y.. TEUESDA'y, JAN. 27th, 1949 TEE ~ANAI~ITAM ~!rA'r MA~ flÀWMAMVTT.TJ' rIM9'A~TrI Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraelick, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Prince Albert, visited Miss M. deli. Davey. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N.,1 .Miss Anna Staples, University awa, spent the weekend witl of Toronto, spent the weekend parents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Po at home. Miss Audrey Billings and' .Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton and Joyce Tennant, Toronto, vie -family, Oshawa, visited Mr. and at their homes here. Mrs. Wm. Stainton. Mr. Charles Miller and Mrs Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Powers leave this week forF Leighton McGinnis on the birth ida where they will spend of their son in Women's College next two months. hospîtal, Toronto, on Jan. 19. Miss Armour who lives SDr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Peter- her brother Mr. James Arr toro, spent the weekend with ber sixth line, while going ta thei THETRE- OWMANVILILS WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - JAN. 26 -2, The most amazing spy plot in 3300 yearsof recorded intrigue!1 Darryl F Zanuc kt __DANA ENE Tex Beneke & Orci Added Entertainmeri îestra Cartoon FRBIDAY - SATURDAY - JAN. 28 -29 T IM HO0L T in ZANE GREY'S "'ýUNDER THE TONTO RIMI' Added Fectture Thriller! "11SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE'q NONDAY, JAN. 31- TUESDAY, FEB. 1 INNOCENT BEAUTY OR DANGEROUS VIXEN? THIIS GYPSY'S "SECOND SIGHT" BROUGHT SHAPPINESS, LOVE AND DISASTER TO THE MEN IN HER LIFE. Margaret Lockwood Patricia Roc "l A s5 Y", In Technicolor Movietone News also Selected Short WESTINGHOUSE AUTONATIC RADIO PHONOGRAPHS "THE CONTEMPORARY 1 Modern styling in specially'seiected, hand-rubbed walnut gives the Westinghouse "Contemporary" an air of refresbing simiplicitx' and good taste. On radio or records, Westinghouse "Polyphonic" Reproduction gives full range tonal beauty at any volume. Design- cd ta be a fine piece o! living-room furniture as well as an instrument o! unexcelled performance, the "Contemporary" combines the utmost utility with listening pleasure at its bcst. COMBINATION CONSOLE MODELS From $219.00 up M«URPHY'Is FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE IG ST. W. PUONE $11 box on friday slipped on the Port er Rector played Blackstock regular team Cartwright Acfi. icy road and in falling broke her Prr with a score of 10-4 for the local lcg at the ankie. She àa a patient Nativ, ai-of ron11 team. Monday evening the Single Society Reports in Bowmaniville hospital. M vAT. Men played the*Married Men with S ar.onandMn. Jtrp ohn Armnsn OIAj ,~AC the Single Men victoriaus, 9-6. ccessful Year are n amoto tn to immnsThis was a good game and well visiting their son George and fam- Rector of St. Thomas' Anglican attended, and the fans look for- Cartwright Agricultural Society Rid- ily. Tbcy wuîî also visit relatives Church in Brooklin and The ward to a return engagement. Ana etn a nteCm in O rttaaad rsbrn therCuchoip Acnin nPr Wednesday and Saturday even- munity Hall on Saturday after- Osh rtur tp.Perry, Rev. Eric Gordon Bruton ings are the skating nights and noon, Jan. 22 with about 30 pres- h ber Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Mr. Tom bas been appointcd Rector of St. there bas been very good attend- cnt. orter. Lewis and Mi. Henry Cornish Agnes' Cburch at Long Brancb. ance.. President Bruce Heaslip con- Miss spent two days at Smith Falls Mr. Bruton went to, Port Perry A joint meeting