7~ TECANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILýLE. oNTARIO 'rTMflAY. EC -3I A5TLETON an Mrs. Mervin Birâ and L0lýU(rBraoklin, Mn. end Mrs. 1dgar Emerson and Ian, Mn. F. Em.erson, 'Toronto, Mn. Cecil Philp, Paort Penny, with Mn. and Mns. Malcolm Emerson. Mns. R. W. MarIow witb Mn. and Mns. Wiibent McKinstry, Oshawa. Miss Ruby Veale, Toronto, with Mr. A. H. Veale and Mn. and Mrs. John Grieves. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt and family with Mr. and Mns. John Proutt. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Trecey and femiiy, Bannie, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Hoskin, Maud and Mrs. H. Wheeler and faniiy, Bleckstock, with Mr. and Mns. R. M. Hoskin. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Malcolm witb Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Mal- colmn, Yelverton. Mn. and Mns. L. Joblin with Mn. and Mns. Norman Malcolm, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele and Miss Margaret Steele, Mrs. Wes- ley Campbeland Mn. Grant Camipbell with Mr. and Mrs. Ho- ý,vard McMullen, Lotus. an nd Mrs. Victor Malcolm As the beils are ringing in a.nd aur entire staff chin "est wlshes to you for the THE CARTEM "Bakens for Two1 King St. E. Bowma: âRLINGTON mpton PHONE i O-PEN ustom Killing and Smci -Wholesale ar lcnd of milking yon aur herd-die kind that ~. .. pays higbest 'hemost lime. There %agneic" milier-ihe ,et,,c Spedway-hat Iy un,! orm milling et mu must have unilorm Sfor best, fiue milk.. /f or the facto. DE UILAVAL ~ .firu in 1378end ini.; p.rforoeaaS, o1 .e.o. huit quaiity Mals a todui..md icwest coet peyen cf ,ae.Aai-e ,dsty, Lot . wey mmmd .d or -.amdemoto, dneMWd iait cr low ma and farftily witb Mr. and Rae Malcolmn, Yelventon. Mn. and *Mns. Reg Middl Isl;ngtin. Mr. Freancis Irwin nonto, w1th Mn. and Mrs. H.« Mn. Wiifred Vine witb Mr. Mrs. Gea. Bowers. Mn. Charles Vine wîth Mr. Mrs. Geo.%Finlayson, Blecks Mn. and Mns. John Neshiti Mn. and Mrs. Reginald Nesl Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Hi Jamie and Nola, Pont Penny,, ed Mn. and Mrs. L. Jablin. Mrs. George John and with Mn. and Mrs. George C man, Baliyduff. Mn. end'Mrs. John Meppir, ranto. with ber parents, Mn. Mrs. David Johns. Mn; and Mns. Milton Wr Millbrook. visited Mr. and- Wilmen Fitze. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Pie3 and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Ethel and Mn. Henry Thomi Congratulations ta Mn. Prout -who celebrated bis binthday on Dec. 26th. Sympathy is extended ta Jas. Wiliiamson in the pessiî ber niece, Mrs. Ivan Wright, etville. Sympathy is also extendec Mn. Sid Stapies and femily in sudden passing of Mrs. Sta] 1949, the management ne in with their very ceoming year. R FAMILY Generations"' anviii. Phgne 855 ABATTOIR Ontario 2836 FOR - Pickling )king rid Betail DE LAVAL-MILKER 0F CHAMPIONS Mebdo'mood Abbekerk Rag Appi. botm the MeUowood Farm of j. £. Chajdici. Hudson fligIhLs. Que. Thts two-year.old heffer rcently, brought t.p pie i $3100 àta the ail-Canadiaji bregi attie mie e a& svilbe. . Chandie, lm au enthmisasue e »Lava Miither %ue. DE LAVAL STERLING MILItER .provids De Lavai quality mikint nt Iowr cort. Simple, naegemd "d depa"dbe. Sterlng Pul. sator bu oly two mo,- lag parts. Womd.rfui milk. mt peroemmcme btain top resuts. r wMeH.BROWN DEALER FOR 'Ça'. FaimmMachIiiry - Firestone Tires DeLaval Mlkers and Separators W. atYrst7~îPetPhon 497 1Mrs. J msa ta Mrs. Wesley Campbell who Cadmus, Mr. Roy Reynolds and was greatiy surprised to see people iwas a sister.i friend, Nestieton, Miss Jean running tawards him with buckets fleton, Black, Toronto, at Mr. Dan of water. Theni discovered it was n, To- Black's. his own buggy cushions that wrre Vie A D NGeorge Bertrim with bis on fire. The smoke wvas rising Vine.