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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1948, p. 5

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~~I lTeewcasile Imdependen. he Mm. Trudy Saflows At the Rink Committee Meet- lng Monday night Mr. Ken Ste- phenson was hired to operate and mnaintan the rink for season 1948-49. The Veterans and their wives and honorary members held a so- cial evening in St. George's Par- ish Hall Tuesday Dec. 21. Cards, cribbage and darts were the gam- es for the evening. Mr. C. Car- Veth showed several films includ- a splendid one o! Bai-bara jnlwttskating. Lunch was Thle idhng Room o! the J. Andersg Smith Co. held a ban- quetL the Queen's Hotel or Wed sday night and the Karl W .rich employees held their banquet at the Queen's Thursday night. Newcastle Lions Club playec hast to the childi-en o! the district Friday afternoon. Santa was seated on the front lawn at the Community Hall on a special throne and the children had a big time when all received a large bag o! treats. Christmas Visitors: Mrs. Gertrude Bonathan, Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bon- athan, Village, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Sallows and family. Mi. and Mis. C. Hogg, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Edwards, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hipley, Oakville, Mrs. HaY and family, Mi-. and Mrs. H. Allan and daughter, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. M. Wight, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wight and family, Kingston, and Mi-. and Mis. Frank Rickard and Da- vid with Mr. and Mrs. John Rick- ard and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dyer and Francis with Mr. and Mrs. F. McEwan and famîly, Lansing. Mrs. R. Embley, Mrs. T. Manes and Miss Oldfield, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, Susan and Jimmy with Mi. and Mrs. H. A. Gray, Oshawa. Mn.*and Mrs. Jack Toms and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toms and family, Mrs. Art Toms, Miss Lorraine Lee and Gordon Lee, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms. Holiday visitors with Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mis. Al- bert Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson. Chesley; Mr. and 14rs. W. J. Hockin, David and Douglas, Ajax, Miss Peggy Pearce of Toronto and Mrs. E. Patterson.1 IMiss Marilyn Pearce, T is holidaying with Mr. ani Albert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Cobl have returned home after ing a month with relatii Bowmanville. Mi. and Mrs. Chas. B] and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Garrod a. and Mrs. H. Brereton. i-. Bob Duck, Toronto, his parents,, Mr. and Mrs Duck, Si-. Mi-. Arnold Tomkinson Mr. and M-rs. Chris. Bardh We are glad to see Keith:1 son home from the hospital. coming along nicely now Ils accident. We are also p to see Mi-. Bob Duck U] around again. He says he i! ing pretty good and we hea making up ils own jokes more so that proves he's beý Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt Xmas in Napanee with M. Mrs. Newt Ashton and Jo A. .oronto, id Mrs. bledick spend- Ives in rereton visited nd Mr. visited s. Bob visited âard. Rager- Hýe is since .îleased p and is feel- ar he's sonce tter. tspentt r. and1 Anna.t United - Church - S.S. Annual Entertainment A delightfui affair The United Church Sunday School held their Annual Christ- mas Concert Thursday night, Dec. 23, with a large audience to enjoy the progaram. Mrs. Ai-chie Glennley's begin- ners class presented the opening number which was a finger play entitied "AIl By Myself." About 30 cute youngsters took part. Benny Dickinson's recitation was much enjoyed. The junior congregation under the leadership of Mrs. W. Bemar and numbering about 40 sang "A song of the Seasons" and. their finger play was very sweet. Mrs. Beman has led this class for years and her work with themn neyer fails to produce hear, #fetching performances to the delight of ail.. Linda Alldread gave a recita- tion and also John Patterson andi Susan Gray. These were ail en- ioyed very much. The young- sters belong to the Junior depant-ý ment. Mrs. Gai-net Rickard teaches the Junior girls and they present- ed two numbers. They sang carols and the Christmas Story was rcad by Joy Dunbar-. '.heir other num- ber was a play " Aun tJulia's Vis- Il Count! A skci r whose hem has Leen pulled out cf shape, a Lutton that is missing . . . . these aire things that can mai- your appearance. Our- operators carefully guard against damaging your garments in the slightest degree. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phiono Zenith 13000 Oshawa Bowmanville Agent: HOOPERS LADIES' WEAR MOVING ACROSS THE STREET TO 52 KING ST. WEST wilh a full! une of Westing,,,ouse Appliances including' STOVES - REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS RADIOS AND SNqALL APPLIANCES M«U]RPHY APPLIANCES AND F URNITURE 52 Ring st. W. Phone 811 lOwnanvmle M p it" which. was well done witl good performances by Norma Ai lin, Barbara Osbo.M~e, Ann Cry derman and Helen Turner. The Intermediate boys undei the leadership o! Neil Britton pre. sented "the Shepherd who Slept' which was well presented. Thos( taking part were Jack Allin George Noden, Albert Grahamr Billy Fisher and Roy Stoneberg. The Radio Broadcast by thE girls under direction of CatherinE Tucker was something differeni and the audience liked it ver' much. The last number was pre- sented by the Mixed Young Peo- ple's class. It was an Amnateur [Show with teacher Gordon Gray acting as the announcer and his assistant Brenton Rickard acting as Master of Ceremonies. "The Mellow- Martins" (Keith and Ro- gler Mellow and Alec Martin and B. Martini looked pretty slick in their swallow tail coats, high hats complete wîth handlebar mous- taches. They sang a good rendi- tion of Old MacDonald.. The outstanding Sympathy Orchestra with Glenn Allin as a Negro and Francis Jose, both with violins, and Earl Brown with trumpet and the Mellow brothers with kazoos played "Away in a Manger" for the Juniors and "JinglIe Beils" with the audience joining in the second chorus. The Allin Sisters -Clair, Mildred and Eileen-sang "Santa Claus is Coming to, Town"' and "Somneone Like You' as their number on the programi. "The Mighty Mcestro'-Glenn Allin-as a Negro cut up for the boys and girls. His rendition of "Them Etones" was very well done and provoked much laugh- ter. Each member of this ama- teur show was well done and much credit is due those who took part. The Young People sang Sulent N'ight as a finale to the program for the evening. Santa Claus bounced in and the children were given gifts from the tree and a bag of candy. Thus ended another Christmas concert for another year. HAMPTON THE CANADIAN STATESMA11. BOWMANVMLLP. ONTARJo th er n, n, le le t ir I. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees and A. L. 1Cation received word o! the death' o! their eldest sister, Mrs. H. L. McDonald, Neepawa, Man, Mr-. and Mrs. Ivan Elliott, San- dra and Donald, Peterboro, Don- ald Yellowlees, Toronto, at N. C. Yellowlees' and attended the Christmas gathering o! the family at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hooka- day's, Solina. Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Oshawa, with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Wil- bur. Mr. Arthur Baker, Bowman- ville, spent Christmas at Sam Dewell's. Mn. Bill Nichol, Peterboro, Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, Mrs. H. E. Tink Solina, at Percy Dewell's Mr-. Harland Trull was complet- ely taken by surprise on Dec. 16 when he was làInored guest at the Hoskin -Eement, tile andi block factory where his feliow workers presented him with a belated wedding gift, a 'beautiful wool blanket. Harland made a very suitable reply. On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin received a lovely radio as a combination 44th wed- ding anniversary (Dec. 21) and Christmas present. It was presented to themn by thein sons and daughters at Mr-. and Mrs. Marwotd Heard's, Ennis- killen. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. Robin Alldred with,, rela- tives in Sask. and Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin have had hydro turn.ed on in their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville and family in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and family with Mr. and Mrs. W. Basker- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding at- tended a Jersey Club meeting and banquet at Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and family and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldred, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and family with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor, Courtice for Xmas and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin, Brown's. Mr. Archie' Hendry is horne from Queen's for the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray and family, Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendry, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry and Archie wîth Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Shaw's. Mrs. Les. Alldred and girls, Orono, and Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte, with Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and family, wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. Gib- son, No. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Dean andf family with Mr. and Mrs. A. West, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, To-a ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. S Ho Imes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and h family with Mrs. W. Clemence. Shaw's. I Mr. and Mrs. Aif Brown and a fam'ly Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Neil r .n famýilv, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown, Orono, withh Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake. Mr. Alf Brown and Mr. BillV Lake visited Mrs. H. Brown in ej Toronto. gi fml thMr. and Mrs. H rwnanod d amyihMr. and Mrs. Hronaod dT Skinner, Tyrone. t Happy New Year, everyone.! IV tij CHILEAN WHEAT SURPLUS It Jr