?XUESDY, IAN ~ 100T CAIADL4AN 5TATEMLN. BOIVMANVn.1!NWAuI ISOCIAL AID PERSONAL Mrs. G. E. Pritchard spent sev- AbEtainer."1 The contest is being eral days with Mr. and Mrs. conducted by the Womnen'a Asso- Fredericlc Hughes and Jimmie, ciation of the United Church of Toronto. Oshawa Presbytery. Entries close .Dr. G. W. Miller was in Port Feb. 20. Hope Tuesday night addressing St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held in the Business and Professional the lecture room an Jan. 19. After Women's Club. the business meeting we played two Chinese games. A sing song W. H. Brown, Bowmanville's was much enjoyed. Miss Creasser1 Case implement dealer, bas added took charge of the first chapter thxe latest addition to the great of our study book about China. illuminated wbiteway on Front She also hadi charge of the wor- street with a tail new "Case" ship Service. We were pleased to A3eon sign. have Miss Ileen Balsan with us. Mrs. Lou Bounsaîl, Mr. and Mrs. Meeting closed with taps. ~eorge Bounsall, Toronto, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe,1 *Westlake, Chicago, Ill., were Brooklin, ce,ebrated their 40th1 'Sunday guests with Mrs. Gus wedding anniversary on Jan. 19.1 Bounsail and Mr. and Mrs. Her- It was also the anniversary of the« bert Goddard. birthday of Mrs. Pascoe. About 231 Musicians are reminded that relatives attended from Port Per-1 entries close Jan. 31 for the Pet- ry, Oshawa, Wbitby, Kedron and1 erboro Kiwanis Festival of Music Brooklin. Theye were presentedI to be held March 21 ta 26. Sylla- with an electric heating pad and bus and entry forrns may be se- a beautiful bouquet of chrysan- cured at the Statesman office. themums and carnations. Progres-t Members of the local Legion sive euchre was enjoyed afterI meet to-night in Legion House, wbîch lunch was servedi. Queen St., for installation of of- A.C. Kirk Everett, R.C.A.F.,E ficers. District Commander Frank Trenton Air Station, spent thea Tbreadgold, Whitby and Zone weekend with bis parents Mr. and Commander James Loveil, Osh- Mrs. John Everett, Division St. i awa, wi]l conduct the installation Kirk recently enlisted with the i ceremonies. R.C.A.F. and in doing so is fol-b Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy re- lowing his father's footsteps whoe turned borne from Toronto last has a long record of army service Thursday where Mr. Hardy has and during the Second Great Warg been a patient at the Toronto held the rank of Regimental Ser-C Western Hospital and underwent geant Major in the Active Army.v a successful operation, by Dr. We wish Kirk every success in t Harold Siemon, on bis leg caused bis new career in the R.C.A.F. p from an injury some time ago.S Bowmanville« Lions Club was represer ted at the Oshawa Lions FÂRM FORUM f Club Charter night inaugural on _____ Friday night by Dr. and Mrs. Geo. CADMUS-MAHOOD FORUM W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.a Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Craw- Cadmus and Mahood's Farm ford and Mr. Chas. Carter Jr. Forum met at home of Mr. and Bowmanville Club presented the Mrs. Belfour Moore on Jan. 17. P Oshawa Club witb a framed pic- Topic for the discussion "In Time i ture of George VI. of Need." ti Attention of parents of cbild- Mothers and Family Allowanc- e ren from 13 ta, 15 and 16 ta 19 es-We find that these legisiations 01 years of age are directed ta an are a wortb-wbile need as many I advt. in this issue offering $7000 mothers cf cbildren would be d: ln cash prizes in contest on the Ieft very badly only for this belp. si subject "Why I Propose ta be an Unemployment Insurance-Is a a p fie tingfor he ndutria wok- er. We wonder wbat happensU when be bas collected bis riumber l of days' insurance and bis sav-h. ST. ANDREVVS ings exbausted, will be have ta i seek the bread lime? PresbyerianPrice Support and Crop Insur- Presbyerianance-We do not think price sup- Church port a success