____O grandparents Mr. and Mrs. about twenty feet in the air. The rand George Bertrim, Crow Lake. fire was put out, the mail saved The community gathered ait the Mrs. H. Ashton at Mr. Bert and our hero plodded calmly on rand home of Mr. and Mrs. James Han- Ashton's, Toronto. his way. George, who came from ,stock. na on Monday evening in honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Ireland. said later "If the ould tih of their recent marniage. Mrs. T. fami]y, Toronto, ait Mr. A. Read's. rgbdbe nueIdajs e bitt. Cowling had charge of the pro- rghbn isrd 'dajs e ,unter, gram. Readings were given by visit- Miss Helen Bertrim, Mrs. Dan fT'V ln Happy New Year everybody. 1 . Black and Arthur Trewin. Mr. ÂU.L.LUUJj Billy Frank Denby and Mrs. W. Black- "ia,- burn rendered music on the vio- John L. Lewis says he Intends N IL lin and guitar. Mr. Cecil Siemon to secure a six-hour day and a i, To- gave a few fitting remarks and thirtyýhour week for his four hun- Chita sto* %and Miss May Trewin presented the dred thousand miners, as well as Mrh ndtMs.Visiton: id O couple on behaîf of the commun- a wage increase. The mine own- M.adMs .LnmiOh Irig ity with a lovely blue woollen ers will soon have ta pay the awa, at F. L. Smith's. banket. Mr. Hanna very abiy miners for staying in bed. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, M tendered thanks. A social time The Russians pay their star 'hretnd oweMarvile Miss was enjoyed and lunch Was serv- i lwssxtmsa uhPectBwavle n yoot ed. Saturday ev,,ening their crc statnssxe iesa mc Aylmer Prescott with Mr. and Miss several gathered and gave the as terat doctors. We thiflk Mrs. J. Eddyvean, Richmond Hlli. pson. new'ywds a rousing chivaree. ta' bu right. A damn good Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson and John urhisasTeocron laugh is often of more benefit ta David, Miss Vera Stinson, Toron- 87th Wednesday night was well at- a persan than some of the "num- ta, with Mrs. H. Stinson and Mr.t tended. Much credit is due Miss ber ¶îine's"' the medicos hand Out. and Mrs. N. Stinson. Mrs. Anderson and the chiidren, as In the States, a 23-year-old Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy and ng of weil as the different committees, w:hite man was called ta do ser- family, Peterboro, Miss Corsina Jan- in producing such an excellent vice in the navy. He served 3 yrs. Samis, Oshawa, Donald Samis and pragram under heading "A Trip Then he married a white girl. Miss Mary Cole, Toronto, Mr. andc .d to ta Nursery Land." Each pupil Then someone thought his great- Mrs. Fred Samis, Donna and Bey. 1 n the represented a Nursery land 'char- grandimother was a negness. Sa enly at M. Samis'.s aples, acter. After the concert jovial aid they booked hirm for trial and Miss Verna Ormiston, Toronto, - Santa arrived and distributed the sent him ta jail for five years. His Ray Smith, Kedran, Miss Marg-r W gifts from a veny heavily laden marniage is automatically annul- aret Smith, Enniskillen, ait H.9 tree. Mr. and Mrs. David Mal- led and bis children will be i11e- Smith's. ' colm very generousiy donated a gitimate. The law says he is Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris anda turkey again this year on which guilty of miscegenation. And, that Linda ait E. Prescott's.c tickets were soid. Before leaving happened in the land of the free! Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephensonc Santa drew the winning ticket Kari Marx was a pretty shrewd ab one r n r.E e which belonged ta Mrs. Cecil Sie- gent. In a letter ta his pal, Kugel- and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lycett - mon. manin, on April 7, 1871, he sug. and family at H. Cawlings, Whit- s We welcome Mrs. John Grahamn gested that one way for the Com- by. i( ta aur village having moved in munists ta get into power was to, Mr. and Mns. J. Stark and Jim- with Mrs. Russell Crossman. first, get some Parliamentary Soc- mie. Columbus, at J. Stark's. a Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm ialists (suchas C.C.F.