GermanvCai u1ars. irc~ n sshowv tickets as prizes. Th. .ilCabr ilhl Christmas hiolidays xith hier fath- vitt. I 1n n u newsprint is Holland and Beliium before re- Pui pasdige dînual er'enu After the cvening liad pîogres- a large number o! people and the er, Rev. J, E. Griffith, Casticton . Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Grand- stili on a quota basis. There- turning ta Canada in Sept., 1945.inmn,sw tediirmnu sed, there xvas a "gucss 'vho' ne'v cauncil under Mayor Lawv- Miss Eleanore Wight, Toronto. field, Brantfor-d, anci Mr. Alden fore 've are unable ta continue A few years ato Jack reiized loancd six rad:'os for the dýay t dance. A piece w-as played and rence Mason bopes that as many spent the holiday weekcnd xith Wbecr, MeGili University', Mon- mailing subscriptions wlîich onue o! his r-mbitians ta ovn a b2 distribtited among the prt Scertain people 'vere asked ta iden- as possible xiii avail themseives lher mathex-, Mrs. Chas. A. Wight. tecai, wverc 'vekeeîd guests o! Mrs. berom-3 in arrears. All sub- fanetho! ongs 10aul cehoa e- iuntewic e lpainm-' t alapics ftify the orchestra and the name o! o! the apportunity ta sec the ne'v Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy spent A. D. Whcleî-. otofLnSalSco.B-brgetraiirtadhp'r the piece. The piece 'vas 'Life counicil in action. Christmas xith their daughtcr-in- Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer srtisaeonaad-- sdscarngnmrktadn-ta teuicke.. gels Tee-jus, Don't It?" by Car- law. Mrs. Everett Hardy, Toronto. and Diane, Wcston, and Mr. and advance basis as required by ing and mixed faeming hie put 10i Many otlier articles suc-Il s sson Robison and after severai Miss Olga Tod is speniifOg fthe Mrs. Blaine Eliiott, ta'vn. 'ere thc Audit Bureau of Circula- acres ino reforestation.1 applt.s. a lk.boxe.; o ofcli - had been asked, a 'vînner xvas fi- H sia tf Christmas holidays xvth bier sis- Christmas gLiests o! Mr. and Mes. to !wihTeSaemn Il is rMthing new foi- an Allun laies, a bam an(d a baskiet of mix naily found. The dance ciosedi atHoptlSaf tee, Mes. Arthur Wright, Hamil- Len Elliitt. tino j TeSaemn ta be assaciatcd in constabulary cd fruit 'vere donatcd by thought 11:3 aftr evryon o! he lrge old mas artvtan.Mr. Ralph Carruthers fiew up a ebe.'ork, for many of nur oîdei- ciii- fui peop le iin town. croxxd in attendance had haed a- Mr. and Mes. L. Klinstiver, from New York City to spend the Subscribers arc asked ta zens xiii recailta aksgad sHr g îtciîedn very enjoyable evcning. Thursday evening, Dec. 16, the Dash'vood, spent Christmas with Christmas halidays xxith bis p r rad the label on their paper fathcr, the late John Allun, ,vas .o! the hospital îiud the rurbecso Dufrin e las o vene o!seoo nurses and staff o! Bo'vmanvilie bier parents, Mr. and Mes. Frank ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruth- j which sho,.%s the date ta which for many yecars an the lorai police the staff arc to hb_,eongi-aiulat' coptlhl hitmspry ilas usrpinlsad.Yo force as night coable.~ for their splendid effort tomnke toe Booth spent about three days in the Nurses' Residence. The cv- Me. and Mes. Harold Hoar and Miss -G'en Hoskin, Toronto tes ci o spi u Gavernor Allin is second son - s histmas a happîy c>n- fo in the sehool. On the last morn- cnings entcrtainment consisted o! Miss Dorothy Hoar, Toronto, xverc spent the xeckend 'vith bier can assist us by remittlng in of Mr. and Mrs. Harv Alun i iOSe Unable Io be with thir in he addressed the students. His a ait ! aewit vra ew'ekcnd guests o! Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. R. T. Hoskin, 'vho advance of that date, thus Boxvmanviile. After eunn_ ag reieyofgmurnih vrvn n,' 'families et bomes. 'vords conta4ned nothing but taking part for an ail-cvening's E. V. Hoar. returned 'vith ber dauglîter ta To- avoiding unnecessary book- from overseas Jack jomcd biS praise for the sehool and the staff. !un. Mr. and Mes. Donald Cox and ronto for a visit. fte nAusCre rce-TIII ~GlT He id bxxexer afera ex sg- Santa Claus even managcd tb Miss Heien Cox, Toronto, spent Air Commodore and Mes. Roy keig and lias now severed bis connect--- gestions ta the students 'vhicb it make a xisit ta cheer the hearts the holiday 'vith tiîeir parents, Sienion and family, Ottawva, and inde t i eetapiîet uDcme 2 iibîsa itabbpdth."ilfiw-Heo! the bard 'vorking nurses. There Mr. and Mrs. Kenî Cox. Mr and Mes. Boyd Sleman, Nia- Anatv eme fte" Ite ruK -oGru fTi rccommendcd a little moi-e care 'vas an exehange a! gifts aîîd at Miss Eleanor Johnstan, Wa ikee- gr alset hiîa ih Rie elected fleeve mAnaive niember a! the oxxtar e .ITu-Kdhi-Lo Grusorîni 1 mavile'LgioFanllsRoarpC.GI.T Chdrisirtmass as aet 'vith notebooks since they are the the end o! the exexixng debiouIs ton, spent tlîe 'vckend 'vith her i Dr. and Mes. C. W. Slemon. Club, be xviii be, greatly mî.ssý,d at the home of i. îs Morjcr main source o! rcview at the end bbsns ice n i ayRrde Flo,' exdo a! the year. He suggested that the re!reshments 'vere enjoycd. The1 parents, Me. and Mes. J. H. John. Me. Don Venton, Owen Sownd, i uiescrlsadhsmn udeapro leudnt pek utaiitl iucr!ovl'as donated by Me. Joe stan. and Miss Audrey Ventan, nurse-frnd 'ishmsucsinbj gams anîd co l ':1: i. s H. Peit admr lal hnaegCooper, the ice cream by Mr. Johnî Dr.y and Mes. Wm. Riddcll and in-training, Westernî Hospital, Ta- ne'v spheee. Mes. Ailin, the foem. Iclis:-d ecd ii"Ctrhmýstr andmor ceaey 'hc anwerngWilson and a delectable cake x;-as Scotty spent Christmas w'ith his conta, spent Christmas xxitb their questions. He also encouraged the e Miss Lauise Cale, 'viii also bc enhîled, "The- S.illO(." Ca!o coaperatian o! ail students in ce- made and donated by Mes. Jack parents, De. axîd Mes. M. Riddeii, parents, Me. and Mrs. Sid Venton.. missed in the social circIe:; o! ber \vc , Ulng %'.'ili Lorna Fletchri- a gard ta sports and other activities. Monrei iilh.M. and Mes. E. W. Rundie. To- native tow-n. They have anc son accampanîsi, aid 1,o r ra al: He said that sehool 'vas a place ta, Miss Macian Warder, St. Marys, conte and Oshawva, Miss Vilma Michael John, 'vbo is 18 months pla.-ed several pxai:o solo:. Chi- icarn ta live with other peaple L e' speîît the xvcckend in Bowman- Rundie, Toronto. and Me. and Mes . mas gifis xveîe ecîngdaî ville xisiting ber father, Me. Robt. S.R. Barticit, Margot and Grant,*h onx alcmsudrteoee aeeyn eîllMs aon t jsa d vip tr. ~ ~x s1 r adr Toronto, xerc Christmas guesîs supervision o! Queen's Park but Runde and br m hr î.srvcd oanth vhole . be peooad iBow- CanadiaMe.gonand Mes. Paul Symons and o! Mr. and Mes. P. E. Geeenfxeld. 