when productionE exceeds demand the buyer refuses p Corner of Church and ta buy, leaving producer witbout a market, at even floor prices. Temperance Streets Work Compensa t i o n - T h e CI farmer bas as much right ta car- Fi ry compensation as the city man, M O1tam ,- but many gamble their lives with N accidents as they do their crops tn Sunday School with storms. Ae Healtb Insurance-Is a good in--n vestment as we now bave this 1 ilam ,- protection in our County under tic Church Service Co-op plan. w Old Age Pension-We feel ev- aj eryone should receive this aid. w Minister: Under present legislation this sy- i stem is abused. We suggest age i Mr. Peter Wotberspoon, B.A. limit be set at 60 or 65 as many w Organist: are flot able ta earn their living ai Miss Louise Osborne. over this age. n STRANGERS WELCOME The withholding. o! truth is nMEI sometimes worse deception than fui a direct misstatement.-Lord Na- 1 pier. arE E1 ~ Sa ýrtE ~the Communion Service at Il a.m. Regular Evening Service at 7- p.m. ]FRED BARTLETT, Professional Vlolinlst, guest musiclan AT- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Annual Congregational Meeting wiIl be held this FRIDAY AT 8 P.M. Jack & Jil Club 0f Trinity Church Elect 0f ficers for 1949 The first meeting «of 1949 cf the Jack and Jil Club was held in the Trinity Sunday School room on Tuesday Jan. 25, in the form, Of a banquet 'arranged by 1948 executives in honor o! 1949 executive and members with over nincty in attendance A!ter a del- iclous dinner servcd by Church St. graup of the W.A. Rev. S. R. Hen- derson led in a sing sang assistcd* by Mr. Harle at the piano. Past President Keith Slemon lin- troduced this executive for 1949: Hon. Presidcnt-Rev. S. R. Hem- derson; Past P.residents--Keitb and Jean Slemom; Presidents-- Frank and Evelyn Jamieson; Vice Pres.-Haward and Marion Je!- fery; Recarding Secy.-George amd Stella Bickle; Treasurer- Jean and Jack Darcb; Social Con- venar-Jean and Stan McMurter; Recreational Com.-Keith and Hilda Jackson; Program Con.- Bea and Jack Claytom; Music Con. -Gord and Helen Harle. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin won the lucky attendance prize. The Ladies Quartette sang two lavely mumbers. Rev. Henderson rend- cred two well known sangs and an encore. Stu James introduced seven new couples who were wclcomed into the club..This was followed by a simg sang with Dorotby Ew- ers at the piano. Pat Procter introduced the guest speaker, Rev. F. Yardley o! Courtice. An intercstimg address was given by Mr. Yardley who told o! bis experiences among the people o! the draught areas o! Saskatchewan. A vote o! thanks was extended bim by Howard Je!-1 !rey for bis bumorous and enter- taining address. The Men's quartette o! the Jack and Jill Club sang two numbers which were much appreciated. j Frank and Evelyn Jamieson presided at a short business meet- ing in whicb an amcmdment ta the constitution was made ta the effect that meetings will be beld on the first Tuesday o! each montb. Feb. meeting will be with- lrawn in favour of the Minstrel Show ta be sponsored by the Jack and Jill Club and presented by Happy Doubles Club o! King St.1 United Churcb, Oshawa, on Fcb. .8 at the High School. Meeting comcluded witb aj hymn and the Mizpah benedict-1 H. Foley Elected Pres. Courtice CCF I. The regular momtbly meeting a aourticc C.C.F. Club was beli 'riday eveming at the home o Ni-s. George Reynolds. Luca Zicholis, Bowmanville, secretary trcasurci- o! the Durham RidinI Association addressed the meet ng. It was witb regret the resigna. aon a! Mr. and Mrs. John Hane- vich was accepteci as presidený id secretary. Hawcvcr, the gooc vishes o! the club go witb therr ntheir future plans. Howard Foley of Bowmanvilli vas clected president pro-tein [so Russell McKay and Mrs. Rey- iolds as joint secretaries ta fil) hese positions. A drive for ncwN nembers is ta be made in Uic mear uture. Meetings a! Uic