reported that the Chileanr I domestic wheat surplus wili be gboutof3 3. million bushels. Ex- pors o he surplus to Itaiy, India and countries in South America are being considered. Trade ci--ç oIles in Chule, however, consider that this estimrited surplus is tooq large, perhaps by a hundred per! As your representative ln the House of Comrnons at Ot- tawa may 1 convey my Lest wishes for a Happy and Pros- perous New Year to everyone ln Durham County. The oid year closes on a season of Lounfy in oui- farn-ing com- munity, of harmony and pro- duction ln industry and general welf are in commercial activ- Mtes. It is also a great Llessinq that the health cf the commun- happiness among us. a While regret and unceL tainty weighs upon us at con Ipeace is yet to, Le achieved, it is my feeling and hope as It is yours as well, that the Slifting. With the providence that uIs at home in this county, Jet us d cheer to help in re-establîshing ýr- a soon to take part ln the fifth, and ýthe Twentieth Parliament, may I :11l Le happy to do anything in my zlly or collectively. Please write )e glad fo res pond in the true spirit ,Year. 'AS E. STEPHENSON, deral Member for Durham County. )flo News E. Logan all and a duet by Mrs. W. Cobble- dick and Mrs. C. Jones'with Mrs. J. Blue at the piano was much enjoyed. Miss Edith Sherwin told the Christmas story and Mrs. N. Hall gave a talk on the United Nations. Mrs. Robinson gave an interesting report on the W. 1. Convention held in Toronto. Cal- endars were sent to each inmate in the Home for the Aged in Co- bourg and a basket o! white gifts to the Children's Shelter in Port Hope. Lunch was served and a social time enjoye-d. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Rowland, Toronto, and Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, with Mr-. and Mrs. H. Rowland. Mrs. R. Lunn is a patient Jn Bowmanville Hospital. We hope ber condition will soon improve. Mrs. Geo. Bowen las been con- fined to her home through ilI health. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Chai-lie Stapletor and son are on a motor trip to California. r year 1949 will see the clouds bas brou ght good cheer to i continue to spread oui- gooc f universal goodwill in the conr In leaving for Ottawa possibly the final session, of assure you, one and ail, 1 shc power to serve you indfvidui me at any time and 1 shail l of a hopeful and Happy New criu Fec The 0r( Mrs. R. To the neaders o! this column we extend best wishes for a Hap py New Year. May it bring a abundance of gcod health an prosperity to ail. Rev. A. E. Eustace gave a time ly message to the congregation a Park St. Church Sunday mornini taking as his themne "Looking a the New Year". The choir san, a well rendered anthem. On th altar was a beautiful basket o mums, placed there in memory o Mrs. R. H. Brown by ber family Christmas 1948 which. has com, and gone brought many visito- to oui- village. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Ardri-o and famnily, Mr. J. Andron, Toron to, and Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyi with Mn. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Toronto at ber home here. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Peter. boro, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Rid. deli. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowar and son, Montreal, with Mr. ané Mrs. Newton Cobbledick. Mr. Murray Paterson, Tam- worth, with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chai-lie Walker and famuly, Trenton, with Mi-. and Mns. C. Cooper. Miss Carol Staples and Miss Anna Staples, Toronto, and Mn. Donald Staples, Malton, with their parents. Mrs. Oliver and Mr. Jim Oliver, Bobcaygeon and Muss Shirley Ponter, Oshawa,, with Mr. and \dYs. Neil Porter. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Darch, L.akeview, Mr. and Mrs. Jack THtely and family, Bowmanville, and Miss Joyce Tennant, Toron- o, with Mn. and Mi-s. Carl Ten- tant. Mn. and Mrs. John Milîson and on, Kingston, with Mrs. Jas. )ickson. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn nd Mr. George Mitchell with Mr. nd Mis. W. Cawker, Bowman- ville. Mn. and Mrs. Chai-les Wood vith Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, 1akefield. Mn. and Mrs, Alex Watson with \Ir. and Mrs. Ai-chie Watson and lmily, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ra-iy Taylor and ývo sons, Napanee, and Mn. and Vs. Norman Winter and Lai-ny, )shawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam hhin. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mr.» id Mrs. Norman Ailin and Joan vith Mi. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, 3owmanville. Mr-. and Mrs. Carl Billings and uidrey with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. tcb. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Rani-y Bailey and amuly at Mr. Bailey's parents ýme in New Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Crowther td Chai-les with Mrs. Mary Pha- y.