> elected, ta Miss Merle Ormiston, Brooklin, ' and heipers were very busy be- use them ta undermine the stab- at home.B fore Christmas getting their flock ility of societv, and then, at the M.adMs .Jhsn r of turkeys neady for market. critical moment, ta turn an them and Mrs. R. Smith, John TaylorA They picked over 200 excellent and ta seize power from them. Toronto, et T. Tayior's. i birds. Mr. andMrs. Chariey McNeil Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and f Christmas Weekend Visitons: have moved from their home near family et I. Tamblyn's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey and Janetvile ta aur village. They Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowmen, di Anne Marie, Bowmanville, Mn. expect ta occupy the Bobin's bouse Bleckstock. Mr. andl Mrs. H. Bea- r îGeorge Kerslake, Hampton, Mr. for the winter months. ton and Ian. Mrs. L. Pascoe, Miss and Mrs. Arthur Richards, Ty- We ought ta be weli kicked for Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa, Mr. and none, at Mr. Don Cameron's. failing ta report that not only Mrs. W. Pescoe and famnily ait G. B Harry Le Sage at Mr. Cecil Sic- are the Faith famiiy in their new Bawman's. i mon's. home in the north ward of the S Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson, village, but they also have a newiy C Toronto, Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. arrived baby Faith. BBlNl and Mrs. Frank Osmond and fem- Just ta show yau how fast trees ]BROW S AJ ily, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy cen be revenue producîng. RedW Thompson and familY, Hampten, pine, planted txventy-two years Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow, Miss H ait Mr. Roland Thompson's. ago is praducing logs twelve fecet J. Perrin and Bill Morley spent Cý Mr. Gardon Siemon, Toronto. long and one foot thick. Trees are Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S. S' with his father and accompanied better insurance than some in- Alun, ar Milton and Lloyd Slemon ta Mrs. surence policies. Mr.. and Mrs. C. Avery and Ki J. E. Elliott's, Bowmanville. Carscadden, Drum and Ponty. family visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garrard pool ail had bang up Christmas Aver~y, Toronto, on Saturday. BI and Patsy, Enniskillen, Miss Shir- concerts lest week in their schools. Joyce stayed for a few days. ley Garrard, Toronto, at Mr. The teachers and accompanists Mrs. Wotton spent Christmas Cha Grrrds.are ta be congratulated on their with her daughter in Maple ab Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Bec-ch and fine work. Grave.- Osh M.aiwea.Sit's The concerts in this vicinity, Mn. and Mrs. M. Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and due ta good travelling conditions, femily spent the weekend wi thCF famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ash- have been attended by cepecity her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Couch, ton and famiiv, Mn. and Mrs. Bert audiences. Newtonville. in Ashton and family, Tronto. Mn. We were the necipient of sev- Miss Betty Stephenson, Ottawa, ir- and Mrs. A. Reed and femily et eral Christmnas presents this yeer spent thrse days %with lier pn-rents. Mr. Henry Ashton's. which were miîch appreciated. The Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Honley spent th( Mn. Wm. Ccnigan. Miss Olive best was seeing aur bail and chain Christmas %vith Mn . and Mrs. C. ai Rankine, Toronto, et Mn. Chas. in sufficiently good health ta Simms and Catherine in Fenclon 1 Rankine's. biîstle around the kitchen, pre- Fells. Le Mr. DeIbert Martin, Mrs. Lil- paring a banquet for those she Mn. and Mrs. Rabt. Graham St lien Teiler Wellsvilie, N.Y.. at Mn. loves. Anather, wvas having aur spent Christmas with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts'. fami]y home ta share the day's C. Turner, Providence., Mn. Kenneth Graham, Enniskil- festivities with us. Stili another, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hancock and len, ait Mrs. Russell Crossman's. xvas having aur son from Alberta, family and Peggy Stephenson at- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, biow in fan the holidays. The tended Antioch Christmas concert Toronto, ait Mn. E. A. McNeil's. last time we saw' him wves in June, on Monday night.. Mn. Jim Graham, Bowmanville, 1947, when he waved goodibye as The Chrstmas concert wvent off Mn. and Mrs. Roy Graham at Mn. bis matorcycle dipped over the with a bang. The schiooi bouse -Leslie Graham's. bill. The end of that matorcycle wvas filled to capacity. Aften the Mn. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, ride was Delburne Alberta, 2,600 numerous musical numbers and Hampton, Mn. Genald Shackleton., miles eway. With Gardon that piays Santa Claus errived and: MnI. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn day wvas Steve Nîmîgon. Steve handed out the many gifts. Thanks and family, Salem, Mns. Cale, Miss came home ta his folks the other are extended ta Miss Cain and Stele Blackburn, Mn. Fred day too. We are ail giad ta see pupils on their successful concert., Blackburn, Newcastle, Miss Viv- him. r n r.M ikrn n ian Cowling, Mn. and Mrs. Rich- Wxe e ydto h ieltesfMn. aspn MtseM. Piker ig and ard Anderson and Beverly, Tor- ejydto h ieltesfriysetteweedwt e onto,.aet Mn. Wilbun Blackburn, - and cards from people, many of parents in Montreai. 1Mn. and Mrs. Sueas Trewin, Mr. whom we have never met, t2iling The' ponds atfound here were and Mrs. Jim Mantyn and Anne of t hein appreciation of this well taken care of on Satiîrday. Elizabeth, Miss Verne Trewi n coium n. To ail su ch, many thanks! The boys were trying ta shoot a Bowmenviile, Miss Grace Trewin Christmas Day up here on the piece of rubber betxveen two rub- Toronto, eit Mn. Wm. Trewin's. ridge wvas bright, zero, with e 35- ber boots while the girls amazed Mn. Reid Diekie and Elwyn, mile nonth wind fiiling the tracks themselves by failing aven the ice -as fast as they were dug ouît. It everyway. - Business Directory took us an houn and a haîf ta get The G.A. group of St. George's ___________ ur guests in fromn the highway, - oneand thnee-quarten miles dis- tant. It was worth the effort just Legal ta have themn with us. It was a W. R. STRIKE, K.C. good time ta test aur new Austin. Baristn -Sohcitr -Notny We put chains on, put it in "bull Bariste Solicitor-otaryulcmsDyw ceonyccud PoeOfie- 688 l-- Reidnce55 dove an Aust hirniorl theyre pýlain1 9 arn. ta 12 noon Wednesday. appanently hopeless confusion., h steln fcnr~.,a Closed Sunday, But the chap in charge always Tochis iletan o cstrathe of Office Phon.e 790 seemns ta know whene, when and roûbndo ruesPndstila, justoa Resider,ce: how ta find %vhat his custamners dav's eas%, sinny (lriving from Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 desire. 1 îItr iîtarit Citif". via high- Dr .M. Rudeli 2827 A x'env populan move would be wv o .1, 6, 10 and 21. Titerros for a customner ta order an article, vaao. u vt nlacmoa DR- E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. i then guess which pile it is in, t b ii aî.tS ouio rc of Office in his nome and if correct, receive e 20 percent. Wiarton or ()%%' oîn oado 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmenville discount on the purchase pnice. Trp.<i< for detais. And romnemiier Office lours: If we ever run e cauntry general varatioiiists fromn across the border 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily store we are going ta try this1 are gucsts of ours. 9 arn. tuay an ededy-enterprising chap's system of just Closed Sondeyaput ing down, thon, pilîng "LET'S MAKE THEM Phoe 04-2350th nw morchandise on top of WANT TO COME BACKV" it yoar after yeer until someone Optometry offers ta boy. Then, ail we wl have to do is, remember where we JOHN T. McCREERY put it. and dig it out. Optometrist A few days ega George Brown,- 22 Division St., Bawmanviile mail counier on R.R. 1, Pontypool, - f f Office Honrs: w ~as driving aiong in bis buggy, tMondav - 7 :30-9 p.m. being pulied by' bis faithfui nag. Thursday 2-8 p.m. v.