club in future re ta be held in a building on the aoperty o! Cecil Shutron just outb o! the Earl Truli store. Mr. îutron veny kindly domated the se o! same and the offer was rate!ully accepted by the club. Meetings are ta be held the !irst riday o! the montb; ncxt meet- ig Fcbruany 4, and it is planneci b ave a good speaker at the me. Following the meeting a social ne was enjoyed with re!resb- ints served by the hostcss. During the fi-st mine momtbs o! 348 lea! tobacco imports into elgium totalled 32.3 million )unds. Nearly 70 per cent was ipplied by the United States, Ilowed by Brazil (7 per cent), ýe Domimican Republic, and In- a. Imports froin the United ites in 1947 amounted ta 64 per nt o! the total, and in the pcniod W5-39 thcy were only 33 per BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB presenis iheir THIRD CONCERT HIGII SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8:15 .. 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 AIRTISTS: YVONNE GUIGET, Pianist MARIO De SOTTO, Violinist MARGUERITE GIGNIAC, Soprano ANTON DIEL, Tenor Sh 'gr. Fi ing ta tirc tirr me 1 Bel pou sup foll tbe dia. Sti cerl 191 Admission Tickets may be obtained at Alex MeGregor's Drug Store or from members of Lions Club. RESERVED SEAT PLAN OPENS AT MoGREGORIS DRUG STORE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY IST, AT 9:30 ABL fI 1 TYRONE d Tyrone Women's Institute s Mrs. S. E. White was hostcss fan 1. Januany meeting a! Tyrone Wo- g men's Institute. President Ms -Rasevear presided for the busi- ness session when it was dccided -ta order an anniversary book for -the brancb and take orders for tindividuals wishing ta purchase 1it. The Inst itute membership fee i will be raised ta 50e this caming year. Two dozen cups bave been epurchased and amother doz. or- dered. Rail cail was answered by - "Il you know a good thing pass it a n." Devotional was well given iby Mrs. Beckett. r Two splendid addresses were well given by Mrs. R. Glaspeil and _Mrs. Rosevear. The subjcct was "Ideals for the Coming Year." tMrs. Glaspel irst reviewed ev- ents durlng tbe past year wbicb wcre o!finarked importance ta >us in Canada amd saine ta the world at large. In a few brie! me- marks she pointed out the desire and need for courage and cdean thinking for the days before us. The speaker issucd a challenge ta ail ta became better citizens tbrough attention ta public a!- faims. Mrs. Rosevear deait witb the need ta pause and take stock o! aurselves and ta set forth Ideals ta wbicb we ail can attain and listed as saine a! thein: to live ta humbly serve; enthusiasin, learn- ing ta assess values: ta live Uic Institute crecd and ode, ta be bet- ten parents and concluded with the tbought ta so live that this wonld well be a littie better because we'rc In ItL Group , singlng concluded the pi-gag-m pnesided aver by Mns. D. Stainton wbo also cxpressed grat- itude ta the bostess mnd the speak- ers for their efforts. A social time !ollowcd a very enjoyable mecet- ing. Next meeting at Mrs. George Alldread's. Canadian music and Canadian art wlll be discusscd by Mms. Gordyn Brent and Mms. R. Wright. Plan ta jain us. RED CLOVER SEED IN GOOD SUPPLY Red Claver secd production ln Canada in 1948 was the largcst in at least 20 years. Latest estimates fflace the crop at approximatcly 11.5 million pounds. This is more than double the 1947 crop and the l1-year 1937-47 average. The re- cord crop is largely attributed ta production in Ontario, wherc over seven million pounds was pro- duced. During recent years con- siderable interest in growing Red Claver seed bas developed ln IWestern Canada and paýtlcularly in Alberta. The crop in that pro- vince ln 1948 amounted to at least two million pounds. Ail produc- tion in Western Canada, with the exception o! some produced in certain areas o! British Columbia, Is the single-eut type o! the Alta- swele strain, commonly known in many parts of Canada as the mam- math type. Most o! the crop grown in Eastern Canada on the other hand is the common or double-cut type. .Be yourself, honest, and unpre- tending, and you will enjoy through lite the respect and love of friends.