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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1949, p. 12

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PAGE -1wELVETIZAN IASATSAOWMVL.OTRO %P1 SEL BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS v rSDA . Wm. cusa U' TRADE r$f_ .PYCASH AND SAVE-MINIMUMq COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM AUCTION SALE ------------ Articles For *Sale Parents Attention itr tn Mrs çLaa AVIS-Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Avis f)AVIE-In ]aving nemory of a OF THOR washing machine wîth Ail parents who expect ta aeJh 1D.N luFal (nee June Towgood) announce dear husband and father, Charles REG. HOLSTEIN CATTLE, THEl CANADIAN STATESMAN gasoline motor. Phone 2993. 5-1* children attend the Public ScooJrneaarFimn.2yrs the birth of a son, Terrence! Davie, who passed away, Feb. 6, TRACTOR AND TRACTOR Kindergarten being plannedfrAlnJ.EAdesEme Victor, January 28th. 1949. ati 1944: EQUIPMENT, PIGS, HAY, HOCKEY mitts; men's skates, size this Fali are requested to fiinCxJ.SEm rsnJ..Jh- Mayfair Private Hospital, 'Toronto. 1 Please God fargive a sulent tear, GRAIN. ENSILAGE, POULTRY, stan Atbe ppy1 aril egsrtonfrsno vi Both well. 5-1-1 A sulent wish that our Dad was DAIRY EQUIPMENT, WOOD, fw Ave. 5-1* at the Publie Schools. Pupils 1utWlo aceD.H ude here; 'i s i i ahv ece hi t itdviRlhSut akDnD.G BEAPRE I BamavileThere are others, yes. we know. AND QUANTITY 0F RANGETTES -from $53.00 up, aby Dec 3ls t, 99 h hii tMtran .M rdra. But he was-ours and we Iaved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . uarnted.Th Raio ha. sauDe reister94.ed yFbravyerW J ery .R.Cw Hospital on January l9th. 1949. Butlm wsouandweloe The undersigned auctioneer ivili J PhanteTe Ra73. ll h. lane estared be aet . .Cret EreObr ta Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Beauprie, h i Filb ubi utinfrPon 7.5- lh PasaeAen a a~~~~~~~~ soabbybohrfo ae. ve years ago we haed ta part sl ypbi uto o a oabb rte o ae. With the Dad we lved with ahl the Estate of the late d e t s n 1936 FORD sedan, in fair cndi- transport daily by bus frm WbeA1. nesn .R 5- u hat tion, priced ta seil. Chas. E. Tay- Central School ail kindergartnElat oetMtoHre ___________ __ The_ wound is deep it will flot hoal, W. G . llnAve t s n g R t s lor,Orna. Phone 35-15. 5-v' 1 pupils not residing in the SotHadLM.D elSaMc Thnly thse wha have hst knw LOTS 20 and 21, CON. 1, 113 ODcah oe .ApyBwavleBado dc MA RA Ehaw we fec]. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 HRagers, Rev.3R.LR.eNicholson, -Sadly missed and alwavs r'e DARLINGTON (!4 Mile South Bwavle - WALTER - ALLIN-On Saturday, 1membe'red by wife, daughters o alHare a tain ohd aby 8 ietyS.S. __________________ad5r-.1.Lckat January 29th, 1949, nt 4 o'clack, in oranead agae, n isn off No. 2 Highway) Toono b ev . .Motn.iLorin ndMrgrtad o, NFORD sedan, 1937, in gaod con- Auction SalesTh Stwrsae W.R T orn to. byM ar eon REiMarh, on .y John. 5-1* ON ion, new m tor, seal beam Sti e r . H. B r s . H Thornhill Marlon Eizabeth, nhYJ flT] 111 niLBIRTHS - DEATHS - ENGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES lights, $650 cash or best offer. I have been autharized ta elWgto.K sonFre daughtor of Mrs. Norman Allin.