-hen he raticed sr-noke. Being PhDnos: neanr the C.P.R. trecks, he thought Bowmanville 2024, Fort Hope 248 the smoke came fnom a train. He x Holstein Club Reports Ontario Field Crops $20,000 Sales to U.S. Worth $370,511,000 Buyers During Year In Year Jusi Ending Th~e, nnual meeting of Durham A record total value of $370,- County Holstein Breedens' Club 511,000 is pleced on Ontario's field waes held in the Depantment of crops fan the year 1948. as cam- Agriculture Office in Bowman- pared with $282.392.000 lest year, ville, Satunday aftennoan, Dec. 18. the Statistics Branch of the On- President Gardon Kellog of Wel- tario Department of Agriculture came, opened the meeting, and ne- disclosed to-day. viewed the ectivities of the Club This is the bighest total faorail for the past year. Harold Muin, time with the exception of 1919 Secretary-Treasuren, af Courtice, when ai aIl-time high of $397,238,- gave the finenciel report. A. J. 400 wvas reached. Tamblyn, Club Sales Agent, sub- Total acreage in Ontaria fan mitted his report in detail, which 1948, the annuel repart shows, was showed be had sold approximate-913 ly $20,000.00 worth of Hoîsteins toa ,0 segis .1390ls buyers in United States duringyer 1948. Our National Fiedmen, F. Yields per acre also reeched Roy Ormistan, gave an interesting new records in the yeen which report of is wprk; and aur owr ends this month, the report indi- Directon f Holstein Freisien As- ctes. Fli wheat yielded 25 bus- sociation f Canada, James T. els per acre lst yea, but in Brown, Newcastle, gave some in- 1948 the y'ield wes 30.3 bushels. teesting information on the act- Spring wheat xent from 18.1 bus- ivities of the Association. heis in 1947 ta 22.2 bushels in 1948. Oats was incneesed fnom 32.2 E. A. Summers, Agnicuiturel bushels per acre lest yeen ta 41.8 Representative, reponted on the bushels in 1948. orgenizatian and progress of the newly farmod Quinte District In- Mxed grains jumped fromn 33.7 semination Unit.1 bushels ta 43.5 bushels per acre. A geera disusson flloedCorn for husking was 38.8 bushels A gnerl dscusio folawdper acre in 1947. This yeen it regerding the health reguletions reached 50 bushels. Fodder con gaverning entries et the Black and White Show. It was resolved thet a special meeting be held ta dis- cuss and set rules fan heelth of cattie et the show. It wes maved1PL N T by H. J. Brooks and secondied byj Les. Coombes that the Club pro- 1O T UM E L sent e suitable Ctîp for the Prom- irBreeder, et the Blackan P LE G WE White Show, ta ho competed for!LE GR WE .nnueliy. A onanimous motionj was pessed ta hold the Annuel ý t ee' Black and White Show in con-; ounction wîth Orono Feir in 1949. Cobourg - W A motion wes also pessed instruet. ng the Secretery ta cali the raIl Programme Comi for Directors et ail meetings. i MORNING: Special Discussion 1 Election of Officers was con- 1 PROF. J. D. MacL'ACE ducted hy Mn. Sommons, nesuiting' MR. D. S. BLAIR, Mi n the fallowing slete, for the year FENO:MreigPo 1949: Past President. Gardon Kel- AFENO:MreigPo log, Welcome; President, H. J. MR. M. M. ROBINSON Brooks, Bawmanvilie; Vice-Pros- AFTER DINNER SPEAKER: ident, Neil Malcolm, Nestîcton; MR. J. A. CARROLL Scnetary'-Treasurer, Harold Muin, Courtice; Sales Agent, A. J. Tam. TURKEY DINNER blyn, Orano; Dinectors, for Dan- Pes dets hsmei lington, John Croickshank and Pes dets hsmei Vilfnod Bawman; for Clarke, J. TRWIN COLWILL, I. Jase and E. J. Brown; for President. Cavan, Dan Spicer and Carmen Seymour; Hope, Morley Bickle____ nd Refe Currohly; Cartwright, Ken Gilbenk and Howard Fonder: A U P Auditors, J. Cnuickshenk and 3ruce Tink. 7wARiR It's nat thet we know SO hittle tbout Gad but that xve do so littie- ibout what we know. hunch sang canais ta the shut-ins n Ncwcastle an Wednosday nighit nstead of the regulen meeting. Mn. Bill Couch, Hamilton, sper.t