--Sherman. Mrs. Harold Skinner with M and Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Brookis Mr. and Mmm. rrank Wright Grant and Bcverly, wxth Mr. anc Mrs. Ivan Elllcott, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley Trenton, with Mm. and Mrs. Clar ence Woodlcy. Miss Grace Hayward, Bowmnan. ville, with Miss Velma Taylor. Mrs. Ernest Tilin, Cobourg spent a few days caring for Mmi W. Stewart.. Mm. Gussie Rosevear vlsited hie parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rose. vear, Port Hope. Mrs. H. Hall was quite dissa- pointed on Sunday wben bez phone rang, she amswemed immed- iately and no reply. The caîl came fromn C.K.D.O., Oshawa. Miss Annabelle Adcock, Hamp- tan. witb Misses Edith and Joyce Woodley. Mr. amd Mrs. Larme McCoy with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Mr. Harold Skinner was on s business trip te Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ronnie and Marilyn, Miss Jean Pbilp wcre Sumday dimner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Larme Hoskim, Solina. Mn. and Mrs. W. Rabm visited Mrs. H. Rabin, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shred accoin- Dianied Mr. Ross Bragg and Miss Emma Sbred, Bowmanville, an a visit ta Mr. and Mrs. George Sbred's, Buffalo. Mn. and Mrs. 0. Friemd, Bow- manville, spent Sumday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lageer, Osh- awa, Mr. Clubime, Toronto, Mr. H. Kirk, Westom, with Mr. andi Mrs. C. Stine. Mrs. K. Colbary and F'rank have returned froni visiting Mrs. L. McKnigbt and Mrs. W. Bassett, Ncwmarkct. Mr. Leslie Tbompson witb Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson, Un- lonville. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Ennis- kilien, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. Mrs. Craig Mcîntyre, Bnamp- tan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. Ronald'Maynard, Bowman- ville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy May- nard. Sr. Young People will meet this rhursday evening at the home o! Mvr. and Mrs. F. Wemmy., Mrs. W. Miller andi Mrs. W. Rabm witb Mrs. P. Hayward, Town. Glad ta know Mrs. Albert Hilîs ias returned ta ber home. Taylor's bus took a load o! young people ta the hockey game at Orono Monday nigbt. A number o! cbildren are out o! school witb bad colds. II I.D.A. Brand Week-end Specials KLEE-OR OOTHPOWDER, reg. 29ec2 IODIZED THROAT GARGLIE, reg. 25ec-- --18C SULPHUR, 1-lb., reg. 15ec ----------------Ie BLANDOIL, 4-oz., reg. 25c -- -----18e MINERAL OIL, reg. 45c, 89ce------- ---------- 37c - 73c CASCARA AROMATIC, i-cg. 25c, 45e --- 21c - 37c CASCARA TABLETS, reg. 39e'---- -----27c IODIZED THROAT TABLETS, reg. 35oc ----- --------- - 27c O]IL EUCALYPTUS, reg. 20c, 35c ---- 14e - 27c FRIARS BALSAM, reg. 25c, 45e ~~---~ 19e - 37c DOMINION C.B.Q. TABLETS Quick relief fromn colds, hedade, grippe, neuralgia. Ask for the 3 09 red box. Box . ~ k ~~b~ figure the *senibl,iueBn Mil-SPECIAL! aWy prove,. waY. Super-Jumbo Box of 12 Y we.k Supli (63 TablI.is>$2.95 Stationery 2weeks (i2d - A $4.95 Regular 35o 3<Î 5we.A ~ ~' > 24c2 for 65e i am-ineIlWincarnis - - - - - - $1.47 Squibb's Vigran Caps. $1.00-$3.35-$7.00 Waterbury's Compound - - - $1.00 OVALTI NI Frosst's N.C.F. Bayer Aspirin-- 18c-29c-79c Caps.