ý and family in Orono. Mn. and Mrs. H. Barlow with er Parents in Cobourg. Mrs. John Elliott and Mn. and ns. M. J. Elliott, Bowmanville nd Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Reid, Oro- owith Mr. and Mrs. John A. ,id. Orono Continuation School Id thei- l5th annual dance on ,ednesday night last. The teacb- ýs and studen.ts are ta be con- HAPPY NEW YEAR A reY ouProud o$f You rT o wn? Are you a person who has thought of the work and the effort, and the money that citizens, some dead and some alive, have put into Bowmanville to make it the town it is to-day? Do you realize that not so many years ago there were no paved streets, no waterworks, no electric lights and no factories employing hundreds of people at good wages. Have you contributed anything to the fu'k;re of Bowmanville or have you been one of those who has existed like the parasite who lives off others and gives nothing more than the effort of living. Bowmanville is going ahead. It is a town of which any of its citizens can be proud. Right now, those who want to help make its future brighter are contri. buting funds to the Memorial Arena. You are going to be proud of this Arena, but you'll be much prouder if you know you have done your part to make its erection possible. Leave your donation at the bank or with one of the Bink Committee. To Ail Citizens of Durham Counly I F2-'1U ~ ______ PrBLTSHED IN THE PUBLIC TNTEREST BY JOHN LABAIT, LIMJIED TYRONE Î7 fami1jy with her mother Mrs.J Lillicraft, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shipman, Cou! tice, with Mr-. and Mrs. S. Jewell Mr. Dawson Beckett, Easteri Ontario, with his parents Mr. an( Mrs. O. Beckett. Mar.l and Mrs. Leon Moore an< faiyand M~rs. V. Millson, Mr and Mrs. Russell Virtue with Mr and Mrs. Theo Down, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger ani baby, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ro; Graham and children, Haydor Miss Jean Haynes, Bowmanvillk with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm ané famîly with Mr. and Mrs. Ceci' Rahm, Union. Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn, Osh- awa, with Mrs. E. Shanty. Mr-. Donald and Miss Gwer Davey with Mr. and Mrs. N Hackney, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott witl Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and fam- ily, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Graham, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. W, Stewart with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdonald. Mi-. and Mrs. John Hatherly and family, Newtonville, with Mr- and Mrs. R. Hatherly. Mr. and. Mrs. G. Alldread with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Bow- manville. Miss Helen Miller, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Wood and Miss Marga- ret Wood, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and Beth. Mrs. Steight, Mr. G. Staînton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stain- ton, Windsor, Mr. Luther Stain- ton, Mr-. and Mrs. Don Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Mr-. and Mrs. W. Rahm with Mrs. Georgina Niddery and Mary, Hampton. Mr-. and Mrs. A. Youngman and children with Mr-. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton. Misses Gwendolyn and Jacq- ueline Hilîs, with their sister Mrs. S. Daw, Oshawa. Mi-. and Mrs. L. McCoy, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Skinner and baby, Mr-. and Mrs. N. Woodley witl4 Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Mr-. and Mrs. G. Brent and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pooley, Oshawa, with Mr-. and Mrs. H. Brent. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Messrs. Arthur and Beverley Stephens, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson and Glen, Bowmanville, Mr-. and Mrs. R. Clapp with Mr. and Mis. R. J. Hodgson. Mi-. and Mrs. A. Keith, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday, Powmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. John Broome. Miss Veronica Friend with friends in Toronto. Mi-. and Mrs. F. Wright and chldren with Mi-. and Mrs. E. Hcckiday, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spragg and family, Hamilton, with Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mr-. and Mrs. H. Collacutt, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and family, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collacutt and family, Miss Edith Woodley, Osh- Wdodley. Mr. and Mrs. George Sears, J. coke, at Mr. K. Colbary's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent and chil- -dren with Mr-. and Mrs. L. D. [1 Sykes, Hampton. -n Mr-. and Mrs. C. Johnson- and ýd !amlly, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood and family, Long Sault, d Mrs. W. Miller with Mr. and Mrs. r. Roy Maynard and Ms. J. Mc- r.Roberts. Congratulati ps to Mrs. ' ?4cRoberts who ceerated her d 72nd birthday on Sunday. 