îe weekzend with bis parents, Mn. td Mrs. J. Couch. Mn. end Mns. K. Steohenson and osIie wvith Mn. and Mrs. Gea. ;tephenson. Staff ord Bras. MONUMENTAL WORKS Open Every Day and Evenings Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., IVhitby reached 9.95 tons per acre in 1948 as compared with 8.54 last year. Potatoes climbed from an aver- age of 133.4 busheis per acre in 1947 to 177 bushels in 1948 and as a resuit of competitions conduct. ed by the Cirops, Seeds and Weeds 1Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, a record of more than 700 busheis per acre was established in one or two instances. Sugar beets yieided 10.85 tons per acre as compared with 8.83 tons a year ago. Ontario farmers produced 26,-. 012,500 bushels of fail wheat in 1948 as against 17,736,OOQ bushels lin 1947 and 1,163,000 -bushels of spring wheat as rom')ared with 563,000 bushels In 1947. In the sugàr beet a1the- province, growers pr 196,- 000 tons as com1are~~' 164,. 300 tons last year.r j Western Ontario was po ducer of potatoes with 3. 9,6i bushels for the caunties of Bruce, Dufferin, Grey, Halton, Huron, Peel, .Perth, Simcoe, Waterloo and Wellington. Next highest district was South- ern Ontario with 4,752,590 bushels. In the Sduthern Ontario district are the counties of Brant, Elgin, Essex, Haidimand, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middlesex. Norfolk, Ox- ford, Welland and Wentworth. ATTEND MN & DUIHAN S' CONVENTION Piarish Hall fednesday, Jan. 51 h nenees 9:45 ar. P'eriod with followlng speakers, ULAN, PROF. H. W. GOBLE, R. MORLEY IWEBSTER. Ilems, MR. R. E. ROBINSON. - $1.50 Per Plate ig and br.ng Your frlends E. A. SUIMMERS, Secretary-Treasurer, - JTe Place to Buy and Save - 24 Division St. Bowmanville Army Pullover Sweaters------ $3.25 Army Khaki Trousers ------ $4.50 Air Force Trousers ---------------- Army Wool Blankets -------------$. Red ndian Blankets (H.B.) ---------$ý White Sun Ray Blankets (H.B.) - $6.95 Real Value and Savings in1 Sport Shirts, reg. $6.50 ----------for $3.W~ See our War Assets Truck Tarpaulins' Khaki Battledress, Trousers and Tunies; New and Used Parkas, wool pile lined; Heavy Wool Plaid Shirts; Mackinaw Coats: Ccmbination Underwear; Recondltioned Army Boots; Rubber Boots; Overshoes at Money Saving Pries ONTARI O ONTARIO MOTORISTS Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fe. Under an amendinent te the Highway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, provision was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which wiII be paid, in the mannen prescnibed, judgments for personal injuries and property damage sustained by reason of the operation of moton vehicles, which cannot be coliected in the ondinary manner fnom the judgment debtors. The method prescnibed for cneating the Fund is the collection of a special fée, when required, from each person to whom is issued eithcr an operator's or a chauffeur's license. Although to date nfees have been collected froin those operating motor vehicles, the legisiation bas been in effect since the lst of July, 1947, and many judgments have been paid by the Departmcnt pending the creation of the Fund. Effective with the issue of 1949 motor vehicle operators' and chauffeurs' licenses, an additional fec of 50 cents (50Oc) will he coliected froin each person to whom is issued a 1949 license, which fee wiil be known as the Uasatisfied Judgment Fuad fee and will ho set aside solely for the purpose of creating the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. This is not an annual foe and no further fée wiII be collected from motor vehicle drivers for this purpose until the Fund is exhausted or se nearly so as to indicate that there is not sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments for a period of at least one year. ONTARIO DEPARTNENT 0F HIGHWAYS GEO. H. OOUCETT, Minister 'W2-d5 t J -'Y \\ *I £XIUZCJUIII, £JrU%-- OU UM, MIFS ým . - - 'l- , '-- NOTICE TO -LJM 1-ov