*i MALCOLMIn lox'ung momory of veUesday, i'en. 311 CARDS 0F THANKS $ 1.00 Fer Insertion Phone 2118. 5 l* by public auction for Louis MrDelnH W efrAfe Newcastle, and the late Mr. Allin, aur doar mother. Sarah E. Mal- 1-EAE inger. 995 Lakeview GardosAlnDanHdonDrKet ta Murton Walter, son o te et colm, who passed axvay Feb. 10, The following:- IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a Uine for verses per insertion HETRwith 8" Sulent Glo Oil Oshawa, Saturda-y, Feb. 5th,hsSemnAM.HryiMM.J Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walter, R.I. 1947: HORSES. Burner; twin 6" burners: alsoI stock. implements. hay, grinHîh~oW .Elot .W 2, Oshawa. 5-1 Just the thought of sweet Percheron Horse, 6 yrs.; Pcrch- NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 Western riding saddle. Phono l lumber and poultry (severalim Dppî.MryVntneJ.F ____________ _______remembrance, eron Horse, 7 yrs. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. 2315. 5-1* 1 ploments new). Sale 1 p.m. TersNcronE.SFeuonM.W DEA HSJiîst a memary fond and true, .-XISE u. '6 '" cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctianee. abvnM.JElitFC.V- DE T SJust a token of affection Registered Cs ae 2stonemn,5) Ms epi bfr nerin AMNSE u,9'1 11 ______________-And a heartache. sti11 for you. .LTI ATEhltrdstewnutrm, GRAHAM-In Bowmanville Hos- -_vrrmmerÉb ese Holstein Heifer, reg., 2 yrs. aid, If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for Evenings anly. 121 King St. E. WOOD-E. A. Worry willsejGa.WJmsHV.Cdran pital, February ist. 1949, Fred- enr, ber ad sise bred Dec. 241h; Holstein Heifer, box numbers or replies directed to this office. 5__________________________t_1:30 erick Graham, beloved husband of Loa. ,bohesad itrs freg.. 2 yrs.aid, hred Aug. 101h: I ONE No. 350fFriendanduebm] Lydia Walton, in his 74th year. Haîstein'Cow. reg., 4 yrs. old, bred (Addltional Insertions at Samne Rates) heater; one Na. 14 Star yak hec t- opsts acrsome aninores, nadM.S ae Resting at the Funeral Chapel of Oct. 2.51h: Holstein lHeifer. reg., 2 je,1il h. .FibaksMorlotaSs of pieu-acre reor ls;as Rprswreitrpesdwt Northcutt & Smith, Bowmavil]e, y-cars. aId. bred Mav ]6th; Holsteino. p1 :nsaie~srsm ie utbefrhmer uia ubrsicldn oa unt iuroa, euuay .Iru. HiNo.tic11evs.ol. 1re A LL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN engine. Clarence Woodhey, Ty- sxmnh armv.Sl noattb edmsL .Vn Thon ta the United Church, New- Jan. lh Holstein Cow, reg., 10, NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money ae5.IthsutsdefCo.0.Dr:DiS.R.JmO.icod castie, for service at 2:30 p.m. SOUTH DARLINGTON yrs. old, bred Juhy 7th: Holstein odrwt re ogt o aeS ULHcaksoe eim nto, 112mil wsotof Buaey' n .R lded n oa Interment Orono Cemetery. J AREA SCHOOL BOARD Cow, reg.. 10 'vrs. old, bred Oct.l with reservair. warming aven and Strj: ot fBreo. utb ess .Dl n Officers arid members of Dur- intoswllb edi h 101h: Holstein Cow, reg., 2 yrs. xaterfront. in good condition.i Afler wood sale. on samne farn.Oe ihls hc eeget hamLoge No 6, .R..,kidiy TOVNHAL, AMTO old. bred JuhY 201h: Bull. Colleville Phone Clarke 2832. 