of local Fanm ducted the meeting. Sec. Treas. sited wbere they' cnjoyed fishing four years ago while stili a stud- Forums was beld in the Commun- Henry Tbompson presented in- tbrough tbe ice. Tbey retunned cnt and was subsequently ordain- ity Hall on Monday evening. dividual financial statements to -S .home Monday night with a nicc cd upon bis graduation from Trin- toepeet hsadtdrpr .M.catch. ity College in the University o of thePenta is usissted aor Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Gien Tamblyn and Toronto. S No Cakgofin yacsuiablnesso $74.6a 1tebaby Diane, Belleville, visited A native of Orono, Mr. Bruton SS N .9,ilr wtheM.adMs .J aby. i elkoni nai n The Past year was also notewor- wi Mr. and Ms. M .Tmln swl nw nOtraadtby because of tbe great improv- Mn. , atnd etM.Gco. Arnour, Durham CoUnties. He married the Mr and Mrs Harold Hughes and ment made at the Fair Grounds1 fou, Hmptn, pen Mnday with Mr. former Ruth Hamim of Bowman- family Mr and Mrs Kenneth Gib-b xedn n eeln.Sv mail and Mrs. R. H. Wood and Allie, ville and they bave one child, son and family spent the weekenid bcral dnan weertull n e- Master Billy Hay, Bowrnanville, Suzanne, age 13 months. During at A. A. Gibson's. ceivedontoswrds this fine p ojec '~spent the weekend with bis Mr. Bruton'b time at this charge Mr and Mrs. Hill and family, cElec tno!rc trs fepo 1949 grandpanents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. both the Brooklin and Port Perny St. Catharines, were guests of Mri. foled ith BDruce Hslipr 949- Logan. churches have prospered under and Mrs. David McReelis olwd itBrcHespb-1 The card party hcld by the Wo- bis energetic direction. A vigorous Messrs. Howard and Harold ing re-elected President. men's Institute on Friday evening program o! reconstruction and Gibson at*ended the Fruit Con- lst Vice-Howard Fonder; 2nd in the town hall was well attend- repair was carricd out. vention last week Vice-Neil Malcolm. cd. There wene ten tables o!f ive In community affairs at bis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fiske and Men Directors: Bruce Heasllp, hundrcd. Two prizes were given home in Port Penny, Mr. Bruton family were dinner guests at John Osmond Wright, Ivan Cochrane, for bigh score, lst, Mrs. O. Rolph bas servcd well, being on the Lib- Goheen's, Bowmanville, on Sun- Milton Fisher, Ed Harris, Ralph and 2nd Mrs. Fred Cowan. Re- rany Board for three years. He bas day. Sadier, Howard Farder, Neil fneshmcnts were served and a just completcd organization work Mn. and Mrs.Harry. Pickard, Malcolm, Roy Ferguson, Fred - social bour enjoyed. of the Boy Scout troop in Brook- Chatham, visited at Hector Bow- Trewin, Dalton Dorrell, Jack Best wisbes were showcned bn lin. en's and attended the Homne and Green. 7 Mns. R. H. Wood on Monday, the Nouceorfrtelalp- School meeting. Associate Directors: - George1 occasion being ber 86th birthday. isb bas yet been namned. In Long Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Black, Ernest Larmen, Merle Van Mrs. Wood bas been confincd to BacM.Buo sscedn Bruce spent Sunday with bier fa- Camp, Stanley Taylor, ErnestI bcd since last May wben sbe feIl Rev. E. A. Sleman who bas been ther Stanley Bowen. Swain, Howard Saywell, Ralph k.; and broke hier hip, but she is ai- at St. Agnes',for 13 years. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Wilson and Larmer, Ivan Mountjoy, Bill Fer- U ways cbeerful and uncompîaining. Young and vigorous Mr. and Wyllene, Brown's were dinnen usn Among the callens on Sunday Mns. Bruton and their work will guests at Cecil Malley's on Sun- Lay Drtos-Ms.Cl weeroo Mr. and Mrs. w ucle e sse nteetocmui a Wright, Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mrs. Peeror, r.an Ms.Charlie tc.Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Malley and Dalton Dorrell, Mrs. Percy Van I Buckley, Toronto, Mns. W. N. Hos- Wanda, Ray and Sidney Brown Camp, Mrs. Norman Green, Mrs. kmn, Mrs. D. Flintof!, Oshawa, Mrs. at W. Brunt's Sunday for tea. EretLrrMsRoTal, Marwod HardEnnskilen, nd Farm Forum met Monday night Mrs. Gilbert Marîow. ~, Mn. Lonne Hoskin, Sauina. Mrs. ____ at Stanley Allin's. Sevieral people Wood neceived many gifts, cands Ms o egsn isLi eeu rmNwovlcM Associate Directors:-Mrs. Roy and flowers and ber many triends Larmer and Miss Phyllis Gray Mrs. lintRon B rwnMr. H oldFergusn, r. Er orlMs wish for bier improved bealth inl are a Committee ta revise the MsSalyRwM.adMsHrl rwod the coming year. M. Samis, Mns. Johnson and oth- Auditors:-R. P. Allun, C. R. The show in the town bail Sat- Jno Dp.ers. They are planning ta start a Sterland. urday evening spansored by "The A Service Diploma wîll be ou nNwovleDsrc Blackstack Fair is ta be beld a Figure Skating Club" was much grantcd to Mr. Albert Wright ta and aur Forum is invited to bold week earlier than usual, the dates enjoyed by Young and old alike. bepeetda h arour meetng next Monday nightbenAu.3ad31 J..J Mrs. J. Blue and Mrs. E. Brown Delegates ta the Convention in at Clinton Brown's. Lt played several piano duets which February are Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Our January meeting of No. 9 it were much cnjoycd. Jack Wilson, Mrs. Dalton Dorrell, Bruce Hea- Home and Sehoal Association was ~II aur local comedian stole the show slip and Henry Thompson. so well attended that seatng noom M~ ON (Hope, ±wp.j when he sang "Slap bier down Merlin Bailey went to Peter- was taxed to the limit. We count- again Paw" and other numbers. bora on Monday morning ta take ed over 30 present. The program On Friday cvcning a deligbtful Dressed in suitable costumes a position in the Bank of Com- convenor was Mrs. Stanley Allin miscellaneous showcr for the hie was quite.. at. home as an merce. We wish him every suc- and we congratulate Mrs. Aluin ncwly weds, Mn. and Mns. Elmer i entertainer. Sevenal neels o! cess. and hier committee fan pnaviding Green (nee Doneen Caswell), was good moving pictures wcre Mrs. Norman Malcolm spent a such a splendid pragram. Dr. Mc- held in Z*n church basement in Pt shown by a gentleman tram few days in Toronto. Kenzie, Orano, showed pictures of the form o! a crokinole Party. ' Oshawa and onc taken locally by Mrs. Eanl Donnell had th~e mis- three trips into the north country Under the capable chairmanship Mrs. W. Armstrong, manyin the fortune ta break a bone in her including bis trip last faîl ta Jam- o! Dr. 0k, the gathening was caîl- audience seeing their picture on ankle last week. es Bay hunting wi]d geese. The cd ta order, and iine tables o! the scneen for the first time. It We saw in the Globe and Mail fishing scenes at Kirkland Lake crokinole were played progress- S would be very nice if a show a! that a son was born on Jan. 21 ta showpd W. E. Davey with bis son- ively. Wben the games were com- this bigh calibre could be given Rcv. D. M. Stinson and Mrs. Stin- in-law Clinton Caverly-maybe pleted, the bride and groom were - more often on Sat. nights for the son at the Chatham Hospital. Rev. mental telepathy nesulted in the asked to come ta the platfonm, benefit o! aur Young people. Stinson is a former pastor o! this invitation which yaur correspond- with a background o! many