'y Miss Helen Hall, St. Catherines, , with Mr-. and Mrs. Horace Hall. B, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm, Burketon. d Mr-. and Mrs. F. Hall and Billie il with Mr. and Mrs. Emburgh, Tor- onto, L_ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Delaney who celebrated their n 2th wedding anniversary on Sun- Rev. pnd Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson hand faffiily, Oakwood, Miss Mary -Wilkinson, Toronto, Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Hilîs and family, Hamil- iton, Mr. Wesley His, A.S. Kempt- -. ville, with Mi. anid Mrs. Albert 1.Hilis. Mr. John Maynard Is spending y the winter with his son Mr. Roy Maynard. Miss Grace Hayward, Bowman- -ville, and Miss Joan Hobbs, Ennis- *killen, visited Miss Doreen Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. N. Blokie and Inez, Bowmanville, Mr. Robert McCullough, Mr. Brenton Mc- *Cullough with Mr-. and Mrs. D. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs enter- tained a number of friends on Christmas eve. 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees and children with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundle, Hampton, and Mr. and LMrs. E. Hockiday, Solina. Mr. John Hines is spendlng the winter wîth bis brother ln Tor- onto. Mrs. T. H. Richards Is slowly improving having suffered a bad heart qttack. Mrs. H. Findley, Unionville. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow and Mrs. T. H. Richards. Mi-. Lance Phair, Mrs. G. Phair and Mr. Jas. Colwell with rela- tives in Bowmanville. Bethesda school held their Christmas concert Tuesday even- ing when a solçndid program was siven and thet school was well fiiied. Mr. and Mn-. Murray Tabb with Mr. and Mrs. P. Murdock, Maple Grave. Miss Bernice 13rown, Toronto, with Mr. ind Mrs. T. H. Tabb. Miss Edith White, Toronto TJnl- versity with Mr-. and Mrs. S. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vu-tue and John with Mr. Pnd Mrs. Chas. Sbqw, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. White. MIýs F.dith White with Mr. and Mns. .T. Oliver, Bcbcaygeon;, Mrs. 'W. T. Elliott. Buckhorn, returning home with them. Mrs. Elva--B1eckett and Joan, Bowmanville, Mr. W. Hambly. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John with Mrs. L. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shred with her narents at Castlefon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Haynes, Jean and Honnie and Ronald Rahm with Mr. and Mrs. R. Shi-ed. A very hapDy and prosperous New Year ta the Editor and Staff o! The St,-tesman fnomn your cor- 1 A splendid Christmas concert was giveni Wednesday evening in the community hall by the public sohool childi-en consisting o! chor- uses, recitations, dialoques and a diii which were ail well given with Mrs. Russell Vu-tue as pian- xst. At the close Santa appeared and helped distribute the gifts from the tnee and also a bag of candy to childi-en. Sunday sohool at 10 and church service at il o'clock as usual. Christmas holiday visitons Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Honnie and Marilyn, Miss Jean Philp with Mrs. Gerald Philp, Morganston, and Mn. and Mrs. Goodfellow, Codrington. Mr. and Mrs. David Fairthonne, Mi. and Mns. Goldwyný Faint and childi-en, Toronto, Mi. and Mi-s. 0. Wright, Blackstock, with Mr-. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp with Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Clapp and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Clapp, Belleville. Mrs. W. Miller with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. George Alldread witb Mr. and Mrs. Dave Alldi-ead, Bowmanville. Mr. Lloyd Alldread with Mi-. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Salem. Mrs. W. Jenkins, Miss Florence Werry, Mr. and Mrs. George White and Jean, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. Aldon Hoar and childi-en with Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Reynolds and Doris, Port Hope, with Mn. and Mns. Ralph GlaspelI. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspell and children attended a Christmas party at Mr. Gerry Glaspeil's,' Mion. "Okay, akay, so you put an appi. on daddy's head-new what?" -James Russeil-Lowel MRON FIRECAM OIT 30%i JACIK BROUGER PLUMBING AND HEATING Bowmanvillo 3 King St W. Phone 2384 1 age, men, With revelations fittedto growth ; And shape of mimd, nor gives liê realm of truth Into the selfish rule of one sole race. Therefore each form of worship that hath swayed The ie of man, and given It te grasp The master key of knowledg, reverence, Enfolds some germs of goodnes and of right; Else neyer had the eager #ouft which loathes The slothful down of pampered ignorance, LINEcan B.gin AFTR 40,lf. Aroud 40 our enegy lesseni. But, ex- erience ha& taught Lus t do otir work with less efort. The. years ahead sbould yeld the. greateit accoinplsbnents, the. Most enjoynient Rnd happiness. Tbey tan, too, if we avoid the. idney and bladder disorders sucb ai Back- tch., Headache, Riiessatic Pain&, Lassitude, L.s of Sleep and Energy wbich so often atfack lose around 40. For 01er baif a rentury )odd's Kidney Pisabave been helping men Lnd women te keep kidneys and bladder in ,od order. If you are nearng 40,orepast it, or the sase of your beath and a bappier tr. use Dodd's Kidney Pillatdsyl 25 Dodd's KIdm*YPiIls . Sportanglés . e , a m A lý, f' Jts the

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