5-1i xviii offer a driving shed andtw.îyareaed hmet t te Nod 6,ge rom at 1:45 __HLL,___ TOgood sized barns, in good repr. Rx p.m taattnd hetuncendf arhMN..FEB 7T RalApMeOhi.. vis.,Il as.I CIP HISOUTFORHANsRFERNCEUSE sktes mn'sandbox w wth teet roes.TedJacoos. .V P Roersmcvk! late bother.1949. at the hour of 1 o'eloek noon, P tS. he hoerd saelbr. ri ahisizes, prieed reasanabîx Neat 'Auctioneer. 51 c a1 o hi xeln ________her for the purpose of nomninating a oisthe Heerdcai.reg a. Way Shoe Repair, opposite Bow- - a: un lcya.adFre candidate for the v'acancy, for a aHdolostein Heifer l. reg., 5 myr manville Cheaners. iIf Personal Hyadelne hnst h ROWE-Entered Into rest at Pic- one-year terni. in the South i acitd; Hostein Heifer. e eg 1 R ea.____ __ atraeain omteŽ kering on Manday, Jan. 31, 1949, vDarlington Area Sehool Board, RealEstate For Sale COMING EVENTS MFATectisavwthsd KNYmnwoe!Gn5ta ocprcatnofheo- Col. Phillip John Rowe, beloved _ _-1.3 months, vaecinated; Holstein ___ - - ven: Findhav Oval cook s'ove; SKIqNcwpo. ifmnî rgto o h nirn oko husband of the late Eliabeth Ste- If an EIecýtion is Necessarv Heifeir. reg., 1:3 months. vaccinat- SIX raomed hanse in Oshawa, ail Dance at Tyrone Hall. Saturdav, kitchen cabinet; inlaid bioi um iOstrex Tonic Tahlets for doubetetntr e.Hnesn wart, and dear father of Joihn The Pols Shaîl Be Opened Jed: Holstein Heifer, rcg., 13 mas, modern conveniences. close ta Feb. .9. Ruth Wilson Varicty Bad 12x17. C. R. Bickle, 105 LibertvyJi-esuits: ncxv healthy fîe3h: Ye tr oigtaTiiyi h Stewart and Howard of Pickering; froni 9:30 a.m. ta 6:30 p.m. vaccinateci. Motors. possession Feb. 15, 1949. Admission 50c. à51 St. _____ _____ 5-1j gr e "e cuine"sz Garnet and Victor of Toronto. MO.1E.25 GAEIOSEN Apply 195 King E., Bawmanvuîîe.r ew"etaqaitd Informent Bawmanvihî1 e Cemetery.j14.iposshîbeand. Holstein Cow, bî'ed Sept. lîth: 2 ____________ ___42 Dac t Enniskillen Hall. Fi- riRCA ITR ate hcioî'6c. AhI dugg;tsandmme.ddasseonosed btDr 5-1 at the places hereinaîter named' Holstein Coxvs, bred; 4 Veal Cal- da8y-UNLW lrgbu- in thcaCub.iesofuth W.-ilon gEn ICdSuplisoi - iinJsicrîywthwih ecoor __________and with the following named vos. ogcnnom. dînîngroom. kitchcn and Variety Band. able. The Radio Shop, Phono 573. gose)ird . . - ape and le ino va 0A D F THANKS ~persans as Deputy Returning Of- TRACTOR EQUIPMENT 3 berom.AL modern cooxen- 5_1___J ealIc nx lope N'th price l~.osoai ficers IM-H.oon , i water Six s2mples 25c; 24 samplcs S$1.JZaos Sub-Diisionat th Tractor (102), o rubber, iences, ncluding hot ae heat- ' Plan ta attend th aefn RD-N rdo.ecpioa Mail Order Dept. T-38. Nov-Rub olwn h bsns ato Mliff iht xrss WrgtadM sî nceeShonHuei cho eto lights. starter fncarly