pret- community. ent received in to-day' mail ta tily wnapped gifts. The congratu- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Booker, visit Mrs. Caverly in bier new latory message was read by Helen O BITUARY Trenton, with Mn. and Mrs. C. P. home in Cobalt. Morton and the happy coiiple Devitt. Leona was also home and The other numbers on the pro- were showcred with confetti by rcturned ta Trenton with them ta gram were two selections by a Gwen Joncs, Canal Caswcll, Do- RICHARD H. BROWN take a position in the Bank of mixedl quartette consisting of lares Dickerson and Laura Bin- The village o! Orono and camn- Commence. We wish Leona every Ross, Bill and Betty Allun and Ma- stead. Elmer and Dareen thanked munity lost another well-loved success in, ber new work. rie Pecdwell; Piano solo by Helen the gathcning in veny suitable and highly respected citizen Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Smith were Turner: Readings by Howard Fol- words. Mrs. Green and friends thnough the death in Bowmanvillc. in Lindsay attending the wedding ey; Solo by Glen Allun. We &l- unwrapped the many gifts which Hospital on Jan. 6, of Richard o! Miss Marie Lamb. ways enjoy music provided by were le! t on display for the ne- Hamilon Bown.Miss Mary Pearce, Scugog Is- aur own Young people and it mainder o! the evening. Re!resh- Hamltn ron.land, is clerking in Saywell's seemed like aid times ta have Mn. ments wcrc passed and ail were Bos Ar sevcty-tkvwo ar goStre Foley with. us again. The business given a piece o! the ichly fIa- las Anîlat"Laevew ar", Friday evening there was a session was held at the tiose o! voured wedding cake. The evening Mr. Brown was the eldest son o! double header o! hockey at the the programn in order that Dr. closed arnid congratulations and the late Richard and Elizabeth rinik. Firýt the Part Penny Juniors McKenzie should show bis pict- best wishes from the guests. Z1 Brown, and represented the faurth and Blackstock Juniors played a unres eanlier. Mrs. Bill Barchard BukrHlscolitahv - gneatin ! he am, i mn-real good game witb Blackstack reminded the members that the another change. Mrs. Norman -aging the fine old farmrstead. Mn. winners. Then "Kites Killers" ladies were entertaining the men Cbestnut, Welcome,. a former tea- E. J. Brown, a nephew, is the pré- from the former Smith Bras. at a card party at the Barchard cher, it to take up duties on Mon- sent owner. Altbough neyer Faryn, spansored by Jack Smith home Saturday nigbt, Jan. 29. day. blessed witb nugged health and physique, Mn. Brown servcd bis day and generation as a success- fuI fariner and livestack man, engaging in this, bis li!e's wark, since campleting bis academic, education in the local schools. In August, 1909, he was united in0 Imarniage ta, Mabel Edith Limbert, Idaughter of the late Rev. Win. and Sew your way to a multitude of new clothes this spring! deccased bim anc year ao n Visit our f abric specialty store to-day for the largest, son, Prof. W. H. Brown, o! Guelph, m s aid cleto fi p ratsrn bis is le!t ta mounn their loss. M s aid cleto fi p ra tsrn bis A lielog cmmuncan oftheexciting e cottons, spun light wools, delightful silks Metbodist and later United Chur- ches Mr.Bron wa alo a em-and rayons. Everything you need for making yc ber o! Orono L.O.L. and a charterwado ergth ein nes r. member o! OrnoaLadge I.O.O.F. ado erg th ein nes r. Tribute ta bis memory is best at- tested by the hast of people who S ,PEC IrlS J u T ARoVuIm rIal bisbig coe o hoour gain 5,10'15 s-WB ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE NWAD j - TH AT W E N W CA RRY E L N < CMot wPo% Vil, Vijêr fh bil olimbe mmi e.u,t»Ofl"0CO GOL KRGY WO am w1l bla. NDBaby, Skai tru itnl f.clIum ehboodmprou E OLU Sweater Yar appetite cddlgeett o f b vupoumi.O E U RU s22 Dif erent Col t m, gusTentT amv rvBUer and *usB R s By the Yard cm n dA wlde varlety of rugs HeI.aSeIpmadAsh ln,<M~h 6 x 9 tu, 9 x 12 i a wlde OIt~~.k ,Wltvarlety of styles. 