--------$1.45-$2.65-$5.95 Pinex Cough B R ON CH IDA Frosst's N.C.F. Compound D9e for tlght, ehesty eaughs - 50C Lqi 13-29-49 Buckley's Mixture- 40c-75e Lantigen "A" ----------$6.00SihOrs SAiphamettes $1-1.85-3.50-$15 Cough Draps -lOc------- 0 1:Sal Hepatica -- 35c-70c-$1.30 Mentholatum -- 95e THE ERFCT AIRDRESIN SPIECIAL! ED mb avEL ~ ~Bobby, Pocket or Cr *HANDY <1 TUBE ,U*UV . M ELTOWAY Dietary Reducing Plan UncondiffenaIIy Guoanteed te hoIp you los* excess welght with.uf druge, laxatives, massages or ex- SPECIAL! Hot Water Botties 69C SPECIAL' Rubber Gloves Seconds - Pair Alex. We Deliver M PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McG. re gor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store a Drugs Phone 7Q SCOTT'S EM ULSION The Higi, Energy -- Family Tonic- nom u Rch in Vitamin A -- and Sunshine Vitamin D m m m m a 75c tac twAy, :AN. 2m ion Id )f as ýg t- a- it d n ýe r e e e s t 1 1-- ....-.-..-e-...-,~ -wU.,'~,~--- -- - 1 1 Tihe Screech Owl r!,Wooalcy If, Murdach rg, Mar- tyn lg. tilts. Laru. Brown, Hey- r. (Cotinued from Page One) land, Herron Werry, Yeo, Ritter. rTeeple, Uic pianist. Senior Girlsé t, The first scene was a beauty <ny Pat Bowles> dcantcst between the tbree god- Th Senior girls werc again tri- desses with Paris o! Troy, the Th judgc. In turm, eacb goddess of- umpliant. Playimg on their home Y, fcrcd a reward if Paris wvould floor, tbey traunced Whitby girls deem ber the most beautiful. The 13-4. Peggy Dippell tied with neyer failing offer o! a fair and AucÈhey Northcutt for highest 1- beautiful wife was too mucb for scorer, bath winning 6 points. The Paris ta deny and for this reason, score spcaks well for the senior , Aphrodite won the apple, emble- guards, but no anc persan was 9- matic o! victary. On the fallawing outstanding. Next game will be at morning, Paris and Sokolofski Uxbridge on Jan. 28. Herc's hop- sset out from Mount Olympus ta ing, girls. -capture fair Helen. Tbe road is Junior Girls long and after a day's journey ville would again take the lcad. Uic range, sa that WhitbyIces the rccn reee xner Pais isyuajer~e iepi> v But Uic Play became ragged as cd their allotcd quota, o! back. ýr serenades Helen outside ber win- B.H.S. had little di!!iculty in bath teams missed gloriaus op- board-ta-barkbaard desperation -dow. His sang is answered and de!eatimg Whitby Jr. girls Hoopla portunities. With seconds ta go, passes usually dispatcbed by Tom- helav er before mrnina squad in a very fast game, featur- Bruce Pingle was fouled but ta ca aaln agri i Menlasbe ~usbnd mgh i- ing good passing and many foul !ailed ta score. Then 'on the final end zone, a characterb Who was terfere should he realize the shots o! which neither team took play o! the game, he gat a breaka- just a bit too short ta kcep them etrick. In the marning, when Mene- full advantage. way at centre, but witb the op- from dimting B-.f.S.'s brick wails laus realizes she is gome, be raises 1heaven and earth in an effort ta Score at bal! time, 9-1, witb position breatbing down bis neck, above bis head. find ilier. In the meantime, at Doris Buttery the star player with the ball got out o! control and the Jim Frank was bigh scorer, aHelen's palace, aur friends Hele- 6 Points, ta ber credit. Lydia -game emded with B.H.S. SURl one with Cattran mext. It'll be Wiily's na, Sakolafski and Paris are Bates turmned in a good all round point shy. Although it was the turm next week. finding time a littie slaw as read- game, witb Lamna Sudds also ob- first game Bowmanville bas lost omnil:PlipcR - 1ing and singing are the ol taining a gaod many points. The this year, it was by far thc best Bavrm aan: hIp s c, Run-, Sfrso netimn.Paying fia score: 14-3. game fram the spectators' stand- Tamb'yn lg, Aits. Munday, Frank, *cribbage pravides a change but Bowmanville: Bates 4, Bt Cr oinmbesntaedsRondMorcaft tokyMfat ors Helen's lack o! abiiity disgusts ber 7, Bowles, Osborne, Dale. Alts. careo! e BnH.S. scrftb 4o On Friday the Junior and Sen. suitor, Paris, sa that he and his Dustan, Dippeil, Craig, Campbell, paoteB.Peterscorn with 4 ior bcys and girls will go ta Ux- friends retumn ta Olympus ta get Mutton, Stenger, Miller. scored almost bal! Wbitby',s total, bridge. The Bantain boys are in Venus. While Helena is looking a league witb Oshawa and Whit. for ari, he hubandMenlaus Juior oysBowmanvilie: Coombes c, Moor. by. bas received word of ber wbere- (By Duncan PhilIips) catIPnl f oknITy abous. t ths tme, eneauslar rg. AIts. Frank, Dadsom, De- abots. this time e, eelras The game opened in ragged Geer, Mohun, Cale. en.