new): Comn- ing. 3-piee bathcoom. olectric hot Bal at Varcoe's Pavilion, Wed- boys, large and çmall cabinets, ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, On.0emeig1hecnrgto d apcia itio fapahisthirfredscNo ov ouin c olaSecighn.bine (Case) F 2 (2 yrs. old) Sf1 xvafer heater. modern sink and j resdav. Fcbruary 6h ui yeeti n atr ye necl _____jro vectsyrfeheî Deputy RcfurningalOfficer;fRossdr cot, power take oit: Tractor Plow cupboairds, wiî-ed for electnic *thWilson Varietv Band. Aus- le~nt condition. The Radia Shap, and neighbours for the many kind BrgPol eting Office...Ross 1rInsprvion ethe ladiesdaRdta acts ~ ~ ~ ~ rag ofsmPh ntedaho o 3 lerk. (Case) 2-furrcow: Tiractor Culti- stove. nseto eeigsadipices Of COF. Girls' Softball Phone 573. -Jvane PohlinfgymSub-Dinvthsion atofvatol-. M.. H.. 17-oath (near.v wceends. Phone 649. 5-1 Club xxith to4hl procýec1c. for .-Bwavicb eihe- .-_________ Mr. Harris. 5.1 the Sons of Temperance Hall. 1 new); Tnndem Disc. M,-H.'(ncari EIHFLhoea 1Hr AeaFn.Amsin$,0pr E h c as pnr ah Maple Grave: Seward dI'yie. e-niv) Ensilpge Cutter, M-H. No. mony Road. Oshawa, for sale,.ope r Wahsaddys lBigSORE spcle uretia' e edn ooc. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Honey wish puty Retorning Officer; H. J.r 8. 15" mouth (new). Immediate accopancv. Oak floors w xhite porcelain with chcome trim, rti tosneeyt aial their friends BrosPhICer.219.50. Tcrms. The Radia Shop. occ-.Wr'te Box 186, Bown- and neighbours for the many acts BokPl lr.HREDANIPEET throughout. chestnut finish. large Recervc Friday. Feb. 111h. for i hn 573. .5-1 Ville Statcl-man. 2t of kndnss how thm ~No. 4 Poliing Sub-Division at1 Fectilizer Seed Driii, lot.. 13-disc gardon, garage. Apply yaîîr rent the B.H.S. "At *Home.' Danciiing J-____ o idessonte u i1the Town Hall in the Village of i (good):Mowe. Mc\l-Deering, 5 ft., ron your own'home. vhile clet ..bIam.t akS ifc LCSIHS boit eîi ~PARTY ta take avec first mortaeC df his tayin hspial nd lterat amptan: Svdney Kersey, aeuy il bath (ncarhy new); Hay Load- ing $31.00 a month fram occupant and bis -Sevenairrrs." of Peter- nearlv new, $8.00; 22 rifle. '0 - .~500- fiiie amati farrm, modemnîo o g home, also Dr. Storey and Dr. Rturning Officer;Doi ibri r(nentoa)ConBne f usar priet eaaebruh diso suns.2r'hu7c lgor-hrteniI Austin and the nurses at Bow- Poil Cerk. Drs .ro Itrntoa) ooBner ptsapc.Seamnt, araebcug.Amsio:s-en 0rIls Rollbrick siding. Si42.00- hoe oxlng7orshtatem bn.Boo.Whnorerws etao mavleHsia.(Mc-Deering); C oco nScuffler etac.Seaydyexceapt 4$1 .00: others $1.25 each. Tickets wanted. ges egnar raiîc« rit o 9ýSaemnOfc.ifwslandta i oa manville .5- So ol Ho use, aurtce.ion Scoot t 0he amCsuferl ne); SMaon- Saturday. 5-i'> 1 obt:'inable firom MGregor's ,Dru,,'C. Mitchell. ewtnve. P ono_____t n 5lTnan eebahpo ________ (ort ce i S h o l t t e m C a e. r î ea ly n ew ); SMîî -g.S tore. Jam es' In su ran ce ON ewcenClarke 3122.o ne f v r b y Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wray wish Section No. 8: Chas. Osborne, De- uire Spreadec (M-H.); Rubber $4.100 - In Newcastle-good Il- ,Paf Bowles and Duncan Phillips.