'b anisConî ersasi îeadeliciaus lunch. compcient staff. so for ibis reason. !Hold XmasParty o.Rbe. t ahcnssot sanle measureaotf;fnance and - parents niay ret assuO ciAmas Suiida-, vith bis mother, Mes. and Mes. Ed. Bcck, Edmonton, maneac.MjrAi.VriSLE VD N thei chideenare etiig th bes ---Muriel Symoxîs. (no%'v attending University in .manenc.MjrAR.irnILE IE)DG instruction passible ex-cr' day. TeLds'A iiay o! the Rev. S. R. Henderson and his Toronto) w-ee recent guesis of!. jCanadian Legion beld a socal cx-- motiier, Mec. S. J. Henderson, jMr. Wm. and Miss I. Laing, Newv- Training Sehool, is now the Pro- Thhof Mr. and Mr.tre eîîing iin the forni o! a Christmas jspent Chîristmas -'vitlMe. Jack ýtonville. . . ions anDibrecr etiy intue . Klarc,7 eî!S paris-, in the Legion Hall, Dec- Her d eson, Palnmestoni. jMisWioa ekStsie-a ' ntasrn Pl ntrohiched C- fl :ttîngo! ax'76 Smt', aler WELCOM NEIV EAR emer 201. j -Me. and 'Mes. Reg Cranîp. Don Faci*s Cailege, Univcrsiby o! To- banew Oari oePlaxc nsthituin. îganDc 2i.xxm -ern The convenor forthie evcning iand Tecidy speut flic w'eekend I xntn. and Miss Pat Clarke. Sehu- i Thes lconty etisvisuionsav .a iîi en ab;n 0hIn<ce (by Jane Gale Garrett) xvas -Mrs. W. Tihetford. Hx veivtil ber parents,. Me. and Mes. Fmaker, are spending bbc Christ- j chane a! o îics' unde< ibis an rait eth e 251h xvl)cdîane- th urrseo teevxin am .E. Robinson, Meaford. mas balidmays 'vith their parents, pdGvenrA 'iib andF ~Y W h e r le o h ' v e e a r a il i h e yd a s w b n a g r u p a ! B r o x n i c s l d b e a n e e l a . O t ri e n i M s . W m . C la r k e . t a g i v e e f e e t ho t e h m n b h i ! t e f m lh i Th a ilc e 's s eadis- M s. Eric CoIlxvel aîd M s. J. A gricultural C olge e, Guelph, p Rex. S. R. leîdesoîi, Bobbiec pon t _____ t to t e c em . O n d e hafon, B h p e fa iod th ei Whîere are you xiv, y-e aîicient Thornpsoi i tiîLpe in. Thii-s gx up seniîgChi-îîy oldx'e uL o lriiu uas. e ino agsaî c mc's. Me. l'ici Mes.C. Bell- ;TL'esd ay afiernoo i- Kingston Me. and Mes. W. Me.Gili, Tlo- sîlver. Tht-y also reccived a iovcl That filled life's stage and pps -cances that xvere \e- cnimend- Imsxi. for the Yaung Peoplc's Conf!er- lVilfred G. Bov.le3 ronta, spent Sundav 'vitb Me. and silver teapat frani Mr. and Mes again? able and they vclildeser\-ed tht-' MeI. and -Mes. Bob Evans spent; ence. xvhich is being lîcld at j Mes. J. Crambie. A. Guera4 of Toronto; also a Ioe Nll you're coming truc ta i e cauind a! applause that folloxved i Chrcstmas xvith bei- parents. Mr.! Quecn*s Univ-ersity from Tues- 'Who xvas rc-ý-l<'ctcd b'- acela- r Ms. Muriel Symons spentl obesta ivrsi n Nineteen hundred and îy- i ee ltainnient. andi Mes. Clarence Pen!ound,!day ta Thîuesdax-. nat:on R--ve o' the Tvrshiip a!: Christmas xx-ib Me. and Mes. W. b*p)rsakers froni Me. and Mes L nîne.r The balance o! ihe cxcn.n;rg 'as Ebcrnezýci- . Ab. Grahým soent Christ-Cat'r"x't:. rn' cs on K. Bunnex-,' Whitbv. Gabi. w'c xvcome, let Lus pea, spent in contests and gmsDe- Mr. ceci Mrý:. A!tc- Bîrký. Maxit- n it xxiifr.nsi Pecî. Monda'..S: ninbv e n e.K euxr e--Tegompectdh: rd hap ta.Jby ail. their parents, Dr. and Mes. W. H. mas 'vîîh his mother in council board. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mare. Wear-Ever aluminum wear. J- 1 1 -M-- ,'êrà%,

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