10 KingfSt.E. Dr Cae's int-n HIAMPTON Misses Gala Rogers and Manie Anderson-. Lindsay, were guests of Miss Madlyn Wilcax. Raymond Petit and friend, Joe Tyler, Toronto, at W. Cbapman's. Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox,, Cobourg, visited their parents on Sunday. Mr. T. Wray visiteti relatives in Wbitby on Saturday. Mn. Morley Hastings, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ad- cock. - Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds were in Toronto on Fniday. Mn. and Mrs. Jackson Wnay and Maxine and Miss Eileen Wray, Oshawa, spent Sunday witb their parents, Mn. and Mrs. T. Wray. Mns. Elizabeth Patterson, who bas been in Oshawa Hospital wbene she bas undergone a senies of x-nays, is with Mn. and Mrs. Henry Adams. Mn. J. D. Hogarth had the mis- fortune ta break bis armo when he feIl on the ice at bis home on Thursday. He is neceiving care at the Toronto East Genenal Hospital. Mn. F. Honey bas been receiving care at Bowmanville Hospital the past week. We trust he may soon be much impnoved. Glad ta report that Sandra Lockwood, who bas been quite ill in February. andi requiiinigmdiclurn, ig convaleséing. Mrs. Ida Smale ha. trn home after, spendng a ew days Ink Toronto whrc she attendetiei- gnanddaughten's wcddsng andi vis- iteti relatives. Rev. and Mrs. H. O'Brien, Bow- anville, 'Miss Louise McMullen, Janetville, Mr. Sam Adams, Burk. eton, Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Pearce and cildren, Newcastle. Mr. and Ms. Ivan Cochrane, Blackstock, were visitos with Mr. andi Mrs. H. Adams. The annual corgncational meet- ing o! the church was beld on Friday night, wbn reporta of the varius depatments were eceiv- d. and other business transacted and social bal! hour !ollowed. Recntly lected o! icers o! the Adult Bible Class are: Teachers- Miss L. Reynolds, Mrs. S. G. Nid- dery, Mrs. T. Mountjoy; President -Mrs. M. Mountjoy; st Vice- Mns. T. Chant; Sec.-Mrs. G. Ad- cock; Ass't. Sec.-Mrs. Bruce Yeo; Treasuren - Mrs. W. Chapman; Devotional-Mrs. Linsteat, Ms. J. Balson. Mrs. S. Kensey; Mcm- bership-Mns. n~. Luke; Social Com.-Mrs. J. MacNab, Mrs. E. Luke, Ms. L. Clemens, Mrs. C. Yeo, Mrs. L. Trull; Floral-Mrs. G. Armour, Mrs. H. Wilcox, Mrs. L. Cryderman. Class is planning ta hold an "At Home" the last week 9 icking ,Y our Ov Neck Ou Tt may be proper for a giraffe pickl.ng dalsies. But t,.hen it cames ta electnîcal wirlng and Installa pays in the long run ta let the experts do ItL Our traincd electrical tcchnlclans, who have3 experience bebind thcm, pride thcmselves In the me, cane they take with cach and every job. On top of make sure that only lsigh quality matenials are used ti out so you can be certain of ycars of trouble-free ser, Let us know your problem - wc will bc o glati ta advise you free o! charge the bcst plan to fol HfIGGON ELECTRI( Your General Electrlc Applance Dealer Phone 438 Bownanville 42 King1 our ide var- @ 49C 0OL ind ns [ours , N. ni ? tMonsIti rears of 'ticulous thîs we ,hough- -vice. )MlY too rFabric Centrej Bowmanville 7 t, t t .4 4 DRAPES NADE-TO-ORDER Complete assortment of Drapery Materials - Rods Tracks - Cranes - Hooks - Etc.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOIFMANvnýLVI. ONTARM . t