--- - _______ Lost Atnac hara 1 ta thank their friends for ahi their jpiîty Retucning Orficer; Mrs. Gea. tiredi wagon; Rouler (3 drums); Jraomed, fwo famiiy. frame home. ' 4.3 THREE tractor Fleuiry B;gsell, ____ ______ a~ addLnMthl i deeds of kundness; aiso Beehive1 Johnson, Poil Clerk. 1 4-sec' Harcows: 2 Set TobogganJ Ideai location, corner lot. gond double disc hacrows (l12x14) order BLACIK Cocker~ Spaniel. ccd cl-neeaprfcatndn i, Sunday Sehool Class and aimwho Mitchell's Corner School House, Electcîc Grain Roli'; Stable throughout. This is voýir oppor- Notice '.wanted. Price guaranteed. T. S.202 . er.IlimaedfrhePs- sent Allan so many hovely cards School Section No. 12: A. J. Bal-1 Spcayer: Hay Fork Oîtt(od~tonitv ta obtain an "income home' Mountjoy, Hampton hn 53 ett xrc h nomto and gifts whihe lho was in tlhe Sick son, Depoty Retucning Offleer; Lre 5aniv fFamTol aTAvrNlx pie.Tamn2d0 A MblSa.cak i. ewici,____sl:lTNan ickwit hwemuheitetBh Jmcshislfhd an Children's Hospital, Toronto. 5-1J Harvey Yellow'lees. POi l Cerk . a. --maie hond, 75 lbs., in vicinivcbi -capnxihamee- _______ ______And at this said nominating meet- icldi: acetxvcnhe, orscahbaaneitne pecet. isdicotioig usnns-i Bw-f ASIN mchneprcl O bnefea 5.3 lIb n ic.i'>rihino tîie ea's Business Opponrt.uD.togarthCherk, shal be hosAeeykc00vi0lîeeet. -I eavten t.-ro(mdi r manille, aIler saçsop areae eaed an Febrî'ar_.- 1st. Our of New\tonivi1'e, Jan. 29th, Phon h O-oLda"cmag Busnes ppotuît_______ Oficr.MISCELLANEOL'S ARTICLES f$3.000 me n ecavîe-6Stnlard- repair wo cat ifrs hpar efre1 eetstc to prices while ,643ý, .Port Hope. ~ 3t hi ota ae _Arthur Milison, Reeve Gas Container: 65 ft. Galvanize i wood floors in living-room and Februairy ISth. 51 ,thev ]est. Hotpoint, Easy ancd- 1 Gainadlay JbRINTYds. Theta ttedatdiotar-Cuoin "MY loss . your gain. Ill heahth J. D. Hogarth. Clerk. 1 Piping, 2 , Deep Water Wel J hall. New roof, excellent cellar --TRKnIbadsNhIRdo Tp,-___FesainLndaFe.i4Coce forces sale of business property Hampton, January 31, 1949 Puimp: Electric Motor 1' h.p.: 2 with cement floor, good gardon. Fox Drive sponsored by' Dar- ___8 KngSI., Phono 573. 5-i1ALA~L e adî~pce h atrSa in Port Hope, consisting of store .9-i Brooder Stoves; Electric Pump - lington T\p. Deputy Game War-- OITE-nhCs amî- (otno rmPg îe apiocudn oofcn business, two rented suites and 4- 1 .- Js nitabie lfor wao rs Brooder $3,600 - InBawmanv'lle acea- dens. Bring yourcugn and join milI: Fleury Grinders; Woods' creditable report ot the Woman' - roomed apartmnent for ownor. Im- .nepairs IHanses: Coîony Hotîses; WaterJ 5-roonied frame hung îlow, veîyv the boni. The huniitina paî-ty wihl Company electrie grinders, rollers, Association. Calîs ta sick aidR pr mediate possession in store bLIsi-I Troughs: Pig Traiîghs; Electric wacm, heavy wviring. cement cel- l eax'e Ciiff Pethick's Store. Enni- tai-m freezers, 12 eu.ff. capacit,;-îi-n ubie 67 ok~ieky~~o ness nd aartmnt. 