- arleebrdsr o fashian with neither team scarîmg Sno uhD m reD n for three minutes. Fimally, Bow- Sno Boys uhD m g Doi On Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 3 p.m., manville broke the ice witb Bruce By Severe 'Wind Stormn Third Foi-m will put on their Pingle cashing a dog shot frain (By Greg-ory ffiend) ____ pragram. Tbey have already be- the right side. B.H.S. ran up a The last item on Tbursday's gun ta practice in an effort ta 9-0 score before Whitby amswer- basketball marathon was the Sen- (Intended for last week> beat the splendid show o! Fourth ed. In the second quarter, play îor game, with our boys emerging Following a driving ramn and and Commercial. There is a improved as bath teams clicked a the winners, 31-15, in a scrambly seet storm late Tuesday night, a sbield won eacb year by the form littie better. The bal! time score co s assimepcal I hg idaaewt urcn putting on the best prograin. A was 12-7 as Wbitby began ta creep the first balf, mostly o! legs, body- velocity that caused mucb damage good example bas now been set dloser. Bruce Pingle witb 8 checks and errant forays. Rarely thraughout the district. The Hyd. and it is ta be hoped that the points and Ran Moorcraft witb 4 have we seen sa many shots mis- i-a and Telephone crewe, were al- ather forms measure up ta it. were autstanding for Bawman- sed by so many in sa short a time. erted around midnigbt and were Bantam Boys' Baskctbail ville. Indication a! this is the meager*bsthnittrugrpaig To open the five gaine sessian The second bal! was cxactly op- 3-1 advantage held hy Whitby at liny es ni pales mash e downga on Jan. 20, B.H.S. bantams set posite, bowever, as bath teamns the en a!ndh pirstsuarter alea the bail rolling in the right di-1 showed great impravement in wbich was later annulled by themaypit.Bk in town for i-ection with a 19-14 victory over coordination. B.H.S. worked the stellar efforts o! Red Munday wbo breakfast they went out again for Wbitby bantains. Ivan Wooley, bail in well but failed ta camplete playeci a scintiiiating game. The a bard day's work. himself, gave the locals a 6-0 lead the attack with the addition o! first bal! ended 11-5. As we go to press, reports iby before Whitby came through and two points. On the other hanci, Tbe surprising point a! the tus- telephone are that saine roofs at bal! turne it ivas 10-4 for B.H.S. Wbitby made no mistake wbem sic was the fact that Bawman- have blown away andi many large In the second bai!, the game they came down for their turm. ville's excellent passimg attack'al- trees are fallen. In town, saine opened up considerably with an Before the locals knew it, Whitby ways seemeci ta peter out behimd awnings were ripped away and unusually higb score for a ban- bad fougbt back ta even terms the ten-seconci line. Field goals store signs damageci. The big tam gaine. Wooley, Murdoch and and xvîtb five minutes ta go, led were scarcer than gnow. In the Olympia sign was banging by ane Buchan were top scorers for BHS, 21-18. This was largely due ta second bal!, bowever, the B.H.S. iran strap wben Fire Chie! Hoop- wbile McDonaici was tops for the their centreman Peterson wvbo1 lads, led by appartumist Jim er and fireman Tom Lyle ancored visitors. It was the first basket- threw in three !rom the bucket Frank, followed through Wbitby it with rapes at 6:a.m. The weatb- bail for any o! aur boys andi they position. Then, Ron Moarcraft openimgs ta augment the up-ta- erman is away off base in per- ail did very weil. tigbtened it up witb a long shot then picayune score. Cattram, De- mittingr typical Mai-ch weather Bawmanville: Buchan c, White and it loked as tougb Bowmam- Geer and Phillips finally found in January. - 'l 1 l 1 --1 ïîý 3uy Today!