4.000yeary REAIRSta ah maks afrefrg- IClippers (neariy 00w): Steel Gate, lac, là acre lot, good gardon, 1 skille~, SatuirdaY, Feb . th, at etc. Perfection milkiog machines, rfoc the Red Cross showed17DetofA riuue profit. $5.000 cash, smali balance eraters, domestic and commercial. 12 f1. approx.; 3 Electric Fencers; strawherries; garage, man.) extras. 1 12:30 Sharp. Licenses wilt ho w'aten systems, pump jacks, man- aticles sewn as well as sevei eas. Bx 19 co Satsma 0f HigonEletnc 4 Kig S. E, EecrirMotr: mal EmryApril possession. Contact Eveivn Jobtainable at the time of the bont, tire spr-eade. lar'ge new tractor. qoiI1s for weiface wack. Daîî fiee. 5.1* Phone 438. 26-tf 'farce puo (ncw); 15 bags Glro- E. Cooke. Reaitor, Ne\&casl'le, 51 Phono Carl Todd, Farm Equip- lionîs inciudied $100 Io Thalikot- akaIswadîc'onton Mon Plant Fond; Galvanized Pip- Phone Clarke A2621. 5-1 ment. Newtonvilie 15-20. 42 cng$10tBomaileMm a- aun amrsnchvrî ing: .3 Bags International Stock - -2:' cr__ ______________________Me Tonie; 50 lbs. Min-O-Vite; 6 Bags $3,500-Bowmanville, Scugog Rd. The annual meeting of the Bow- j ORCHARD power spirayer oqoip- rijai Arena Fond; $100 ta M. andaotfl-oncas codn iHerbageom; Powver Lawn Mowec North, bcand new, insul-brick, 5- manvulie Hospital Board wilh ed with tocine oe and $200 ta Save the Chiidne arprssn i ahaqatr (naryne) Cike rae r oims, electricitv with fixtures, heîd in the Cauiicil Room at 8 p.m. Pump, used tw'o ý ears, dc enyFond. The W.A. haed the newb(giutct enrnaie EINLARGEMENTS ~~~~~~~Extension Lpdders; il Steel Posts water in bouise, 'nicely decorated, Friday the l8th diay of Febrtiacv 6 h.p. NOo engine, 40 fe fkthncmltdadteVs eeî) Sw eckwich e cated and te estr hogotOtnn te p EorthLARpoeEoMENTSg epotsj hsfad ren f fo ube - PIGS~~.. easy ternms. adeicin henw ordfrtied wagon. This is a neal gond the elhurch edifice. prsaea olxs I ~~~~~149, utit thanoserctvt40 Repart of the Womnan's Mission S ludia Folder Special .Yorkshir~e Sow, hced Dec. 25th; $4,800-Newcasle, cenîrl.eframe YorkhireSow onthro; Yak- o foor,4 rasceanufinised ___R. J. Dilling, Sec'y.-Treas. 4t 0 b.pressure. Ideat siz ary ' Society.wý,as givon by Mrs. C pnwabî vt oso To întrade~ oun sîperior uai. rrrsbire Sow and 7 pigs; 12 Shoals. hathcoom, full widfth.enclosed 5-j for 15 ta 20 acres orchard..AppIy i . ithow7 ing amemershinagro alwctadses __________ I w w i l. n -R u ssell O sb o r n e, N e w castle . 5 -i* 1 nIf 77 m , 7 L t e b rs o g t t o s n L m l n p y n 1t3 elargenIswe whl o- ..HAY & ENSILAGE sun-roam. dlean decorafions, ce- i .n,~,1jtaI roceipts ei*e $659.18 witb.3cAlre ein 6;pilt lag ixar favorite negatîves 3 Mows of l-ay; 18 ft. Ensilage. ment cellar, weli at door, hall-j NEW Case tractor. Model S; niewv $618.30 sent to the Presby terial 0:gaeb 2:gaec 8 acre land, barn and hoen house, - Case tractor, Model VA.C.; new Memhei's made 1.668 home calse Ml c ieraamn.fti to 4 x 6 inches and maunt samne GRAIN about haîf cash. TO move building, appnoximatelY Case tatrpîaw; noxvCase .andnw2rs Orr1ers for chicks sloo in attractive studio bidons. .500 bus., Mixed Grain. _____24xl8. Phone 659. 5-1 * H tmracto , 5 and82Chapîtlscats.7'ivifon J Hamerili:nex Cas se 7' iscparceîs were sent ta missionarie POUÉTRY $5,000-Fanm, Clarke TownshiCAHfryuspe i.w'î harraws; new Case 412 one-wý,ay in Jpnadabl fcohn aoo ikcwHsig Copee-2fr2c2010 Legborn Hens (laving gon); abebrone00acsro'ald ush rai n eupy aM ake disc; new Ezee Flow fertilizer asoraddtIb OhwaCui ciing arm ae Com lee 2fo 2c 2Chies Ges; Cinsegan odszdbrdese nd)ok sa tee n rofitblenden B.. aer owluad ttms te prîtadd o te sh a%01 2 hiee ese Cies anabebaacepstr adb rh monex' during your spare lime. spreader; Swift Canadian fertili- Preehyterial. Mrs. Wight stresse lcs rdîto.Lvrokgn i der. gIâsif fandrveshd ndbhd isageecaladlvftalel;B..nkir ows ndsyeIi l1thas. irxvr eîowterbhi meta gaage yer rund reeWiteBox196,Staosmn Ofic . H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phono, r HARNESS mgood gragemermerousndce w- eBoanviîîe. . s-, 1407i llthese endeavoucs quotedin qacsfolciloin o I I Se Fam Hanes (god);3rdLyoodec-oaed eberii, fnnaep.*__________ h ...Mta"ry tdJknan ictc traoal or Hent ed farm animaIs and pay bigbest '2 -ton pick-up ta ho considered as hand-carved, suitable for lange Fachos lHeyland in reporting mohrprfrac n TWO lecrirbroder. H W.prices. Telephone collect, Toronto a tî'ade-in. 1 room; set of six fruit knives. on fo the nominating committee in-~Jqikrso. 17ýVO 11thebrodrs.H.W.AD3636, Cobourg 48J. 1-52 Bidders ta furnish complote stand, fromn Sweden; Swedish dol dicated the expansion wbich bas J U R Y Lnvitl303 CPhono specificalions and state probable ' Dalarana" costume; two plant taken place in aIl phases aof e 30 tarc. -1'NOTICE-Farmers. We pay as dtafdivy.tnentnc-rsns, aie aon'fom churcb'.s work and asked that the .F.JM E O ih as $10.00 fo dor Crip- Lowest or ntedro ec Barbados; l6mm Keystano pro maiu me erhptSsin VOR E:ALL DRest STorEy Work V/an~ted pled Horses and Cows, accbording essarily accepted. 1jector, 750v. amp: asortm nt af ho increased f0 .50. TIE HO Whn e es YurEys - -ta size and condition. smatl ani- J. M. Jordan, pen-knives brom Sweden, and var- . esýion'membei-s are: 3 ycars-- POE78I SDn rpry BWAVLE1LIGHT tru,îekîng. lip to aile ton, mals rermoved freo. Highest pnicos Counties' Engineer ious other items. Cal] any day cx- .1.H.Ba'man, C'are Alliri. Keri- onrKn ivrSq P H O E 7 8 I is D o c P o p e l y O W M N V L L E a n ~ x v b re. ai y îî o . a r m r s ot p a id f a c ad h a s e s . P h o n e 4 0 2 6 a n d R o a d S u p . rc e p if S i ti i r i;v . 6 1 H -a r m vrr0' n )a , r n o C o x . R - us ý e ll O s o r o . R . K. o n4 7B oa v l e _________________________________me alaz that grain to the mîli. 1 Peterborouîgb, reverse charnaeg. Cobourg,Onai.Suh R 4OswOtp' ctar FA.n- rFrank Carter, Phono 2717. 2-4 Nick Peconi, owner. ' _ -îf e -1 1 &li Byers, H. B. Glimer, Gardon Mc-. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA"MLE, ONTARIO TMMDATI M. bd. .1240, m

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